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Citizens of strasbourg for their warm hospitality. The city is an important symbol of war to peace is symbol of reconciliation and a united europe. [applause] my friends where there is Mutual Respect civilization is built on it. Futures are better for it. Coexistence must be made and made again in every generation. The common good has defended only by vigilance and action and this means more than security measures. Humanity must arm itself with ideas, with justice and with economic and social inclusion. Today these challenges have a special importance. Our world faces an assault by terrorists with ruthless ambition. The motive is not faith. It is powered pursued by ripping countries and communities apart and sectarian conflicts and inflicting suffering across the world. [applause] the murder of jordans pilot horrified the world. Jordans response has been swift, serious and determined and our fight will continue. [applause] we and other arab and Muslim States defend not only are people but our faith. This is a fight that has to be carried out by muslim nations first and foremost. [applause] this is a fight within islam and at the same time the danger of extremism must be seen for what it is global. The threat is not only syria and iraq. It has struck libya, yemen sinai mali nigeria the whole of africa asia the americas and australia. Europe has suffered despicable attacks and shown unbeatable courage. Your friends are with you. In january we joined millions of people in france who marched united against violence and intimidation. My friends, there are those living in europe today to remember the ravages that struck the continent in the late 1930s and the world war that followed because of an aggressive ideology based on hatred and disregard for the very essence of humanity. Europes war became the worlds four. Today we are fighting a similar war a war against an expansionist ideology that feeds on hate that is committing murder in the name of god and religion to justify evil actions that no religion tolerates, a war against terrorists who disrespect this land values and humanities values. Our victory now depends on our unity and europes role is vital. Only by cooperation can our regions shut down the sources of terrorist support and defeat their purposes. And it is also essential that our regions renew the source of our strength. The Mutual Respect that binds and sustains us. Young people especially must be inspired by values that reject violence, create peace and build inclusive societies. [applause] and let me suggest three areas of importance. The first is meaningful interfaith outreach, engaging people where they live. The dialogue overstocked is the rock bed of all societies. Attacking and excluding others come insulting other people send their faith and their convictions this is no way forward. The future lies in unity and respect not division and stereotypes. [applause] europe is an important partner in this effort especially in helping to stop the global rise of islamic phobia. This poisonous this poisonous based on false ideas and helps play into the hands of these extremists. This is what is important to clarify. What it really means to be a muslim and i and countless other muslims have been taught from our earliest years that our religion perspective or others. Per half it baxam at peace and blessings be upon him says none of you has faith until you love your neighbor what you love for yourself. This is what it means to be a muslim trait among the very names of god we hear the compassionate film are civil. All my life, everyday i have heard the greetings. I wish for the other to be blessed with peace. This is what it means to be a muslim. [applause] more than a thousand years ago before the geneva conventions muslim soldiers were ordered not to kill a child, a woman or an old person nor to destroy a tree, not to harm a priest or destroy a church. These are the same values of islam luper taught in school as children not to destroy or desecrate a place where god is worshiped, not a mosque, not a church, not a synagogue. [applause] this is what it means to be a muslim. These are the values i teach my children and they were handed on to theirs. My friends im outraged and grieved by the recent attacks in some countries against christian and minority communities. This is an offense against humanity as well as islam. Arab christians are an integral part of our regions past, present and future. [applause] jordan is a Muslim Country with a deeplyrooted christian community. Together the jordanian people make up and indivisible society. Friends and partners in building our country. The worlds muslims have a Critical Role in the global understanding. Our faith like yours commands mercy, peace and tolerance and upholds as yours does the equal Human Dignity of every person men and women, neighbors and strangers. Those allies of islam who deny these truths are vastly outnumbers to outnumber it. 1. 6 billion muslims were piping in fact these terrorist have made the worlds muslims their greatest target. We will not allow them to hijack our faith. [applause] my friends, the second area key to Global Global harmony is an International System that gives all people the respect they want and deserve. Again and again i hear the question why doesnt the world defend palestinian rights . Time after time the Peace Process is sold and let me say what the situation looks like in reality. More israeli settlement building, less respect for the occupied palestinians. This failure sends a dangerous message. The roads trust in International Law and community. It threatens the pillar of world peace that conflicts must be solved by political means not by force and it has given the extremists in power for rallying cry. They exploit the injustices and the lingering conflict to build legitimacy and recruit foreign fighters across europe and the world. [applause] it is time to think about the future and how this ongoing conflict will breed further hate violence and terror across the world. How can we fight the ideological battle if we did not chart the way forward towards palestinianisraeli peace . Our country is united. We must provide the momentum and chart the way forward towards a final comprehensive settlement. [applause] ladies and gentlemen, a Third Political effort is creating radicalization thrives on economic insecurity and exclusion. To create stakeholders in a Peaceful World people need opportunities to fulfill their potential and build good lives. Helping them is a powerful message of respect. The European Parliament has recognized the importance of creating social and Economic Opportunities in naming 2015 the year of development. For Jordan Development is a priority and despite all the regional challenges we have pressed forward to meet urgent needs to grow jobs to improve the quality of life to continue partnerships such as yours. [applause] and jordan values our Strong Partnership with the European Union and its states. We are committed with your support to Work Together towards advanced levels of partnership. [applause] jordan also take seriously our moral obligations to others. Despite scarce resources the people of jordan have opened their arms to refugees fleeing violence. As the president mentioned earlier jordan has taken thousands of Iraqi Christians over the past year. This in addition to giving shelter to 1. 4 million Syrian Refugees which is 20 of the population over the past few years. [applause] this is more than the equivalent of france hosting the entire population of belgium. Our small country is now the worlds Third Largest refugee host and i thank all of you for helping us to uphold this global responsibility. [applause] my friends your support sends a message that only to my people but to all those who seek to move forward in peace and moderation. Europe is with you. Our regions, our people can find no better partners and neighbors than each other. History, geography and future binders. But no one separate us because together we can create pillars of Mutual Respect that will support the common good for generations to come. Thank you very much. [applause] [applause] [applause] [applause] [applause] [speaking in native tongue] translator a long applause for you. We might have had even more applause, its been a long time since we have had such a good speech in parliament so a very warm thank you for your welcome guest and i think the applause showed the appreciation here. You talk a lot about your countrys region. The respect you from the heart so thank you very much for that wonderful speech. [applause] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] the promotion of the drug actually starts seven to 10 years before a drug comes on the market and while its illegal for a company to market a drug before its been approved by the fda its not illegal to market a disease. So Drug Companies have sometimes invented diseases or exaggerated the importance of a certain condition or exaggerated the importance of a particular mechanism of the drug for example and then the blanketed medical journals and medical meetings and other venues with these messages that are meant to prepare the minds of clinicians to accept a particular drug and also to prepare the minds of consumers to accept a particular condition. Sunday night at 8 00 eastern and pacific on cspans q a. Next general john kelly talks about his concerns that a number of south americans are heading to syria to fight with extremist groups. General kelly heads the u. S. Southern command. This pentagon briefing is 25 minutes. To those of you that i know hello and good to see you all again and two friends hopefully we will have a great relationship right now. I just came from my hearing and i appeared there with the northcom commander. Topics were and im sure you all know this russia gitmo venezuela venezuela. They are always fascinated me talk about the network that leads from around the world into the western hemisphere and into the United States mostly right now through mexico so the network is always there and of interest to them. And a bright shiny object right now islamic terrorism and extremism so that came up as well and coordinate took naturally all of the questions. I did the best they could not to screw up any questions having to do with southcom. A half an an hour i guess a an hour i guess si here we go. C general one quick clarifications after sundays earlier today in a question on the islamic extremism. He said that you expect to interdict 20 of the drugs coming across versus 25 before . We are supposed to the collective is supposed to get 40 . That is somewhere in the past someone said if you took 40 of the cocaine flow that something would happen. I dont know why, wasnt here then and i dont know what is supposed to happen to 40 . Its a good number by we are at 15 or 20 . Its hard and dea and fbi but particularly dea and fbi do a very good job of doing the best they can to track the amounts that are produced that gets into the transit but its a very decentralized production operation and i think you all know this but we get all of our cocaine from colombia. They just do her wrote things to fight that battle for us. They are number three and used to be number one in the world. Number one is through a number two is bolivia. Pervais was terrific in terms of their cooperation with us and we help them go after the cocaine. The god zero cooperation of any kind from bolivia and thats too bad because we certainly would like to help them deal with the problem that they have. Even though these countries are not user countries for the most part because the amount of money used for intimidation murder and death is lost or not michael and his cocaine moves up and heroin moves up into mexico is unbelievably violent and its impact of these countries terribly in terms of the legal Justice System, police, violence against everybody women kids its just really horrible. You made a comment earlier today about less than 100. You think people have gone from largely the caribbean to syria . Can you give us a little bit more depth on where they are coming from, what do you think they are doing and have you seen and indications that any have tried to come back and how bigger problem is this . Like in our own country there is a small number reportedly that have gone to radicalize in one way or another in United States. Much larger numbers in western europe upon to fight gone to fight in syria. I was expect they will get good while they are in serious good at killing and pick up some job skills in terms of explosives and beheadings in things like that. Everyone is concerned of course if they come home because if they went over radicalize one would expect they will come back at least that radicalize. As they say with really good job skills they have picked up at the fight. Do we have any indication right now of any scheme to attack the United States . No but the smaller countries have i say you know we take for granted in the United States that we have a functioning legal Justice System and the fbi and layers and layers of clean policemen and women. A lot of these countries just dont have that. So if these people return or when they return where we can monitor them check them more or less know when they might be coming back to the United States if they were from United States trinidad and jamaican places like that small numbers but they dont have the ability to track these folks. That is the first issue. The second issue under a couple of fellow recruiting point of view just like our country in western europe some get recruited or are radicalize off of the net. The home pages and whatnot but there are a couple of pretty radical mosques in the region. Several places ive just mentioned so that is how they do it but it certainly doesnt seem like a lot but the little countries that they come from with a total inability to deal with it is what the concern is. Those two countries are mainly the ones the. Jamaica a little bit venezuelas third mom and i think thats all of them. To follow up on a sir is the u. S. Helping those countries to track those folks. We have pretty good tabs on americans that have gone over in case they do come back in and youre hearing you thought you said if and when those guys can come through coming right to the border we are talking about isis at the border. How real is that . These countries im talking about and in general the countries in the western hemisphere dont have nearly the ability to track people like we do with the fbi Homeland Security and databases on all that kind of thing. And when you are in this part of the world to travel freely between countries. There are legal ways to do it but there are simply people who walk across borders as i described many times. The network that comes up through the isthmus in mexico and carries anything and everything on it again not to take any way from the Homeland Security men and women and fbi and their job but the amount of movement is what i think overwhelms our ability and the sophistication of the network to stop everything. So i think that they go back to some these countries that ive described is easy for them to move around. As far as your command . Depending on what country does we share great deal of either intelligence or information. We have worked out some ways as an example to share information with some of these countries that then interdict. So its not technically intel but other countries that we share information with but i do some of that but our intelligence agencies and Law Enforcement is huge. We think of dea agents working the streets of boston or Something Like that but they are they have networks of people that they work with. In cartagena very cooperative Police Institutions that work with our dea and fbi and other countries like that. Most countries are pretty much on our side in the drug fight and any stink at all of terrorism. Sir this morning you said sequestration would eviscerate your capacity. I was wondering first of all e. Disarrayed. Did i say that . I have eviscerate. Is that right . What types are using broadly . We have from my point of view we have navy p. Threes and we have the hsp threes that fly over the caribbean. We periodically get jstars, very few but jstars is a gamechanger for us because they can see the entire caribbean well into the pacific. So jstars and we use b52 sorties carrying centra packages and contract isr but we pay for and try to fill in the gaps that we dont do an awful lot of where would you lose the most capability and how would you make up for that sequestration and is there concern except for jsoc. Would lose at least 50 of isr we have now read we only have a fraction of what we need but we would lose certainly the p3s navp threes would be hit hard. Dhs i know we would lose them but they would have to prioritize within their own agency to decide what theyre going to keep doing and the coast guard cutters. Right now the coast guard has doubled or the commitment is to double the number of cutters the bigger cutters but that only takes it to like five. If he was hit by sequestration he would have to make his own priorities. As he continued doing the drug fight a thousand miles from u. S. Shores or does he focus more tony how are you doing . Does he focus more closer in and thats a priority he would have to make. And of course the contract isr has the money probably that would fall through pretty quickly too

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