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Programs in her book the least among us waging the battle for the vulnerable. Shes interviewed by mathers, American Enterprise institute studies resident scholar. Rosa delauro, this is such an honor to be sitting here and congratulating you on your new book the least among us. I read it from beginning to end. I had all these different sections of the book especially and that tells me a lot about the passion in politics, in getting policy work done despite all the stress you had to go through in congress so thank you for writing this book and speaking up inbehalf of your book the least among us. Im very delighted to be here with you, to have the opportunity to speak about the book and i want to thank you. Reading the book cover to cover, it really is very gratifying. I was struck by the way you titled the chapters. You say in defense of and then we hear about the sick, the hungry, women, unemployed. Why do you feel the need to write this book at this time . Is it your experience and policymaking that made you write this . Do you feel theres a need today to highlight these issues . It really is in defense of women and children and families essentially, and the issues that have come up in the course of my tenure in the congress for 26 years but what i found is the whole structure of a social safety net which i so fundamentally believe in that we have this shared responsibility to one another, a moral was possibility to help people in a time of need or to make sure that kids are not punished because they grow up in a low income family. But i have to tie back to my own experience and growing up. Where both of my parents serve in public life. They sat on a city council in the city of new haven. They didnt write a crime bill or a health care bill. What they did around the table such as this, they work with the people in our community who, to help them find a job or to help them with Social Security. To help them, yes, to find a place where they could put food on their table. And it was about making government work for people. And so those are the lessons that i learned. And when i think about, you sent for this time. The social safety net has a very rich, bipartisan history. But it is under a massive assault these days. So when i took these lessons from my family, i went to the congress where i made that discovery of these programs and yes, you can talk about them as a series of programs but it is about the moral imperative of dealing with people in times of need. That led me to over the years of thinking about a social safety net practiced by democrats and by republicans and understanding that as a result of an Industrial Revolution, as a result of changing times, while the country grew, as people prospered, there were those who were left behind. And the social safety net was there to catch people as they were experiencing these challenges in their lives and to be there so that they could get back on their feet again. And so the issue that came up works, was the defense of the hungry and looking at nutrition programs and the Food Stamp Programs, looking at income support in the Child Tax Credit or in earned income tax credit x. Businesses, or the government. We have to make it work. Oh so what i saw in 1977, w was maybe there is other areas because if we put those in place then these systems will abuse people. We see it with child labor laws and we see it with, yes, a topic that you know today people say we need less regulation but those regulations have helped to save peoples lives. You know, the eight hour day and 40 hour workweek. All of those issues are important and require someone to do something. We had a moral responsibility coming out but i want to push you. Some say private companies are not doing much for the welfare people. In some sense, do you sort of shift all of the responsibility for helping the private sector. The economists say an argument saying global population is cut in half. Not because of safety regulations but because of free e enterprise and trade. It has contributed to a growth. People are in jobs and other components of the safety net where you made responses to the industrial rev Industrial Revolution technology. These are broad election issues. This is where we need to go. You take a look at what then is what about those who do get left behind in this process . I say these laws were written not written by these people. We acknowledged the progress made. We need the safeguards to guard the opposite of familys financial clamity. Right now, that is something we need to do. I feel like this is how we think about things and often it is expanding. People are suffering and you know, the role of the safety net is not to get people back into the workforce but to slide them back to a safe space to exist. Do you think of that as a different perspective . This is where we have a difference, i listen to people who think about we went through a terrible recession. Most of them and i would say tou provide unemployment, i mean people are not going to look for a job. That is totally wrong. People want to learn. You need to find yourself. It is simple. And so that the notion that, again, i believe, is a hammock. There is zero people who are out for their own calister. They want to take care of their families. I have children and grandchildren. And i want them to look up to me about the way i do my job. Factory workers want the same thing. And one of the big problems we face in the middle of this country is people who are watching the fabric of their liv lives. They cant afford to send their children out. It is criticalally important. What i found, wrangled back, i think the social safety net same first under attack with Newt Gingrich ging. That was block grant food stamps. Lets eliminate a school lunch program. Lets cut medicaid. But provide a tax break for the richest. We fought back. We fought back. We mobilized and fought back. I think that you can only take government aid and people opt out voluntarily. That is a slap in the face for the millions who do everything right and still cant get by. It is betrayal of a legacy of Good Government in the United States. This is what i have worked to defend for 25 years. That is the central argument of the safety net. What about two people needed to be pushed off Unemployment Insurance . There is a spike in the number of people who find jobs. Right. And sometimes when i look at back objectively, the idea that two people need to be pushed off Unemployment Insurance. As an economist sometimes you read the literature and we do find that demented benefits start to run out, people you know there is a spike of people in the number that find jobs. And it does not mean people are ready to find jobs or people are able to find jobs that are really the job that they want. But do think that there is value in having people remain attached to the workforce . And i get that these are not the best jobs. You know we see that all the time because he knew even sometimes the argument is that yes, people, we get them into a job a low rate is a much different economy. If you look at the beneficiaries ensure that your bread schaefer and you know two dollars a day. But yes, of course there is value in the workforce. And people want to work. But you look at the economy where there are no jobs and at the same time i take a look when i speak about right now. I take a look at the trump budget. And the ryan budget. If you eliminate the job training and the 2. 3 billion cut in workforce training, if you shut down the avenues that allow people to be able to succeed at a job, what does that say about your concept . You want people to have a job. On the one hand, jobs are scarce. Then you do not want to train people for their jobs. In the other piece which is that today, i am sure you book that that they did about creating jobs in a digital economy. Which we need to do. 70 percent of the people do not have a College Degree and we have probably put too much emphasis on a College Degree. But if you cut Vocational Training and you cut jobs and states are cutting vocational, cutting back on Vocational Training. What is it that you do to connect people to the workforce . Show less text 00 19 33 unidentified speaker i guess they did have a push. They did to a push for apprenticeship programs and stuff. And i guess the conversation is how do you and holy office every day. This is a challenging economy. The labor market has suffered one of the most in the agreed in the great recession. [inaudible] show less text 00 20 09 unidentified speaker put on apprenticeships, i think it is so critically important. Because they are so valuable. And yet, if you take a look at the budget, the trump budget. In the 2017 budget which we recently passed, there was 95 million. For the nation for apprenticeships. In the 2018 budget, they cut it to 90. They want to because it is not a cut but it is simple math. 9495 is a cut. However, we have a program for several years that had over 2 billion. For connecting community colleges. And this is happened in my district. Community colleges and of industry. Show less text 00 21 01 unidentified speaker yeah, thats right 00 21 04 unidentified speaker and that program came to a conclusion. And this congress would not reauthorize. So we are now with 90 million for the entire country and you know, i have listened to labor secretaries and education secretaries tell me that apprenticeships are a good thing. Why then are we not making a more serious question getting people to jobs and not having to say or talk about a four year College Degree is the best thing. You know it is not true show less text 00 21 54 unidentified speaker it is not true. And the Unemployment Rate is way higher than the official Unemployment Rate. That is why you need people to have jobs at younger ages to make also back to joe someone who is an idol. He says you know, inequality is nothing result of globalization and technology but the Public Policy choices that we make. And he is right. And we have made some bad Public Policy choices. Which have not helped people to began fully employed. To be able to take care of themselves and their family. Lets talk a little bit about one of the big reasons why these programs are happening. It is likely because the spending. Do you say that president bush cited projections in 2018 exceed what they taken and today when you look at the latest report from the Congressional Budget Office that it says the same thing. It shows that security will be cut. You think there is a way to cut or reformed Social Security . Nobody wants cuts and benefits but we know that we need some change in the program. List a on the people not paying. Im trying to recall the figure. 100 and list that when Social Security reaches lowest part we had filed we had Ronald Reagan and oneill. They made this solvent into the future. This on all of this wringing of hands about Social Security and being insolvent can be solved immediately. By lifting the cap and there are those that just do not want to do that. Social security has been one of the most successful programs at lifting people out of poverty in this nation. And those, i lived through you know, the desire to privatize Social Security. And it was you know i note that in the book as well. But we can solve this problem and we can solve it easily. Where we need to deal with, we need to have been very hard look at what we do with tax cuts and as we seen in the past, tax cuts for the wealthiest people in the nation. Over the years weve seen the gap and the separation for those at the top doing very well in middleclass families, lowerclass families are struggling. And they are struggling to be able to send their kids to school. They look at a very bright child that gives me to talking about Social Security. And again, another area where i think there is bipartisan agreement is the centers that exist in the Social Security Disability Insurance program. The fact that people who are applying for disability and this has a lot to do with people out of the workforce. Why are the out of the workforce and on disability . And the fact that they can only earn a certain amount of money. I think it is a certain amount and i need to apply for disability. Even if i could have continued to work, i will not be able to do it because im trying to apply for the benefits. And it is a long process and people spend two years applying for benefits and then there out of the workforce for that long. Do you think that is a problem . Do think that show less text 00 27 04 unidentified speaker i do not think it is a problem. I think we spent a lot of time thinking about, i will go back to paul ryan. If you can only make receiving government aid humiliating and actually, the president s budget cuts back on Social Security, disability payments. Whats happened in healthcare bill and medicaid where children who are disabled with disabilities are going to be cut from medicaid if the Senate Passes the healthcare repeal and replace bill. I am always interested in a ton of research that is done about the vulnerable. Waging the battle for the vulnerable. In finding that my god are they taking advantage . Is a child getting a lunch that they do not deserve . Lets then make sure, where is the research . On the other side of the coin . With the Tax Deductions that people are allowed to take because they over the years weve seen the over the years weve seen the gap and the separation for those at the top doing very well in middleclass families, lowerclass families are struggling. And they are struggling to be able to send their kids to school. They look at a very bright child and say i am sorry. We cant get you to school. And they do not take vacation. They cannot afford to retire and so many of them i cannot put food on the table. Today. And we can do something about that. Show less text 00 25 59 unidentified speaker that gives me to talking about Social Security. And again, another area where i think there is bipartisan agreement is the centers that exist in the Social Security Disability Insurance program. The fact that people who are applying for disability and this has a lot to do with people out of the workforce. Why are the out of the workforce and on disability . And the fact that they can only earn a certain amount of money. I think it is a certain amount each month, if you go over then you get kicked out of the program or you are not eligible for the benefits. There is a ton of research now say nothing is of the people who decide well, i cannot keep a job. And i need to apply for disability. Even if i could have continued to work, i will not be able to do it because im trying to apply for the benefits. And it is a long process and people spend two years applying for benefits and then there out of the workforce for that long. Do you think that is a problem . Do think that show less text 00 27 04 unidentified speaker i do not think it is a problem. I think we spent a lot of time thinking about, i will go back to paul ryan. If you can only make receiving government aid humiliating and actually, the president s budget cuts back on Social Security, disability payments. Whats happened in healthcare bill and medicaid where children who are disabled with disabilities are going to be cut from medicaid if the Senate Passes the healthcare repeal and replace bill. I am always interested in a ton of research that is done about the vulnerable. Waging the battle for the vulnerable. In finding that my god are they taking advantage . Is a child getting a lunch that they do not deserve . Lets then make sure, where is the research . On the other side of the coin . With the Tax Deductions that people are allowed to take because they can. Because they are very merry well off. Show less text 00 28 41 i agree with you. 00 28 42 unidentified speaker what do we do about the money being spent for Crop Insurance . No one cares. They can get a Million Dollars in their premium subsidy. I remember and i talk about this in the book about colleagues who want to cut the Food Stamp Program and someone who is getting a federal subsidy for land that they are not even killing. Absentee landlords, that they can get the benefit of an agricultural subsidy because no one is watching, no one is saying you make too much money. You have assets that go beyond a thousand dollars that you talked about if the child gets a free lunch what about the people that want to drug test the food stamp beneficiaries which i talk about, why are arent we drug testing . Getting a tax cut at the highest end is a federal subsidy. Why should we not be drug testing all of those folks as well . Show less text 00 31 08 unidentified speaker the spending cuts in the policy are targeted. 00 31 14 unidentified speaker but we only want to seek out those who are vulnerable and then it is a problem. The upper end is not a problem. Thats why when i talk about the defense of the hungry and the unemployed in waging the battle, thats my job. Thats what my job has been. Show less text 00 31 48 unidentified speaker lets talk about moving to a slightly different area. Q. Talk about your experience of getting Ovarian Cancer and the struggle to buy the act. Why is a struggle. This is an issue ive been working on myself and the family leave project and we often come up against the same stumbling blocks that these policies are misused and that people are going to take time off other than for the reasons you cite. Why was it a struggle to pass the family medical leave act in 1993 in all the years before that . Show less text 00 32 43 unidentified speaker he reintroduced it every year for eight years and that part of the tenacity is one of the strikes of the congress. You can keep at it which is. Show full text 00 38 15 unidentified speaker california, rhode island, and ive been to new jersey and rhode island and other places are doing this and, you know, the Business Community is on board. Some of the industry you know because you are working with it we need to make it possible to. We are going to let an employee or participate as well as the employee. And the shared responsibility because your point earlier that he wanted to allow employers to be able to do what they would like to do, so many would like to but they cant. So lets make it possible for them to do it because they have people of goodwill. We dont penalize our employees for taking time off. Your mother was a strong role model the same that you and others get into politics but you also write about how tough it is a. Of the instances that you write about. She lives with us and new haven and an extraordinary woman. I didnt realize this until. Shuts down at the end of the day so the loud noise of hundreds of machines paid by the piece. With the power machines so quickly you get the needle in sed the upper end is not a problem. That is why when i talk about the defense of the hungry, the defense of the unemployed, and waging that battle for the vulnerable that is my job. Why is there a struggle . This is an issue i will be working on myself. And did i think the booking can come up against the same stumbling blocks i think you talk about in the book. People think these policies will be misused and people are going to take time off for reasons other than the reason as they site in there. Why was it a struggle to pass the family medical leave act in 1993 and all the years before that . I talked about working for senator dodd and he reduced it every year for eight years. That is part of the tenacity. You can keep at it and you can fight for it and you can win it which is what is happening here. That experience, i will recount it. I was not a member of congress at the time. I was a staff member. I was chief of staff for senator chris dodd. I had managed his First Senate Campaign and served as chief of staff and watched the family year and year out. And we were getting ready to announce his reelection bid for the senate. It was the day of that announcement that i was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer. I dont remember much about the day except i struggled through it. But then the next day i went to see him and tell him they were going to put me into the hospital at the end of the week and i quite frankly didnt know if i was going to return. Anyone who has a cancer diagnose comes face to face with their mortality in a profound way. I received the answer every woman wants to receive. He said to me, rosa, go and get yourself well. Your job is here. Your salary is here. Stan and i had had two kids who were getting ready to go to college. They were going to graduate high school and go on to college so we didnt know how we would be able to pay for that. And he said your job is here. And i was going to take a leave of absence to run the campaign. That shouldnt be just for me as a staff person or just for me as a member of congress. You can go. When we get sick, when our kids get sick, and we are not there and not voting, we are still paying. Nobody questions. When you are sick, and your child is sick, and chris dodd didnt just say that to me, he went out and passed legislation that said it is unpaid. It is 12 weeks. It is for adoption or child or new born or any illness that you have, that a loved one has. And so, it was always in his head. And those supportive of it like the national partnership, the womans law center, the advocating group said we need to get it passed. It is without payment now but we will move to doing that. And that after all these years we are still debating it but you know what is so critically important is the paid leave is no longer on the fringes. It is a part of our public discourse. For me, the Gold Standard is 12 weeks. It is for that child that is adopted or a newborn. It is about what i was able to do, which is about 75 of people utilize family and medical leave. That is what that standard ought to be. That is the Gold Standard which is something we ought to strive for. It should be understood by both sides of the aisle. It is good but we have to get to the highest standard and it should be for 12 weeks. I think our proposal ended up at eight weeks because we believed that we want states to experiment or add on on top of that. But all of the literature suggests longer periods of leave. California, rhode island, i have been into new jersey and rhode island and other places are doing it and you know . The Business Community is onboard. They are fully onboard. And you know, some of the Largest Industries as you know because you are working with this are doing it. So we need to make it possible. And the system that i introduced said we are going to have an empl employer participate as well as the employee. It is like Social Security. Lets make it possible for them to do it because they have people of good will. It is in fact, you know, all employers are terrible, it is not the case. It is not the case. It is nice when you look at the Small Businesses and so many say we are an employee business and we dont penalize our employees for taking time off when they are sick or having a child. I agree with you. Your mother was a strong willed mother and encouraged you and other women to get into politics. You talk about how tough it is being in a congress dominated by men. Talk about that. My mother is 103 years old. She lives us in new haven. Extraordinary woman. She finished formal school at age 13. Went to night school jie and went to work at age 14 in my grandmothers pastry shop. She started her work career which ultimately wasi if you have to come to my workplace. It was a dirty place and noisy because there is a power machine and they were all switched on at once and turned off at the beginning of the day. Shutdown at the end of the day so the loud noise of, you know, hundreds of sewing machines and power machines. She was paid by the piece meaning you have to keep pumping out the garment and with the power machine it moves so quickly. So, what do you do . You pull back. You dont go get a tetnus shot. There was no clinic. You wrap your hand and keep going because if you get a drop of blood on the garment you dont get paid for it. She was so clear to say i didnt like it. She would say take the opportunity. She was and still is such a great role model for me. Longest serving woman on the city council wait, not the longest serving woman but longest serving member on the board of the history of the body. When i first ran for office 26 years ago, i found a quote she wrote for a democratic newsletter in 1933. It is funny because she and my dad were not married at the time. She was the recording secretary as so many women were in that role as the secretary and my dad was like the president of the democratic club. She wrote admonishing women to be engaged and involved. The last line of the quote i read was come on girls, lets make ourselves heard. And my mothers always made herself heard. She was an equal opportunity nag if you will to both the democratic and Republican Administration in new haven. She told me something else. Never take no for an answer. A great role model and influence. So, the way that i approached public life was in a similar mode. And i have had the experiences where, you know, starting with the city of new haven and working there where i once wanted to be a chief administrator officer, public work director, head of the new haven coliseum. Jobs that were shutdown because i was a woman. And the new Haven Register editorialized against me and said while i might be a hell of a gal around the office i could certainly not take on the job of being the director of the new haven policy. And i think out of spite because of my personality, my mother told me i looked back on that and i said i showed you. You see that . In any case, even with the Congress Several examples with the congress. I ran for chair of the Democratic Caucus at the same time nancy pelosi was running for the democratic whip. I was told at the time by democratic colleagues, men, that we could not have two women on the ticket. We couldnt have two women on the ticket. And that is not that long ago. That is not that long ago. And when i first went to testify one the i first testified when i went to the congress and i come from a very defense dependent district and in my district is helicopters and i had the stratford cunonnecticut army tank and i went to testify on behalf of getting funds off the tank engine. And spoke before the committee and a chairman of the committee who was republican from california, after i finished testifying he said congress pm woman, can you speak about the tank engine for the m1 aa1 tank without looking at your notes and i looked out and said damn straight i can. At the time, god res his soul, john mersa, winked at me. As i tell the story in the book, even with that and that association with that, nevertheless when it came to supporting me, the vote was not there. The vote could not be there. Again i say about my own experiences in this context even today i have to say women have to work harder. I dont know if that is true in your profession. But women have to work harder. You have to know what you are talking about when you stand up because you dont get a second bite of the apple. If they think you are not up to it, that you dont know what you are talking about, you pay a very heavy price. But my view, again stated in the book, dont dwell, learn. You move forward. Move forward and what is wonderful about these times is more women are thinking about running for office. Talk about i work harder and ampaid less. If we pass this legislation, to you think it would actually have an impact on pay . Do you think the facts driving the gap are things that start earlier in life . We talk about the choices that women make and their occupations and you know, the times they take off to raise a child, you know . That definitely plays a role and what i am saying it is inequality in hours work or access to certain opportunities. I think equal pay for equal right will be a very simple premise. Men and women in the same job deserve the same pay. That is fundamentally what the pay check legislation is all about. Again, it is a simple premise and i think it is fundamental to do economic viability. A family. It used to be the fringe issue that is now a part of our public discourse. And when you speak about it around the country and i give many speeches about it around the country, i cannot tell you the audiences men and women are sharing. I serve in the house of representatives with men. We receive the same pay. We have different educational background. We are all paid the same amount of money. The other case this is paid is in the military. Men and women in the same job are paid the same amount. If you take a look and go from a bus rider to waitress to engineer to university professor, tennis player, who can just go through all of the professions women are paid less. That is what we want to try to correct. That is what we can correct. But, we provide the legislation and if there is a reason you can demonstrate the reason other than gender that the individual is being paid less. Less money. There are you know one of the other pieces in the legislation says that it would lift that prohibition. After president obama, he did this with federal contractors. He lifted that prohibition and i hope that isnt overturned with a new administration. That is fundamental to the economic survival of women and their families. They should not be penalized. And it is not just about them. It is about what happened with their families. And so, we have we passed the bill in the house twice. We lost in the senate and i am sorry to say with the first time we lost in the senate was because of two women senators voting against it otherwise it would be the law of the land. Why do you think that we need it . This may sound odd but because the lily led better bill. The fair pay act was passed and i think they didnt want to buck their own leadership again. And so they are doing the pay check fairness act. I had wanted and i tell the story in the book, i advocated for the fair pay act which was the Lily Ledbetter act and paycheck fairness and women and same pay. With the fair pay act, we only got us back to where we were before the Supreme Court ruling and it was separated. And i have been fighting every since to take up the equal pay. I am going to continue to do it until we have a bill signed that said many women in the same job deserve the same pay. Talk about the issue of you being prochoice and all the attacks on this. You said this is all coming from republicans but when people in your own church, or your own party do that, it hurts more. That was the issue of the Affordable Care act. In the last or so, the Affordable Care act and deliberations the legislation hung by a thread. The Biggest Issue was the catholic bishops who maintained, which isnt true, that the Affordable Care act would allow for abortion coverage. That wasnt the case but there was big information surrounding that. We fought back. I was out at that time to work behind the scene on seeing if we could come up with some sort of a compromise to move forward. Since i had worked in the past with my colleague tim ryan of ohio, tim at the time we worked together, reducing the number of abortions and supporting parents act, tim was a prolife i was prochoice. But we worked together to look at how we might reduce the number of abortions. How we could support parents when adoption varies . But we try to do that so we could move forward. Subsequently tim is prochoice and he came to this own conclusions about that. I was asked by the leader to do this and we worked through and working with a prolife member, and with a white house, and the executive order, that talked about zero dollars to use at Community Health centers and setup the two payment system. The white house came forward and said lets separate the bill into pieces, nancy pelosi said no and as i say in the book, i think she created a position for herself in history on that because she had been past the Affordable Care act. But we went back and forth with some in our own caucus where women were told lets remove the issues around contraception and abortion. And after, you know, again the leader pulled all the women together and huddled and said no, we are going forward. And you know, it was i worked very closely with them, the chief of staff, white house rom emanuel who was a long time friend, and where we crafted the language in the executive order, went back and forth to check with all the groups, so forth, to make sure that we had addressed the issues of our colleagues who were prolife and people who were prochoice were happy with the conclusion, the advocacy groups were happy with the conclusion, and as i say this is in about a weeks period of time. It was all pretty dicy for a while but in the long run we passed that with prochoice and prolife members of the congress. I had a Good Relationship with my colleagues who were of different views. They knew i was concerned about their sensitiveties and concerned by our sensitivity. And i had the opportunity to work with my own, again, prochoice, prolife colleagues who were catholic. We had a very informal, if you will, catholic caucus. We set out a statement of principles because we deal every day with issues of life. Starving people, people without health care, people in war, people in famine. These are life issues as well as abortion. You cant be you cant pick and chose these issues. I thought when i came to the congress, of course, what motivates in what i do is coming from the Italian Catholic hospital, not the years i spent in congress. I never thought my faith was going to be challenged in the way it was my by church and the thought my church was prepared to witness the demise of the Affordable Care act was very, very painful. Very painful for me. But it passed and it has benefited so many people. Changes can be made but it has benefited so many people and it has saved lives. It has saved lives. That is the business i am in whether it is health care or any other, feeding people, that is my job. That is a great note to end on. If you have a final message to people entering congress, policy makers looking ahead from all your years of experience in congress. I lay out areas at the end we ought to move into in terms of policy direction but overall, i had never run for office before i ran for the u. S. Congress. So, there was a steep learning curve. Not ashamed to say that. It was like me going to school and getting ahold of the issues and understanding them and being willing to bear what i thought was the right direction. And i was scared. I was scared. And making the decision to run and scared when i was there. When i first got there, i tell the story in the orientation when i was across a long table with congressman david talking about the budget in appropriations and i said i want to tell the rules. I am in over my head. How can we talk to this man . He is one of my dearest friends and a mentor to me and the congress. And people have said to me, congress woman, did you make the right decision . And i said has the job met your expectations . And very quick answer i made the right decision. And this job has succeeded all of my expectations. I am blessed with being a member of the United States house of representatives. And we are so lucky to have you there to be speaking out for these amendments. Thank you so much. I have so much more to cover. I would encourage female read the book because you cover so many aspects of the entire experience. I hope people will read the book and understand there are challenges we can fight and week win and i believe we will fight now and i believe we will win for the least democracy. Thank you. Thank you

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