Transcripts For CSPAN2 20170128 :

CSPAN2 January 28, 2017

So why were the jews killed . Because a longstanding tradition of hatred. Activated under particular political circumstances. Funded by a regime capable of whipping up the population to participate in it. Then under took a war into a region where there were hundreds of thousands of the people they had defined as enemies. And it resolved under the conditions of wartime. To wipe these people out. At 10 00 p. M. Eastern on afterwards, Alfred University professor emirates was the cut looks at the philosophy behind frugal living in his book the wisdom of frugality. Why less is more, more or less. He is interviewed by Michelle Singletary Washington Post singh indicated thomas. The crucial thing is that you never spend money on any kind of luxury at all. The crucial thing is to be selfaware about what to, what is really worth spending the money on . And what is something where you are just wasting money or just spending it just because people tell you this is the kind of thing you want to be doing or the thing you want to be buying. Sunday at 7 30 p. M. Eastern georgetown University Professor Michael Eric Dyson author of tears we cannot stop a sermon to white americans. Looks at the countrys racial divide. And so what we want is a cessation of the velocity of stereotype and a granting to us of the same humanity that you grant each other. Go to booktv. Org for the complete weekend schedule. The primary reason i wrote the book was to honor the marines i serve with on vietnam. More people should know their stories, the entry incredible dedication courage and the sacrifices that they made in a war debt to supported and even fewer thanks. And vietnam as draftees observed at honor and did everything the country asked of them anymore. I also want to describe a realistic picture of life of infantry d anorthern knowing if someone is an enemy. Were if they didnt wear uniforms. It is a war without a frontline. We are constantly cold, wet, hungry and tired. Our supplies would never arrive on time and we had to ration food, abdominal and water. We never had he passed to heat up the awful c rations that were our meals and we never had any dry socks. And i hate to say it but every day was pretty much the same. Up in the crack of dawn, stretched for miles to our nighttime positions with about 85 pounds of gear on our backs. Clear the areas in route, set up ambushes, step half the night on watch and there was many a firefight in between. That is a life of a rifleman in combat. One of those rifleman was Corporal Roy Lee hammonds of third lemur company. I would like to read a passage from my book about him. A shot rang out. The men crouched seeking cover. As a signal five or six enemy a case open up on the far side. The rapid craft billing to a motel at war as a hail of bullets came in from the right flank and ahead. No m16s opened up in reply. A thin stream pierced athe relentless patter of rain. Im hit, i am hit. A familiar cry is that hitting the fan. Take cover, to cover a yells. This was the ambush i dreaded. I rolled and embraced my rifle butt against the ridge on my best and triggered off and a half a magazine for the incoming fire. I looked downhill and saw a body between two bushes legs sprawled. Rushed in short dashes and set up at an offensive position on the plane. Bullets went through the brush. And cracked into trees. Showering bar and white puppy would. The leader collapsed next to me. They got the dog. I measured the distance to the motionless medic around him impact was doubting up mud and water. 16 mortars ahere lieutenant, my radioman handed me the handset. Put audio at chili on top of the hill and cover me i yelled and burst from behind the tree. Projectiles went past as i dodged on the bank. The wounded man lay in the middle of the stream. Our m16 machine games began hammering away at the ridge line. Bullets were dicing around mimicking the impact of the raindrops. And when i reached him, the corpsman was hacking and coughing. Face smeared with mud. I turned him overcome his chest was torn open. Air bubbles deep in the pulpy red mess, blood ran from his mouth. He tried to Say Something but i could not make it out. He needed the chest wall sealed quit. A bullet smashed into the creek spraying us with cold water. That was not an ak around it was a sniper. Hunching my shoulders to stay low i pressed the guards rubber pad over the wound trying to heal it with my left and around the bandage around his torso lifting him. As soon as the bandage was tied off i started pulling him out of the line of fire. At that moment it felt like a bulldozer hit my back. Knocking me down the stream terry my helmet off. My m16 rifle gone in the rain. I was stunned gazing after it thinking i will be doing a lot of paperwork for losing that rifle. When i realized i could still move, my gaze sharpened to blood was dripping from my utilities. Yet my brain seemed to be functioning with perfect clarity. Wed be returning fire to the east but i had been hit in the back. It was a vshaped ambush. Lieutenant my radioman called up from the hill, i yelled back. Tell the Company Commander the enemy is to the north on the other ridge line. I shouted out coordinates from the laminated map now smeared with my blood. Fire everything weve got and got the gunships. Doc was still upstream not having moved when the bill is impacted separated us. And grab doc too. I listen for the second wheeze that meant my lung was pierced but did not hear. Still blood was pouring out behind the clearwater scarlet it was cold. I had to find cover. But i did not feel it moving. Why not just close my eyes and rest . Then boots pounded coming my way. Through the rattle and crack of incoming fire, someone was thundering down the slope. The pounding grew louder. Then he counted into me like a runner sliding for home. Tumbling over me in the streambed. Someone had come after me. Incredibly brave. Incredibly risky. I grabbed his jacket and yelled lets go lets go no answer. My hand came back covered with blood. An unfamiliar pale long face fell back. I did not know him. I cant move i yelled. But he did not respond. Just lay there on top of me jerking as the bullets had angered his jacket. We have to get out of here i said. I grabbed his harness and pulled him off trying to drag him through the model towards the streambank as the bullets tethered the water around us. Doc i was worried might be dying but i realize maybe i can save this morning. It seemed to take hours dragging the limp heavy body by the arms to the bank and up through the dense foliage. Once into cover a check him out. He had been hit. Was not breathing. I pressed my mouth to his and began cpr. His lips was black and cold. Finally i sat back on my heels, this marine was gone. Why come after me . Core discipline did not abandon. He wasnt even in my platoon. Lieutenant are you okay my radioman yelled to smeared in red mud from head to toe he crouched right next to me and was reloading with shaking hands. His barrel steam, raindrops bubbling as a came upon it. The Company Commander athe study rattle of small arms, shattering work of artillery working the top of the ridge louder than i had ever heard of. He stumbled on at least ai had to call in more firepower in medevacs. Your hits are. Bleeding bad. I stopped what was left of the gauze into the home my back. When i looked down at the marines body again his eyes were open and seemed to be following me. You know this marine i asked my radioman. That is hammond, third platoon. Tough break he only had a couple of weeks to go. But you better call in a chopper and get yourself taken care of. I looked around at the dead and wounded sprawled beside the stream. They seem to be speaking but in a language id forgotten. Why had the kid done it . Sacrifice himself or a stranger . When is on return home had been so near. But then a wounded man began streaming. They came in shaking rain from the trees. Smoke drifted like bitter instincts. But there was Something Else too. Something important. Then i remembered in a rush like a wave carrying in a breaking over me. Moved to contact our regimental contacts is move out. I forced myself to my knees. Suede was weak and dizzy but after a moment i could lift a hand. The dead marine was still looking up at me wideeyed as if he were asking a question and waiting for an answer. My radioman slapped ain my palm. Are we falling back lieutenant . I took a deep breath, shuddered and tore my gauge. Couldnt puzzle things out now. Think about later. No corporal i said. Help me get this tourniquet on. Have third platoon consulted the dead and wounded and follow entries. We will take the sales we can get everyone out. No marine gets left behind. You can watch this and other programs online

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