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So that would be heard on the tv please welcome candace morgan. [applause] edition to those people who celebrate the est. Library squaring house the only state in the union that has such an element and collect the list of bookseller challenge an organ i will think powells and also cnn and also chris of the american and booksellers that arranged for this and other locations in the country so to each of these several pleasant questions and then to of questions and answers. Of the increase of those that were in challenged so the American Library association in for them to have this with the american booksellers from Free Expression the association of american publishers fear an American University press , Legal Defense fund the freedom to Read Foundation the National Conference and people for the american foundation. So this is not just about books. So now we have movie is and we have spee3 books and dvd is and a variety of Different Things that we include those from what we talk about challenges. One of the things to remember if your library participates and they have led all buttons that say i read books not all School Libraries do if youre ever in the location tell them to contact the aclu we will add them to the list. Introduce yourself. I am the author of lowrider is in space probes and also a time about giant prehistoric insects that have worked well life as a librarian but i am not here to represent any particular library but i may have some information for discussion. Writing Science Fiction novels eye and a recovering Library Reader and kelso work as a contractor to with privacy and surveillance. As a last century internet law. And violation of the first amendment. And also a teacher. Eye and the executive director from the Legal Defense fund and i also write nonfiction about comics. I forgot to mention i am a retired librarian so we have a good representation. So the first question is we call it banned books week even though they are not removed from collections. So that is the worstcase scenario from the same matrix to pass judgment for other people. So it offends my sensibility and there is a path to censorship that caffeine can walk us through more effectively to begin with the challenge to go through the media attacks to save the of library and is from the hands of kids but all comes from the same matrix i know better than the other people of my community to shut them down to make their own decisions about what is right in their household. And unabashedly to have a catchy name but that just means you made something dont agree with interesting. [laughter] and there is a reason we have names for things we have headlines and articles because otherwise it would be the week devoted to books that are challenged and not band successfully and the like to with their not very good at their job. Because it sits on the button. [laughter] anybody else . [laughter] what is your personal experience . Gophers. Go first spirit this begins in florida. [laughter] i wrote a story called the little brother that is under terrorist attack and San Francisco interrogated by Homeland Security then emerge to a police state and every one day no goes along with it because after terrible disasters you want a daddy figure. They decide this is not good enough so they build the networks to get around the d. H. Us surveillance and then try to restore the bill of rights to america. Ed has been moderately wellreceived it was red and a lot of places and taught in was point west point and there is the school in washington where every summer they have all the kids are given an optional assignment extra credit to read the book discusses in the library and came together to plan this went through the normal channels and week before school let out the principal decided to cancel the Summer Reading program rather than have his kids read the book which he has not read reread reviews and decided he might get into trouble with the parents. Given that they teach at at west point seems a weird concern but the librarian said you were not allowed to do this we have a part for challenging books the doesnt say that you were the principal do as i say that rule of law element. So my publisher of ranges sent them to hundred copies over the summer given no for free. You can get a for free online i would cryptographic please sign them in then a company that will take the entire text but it is arranged of scenes from the book of a huge poster size of the list apartment to san never do these extra credit assignments but i figure the principal i really want to know laugh laugh and i was meant to record of video for them about cod disappointing it was but what really was difficult and disturbing is that they could have been fired it is a right to work state and was in touch with the National Coalition of censorship the National Coalition worked to help her keep her job and then the superintendent exonerated her. But i did videoconference but it was with the ap english class with a list teacher they thought the reluctant readers would be excited and that is exactly the group that was sent. So although the book i read calls it the streisand defect and then to take pictures of the coastline coastline, nobody looks at these pictures and they are very abstract. Objected to pitchers of the roof of the internet so we call this the streisand defect best certainly have been here and to be complete the confounding. At great personal risk. With the most vulnerable kids in their school. And that is a pity. I have said then challenge fingers crossed but it is about these three characters to be customized by aerospace. And we have some comments that are very irate that the spanish is not correct spanish. That we dont want the spanish that you seek but the perfected strict spanish. Is interesting because it is super popular subtenant uh diaspora some people read it if you dont know what spain pledges it doesnt make sense. But i wanted to bring that up because there is a lot of unknowns ownership like librarians just choosing not to buy the books. That is a whole lot of librarians from oregon. Many times to say i have latino kids but necessarily see have an all white class to rethink a should read this book. There can be a lot of censorship. For me my experience i drew the book with my friend. And that this town sex and the leading he has is to escape and from smalltown then he is challenged by another in the community. It is a way for people to talk about the banned books eye you have to fight censorship to stand up for what you love. But i also have a story that was involved in highschool because i was in kuwait for most of highschool was an American School but they were in charge of what was approved and what could be taught as a muslim country. They would give the Highschool Students sharpies and list of things to black out. Waaf laugh if you give that to students better high schoolers. [laughter] we would have to cross off the instance of a the holocaust or the word persia but we would just blackout the words around that word so that word would stick out. I hate to a mitt allies prior to of censorship but i was very bad data. [laughter] actually i work with the kids in america that are Library Professionals affected by censorship the teacher will say at have a problem how can you help that we will counsel behindthescenes to help them deal with the process but that brings us to a point where we get very interested in the statistics because that is what we want to read but behind every single one of these first is the library of professional that got the book because the Community Needs this putting their livelihood on the line to serve the community and the second person that we really never hear about is that person in the community that needs access to this material because they see themselves or because it speaks to a piece of Life Experience that they are going through or opens a window into the world such you get into dealing with candor kids and there is something wrong with me a lot of my experiences interacting with people there is nothing wrong with you we need to have a conversation that we all have the right to choose. Anything to add to that . But that theme is diverse books. So the question that i would put to you all why are of those individuals challenged and banned . Just to give some more context the office and intellectual freedom more than half of wall bandbox by authors of caller concerning diverse communities. Those graphic novels with have been on the list of most frequently been and and challenged sixth featured a female central character. So this isnt just abstract the shows a disproportionate emphasis. There was of a panel at the library yesterday specifically about banda books and diversity and they all agreed to be out of the comfort zone then it is a lot easier not to read that because then you may sympathize what they went through but if you dont create the empathy than you can keep them as the villain to not understand them. So lot of that is not trying to understand. I think another thing that is interesting that is going on is now we have social media that is a way to express themselves in a way that did not exist before. I noticed this in the world of childrens books and comics of very close societies children mostly white women publishers or teachers or librarians in people that like childrens books. If you look at comics it was those fanatics about comics but for both of them it is important to realize it is a fantasy world where people escape to but outside of the group and to say wait you cannot draw women that they have to be thinking not just boobs. [laughter] and i think with the gaming world we see that there is horrible backlash. You should be able to have a discussion without Death Threats to have people feel like they can never go on line again that they have to wipe out there twitter account. That was making me think why is it so vicious . I think there is a connection to the fantasy world that you retired to you dont have to think about politics or these things but now suddenly there are other people at the table to say we are here and we have a voice. I am arabamerican. The other thing to bring to this discussion is that censorship starts the minute you write a book to get a published to find an agent agent, editor, the comments he will get when i was sending lowrider south i got a great tory to marginal of an audience that by 2015 onethird of the country will be english spanish speaking. That is sending it to the top agents of graphic novels that was not in their marketing scheme. Now it has moved with publishers and agents not that we just dont have enough diverse books we also have enough to reverse publishers are agents or reviewers to understand what they are reading and knowhow to address that. Last year at the Library Program there was a group of diverse women whod talked about the publishing issues and how hard it was the publisher chooses the picture on the front of the book. A number of them had a publisher whitewash what the book was really about to have a picture that had nothing to do with the book. One of them refused and went to get another publisher as a result some wanted to be published so much but they wirth intimidated. It is a very big problem. Were circling around the adn that publishers are not objecting to people of color of the covers of the books because they are implicitly racist but because they have the unfounded superstition belief that this will not succeed in the market may be those non superstitious beliefs it is from a small number of chains but they will not take big orders. That may be true to be assessing what suggested is that and how they deal with books . It is hard to argue with a superstition and it is a vicious cycle and apathy is will said. Often times the narrative as are what it feels like to be of the at the side of interaction of mainstream fiction. But those examples going all the way to the Supreme Court to but that was told of the god with the wind for those to enslave them. But caused with the when end and, to the extent that i have to have consequential but you bought into that of the imaginary humans but then having spent years want that day are horrible people from the perspective of the others feeling why you making the empathize with these other people . Then a search amount is just racism. My friend has to daddies or whatever that book is . Because they are homophobes. Sometimes people are censored because they are homophobes and racist and object theater piece they have craping airlines and the normally feature and when we talk about kids books about people who are generally a happy living in shanties circumstances whether that is an franc or contemporary talking about Police Shootings those stories feel like at all what my kid to read stories that are disturbing would ever. That is not a totally not legitimate thing to say i want my kids to understand what might bring them grieve but now you are 14 so when we introduce some to the 80th that it is not the all white suburb . All of those were all together to create the perfect Dumpster Fire of mass censorship of the marginalize people. Also censorship is about control largely and exerting a sense of control particularly with the circumstances that is not something that you can control so with your kid that accepts childhood entering adolescence theyre all of these factors of loss of control happening in your life at that moment are you really upset your kid is reading the john green book to have issues about teen sexual raleigh are you really upset they are reading this one summer that addresses teen pregnancy or miscarriage that is a real consequence and maybe youre not ready to have that conversation. When you drill down a lot of censorship begins with consent they arent bad people usually yes there are homophobes and racist but you have people that are really worried about their kids entering into the conversation from the starting point it is of value and still in your kids is they were growing up then they can parse this. Aging, Joanne Jenkins who also serves as ceo of aarp. Ms. Jenkin, 60 is the new 40, right quebec that is not true. 50 is the new 50 and it looks good and that is part of what this disrupt aging is all about. The way we are aging is changing and that 50 is not to the new 30 and 60 is not the new 40. 50 is the new 50 and its okay and we ought to be comfortable with what age we are. Middleage is really extending well beyond 60 and 65 with this increased longevity. People are living some 20 or 30 years longer than they probably ever anticipated. What does that mean publicly pop Public Policy wise . Huge application, not only for here in the us, but around the world. When Social Security was originally put in place some 80 years ago, life expectancy, work expectancy was around 62. You would work till you were 62

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