Transcripts For CSPAN2 400th Anniversary Of William Shakespe

CSPAN2 400th Anniversary Of William Shakespeares Death Commemoration April 24, 2016

Atlantic will take shape so our collection holds a large quantity of items that includes the moment as it comes to the United States so the colonies of jamestown. Said shakespeares world this planting itself in north america. That is complicated history also what was good and bad. When he wrote the tempest he clearly had a pamphlet about a shipwreck in bermuda but makes reference to the new world so he never visited but when he uses the phrase like a brave new world that there is someplace to overturn our expectations and that is something that is on his imagination. And from the archives to the theater. This is a copy of a copy of the Laurence Oliviers film 1945 of henry v this gives us the notes it is interesting because that was treated during the Second World War from one of the battle scenes this was viewed as a piece of propaganda of the Second World War so much of this is triumphant to the library of record store in the expression of shakespeares work is something theyre interested in collecting. Even with a clean on translation of hamlet. It has been translated but the link wish to the inquest secreted hamlet did that and it is in the collection. One more item is so important it is my favorite item in the collection it is a modest copy you can see it is portable and what is important it is the copy that walt whitman kept in his pocket. It was inexpensive and it was purchased to cover direct connection and the kind of poetry that they were creating in the 19th century it was one of the reasons why theyre connecting an important reason why this is your washington. We appreciate you sharing this with us. Now lets go to the theater. Michael is this a Public Institution . What is your budget or your employees . We are a Public Institution the congressional record in fact, i will tell you story. When mr. And mrs. Walter wanted to create this library they bought the property for this parcel across of the future Supreme Court in the Jefferson Building he learned in the New York Times congress was about to take over the whole block with the purchase of another building he said i have a collection of shakespeare material that you could not afford to create. It is the best in the world and it is my intention to make a gift to the American People of this collection. So the library and went to the congress to say we need to exempt that part of the parcel so they can build this library in the congressional record it says the soldiers have created an institution dedicated to the public. And also says theyre doing the work even though the library of congress can do at this point. We were born as an institution that serves the nation about what is interesting is we dont have federal funding. The left and endowment that is managed by reimbursed college but we cannot charge tuition were not federal so dont get federal funds. So we have to be self sustaining so half of the 19 million profit operating budget comes from the endowment and we raise them earth dash race rest of that self continuing philanthropy is important and gives us the ability to be a Public Institution. Our building was created for one quarter of that. We really do have space needs how to keep his growing collection here and just to share it. Hello welcome. Ry, i am the director of the Folger Shakespeare library in today joining us on a very special day we are broadcasting year from the historic meeting room wherehe for the past 80 years scholars from around the globe use the largest shakespeare collection and though world a war welcome to all of you for joining us from cspan2 or the life feet our thanks to booktv and cs bin to to make it possible for shakespeare fans everywhere to enjoy this special day with us. Shakespeares influence expands beyond the writtenuenc word if youre interested you can find it on itunes and havilahted looked that has been created apple partnered with the folger so we could collect shakespeare material for everyone hear we are to celebrate the worlds great storyteller and a better waycy to pay tribute in o storiesth s and willing to bet everyone of us has the story to tell how they got to this amazing creature 400 years ago on this very day april 23rd 1616 William Shakespeare died the world is much larger and more connected today and what has happened. To to feel that he is still in the room and he is todayarou if we look around. How is it we have more to say about this writer . Why is it when we talk about our lives we seem to be having a conversation with him . Con one reason might be because he is unavoidable the most produced playwright in northpear america all over 70 percent encounter his work forht i playe not to mention half of secondary students on the planet. Et. There are more shakespearee films made in hollywood and United States and the u. K. Combined in terms of filmmaking. The characters in therms phrases from his writings now appear in disney cartoons, a Broadway Musicals and hiphop if you do a Google Search you will findd shakespeare on the banner. People from around the world are still having aft conversation with thisatio sudden lightning seems togl strike many times in one place are his dazzling use of language to find just about every situation it is important all of these gifts can express the stories they teach us to empathize withstor those who are unlike us for better or worse. Young love for the beginning of romeo and juliet sibling rivalry. The loss of family in hamlet or forgiveness self destruction with macbeth. Standing up for what youm believe in with king leer. Experience to be treated as an outsider with zero fellow. And shakespeare speaks to us in 2016 because we still struggle with politics and in the end we will struggle understand ourselves and each other. Markets in social media will only teach just so much so to learn more we need the humanity. What better way to celebrate the 400th anniversary toe th talk about those that discovered this amazing reuter though it is time for their stories. Azin in early 2009 president obama appointed the first presenter is associate director of the White House Office of publicinte impeachment however you may know him from the namesake. What you might not know he shared a very special connection to shakespeare from literally the first day he was born. Pleaseal c join me. [applause] if there is something everyone knows about actors we are impulsive and irrational i am sure thereare is a turbot actors are crazy everys bu book report will point out we are quickckli to speak before we think i knew wanted to be an actor i love the power ofcaus storytelling inseminate that would create characters and then inter worlds i couldnt but shakespeare . Ld with my grandfathers loved and thel li annoying english teacher i would think itis n isnt even english it is just over a golden nobody talks like that but ninth grade can around i noticed a small font on inside of the fifthnth copy the he is born cv also on she died on my birthday we shaream birthday and a message was sent to my brain this was a sign not only was going to be an actor but a working actor because i celebrated a birthday with shakespeare he is respected ander h relevant. Ea number two i was only 14 butil when we read romeo and juliet we were allowed to watch in the classroom, you know, where this is going. [laughter] the film adaptation thatco featured nudity. How is this possible . Who is this shakespeare who has allowed the teacher not sho to mention he was an incredible director but they concede the bathing suit area . D di so unconditionally i would be anetti actor and read shakespeare. Ctor number three around this time unrelated i actually did read and start to understand then fall in love with shakespeare i started to understand and the beauty and the symbolism i grew up und in jersey in the 90s this is about the same as the local blues so then with the dignity even the prologue ise, t rich so he taught me the first lessons to make the exception to the rule. In m in college i got a call from and tv news were looking for drama students to watch film then be interviewed of course,. Ended excited be even more and then to interpret the have the cameras rolling i opened up about my feelingset a and recalled the cars said english the mtvve t special aired i gatheredund around and i segment gets closer where asking aspiring actors how did you feelace about shakespeare . Closeup shot. Ng i i am going to be so eloquent my big break. I mean its not even english. [laughter] it cuts to somebody else. He taught me my first lesson in editing. Several more years go by i am still struggling actor dissatisfied with typecasting and i hear a woman speak from the Screen Actors Guild the only woman of color and said i decided hollywood as reasons for not casting me i would makes gu a hard for them to den it had something to do with and it i would be classically trained so peach taught me that to make the gatekeepers and as uncomfortable as possible now here we are. I have been a working actor knock on wood and publicservice and speaking at the 400th act birthday of shakespeare and i dare coincidencehehe so this little remaining matter in also died on hishis birthday we are impulsive any rational. The fact that sharing of birth statement there would be an actord on surely i cannot ignore i will also die on the 23rd offact april. [laughter] to fight get through today and will continue to vouch for the ability he has for universality if i lose i will not be filled with melancholy. Thank you. [applause] not today. Happy birthday. Were off to a great start. Our next presenter turned in of music and has empowered people from acrossin t the country to transform their curiosity into a fullfledged artistic careers as the 11th chairman awarded nearly two with a 20 million of Agency Agreements please join me to welcome jane. [applause] lose there . Those of the first two words in the tragedy of hamlet the also the central question that literatureaged asks whos there . And in the world at large who lose there has continue to resonate across the agesin whenue hamlet was originally published through today. When i read hamlet was in high school and slightly younger than the hamlet character but like a lot of adolescence and answer the question for myself and what hit home was i could identify a to come to terms with his own grief as he neared the loss of my owny ow father at the age of nine. For example, i was fortunate that unlike camlet my father was not murdered by my local. U but the more essential aspects to face a great loss and a young age but him live first confronts a world that tells him to move on and get o over it. Even his own mother tells him do not for ever seek for the i t noble father. That is common all the lives must die passing from beecher to eternity. A lot of the conversation in my High School Classroom was difficult it was for hamlet to make a decision but for mema personally was about how brief if not properly processed in its own time cany lead to greater challenges. Hamlets is not indecisive were depressed by a grieving ive always felt he was placed in an unfair position. A young man barely being a man at that age and the problems he hase is been candid by taking their responsibility to fix those created by the grownups around him. Lity if only the court let him take the time he needed to feell badly be it wouldnt be so tragic. Fe of i found solace in playing latino and pretty soon i started to realize so many art forms give powerful ways to express ourselves tos transcend every dayth linear conversation because alot recognized i was not alone had written about the process i was not the only person to ever have feelings and i would be okay. Shakespeare lets have it hand what pass for word help us understand the power to say goodbye to keep the story alive in our hearts. In the harsh world draw my breath in pain to tell my story. [applause] shakespeares influence limited to the artses or communities to not even look from bader space. As the chief scientist studies the geology of venus and mars in saturn and the earth. Please join me to welcome our next guest. [applause suite mood in the midsummers nightht dream face for shining soso bright a wonder there shakespeare ever envisionedes a world of many moods. Oned each of these is its own little world to be pullede andmo twisted to the dark surface but it is right in and good to pay homage toie these points ofl light to a man who has brought so much light as he has encapsulated the very nature of what it means to be human. I sat in the theater humming an amazingeate experience the program noted the play was first performed in london in 1611 and the thought of that made me stop paying attentionon to the plate for a few minutes. For 400 years of people like me to hear those same words what past is the prologue is what dreams are made of. As much as those of fell into theres. Bringee ability to life into art to make a last for centuries that is the gift of shakespeare. E. I find with the timeless appeal and the saving of about geology this study of our earth and solar system end universe for billions of years the stars and planets and galaxies are born to live and die because from stardust and return with the study of physics or astro die biology is a complex story with depth and drama the kind that shakespeare told so well i get frustrated sometimes with scientist who leave out the storiesienc burying people in jargon i was an art history minor hyper wrote the scientists engineers but who cares . How how does this affect my life and place on thisy planet . Science not only informs us but inspires us the more we create knowledge andthe understanding leads our curiosity we want to know those points of light and weight plan to send humans to mars to answer the question are we alone . What is the nature when we look at those thousands of planets are they not just habitable but inhabited . We need not just stand the design to understand shakespeare knew how to deter tell the story to take that piece bynd piece andce where were going. T but we need to approach these difficult challenges using our heads and hearts is about dreaming beg your creativity. Perseverance and courage all the things we appreciate about shakespeares work that marcions the test of time. As we look at the most pressingpear questions we must come back tears shakespeareny w to share the story of science with everyone. Cien [applause] fabulous. Even after 400 years shakespeare remains a go to commentator about affairs in rights the headlines Clarence Page has built a carrier of local and National Affairs and recognized for the Pulitzer Prize forand commentary and nationally syndicated columnist and a commentary pleasezer join me to welcome our next guest. [applause] , m. A. Word may and. But when we celebrate shakespeare we celebrate the power of words to describe washington is downrighte shakespearean. [laughter] whywashs do not . Michael told the four years ago from the 2012 president ial race almost all political rhetoric comes from two books from the 16ths and 17th century the King James Bible in shakespeares plays to be to read it comedic speech but above the is back even obama said but he said somebody melvin he saidody explain the appointed a secretary to explain stuff. [laughter] later observed on saturday live we have a job for that it is the big part of a job in fact,he shakespearean j simplicity is something president clinton clinton, president obama and donald trump have in common. In fact, a Campaign Rally for the republican front runner explained the importance of the words to say i used to use the word incompetent i went to an Ivy League School i know theid best words there is no better word than stupid. No wonder he was intrigued in effect he compared it to the speech had found out he o almost reliesf exclusively onn single syllable auctions, oriented words obama eng employed a more nuanced type ofand words that the french brought to the english but todays he said almost ally political rhetoric comes close to books indeed political speech comes from those two speeds but latinues. And the derivative of the romance languages became the english spoken by elites short action oriented as they are fighting to become the daytoday living bridge rockandroll rhythms have a notable exception with the Rolling Stones classic i cannot get no satisfaction. And then nick dagger what did he get to my with satisfaction . Girly action. [laughter] now that song will be stuck in youracti head all they. Well fill its well even in the age ofit. Rockandroll all the world as a stage to have the exit in the entrance and what would they say today i wouldnt be surprised. He wrote the script then the aristocrats and also running for president for hamlet toe be oror not to be is the question. Reince priebus borrowed to address dash. Youre not afraid of greatness some are born grayson achieve greatness of have greatness thrust upon them. Also addressing g. O. P. Ir leaders you think r babies year to be played in a pipe . To donald trump to making kellygers i will speak duikers to her but through them my with hop freespeech with the soft phase of peace and then in the Supreme Court justicece candidate i like this place and willingly could waste my time in it. [laughter] or ted cruz my good friend clarence thomas. Or, back to donald trump and i will very Politics Today were in for more surprises but to be inconsistent ut consistent we know who o wrotept the, script. Thank you very much. [applause] you have me thinking of those rockandroll songs. For many of us the First Encounter with shakespeare was in in high school our next presenter is no exception here in washington d. C. As a member of the highschool Fellows Program and is Vice President of the book club and the member. Please join me to welcome our guests. Me [applause] good afternoon i will tell you about and i shakespeares story and how he is still relevant to todays teenagers era.

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