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Experts, the theme that came to mind is definitely austin. He stayed at rowes cabin. More than likely, logically, woodhall, yes. Met before, so, yes, caleb, james we know for sure, yes. What i wanted to find out is robert townsend, did he meet robert, the tortured soul who did so much, forced into the british force, and really forced his hand in many respects, and we cant find evidence that he did; however, his dad was a wellknown patriot. He went to jail because of that. It would make sense to me, logic makes sense to me that he might, in oisen bay, new york knock on the doorment he visited the youngs house, a prom innocent figure in the area. The Townsend House is here, three blocks a way. It might be logical where he says, im going to say high to townsend, and he might have said june your, i dont know the moment. I have yet to have anybody reveal to me that moment. There was rumors, and ironically, roosevelt is across, and he loved this stuff. He did not know there was a patriot in the midst like report, and theres an area called the landing where theres nothing other than water surrounded by woods that exists today, and thats where he met report, the young is here, landing is here, could have been done. Robert is a master of keeping his things secret, and he wouldnt ever tell, but its seeming to be a strong rumor, and if we cant prove it, we dont write it. Host wouldnt we say townsend was depressed . Guest i think so. Guest all his life, even before the loss of 355 and the stress of war. Guest a humble guy, capable of great things, humble, bright guy, and after the war, trouble reconciling what he did in the war because he was a spy, which maybe, according to that time, was not looked up as we have been over, maybe tough reconciling that with the selfesteem. Logically, hard time living up to the younger and older brothers who were pretty much studs and stars. Host but he was the greatest star of them all. Guest in the end. Host what is the lesson you would like modern american readers to take from . Guest how special america was at that time, not just patrick henry, paul revere and adams, and it was every day americans fighting for the cause they believed in that wanted no credit, wanted no applause, but just wanted to be respected, and thats what they believed, just because their names not first forefront in the class, they were not vitally important. Host okay, brian, terrific book. Guest thank you for the questions and your interest. I appreciate it. Host take care. That after words booktv. Orgs Signature Program in which authors of latest nonfiction books are interviewed by others familiar with the material. And feminism in contemporary American Culture has labeled her as antifeminists. Your questions for Christina Hoff sommers beginning new eastern for three hours. Looking ahead joining marc levine on jake you very fifth. The first sunday of every month on cspan2

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