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Transcripts For CSPAN2 2015 Tucson Festival Of Books Sunday
Transcripts For CSPAN2 2015 Tucson Festival Of Books Sunday
Transcripts For CSPAN2 2015 Tucson Festival Of Books Sunday 20150315
Andrei cherny formerly of the
Democratic Party
. [applause] dot everybody can say that in arizona and get applause. But the book readers are what we call the base. [laughter] dot thank you for that. Currently the ceo of aspiration. Com. Who are freezing can admire your shorts and tshirts and silently curse you. Speaking of the tucson festival of books, we have bill minor here today, one of the visionaries. Give him a round of applause. Very much a volunteerdriven effort a group of people bill and many others who made a big impact on the community. If you want to be part of that, i hope you will consider becoming a friend of the festival. A tax deductible donation that impacts this event and were moting around the country. Let me introduce the panel. David maraniss author of many books, he was won several wards prince of tennessee about al gore books about sports in the 1960s, and other political books as well. So please welcome him. [applause] if you are political aware and not living under a rock you know about mark levitch and his book this town that caused a lot of stir and conversation. Number one
New York Times
best seller followed up with a collection of his fantastic articles over the years called sitcitizen citizens of the green room. He is the chief correspondent for
New York Times
previously and we have ian lopez author of dog politics. A professor at uc berkly i feel like i am getting graded as we speak. Berkeley and a senior fellow at the progressive think tank. Lets start off with david. In the book about obama, you really look at the people behind the politics. You look at him before his first run for office as he was headed back to chicago after
Harvard Law School
. So i think the question given the title of the panel when we look at the politics in the age of obama how much of the politics is about obama, bill clinton, or gore and how much are the larger trends that come and go no matter the people and their biography. I think you cannot separate the two. I think my fascination the reason i wrote the books about obama and bill clinton is because i am fascinated by the forces that shape people. So that it is the person himself and their ability and character and history. But also it is all of the forces around him. I dont separate the two. I think with obama in particular it is obvious and huge the fact he is an africanamerican defines not everything but so much about the way he is viewed in this country today. My feeling, based on the books i have written, and reporting over the decades is race is still the huge scar in america. And obama, even as he ran, you know, trying to bring the country together in his rhetoric and he is biracial and there is talk about healing, obama is sort of opened the wound without trying again. He doesnt talk about it that much but there it is in a different way i think. So in this case the age of obama is both him and all of those forces around him. Mark was going to ask you the opposite question. You know i think the subsection of this town is our
Politics Today
is trivalizing, super superficial process that is larger than one individual. When we look at politics in the age of obama how much does one person coming in especially someone who came in with the goal of changing the tone in washington and the kind of politics you lay bear how much can one person or any group of people affect that change . As i found out, and this wasnt part of a grand plan but obama in the chronlogical order i was writing about, which was a profile in washington where everything was changing, he was the cunary coming through the coal mine. He had groundbreaking politic and i got to watch him go through it. I think to some degree he would say or has said his inability to change washington has been have single biggest disappointed of his presidency. I go back and forth on how hard he tried. I think the neverminds on the things we was promiseingpromising, especially relating to money in politics, may not have been sincere. I still think that for as little as he might have changed the politics in washington he is as transforming of a figure as we have seen in a long long time in this country. I think this is a relatively recent revelation i had but i think one of the biggest accomplishments of this presidency and people debate and will debate the merits of the
Health Care Bill
and what he did to get through the economic crisis the economy, leaving all of that aside, i think between getting elected and maintaining an admirable level of dignity 32 what i think has been an absolute circus in the last few years which doesnt seem to be going in any good directions has been a major accomplishment that i think over time might be something he is praised for or should be praised for. I think that leads well into ian, your writing and work as david said race is still the scar in america and you write about this permanence of racism almost as an immutable fact of society, culture and so many different aspects of our lives. We just experienced the 50th anniversary of selma and this moment of having that with a movie and
Everything Else
elevated into the hinge of
American History
and seeing john lewis there and seeing the president there, and you almost wonder when the people were marching across that bridge 50 years ago what would have surprised them more . Having an africanamerican president 50 years later or still arguing about the
Voting Rights
50 years later. Can you talk about those factors and how it is dog whistle politics absolutely. I would say we have turned the
Civil Rights Era
into a morality tale in which of course all good people were for it and that is why the triumped and transformed the country and why we dont have to deal with it anymore. But that is not how the par participants in the movement saw themselves. They saw themselves as being courageous, fool hearty risking everything not just their bodies but their jobs, the mortgages on their home that could be foreclosed upon the futures of their children they risked everything for profound social change. And they were deeply optimistic in the way that angry people can be that if you just do this if you just fight thinks can get better. But they were almost pragmatic about what was happening and the violence was indicitive of the change they were trying to make. I think they would be surprised to see an africanamerican president and not surprised to see the resistance to the voting act. But surprisingly they might have been disappointed with that africanamerican president. They would have understood what he represents but might be disappointed obama didnt bring the fierce courage of change and didnt see himself in a period in when he was optimistically pushing profound social change. Very soon after being elected he pivoted and began to retreat. It says liberalism is about give aways. Now we have a black democrat who is also going to be a liberal . It would be like the perfect storm obama thought. So he said ill be a black democrat but i will distance myself from the minorities and i can be above the fray. Not realizing that trying to stay above the fray meant he would not be effective at changing the direction of the country which is toward increase racial polarization increased resentiment against the government and increase in hand outs by the government to the very rich. That is the process he saw but refused to intervene in. So we have this period of we are now six or seven years in the this presidency and it is only after the 2014 election when he faces no more elections that obama, who has some sense he could be a change agent, is really starting to surface. I wish we had had this obama back in january of 2009 rather than in december of 2014. [applause] ian let me stay with you and obama for a moment because you have a particular perspective, not only as a scholar, and thinker in this area but somebody who went to high school with him and then went to law school with him, and tell us about a gather you were not basketball buddies or best friends along the way not saying you have not great on the court. But tell me about a little bit about your reference of them then and talk to us more importantly about his election as the editor of the harvard law review and really the subtext of what was his
First Campaign
and what you saw then and what you can gather from that experience. Yeah a couple quick points. One, obama was a senior in high school and i was a very, very cool freshman. But not withstanding that apparent apparently i didnt matter. Let me tell you about growing up in hawaii. It has a lot to do with obama. I am biracial with a white father and salvidorian mother. We were more shaped as a mixed identify and hawaii as a place where people talk about race all of the time. It is part of the daily lexicon. Mainly in terms of group generalization and i dont say stereotypes because you dont allow exceptions whereas ppwhereas with a generation you say people are like this most of the time. One thing that was shocking when i came to the mainland and i would guess obama had same experiences but sharper and harder blows. One experience i had was how seg segregated society it was. The other kids on the mainland was one when was rude to acknowledge and discuss racial differences. Hawaii was more integrated i was used to talking about race and now any time i say this is really segregated people look at me and say that is racist. And i am like it is racist to talk about the racial composition of the classrooms neighbored or where the university is located . And i think that must have happened to him. He has been thinking about race, struggling to place himself racially, he comes to the mainland to la and then chicago, these are segregated places but one in which he is not able to talk about what he is seeing. Another quick story. I grew up biracial and eventually changed my name. It was ian heiney and people were not seeing me as latino. First paper i submitted under the last name lopez came back ungraded with a comment is english your first language. By becoming lopez i rendered myself not intelligent. I am pretty light skin i am latino i cannot imagine the shock to a 19yearold obama. He was africanamerican american in hawaii and there were very few and it wasnt a meaningful identify. I cannot imagine the shock of what he encountered in los angeles and chicago tin in terms of how he waw seen and demeaned. At the same time i think it is crucial he went through them at 1820 when he had a strong sense of himself and his intelligence and moral fortitude and he didnt go through them when he was three and four and five. In a way that might have in capacitated him and not let him have the ambition and drive to inspire to become president of the
United States
. I think that is part of this hawaii experience that protected him and allowed him to become secure in his identity before the buffeting i am sure he received on the mainland. Harvard law school. We started at
Harvard Law School
in the late 80s and it was a time royaled by racist behavior. There was a leading africanamerican law professor, derrick bell who was an outspoken critic of the administration because the law school had a small handful of africanamerican faculty on a total of 7080. It had no women of color on the faculty at all not teen tenure tenured or not. And derrick bell said i am going out on strike and refuse to teach here until you bring in a woman of color. This led the activism and mobile ism on part of the students. I was part of what they call the angry let. I guess i am still part of that. And there were a lot of us organizing around race angry about the way in which power expressed itself at the law school going on strike with derrick bell occupying the deans office. That is not who obama was. He completely avoided the racial controversy of the time. He was a member of the law review. They do elections. It is a threeyear program and the law review is going to be in the spring of peoples second year. At that time there was a
White Conservative
candidate, there was a black progressive candidate neither of those was obama. And so these two fought it out through multiple round. There was a schism among the board and many conservatives align aligned around one liberal blacks around another and only until fighting till exhausted they selected obama. He came in older than us he had organizing experience and was an imposing figure on campus. I dont mean he was a consensus candidate to belittle him. But he gets the position at
Harvard Law School
a position that garnered him a profile in the
New York Times
and gained it by staying out of the racial firm and not talking about race and seeming to be all thing do is all people and i would say that is a crucial forming moment that he learned the lesson in a divided country you succeed while staying a part of the division, wait until the fighting sides are exhausted and step in as this revolutionary figure except i think he understand what we were fighting about. It wasnt sim simple politics. In that context, either side is willing to give up and saying we will go with the consistent candidate. He tried to stay above the frame but i think he was doomed that is telling. Let me stay on that story. As he is describeing the story when you write about in your book obama was a little older. He was 20 years old. This was his first election. He had never run for
Student Council
or school government. He won the first election with that kind of background. Contrast that experience with another person oakland, who ran for every open office in elementary school,
Junior High High School
actually i think you stopped running in high school because he was told. In college. By the time he was 28 he had run for u. S. Congress and been elected attorney general of his state. What does that say about these two individuals and how they act as president of the
United States
. They both came from dysfunctional families without fathers. Alcoholic alcoholic stepfathersism. Obama had to figure out who me was because he was biracial. You have bill clinton from the earliest age he was singing about being president some day in second grade. In high school he went to washington with 99 other young men and bill clinton is the one who shakes john f. Kennedys hand because he was the first off the bus. In georgetown, he was freshman sophomore class president and by the time he was a junior returning for senior president the whole student body was so sick of them they defeated him. Versus obama who had no interest in politics that whole time. These two guys coming out of nowhere, in dysfunctional situations, and dealing with it in opposite ways. Bill clinton learned how to become the ultimate survivor. My whole thread of his life is lost in recovery. The loss of his father loss all of the time figure out how to recover from it. And his way of dealing with everything was to push forward. Keep going. Wake up every morning. Forgive yourself. Forgive the world. Keep going. He became better at that than anybody in the world. He had a need to be loved and not alone. He would invite friend over in high school to watch him do a cross word puzzle because he could not stand to be alone. And that need and that ability to survive and keep going made him the best politician i have watched in my career. It got him to the whitehouse and it got him in trouble in the whitehouse because he figured whatever happened he would survive it. So that loss and recovery played out in the whitehouse and will until the day he dies. He never tried to figure out and resolve the contradictions of his own life. He just kept going. With ohm obama from the time he got out of hawaii i agree with half of what ian said but i think there is another opportunity. There were not many africanamericans in hawaii and it wasnt until he got to occidental he was dealing with africanamericans and in chicago much more deeply. But from the time he was 17 until he got to harvard, that entire period he spent trying to fig re himself out. Receding from the public in a totally opposite way of bill clinton and dealing introspectively with who am i. I think he found out after being a
Community Organizer
after this long search and developed what i would call a confidant, unnarcissistic, integrated personality. He figured if i can figure myself out why cant the rest of the world . This confidence got them to the whitehouse. It got him in huge trouble. If i can do it if all of the contradictions can be resolved by me why not congress and the rest of the country. You have two people working in similar backgrounds in many ways except for race although maya angelo did call clinton the first black president. But different ways of getting to the first place. Our strengths are our week patience weaknesss and that played out in the whitehouse. You were talking about bill clinton not being able to be alone. It seems obama doesnt have the same problem. He is perfectly happy doing a cross word puzzle by himself and rather that is neediness or politics or whatever you call it but i think it strikes one of the tensions you talk about in your book and last night as some of you know and no doubt people know was the grid iron dinner in washington where all of these people who fight tooth and nail get together in white ties and tuxes and hang out together. You had obama and scott walker who just a few weeks ago wasnt sure if obama was from america. And terry mccullic and others yapping it up together. Talk about the washington tension between the two things that drive people crazy about washington which is one these kinds of occurrences where everybody is hanging out buddybuddy. And others saying why isnt obama inviting boehner to play golf. There seems to be a tension between the two last night at the grid iron obama made a point during the speech saying everyone says that me and the
Democratic Party
need to reach out to aging white voters and that is why i am here. For the president this president has a very good team of comedy writers. I will say that. He actually does seem to inact his anger through comedy quite effectively. All president s have good comedy writers at this point i would assume. And plenty of material. Plenty of material. To actually put the presidencyt president ancy inside the culture of washington these days is hard to do. The tip oneillreagan friendship is one of the great chest chestnuts of washington. Tha they were never that close. The presidency does allow you to state above that and experience this as the president rather than as a person conducting politics. And
Democratic Party<\/a>. [applause] dot everybody can say that in arizona and get applause. But the book readers are what we call the base. [laughter] dot thank you for that. Currently the ceo of aspiration. Com. Who are freezing can admire your shorts and tshirts and silently curse you. Speaking of the tucson festival of books, we have bill minor here today, one of the visionaries. Give him a round of applause. Very much a volunteerdriven effort a group of people bill and many others who made a big impact on the community. If you want to be part of that, i hope you will consider becoming a friend of the festival. A tax deductible donation that impacts this event and were moting around the country. Let me introduce the panel. David maraniss author of many books, he was won several wards prince of tennessee about al gore books about sports in the 1960s, and other political books as well. So please welcome him. [applause] if you are political aware and not living under a rock you know about mark levitch and his book this town that caused a lot of stir and conversation. Number one
New York Times<\/a> best seller followed up with a collection of his fantastic articles over the years called sitcitizen citizens of the green room. He is the chief correspondent for
New York Times<\/a> previously and we have ian lopez author of dog politics. A professor at uc berkly i feel like i am getting graded as we speak. Berkeley and a senior fellow at the progressive think tank. Lets start off with david. In the book about obama, you really look at the people behind the politics. You look at him before his first run for office as he was headed back to chicago after
Harvard Law School<\/a>. So i think the question given the title of the panel when we look at the politics in the age of obama how much of the politics is about obama, bill clinton, or gore and how much are the larger trends that come and go no matter the people and their biography. I think you cannot separate the two. I think my fascination the reason i wrote the books about obama and bill clinton is because i am fascinated by the forces that shape people. So that it is the person himself and their ability and character and history. But also it is all of the forces around him. I dont separate the two. I think with obama in particular it is obvious and huge the fact he is an africanamerican defines not everything but so much about the way he is viewed in this country today. My feeling, based on the books i have written, and reporting over the decades is race is still the huge scar in america. And obama, even as he ran, you know, trying to bring the country together in his rhetoric and he is biracial and there is talk about healing, obama is sort of opened the wound without trying again. He doesnt talk about it that much but there it is in a different way i think. So in this case the age of obama is both him and all of those forces around him. Mark was going to ask you the opposite question. You know i think the subsection of this town is our
Politics Today<\/a> is trivalizing, super superficial process that is larger than one individual. When we look at politics in the age of obama how much does one person coming in especially someone who came in with the goal of changing the tone in washington and the kind of politics you lay bear how much can one person or any group of people affect that change . As i found out, and this wasnt part of a grand plan but obama in the chronlogical order i was writing about, which was a profile in washington where everything was changing, he was the cunary coming through the coal mine. He had groundbreaking politic and i got to watch him go through it. I think to some degree he would say or has said his inability to change washington has been have single biggest disappointed of his presidency. I go back and forth on how hard he tried. I think the neverminds on the things we was promiseingpromising, especially relating to money in politics, may not have been sincere. I still think that for as little as he might have changed the politics in washington he is as transforming of a figure as we have seen in a long long time in this country. I think this is a relatively recent revelation i had but i think one of the biggest accomplishments of this presidency and people debate and will debate the merits of the
Health Care Bill<\/a> and what he did to get through the economic crisis the economy, leaving all of that aside, i think between getting elected and maintaining an admirable level of dignity 32 what i think has been an absolute circus in the last few years which doesnt seem to be going in any good directions has been a major accomplishment that i think over time might be something he is praised for or should be praised for. I think that leads well into ian, your writing and work as david said race is still the scar in america and you write about this permanence of racism almost as an immutable fact of society, culture and so many different aspects of our lives. We just experienced the 50th anniversary of selma and this moment of having that with a movie and
Everything Else<\/a> elevated into the hinge of
American History<\/a> and seeing john lewis there and seeing the president there, and you almost wonder when the people were marching across that bridge 50 years ago what would have surprised them more . Having an africanamerican president 50 years later or still arguing about the
Voting Rights<\/a> 50 years later. Can you talk about those factors and how it is dog whistle politics absolutely. I would say we have turned the
Civil Rights Era<\/a> into a morality tale in which of course all good people were for it and that is why the triumped and transformed the country and why we dont have to deal with it anymore. But that is not how the par participants in the movement saw themselves. They saw themselves as being courageous, fool hearty risking everything not just their bodies but their jobs, the mortgages on their home that could be foreclosed upon the futures of their children they risked everything for profound social change. And they were deeply optimistic in the way that angry people can be that if you just do this if you just fight thinks can get better. But they were almost pragmatic about what was happening and the violence was indicitive of the change they were trying to make. I think they would be surprised to see an africanamerican president and not surprised to see the resistance to the voting act. But surprisingly they might have been disappointed with that africanamerican president. They would have understood what he represents but might be disappointed obama didnt bring the fierce courage of change and didnt see himself in a period in when he was optimistically pushing profound social change. Very soon after being elected he pivoted and began to retreat. It says liberalism is about give aways. Now we have a black democrat who is also going to be a liberal . It would be like the perfect storm obama thought. So he said ill be a black democrat but i will distance myself from the minorities and i can be above the fray. Not realizing that trying to stay above the fray meant he would not be effective at changing the direction of the country which is toward increase racial polarization increased resentiment against the government and increase in hand outs by the government to the very rich. That is the process he saw but refused to intervene in. So we have this period of we are now six or seven years in the this presidency and it is only after the 2014 election when he faces no more elections that obama, who has some sense he could be a change agent, is really starting to surface. I wish we had had this obama back in january of 2009 rather than in december of 2014. [applause] ian let me stay with you and obama for a moment because you have a particular perspective, not only as a scholar, and thinker in this area but somebody who went to high school with him and then went to law school with him, and tell us about a gather you were not basketball buddies or best friends along the way not saying you have not great on the court. But tell me about a little bit about your reference of them then and talk to us more importantly about his election as the editor of the harvard law review and really the subtext of what was his
First Campaign<\/a> and what you saw then and what you can gather from that experience. Yeah a couple quick points. One, obama was a senior in high school and i was a very, very cool freshman. But not withstanding that apparent apparently i didnt matter. Let me tell you about growing up in hawaii. It has a lot to do with obama. I am biracial with a white father and salvidorian mother. We were more shaped as a mixed identify and hawaii as a place where people talk about race all of the time. It is part of the daily lexicon. Mainly in terms of group generalization and i dont say stereotypes because you dont allow exceptions whereas ppwhereas with a generation you say people are like this most of the time. One thing that was shocking when i came to the mainland and i would guess obama had same experiences but sharper and harder blows. One experience i had was how seg segregated society it was. The other kids on the mainland was one when was rude to acknowledge and discuss racial differences. Hawaii was more integrated i was used to talking about race and now any time i say this is really segregated people look at me and say that is racist. And i am like it is racist to talk about the racial composition of the classrooms neighbored or where the university is located . And i think that must have happened to him. He has been thinking about race, struggling to place himself racially, he comes to the mainland to la and then chicago, these are segregated places but one in which he is not able to talk about what he is seeing. Another quick story. I grew up biracial and eventually changed my name. It was ian heiney and people were not seeing me as latino. First paper i submitted under the last name lopez came back ungraded with a comment is english your first language. By becoming lopez i rendered myself not intelligent. I am pretty light skin i am latino i cannot imagine the shock to a 19yearold obama. He was africanamerican american in hawaii and there were very few and it wasnt a meaningful identify. I cannot imagine the shock of what he encountered in los angeles and chicago tin in terms of how he waw seen and demeaned. At the same time i think it is crucial he went through them at 1820 when he had a strong sense of himself and his intelligence and moral fortitude and he didnt go through them when he was three and four and five. In a way that might have in capacitated him and not let him have the ambition and drive to inspire to become president of the
United States<\/a>. I think that is part of this hawaii experience that protected him and allowed him to become secure in his identity before the buffeting i am sure he received on the mainland. Harvard law school. We started at
Harvard Law School<\/a> in the late 80s and it was a time royaled by racist behavior. There was a leading africanamerican law professor, derrick bell who was an outspoken critic of the administration because the law school had a small handful of africanamerican faculty on a total of 7080. It had no women of color on the faculty at all not teen tenure tenured or not. And derrick bell said i am going out on strike and refuse to teach here until you bring in a woman of color. This led the activism and mobile ism on part of the students. I was part of what they call the angry let. I guess i am still part of that. And there were a lot of us organizing around race angry about the way in which power expressed itself at the law school going on strike with derrick bell occupying the deans office. That is not who obama was. He completely avoided the racial controversy of the time. He was a member of the law review. They do elections. It is a threeyear program and the law review is going to be in the spring of peoples second year. At that time there was a
White Conservative<\/a> candidate, there was a black progressive candidate neither of those was obama. And so these two fought it out through multiple round. There was a schism among the board and many conservatives align aligned around one liberal blacks around another and only until fighting till exhausted they selected obama. He came in older than us he had organizing experience and was an imposing figure on campus. I dont mean he was a consensus candidate to belittle him. But he gets the position at
Harvard Law School<\/a> a position that garnered him a profile in the
New York Times<\/a> and gained it by staying out of the racial firm and not talking about race and seeming to be all thing do is all people and i would say that is a crucial forming moment that he learned the lesson in a divided country you succeed while staying a part of the division, wait until the fighting sides are exhausted and step in as this revolutionary figure except i think he understand what we were fighting about. It wasnt sim simple politics. In that context, either side is willing to give up and saying we will go with the consistent candidate. He tried to stay above the frame but i think he was doomed that is telling. Let me stay on that story. As he is describeing the story when you write about in your book obama was a little older. He was 20 years old. This was his first election. He had never run for
Student Council<\/a> or school government. He won the first election with that kind of background. Contrast that experience with another person oakland, who ran for every open office in elementary school,
Junior High High School<\/a> actually i think you stopped running in high school because he was told. In college. By the time he was 28 he had run for u. S. Congress and been elected attorney general of his state. What does that say about these two individuals and how they act as president of the
United States<\/a> . They both came from dysfunctional families without fathers. Alcoholic alcoholic stepfathersism. Obama had to figure out who me was because he was biracial. You have bill clinton from the earliest age he was singing about being president some day in second grade. In high school he went to washington with 99 other young men and bill clinton is the one who shakes john f. Kennedys hand because he was the first off the bus. In georgetown, he was freshman sophomore class president and by the time he was a junior returning for senior president the whole student body was so sick of them they defeated him. Versus obama who had no interest in politics that whole time. These two guys coming out of nowhere, in dysfunctional situations, and dealing with it in opposite ways. Bill clinton learned how to become the ultimate survivor. My whole thread of his life is lost in recovery. The loss of his father loss all of the time figure out how to recover from it. And his way of dealing with everything was to push forward. Keep going. Wake up every morning. Forgive yourself. Forgive the world. Keep going. He became better at that than anybody in the world. He had a need to be loved and not alone. He would invite friend over in high school to watch him do a cross word puzzle because he could not stand to be alone. And that need and that ability to survive and keep going made him the best politician i have watched in my career. It got him to the whitehouse and it got him in trouble in the whitehouse because he figured whatever happened he would survive it. So that loss and recovery played out in the whitehouse and will until the day he dies. He never tried to figure out and resolve the contradictions of his own life. He just kept going. With ohm obama from the time he got out of hawaii i agree with half of what ian said but i think there is another opportunity. There were not many africanamericans in hawaii and it wasnt until he got to occidental he was dealing with africanamericans and in chicago much more deeply. But from the time he was 17 until he got to harvard, that entire period he spent trying to fig re himself out. Receding from the public in a totally opposite way of bill clinton and dealing introspectively with who am i. I think he found out after being a
Community Organizer<\/a> after this long search and developed what i would call a confidant, unnarcissistic, integrated personality. He figured if i can figure myself out why cant the rest of the world . This confidence got them to the whitehouse. It got him in huge trouble. If i can do it if all of the contradictions can be resolved by me why not congress and the rest of the country. You have two people working in similar backgrounds in many ways except for race although maya angelo did call clinton the first black president. But different ways of getting to the first place. Our strengths are our week patience weaknesss and that played out in the whitehouse. You were talking about bill clinton not being able to be alone. It seems obama doesnt have the same problem. He is perfectly happy doing a cross word puzzle by himself and rather that is neediness or politics or whatever you call it but i think it strikes one of the tensions you talk about in your book and last night as some of you know and no doubt people know was the grid iron dinner in washington where all of these people who fight tooth and nail get together in white ties and tuxes and hang out together. You had obama and scott walker who just a few weeks ago wasnt sure if obama was from america. And terry mccullic and others yapping it up together. Talk about the washington tension between the two things that drive people crazy about washington which is one these kinds of occurrences where everybody is hanging out buddybuddy. And others saying why isnt obama inviting boehner to play golf. There seems to be a tension between the two last night at the grid iron obama made a point during the speech saying everyone says that me and the
Democratic Party<\/a> need to reach out to aging white voters and that is why i am here. For the president this president has a very good team of comedy writers. I will say that. He actually does seem to inact his anger through comedy quite effectively. All president s have good comedy writers at this point i would assume. And plenty of material. Plenty of material. To actually put the presidencyt president ancy inside the culture of washington these days is hard to do. The tip oneillreagan friendship is one of the great chest chestnuts of washington. Tha they were never that close. The presidency does allow you to state above that and experience this as the president rather than as a person conducting politics. And
Chuck Schummer<\/a> said obama cannot stand the greasy pole of politics. He has been contempt with himself. His unnarcissistic is not a term you normally hear in a president. Narcissistic behavior it be a benefit tool and many have proven this for good and some for evil. I think the degree of selfknowledge he has has been extraordinary. His first book still blows me away to this day. Mostly because of the level of work he put in and the level of selfpsycho analysis you do not usually hear or see in a political process. You hear about people being shaped through war or religion but he has that and has taken it with him. And you know i think one of the things that also might be enduring about him and he is most attractive when there is a blatantly
Political Force<\/a> at the front of the line. The clintons are back. I think you can almost feel you know a preemptive for the nonclintonness of the last few years. I mean the clintons are a huge force and
Going Forward<\/a> i think they will be especially if
Hilary Clinton<\/a> runs. But you know she and bill clinton were vulnerable to that fatigue eight years ago and i think they are vulnerable to now. I think the antipolitical instinct he ran on and governed with is part of the
American Public<\/a> learning. Especially today. Now more than every. Before i turn it over for the next question. And we will be ready to open it up for question do is the group so make your way to the mikecro microphone. As you are getting ready let me ask, speaking of a president obama and president clinton you write about the relationship and the way these two individuals, along with
Hilary Clinton<\/a>, interacted, and what it says about race in america. What has been happening in the
United States<\/a> since johnson was elected is the conservatives have been using race as way to create anxiety among white voters to the extent that today the
Republican Party<\/a> draws 94 of its support from white and 93 of the party is white. How have the democrats responded . The initial response in the 1970 and this is when the republicans realized they could win with this and the democrats realized the republicans could win. What do they say . They say we should withdraw from race, stop helping minorities and this next generation will pass. Johnson himself said in 1964 when he signed the
Civil Rights Act<\/a> he thought he lost the south are a generation. And they were so wrong. And they were wrong because they didnt realize it was primary backlash. They wanted to sort new racial anxiety and new racial complaints. And it reinvented itself. By 1992 it is clear that staying silent on race isnt going to work. So how to defeat this sort of politics. Adopt them. Bill clinton adopted these race baiting politics in 1992. He ran on a promise to end welfare as a way of life. Well for whom precisely was it supposed to be a way of life . The subliminal message was it is a way of blacks and i will cut it off. Welfare is a way of life and crack down on crime and slash taxes were the three programs he ran on. And that is the conservative frame that says resent government they refuse to control them cut the government off. Bill clinton adopted
Ronald Reagans<\/a> rhetoric and that is what led the
Democratic Party<\/a> to lurch rightward. Our whole political systems republicans have been going rightward and the democrats have been following them. What about president obama . Where is obama in this story . Obama has largely tried to avoid talking about race. I dont think he is the strategic dog
Whistler Clinton<\/a> was. He largely avoids talking about race. Obama has talked about race less than any democratic president since 1961. When he talks about race why adopts active themes. He lectures to the black community on the need to take responsibility. On the need to turn off the television television, on the need to take chair childrens education seriously, for fathers to step up those are the themes conservatives pioneered to tell us this isnt reflecting hundreds of year of white suprem supremeacy. You want to be clear; of course there are cultural problems and dynamics if you understand cult culture and the behaviors you learn in a marginalized segregated position. But the larger part of the problem is the structure and you dont hear obama togging about that. Third thing he did is realizing race is going to be used against him he tried to defend himself by being aggressive in race and here i have in mind deportation. Since 2001 republicans have been hammering the issue that you cannot trust liberals or democrats because they have lost control of the border we have to slam shut the southern border, all democrats do is hustle in these new grants from mexico and give them citizenship papers so they can be future democratic voters. That is the old conservative line that says democrats are behold behold beholden to racial minorties and serves them. The
Obama Administration<\/a> has deported over two
Million People<\/a>. A level of sustained deportation we as a country have never seen before. He has engaged in mass deportation. And not just mass deportation but mass produced deportation. He setup a deportation system in which people with claims of asylum some claims were lasting under 70 seconds. 70 people would go through in under an hour. It was ludicrous. Why was he doing that . To show he was tough on immigrants. And what has he gained . Broke up a lot of families and destroyed a lot of lives but politically he gains nothing. It is not about what democrats are doing. But it is about the frame. The frame is gave away to minorities. If you dont contest the frame you cannot change the rhetoric. And changing what you actually do is not enough. Here is obama on race worried that he is going to be tarnished by the dog whistle politics and tries not to talk about it or picks up themes or worst of all he engages in exactly the punitive politics this sort of poiseon leads us to. I think obama at a certain point needs to stand up and say what is really dividing the country is the notion that we need to fear minorities and we need to articulate that is going on name it surface it and reputate repute it [applause] can i respond to that slight le slightly . I agree with the larger frame of what was said and i am not here to defend president obama but i think all of the issues are questions of ends and means. Where is the end now with obama and immigration . He took the strongest action of any president. Where was it with gay rights . For a lot of political reasons he was very cautious on that but what is the end . He had a stronger end gain for that than any president before him. I think that is the way obama operates for better or worse. He is a chess player. He is thinking further down the road and he makes several decisions in that process that infuriate and seems wrong to progressive thinkers. I agree with the point about gay rights. I would say with respect to gay rights obama wasnt a leader. He was a follower and got dragged alone and delayed it further than he needed it. Obamas changes in the deportation law i welcome and celebrate and they are really important. They were challenged in a case heard by a
Federal District<\/a> court judge in texas. Everybody knew the history of this judge. It was clear this judge who was an outspoken critic of
Immigration Reform<\/a> before was going to strike it down. The
Obama Administration<\/a> had month do is prepare and when it happened they said we didnt see it coming and will take a couple months to see how to proceed. But in the mean time we will suspend the changes to the law. That is the
Obama Administration<\/a> folded. And rather they will regroup and take a strong stance to change immigration policies is a question. I hope you are right and he finds his spine on this and understands politically he will be better off taking a strong stance because he is going to lose in the conservative frame anyway. With respect to gay marriage, there is
Something Different<\/a> between delaying the recognition of gay marriage and changing state laws and making it more and more available and authoring policies that deport two
Million People<\/a> and breaking up those families and creating all of the heartship and terror that people live under hardship fearing when they send their children to school the children might be picked up or they might be picked up and never see their children again. That is really different. I think you are right to say this as a a calculus of ends and mean but i want to say watt what a calculus to deport that many people because you are playing a political game. Along those lines besides all of these families that have been broken up which is in a way irrevocable damage regardless of whether people get reunited in the future but children and families have been broken up and that is going to have
Lasting Impact<\/a> no matter what. I am a
Family Practice<\/a> doctor and i had a patient in california who was a state worker and her husband had a business for almost 20 years and he was deported because he was undocumented and for over a year she was, you know trying to get attorneys and trying to get him back because she was just broken up and the children and whatever. And the
State Government<\/a> and he was an up standing citizen and this was just gratuitious and this symbolized some of what you were talking about. About the break up of families. And the other thing i want to mention that was just breaking my heart is the people that got thrown out of their homes. I dont know it just seems to me somehow that should have been prevented. Millions of people thrown out of their homes because of some banks and mortgages and paperwork that was sometimes not even valid . And the means and the ends you know, the harm that gets done by some of the means is just not really tolerable. Thank you. And immigration is close to home here in arizona. Let me bring mark in on this. It speaks to the 2008 mortgage crisis and financial crisis and the period of you write about in this town is around that time period. How does this affect washington or does the band play on . The caravan moves on as brian would say. It goes to a couple themes that david was talking about. And one is the ends being mean team in politics and going back to the obama point in many ways politic politics just means history and 99. 99 percent of the noise machine we operate is about means, shortterm, just to the very, very investigation of today thinking. I also think that you know if you go back to 2008 and if you look at the economic prices, i mean there was a moment there, forget the
Campaign Rhetoric<\/a> but there was with a moment in which it did look like it was somewhat quasiapocalyptic upon us. And the most disturbing thing i found in my reporting was the bap band played on and money in politics was a pet issue for me and i think a lot of people, but i think the infusion of money in the political system i dont think it rescued the country in any way, shape or form but i think it created a blob of status quo in the middle of politics, in washington and in business and in campaigns, that i just think is as changeable as it has ever been. I dont think that directly answers your questions but i see that as part of something that was not tackled then and a big enity now and we have a lineup finally finally finally finaly. Do you see anyone in washington, leadership or otherwise, democrats or p republicans, woo are trying to change the culture and the partisan divide and could make a difference in the future . You want to take that . Go ahead. I think there are a lot of people like that. I think there is a sort of gauzy feel like if we only got along better or only had cocktails at the whitehouse or if democrats and republicans socialized more on weekends we could get more done. I think there are a lot of very good people in politics. I think the best leaders are those who obviously have convictions but who are not blinded by them to a point. Barnie frank has a new autobi autobiography out that seemed good. He is one of the most important liberal lawmakers of his generation and an icon to many in different realms. But he is an incrementalist, too. He had a lot of republican al allies and they hated him and he hated them but he recognized the big view. And tom burn who was a republican senator from oklahoma. I think
Elizabeth Warren<\/a> is a reformer. I dont think people know who she is really but i have been impressed with her. I think the system we are talking about can create an obama or a tea party. These are both products of the grassroots and the one thing that gives me hope is that washington, for as awful and unchangeable as it seems, bends to the will of self interest and the grassroots can sense selfinterest kicking and screaming into some kind of change. Anyone else want to tackle that . I dont think you will see
Anyone Running<\/a> this time using the same rhetoric obama did in 2008. So in the sense that you could talk about
Elizabeth Warren<\/a> i think he is much less interested in using rhetoric to bridge the divide instead of clarifying what she see as the major dilimas of america and policies. With
Hilary Clinton<\/a> there is a different matter. The clintons have been in the public eye longer than anybody in
American History<\/a> in a sense in terms of running for president. So there is so much elts else there that clouds it but elizabeth warnren, if he does run, and we dont know much about her, but her rhetoric would be completely different. Yes, i would pose the question to david. The big criticism of obama has been he hasnt been able to bridge the gap. That the polarization just increased. When you look back at the at attitude the republicans took from the very beginning is there anything he could have done to change that dynamic or would it have happened regardless if he was stronger as the progressive wants or reached out more like the conservatives want . Is there anything that obama could have done . You know you can hear arguments that if he had compromised more than he did even on the deficit of things. I dont buy that. I dont think there is much he could have done. I think there is no much inherent reaction to him for what he was and what he represented that it is you know, mark, as brilliantly portrayed the craziness and the circumstances of washington and the sickness of modern american politics, that existed before obama and wil exist after obama, but he brought it out in a way no other person would because of his race. I think why that is not the only reason there was animosity, i think it intensified it greatly and the republicans were determined from the beginning to delegitmize the president. [applause] so i think it is possible to talk about a sickness in american politics that seems to suggest that is just normal. It is not normal. This has been a creation of the last 50 years and it has been a purposeful creation. A hundred years ago we were into period where the rich controlled the government and you had the
Progressive Movement<\/a> to use government to regulate the marketplace and that didnt succeed until after the
Great Depression<\/a> until people realized they needed the government to invest in programs. That is what we realized and what led to the biggest expansion of the middle class the world has ever seen. And conservatives have been at war with that since roughly 19 1970. Or successfully at war with that since that time. They said your position is under threat from the liberal women, the gays the people that go against your religion vote against them. And that is watt the rhetoric. And vote against government because government cant hurt you. Of course conservatives want people to vote against government because they are voting against the social welfare policies that built the middle classment they are getting a hand over of regulation to the very rich. To the extent republicans para paralyze the folks. In 1980 we bottom out surge again and we are at levels of wealth and economy higher we were during the run up to the
Great Depression<\/a>. So obama faced a situation of tremendous tremendous opposition to reform because lots of people got rich from this. That required him of the same opportunity there was in the
Great Depression<\/a>; an opportunity to say to america the systems we have been following for the last 3040 years a not working, it is failing us and it is benefiting the 99 . We need to fight hard to change the dynamic, recapture government for every and take it away from the very rich. That is what he could have done in the spring of 2009. That is what he didnt do. Instead he adopted the same rhetoric conservatives were using government is too big and tax cuts are necessary. And the only thing left to understand what just fell upon us the real human lives deportation, the people who lost their homes, the kids who chance of life was poorer than yours. The only narrative was conservative. Blame the government and minorities. And we need to lay the ground work. Not in terms of political leaders in washington but in terms of all of us we need to lay the ground work for a movement that says we believe in us, the
American People<\/a>, taking care of each, working hard sharing and we believe in tolerance and refuse to be de decidedde divided divided. And you will find pauloliticianpoliticians that will adopt that and make changes. If we develop a sense of solidarity among ourselves, then the next recession, and it is coming, it will allow a politician to say we will change the conversation and change the way america does politics and restore a government that can build a middle class rather than wreck a middle class. [applause] let me ask mark to respond to that before we move on to the next question because it seems to me there is a tension there. Right . One is about building movements a president inherits. Whether it is tea party or whether a president can lead and create that movement with himself and just with us one extra point is there part of the tension about the consenses building and everyone getting along and socializing or the sense everyone is socializing too much. I have to answer this briefly because this gentlemen has been standing here for a while. I dont think thats the exclusion to have ideals were talking about in the presidency, but thats sort of how i think his thinking must have gone in 2009. I mean, you know, you could have i dont know. So thats my take on that. But i think you should ask the question. Thank you. Can you talk a little bit about how dark money and how dark money has reinforced the what you call strategic racism from
Willie Horton<\/a> on to the birther and how we can come to stop it . I mean dark money as far as superpac, like money . Yeah. And the negative oh, its even before somebody gets elected. I mean, i think its dreadful. I think its just a damnable outrage. I mean, i think all of that i think it just exacerbates all of the dog whistles and the worst instincts just because theres so much more money to fund it and so much less restraint on people wanting to, you know, or needing to just, you know, go that route. So yeah, i think its huge. And itll take one vote in the
Supreme Court<\/a> change to right. Met me thank you let me thank you all and by that also thank our panelists. [applause] in order to get everybody to this amazing festival please make sure you go out and buy their books. All three of them will be signing in the u of a bookstore tent outdoors u is so please head over there. So please head over there. Thank you all for being here. [inaudible conversations] host and this is booktvs live coverage of the seventh annual tucson festival of books on the campus of the university of arizona. We have several hours of live coverage coming up including panels on the environment politics, immigration and football and concussions. After each of those panels, well also be doing a callin program. Right now
David Maraniss<\/a>, from the panel you just heard, is joining us for a callin program. 2027488200 for those of you in the east and central time zones, 202748, 8201 if you live in the mountain or pacific time zones. Mr. Maraniss, thanks for being with us. Guest thank you, peter. Host how much control does the president have over the narrative about his or her administration . Guest well it depends how capable they are at controlling narrative. I think that modern president s have tried increasingly hard to take the press out of it and to find themselves in so many different ways now through social media through presenting themselves outside of the
Traditional Press<\/a> corps. But still theres something sort of overwhelming about the modern
American Political Culture<\/a> where if something sort of catches the president cant really control it. Host has barack obama been successful . Guest of course he worries about it as much as any president , but he thinks about it in a different way. President clinton was situational. He was great at situational politics. He was always thinking about that moment and how to survive it and how to redefine the issue and himself in relation to that. I think that president obama is more of a longterm thinker, and so he is willing to sort of let the zeitgeist overwhelm him for a moment. Ive always said that he either seems behind the times or ahead of the times but never right at the curve. Thats just the way president obama looks at life and politics. Host your first volume, barack obama, the story, ends where, and whens the second volume coming up . [laughter] guest i call the first volume a multigenerational biography, because thats what interested me. What was the world that created this person who became president . So it ends when hes leaving in a little yellow toyota for
Harvard Law School<\/a> at age 28. And its really about his own search for identity about the incredible forces from all over the world that created him, how he found himself how he found what he wanted to do with his life so much different from bill clinton, barack obama was not really drawn to politics until he studied power in chicago as a
Community Organizer<\/a> and realized that it was only through elective politics that he could really make social change. And so thats what drew him into elected politics. Host second volume . Guest second volume im going to wait. Im not robert caro, im not devoting my entire life to barack obama. I only want to do two volumes, so my plan is to wait until five years after hes done being president so that ill have more documents, a clear arer line of a clearer line of writing. You know one of the dilemmas of my biographies two of them
Vince Lombardi<\/a> and
Roberto Clementi<\/a> were both dead when i wrote about them. The president s were both alive and its very difficult to write it creates certain problems to write a bowg my when someones alive and particularly when theyre president of the
United States<\/a>. So at least in this instance im going to wait until hes no longer president until i deal with him again. Host christine in stewart, florida, youre the first call for
David Maraniss<\/a>. Caller thank you. Hello, david. Guest hello, christine. Caller hello . Host were listening. Please go ahead. Caller thank you. Knowing what a great thinker barack is and planner and insightful as he is, do you think he anticipated where he would be right now, also knowing what washington is like . And do you think that he has a plan that may still surprise us and change his legacy just from being the health care that he pushed through but maybe
Something Else<\/a> . Maybe a new deal type thing like public works, you know, the infrastructure problems that we have now . So huge host all right. Christine, i think we got the idea. Thanks for calling in. Guest yeah. You know, its an interesting question how much of what he was saying in 2008 was rhetoric and how much did he really think he could bridge the divides. I think that to some degree he was a little bit naive about politics in washington each though hed been hed only been a senator for a few years when he ran for president and before that, you know in illinois politics it was, basically, a very different ball game from washington. So i think that its been a very much a learning process for president obama over these suggestion years five years of his presidency, and i think that youre seeing him at a
Comfort Level<\/a> right now even though the congress is so much divided and dealing with so many things coming at him from all different directions, i think actually hes more comfortable with the job now than hes been before, and youre seeing him being more decisive when he can. Host claires in huntington station, new york. Youre on booktv with
David Maraniss<\/a>. Caller thank you very much for taking my call. I love this program. I watch it every weekend. Its like a college education. I really wanted to speak to mr. Lopez, but this whole panel was terrific. I just want to say that its probably very naive for me to say so, but i get whats going on. I get whats been going on for years. The bottom line here is to create fear among the people fear of something whether its the atomic bomb, whether its whatever it is. But its fear. Its fear of the other person. And also it seems human nature, everybody has to have somebody to look down upon, to make them feel that theyre better than somebody else. Host claire, thank you. Guest yeah. Claire, i wrote a column after the last election actually for a german newspaper where i was trying to explain what had happened, and i said that the big winner was fear. So to that degree, i think youre on point. Host has that been a has that been consistent in american politics . Guest um host the use of fear . Guest its been cyclical. Fear definitely was used in the 1950s by senator mccarthy and many others, it was certainly used again in the 1960s, the whole southern strategy of richard nixon. I wanted to ask mr. Lopez why he chose 1970 as the demarcation line instead of 68 when the southern strategy was a key part of richard nix sobs election sixsons nixons election. Host steve from california youre on booktv. Caller hem low there are. My hello there. My comments are directed to mr. Lopez who was fast and loose with reality and facts. Truman and hoover and eisenhower all deported people to make jobs for americans. Eisenhower as many as 13 million. And im from california. Im an independent libertarian and we have black contractors associations writing letters to the editor about they cant get their wages because of their past wages because of the immigration problem, and yet california has used that against republicans forever wanting cheap labor, and now theyre using the other side of the equation. They cant keep having it both ways. Guest im not going to speak for mr. Lopez. So thank you for your comment. Host and
Ian Haney Lopez<\/a> was on this program yesterday from tucson, and
David Maraniss<\/a> of the
Washington Post<\/a> is our guest today. Were talking about the
Obama Administration<\/a> and politics. Coming up next is susan in eureka california. Good morning. Caller hi, i am a liberal democrat and this question may be off course, but why wasnt
Jesse Jackson<\/a> in selma and why hasnt anybody mentioned it or interviewed him . Host well,
David Maraniss<\/a>, the if you could answer that, but also in your first comments on this panel to the you brought up the issue of race. Guest i did. And all of my, all of the books ive written race is the major thread that runs through them. And i think, as i said, it is still the central scar of
American Life<\/a>. Why
Jesse Jackson<\/a> was there im curious why you would even care. I think that, you know a celebrity, socalled celebrity being there whether its al sharpton or
Jesse Jackson<\/a> is by no means the point of some demonstration like that. I think that the president being there meant something. I think the people who werent there, the
Republican Leadership<\/a>, meant something. But as to other people there or not, its not about them. Its about something much larger. Host now mr. Maraniss, you wrote the first volume of barack obama came out in 2012 i believe it was . Guest yes. Host and youve just finished another book unrelated thats coming out in september. What is that . Guest its the title is once in a great city. Its a book about detroit. Not so much about its collapse, although thats the shadow of the book, but its essentially a book about what detroit gave america. Its based in an 18month period between october of 1962 and may of 1964 when no motown was booming, when labor was still strong, the uaw had such an
Important Role<\/a> in
American Life<\/a> and they were essentially helping they were part of the bank for the civil rights movement. Martin luther king came to detroit in 1963 in june delivered his i have a dream speech there before he did it in washington. 150,000 people marched down woodward avenue and so before the march on washington. The mustang was coming out i write about
Ford Motor Company<\/a> and the development of the mustang and about the struggle with race in detroit at that moment. And its interesting, this is a point when detroit was still booming, and you can see the shadows of what was to come. This is before the riots of 1967, its before the major labor contracts that many people blamed detroits demise on. It was before the larger municipal corruption. Those three factors are what people tend to blame it on. But you can see in 1963 the systemic difficulties of detroit in terms of housing in terms of the loss of the
Auto Industry<\/a> to elsewhere. You can see the demise coming in so many different ways. And im trying to portray that and also remind america of how important detroit was. You cant just blow it off. Host and that book comes out in september of this year. Nick is calling in from lake hiawatha, new jersey. Nick youre on booktv. Caller yes. Yeah, how you doing . Great show. Why do you think president obama didnt put together a case for the
Supreme Court<\/a> or constitutional amendment to make sure that a onepayer health plan was a goal or objective for the
American People<\/a> and him as the main advocate as the chief executive . To represent the
American People<\/a> . Guest well, theres a very strong argument for a singlepayer health plan. I think that president obama considers himself a pragmatist and even though its possible he could have put together that strong argument, he decided that he wouldnt win it. He was determined to get some form of health care beyond, you know, the clintons tried it and could not pull it off. President obama was able to get it. Its certainly not the end of the whole process and its still vulnerable in many ways. But i think that when you study barack obama going back to his earliest days as a
Community Organizer<\/a> in chicago, youll see a very pragmatic streak of not dealing with the world as you want it to be, but dealing with the world as it is. Host brians in chicago. Brian, please go ahead with your question or comment. Iraq and yeah. My caller yeah, my questions related to your first book, when pride still mattered. [laughter] youve talked about dan shulman who was the
Union Organizer<\/a> for the players at that time. Guest yes. Caller and yeah. I just, you know the couple of pages in, you know reading those two pages and, you know, how we related with lombardi and stuff made me want to read more about mr. Shulman. Guest this is a fairly esoteric question, ill try to answer it in a larger sense for the other listeners. This is a book about
Vince Lombardi<\/a>, the great football coach of the
Green Bay Packers<\/a> in the 1960s. Lombardi is sort of viewed mythologically as this hard line old school autoto accurate autocrat, and what youre talking about dan shulman was a labor organizer. In the early stages of the players starting to get power after decades of the players being basically not saves, but all the power rested with the owners for so long. And lombardi was right at that hinge point. And he had, actually, a very interesting and sophisticated, nuanced relationship with dan shulman. He wasnt totally in the owners camp, and its part of my effort to break the mythology about
Vince Lombardi<\/a> that i dealt with that. Host and when pride still mattered came out in 1999 [laughter] followed up with that you had a play on broadway based guest yeah. I joked that of the ten books ive written, all of them are in various stages of being made into movies. My book on vietnam, they marched into sunlight, and one became a play on broadway with dan lawyer playing
Vince Lombardi<\/a> and the great judith light playing maria lombardi. Host next call from james in indiana. Good afternoon. Caller hi, thank you. I do want to say what the previous caller, i read the lombardi biography and, david, it was a terrific book. Thank you so much. And it did bring tears to my eyes at the end of that book. Guest thank you. Caller but my question to you relative to obamas presidency, do you think it was a huge strategic blunder that such a major piece of legislation, the health care legislation, wasnt bipartisan in some manner . Host thank you sir. Guest a strategic blunder thats assuming that the republicans would have bought on to some
Health Care Plan<\/a> that did what president obama wanted it to do. As limited as what was passed is. So, you know, it might have been but thats a counterfactual question. We dont know what could have happened. So im always reluctant in is situations like that to call something a huge blunder. I would say that its a good question, thats the way i would put it. Host
David Maraniss<\/a>, i hate to do this, but im going to do it anyway. When you were a
Daily Reporter<\/a> with the
Washington Post<\/a>, you used to react to events all the time on a daily basis. Guest yes. Host right now how would you grade the president . Guest well, you know its still an incomplete because we dont know what the
Supreme Court<\/a> is going to do with health care, we dont know what the resolution of the immigration issue will be. I think that to a large degree in all of my biographies i i try to ignore the present and deal with what i think the long range will be. I would say that i think that history will grade president obama better than the moment were at right now. But its still incomplete. Were not quite sure because of those major issues that are unresolved. Host what about his lack of relationship with congress or his reported lack of guest yeah. I mean thats barack obama. It doesnt surprise me from my study of him. I saw him as that sort of personality. He doesnt need people in the same way that lbj and bill clinton did and even george w. Bush. He doesnt have that schmoozing capacity. You can say its hurt him, and it certainly has in many ways. And yet he was able to
Pass Health Care<\/a> and the great schmoozer, bill clinton, was not. So you have to, you have to take that into account but think about ends versus means as well. I think that is one of his weaknesseses, but in another level its a strength. He doesnt need people in the same way that clinton did. Host and bea is calling in from georgia. Youre on booktv with
David Maraniss<\/a>. Caller yes hi. Mr. Maraniss, i have more of a statement, i guess, than a question. I was very pleased to hear that youre going to follow up and write another book on the
Obama Administration<\/a>. Five years after he leafs office. He leaves office. Dont you think its very very important for this country and the history of this country to document the administration of president obama during this time and do it unbiased and very honest from a very honest perspective . Because its going to contain an enormous history of change in this country, and i think it would be just really a horrible thing not to do this in an honest and unbiased way. And im hoping that youre going to be the person that can do that for us. Guest well, thank you very much. Im hoping that too. Im certainly not the only writer that will be doing that, but i believe as you do that its important for history. Host virgil, california. Hi virgil. Caller hi. Id be interested in your i havent read your biography ive read several other ones but my question is this i feel that the president s emphasis on the brain and the maturing of the human brain as a recognition of a new medicine that will have to replace the old medicine which didnt include children didnt include women, didnt include africanamericans and didnt include anybody that wasnt white upper class in the whole medicine that we practiced from 1945 to 1969 when they finally said that we were being murdered by this the cigarette companies. But i believe that his most important attribute in health care is giving children coverage til 25 and saying that the human brain does not make adult decisions until 25. And we have to be recognition that if children, as an example, commit a crime such as murder when theyre 12 years old, they cannot be tried as an adult because they have a childs brain that cannot possibly make a decision of that magnitude. Host thats virgil in california many maraniss. Guest mr. Maraniss. Guest thank you for your comment is about all i can say. I dont know if there was a question there, and if you believe thats his major contribution, you have every right to think that. Host a few minutes left with our guest. May in columbus, nebraska please go ahead with your question. Caller yes hello. Yes. I was wondering if the president was born in, on the mainland, would he have been elected president . Host if he were born where maam . Guest on the mainland. Host on the mainland. Guest thats a wonderful question. I think the fact that he is biracial that he had this upbringing in hawaii which is a very multicultural multiracial place gave him a certain grounding that helped him along with along his rise. And, you know, its an open question which i appreciate. Host one of the things you did in your barack obama the story, was to travel to kenya guest yes. Host and to see some of his roots. What are people going to learn about kenya . Guest well, youll learn a lot about his father who was a brilliant but troubled man. One of the themes the question is did growing up without a father, how did did it debilitate barack obama . And i think from reading the book i think youll see its probably lucky he didnt live with his father who was an alcoholic and abusive. I think youll also see just a fascinating country which barack obama didnt know and youll find his real relatives versus the relatives that he talks about in his own book. Theres a lot of mythology there as well. And, of course, the book completely demolishes the whole birther notion that he wasnt born in the
United States<\/a>. Host
David Maraniss<\/a>, on the orr side of his family his white grandmother who, essentially raised him in honolulu guest yes. Host she too, had an alcohol issue. Guest she did, and that was not
Public Knowledge<\/a> until my interview with the president and he started to talk about that. But she was a very supportive, instrumental person in his life. She provided him with a sense of discipline that no one else around not his grandfather not really his mother who loved him deeply and was very intellectual but not always there, it was grandmother who was the rock of the family. Host next call is mark in lexington, massachusetts. Mark, please go ahead with your question or comment for mr. Maraniss. Guest thank you, mr. Maraniss, for your many excellent books. Guest thank you. Caller it could be argued that president s generally do worse in their second than in their first terms. Do you believe this to be true generally . Was this true in your judgment of mr. Clinton and to this point of mr. Obama . Thank you. Guest well its often true that certain problems arise in the second term. Definitely president clinton had to deal with a lot of things that were extraneous from policy in his second term with the impeachment and so on. I think with president obama as i said, i think hes really learned how to be president , and so there have certainly been some drawbacks in the second term mostly political in terms of the elections. But i think hes become a stronger president and health care was passed in the first term, but i think hes learned how to deal with congress and with what he really believes in much more strongly in this second term. Host carol texas. Caller yes hello, david. If you were to give obama a grade as to how well he has handled everything so far during his presidency, what would that grade be and why . Guest im a pass fail guy. [laughter] im not sure about grades. Id give him a pass. And a partial incomplete. And i think that, as ive said i think history will be better to barack obama than the current
Political Climate<\/a> is. Host
David Maraniss<\/a> youre not the only author in your family. Guest no, im not. Im very very happy, my son, andrew maraniss, has written his first book which later today were going to have our first event together, father and son. My daughter sarah is also a writer. So and my grandfather was a printer, my dad was a newspaper man, my mother was a book editor. I think its a lineage in my blood. Host and young maraniss, andrews book is about . Guest oh, its called strong inside, its about the first black athlete in the southeastern conference, the
Jackie Robinson<\/a> of sports in the south, perry wallace. And i couldnt be happier for andrew and this great book. Host phil, portland gop. Hi phil. Caller hi. Thank you, cspan, for taking my call and mr. David maraniss i have a kind of two of parter. Guest yes. Caller given what has happened in wisconsin, what is happening to the labor movement, and why hasnt president barack obama befriended the labor more . Ill take my answer off the air thank you. Guest well, i think, you know, my next book detroit, about detroit is right at a point where labors already started its long decline. And i think it was a concerted effort to delegitimize and diminish labors strength in the
United States<\/a>. Certainly, labor made some of its own mistakes, but i think there was a lot of attacking labor. And to see not only wisconsin, but even michigan go after labor and with righttowork laws is kind of a stunning end game for this long decline. You know, in 1960s and before that every democratic president ial nominee would start their campaigns on labor day in cadillac squaw in detroit, michigan square, in detroit michigan. The heart of labor. And youve soon president s need labor since then, but not being afraid to fully embrace it including bill clinton and barack obama. Host your home state of wisconsin just became a righttowork state. Guest it did yeah. Just in the last couple of weeks under
Governor Scott<\/a> walker whos now a significant player in the
Republican Party<\/a>s quest for a nominee for the next president ial election. Host and we have time for one more call and this is [inaudible] in brooklyn. Caller yes hi,
David Maraniss<\/a>. I have a quick question. Guest yes. Caller to what extent do you think the endorsement from ted kennedy played had an effect on
Barack Obamas<\/a> success in 2008 and did that relationship, do you think, have any bearing on the fact that obama spent so much of his
Political Capital<\/a> on trying to move
Health Care Forward<\/a> . Was there an agreement between him and kennedy . What do you think . Host what do you think caller . Caller i think, i think it was i think that that endorsement was very helpful, the whole kennedy machine, the whole kennedy family, you know, agreeing with, you know to endorse him. And i think that he probably i think there was a price for that. I think that price was you get my health care across that ive tried my whole lifetime to move in this country and ill support you, barack obama. Guest well, i think that
Hillary Clinton<\/a> would have tried the same, but i think that it was both a practical and symbolic effect of that endorsement. The symbolic one was, you know, going back to john f. Kennedy; the young handsome, you know, man with brilliant rhetoric and a certain wit and barack obama getting that sort of symbolic transference of power from the kennedys to him. And i think practically, youre probably right, but i thats a price its not a price for money, its a price for the policy that barack obama already believed in. Host
David Maraniss<\/a>, barack obama the story, is the name of the book. Thank you for being on the. Guest thank you, peter. Host several hours of live coverage. Coming up next from the gal bear theater here gallagher theater here in the
Student Union<\/a> building is a panel on the environment. Dan fagin will then hes one of the panelists he will join us for a callin. He was a
Pulitzer Prize<\/a> winner in 2012 for his book toms river. So we will talk to him after this panel. This is live coverage on booktv. Good morning. [inaudible conversations] good morning, my name is jim cornell, im the president of the
International Science<\/a>
Writers Association<\/a> and a member of the science
Book Committee<\/a> for this, the seventh annual festival tucson festival of books. This mornings presentation, the catastrophe, calamity and cause clism, reporting cataclysm is sponsored by
Cox Communications<\/a>. Glad i got through that one. [laughter] if you or your company would like to become a friend of the festival, your tax deductible contributions can help us continue to present these free programs for the public as well as to support literacy programs for southern arizona. Information about the friends and how you can join is available online, or you can go to one of the information booths on the mall outside. The book signing by our that ares will also by our authors will be just outside the
South Entrance<\/a> of this building at the u of a bookstore tent. If you dont already have them, you can pick up copies of the authors books in the tent just behind the sign, make sure you pick them up before you go to get in line. Please note, however that one of our speakers today, dan fagin, will be about 30 minutes late for the signing hell be doing a live interview with cspan, as you just saw the ending of one with over here just after our session, and he should be in that signing area by 1 00. Our other author alexandra wit city, will be there immediately witze, will be there immediately following the the session. This session and all the others here in the gallagher are being broadcast live on cspan2 with taped repeats later in the week, and i think here locally on comcast channel 19, you may be able to see the again tonight. I should remind members of the audience you may also appear on screen during this, so if you somebody, you dont want somebody to know youre here today, i would get up and leave now. [laughter] out of respect to our
Television Audience<\/a> not only to mention audience, but also our authors moderator and the person sitting next to you please turn off all your phones, ipads, gaming devices, whatever. I forgot to do this myself yesterday. [laughter] i will do it right now. I hope i serve as a role model for you all. I cant get it to go off. There we go. There. Well have time for questions at the end of this session and as you can see, there are microphones in the aisle. So at the time, step down to the microphone, stand in line well call you in order. And remember because we are broadcasting live, please keep your questions short succinct and loud and clear. Disasters have always fascinated us. A flood that went over the tigris euphrates valley in 4000 b. C. Affected the members of all our cultures. Its filled with lots of other tales of famines, plagues and examples of gods wrath the bible. Long before the age of
Mass Communications<\/a> calamities were mortalized in folklore, and in the 18th and 19th century gruesome catastrophes inspired barroom lithographs and popular plays and penny novels. Today the disaster theme appears again and again in
Movies Television<\/a> shows video games and in the walltowall coverage of our cable networks. No wonder, perhaps. Compared to our confused national goals, our
Anonymous International<\/a> threats and somewhat inexplicable economics disasters are very clean cut. Theyre easilygrasped events theyre comprehensible by almost anyone. Indeed, they make for perfect media events; pure facts, time date praise, cause, effect and countable casualties. Its a gripping human drama in a neat twominute spot complete with vivid scenes of destruction, grimfaced rescue workers and weeping survivors. More most journalists for most journalists thats enough. They fly in, shoot some film get some quotes fly out. And this weeks story oil spill, tsunami whatever is done and over, and its on to next weeks story of death and destruction with i new gory details. Always slightly different slightly different cast of characters or victims. But there is a very small group of journalists who realize that the disaster story is much more complex. Indeed, much too complicated to be simply reported and resolved in a few days, a few months or even a few years. The longterm effects of disaster financial, environmental and cultural impacts may be felt by affected communities for decades, even generations after the event. We are very fortunate today to have with us two authors,
Alexandra Witze<\/a>, we have a mutual friend who pronounces his name slightly differently, and dan fagin who are among that small group of reporters concerned with both the farreaching and often unexpected results of disasters and the very human costs paid not only by disasters victims immediate victims but survivors and sometimes even a much broader population far beyond the immediate disaster zone. On the surface our two books and their disasters would seem quite dissimilar. In island on fire, alex and her husband whos here in the audience, the two of them made a presentation yesterday afternoon here wrote about, theyre writing about an icelandic volcano the that erupted more than 200 years ago. In toms river, dan fagin reports on a contemporary disaster in a new jersey seaside city. But there are many similarities between the two stories not the least of which is the tenaciousness and thoroughness of the authors themselves. Id like to let the authors describe their reports and the surprises they found either in icelands landscape or along jerseys somewhat descent my tranquil shore and start perhaps with
Alexandra Witze<\/a> and island on fire, coauthored with her husband. Alex is an awardwinning science journalist with a
National Reputation<\/a> for elegant coverage of very highly complex topics. She began her career at earth magazine and the
Dallas Morning News<\/a> and later served as chief of the
Washington News<\/a> bureau of the science journal nature. After a stint with science news as a contributor, she has now returned to nature as a contributing correspondent based in boulder colorado. She has a ba in geology from mit and is a graduate of the
Science Communication Program<\/a> at uc san jose. Santa cruz, excuse me. Last year she was a journalist in residence at the santa fe institute, and among her honors is the science and
Society Award<\/a> for the
National Association<\/a> of
Science Writers<\/a> and the
American Geophysical<\/a> unions award for feature journalism. As a personal aside, as a writer myself specializing in astronomy and astrophysics, ive known alex and jeff for many year so i was delighted to learn their book which was originally published in the u. K. Last year would be out in time to qualify for the tucson festival of books. Good sometiming, guys. [laughter] youre up alex. Great. Thanks so much for that lovely introduction, jim, and as a native new jerseyan, im really glad i decided to write a book not about new jersey, but about iceland. I think i got the better end of the travel deal there i think you did. We can talk about that more. I see some faces from the presentation yesterday so ill be short in summarizing the eruption its significance, and we can have a conversation more generally about catastrophes. Id like to point out that i have a natural catastrophe to write about. Not only do i get to go to iceland, but i get to write about something that was a natural event so its much less of theres a lot of human intrigue in your story, but it is not human driven. The main character is, essentially, a volcano in southcentral iceland. So this volcano is called lock key, and were excited about that because its short, easy to spell and pronounce unlike many other sol today knows. [laughter] and in june of 83 the ground rip ared open and began spewing mountains of fire along a rift that extended for
Something Like<\/a> 16 miles along. Over the course of eight months, these fire fountains continued along, just a massive sheet of flame. So you can imagine you wouldnt want to be living nearby. And part of our book part of our story is telling the story of people who lived nearby, the people who lived near this incredible eruption, what its like to basically have your backyard go down in flames one day. This is iceland in the 18th century, its basically sheep and farms and thats about it. You either fish or you farm, and thats about your only extent of living in iceland at this time. Finish we had a character in the book whos a pastor a rural pastor whos basically in charge of this area of this district which is bloat each from remote even from reykjavik. Its not the kind of place a lot of people go. And we tell the story of his incredible chronicle. He was a pastor, but he was also a scientist at heart. He kept a daybyday diary of how this eruption happens. And the first day when he was riding on his horse to go to services one day and basically black clouds started rolling over the horizon. And in the weeks that followed, the flames they could see over the hills to the knot, the smells the sulfur, bitter, nasty smells they could mel, the earthquakes that were rending the ground, and then the lava started to pour. So we have incredible stories from this guy this pastor pastor john about the lava about to engulf his town and what he has to do to try and save it. And i wont give anything away too much, but it does have a quasihappy ending for john. But for the rest of the people in iceland the catastrophe continued. And, again, this is an eruption you may not have heard about, but onefifth of everyone in iceland died. Its something icelanders learn about in school. Its kind of a
National Catastrophe<\/a> for them. Again, even though were talking about 1783, essentially what happened is the volcano poisoned the countryside. The ash killed the grass, it poisoned the grass the sheep died and there was nothing to eat, and iceland do descended into famine. So its a story about famine and a story about iceland specifically, but it also has much wider repercussions as a catastrophe. Not only did it pour lava onto the countryside and send ash across iceland, it also sent poisonous gases huge distances. These massive gases got caught up into the winds, carried it across and made it all the way to europe. So in the summer of 1783, people who lived in paris in london in germany reported this strange haze. It was like a white fog that rolled across the countryside. It smelled bad, it looked weird, it didnt burp off. It didnt burn off. People didnt know what it was, and they puzzled over it. You wouldnt think that would hurt people a whole lot. But if you breathed it in, people with respiratory problems started to get sick. It was, basically sulfur dioxide. It was like acid rain from this volcano that settled across all of europe. So not only was the catastrophe, you know specific to iceland it also sent this nasty poisonous stuff rolling across europe. And people across europe suffered. Death rates started to soar that her, senate that summer, in the her of 1783 and people didnt know why. Usually most people died back then in the winter when it got cold or nasty, and you couldnt fight off your colds or typhus, whatever you were going to get but that summer people started to die, and they started to link it back to this mysterious fog. And we talk about in the book scientists trying to puzzle out why it was so famous. Ben frankly is win franklin is one of the scientists who figures out perhaps this weird haze comes from a volcano so far away. This was right after the revolutionary war ended, and he was there to help hammer out a piece treaty. So hes one of the scientists at the forefront of trying to understand what this catastrophe is, where it came from and what it might mean. And then finally beyond that, not only was it a catastrophe for people in iceland, not only for people in europe who were breathing in this gas and getting sick on it and trying to figure it out, it was also a catastrophe around the entire
Northern Hemisphere<\/a>. Because not only did that fog roll across europe, it got so high into the atmosphere and carried all around the
Northern Hemisphere<\/a> by the winds that the sulfur particles, they turned into like little sunreflecting particles, and they acted like a giant umbrella and they reflected sunlight back and cooled the ground underneath. And so we had
Global Climate<\/a> change for a couple of years after the eruption. Things cooled down for a couple of degrees for a couple of years. And that may not sound like much, but it led to extreme winters. You had incredible cold. You had frost fairs inening lammed everyone goes out onto the ice and does stuff because theyre not used to see the thames freeze like that. You had crops failing all across europe. And then also even down into africa lockys cooling particles cooled things so much in africa that the monsoon storms didnt come. This was no rain. The nile not dried up, but the nile dropped. The farmers couldnt farm and famine set in in egypt, and as many as 11
Million People<\/a> may have died that traces back, again, to this one remote icelandic volcano. So it rips out around the northern em inter. Even here hem steer. Even here in the states we had effects. In alaska the winter of 17831784 and into the next summer, theres stories about how cold it was over the winter how bitter and how summer did not come the next year. That year without a summer in 1816 thats linked to an indonesian eruption. But back in 1784 the inuit were experiencing the same thing. It was so cold that in the u. S. That along the mississippi river, we had icebergs. There were icebergs coming out at new orleans in the gulf of mexico, it was so cold that winter. We have that
Global Effect<\/a> from one little volcano. And some people have even linked locky to social unrest. This was 1783 1784. You had cooling effects, you had climate failures you had crop failures across europe. In france, of course, we had a couple years of peasant rebellion, and in 1789 we had the paren. Revolution. Its french revolution. There are scholars who link the eruption and say hey, maybe that was a contributing factor to the french revolution. So there we go. Weve got the concentric ripples from iceland across europe and around the
Northern Hemisphere<\/a>. Locky was an incredible
Natural Disaster<\/a> that very few people are aware of, and were just hoping when we tell the story of people whose lives it affected we get a sense of what the earth can throw at us and maybe what we need to be prepared. [applause] thanks, alex. I did mention that well save all the questions until the very end. Theres, obviously, an environmental component in here isnt there, dan . Dan fagin, our next speaker, is an associate professor of journalism at
New York University<\/a> and directer of that schools masterlevel
Science Health<\/a> and
Environmental Reporting Program<\/a>. Before joining nyu in 2005, dan was for about 15 years the
Environmental Writer<\/a> for newsday on long island where he was twice the principal member of reporting teams that vied for
Pulitzer Prize<\/a> or
Pulitzer Prize<\/a> finalists, i should say. As an individual reporter, he won both of the top sciencewriting awards the one that alex won from the
National Science<\/a> and
Society Award<\/a> from the
National Association<\/a> of
Science Writers<\/a>, excuse me. These are like tongue twisters, arent they . [laughter] science
Journalism Award<\/a> of the
American Association<\/a> for the advancement of science. But its his book, toms river a story of science and salvation, that has taken home the bacon. The 2014
Pulitzer Prize<\/a> for general nonfiction as well as the new york public librarys
Helen Bernstein<\/a> award for excellence in journalism, the national academys science book award and the society of environmental journalists
Rachel Carson<\/a> environment book award. On another personal note, its although we toiled in the same trade for years, i dont think we ever met face to face until yesterday. Of course, i knew of his work and his reputation and theres a funny festival connection here because in 2001 or 2012 one of his newsday colleagues,
Beth Whitehouse<\/a> thats right. Came to the festival to talk about her book, savior siblings, i should say. And beth was so entranced by the festival and so enjoyed her experience, she suggested to me that by email that a good candidate for the future might be this guy whos writing a new book on environmental pollution. And that book, of course, was account toms river, and im glad i listened to her. Dan is here today with his long tie back to the festival. He doesnt even realize that i bet. Go ahead. Okay. Thank you very much, jim. Beth, by the way, is a new jersey woman. [laughter] she grew up on the jersey shore or nearby and worked there as well. So theres a tie on toms river, another toms river connection. So thank you very much, and thank you all for coming. Its really wonderful to be at a place where so many people love books. Its very affirming. And it just feels great to walk around and see so many people who are so jazzed about writing. And its great. I would like to sort of live at this festival permanently. [laughter] that would be, that would be every authors dream. So thank you for coming. So toms river is an ordinary place where extraordinary things happened. And, well, that makes for good nonfiction for many reasons. I, as jim mentioned i was a newspaper reporter for more than 20 years and most of that time was spent covering
Environmental Issues<\/a>. And if you write about
Environmental Issues<\/a> you know almost immediately that one of the things that really con b assumes readers, that consumes readers, that theyre really concerned about are patterns of disease around them. On their block, in the place where they work. And so i tend to want to write about this things that my readers are concerned about and sort of give them the scientific facts, and so i did that often. Many forests were felled with the paper that we printed writing about cancer clusters and other issues involving epidemiology. Epidemiology is a long word that stands for something very simple. Its science of studying patterns of disease over space and time. And there happens to be it happens to be really interesting. Its csi science, you know . Its figuring out puzzles, making sense out of them. So i did that up at newsday, and i discovered i was really interested in this and that my readers were really interested in it. So much so that there was actually a major study that was done on long island that was, in part, a result of all the work that newsday did, but even more importantly, all the work that local activists did on long island. That study was problematic. It had some big issues, and ultimately, its results were inconclusive, i think pause it was not designed because it was not designed well. But while i was investigating, while i was writing about that study, i heard about this place in new jersey where really terrific science was being done and i went down there and met the people involved and it was a very compelling cast of characters really good signs was being done, and science was being done, and it was quite a saga. 40 50yearold saga of like i said, in some ways an ordinary allamerican place a place that celebrates
Little League<\/a> and parades. The ideal day is when theres a parade for the
Little League<\/a>. [laughter] thats the perfect day in toms river. But it is also a place where some really horrific pollution occurred and where there were also extremely high unusually high rates of cancer among children in the town. So i resolved that someday i would write a book about that situation because in journalism were always looking for what we sometimes call the microcosm something small that stands for something big. Just as alex was explaining about the ripples from the locky eruption toms river stands for something much bigger. It stands for this 2000year effort to try to make sense of whats happening around us, to try to figure out what is the connection between the environment in which we live and chronic diseases many of which have very long latency periods so its very tough to figure out what really caused them. So i started digging into this story and just got increasingly fascinated and, you know, what i thought would be a twoyearbook project became a sickyear project. Sixyear project. And i started realizing that to really tell this story well, i needed to also talk about the history. You know how was it that a major plant wound up in, you know, one of the largest dye plants in the country wound up in this relatively small town in the pinelands of new jersey . What were the roots . And so i started to, started to really delve deep into the history of epidemiology and toxicology and the very dramatic events that led to the sort of gradual collection of knowledge that is helping us to sort of try to decipher these environmental connections. And its a very difficult process. A friend of mine has a funny definition, speaking of catastrophes. Since this is the disaster panel, this is david whos a terrific pluck
Health Epidemiologist<\/a> at
Boston University<\/a>. He says a good working definition of a
Public Health<\/a> catastrophe is a
Health Effect<\/a> so large that even an epidemiological study can detect it. [laughter] so, yeah thats a little epidemiology humor. Little geek humor there. [laughter] and so what david is saying is that on the one hand this pattern interpretation which is what epidemiology is we can learn a lot from it. And one of the big things i tried toot in toms river was to try to show how important epidemiology is and all the lives weve been able to save because weve been able to connect cigarettes as an important risk factor for lung cancer, for example or working in a dye factory as an important risk factor for
Bladder Cancer<\/a> but that it is also a problem listic science probablistic science, and anytime youre dealing with probabilities as opposed to definite causes, you can be led astray. Its murky. Personally, i like writing about the murky stuff. I think thats where the really interesting work is in science, but it does make for very tricky reporting. And this booking is my attempt this book is my attempt to explain how that scientific detective work really occurs and also to explain what really happened in this town. And its really quite extraordinary. And thirdly and finally, this book is my attempt to try to bring out the lessons of toms river in a way that we will hopefully not repeat them. Because the
Chemical Industry<\/a> is gone from toms river now, its gone from much of
United States<\/a> with some exceptions, but it is very heavily in china today. And the last chapter of toms river i go to china and talk about how this pattern is repeating, is repeating itself and what can we do about it. So my this book is my attempt to make sure that what happened in toms river is not forgotten and that we can learn from it. Thank you. [applause] ill ask you a couple of questions. Met me start with dan just because its in my mind at this moment. In a recent issue of national geographic, joel talks about the war on science and one of the pseudoideas people have is that clusters of cancers are may just be random. But, in fact, you found it wasnt. Did you get some pushback from people when you would say this is just a random effect . Yeah. This really isnt real . Right. Well, this is a crucial issue with clusters and its accurate to say that some clusters are random. You know the whole tricky part you know we know that things cluster in nature. Sometimes theres a reason. You see birds flying across the sky, sometimes theyre not evenly distributed theyre in clumps. And so the question is is there a reason for the clumping, or is it just random . There are all kinds of statistical itses that scientists a tests that scientists apply to try to figure out whether a cluster is statistically significant, and theres huge controversy over how appropriate those tests are and how do we really know. The bottom line is that epidemiology is probablistic. It is not deterministic. And so we can never say for sure. So a skeptic who says, you know what . I choose not to believe that disease clusters occur, well, theres no real way to disprove that. But common sense tells you, you know, we know from we know chronic disease clusters, i mean, ebola is a cluster or of diseases that obviously occurs in particular places over particular time. So does the flu every winter. So obviously, clusters exist. The real question is how do we know which chussers are ran which clusters are random and which arent, and are clusters worth investigating . Something was definitely happening in toms river. What role pollution played we will never know for sure. By contrast, you knew where the volcanos are. You can tell there is going to be a disaster. But there is a deal of uncertainty and prediction right . I will let you describe because you cannot predict them but you have a good idea things are lurking. The article he is talking about is the first attempt by scientist to figure out who is at the receiving of volcanos worldwide. Yugoslavia you go around and look at the mountains, and look at how likely they are toerupt. They came up with you dont want to live in indonesia. Deeper than that is how do we know we are in harms way and keep ourselves from harms way. It is much more than what is the likelihood this volcano is going to erupt. It is where do people want to live, why do they want to be there, who is likely to evacuate if one starts to rumble. You can tell with tools if a volcano is going to rumble and with gps you can see if the ground is moving. And then you translate who what you should do. There was an eruption that buried the island in ashes. The decision to live there is human not made on scientific factors. I grew up in western new york, downstream of lub canal which may explain odd behavior at times but is there something similar to alexandras risk of pollution sites in the
United States<\/a> . Could people go to a register before moving to an area for example . People are always asking me that and the answer is not an effective one. The toxic release inventory is one released but they have big limitations. It is an attempt to apply a risk algorrhythm and try to identify sites that are most polluted and should be the highest sites. But it is political, information is very incomplete and there is no answer that satisfies people how to do research to find out what is happening around me. And that is one thing that motivated me do this book. I know an agency with 80 billion annually is a aces at trying to identify patterns and therefore protect us and that is the
National Security<\/a> agency. They collect vast amounts of data and they dont just collect it they use it to identify threats to the
United States<\/a>. I dont begrudge them. But i know another agency the environment protectional agency gets 8 million and collects data like cancer registery data and does something with it in terms of trying put the health and
Environmental Data<\/a> together to try to identify possible patterns that are worth investigating. We just dont do that. The only thing in my mind that is surprising about what happened in toms river is we found out about it and that is because of brave individuals spoke up and used the political leverage to try to draw attention to watt was happening and finally through using protest and the political process attracted enough funding to do a fullblown study that sure enough found some connections. We dont have a satsfactory system and i think we could do better. One of the wonderful things about this book is the description of the people, normal citizens, who took it upon themselves to bring attention to this. And they are the real heroes of the book. I think it a role model for many who live in areas that are dangers whether that is a mine or ground water and tell what concerned citizens can do. Dan gives examples of ways people can change laws and de the way industry works. That is what is interesting in china right now. There is a budding
Environmental Movement<\/a> with many problems in china but one good thing is there is an environmental consciousness rising and i think some of us in the
United States<\/a> could learn from the ordinary chinese citizens who are in some ways more engaged on
Environmental Issues<\/a> than many of us americans are. Could it be that we have cleaned up these environments just enough so we are happy with it . Whereas,
Chinese People<\/a> are eating and breathing in the bad area. That is part of it. The
Environmental Movement<\/a> was in full flower when lakes were watching fire and pollution was incredibly visable and now the problems are more subtle. We have made big progress in the
United States<\/a> in cleaning up the environment and we should not ignore that but we should not pretend the work is done because it is not. Alexandra, though the volcana was 200 years old we have islandic problems and you talked about the air traffic problems that are still a problem. I would say i read through iceland books and studies but the few things people remember about the volcanos are the one of 2010 when europe was shutdown through much of airplanes because of the risk of flying through. And i will make my husband pronounce the name of the vol cano later. And the other with serious implications is that last august in
North Central<\/a> eastern iceland a volcano erupted, one that was fairly pronounceable and spelling but it is similar to what happened in 1783 that we write about. The ground ripped open along a fischer and large amounts of silver dioxide poured out. And the levels in many towns not nearby, the towns are dont, but they would violate
World Health Organization<\/a> standards for breathing in the chemical. So kids were kept inside at recess and people in elderly folks homes were staying inside with win windows shut. We think of ourselves being remoat remote from this but hawaii is a problem area. There is fog forecast there and in oahu you can see what the drift is like on the island where the big island has the volcano erupting. Could both of you respond to the comment of why disasters are fastinating to the public and writers . Kind of what you were talking about at the beginning, jim, i think. The way in which an earthquake or flood can suddenly and absolutely just change our lives in a matter of hours and days or seconds with earthquakes. There are stories of drama, survival, and terrible stories of death and what could we have done about this t. As a compelling story that works on the newsdriven cycle. I agree. Disasters are the extraordinary occurring suddenly in the context of the ordinary and that is just compelling. It has always been compelling. We have all kinds of emotions when we read about a disaster. We are sympathetic and relieved saying thank goodness that is not me. As a journalist who cares about
Public Health<\/a> i think of disasters as the opportunities to eliminate the underlying relationship that might newt be visible if it were not for the disaster. So to me it is really an opportunity and lot of journalist feel the same way i would say disasters expose shortcomings in society in so many ways. I reported some in china after the earthquake in 2008 and it absolutely exposed the chinese seismology community to not talk about too much because they were saying they were better about predicting earthquakes so this exposed what is true and not true about what people are saying. As one funny
Counter Point<\/a> to this. Dean sell wrote in the globe that we wished boston was treated a disaster stone because he wanted something to really cover. I agree with that. Walter lipman said journalist is like a search light forever shifting and shifting and illuminating something briefly before moving on to the next. The best journalism seizes as an opportunity to do more searching coverage. And i really admire that kind of journalism wherever i see it. That is the kind of journalism we are talking about. Lets turn to the woman on the right. Thank you. I offer to you the disaster of the
Oil Transportation<\/a> from the balcon oil fields to
Railroad Cars<\/a> throughout the country that continue to blow up every so often, in small towns usually, but it doesnt mean that is the only place it will happen. It seems we have a limited amount of journalistic interest in what is going on there but it is very dangerous to the country i think that is a very legit point. There are lots of things about fracking that is concerning. In some ways it is postponing and making more painful the in evitable decarbonization of the system. Fracking extends the fix 1020 years making the transation rougher. And there are significant environmental exposures to be concerned about. People are aware of possible con tam contamination on sight but there are issues with transportation. It is clear that will
Regulatory Network<\/a> we have setup is overwhelmed by the speed at which the sort of fracking revolution as occurred and we need to get a lot smarter about the oversight that we give to hydraulic fracturing. I dont think there is any doubt about that. A report came out that the center for frequency of earthquakes in the
United States<\/a> is now oklahoma. Directly associated with fracking as far as they can see. That is right. Hi this is a personal the speedway race my family about a 150 yards and six adults of us contract cancer. I am the only survivor. Two of my daughters tested positive for a disease as well. Is there someone we should be contacting to report this . If so, where would start . You could start with the state health department. It is there job. An epidemiologist could say cancer is not one disease it is many. They have certain things in common but all have different risk factors. And they would tell you that six cases is of concern put if is a very small number and it is such a small number that it is very difficult to figure out whether it is random or nonrandom. This is the difficulty that you know i am terribly sorry this happened to you and that you have going through this and that the uncertainty of what this means is compounding the pain you are going through. We dont have a satisfactory answer. We dont look proactive for the patterns. We tend to wait until they pop up. Epidemiologist are the people coming after the house burned down to see why the house burned down. They are not fire investigators who look at the premise and say here are the risks and how you can reduce them. I dont have good answer except our system is not setup to help you. All right. Thanks. A question on toms river. I know you reported on the cancer the
Children Cancer<\/a> rates, do you have any information about birth defects at the time in toms river . There were an dotal talk about that. The truth is that no one really took a comprehensive, analytical look at if there were unusual numbers of birth defects. So as far as i know that information was never actually analyzed. We dont really know much about adult cancer rates in toms river. It is all fluky we know what we know about the
Childrens Cancer<\/a> and it is all related to the brave efforts of the fogs involved. This underlies the contrast of the two books about disaster. One is clear, the volcano and the other goes on and on and you never get the answers. The two books compliment each other in how we deal with disasters. I think it is important and we need to rethink the idea of how we feel about uncertainty. When he hear a shot we dont pause and say let me calculate the trajectory of the bullet and if it is headed our way. We duck. We instinctively take cover. In some areas of
Public Health<\/a> we require certainty instead of a preponderance of evidence. And i think we need to be more comfortable with the idea of uncertainty and the idea of weighing evidence instead of waiting for certainty because we will not get certainty. I have two areas i might like you to comment on. One is how industry and businesses that are choosing to move select the most desperate communities far away from scientific communities that could help them establish whether it is a good thing to bring to their community and what parameters to set on that. And then the other thing is you know we spend an awful lot of money and time and effort on treatment for a lot of immune disorders and cancers. And where really think in the country people are not making the connection between the environment and pollutants and their health. And in europe there are thousands of chemicals they are not allowed to have in their skin products cleansing products, that we are using every day here because of our government just doesnt set you know any limits on what is out there, or enough limit or study on the longterm effects of these things. Those are two different but both really good points. You know the first question refers to what we call the race to the bottom sometimes. And that is there is a disincentive to provide
Environmental Protection<\/a> if you think that you can attract industry and get short
Term Economic<\/a> growth. This is a problem. We have federalism which means in some ways devolving power to the state and it can create problems within the
United States<\/a> where you have very different standards in different places. There is not an easy way for that. But we want to try to make this as uniform as possible so there is no race. And i think it is important we have fair trade agreement and labor and
Environmental Standards<\/a> and you know in the rush to create free trade zones all over the world we do need think carefully about
Environmental Standards<\/a> and labor standards and try to normalize them as much as we can because if we dont we will have a race to the bottom. To your second point, remind me what that was again. About in europe yes sorry. So it is true that europe is increasingly moving to a more precautionary type regulartory system and many things and products that are either up restricted in the u. S. Or restricted less than they are in europe. I am of two minds about that. I think europe has a better system than we do but i dont think it is as rigious as it should be and we have lot we could learn from each other. As an american i am offended that we have lost our edge really in developing smart, effective environmental regulation and that concerns me. I think we need to do significantly better and there is a lot we could learn from europe. I know no politician would every day that. As an author i am sure you want your books read and i am wondering after writing a book, do you ever get the feeling, or have you got the feeling that government officials, politicians, are taking notice in any way . I can address that a little bit with regard to the uk government at least. The uk government has a list ofthi things with worries about like terrorism and flooding on the tims but actually the cab
Cabinet Office<\/a> has a program that will evaluate what happens if a lockede style eruption goes off again. There has been a model showing 140 deaths across europe if this happened again. So it is on the uk cabinets list of stuff to worry about and they have an active research program. Two officials went to the erupti eruption going on last year to research the affects you have heard a lot of activist, political people and industry people too who have read the book and are asking what do you think of this. In terms of specific major reforms what i really talk about in the books are such good ideas it would take years to develop a proactive approach to start looking for and analyzing disease patterns. There is some talk there are various bills in congress that would attempt to do that. But as everyone in the room knows at the
National Level<\/a> we are afflicted by paralysis on so many issues including
Environmental Issues<\/a>, that it is impossible to get through any environmental related legislation. We are seeing this concerning the most important
Toxic Substance Control Act<\/a> there is all kinds of maneuvering going on over will it be possible to update this law and it may happen but if it does happen ift may happen in a way that is not helpful. It is difficult to change anything in the country given at the
National Level<\/a> and the sort of political paralysis that is gripping us. Lady on the left. Hi it sounds like both of you approach your issues or describe them in a scientific way. I am wondering if you can describe the general approach of investigating and writing about the issue while finding a way to respect the human nature whether it is
Natural Disaster<\/a> or industry. If you found or had a way. I can start and you can pick up. We had some amazing interviews with icelanders who lived in the town affected and to go and meet people whose ancestors had been killed or affected by this was kind of an incredible story. I talk today a guy the
Hotel Manager<\/a> in the local village and his ancestors were the one the couple was found dead in their house after many months having starved to death. But today they are generations removed from the disaster and what was happening. We had an interview with the local wise man, elder man in the village, who talks about remembering a third of the way back to the bankrupteruption. Because it was so distant in the past it was part of thir lives and links but not something they had experienced. So i didnt have to interview people who had lost people they knew in their life time that is a really good question. The nature of science audience when writing for large audiences is we are combining the evidencebased world of science with narrative. Humans are a storytelling species and we love to tell stories. It is wired in our dan fagin dna and that is how we remember and attain information the best. Those of us in the business try hard to get the science right and explain it carefully but to do it in the context of a human story. And the very best science writing writing writing merges those two worlds. It is difficult to do. It requires compromise on both ends. You want to reflect the scientific reality as closely as you can. You want to make sure you are writing a story people will read and people will be interested in and retain. We are constantly figuring out the balance and that is what we do. Time for just one more. I was just wondering do you think the technique you are talking about now do you know of anyone who is working on all of the issuess related to the dead zone in the gulf, the red ties that impacted the
Drinking Water<\/a> for the people in toledo ohio. I know lots of people who covered those issues and covered them well. I dont know of anyone writing a book on either topic but i happen to know many of the reporters who have worked hard on both of those issues and they are doing the best they can given the constraints in which they are operating t. The constraints of daily journalism where there is not a lot of time and space. Journalism has a lot of problems but there are better journalist today than every. Scientist journalism better than it has ever been but the environment is very challenging i would like to get a list of reporters you know who are working on that issue we can talk afterwards the lady touched on a great closing for this. Many of us went into science writing, like myself because they were interesting things and removed from human activity. You could look at the great results. But more and more as you got into journalism you realized you cannot separate the human part of science. That becomes part of really
Good Journalism<\/a> we have been talking about. Thank you both of the authors, thank you to the audience. Alex is going directly outside. The signing area is out the do to the right to the south enterance at the book tent. Dan will be there at 1 oclock. Thank you for coming. Enjoy the rest of the festival. And booktv continues the live coverage of tucson festival of books on the campus of the university of arizona. In just a few minutes, dan fagin, author of toms river is joining us to talk about environment and politics. Here is your chance to talk with him as well. 2027488200 if you live in the east and central time zone and want to talk about the environment and the political politics. 202768 2027488201 for mountain and pacific locations. If you want to see behind the scenes photos we have been taken follow us on twitter at booktv is our twitter handle. You can also follow us on facebook. Facebook. Com booktv. Other panels are coming up this afternoon. A politics a southwest u. S. Panel that focuses on immigration, and then football and concussions. That will be the next three panels and after each of the panels we will continue to have callin programs with some of the authors who participated. And joining us here on the set in galger theater is dan fagin win of the
Pulitzer Prize<\/a> for toms river. What is toms river like today . It is a nice place to live. One of the things that concerned me is i want people to have the correct context for toms river. Because of whatever that happened there, the air and water, i would feel more comfortable living there then i would in other parts of the industrial parts of the
United States<\/a> for the simple reason so much care and attention has now gone into the making sure that the toms river environment is okay. And i want to pick up on one of the questioners who asked you whether or not companies pick communities that maybe economically disadvantaged. Was toms river like that when the company moved in . It was. Life was slow and there wasnt a lot of
Economic Growth<\/a> was a bit of the back water frankly. The company was looking for an isolated place, where there was plenty of water, a rail spur, and this met all of the requirements. The two previous places where the company had been really more than two but in bosel and cincinnati things were quite and they were on top of neighbor and lots of conflict resulted. Toms river was more isolated and that had important advantages for the company. You talked in your presentation about the regular
Regulatory Environment<\/a> and it is too complex. Am i correctly para phrasing you . It is not that it is too complex. It is not up to date. Our most statutes date from the early 70s with some exceptions like the
Clean Air Act<\/a> being revised. But generally speaking we are working in a
Regulatory Environment<\/a> that is out of date. We have a funny attitude about government regulation in the country. We assume regulatory agencies are not competent and wont do the job so we underfund them and guarantee they cannot do the job effectively. So funding and archaic regulationerize regulationerize regulations are problem. Dan fagin is our guest. Chris in oak park, illinois you are the first call. Hi chris. Hi i grew up at exit 117 on the parkway just a little north of toms river. Therefore i was shocked to read about that much pollution for this situation in toms river. I was used to swimming during the day and coming out of the water dirtier than when i went in. And now as you said it is a lot cleaner. But i was wondering in light of the pollution coming from the bay to the north what your impression is of governor christies settlement with bp rather than what the state wants to get out of it. I will take the answer off the air. Thank you for that question. It is true that people in toms river and around toms river are often surprised at the extent of what happened in their own town. Some people knew about it. Many people did not. One of the arguments i make in the book is it only through a series of flukes and the personal bravery of people involved in toms river that we know what i call the secret history of toms river. That doesnt mean toms river was an extroidinarily polluted place. It is just we know about it. That is point one. Point two; i have not covered the new jersey political scene day in and day out so i would not want to set myself up as an ex expert on governor christie and his record. Based on what i read i have concerned about the settlem. It it appears to be way too low. So i am skeptical it was appropriate but i am not an ex pert. Environment in politics is our topic. And sheila in carol ton georgia, you are on the air. I wonder if he had any thoughts on radiation and also we had the out there out west back in the day, we had a nuclear test and then we had an accident in the east and we had chernoble and the japanese accident and i understand it was just a news blip back at the time about chair noble but some of the radiation came over to the west coast and i was wondering about about your thoughts on that. Sheila thank you very much. Lets here from author dan fagin about radiation. Radiation was the first environmental carginogen exposure that was identified to cause cancer. So radiation is always a concern of course. I am not convinced that the
United States<\/a> has anything to be worried about as result of the fukushima accident. I think there are exposures in japan and i do think in general it is really important to have regulations of power plants. But i am not concerned what happened at either plant posed significant risks here in the
United States<\/a>. I have not seen evidence i find convincing on that. Havent we reduced the number of
Nuclear Power<\/a> plants that are active in the
United States<\/a> . Why . That is true. We havent had a new
Nuclear Plant<\/a> come online in a very long time. We will soon have some
Nuclear Plant<\/a>s coming online but they are situated places where they are already there. The reason we have not had more
Nuclear Power<\/a> plants are economic. It has to do with the huge
Capital Investment<\/a> associated with a single plant. For that reason it is not a risk the
Financial Community<\/a> is eager to take on. I am not one of those people that think there is no future for
Nuclear Power<\/a>. I support research into innovative plant design and i take the threat of
Climate Change<\/a> very seriously as we all should. It is an existintial threat for everyone on the plant. So i think it would be irrational to not investigate al alternative plants what is your day job . I am a professor at
New York University<\/a> and run the
Science Health<\/a> and
Environmental Reporting Program<\/a> at nyu. A job a dearly love. We play an
Important Role<\/a> in producing the next generation of science journalist. I love my students. I love working with them. I am excited about the new media environment they are confronting because it is so different than the environment i did my forming work in. When dan fagins book toms river, came out, booktv did an ex extensive interview with dan fagin at the university. David is calling in from pittsburgh, california. You are on booktv from tucson. Caller i have not read your book or anything like that yet put i am curious you sort of quickly mentioned the
Free Trade Agreement<\/a>. And i am kind of apprehensive about the way the
Free Trade Agreement<\/a> was discussed, signed into law and implemented for the
United States<\/a> and so forth. And i am also very skeptical of the
Transpacific Partnership<\/a> we are entering into that is totally top secret. I would like your feedback on why you support this type of treaty agreement with different nations and stuff. Thank you sir. Thank you for that question. Again, the first thing i would say i am anything about an expert on trade negotiations. I do know something about environmental risk here and broad and i can tell you that abroad the difference in labor standards and
Environmental Standards<\/a> between the developing world and developed world is a huge area of concern for me. So i dont have any kind of a formal position on the
Transpacific Partnership<\/a> or nafta but i can tell you philosophically i think it is very important we try to level labor try to have a level
Playing Field<\/a> for labor and
Environmental Standards<\/a>. That just has to happen. Theoretically i think the trade agreements are a very good thing. I think we have to take labor and
Environmental Standards<\/a> into account for be very serious about that. Have those trade agreements upped
Environmental Standards<\/a> around the world . Certainly
Environmental Standards<\/a> are improving around the world. Whether we could attribute that to trade agreements is a whole another question. I am somewhat encourageed d about what is happening in china. I would not say that that is due to fair trade or that is due to lower tariff except in the sense that all
Economic Growth<\/a> is a good thing most of the time and that in the long run as you get
Economic Growth<\/a> you get more health and concern raises for the environment. June is calling in from delaware delaware. Caller hi, how are you. Thank you for taking my call. I agree with you that regulations is a complicated problem, but i also take issue with the fact you have politicians who utilize the mantra of government in your pocket government always regulating, when it is the governmental agencies that have responsible for taking that are of the people with reference to health issues. Yeah. I agree with you, june. I think this is a problem. Where whereas i said we have a funny relationship with the government in the country. I rarely meet officials trying to do anything but protect the
Peoples Health<\/a> but they are working with outdated standards, and an environment with many people are hostile to any kind of
Government Intervention<\/a> in the marketplace and dealing with lack of funding. They are overworked and this is something we need to get serious about in this country. We cannot have it both ways if we are serious about protecting
Public Health<\/a> and decide that
Environmental Issues<\/a> are important to us and
Consumer Protection<\/a> is important to us. We will have to have sensible environmental regulations and have to fund the agencies appropriately. If we dont, then we will get what we deserve, which is ineffective government regulation and reduced health and environmental footprint. John sacremento. Good afternoon. Caller i want to say i found the book a gripper. How much time do you spend reporting verses writing on a daily bases and over all . How many trips did you make up there . How much reporting was, say on the internet or other sources verses going up there and having interviews and did you have assistant from gradute students . Thank you for calling. Did you pick up the book before or after it was nominateedd for the pulitzer . Before but i knew it was nominated. I didnt use my
Research Students<\/a> but for minor things because i like to do my work on my own. But not because my students are not great. Most of the work was in the reporting, not the writing. I am a big one for revise so work takes a long time. I tell students the first thing you write is never going to be good but the important thing is to write it and then redo it over and over. I went to toms river many times. I probably went around 30 times . I am a big believer in facetoface conversations. Yes, i used the freedom information act and i am a big one for reading documents but nothing are replace direct facetoface conversations. So i interviewed more than 150 people for this book and most of those interviews were done in person because i believe that is how you get the kind of information that is closest to the truth. Dan fagin, what was the level of cooperation from the company . They were civil. I asked them several questions at various points and they more or less responded. And the same goes for
Union Carbide<\/a> another company that was a big part of the narrative. Neither of the companies are in the chemical business any more. They are there different form actually. Union doesnt exist at all anymore. Put yes, they cooperated to some extent. And there could be disputes about some things but the facts were pretty well established by the time i started reporting the book. So there wasnt a lot i needed from the company and not a lot the company could do. So much was well established by the time i did my work. The journalist who i admire are the ones in the trenches as the events were unfolding and one thing i tried to pay tribute to with the book is the work of absolutely terrific local journalist who had played very
Important Role<\/a>s in explaining what the heck was going in toms river even if they didnt have the advantage of putting it in a narrative jim in lewisville, kentucky, thanks for holding. You are on booktv with dan fagin. Caller good afternoon. First i would like to congratulate and the tucson festival of books for wonderful work. I think it important all of the authors pointed out that science cant be removed from public policy. And the role is very important. I could not help but notice the smiles in referencing whether or not we could get our representatives to hear us. And i am wondering what did you find were the most affective actions that public could take to try to get policy to cleanup the environment . Right. Well that is a big question isnt it . And there are lots of different ways to answer it. Lots of things happened in toms river at various points. There were protest led by green peace, some creative and even hu hilarious. There were meetings some of substance and some chaotic. Each of those happen and played a role in the secret history of toms river. What they all have in common is the idea of an engaged idea and we have a republic if we keep it and you keep it by getting involved. Toms river shows what happens be when people lose interest in a community but it also shows what happens when people get involved educate themselves and go to meetings and i should be careful when i say the people of toms river because it was just a small amount of people at first and they faced conflict with other family members saying why are you making our town look bad. It was braver what the early folks did and ultimately now the people of toms river recognize what they accomplished and respected them for it. When i go back i dont hear people saying why did you dig up the dirt on our town why are you bringing this up again. Instead what i hear people say is thank you for chronicle what we did and making sure it isnt forgotten. Thank you for helping to make sure other communities, whether here in the states or china, can learn from what toms river went through. When the company came to town the population was small and not much was going on. As a result the
Company Became<\/a> very important in the 50s and 60s especially. It spurred growth. The town started growing and ultimately it started growing so much in the 70s that ocean county was one of the
Fastest Growing<\/a> counties in the entire
United States<\/a>. It grew so fast the
Company Became<\/a> less important and when the environmental prophecy became more severe the company did not have the support in toms river that it enjoyed early on that was the only gig n town. Dennis lynwood, illinois. Go ahead with your question or comment. Caller first of all i want to thank you for a great book. And second of all i want to thank cspan for having him on earlier so i can find out what a great book it was to read. The question i want to have commented on is this is on the east coast. I live in an area that is all steel mills when i was growing up. It was like someone would retire from the steel mill and six months later they would die of cancer. It was such a companyarea or whatever you want to call it that you know we just had to endure. No body actually did the research on it to sit there and say where were all of these cancer cancers coming from. I would like to see someone in the midwest take on the pollution that we had here. I mean the best books i read are all of the east coast or whatever. Well certainly these problems occur any place that there is industrialization. In fact they can occur in places that are not very industrialized at all. Your corner dry cleaner has significant risks in chemicals they use if they reach ground water. Environmental risk is everywhere and we should not be paranoid or lock up selves in our home but we should be aware. Everyone has stories about encounters with pollution and they tend more extreme in the 40s 50s and 60s. But you are great, it would be great to look at old sites and look at the patterns around them. Pat in wanesboro, pennsylvania we have a minute left. I have two questions. One regarding the state of the gulf of mexico after the bp oil spill. I was so shocked by the information on msnbc and how bad the situation remains. And the other is when i was a kid in the 50s and 60s why parents took us to
Seaside Heights<\/a> and we passed through toms river and a place that was labelled as a medical plant that had a terrible odor and i never knew what it was. Can you help me . The only plant i can think of would fit that was the plant we are discussing here. I dont know if that is what you were thinking of but that is the only
Large Industrial<\/a> facility that would have been on the way to sea side heights. As for the gulf of mexico i would not want to set myself up as as expert on that but there are concerns about the longterm empath related to the spill but perhaps relate today the longterm degrading of the nitrogen coming down from the mississippi. They are part of the disaster and chronic exposure. Here is the book toms river winner of the
Pulitzer Prize<\/a> winner. Our live coverage from tucson continues. Up next a panel on politics. Former congressman ron barber is going to be the moderator. Mickey edwards, lee fang of the nation and john nickels who wrote a book called dollarocracy. And
Mickey Edwards<\/a> will join us after the panel to talk live here. Good afternoon. Welcome to the tucson festival of books. I am ron barber and i will be your moderator this afternoon. [applause] so i will start by thanking
Cox Communications<\/a> for sponsoring the venue and thank the nation for sponsoring this section and you might be aware there is a table out in the mall for the nation so hopefully you will stop by. Your donation allows us to offer festival programming free of charge to the public and support critical literacy programs here in our community, and thousands of dollars have come from these festivals over the years to support literacy programs. You can learn more about the friends of the festival benefits at the information booth on the mall or at the web site. We ask if you could turn off youre cell phones. Or put them on vibrate or michigan that doesnt something that doesnt found out, and well get start with brief introductions. Were very privileged to have some amazing folks here today who are commenting with i think great insight on the state of american politics and the future of politics in our country. The first member of our panel former congressman
Mickey Edwards<\/a>, served in the
United States<\/a> house of representatives for 16 years, and he served on a budget and
Appropriations Committee<\/a> and was
Ranking Member<\/a> of the appropriations subcommittee on foreign operations and a member also of
Republican Leadership<\/a> in the house, serving as the chairman of the
House Republican<\/a> policy committee. He is one of three
Founding Trustees<\/a> of the
Heritage Foundation<\/a> and
National Chairman<\/a> of the american conservative union. He has served as cochairman of
Brookings Institution<\/a> council on
Foreign Relations<\/a> and a task force of resources for international affairs. He has also served on the board of directors for the constitution project and was director of congressional policy task forces advising president reagan during the president ial campaign of 1980. After leaving congress he taught at
Harvard Kennedy<\/a> school of government and
Harvard Law School<\/a> for 11 years. He is currently the
Vice President<\/a> of the as spend institute and director of the as spend
Institute Fellowships<\/a> in public leadership. Also cofounder of no labels and his latest book, which is a mustread all of these bookers mustreads this one called parties vs. The people how to turn republicans and democrats into americans. A very good read. [laughter] [applause] he is not a magician but does know how to do it. Some great ideas in his book. So, just well close with this comment, that apparently in 2008 congressman edwards said he had voted for barack obama in the 2008 general election so you can see from his record history, and also his voting record he is a man who is willing to cross the aisle. Next panelist is mark leibovich, the
New York Times<\/a> chief national correspondent. He tame to the times in 2006 from the
Washington Post<\/a> where he worked for nine years. He ills the author of two books that we have today, and theyre both really entertaining as well as informative. One called this town. Which i read when i was in congress. On the back he says warning, this town does not contain an index. Those players wishing to know how they came out will need read the book. Good selling. Then this one the newest, is citizens of the green room. Profiles in courage and selfdelation. Selfdelusion so mick that one up to. The arm title of the first book was the way it works in suckup city. The
New York Times<\/a> best seller, called the hottest political book of the summer containing juicy anecdotes and tails of corruption and dysfunction. He is here with us after having a morning session, which i understand was really outstanding. He was named by the new republic as one of washingtons 25 most powerful least famous people. Nextes john nichols a progressive journalist and author a washington correspondent for the nation and associate director of the capitol times his books include the genius of impeachment and the death of an america and life of american journalism. He grew up in wisconsin, lives in madison, is the editor of the cap times and writes the beat for a blog for the magazine. Regular contributor in these times, the progressive, and has appeared in documentary films regarding politics. His latest book is called dollarocracy how american, money, media, and election complex is destroying america. And other books he has coauthored with robert chesney, includes the life and death of american journalism, the media revolution that will begin the world again. And our fourth panelist is lee fang. Lee is the reporting fellow or has been a reporting fellow at the
Nation Institute<\/a> and a contributing righter at the nation. A former senior investigator at the republic report and a former
Investigative Reporter<\/a> for think progress. He was the president of the federation of
Maryland Democrats<\/a> and edit cor of the maryland blog. We know his politics a little bit. Fang interned as think progress and as an undergrad interned on the will with congresswoman stephanie tubbsjones, and the current minority hip steny hoyer. He has published several articles notably accusations against the u. S. Chamber of commerce for receiving foreignman money to influence american elections. Reporting to pull back the curtain on alan west and his attack on free speech and journalism and reporting on the koch industries. The book he wrote last year is called the machine a field guide to the resurgent right. We have people with vast array of experience different perspectives, but they have reached some common conclusions or at least observations about the american political rose. Process. So id like to start the discussion this afternoon by posing a broad question to each of them each of them responding, and well get into the specifics of their perspective. The question is how is the introduction of virtually unlimited
Financial Campaign<\/a> contributions, the 24hour news cycle, everything is breaking news, an mental social media which is proliferating the political process now wasnt even present four years ago in this regard and how are these activities, this work how has it affected american politics and the 2014 election, perhaps the last two election cycles and how are these factors likely to impact on the 2016 election. So lets start with congressman edwards. Care to comment on this question . Which one. That covers the whole thing. First of all i have to say congratulations on trouncing oregon. [applause] my greatest hope right now is that my oklahoma sooners dont have to play arizona at least until the finals. The role of money and media have totally changed over the time that i was in the house and in a very negative way in both cases. I am a lawyer so im cautious about saying a thing like this. I dont want to get in trouble with the
Supreme Court<\/a>. But when they passed
Citizens United<\/a> i dont know what they were smoking but its not legal except in colorado. Clearly theres a strong distinction between corporations and individuals which they would have nope if they ever studied corporate law. But there really is a serious problem, and i personalize when a billionaire casino owner in las vegas can make an idiot like nut gingrich look like he is a possible sear candidate theres something a possible serious candidate, theres something wrong. Its not just the outside money having sufficient an undo influence. Out at also the fact that members of congress are under surf pressure to rates the enormous, obscene amounts of money it takes to win even a u. S. House race that just individual contributions from people like you just get so overwhelmed that your voice is not muted but its really greatly reduced. I also think that im not against partisan media. Im actually written for the nation and publications on the other side of the issues but i am not a fan of violence. I wont go to see a violent movie, but i have said the only violence ive ever advocated is to take
Rush Limbaugh<\/a> and
Keith Oberman<\/a> and put them in a bag and drop them in the river together. Theres so much toxicity being poured in on the networks now that what has happened is instead of just somebody being on the other side, somebody you would maybe vote differently then and then eventually go out and have a friendly relationship with. Now its just somebody who ing this is not just among members of congress. Its among people generally. An unwillingness to listen to a different point of view, and maybe this room is an exception, but outside of you, most people only hang out with their friends who think just like they do, watch the same shows they watch vote the same way they watch. So i think in terms of what is happening in both the media, ron, and money, they have been big contributing factors to the fact we cant seem to get anything done in washington anymore. I wish you were still there by the way. [applause] mark, whats your take on this . I know you have written about the incestuous relationship between the media members of congress and lobbyists. Interesting know how you look at this. Lets put the media i dont think well solve the problem of the american media. I dont my head is just not that im going just sort of start with money and the political system. I would broaden it to not just be money and campaigns. I think the biggest difference in washington now compared to, say, 30, 40 years ago has been the introduction of this permanent theirs very wellfunded permanent
Political Class<\/a> in washington. Always been permanent political people in washington but companies have decided that it is now very
Good Business<\/a> for them to spend billions of dollars to lobbyists to super pacs to try to influence the movement of one decimal point in a tax bill that may or may not be ever realized. But i think you mentioned the the fact that mitt romney can name paul ryan his running mate in 2012, traditionally when a party picks its ruining mate the running mate will make courtesy calls upon maybe
Party Leaders<\/a>, members of congress, go back to his home district do the immediate first thing that paul ryan did was fly out to las vegas. This is what every republican in this case democrats would do it too have done and also once you get into office the overwhelming mechanism once youre there is selfperpetuation, how do i stay here and stay here including how do i stay in office but even if i leave office how aim going to make sure i stay in washington at a very, very very wellpaying job afterwards. No one goes home anymore. With some very very few exceptions. So that creates a system where you have members of
Congress Spending<\/a> 20, sometimes 30, hour 40 hours a week raising money. That might be low. Some of the most depressing news stories you ever or memos youll read are those that just talk about the hammer lock that fundraising has on the life of every elected official working in washington today. So this piece has a million components. Another depressing thing is no one is talking about
Campaign Finance<\/a>, at least in congress anymore. Doesnt seem to be a campaign issue. I think if you talk to a lot of people theyd say its the single biggest hill on the face of the body politic, and i would agree with that. Mark is so right about the time spent. 25, 30 hours a week is the norm for members to be in call time and not something that i think most of us appreciated but it became essential tocompete. Youve missed call time. I do not miss call time at all. I was back there in january and i went to the cal room to see if anyone was there, and it was january 16th and people were calling for dollars for 2016. Not good. John, whats your take on this . Im going correct mark. He was wrong. Some members do come home. Whether they like it or not. [laughter] i just know that ron is with us today. He found his way to tucson. The only place where i can think you were inaccurate. Thats my theory. Theres a reason they put washington where it is. They wanted to find a swamp, and i have no patience whatsoever with people who say wow, theyve made washington worse. It was awful 40 years ago. It was this is a place that gave you vietnam. Come on. This is the town that has a deep long history of awfulness. And it now all theyve done is professionalize it. Theyve gotten really, really good at being awful, and heres the thing to understand. Once upon a time politics existed beyond washington. It existed in this place called america. And you had local newspapers and local radio stations local tv stations that gave you something other than the weather and we actually had some sort of discourse in america. That is over. That is done. The fact of the matter is, they have collapsed our politics into washington so much that we actually think we have a media system in america. We think we still have free press and media in america. The fact of the matter is it is basically gossip in washington looking at the people who are there, and out in the rest of the country, staggeringly limited coverage of anything that isnt happening in washington. And so our brilliance has not bubbled up there. Their stupidity has pushed down upon us, and the money does it. This is important to understand. Most members of
Congress Know<\/a> whether theyre going to win at the start of an election year. Its not a debatable point. I have a friend rob richey a senator now they call it fair vote. And rob richey every year, predicts every congressional race in the country and rarely does he get more one or two out of the 435 wrong. So all the coverage of the whole year, you can just go to rob, and he can tell you what will happen. And know what he does . He says 90 of the districts jerry maundered beyond competition so there wont be competition in most of america. And that is not done gently by some guy with a grown shade. Its computerizees. People with tens of millions of dollars have taken over the gerrymandering process and professionalized it, and professionalized corruption, and they professionalized the antithesis of democracy. Your creating noncompetetive districts. Thats number one. Number two they have flooded washington with lobbyist when we did our book we charted the number of lobbyists in washington when
Ronald Reagan<\/a> came to the white house, ancient history thanks a lot. I was covering it. There was a oneonone ratio, right . You had a oneonone ratio of p. R. Lobby to journalists. Right . We were charting four years ago it was now about a four and a half to one ratio. We now have four and a half people trying to spin the thing versus one person trying to get any kind of truth out and that one person by the way is part of a newspaper that has cut staff, doesnt cover things, et cetera, et cetera et cetera. So a lot of lobbying. This is the key, to though. The money that has come in is only a tiny number of places where i there might be any kind of chance that the peoples voice might be heard, and yet theyre terrified of you. Theyre horrified you people might actually come along and say, i dont think im going to play by their rules this time. I think im going elect somebody who might actually be useful. And so what they do, they dont spend the money on campaigns to influence politicians. The politicians are already influenced. That process is done. And they represent a district where if they stepped out of line, by and large they would be primaried by somebody who would be in line because its not the general election, its the primary that matters. Hearst what the money does. It tells you not to vote. And thats a critical thing. We got to get the people out as much as we can. So we now have, last elections
Midterm Election<\/a>, 36 turnout in the
United States<\/a> of america. 36 turnout. You need three people. Two of them didnt vote and its declining. We had the lowes turnout in a
Midterm Election<\/a> last year since 1942, and many of you know about world war ii will recognize that in 1942 a lot of americans were otherwise involved. And so what youre talking about is we are collapsing small d democratic participation and ill close off by telling you how its done. Every campaign of consequence is driven by negative ads. Negative ads which tell you not to vote for somebody. Now, the average person is not as involved in politic as
Mickey Edwards<\/a> so theyre not charting everything. They turn their television on, turn the radio on, it says dont vote for lee, okay . Cool i got that checked. Dont vote for his opponent mark. Okay, check that. So theyre like okay get it. Theres no one to vote for and you understand the dynamic that we have created is a process drenched in money with little competition, and then all of our messaging around elections, dont vote. And people take that seriously. But you wont fully get what im trying to say unless i give you a closing metaphor. I say all my friends in conservative not all mickey is wonderful not even a conservative now but he was once one. They awe say we got run government like a business. Lets run campaigns like a business. All right . So, if we ran campaigns like a business, monday morning, cocacola would put up a in ad and say we regret to inform you of all the
Health Violation<\/a> over at the pepsi plant. And monday afternoon, pepsi would come on and say in response to the scurrilous ads from cocacola, we have to tell you about a coke plant that had very vermin and the next morning pepsi will be saying cocacola gives you diabetes, and that afternoon pepsi will say coke makes you fat whatever. Bottom line is, by the end of the week no one would drink pepsi or coke. What money and politics does what the money and politics is doing, is creating and circumstance where the overwhelming majority of americans will not par partake of politic. Were creating a plutocracy and were destroying the country. Thats your answer, ron. Thanks. But there is hope, right . Well talk about that. Check. Theres hope because theyre going to go out and organize and amend the constitution of the
United States<\/a> and georgetown turn citizens unite because that is what we have to do. In your book lee you have done an incredible job. I enjoyed reading it immensely, digging into the history of the conservative, i would say extreme right wing money people in our country, and how theyve influenced politics. So, from your perspective, as you looked at that machine, as you described, what do you see happening in the last election and what too you see might be happening in 2016 . Sure. Thanks for having me, and its great to be on this panel. The role of big money in politics is really everywhere. We talk about campaigns, elections, but its so much more than that it creates perverse incentives in politics and manipulates what you see and dont see in the media. Even here in your introduction of me a quick correction some of the firms i have reported on theyve hired p. R. Companies to manipulate my wikipedia boyow which you used to introduce. Its incorrect and incomplete. I could go into the history of wikipedia, you can see the manipulation there. In any case, i want to talk about the relationship between money and media. We like to think the media holds big money accountable but its the other way around. So for mccain feingold, as men well recall the last big
Campaign Finance<\/a> reform push there was a provision to give candidates free air time so you didnt have to make do that call time of begging for dollars. But the
National Association<\/a> of broadcasters the lobby group for nbc and news corp they stripped that out of the bill because they like the big money interest the system because theyre buying the ads. Theyre enriching the
Big Media Companies<\/a>. And even in the last kind of minor push for a little bit of transparency, the ftc in the right before the 2012 election had a tiny regulation to ask broadcasters to disclose the forms of who is buying the political ad. Not who is paying for them but who is making the purchases of those americans for apple pie or whatever super pac and who fought this regulation . It was the media companies, the
Big Media Companies<\/a> across the country, including the corporate owner of politico, one of the biggest political outlets in d. C. Fought this tooth and nail. Still went through but it worth neating. You look in d. C. , i lived there for a number of years, and this culture of corruption, the fact that no one goes home as mark was mentioning this is fostered by the d. C. Media. Youre a loser if you are a congress communicate congress communicate you work at a
Watchdog Agency<\/a> or work as professor. Youre a winner someone cool, if you go and work for a lobbying firm, if youre featured in
Washington Life<\/a> featured in the hill newspapers top guns of top grossing lobbyists you. Take on the egypt union dictatorson, youre invited to all the big parties and the d. C. Media is part of that. Right and because theyll feature you as one of the top hired guns of fall of 2014. Theres a whole series on this in the d. C. Media. So, that is a big problem. And the way we kind of portray big money and politics, the role of lobbying, you watch television and you see the lobbyists on television who are giving you the news but theyre not disclosed as lobbyists. Theyre portrayed as independent republican or democratic strategists when in fact theyre working for the industries theyre talking about. Alex on cnn is brought on as a republican strategist talking about corporate taxes, but its not disclosed his lobbying firm works for the same
Corporate Group<\/a> that wants a hike in the tax rate and you turn fox news on youll see him. He forks general dynamics, one of the largest defense contractors in this country, and when he is demanding we sell more tanks and weapons to middle east regimes he might have a conflict of interest there. I dont know. There are many very simple actions our government can take to reform this problem but the media gives nome air time. I want to gives them no air time. I wanted to recall last year when obama wore a yellow suit jacket on tv that was the coverage the whole day. Look at this weird jacket he world, its unfactable or something. That one scene was given more air time than a single executive order that obama could take to really clean up the dark money political problem we have. He could issue an executive order with the stroke of a pen that forces
Government Contractors<\/a> to disclose their secret money donations to these 501 c 4 and c6 groups that have flooded our election system with undisclosed
Campaign Cash<\/a> but he doesnt and the media doesnt even give any coverage to these issues. Thank you, lee. [applause] i wanted to move in the remaining time we have to having each of you talk from the perspective of your examination of the political process. What we can do about this. I think theres a general consensus in our panelists we have a serious problem, and most of us agree we have we money, the media, being very well off because of the political money that goes into advertising and so on. So mickey, can you talk about the
Institutional Reforms<\/a> you have proposed in your book which has to do with how congress operates and comment about the influence or the pressure if you will that members of congress get from their
Party Leadership<\/a> to toe the line. When i was in the house you said this in the introduction. I was the
Ranking Member<\/a> of the subcommittee on foreign operations and the subcommittee on foreign operations has men tasks. One of them is the subcommittee of the
Appropriations Committee<\/a> that decides who gets foreign aid. How much foreign aid you spend and who gets it. There is a bias, and i think its a proper bias, in favor of giving american tax dollars to democracies rather than to nondemocracies. So, i imagine this scenario. If a country was being considered for u. S. Foreign aid and it was a country that held elections, they held free elections, and they were competitive elections, but they had set up of you really looked at it set up a system whereby relatively small groups of the population, some cases as mall as one tenth of one percent could keep other people off the ballot. And they could also draw a plan so that people who were unlikely to vote against who were unlikely to vote for them would not be allowed to vote in that election. And i would ask would you give foreign aid to that country . Thats the
United States<\/a>. Thats our political system. I gave a talk once and describe what it was that i saw in our system, and somebody said, oh youre a systems engineer. Yeah. The problem is that its not that we elect stupid people. Its not that we elect mean people who dont care about the country. Its that we have created a political system, not a constitutional system political system which allows the
Political Parties<\/a> 46 states 46 including arizona have laws that say that if you ran for your partys nomination in a primary or convention and you didnt get your nomination you were not allowed to be on the ballot in november. Which means, take an example in utah, they had a convention and senator robert bennett, moderate conservative, was running for reelection in the senate. They had a convention with 3500 people there in a state of three
Million People<\/a>, by a very small number of votes he lost the nomination in that convention and was not allowed to be on the ball president in november when he would have overwhelmingly been elected to the u. S. Senate and would have a vote on
Supreme Court<\/a> nominees and whether to go to war. So we have created a political system that allows the parties to control access to the ballot to draw district lines to benefit their club, so i am a city dude. I really am. To me food either comes from a
Grocery Store<\/a> or a waiter, and i but i was the first republican elected in my district since 1928, and it was a heavily
Democratic State<\/a> with a heavily democratic legislature. They didnt like you very much. So they redistricted me finally after a couple of attempts to beat me, and they said were going to take all the republicans and put them in his district to make the other districts saver for their party. The result of it was me, the city dude, i was now representing tens of thousands of wheat farmers and cattle ranchers, i didnt understand their issues, i didnt care about theirs. Thats not my area of interest. Because the
Political Parties<\/a> in this country have the ability to draw
Congressional District<\/a> lines to suit the benefit of their party and screw the voters. And that is our system. Its a system in almost every state. There are 13 states that now have some form of nonpartisan redistricting. And you all have a chance to do what washington and california did, and to get rid of
Party Control<\/a> of who can be on the ballot, and you blew it. You blew it. And so what we have to do is change the system so that we dont allow im not anti
Political Party<\/a>. I am appalled by the idea that we have laws that allow
Political Party<\/a> insiders party hacks, ideologies to decide who you can vote on. So its going to require serious one quick thing you asked about inside congress. We allow
Party Leaders<\/a> to decide what committee you can be on. These are the choke points of legislation, and you get on the committee in exchange for to two things. One is raising enough money for your own party and the other is promising your
Party Leaders<\/a> that on the major issues youre going to vote in line with the party. Before you have even seen a bill. I dont even how can i describe all the reforms . I wrote a book about it. Anyway i want to just before we leave you mickey on this you mentioned arizona, and arizona is independent tree
Districting Commission<\/a> did in fact give us more competitive legislative districts and
Congressional District<\/a>s. And now of course the
Supreme Court<\/a> has taken it up as a question of constitutionality. It was poorly drawn. Because we the other 13 states have some role for the legislature which is what the constitution requires. And when it was done in arizona, it was done in a way that did not allow that. Thats what makes now vulnerable they havent ruled yet but maked it vulnerable constitutionally. So you can go back and fix that pretty easily. If we get another initiative. Mark lets talk about your point of view on this. Well, i wonder how a city dude got elected in oklahoma to begin with. I guess tulsa oklahoma city. Its a great question. One of the interesting experiences i had after i wrote eye pi this town is one of the overwhelming responses get from people that was really entertaining really funny, but filled me with despair, and i was proposing the book and when the paperback came out the most common question i got from people especially outside of washington so, whats the source of hope . What can we do . Which was in itself very encouraging. It shows that audiences like this audiences like virtually all i came before and im sure people up here would have similar experiences have that question still at the forefront of their mind. One thing we have learned over and over again, despite the dysfunction, despite the money were talking about, despite the utter perversity of what is actually legal in the system today, the legalized bribery that is so much of campaign and lobbying is i said this earlier washington actually does respond to self , and especially when it puts the fear of god in them. And barack obama began as a grassroots movement. The
Tea Party Began<\/a> as a grassroots movement. Were talking far left far right, maybe. This is not a partisan thing at all. And one of the pet issues i have is that a lot of what goes on in washington, and a lot of the money going on in washington, that is spent in washington, is geared towards things not getting done. If an immigration bill passes tomorrow, it would be despite billions of dollars being thrown into thwarting it, and the daytoday business, lobbying fields wind bell realized. Shouting matches on cable is not going to occur if consensus is made and a bill passes itch guess this always sounds a little polly janish pollyannaish. Candidates can appeal to hope to movements that can appeal to some kind of reform. I think so much as rand paul has support on the right or within the
Republican Party<\/a>, i think part of the appeal is that he is selling a different paradigm. I think
Elizabeth Warren<\/a> on the left, the hankering for her, i think she represents
Something Different<\/a> from in the case of the democrats, the clintons. And gun control got close a couple of years ago. The reason is there was a level you can talk about gun politics and gun lobbying forever and thats a very depressing topic, but especially in a mails like tucson, which experienced is in a very, very palpable way. Unfortunately the grassroots is where a lot of this starts and the change is not every day. But i have seen over and over again that the actual voices of the grassroots are extremely powerful and can be if organized correctly and leveraged correctly. I think thats a great segway for john. Your major thrust is we need a
Reform Movement<\/a> in this country like we have had in the past and yet we have heard today and we know from what we have read that the forces against that are formidable. How do you propose that we actually get
Something Like<\/a> that going so we can make these changes from the people as opposed to the politicians. Well, let me first say that mickeys book is great and the stuff he is tucking about is fabulous, and i would say if you want anything that mickey wantsor, do what i tell you to do. [laughter] so, very simple calculation here, brothers and sisters. It is absolutely absurd with the
Supreme Court<\/a> that we have today, to suggest that you are going to pass and put into place meaningful
Campaign Finance<\/a> reforms. It is absolutely absurd to sit around and wait on the possibility that the right person gets elected and the right person leads the court and maybe youll hit the balance some day. That is an antidemocratic premise. What that says is its a mess, we all agree its a disaster so were just going to sit and wait until something good happens. Wrong. The fact of the matter is, this country has had a lot of problems through its history. We were founded as the original sin of human bondage, we decided to give africanamerican men after the civil war, the right to vote and we realized women didnt have the right to vote. We thought thats a bad thing, too. We gave women the right to vote. And we thought its a bad idea that we have a wealth barrier to voting. So we elimitted the poll tax, and we thought its a bad idea that we send 18 to 21yearolds a off to die in places like vietnam and we dont let them vote. So we gave the vote to 18 to 21yearolds. We did every one of those things by amending the constitution of the
United States<\/a> of america. The constitution was not hand down, written in stone to michelle bachmann. The fact of the matter is its an amendable document and if we are serious about anything we are saying anything we are saying on this table. Everyeveryone in this room has to recognize it is our fundamental duty to amend the constitution of the
United States<\/a> to say, money is not speech. Corporations are not people. And we have a right to organize elections where our votes matter more than their dollars. Thats the bottom line thing we have to do. And the good news is, you dont have to start anything, ron. 600
American Communities<\/a> have already formally demand that
Congress Take<\/a> that action. 16 american states have formally demanded that
Congress Take<\/a> that action. When it is put on the ballot, the people vote for it. In 2012 it was on the ballot in colorado and mt. Colorado voted for obama, montana voted for rom romp they both gave almost 75 support to money is not speech corporations are not people, we have a right to real elections. The bottom line we can talk about all this other stuff but everybody in this room and anybody watching beyond here the bottom line is you got to stop worrying about parties and stop worrying about candidates and start worrying about democracy itself. If we could amend the constitution give africanamerican american the right 0 vote give women the right to vote, amend to it get rid 60 a poll tax, amend it to give 18 to 21yearolds a the vote to amend to have an elected rather than appointed
United States<\/a> indiana, this is we are lease than our grandparents and greatgrandparents we can amend it to get big money out of politics. Period. [applause] well just wrap up the panelists comments and then go to q a. Lee, think you nailed it with your history of how money and rightwing kole pick goes hand in hand. I was somewhat disappointed at the end you seemed very pessimistic the changing you quote jefferson saying that his dark vision of an america governed not but the people, for the people and by the people but ruled instead by a small selfish oligarch can i is coming true because of the conservative machine. Whats the way out . We heard there are s some ways. What is your take on that. Thank you for reading the pack. Youre part of an elite few. Its a great book. I actually take issue not call you out mark because this is kind of what many folks say but the conventional wisdom is that all of this big money sloshing around in our system is legalized. This is all legal corruption. Thats the scandal, whats actually legal. Im not so sure about that. I dont think we have a cop on the beat. The office of congressional ethics hasnt really lifted a finger in many many years. When theyre submitted evidence of congressional corruption they have a mandate to investigate, and they do investigate and eventually they do release the documents relating to that investigation and you see these things come out of that office that show pretty clear evidence of corruption. Theres one that was released by the office last fall of kentucky congressman whose wife is a lobbyist, and they released emails and the wife is saying sign on to this bill do this, do that. Pretty clear rulebreaking but as usual the office of congressional ethics did nothing. We have an fec as i mentioned that has not lifted a finger to investigate a multitude, real mountains of evidence given to them of
Campaign Finance<\/a> law breaking why . Because its a dead looked 33, republicandemocrat commission and they refuse to do anything. And that is a problem. We have a department of justice that has not taken a look at lots of evidence of political. Theyll investigate city councils, state legislature, even governors, but they wont touch congress, and its very bewildering. We did a story at the nation last year that took a look at lob lobbying registers and if you dont register thats a civil penalty and then when democrats quoteunquote drained the swamp they add criminal penalties if you dont register. We have a scoop that shows the department of justice has never brought an enforcement action under that law ever under bush or obama. So doey we know if thats corruption . We dont. We dont have a cop on the beat. They dont have the same
Justice System<\/a> that everyone else has. We havent an fbi that monitors peaceful domestic protesters but we dont but theyre not taking a look at these political elites that are probably breaking the law. Theres ban lot of calls by elites and people in the media for just sweeping new
Campaign Finance<\/a> laws and congressional ethics reforms. Im not so optimistic about that. I dont trust congress, given the state of affairs today to police itself and reform itself. We need to have a more eannual
Justice System<\/a> where our
Law Enforcement<\/a> officials, our department of justice, our fbi is taking a look at congress. All right. Very good. [applause] thank you. Lets go as quickly as we can to as many questions as possible. Microphones at the bottom of the auditorium. If you could state your question, not a comment please. A quick question, and well ask if you want to direct it to a particular panelist, do so. If you want them all to respond, thats fine, too,. Thank you all for you time today. Im hoping you can talk about
Voting Rights<\/a> and i. D. Laws and the efforts being made to keep people from voting. Go ahead. Go for it. Its an unbelievably horrible circumstance, and the same court that says that corporations can spend pretty much as much money as they like on politics and now rich people can spend as much money wherever they want, are saying that we dont want to make it too easy to vote, and so we actually have an incredible mess and we have so corrupted the process in washington that the people who a few years ago got across every line of partisanship to support the
Voting Rights<\/a> act now we cant get them to even consider the thing again. Its an absolute disaster. And here is the thing that frustrates the heck out of me on it. The
Republican Party<\/a>, founded by people who were ready to take on all the great challenges in not all but a lot of them in this country and that through the 1,950 and 1960s, was the 1950s and 1960260s was a good player as regards civil rights and
Voting Rights<\/a>. A lot of republican were privileging the critical mass. This party currently lacks leadership on this issue. And it issue. I am not interested in the partisanship of it because the
Democratic Party<\/a> is an indefensible disaster on a whole host of issues but at then this point the party of lincoln is refusing to stand with james sensenbrenner, an incredibly conservative republican from wisconsin who has come forward with a good
Voting Rights<\/a> act, a good new bill, and so what i would suggest to you is, go and find your republican representatives. Im serious. I know some people would say its hard to communicate go and find them and look at them look them in the eye and say, how can you as the party of lincoln, the party that actually did back civil rights how can you not get on board with this and at the same time one final thing, i absolutely agree with those who say that voter i. D. Is a new poll tax. The fact of matter is you have to pay for an i. D. And we have a constitutional amendment from 1964 that banned the poll tax and as lee says if we had a cop on the beat, voter dining room laws would be getting knocked out like that. So an answer but not happy one. Lets go over here. Ron barber not withstanding with the incredible dysfunction and paralysis of congress, why should we care who gets elected . I would say that because of the incredible dysfunction in congress, thats why you should care who gets elected. I mean there is the argument for despair and doing absolutely nothing is made pretty eloquently every single day. Just turn on your tv. Read the internet. Congress is not a singular entity. Its made up of people, just like the media. Everyone says the media doesnt care about this, the media is this. Ultimately politics is unlike corporations, you could say, politics are people and thats your last recourse. Sounds pollyannaish. Can i add something to that. Why should you care . Theres two reasons. First of all, were talk hearing about congress being difference dysfunctional its not. If you get in your car and put in the key and the car comes to like its functiony. Its working the way its designed to work. Same thing using your remote. So the congress is functioning according to the design. The design needs to be changed which is mayhew we need make fundamental laws about primaries and redistricting and the systems is different. Why should you care . Everybody in this room is an exception but if you went out on the mall out here and talked to people and said who is the head of government in the
United States<\/a> theyd say, barack obama, or early george w. Bush. No. We dont have a head of government in the
United States<\/a>. We have equal branches except that every major power of our government is in congress including the war power the spending power, the taxing power. Who can sit in the president s cabinet . Who can be his secretary of state . What treaties all of this is congressional power. Thats why it matters. It matters like crazy. Because a president may come and go but what congress does, enacts into law can make a fundmental change one way or the other for good or bad in theirs country. The idea that people dont vote in offyear elections because the president is not on the batll. Who cares youve change congress and youll fix it. Thats why it matters. One thing i was going to ask you to comment on, too mickey, you suggested in your book that one way to with many
Institutional Reforms<\/a> but one way in particular would be to have a speaker actually elected by the house not just by the party. And seems like an impossible climb but say a little bit about that. Most people are not aware the speaker of the houghs dent even need to be a member of the house. You could pick oprah to be the speaker if you want. And the reason for that is that what we have we do not have an in either party house or senate, legislative leaders. We have party hacks. Boehner is a party hack, pelosi is a party hack, mitch is, harry reid is. Theyre motivated by what helps the party, not how to make the legislative system work in britain you cannot be elected speaker of the house of commons unless your nominate bid members of more than one party. And so we should just make it where you cant get just the
Straight Party<\/a> line vote and be speaker. Lets go to the next questioner. Bankey frank and his book on doddfrank suggested that he thought lobbyists served a useful function by providing information they would not otherwise have and points of view that were important to hear. So, im wondering if you think that it is all bad or do they in fact serve a useful function. The other site of the question is do you actually think members of
Congress Vote<\/a> a certain way because of money . Industry neats to be represented and they need a voice, but as we mentioned before theyre not regulated. Lobbyists are not following the ruled and not being prosecuted for not following the rules. Congress, since the gingrich era has hollowed itself out. The commit yesterdays used to have staff, poll see rae searchers, academics that could come up with interesting legislation and analyze bills and come up with solutions they could propose to their boss, the
Committee Chairman<\/a> or on to the lawmakers. They got rid of that you. Look at the biggest and most important tax writing committees, the
Financial Services<\/a> committee that wrote dodd frank, theres a tiny staff. Only maybe like 20 people or something emailing be getting the number wrong. But a very small number of folks. They have to town to lobbyists because they have no one to come up with interesting ideas or analyze big problems and thats by design you look at the big think tanks in washington that are supposedly academic and are paid to think, but many times really its theyre simply controlled by lobbyists as well, fundses by big industry, take what the corporate interests want and give academic veneer it to and then pass it to congress. So the system is corrupt, and doddfrank has lots of problems. We obviously needed financial reform after the 2008 crisis, but, look many of the rules still havent been implemented. And theyre riddleed with loopholes. Could as one of the founders of the
Heritage Foundation<\/a> i didnt know that until the introduction that do you think of what has happened to the heritage how long . Let me just say that when my previous book came out before this one, did i mention i had a book maybe makes a fine holiday gift. Right. I had a previous book called reclaiming conservatism about how the conservative movement has changed, and so i tried to get in front of the
Heritage Foundation<\/a> to give a talk about my book, and they didnt want to let me talk, but i said look, i one of your founders, you cant tell me i cant talk so i did. They said to the crowd at the beginning, because you may not know the
Heritage Foundation<\/a>, let us tell you who we are our mission statement,
Strong National<\/a> defense, less regular legs and i said wait a minute, wrote that in 1973. Said nothing about social values. You add nat 1993. Especially now that jim demint has gone over to heritage and turned its into nothing but a partisan
Advocacy Group<\/a> instead of a think tank, its gone a long way from what was sent up to be. Ill throw in one line for you as regards to lobbying. The biggest problem as regardses lobbying is that you pay for it. The fact of the matter is that the most maybe of the most active lobbyists in washington are entities that live off the federal large largess they get the taxpayer dollars and its mad nose set up a system where your tax dollar goes to a company that now hires hundreds of people, many former members of congress to come to washington and to tell them to take more of your tax dollars and give more of it to them. And then if theyve got any left over now the
Supreme Court<\/a> said they can use that to influence our actual elections, and so this is the crisis, and this is a little built of what some of what lee is talking about here. We absolutely should just say if youre taking big money from the government, you cant turn it around and use that money to ask us for more. I do think you have to be thoughtful how you react to that the university of arizona has lobbyists. Your hospitals have lobbyists. Your chamber of commerce has lobbyists. The
Childrens Defense Fund<\/a> as lobbyists, the sierra club. So its not pure like its just those guys. You have to thats why i do think those who are taking huge amounts of our tax money, we might want to have some sort of oversight on that as regards what they use our tax dollars to demand. We have time for one more question. And yet the quakers from 1787 on banging away on the issue and help performed abolitionist newspapers and
Political Parties<\/a> ago 1 percent of the a 2 percent of. So there was a lot more than 40 years 40 years in 1787 to 1861, and the fact of the matter is changes that come as fast as we want. If. We stop worrying about how long it for working at it and start worrying about whether everybody in the room is on board and in the struggle. The structure we must change, referencing this gentlemans question somehow we must put more money into a politics but less votes. 40 percent of american registered independents. Specialty dr. Something like that billy, former congressman, when he was in congress he talked away a a bunch of special provisions that enrich the pharmaceutical industry. When he left on receipt immediately became a from surgical industry lobbyists. And when your alone he made over 11 million i believe dollars. Think about that. Search from lobby. Think about think about his lifetime career potential. Those kind of problems. The chair for our panelists. If you want to meet the officer book signing you go to the bookstore ten on the mall. Reporter in a just a minute former congressman edwards will be joining us here at the tucson book festival for a calling program. His most recent book is the parties versus the people. How to turn republicans and democrats into americans. 202 is the area code. For those of you in the
Eastern Central<\/a> time zone. Congressman original be with us in just a minute. If you want to follow everything we have been doing here in the psalm or see some behindthescenes pictures you can follow us on twitter. Thank you for being with us. Would you be saying some of the things you had said if you are so on now . Pee dee absolutely darlington as our member of the
Republican Leadership<\/a> what kind of why did you have to walk between partisanship and what you consider to be the correct way to go. I have always been one who, if i disagreed with the leadership, even when i was in the leadership, i did
Something Else<\/a>. The idea the idea that when you are in the house you must go along is nonsense. All you have to do is be yourself. Host one of the things you talk about in your book the party versus the people. Guest thank you for holding it up so that they can see it. Host the open rule and filibuster in the senate why is it important and how has it changed . Guest the idea originally was the purpose of congress was to be a great deliberating organization. You had complex issues that you would talk about bring bills to the floor and offer amendments to make them better. The the house where they dont use roberts rules of order, they have their own rules open rule means, here is the bill, what are your amendments, lets hear them, lets submit them. Closed rule which has become more and more common over the years is that here is the bill. The leadership is bring it forward. Take it or leave it. And the result is it shuts down debate, shutdown alternatives and makes people vote for too much or too little and does not allow you to work to legislation. The filibuster serves a useful purpose because if you see that your colleagues are getting ready to do something that is unconstitutional, that you think is bad, you can tie things up and say dont go there. You can let the
American People<\/a> hear the argument and making contact the senators. What has happened is it has become something of the new all the time. It used to be very rare that you would have a filibuster. Now you dont even have to sit or stand on the floor talk about the issue you can just send a note to the majority leader and say consider is a filibuster and it brings
Everything Else<\/a> to a halt. He reports that when you 1st started in congress 70 percent of the legislation was be a open rule down to about 13 percent, particularly for the major built. Again, going back, if you were in the
Republican Leadership<\/a> in the majority, would you have encouraged bringing, lets say, an immigration bill to the floor under an open rule . Absolutely i would have come although i must say that it is selfserving by telling you what i think because i think because every single they are serving congress i was in the minority. We had no say. I believe in open rules. I believe in allowing people one reason i am so strongly against fasttrack trade authority was the president is pushing for you have trade agreements that affect working conditions for americans or whatever else and you are saying to the congress this is our legislative branch, you are not allowed to change it take it or leave it. I it. I was always for open rules and everything. Im going to a few of congress and 93 where did you go . Guest i went to teach. I taught for 11 years at harvard. I went and taught at princeton. Now the
Vice President<\/a> of the aspen institute. They may just taken the the clock is off the left and then theres the big that they can move it around the impound lot they do that you argue it as well as he could. At the end of the process suited a
Conference Committee<\/a> or some other way and lets get together. We met to keep the bridges from collapsing. That is what is missing today. People unwilling to compromise because of our
Party Primary<\/a> systems, but it was just different. The problems that existed they were not nearly the same. Host ferndale michigan. Caller good afternoon congressman. I just talked about the primary process. Would you agree that the primary process is broken because they do not allow equal opportunity for all of the 3rd parties that exist here in the country to the. That we are living a democracy by not allowing equal voices in the primaries. It is worse than that. That. What happens now is in 46 date you have what is called the sore loser law. Even if you would have been the person the majority of voters in the state would have preferred, you are not allowed to be on the ballot because several of the nomination and the endorsement gets to be the only person. What i favor his were california digital
Washington State<\/a> did, to have open primaries where every candidate for the same office is on the same ballot and every voter regardless of how they are registered or not can vote in every election. Host we are talking with former congressman edwards. Edwards. How to turn republicans and democrats into americans. Jack in new york city please go ahead. Caller good afternoon. This is jack calling. My question my question is all this talk about limiting money and the people who currently run the system, i think it would be a good idea to limit the number of terms that the congressional representative can have. What are what are your thoughts on that as well sir . Guest well we actually do that. We make everyone have a charm in the future years and they are out of office and was the voters say we we will send you back. So the voters of the best term limit mechanism. There is a lot of turnover in congress in both parties. Some people stay a long time but there is enough turnover. The turnover is not the problem. What will be worse. Host your assessment of the 1st 50 days of the 114th congress . I was helpful that after the election the leaders in both parties were talking about getting together but nothing is changed. It it is just as party line both parties equally guilty. Why are we allowing this great democracy of ours to function as though is a
Football League<\/a> . The nfl the for the cowboys against the eagles every week instead of let sit down together. Doesnt mean theyre not good, well, honest americans who care about the country. They are in a system that pits people against each other for
Party Advantage<\/a> rather than working as americans in common. Host next caller right here in tucson. Caller will we here about dark money usually associated with the
American Public<\/a>, can you talk about the dark money that is also alive and well in the party . Are a lot of words like right wing come up palm ryan
Heritage Foundation<\/a>, but i heard nothing about palm sire and what he is doing in funneling money to
Democratic Party<\/a>. I wanted the listeners to walk away that this is not just a republican conservative problem but also happening and the democrat problem. Guest bless you. Before you. Before you use his name i was going to use it. We have all this corporate money that comes into the election. You also have
Labor Union Money<\/a>. The
Labor Union Money<\/a> is even worse because you are spending money from people who dont want to be contributing only members of the union. They are forced to contribute. It is against their we will. There is a serious dark money problem, problem serious problem with all the wealth that pours into these campaigns but it is a a problem of the system, not of democrats or republicans. The people on the liberal side like to say if republicans were just saying it would end the problem. You are absolutely right. It comes from both sides. Caller from host from rhode island. Hello . Dot think shes here. We will move on. Guest probably covered by snow. Caller thank you for taking my call. Congressman, i am happy to talk to you. A great panel. I just noticed that i have two comments now that i nevertheless, talk about the emphasis on dark money and all of this being referred to as republican which, which, of course, it is not. You are calling from a university. My question has to do with i thought that at some. There was a rule having to do with congress people, either senators or legislators for staff having restrictions placed upon them as to how long they could they must wait before they became a lobbyist. Guest that is still the case. I do not remember whether it is one or two years, but you are not allowed to just go immediately from congress into a lobbying job. Some people get around it. What they do is go to work for a firmware what they are doing is giving internal advice about how to do something and later they move into lobbying, but that rule is still in effect after one why did you retire . Guest i get mad because the voters gave more votes to the other guy. The republican primary. Host what was the issue . Guest there was an orthodoxy, term limits, lineitem veto. I me. It did not always go over well. I was offered a position as a lobbyist. Never made any money my life. I did not want to do it. It. I believe in lobbying. It is constitutionally protected. I did not want to be in a position of calling on people i had just worked with, my colleagues, trying to get them to do something. I thought it was demeaning to me. Host as a freshman congressman what kind of pressure did you get to go along get along, whatever . Guest the kind of pressure you beget when i was in the leadership i was on these committees at the side of what
Committee Assignment<\/a> you might get. And i would see where somebody would say were not going to let you be on this committee unless you promise in advance that you will vote with us all which i never would have done. You know the most important thing, thing, to words for every member of congress to learn is when the lighters to your leadership either party start leaning on than just say, stick it. You cant take away my seat, my parking place, my salary, my office. Stick it. I was elected by the people to do what i thought was right and represent them. That is what i do. Host paul and lincoln, michigan. You are on with
Mickey Edwards<\/a>. Caller thank you. Two questions actually. Why can we not limit the amount of money that is the same for everybody command that way take away all of this i have money like jeb bush made the remark that he already has enough money to win the election why wouldnt we want to go out and vote of all it takes is his money . And the other thing is, wouldnt this have to go back to one vote for one person and do away with the
Electoral College<\/a> . Guest 1st of all, i dont take what jeb says seriously because it having a lot of money is all it took to win an election you would be asking me questions about president romney. He has raised a lot of money. The
Supreme Court<\/a> in
Citizens United<\/a> in other cases has made it impossible to live in for contributions. So it might be that you want the same kind of money going to each of the candidates but the sprinkler said you cant do that, you cant limit speech. They say that intervening money is the same as speech so one of the people on the panel made the comment in order to write a paragraph. I dont remember enough about mccainfeingold. Are you need is a way that have transparency. When i was in office i cannot take corporate money, i had everything reportable, everything limited it was a thousand dollars. That is what we need to go back to. But i propose in i propose in my book is no batteries know pac money, no
Political Party<\/a> mode. Lawrence calling in from millwall, pennsylvania. Caller high. I want to refer to last question during the panel, i think that we all should go back and read a great deal of his essays. What a great american. Congressman edwards you were in congress i believe congress, i believe, during the insanity of the nixon and reagan drug war, and now we have the biggest mess in our history. What would you suggest on how to get a way out of this just absolutely ridiculous thing that has been going on for 70 years . Well, i was not there during the nixon years, but i was there during the reagan years. I think that there is a movement away from having criminal penalties. Penalties. It is not just colorado. Dc is doing it. There is a
Movement Toward<\/a> an openness either by making whatever drug use penalties there are less or legalizing it as colorado. I am kind of libertarian. He had it at the federal government is going to tell us or
State Government<\/a> everything that we can cannot do is just appalling to me. And we have really run up the cost of government host we often appear
Chris Matthews<\/a> talk about how to polio and
Ronald Reagan<\/a> could fight all day and have a drink at 5 00 oclock. Was that your experience during the reagan years . Guest yes. I was close to reagan. Someone complement someone complement to me the other day, and i kind of decline the comment. They said, well, you tend to be not very ideological. That is what you are able to work across the aisle right . Aisle, right . I said, well, thank you, but it was not me. Host calling from the central. Caller comments, what you said the polarization. This is from my own personal view. You. Dont you think that the left is pushed everything whatever people have said about the right theyre been consistent. Because back to how he corresponded with the congressman about 30 years ago or so during the continental illinois scandal. Ridding tradition of corruption and crime i was a oneman show lobbying on the hill trying to warn of the banks collapse. I i had the opportunity to meet with members of the banking community, the staff was. Was kind. They gave me reports. Very kind lipservice. That fell on deaf ears. He continued. Ears. He continued. I went to my senators office, dixon. Host i apologize. Bring this to a conclusion. Caller okay. My question here is, this environment we are talking about, this has been in the making for 30 years. A lot of this involved from the campaignfinance reform post watergate . Guest people they give home loans to come alone money to come i mean, the relationships and
Banking Industry<\/a> very very important. It was a terrible mistake. I can deal with everything you asked, but that seemed to be a central part of it. Host georgian
San Francisco<\/a>, please go ahead. Caller hello mr. Edwards. I have a theory a theory that i have been working on for a long time. It is not a conspiracy theory, and i would like to hear your opinion on it. I i think that all of these problems stem from one
Single Source<\/a> and that is that there is a big a big war going on between the ultra rich and everybody else. The very rich have plenty of money to lead the discussion they only allow people in power who will not talk about it you know like it is hard to convince a person who is who has an income that depends on something to talk against it. Do you believe there is any truth to the battle between the ultra rich and everyone else . Host thank you, sir. Guest i think that oversimplifies it because i have a lot of good friends who are very wealthy multimillionaires who are totally against what is happening in politics, reformers, trying to change things. They acted in very bipartisan ways. I think you have oversimplified. After one last call from
Mickey Edwards<\/a>. Guest would you comment on the 47 republican senators 47 republican senators signed and that this will ultimately hurt the
Republican Party<\/a> . Host what do you think, phyllis . Caller i think it is treasonous. Host thank you maam. Guest it is not treasonous. It is completely nonsense. But i think it was stupid if you wanted to send a letter saying what the agreement sugar should not be, we should do is communicated to the president the
American People<\/a> not to the iranians command secondly there was in place an agreement where you had a lot of democrats and republicans coming together to insist that the president submit this to the congress for approval. By having by having a completely partisan letter signed by only members of one party it appears that. It was not treasonous. It was not was not unconstitutional, but it was just stupid. Host here is the book, the parties versus the people. Mickey edwards, the author edwards, the author, now with the aspen institute. Thank you, congressman we still have a couple more hours of live coverage on the campus of the university of arizona. Up next, a panel on southwest america. One of the one of the issues we will be talking about was the immigration issue coming up next. After that another call on immigration football and concussion. That panel will conclude the day and one more colin on for five concussions. Live coverage on book tv on cspan2. [inaudible conversations] the 2015 warrants carl lecture at the 7th annual tucson festival of books. I am pleased to be the moderator today. Would like to thank
Cox Communications<\/a> for sponsoring this menu in the university of arizona southwestern are for sponsoring the session. The presentation will last about 55 minutes including question and answers so please hold your questions until the end. Immediately following the session after 30 minutes there will be book signing sponsored by the university of arizona bookstores. If you are enjoying the vessel please become a friend. Your taxdeductible your taxdeductible donation allows us to offer accessible programming free of charge to the citizens in the services and the public to support critical literacy programs in the committee. Out of respect for the authors and fellow audience members, please turn off your cell phones and i we will allowed you to have just a couple of words. Hello. I would also like to thank the
River Program<\/a> at the university of arizona. University of
Arizona Library<\/a>
Student Organization<\/a> the beta phi chapter a beta phi mu. And thank you for all of the hard work and organizing this lecture. This lecture series honors the late
Laurence Powell<\/a> library and literary critic prolific author and tucson resident for more than 30 years. After retiring as dean of the
Library School<\/a> at ucla in 1966 he moved to tucson where he was a professor and resident at the university helping to found the university of
Arizona Library<\/a> school in the 70s in honor of his contribution to libraries and literature and his reverence for the southwest, this lecture bears his name and is delivered by a panel of authors whose birth of work reflects the values, landscape, and history and culture of the southwest. Thank you and enjoy. [applause] in late august 2014, the southwest lost one of our greatest literary voices and chuck bowden. Today were here to are that voice. Widely known for his prose, poetic and prolific production command for his relentless pursuit of the truth as he saw it whether writing about landscapes people, politics. His ability to transform the lives of others that are both direct encouragement and through the written word are lasting legacies that anyone can be proud of. Is particularly appropriate we celebrate and honor him. Was here that he wrote and here he offered some of his bestknown early work including blue desert. Many of us in tucson unfortunately lost connection with chuck about 2,009 as he moved to las cruces, new mexico, having turned his focus to the brutal impact of the narco violence of the car children trade along the border, especially in morris. This transition had the masterpieces murder city and sick of oreo written with the support of his partner editor, and often coauthor who could not be with us yesterday. But in thinking about who could honor chuck, our panelists chuck, our panelists today, fellow authors jim harrison, luis alberto r a and clear jeffrey really need no introduction. We all no jim harrison is the author of more than three dozen books including my alltime favorites. But what may be less wellknown is his long friendship and the frequent stays at his house where he walked the mountain streams. An awardwinning author of almost more than two dozen books including devils highway only one of many writers were greatly encouraged early in their careers. One of my favorite stories is about chuck calling up design here just purchased some two dozen to have copies of his latest book. As the story goes, he probably got in the car and knocked on his door. Being a friendship that lasted for many years. We now know the editor transforming mother jones magazine to its next level of excellence and was critical to the early career editing and publishing his work over the years. The impact and importance will be with us for generations to come. I ask you to stay tuned to the
Software Center<\/a> at the university of arizona for the forthcoming symposium and conferences. A vestige of our panelists today to speculate on the importance of chucks work in the years to come and how they 1st met and became aware of chuck. I i leave each of us to think of these words. I have crossed the line into freedom land. I have become one with trees dirt, things, musk, high water, and, high water, and howls in the night. If there is to be good it must come out of us like an upwelling of which that wars in the vast lonely of the fancy. Let us begin by celebrating his southwest. [applause] published 35 books. I suppose i have something to say albeit subject. My 1st many years ago. Except by what dog i own at the time. And i could remember where we worked, you know where i want. Get get your up in the morning to take a walk which was magical. My poor dog would get up and wait to see. Up in the past or. Because we split the year between patagonia patagonia and montana. Montana i have heard the chuck chuck was to have everyone was drinking quite a bit at a bit of the time, and everyone was talking very, very loud. I thought they were maybe going to have a fight or something, but it was a heavy. Zero, dont pay any attention. They all talk this way. Very loud very somewhat hostile but not really. One thing you notice you could never really tell how close a friend you are with him because he was a creature utterly without sentimentality. Came to any kind of settlement, we are very glad. I think what was hardest about chuck for me early on when i 1st start it occurred to me you dont read chuck boutin. You boot him. The start and you blew your way through the book. I thought at the time its a joke. When you get older you forget a great deal. Without realizing i had written a forward. Anyway, i dont really write that. When i 1st started reading i thought, this i thought, this has to be the most alarming writer in the
United States<\/a>. Easy. I. Easy. I just dont know who else it would be. You no. Really grab you by the years without letting off the work and then i went a long time without seeing them at all. Then when i moved down here for half the year i want to watch for
Bonnie Fontana<\/a> a great lab. I noticed chuck always said and talk started having lunch secretly. If you live in patagonia he going to have to go to tucson to get prime roast. [laughter] it is not available down there by and large. I told louise i finally found a place that has turned tacos that i feel very lucky. A lucky. A been looking a long time for turned tacos. But it had occurred to us when we moved every year it would be better maybe to have someone in the house you know although my wife at one time was she said how do we no some of his enemies arent going to come to our house. I said my only have three guns here. That is maybe not enough but it will take care of the 1st wave. [laughter] but it is funny. Wherever you go in america and they hear you lived for 25 years on the
Mexican Border<\/a> they say zero my god, is that not dangers . I said no as dangerous as new york or chicago. You know, and this what you think of that sector is really the sierra this that to the gallows. No civilians no civilians have died on our side. You no . I mean, you can im not saying you know you dont occasionally share shall fire when you are hunting down the border. In the old days it was like dougs hunting quail. In mexico in mexico you just delicately step over the fence. [laughter] so you know, i dont see any anxiety as i go to mexico frequently. Never had any problems. Much more friendly than the english. [laughter] i dont know certain things tried to figure chuck check out. Was a mistake, but what you are really trying to do is what you do to almost everybody, trying to get a focus which is also not possible. Was not possible. Ive think at the time, when you meet you want to five you want to be without some surprises, you know thats a cardio stuff was awful. I talked to his old
Wine Merchant<\/a> at the prince plaza i went in there and got some wine. So terrible. He was one of the happiest man i have ever met. I thought, really . [laughter] maybe. Maybe. Maybe thats why he is in the wine store. [laughter] but i could go start stringing, you know, correlate. [laughter] but as far as i was talking about this wonderful of you gone with two other byzantine are cocoa way. Recovering. Sam would make a serpentine route through all of them. Wonderful. And he hated turbo threshers. A dog takes that person away. [laughter] my current puppy my wife got called falling for what you get when an old woman its a puppy. Goes to hummingbirds. And she keeps looking at me as if i was supposed to explain hummingbirds, you know you know one it was like being in a blood feud. Very literally solve. But he did not separate. I hated how they would talk about the hideous hyena. I always like hyenas. I was in africa and saw hyena puffs and certainly wanted one. Chuck also loved chihuahua. If you go over to the food city in the gallows. Get a 2pound block of lesser tripe. He picks it over like that. But jack said if you did renew the cd they would rock across and pick out where he was sleeping. They also i think chuck was a dingy much. All the years ive known him, him, just like he is, he had. [inaudible] moved to step on the gas. I said that is because its much easier to write when you dont have a hangover. True. [laughter] but we had set for hours and months that allowed just a little poker of sentiment. He knew i had had a big farm so sort of a big farmer. Was not seen anymore. And he says he would have liked to have had a farm who is pretty tough. The soil was so bad and my grandfather worked in you needed three task forces to plow. Have the strength. And so as you can imagine all day with one hand. 1 foot out one hand. But i dont know. Maybe you wouldve liked it. He says, i says i know i would have liked it. You cant argue with that. I hope he gets a chance for another chance as a farmer i dont know. I think of the number sort of arguments that we used to have come they were not the arguments that they were not the arguments that were one except the raven graduates. [laughter] you know, do you really like [inaudible] that we realized that i also taught little trick. Let them use themselves up. Let them use all of their ammo. They will rise up to this crescendo. And you dont dart in and tell harold on. The views of all the ammunition, and now they are on the and sent and you can have them all the way down. Which tends to work very well except not necessarily with tea party people. [laughter] we had a buddy where everything is possible. Like all of this informed voters are amazing. We have two of these private militia men on latenight tv and manage a smart he said not about something. [laughter] but i suppose but we got with canada if youve not been there, try it. [laughter] on that note i note, i could listen to you all day, as we all could, but they left the cold and snow of chicago to come down here. Quexs got a snow shovel, he shovel, he told me. Just in case. [laughter] thanks, jim. [applause] well,. [laughter] good luck following that. Yes. Yes. [laughter] i defer to my colleague. Is. Arizona aside from the trip. And after being crazy blue desert and i had i had never read anything like it. Not only the nature of writing it but the essay of our bats in that book is off awesome if you are a bad man. His introduction of knew stories and the start darkness, so i was reading chuck. I had been living in a colorado i went back to san diego. And my 1st book was coming out. And as you heard, i was awakened was awakened one morning. The phone rang about 6 00 a. M. I staggered out of bed and answer the phone. I was like, hello. At 6 00 a. M. Call. Its both. Chuck boat. Zero, my god. Why are you calling me . You only money. I have never spoken to this man before. Are you money for what . I ordered 40 copies of your book and my and i want the money. What is happening. And we chatted for a long time. He was so sweet about this book. Going to come now. So we made a date. He met me at that hotel at the corner of speedway in campbell. His like me me in the bar. After about the. I did not no i was stepping in to the scenario. I went out there with the a biker who used to sell lsd to the hells angels. I thought this is going to be cool. A big guy, giant beard. We go to the bar command he was sitting with his back to the wall. Those of you who know him will remember are strong his ex bodyguard. He was leaning against the wall by chuck clearly packing doing this. [laughter] and we walked in there, sat down. Mr. Bowden mr. Barton. What is going on . Hillocks and said, the bastards are out to kill me. Watching for knockers. Wow. You no . [laughter] so cool. And so we had a little a little beer and started to talk. He was so gracious and kind that he did this thing i will never forget. He looks at this 300pound guy big grizzly adams beard and says your name is rick. Yeah. My name is rick. Vick, are you a good man . And the guy was like, you can answer. And he left. And i was looking you are trying to figure this guy out, this euro watching him in action. I we will tell tell you, the sentimental moment was the only time i ever side that 1st day. You are friends with edward abbey. His like, yeah. What was that like . And ill never forget community took his beer and just looked at it and started to cry and left. I thought, great. I run. I run my relationship with
Charles Bowden<\/a> in the 1st minute i i met him. But he stayed loyal and stayed in touch. He sort of took it i think as his business since i was writing about the border so much to interject my homework assignments. And he was getting really fed up with my take because i think as we progressed doing our work chuck got a more and more deep look into the black abyss, and i was born in tijuana, and my family is all border border, border. I was trying to talk about hope and i realized one thing you didnt talk to chuck too much about was hope. He didnt buy it. And twice he completely destroyed my talks. We were on panels like this. Once in santa fe, and i was going on and on each one of us had a moment to speak, and i went on and on what i thought would be the new trends in fraternity and outreach, and i was going on doing my thing and all of a sudden i hear from down the table i dont know what planet youre from. [laughter] and i was done. The place breck up laughing. And the next time we were in bend oregon, on a panel with ursula la gwen and i was frequenting out, between the two, and i was starting again. They were asking beamier about the hope . Is there hope on the border . I said of course, and i startled talking about the border, and this time chuck moved into a zen purity. All he said was oh god. [laughter] and that was the end of that talk. So to me, it was just observation of him, and so many conversations and so much advice and so much cleareyed vision about what we should be doing, and what our responsibilities were as writers, and a whole lot of field sightings. Everybody had tales about, did you hear what bow den did . He broke the tree, yeah and one of the last times we really had a moment that ill not forget anytime soon was it was a
Journalism Conference<\/a> right . And im asking my wife we were in texas. I was a black time. Everybody had to be there in tuxes and so forth. Dan rather was there and all this stuff. And chuck rolled in with a jacket jeans and bolo tie some he was like, im dressed up. And one of the
Bush Administration<\/a> showed up, and chuck went after him. And i remember him screaming fascist war criminal and the secret service my last sight of chuck was going backwards, levitating, being carped away by secret service guys into the night. I love this man ill leave it at that. [applause] im
Clara Jeffrey<\/a> the editor of mother jones, and i started working with chuck at harpers magazine in 1995. He was gifted to me by colin harrison, the
Deputy Editor<\/a> at the time, and colin said i did this story with this guy but you should edit him. I think a woman will be in a better editor for him. It will be interesting. And in part i think colin was right. I think chucks work was better when a few layers of machismo were taken out but colins hidden agenda was no phone call if chuck bowden lasted less than two hours. I remember one clocking in at five hours. And youd be talking about the peace and what needed to happen and the work going on, but also youd be talking about edward abby and angela davis, and the meal he was making and the rain washing through an arojo and on and on, just all these desspirit things coming together and stitched together by chuck saying, you know you know do you follow, do you follow . And it was hard as a young editor to say not really following how those are connected but its magnificent to hear your deep voice. But the phone calls would last so long, and still had the round receivers. I remember one time pulling my ear away and literally a vacuum has formed around my ear. From then on i always warned the
Fact Checkers<\/a> about bowden ear. They had to figure ute way to break up calls or theyd pay the price for them a little bit. One thing i would say about working with chuck people would say you have to see this persons photography exhibit. He was an amazing champion of peoples work. His interests were broad and he never failed to share them with sort of everyone in his life. Sometimes really bizarrely. Chuck, im not a museum curator. I dont know what im going to do with the lovely sculpture you just informed me about, but thanks ill tree try to see their work if they come into town. But it was an amazing and rare thing the way he worked with people in that sense. Fact checking and editing sessions can be a long and arduous process, and when youre trying to factcheck a work that has to do with the slaughter of women on the border or many of the article is worked with chuck on, theyre very long, complicated, hard to source things and youve got editors and sometimes very young factcheckers trying to piece together what chuck has provided, trying to get articles translated from spanish and he was so gracious in that process. There are lot of writers who frankly arent that gracious. Chuck, i remember one time we closed a particularly hard article, and he sent flowers to the factchecker who was working at the time, and she came in and said, everybody else is such an asshole, but this guy is so nice and im so privileged to work with him. He did not write for money. One of the reasons he wrote so much for harpers and mother jones he did not write for fame. Although he got he was renowned in his way and in his circle, but he really wrote with a sense of passion and urgency about issues that most people found too difficult to try and untangle and tide not did not do the job we could do with stitching together these very complicated tales. He was such a voicey writer. I dont think if a ever worked with a more voicey writer. But he was also amazing in letting his voice come through and finding the virgil for each story he had. The first piece worked with him was on the street photographers or juarez, and the work of
Julian Cardona<\/a> and the eothers he worked with on that piece, showing how they were photographing the brutality and all these unsolved murders. He let their work and their explanation guide the readers through something that to most people would have been very alien to them. A city they probably never heard of which at the time were not really well understood, the politics of nafta and he did that by literally turning these guys lens on that story. And it was so amazing to watch him, time and time again finding sometimes really unusual vehicles to tell a story. He wrote another really amazing piece called ike and lyndon which i think is structurally one of the most interesting pieces ive ever read and certainly worked on, where he used an institutionalized outside artist to somehow channel the recordings of
Lyndon Johnson<\/a> and sort retell the tale of vietnam. I cant gwen describe the piece because i dont know how it came together, but it is one of the most interesting pieces of writing. I know everyone who ever read it, a writer who is up in new york, said i still have that piece in my bindings of just a few pieces i look to for inspiration about structure. Another really amazing story he told for us at mother jones was using the story of aheel ya gee tier razz gutierrez who fled mexico when he thought maybe the army was come offering him coming after him for work that had been forgotten but the came to kill him, and telling the story of what happened to him in mexico and then this mans and his teenage sons attempts to get asylum here in the
United States<\/a> and how difficult it was and still is for people fleeing violence of mexico and
Central America<\/a> to find asylum. Again, just using one persons story to tell such a much larger issue. And i chuck talked about at abby all the time. And had this phrase that i really associate with chuck, that the work and life should be fueled in sort of equal parts by love and anger and i really feel that chuck was both. He was a very dark writer, and i think there was hope underneath the darkness but i think he increasingly felt that these things were not changing, why werent they changing . He was sort of not the only person but one of many to beat their head against the wall of some of these issues he cared about and why wasnt anyone listening, why wasnt the world changing. It really is work like his that will lead to change some day. It doesnt happen overnight but for all of to us have read the work that he did i think gave us a much better richer deeper understanding of the issues that affect the whole country but particularly this region. So thank you. Thank you. [applause] thank you so much. Looks like we have 15 minutes for questions. So if you have a particular question, if youd like to make your way to a microphone now is your chance. I want to say one thing to her because we talked we werent feeling well, a rotten cold day, but down in the san rafael valley, talking about male and female editors, and i said, my entire career ive always had female editors and he says why . Because that dick thing just gets in the way. [laughter] nothing more to add. [laughter] anymore comments . I would like to say one thing. A lot of chucks work, just so you know, has been collect at the whitcliff collection part of the
Texas State University<\/a> at san marcos including drafts of all of his pieces and books and correspondence with editors friends and acquaintances. So for those who are deep lovers of after archives i suggest you check out what they have been archiving and theres much more to come. My question is, why you think it too so long what is it about the human condition it took so long for people to believe what chuck was writing about the border . I think its maybe the unilateral unpleasantness of it. Across the board. Theres nobodys. [whistle] nobodys whispering
Sweet Nothings<\/a> to it. And people ask me, why did you get me to read this . I couldnt go to sleep. I said thats the point. You dont deserve to go to sleep. I think people reduce it to issues and that can feel partisan or can just feel overly simplified. Its a big complicated story with a lot of different players and sides and theres no one truth. I think his work was very prismatic in a way. I heal relatives who work in federal
Law Enforcement<\/a> along the border and one thing i liked about chucks work he never reduced it to good people and bad people and good issues and bad issues. Everybody was complicated. He knew more than most, and that the issues are too and he wanted to lay that all bare but was not simplistic about it. I think also he had really good sense i think a lot of times people think of chuck as a mongolian horde of literature rushing down at you but he had so many tones and i think sometimes he knew when he wrote about objects, for example, it was so devastating. When hed go out and find the abandoned clothing of immigrants it was a devastating piece of writing. He would focus on things. He did a wonderful piece might have been for geo maybe it was harpers the piece about the abandoned houses when the bubble burst in the
United States<\/a>, and he went down i15, and he figured out that if you see a house with a dead lawn and high grass, you can go ahead and break in, and see whats in it. Started going from house to house and realized all these houses are full of all this stuff, clearly bought and abandoned, and he found a marine uniform, hundreds of big screen tvs everywhere. One place had a car. The thing that broke his heart you could tell as a writer some kids homework still sitting on the table, and the family just left and left it all. When he realized this stuff was going to go to the garbage dumps, the banks were sending teams to pick this stuff up and throw it away. All of this
American Dream<\/a> wasted, and it haunted me so much, i wrote a story about some chicano gangsters who form they see the article and they form the bowden federal bank. I thought too late to show it to them put i thought it would give them a chuckle and theyd get a truck and have bedeafen painted on it with an eagle and just go around and take the tvs out of these houses once he told them they were there. In the subdivision runners where the houses were repod chuck told me theyd hire through central casting families to stay in the homes, having a barbecue so when they brought clients to the subdivision wow. And just the residual disony there is dishonesty there is overwhelming. I love it. More questions . Kind expecting dhak walk in the back door and make some comment. Im curious, youre saying a prolific man but where was the real source of his income that he was able to travel and live a lifestyle of someone who is dedicated to art but necessarily isnt dedicated to the commerce of art . I think art protected him just out of love and loyalty. I dont know that he lived very simply too. I was he is not he didnt have a hollywood year where the blew through millions like i did. [laughter] he lived very simply. The equipment he was proudest of was his coffeemaker. I dont know anyone who could work it. It was immense. It was good. Claire, you touched on this but i wondered if luis or jim could also talk about the increasing darkness of chucks writing that i would start with down by the river and then end up with murder city and sacario, both of which you talk about not sleeping. Both of those did that to me. They were really creepy. What do you think accounted for this other than this frustration with communicating what was going on, this increasing darkness. I almost felt like he was getting, if you excuse my saying so fascinated and captivated by evil. I think youre right there. I think the other thing is he got to feeling that theres not much time left and his eyes were opening wider and he has to get the depth of evil has to be fully perceived. I think that was the feeling he had urgency toward it, because [inaudible] says they dont really believe the existence of evil, get a horrible quarrel with my publisher because a lot of my new novel is downright nasty. I said i told you i was writing a novel about evil. What am i supposed to do . I mean i wonder, too, if that i think he wasdrop more to that in recent years, but remember that he was a pulitzer finalist in 1984 for exposing and writing about a lot of horrible especially child raped and murders, and he i edited a piece for harpers a sort of memoir of coming to terms with that and coming to terms with some things in his own past. I think there was a pool there that he could access of very disturbing memories, and things he had encountered as a reporter and i think there were years maybe where he chose to or was better at sort of finding more optimism in that than at other times. He also liked that i sprang one on him that he was amused by. I said when you get in trouble arguing about the dates or what is happening in our country, in new york you have to know that probably the only newspaper that they read is the
New York Times<\/a>, so theyre not reporting stuff like we get the methodist minister bangs to 13yearolds. That sort of stuff is totally left out of the times. So they never read these editors in that direction. I can hear him saying oh, god, to this, but i think in some sense part of his work seems to me almost had a i hate to use the word but dont have another word almost a theological bent. He was seeing this damnation and was just tolling the bell over and over again. Absolutely. He was so frustrated, i think. I tell this story just jokingly because it was funny at the time but the more i think about it the more it haunts me. A great relationship with all the little book stores in town. Theyre all gone, and one of the book store employees i went to this persons home and i was looking around and they had photos of chuck writing carousel horses riding carousel horses a merrygoround, and he was just like oh. I said you do destroy
Charles Bowden<\/a>s entire career. When i think that, i think it was a sensitive man. The reason he was so crusty, i think, was there was very tender heart in there or he wouldnt have reached out so often and so relentlessly to other people and done this work so much, and i think you cant take the abyss that long without it breaking your heart and i think he was i said this on the panel yesterday, this great quote, out of love you can write with sheerest rage. I think theres a secret there with chuck. There was some love there he hid that was killing him. That what suspect, not being superintimate with him but i felt that. Well, its interesting to see, being in somewhat remote contact from new york how the whole chuck reputation is lifting rather precipitously. Im wondering why do you have to die to get that kind of that might be part of it, but the fatalists among us which are millions, say ive been trying to get you to read this for years, which is the true. And on the discovery, they know. More questions . Probably be our last question today, too. Thank you. This might be more applicable to luis and clara. Im curious, those who are really interested in border immigration, war on drugs issues or offer kind of dismayed at the lack of coverage, and nothing in the journalism or reporting business likes probably most of us here we might not understand the forced behind that, so as experienced people in this field if you could just touch upon what you see the state of that and is the source of origin for not covering it and in the ways some can be behind the scenes that might be a naive question to ask someone in the business to answer forth comingly but if you could touch on that subject. Well, first of all theres just been a gutting of reporting across the country basically from especially local and regional papers. The kind of weekly work that used to be done that led to this grand narrative writing style that chuck has had been decimated. I think theres less people reporting the being in journalism has never been a particularly lucrative or even survivable field but things that are being rewarded are less and less about serious reporting, and then i think the border is a complicated, sometimes dangerous thing to cover, certainly at the kind of way that chuck did, and again, there arent that many places that either have the resources or the institutional fortitude or whatever to invest in that kind of a thing on a sustained level. So you see a really great project like npr did the big borderland series and it was quite large in scope, and theres a lot of good work there and theres other great people doing it. But i think to the size of its not just the issue of the border. Theres so many inherent ones. Theres just not a lot of work being produced period. I agree, and chuck and i talked about this often. I kind of learned this from the
Border Patrol<\/a>. They used to tell me if youre going really write about the border, and talk to us, find an agent who has been in ten years or longer because everybody suddenly discovered the border and nobody knows anything about and it nothing is true. Find somebody who has been here for a long time and understands the desert and the culture. Chuck used to call it, stole it from him, my day at the zoo reporting, where people would come
Gabby Gifford<\/a> got shot and a million reports showed up and then went home. So to have somebody who has the investment i guess almost a beat longterm dedication to this subject and slogging it and slogging it. You know stuff and you understand stuff about it, and you try to absorb the culture, and he and i may have had different views of what border culture was. Im south of the border and he came from the north of the border but at least he had the years of steady gaze and focus and thought and risk. Im not sure that many people first of all there arent very many border beats left. A woman out of san diego ive written with who has gone on now to miami. So not a lot of tijuana stories in miami now. Thats part of it. Having the beat and having the
News Organization<\/a> available to do that beat. Just seeing it as more than like the
Border Patrol<\/a> versus. I mean, if you get to know the
Border Patrol<\/a>, my brother was an agent for a while, its really much more complicated. More than a third of them are latino. Its just as much more complicated situation than the sort of boiled down 1500 word news piece when you can get them. Culturally structurally. Not just one tiny part of a sub order in general. So i agree, theres not much
Institutional Investment<\/a> in it. I mean its also because it is sort of like cover
Climate Change<\/a> another very complicated issue that has a lot of fascinating elements to it but its hard for people who dont to wrap their head around it. I suspect people dont want to hear about it ultimately. They say oh, yeah, okay narcos. Really . Were buying cocaine so theyre in power . Well okay, dont point at me. Wait, we sell them guns . That sucks. People just are worn out and theres bad news exhaustion, and to keep reminding people, you do have a terrorist insurgency happening next door. I think partisan divide how people are seeing that is one issue that has gotten just more and more talking points and not an when they say guzman grossed 20 billion a year. Who is going to believe that . Its beyond comprehension. I notice our timekeeper in the back has been giving me the sign has been hopping up and down. Id like to thank everyone for coming today, for attending the session. [applause] [inaudible conversations] you have been watching booktv z live coverage of the tucson book festival on the campus of the university of arizona. The last panel talking about the southwest, some of the border issues and
Charles Bowden<\/a> marx bowden who died last year appeared on booktv several times. If grew to booktv. Org and type in his name, you can meet the person they have been talking about via video. Well, one of the panelists is joining us, a pulitzer finalist for his
Nonfiction Book<\/a> the devils highway a couple years ago. Well be talking about the border issues they were discussing here on the panel. This is
Luis Alberto Urrea<\/a>, and he will be joining us. If you have questions about immigration, narker to narcoterrorismism, the drug wars dial in now. 2027488200. For those in the east and central time zone 7488201 for those in the mountain and pacific time zone. You can also if youd like to follow us on twitter, you can follow us booktv. Joining us now here on our set is
Luis Alberto Urrea<\/a>, the kings highway. His
Nonfiction Book<\/a>, finalist nor pulitzer a couple years ago. Mr. Urrea, for those who maybe tuned in late, fifth us a 101 very quickly on
Charles Bowden<\/a>. Guest
Charles Bowden<\/a> was perhaps the premiere journalist or new journalist guess, writing about border issues. He particularly later in this life took on the narcowars. Sort of started as a nature writer wrote always with an eye on the dark side. He was the master of the abyss. And he maxed out the laughs few years writing about this drug wars and particularly the violence in the juarez area and violence against women in juarez, and i think he was one of the great modern nonfiction masters a la maybe hunter thompson. Oo for those who dont live 70 meals from the border here in tucson is life different because youre so close to the
Mexican Border<\/a> here . Youre not living here guest i live in chicago but heres the deal. Every city in america is a border city now. Accept it. Chicago, theres a runoff between rahm emanuel and a mexican mayor, chewy garcia. But i think life is different. I dont necessarily believe its dark and panicky. Depends on the neighborhood. But if you go to el paso, right next to perhaps the most dangerous city available, juarez, el paso is one of the safest american cities. So its a very interesting and i think paradigm shifting experience to live near the border. Here in tucson its a very in my view, anyway, integrated place where you can have a mix of cultures, or two separate cultures, a choice, and it seems a very comfortable mix. Aside from political complications like host you say its a comfortable mix in your view but there are political issues guest oh, yes. No question. Host we talk about them quite often. Guest yes, indeed. I did an hour with bill moyer about them but i think those things are partially fueled by find e phoenixs politics and the school board dismantled
Mexican American<\/a> studies for reasons that seems specious to us writer, and the kids did their best to continue their education. They formed their own mexicanamerican studies and were studying on their own on weekends. People here in the area, the general population seemed to be really supportive of those kids and their struggle, and nobody wants to see books banned. I dont think. Except the folks who actually perpetrated the banning. But that begins the american process, and my message to my mexicanamerican population, if you want to affect the change, then vote. Register vote, take part and move the conversation. And that i think is going to happen. Theres a lot more that program had a very high retention level, a very high
College Placement<\/a> level, the highest test scores. So those kids will grow up into working, functioning citizens and theyll vote for change. Host luis, where is the kings highway. Guest devils highway. Its along the southern bored of arizona and kind of runs on and off from out near texas, all the way to the
Colorado River<\/a>. So people who are maccar the fans, blood meridian is a great novel, and the devils highway at yuma, and it is the path that many people have to cross when they come north or travel it, and its got a long history of torment and sorrow indian wars. I wrote in the book the first registered nonindigenous person was a spanish conquistador so you have many hundreds of years of rough death and suffering, very little water. A beautiful place, ed abby loved it. Chuck bowden loved it. Its a place of natural splendor but also great danger. Border principal knows it well. Host whats the danger . Guest the danger is theres a hideous death. Death now theres a lot more drug smuggling on it. A lot more chance for criminal experience on it. And its so isolated, so far. The devils highway book i wrote, 14 men died out there from sunstroke essentially. So its a really harsh landscape and its a surreal landscape, but a heartrending by beautiful one as well. Indian territories, a lot of it is parts of reservations or traditionally indian lands so in thesome way as a
Border Patrol<\/a> agent said to me, its very much like 1890 here. Theres the cavalry and there are
Indigenous People<\/a> in this wild land, which was kind of interesting. And i think one thing that would shock most americans if you go along the devils highway, its right along the
Mexican Border<\/a>, and theres nothing. Theres no fence. Theres no sign. Just a dirt road. And you can step into mexico as they step into the u. S. Theres nothing there at all. And sometimes when youre with an agent theyll say would you like to illegally penetrate mexico . Step one foot forward, one step back youve been to mexico. Once you see that you start to understand how strange the environment is for those agents and the walkers and so forth. Host so, if youre crossing there, its actually relatively easy to cross into the u. S. , but then guest yes. Easy is a i guess one could say theres no wall theres no fence. But its a very rough, very hot, very isolated place, that is quite dangerous. The number of immigrants have fallen precipitously from the first dives immigration madness and the number of
Border Patrol<\/a> agent hayes really mushroomed. The deaths are still continuing at high rate because its so physically harsh. For example in the book i wrote, they crossed and were lost in the mountains walkers, came out on the federal bombing range, the eisenhower bombing range so your in the middle of this mad place and there are abandoned airplanes and bombers come over and drop bombs. Can you imagine what a strange thing that and is youre dying of meet and hallucinating and youre lost. Its a rough traveling experience and theres a rest area where many of the people who survive this, many of them dont but they get there to drink water from the bathroom so the
Border Patrol<\/a> spends a lot of time patrolling that bombing range to try to find the law. Host
Luis Alberto Urrea<\/a> is our guest. The dis highway was a finalist for the
Pulitzer Prize<\/a> in nonfiction. First call for him from david in rochester, new york. Youre on booktv. Caller hi. Thank you mr. Urrea. I want to thank you because you came to rochester a couple of years ago and i heard you speak, and i bought your book the marking bird song and i left it with somebody and you were very kind to sign it for me and the little mocking byrd picture was great. And i loved it. I just wanted to thank you for that. And. Guest thank you, david. Caller good you think the do you think the situation since you wrote the book the dis highway has gotten better or worse . Guest thats a good question, brother. There are lot more agents there for example, the welton station had 30 agents when i wrote the book and had 300 now. So perhaps americans dont know the border is very heavily patrolled the way it was. The issue that has complicated and it turned it into a worse nightmare is this narcowar and the violence level has turned exceedingly high. Some regions have calmed down a little bit, which is kind of weird, but if you go to the old smuggling towns i went to in mexico, that used to be completely full of floods of people, theyre ghost towns now. Aside from the joke in mexico is everybody already left. Theres nobody left to come north. But i think partially its because its such a harsh environment and people are afraid to come forth, and i tried to suggest in the book that the narcos might control immigration, and i think thats what theyre doing. Mr. Urrea, what is the novel that david in
Syracuse Rochester<\/a> referred to. Guest called the hummingbirds daughter. Host the topic. Guest historical novel about a great aunt of mine who was called the saint of cabora also known as the mexican joan of arc, and she was a sort of visionary and healer and was a precursor of the mexican revolution. I did 20 years of research which is what brought me to live in the tucson area to be near the yaki people and study with medicine people. So i walked the deserts a lot but wasnt dying of thirst. I was with people trying to teach me the life source in plants. Host jim is in new jersey, youre on booktv. Hello. This is jim carvallo, when i lived in tucson guest oh no; hi, jim. Caller i published a little journal called border beat. Its nice to see you. Guest oh,ey. Thank you for publishing me. Youre very welcome so nice to hear you again. I have a quick anecdote about chuck that youll get a kick out and gift insight into his temperment. I was in a massacre in juarez at a restaurant, and when i told chuck about it, i also referred to one of the victims of the actual massacre was an american and the
Mexican Press<\/a> made reference to him as joe cool. So chuck said joe cool from america was shot in mexico. Perhaps there is some justice on the border after all. Guest oh my god. Thats chuck. Thats chuck. Caller exactly. That was chuck. He was also the one who turned me on to of all things, the drudge report. So you could never pigeonhole chuck. He was wideranging. Finally, i have one last comment that concerns chucks girlfriend molly malloy. And i want you to comment on this if you dont mind. She did some interesting exposure to the actual what she described as the myth of the women massacred in juarez and not taking the terrible victimization of the women that were killed. It was not anywhere near as large as many in the media have portrayed. And ill hang up now and say, thanks again. It was great to hear from you. Best of luck to you. I appreciate seeing you again some time. Thank you luff with. Guest thanks jim. Thats great. The issue of the women murders in juarez was a very unpopular stance chuck was taking later on because he kept insisting that finally, as near the very end there wasnt a massive wave of women killings, and i among many was outraged by this until he put it in this context. He said theres a massive killing of everybody. Everybody is dying. And there are hundreds of thousands of people dying in mexico where you hear ten or 20,000. And that was strange. And so he i never saw the material but he claimed he could prove percentagewise this massacre this huge serial killing of women, was partly a process of an ongoing massacre in general. And that men as well as women in great numbers were going. Host would you go to juarez today . Guest i would. Perhaps not at night but ya. Juarez im from tijuana, i was born there, and tijuana was going juarez style re had the soupmaker who melted over 300 people for the cartels, and so the tijuana selfregulated. They realized they could not afford this kind of chaos, and the chaos in juarez really harmed the city, and the moneyed people in juarez fled to el paso to save themselves. So juarez although dangerous and violent, has toned it down, and people are starting to go back. I was just here at the book festival with some writers
Anna Castillo<\/a> and she went down to juarez and went shopping and ate and went out for an evening of dancing. I thought, are you crazy . But she said no, it was just like the old days. So i thought i think in some sense some of this is abating a little bit. Selfregulating a little bit. And a lot of the real heinous violence seems to have moved a little farther south right now. Around acapulco, the state of guerrero is in a lot of trouble. I would go to hard res. Host tim, grand
Rapids Michigan<\/a> youre on booktv with
Luis Alberto Urrea<\/a>. Caller thank you for taking my call. I want to know if readers can expect a sequel, an underdate to your work the dis highway. Guest thank you. Caller or picking up the great work that you have done in the past. Guest thanks so much. Thats really sweet. The devils highway was a weird experience because it just has kept going for ten years. You never expect that. So we have just done a tenyear
Anniversary Edition<\/a> at little brown, and i added updates, and then some personal material that wasnt in the first book. And i continue to write this stuff. I am doing a three books this spring one of nonfiction one of fiction, and one of poetry androdly enough the poetry book is continuing some of that. Its called the tijuana book of the dead. And im looking for that story. Id like a full narrative rather than a collection of essays, but i am planning to put some of the immigration essays out as i did in my first
Nonfiction Book<\/a>. So, thank you. Host next call from steve in yuma arizona. Hi steve. Caller good afternoon. How are you. Guest im good. Caller i havent read you nor chuck, although after this panel i certainly intend to do so. Im looking forward to reading both of you for the first time. Im located here in yuma, and of course were in the very
Southwest Corner<\/a> of the state right next to the
Colorado River<\/a> and california and mexico. And i think yuma is a rather unique city, unique area. My question is, do you have any observations about this part of the country, the city in particular and the yuma area in reference to your experiences. Guest yes, sir i sure do. I love yuma with a particular passion for a couple of reasons. When i started working on devils highway, yuma was the first
Border Patrol<\/a> agents who take me in. After four months of trying. And the sheriff took really good care of me and has always been really kind, and later on a photographer friend of mine wanted to photograph the border, and those agents who put me to the test in yuma, took him in and helped him do his book. So i feel that a lot. On a personal note, my father died in san luis, south of you, at the hands of the mexican cops and at the time unfortunately they killed him slowly. Dont have enough time to go into it but it took eight hours for him to die, and yuma send an plans to the border waiting the full eight hours, because they couldnt cross to get him and the mexicans outwaited him and he died. So i feel a lot 0 for you. Ya i think its a for yuma. I think its a beautiful town and i othe devils highway to the sheriff and your agents there at yuma station. Besides the guys who died in my book were known as the yuma 14 so theres a lot of yuma in it and ill just to the this out too. My one of my first ash city reads was in ma yuma, and i had to confront the whole bored patrol who showed up in uniform. Didnt know how they would take it but theyre were really great and really hilariously funny. So i love yuma, and i income some ways i think in some ways your city is one of the harbingers of the future how things will work out in this situation, for better or worse, and i suspect its for better. I know what youre dying with the river and the river walk and making clearing out the salt cedar and getting the danger areas safe again. Thats fantastic. Love yuma. Host mr. Urrea, why was your father killed by the
Mexican Police<\/a> . Guest he was i was his first child to go to college, and he had driven deep into mexico to retrieve money as a gift for me and he was trying to get home, and some of the police in that town are notoriously crooked, and there was some evidence that they forced his car off the road and they stole everything. And realized he wasnt an american tourist but was actually a retired
Mexican Federal<\/a>
Judicial Police<\/a> officer, and i think they felt it was most expeditious to let him pass. And then they started making threatening calls to me in california. So i like chuck. I have a different personality than
Charles Bowden<\/a>, but i think we both had some dark views of the border. Theres nothing darker than that. And that kind of fueled my interest in writing about it. All these stories are hidden and i dont think americans or mexicans know. If you go into mexico they dont know whats going on the border either. People dont know. So i try to learn as much as i can, and then report it so other folks can see what i found out. Host richard, los angeles, good afternoon. Richard . Are you with us . He is not. How did you end up in chicago . Guest one of those mistakes of fate. I have been a gypsyish write for a long time and was living in louisiana, and the university of illinois offered me tenure if i would move to chicago. I thought wait youre going to give in the a job you canned fire cant fire me from . Ill take it, so we moved there and weve been there 15 years. Host whats your take on the immigration debate going on in washington. Guest oh, my goodness. I dont know. I just get so frustrated. I almost gave up the ghost bowden style when the children were trying to get here and save themselves and i was really excited that obama after so many years of hardcore deportations, was going to take a reformist stance, and i share americas sense of quagmire. We move a little bit and then we get bogged down again and bogged down again. I think we have to realize what we want. We have to agree on what we want and act on it. Is the president s executive order the right approach . Guest i dont know. I thought sometimes you have to just take a bold step. Right . And make a major gesture, damn the torpedoes. But clearly a lot of people did not agree with that. So im watching. I dont have baited breath anymore because i have seen too much but im watching and wondering. I think the issue of the immigrant in the
United States<\/a> is being taken up by the small towns where those folks live and a lot of the solutions are quite humane and smart and you can see things happening on the ground level because people have to move ahead. Theyve got to make their towns work. And i see it in iowa, in illinois, in those bread basket places. You see it in michigan with the apple crops. So im watching that and that heartening. You can take a tour with me to the k towns, in kalamazoo michigan, and watch the smaller communities work it out regardless of what is going on out there or regardless of political reticence or fear but saying look, we have to survive. Theres this population here. How do we put them to work for our town and save our town first . And its a beautiful thing to watch. Ive written a little about it in the
New York Times<\/a> and so forth, but it is things are going on because were human and we want to survive. Host what about the current or semi knew mexican government. Are they good partners with the u. S. And trying to come to solutions . Guest the president is growing more and more unpopular in mexico. And i think it will behoove to us watch and see what happens with the population in mexico and his administration. There is a lot of fracture right now in mexico. Fueled by the impatience with the drug war and the trouble. I think if oddly enough president bush was working out a pretty good deal with president fox. Im one 0 those of brain damage end liberals. I thought two conservative guys working out a business agreement and forgetting the colonialist uproar but a business agreement would work until 9 11 set them on opposite courses. So watch and ski hsieh what happens with the popular uprisings in mexico first in my opinion. And finally, youve said three new books coming out this spring. The nonfiction is . Guest wandering time the nature book. Writing about elk. And the story collection is called the water museum. And then teapot the book is the tijuana back of the dead. Host
Luis Alberto Urrea<\/a> the devil riz highway, thank you for being a guest. Guest handor to be here. Thank you so much. Our live coverage continues now. We have one more panel and one more call insure. This is the final panel being held here at the gallagher theater at the university of arizona, and this one is on concussions and the future of football. And two of the panelists are coauthors of this book, league of denial. And mark one of the coauthors with join us to talk about football, concussions and policy around that issue. Also participating on the panel is
Helen Mcdaniel<\/a> a former professional
Football Player<\/a> and author and lee steinberg, sports agent and heres the last panel from the tucson festival of books, football and concussions. Our thanks to
Cox Communication<\/a> for sponsor the venue and. Preparation today will last 55 minutes and that includes questions and answers for all of you, so please keep your questions to the end and perhaps keep them as short as possible so we can work in as many questions as possible. Then immediately following the session, the authors will be autographing books at the u of a book store tent on the mall, sponsored by university of arizona book stores. Is the
Senior Writer<\/a> with espn and with his brother mark. He is the coauthor of the league of denial the nfl concussions and the battle for truth of the
New York Times<\/a> bestselling book on the nfl efforts to cover up the link between football and braindamaged. Steve worked previously as a correspondent for the
Washington Post<\/a> where he worked the
Pulitzer Prize<\/a> for
International Reporting<\/a> for his investigative series on the role of mercenaries in the iraq war. He is the author of big boy rules americas mercenaries fighting in iraq and the coauthor of the duke of havana baseball, cuba and the search for the
American Dream<\/a>. His brother is an
Investigative Reporter<\/a> for espn and a member of espn espn investigations and enterprise unit which produces work for the awardwinning program outside the lines which i know many of you have seen. Steve and mark serve as reporters and writers on a companion documentary of the same name for pbs awardwinning program frontline and the league of denial, that earned the prestigious george polk and peabody award as well as in any nomination. For mark along with colleague
Lance Williams<\/a> he earned
National Honors<\/a> in 2004 and in 2005 are there coverage of the steroid scandal in baseball and the book game of shadows barry bonds and the steroid scandal became an immediate
New York Times<\/a> bestseller and prompted
Major League Baseball<\/a> to investigate steroid use in its sport. The ucs pattern beginning to develop . Leigh steinberg is regarded as one of the greatest sports agents in sports history. In one stretch during his career he is the agent who held the six overall number one picks in the nfl draft over a sevenyear period and the number of picks that he represented in his career is unmatched in nfl history. At one time half of the starting quarterbacks in the national
Football League<\/a> were his clients. He founded his practice in 1975 and has since represented over 250 professional athletes including troy aikman, steve young, bruce smith, thurman thomas,
Ben Robison Berger<\/a> and many more and he is president and ceo of steinberg sports and entertainment and advocate for player safety. He has hosted two
National Conferences<\/a> on the subject of compassions in the nfl and finally, the third and fourth member of the panel is
Pellom Mcdaniels<\/a> iii here as a former
Football Player<\/a> having played for the kansas city chiefs. [laughter] hes assistant professor of the
African Studies<\/a> at
Emory University<\/a> and his scholarly interests include africanamericans and world war i and the intersection of sports intoand civil rights. His first book prints of jockeys examines the career of the 19th century africanamerican jockey. Wed also like to welcome the audience watching around the country on a cspan book tv. The issue in the nfl came to the forefront because of the book that steve and mark had coauthored so we want to begin by asking them to quickly issue a kind of summary statement about how this issue came to their attention and the nations attention at what the status of the debate is and then we will invite leigh to weigh in having a couple of conferences for the players and sports administrations. We would like to invite
Pellom Mcdaniels<\/a> to weigh in on this issue. So i will turn it over to you. Before i start we really want to thank you for having us here. This is our second time back at the festival and its amazing how huge its gotten and we are grateful to be here. I will just give you a quick synopsis. Digging into the story there had been a lot of good reporting done on the issue of concussions and football prayers to us jumping into the story in 2011. Our colleagues at espn have done fantastic work on the issue and ellen at the
New York Times<\/a> and others. But i think one of the fundamental issues that havent been really addressed about this is what did the league know and when did he know it and how did it address a problem that was becoming a huge
Public Health<\/a> crisis not only had the nfl level but the youth level and the pressure of the nfl was rationally quite considerably on this in 2010. The commissioner was called before congress and just hammered by the representative henry waxman are basically raising the question asked of the commissioner is there a connection between football and braindamaged by this time, there have been a number of stories about this connection to raise the specter and the commissioner don what he has done repeatedly to distinguish his slave of the question and say lets let the medical people decide that. To which their representative was not only sort of dismissive but also divisive and i think a lot of medical people were too because for them to question had the question had been answered and to this day this could have been the commissioners position wake up with the medical people decide. For us the book was an opportunity to reflect that to the beginning of this issue which began to percolate in the nfl in the early 90s or in large part because a few other folks. So we wanted to get at the core of taking a look at the denial and ultimately with the book represented for us was presenting what had happened than two decades of denial become a sort of a twopronged front of ip nfl in which they went after scientists raising the question between football and braindamaged and sought to ostracize them and their statements and at the same time essentially taking over a medical journal and publishing paper after paper after paper in the journal and suggesting that there was no problem playing football and there was no connection but essentially they had different greens and the rest of us and they just were not susceptible to getting concussions are the kind that would cause brain damage. And the wisdom of such the but percolated them for years. And i think the book is an effort to do that and what came out of the box was book was a high level of publicity around the issue accompanied by the documentary that generated additional focus around this issue and to that point now there is an ongoing dialogue. When we started to get into this, we had a real opportunity to talk to a lot of
Football Player<\/a>s to get their thoughts on what was going on so you have on the one hand as mark said the nfl with all of its power and resources trying to deny that this was actually a problem and yet we were going from player to player receiving the incredible devastation that had been wrought. And it was strictly attributable to their career. So you have this obvious tension where these people were feeling left out. They were feeling abandoned. I think like
Many Mental Health<\/a> problems, you saw that it was not something that simply affected the players. Its simply a fact that everyone around them and so we tried to him as much of a sort of granular way to lay out what this looked like. And so when we began the book we knew we wanted to start really as patient zero. It was mike webster at the center for the
Pittsburgh Steelers<\/a> during the 1970s. And what we did is we just essentially chronicled what had happened to webster and what had happened as he had gone from being this person who was the stream like conservative, stable i hear in the community so be there was a great teammate and family man to somebody who was completely unrecognizable to his friends and his family. He went from somebody who was financially conservative to somebody spending every dime his family had. He ended up living in his truck almost as a transient shuttling between wisconsin and pittsburgh at some timehave some time essentially living on the road sometimes sleeping in train and bus stations. He had incredible physical problems as a result of his career in the nfl even beyond his obvious
Mental Health<\/a> issues. And he would go to these sort of extremes to try to deal with them. He wouldve utterly was utterly superglue his teeth back into his mouth. He had incredible trouble sleeping. He couldnt sleep in a bad decision would sleep in a chair and when that didnt work he tried to sleep in his truck and when that didnt work he had purchased several mail order stun guns and had his friend literally teaser him to sleep and so it would give an idea of the magnitude of what these issues were. And i think what we saw over time as the book came out and we were able to dramatize some of these issues, use all the tension that exists and continues to exist today and on the one hand that is a major
Public Health<\/a> problem in the country that affects thousands of kids and parents and players all the way up to the nfl and theres an incredible powerful lucrative entity but we have what it means to the culture. You know the nfl is still incredibly popular well over 100
Million People<\/a> watched the most recent super bowl. Our employer has a 15. 2 billion over contract to broadcast monday night football and they have that contrast for a reason. It makes a lot of money. So that is at the heart of what i think we are now and i think it is going to be fascinating to hear what we say about this and where we are going so i dont think that anybody really totally knows where this is going to end. Youve hosted conferences for your clients and anyone that would want to come through the sports agents or scientists, what kind of a reaction did you get at those conferences and also from your clients and players what came out of it and what did you learn about the issue from having done that . Spin at first i want to thank the festival of books to be surrounded by other people who love books and what an amazing thing and with a mindboggling presentation they do. And incidentally my book is the agent for making deals into changing the game. So i had a practice that they look for role models of the that would re trace their roots to the high school and professional community. I had to start in the nfl and i watched them get hit in phoenix and knocked on the ground and blood coming out of his ears and she looked for a while like he had died and petrified me. Then there was a night in 1995 data between the
San Francisco<\/a> 49ers for the right to play in the super bowl and the whole city was lost with celebration. I went up to his room and he was sitting there he looked at me and said where am i. Did we win the game did i play today . Yes. Did we win the game yes. His face brightened. Five minutes later he looked at me and said where am i . Why am i here . I almost thought he was joking but this went on ten minutes later with the same sequence again and i finally wrote down on a piece of paper the answers to his concussion questions. And it terrified me. And i felt a crisis of conscience because if my work with athletes was designed to enhance their lives to lead them into the second career fulfillment, then how was it cant juggle for me to enable players to do an activity that would lead to all the rest of it. But we didnt know anything. We were told by the doctors over and over again and i did go to the conferences that there were no longterm consequences from concussion. And one hit doesnt need another in the temporal proximity dont do anything. So i told the conference where we brought the leading urologists from around the country. Manufacturers tried to approach it in different ways. I had tried a command and others. Gary plummer was one of the players now that has dementia. So we issued a white paper and not much changed. We did it again in 2005 at the institute and then we have robert and kevin and a whole series that have been with me on this from the start. They had done come to studies and so they told us three or more conversations and exponentially higher risks of alzheimers, parkinsons and chronic traumatic encephalopathy and depression. So i called it a ticking timebomb and academic. So every time they hit the defense of linemen at the inception of a football play, it produces a lowlevel sub concussion hit. So you could have an offense of linemen walkout after playing the
High School Pro<\/a> football with 10,000 hits none of which had been diagnosed and none of which the aggregate will certainly do much worse than the three knockout blows. And so what has changed . We do baseline testing we have better diagnostic techniques. But the bottom line is that its not healthy and 50 of the mothers actually knew what this concussion crisis leads to. They can play any sport but not tackle football and the socioeconomics of football with change. It would be impoverished people who knew they were going to get brain damage. So i had been working and this protects against the
Skull Fracture<\/a> but there is a compression system weve been working on all sorts of ways ultimately that will help us but thank god for these gentlemen because it was lovely for year after year. They studied medicine at the university of guadalajara and was a room of her rheumatologist and he had his studies and research. Now i am not a doctor mac but i dont think that rheumatology is the brain. [laughter] and what they told him over and over again was there is no risk from concussion and no longterm effects. One doesnt leave to another and thats what they told the players. So, one last thing you have to stick against the culture of the health of denial that all athletes have. They are taught to ignore pain. Real men dont get locked out of the lineup, dont complain. We would have known sooner about this if they would have been honest and if they understood what it was that they were suffering from. I had the players so if you and i see longterm health is the biggest parity and after that would come again and the game and after that one play in the priorities they would turn on their head. Its display. So you get athletic denial and young men deny a. Its difficult. None of my athletes have been happy with the way that ive spoken out. And by their book especially if you have kids who are thinking about coalition sports. You play in the national
Football League<\/a>. Take us inside of a typical game in the hit along the battle line of scrimmage. How violent is it and were you ever aware of the potential danger from concussion aqwex. I am a historian and im someone who thinks very deeply about issues. He brings up a couple
Different Things<\/a> about the impoverished communities and the idea that sports like football and basketball or other ways out of poverty and not just for the individual but to communities and families and so this issue is going to have an impact on people. They are big into the industries and we all acknowledge that and recognize that and so we understand its escalated into the ground because more people of disposable income to attend and follow their favorite athlete and if you were a kid wants to be with them and so the marketing of the nfl has made this not an impossible kind of quest that we are up against much more than just educating them about the future of their bodies and their minds if they pursue sports in this particular way. So there is something here to the culture that has to be recognized that will make this a difficult task. From the standpoint of somebody that played
High School College<\/a> professional football i think that the ways in which we are groomed as athletes do not just suffer through pain or injury but to have a
Common Objective<\/a> is to be supportive of the teams intention. You want to suck it up because it is for the team and that is how we have been conditioned into our supposed to represent your manliness even at the age of ten. So that is a social conditioning. We also have to address and understand what does it mean if you are 10yearsold. The fans are trying to do the same thing so from that standpoint you have to address these issues not from a former athletes that played in the nfl but when you are a free agent and as someone whos tried to secure positions on the roster. You have to continue to play foggy headed or not and so from leighs standpoint your health and future and life, livelihood all those factors play a role and you make the decision whether to speak up and say coach, i cant go. When you think about the rookie behind you who wants to be in the position that you are of your in making six figures every year that the difficult decision to make and so you suck it up. I enjoyed the game. But when i go back and visit and i had forgotten on the charge you get from being in that space is a limited space if youve been there before you want people to think about you because you are in that space and able to perform. We know the names and the guys and you can imagine in my household with my two children and my life we think about these things and we have to because as stated at the defensive end in my career playing in the coalition and so every play you are sustaining these jarring as of the brain over the tenyear period including training camps. So you have whatever it is that we are trying to understand and escalate at some point if it will. So its not every one that has the same results as some of these other men whove passed away. Finally, the other thing i want to say is on that moment in 1988 they played against ucla in the rose bowl. Oregon state didnt win a lot of games in the 80s. To play at the rose bowl someone like troy aikman. There was a roster of future nfl
Football Player<\/a>s and so we got wired to play this game and i beat of the offense of tackle bad. Iran today thati ran the way that youre supposed to. [laughter] the way that we are taught to play the game. You dont run up and say youre it. You make the play. You make sure that hes down. But i didnt think about that until now because we have a highlight film and think about the greatest hits we have a highlight film that represented the play for the
Football Team<\/a> so imagine being responsible for the play and reflecting on it thinking about the person that was on the ground. So, not everybody i think will be able to do that because if it is a part of the game you dont necessarily think of about those individuals that you are playing against. Youre doing your job but when you know the people it is a difficult thing to revisit because you hand in what they are experiencing today. There were a group of people that became much more prominent and came to be known as the dissenters willing to take on the nfl and one made a comment that if only half of the mothers in america understood what was at stake for the young boys they wouldnt let them play football. That was ten or 12 years ago when the statement was made. Have you seen in terms of the numbers of kids playing the game have you seen an impact in that area yet . There is a scene in the above query there is the neuropathologist mike webster presenting data to the longtime neurological specialist for the
Pittsburgh Steelers<\/a> and that guy in the middle of the meeting pause and said do you really understand what youre doing and he said yes i think i get it. And then he just sort of moved on and she said i want to ask you again do you understand what youre doing and he said i think so but why dont you tell me and he said 10 of the mothers in america belief that football causes brain damage and that is the end of football. And i think what we are seeing now we did a story about a year or so ago about the participation rates and they dropped something on the order of 10 since this issue went before congress and became a
Public Health<\/a> issue about their own kids or about what they believe the potential impact of this and should you let your kids play and say the risk is too great. The question is to me what does that mean longterm and does it mean to theater system to the nfl is going to dissipate to the extent that it will affect the league. And my personal opinion is that it is going to be decades before we know it is ultimately going to be the science that decides the question that if the prevalence at the rate of the cte among
Football Player<\/a>s is a huge number that is obviously going to have a seismic effect on the sport but we are not there yet. Before we really know its not about waiting for that the answer in one fashion. I think that its instructive to look at the way that the nfl has marketed the issue over time. For years the marketing was all about the balance of the sport that was basically you could go back and see their greatest hits and it was all about the hardest hits that you could see and be we have microphones on the field and it was visceral and you felt it. Now it has really shifted and it seems to be torn because the violence is what compels him of people to love the sport and buy one of those people that enjoys it and i think while its true it is an appealing piece of it the league is grappling with this issue now and what its begin to do is market itself towards mothers and we addressed this in the book and then we have done some followup reporting on it where they have collectively gone after moms and brought them into the nfl headquarters and tried to sort of educate them about how the sport can be safer and they have created a whole program called headsup football which is designed to suggest theres a way to play the sport without having vote. Thats the idea supposedly that we need to go back to the way in which the sport was played in a safer manner and when you talk as we did about the former players of the program you hear a lot of guys that are skeptical because the suggestion that if you watch the way that the game is played at the speed that its played and the level, no matter where the suggestion that you can figure out a way to navigate your head out of a play seems fairly ludicrous. Nevertheless they are pouring a lot of money into that issue and i think thats where they are seeing that decrease. When you carry this news about the potential danger of the concussion from the players standpoint do they want to know are the implications and possible . Spinet i would like to say a word about the question that you asked. First of all this is not just a pro football issue if the collision sports issue is a college and high school issue. When it comes to get the second thing i would say the brain is still in formation when kids are nine, ten to 11 12 you can still get hit wrong and enough times. I love football and i spent 40 years working with the biggest stars but understand this. The nielsen rating on television were nfl nighttime football. It neverits never happened before. This country is so crazed that football in america which is a pregame show. It will start every form of entertainment so it is not only the most popular sport by 21 it is the most
Popular Television<\/a> show. 40
Million People<\/a> a week play the football. The estimates are 20 of the computers in use during last season and businesses were used for fantasy football. So youre talking about an obsession that we all have and after the nfl football, second,
College Football<\/a>. Because the concussion settlement hasnt been approved totally, we dont really know what the nfl would do if they were not worried about the liability that would come from them instituting new things showed that they actually knew a long time ago. So, we will see. I tried to get all of our older players to get scans to charge thechartthe blood flow and then the best thing that we know right now which in the first hour starts to read
Growth Capital<\/a> areas after 40 hours. Players havent changed at all. I would explain everything to them. Then rodders berger got a concussion and i said so, you understand that the risk of you getting a second concussion in the next game is much higher right . You understand the two of them in close temporal proximity is a perfect their logical storm and the reason steve had to retire. So do you get that this isnt going to make a difference in your season . And then i went to his mother and his father and because they are my best allies it is us against, and he played. He played in the game and i have not seen very much change at all the bible taught you this when i saw patrick retire after years at the top of his game we are going to start seeing this manifest while players are playing and people start having a symptomatology and the 1012. Its not going to take 20 years so thats why we are sitting on top of an epidemic as the strong players that hit has changed. You didnt have i had a player for the cardinals. He weighed 375 pounds and he could run a sub 540. [laughter] what is the reaction that you get when you talk to former players and they are aware of this issue and you even get to the mindset earlier of how important it is to stay in the game. How willing do you feel that a player would be to a growing understanding of the risks of concussion . I think that they would be inundated with information and some are accepting of information and it is telling you that there is a great possibility that you are altering your life and the more hits but you sustain and if you receivereceived concussions and you are in a position where thats kind of on par for the course, you are going to do damage for your self and if they are paying attention and if there is any information being circulated then there should be a genuine concern. From the former players in atlanta there are these lawsuits im learning that they are coming together to see the teams and kansas city in particular theres a question about how much was known and a number of guys have several concussions and so the families are concerned that eventually they will experience what we have seen with the junior i think the older players are now more concerned about the potential outcome of this and the current players are aware of it but i am not clear necessarily of the percentage that are moving towards pushing for regulations or pushing to retire early. We had a great time talking in the green room and the idea is retiring at this point because of his feet, thats one thing. But i think theres
Something Else<\/a> we have to understand because there is so much available right now if you play out in the contracts you dont necessarily have to go back and play again unless he wants to especially if you have a life plan if you figure out im going to spend five years playing in the nfl and i will retire 27 28 and going to get my degree and practiced law for the released 25 years after im done playing then i start a business so you have been strategically thinking about the play its going to shorten that they have so much money they can move on but the injuries that while in kerr and kerr over that time. Have i helped concussions and one on the kickoff return and one window waiting for the return im looking back at him waiting to pick it up so that i can turn and leave the ledge and turning automatically having the guy in front of me but on the sidesign mine was loopy. But stayed in the game and so trying to answer the amount of money its a very lucrative occupation that if you make the choice to pursue it you can say im going to play five years and then i am out. We want to invite questions from all of you so we would like your youtube work your way to the microphone so you can also hear the question gives your name and go ahead and wrecked your question please. My name is tony from the league and just about everybody. It appears that the game has changed the way that its being played. Its just a totally different pace and they started increasing exponentially. It has the game changed the way they play it up to the 60s versus later on. It was bigger, stronger, faster if you have linebackers. That is these human beings and so its a
Traffic Accident<\/a> on every play. When they gave the presenting speech at the hall of fame he gave a brilliant speech it was wonderful and he now has dementia. You gave a great state. 1970 usa merger and so now it is a commodity and it is commercialized on
Television Audience<\/a>. So if it wasnt geared up to be exciting if wouldnt have been on television and so you are playing into your audience as well and so having the time constraintsa timeconstraints and the opportunity to sell to a
National Audience<\/a> that accelerates the importance of football and kids like me who watch it as a kid to want to be like those guys on television and so if you are watching in the 90s and you are playing you want to make a hit like your favorite defenses on the receiver who caught the ball blindly so what we are seeing on television. We have the
Space Program<\/a> that we lost a lot of astronauts but we got communications and other products and weve had military but we lost a lot of people but we got the interstate system and because the internet. Is it causing more research leading to more cures and benefits . Theres a huge race going on to see who can be the first to develop, and again it just protects against the
Skull Fracture<\/a> that the use the compression to attenuate the energy field so that it dissipates and will also be used for for motorcyclists, bicycles and everything. So yes the research being done to provide a nasal spray that stops the brain from spoiling. Theres a posttraumatic brain injuries and they are looking at things like progesterone treatments to heal the brain so you have these different opportunities but whether or not it is the mission of something these types of particles would be available on the sideline so to have the opportunity to test the protocols it would be for football hockey soccer so you are correct there is an opportunity we have a stopgap right now do we admit this one along term effect if it will what can we do to help heal the brain. Theres hundreds of millions of dollars to be made out of preventing a concussion, healing compassion i consult for a few companies that are there. Its like the first person that gets their come a concussion, alzheimers, i went to a
Six Companies<\/a> on stem cells that are approved and i went and visited one and they are three to five years away from being able to insert the stem cell because theres profit if we can send a man to mars we cant make a helmet protects people at all . Engineers, profit motive. Good evening gentlemen. This question is for mr. Steinberg as an attorney and a sports agent do you anticipate as the researchers become more accepted and understood in the community and the nfl did you anticipate a guaranteed money of contracts increase coming for to help players with those liabilities and help them offset the liabilities . They agree to accept the settlement in the 975 million. 975 ilion dollars might have been closer to actually dealing with the incredible pain and the rest of it. Be older players have common grief right now and they want the money, so it is the same reason that they took 55 of the growth they were making in the last one. We are not talking about players off the field are not the advanced workers party. They are non label activists that they think about now and all the rest of it. The guarantees are going up in football because we have a salary cap and so they are starting to guarantee some salaries for the first time until the last couple of years only the signing bonus was guaranteed in the football contract and that years of play were not guaranteed. Baseball and basketball were completely guaranteed so they could cut players at any time for any reason. We are getting a few more guarantees. I watch more college than nfl but i do see them doing concussion checks and im wondering if you feel that is very effective in preventing further injury in the game. There is certainly more awareness around this issue and they have put in place an increased level of eyes in the sky basically people that are watching out for this and so youll see circumstances they will come off the field and maybe the players are even more attentive to talk about this. They just want to play and to stay on the field. In
College Football<\/a> if thats test that they do is positive they dont come back on the field until they are tested further. That is the way the policy is supposed to work. There is a suggestion they go to the sideline and in six minutes so thats where the challenge is increased and its especially challenging the dynamic i always said i think the hardest job beyond actually playing the game to they are serving the impossible role. They try to get on as fast as they can because they are played by the team and yet they are trainers into so they are supposed to be responsible for the health and welfare of the players and as if it is an impossible job to deal with and so they speak around the country and have all of the new technologies and companies write their. They are trying like mad to get a better way to diagnose the sideline khan cautions so that again the freemarket system is allowing that to happen. But remember unless you are laid out flat on your back and you dont get up quick, its almost hard to see if you are on the sidelines what just happened. So we are detecting this as of this. My name is melanie and i will admit it comes from the league of denial as my nephews were playing
High School Football<\/a> so this might be a naive question that wasnt if they are able to detect the concussions now why cant the nfl just say we will not let a player come on before a certain amount of time since the players clearly are not going to take their own interest into that . That is what is this to happen. Theres a protocol and they are diagnosed with a concussion they have to go through a series of tests to determine whether his levels are back in the place in which he is essentially ready to perform again. The players talked about basically cheating the test to get a lower score they come back and do the baseline and again they just want to play. Its interesting there is now a technology where the helmet sensors can be implanted to detect the number of hits that are occurring and the amount that are being generated into these sensors have been used by some colleges like
North Carolina<\/a> for a decade now and theyve accumulated in our mass amount of data and so he is also an adviser at the nfl for a period of years now and just a couple of weeks ago they announced again that they are not going to use them and the reality is that if they did use than they would immediately know a lot of information about the amount of force that is being generated on the field and how many times people are getting hit in the head and its kind of a nobrainer but they dont seem to want it and the players dont want it because they dont want that information to be used in contract negotiations with so where does that leave you he want to get to the bottom . They took a college game two seasons ago and there is a presence of the marker in the blood. They found that in a game with no concussions, no diagnosed concussions 70 had the marker which is a precursor to the longterm injury. Lets go back over here. I was an athletic trainer mike question is about the contestant injuries we dont see that much about the injuries and what they are and to me thats the real problem talking with the coach in different ways we could practice and different ways that we could go without taking the hit and learning to tackle because ive been educated and ive done the impact testing and i know how to do those tests and how to read the results but how do kids and parents interact in these things and how come there isnt more coming from the injuries. [laughter] i think one issue is theres a lot of debate over what these actually mean. But i think that there is a we agree that there is a larger question here which is if the sub concussion is the issue you really cannot eliminate this problem without eliminating the sport and so we are not advocating that it gets to this question of prevalence again and what sort of dosage and how many hits do you need and if it turns out that huge numbers of people are getting this and we are going to be facing a question and answer to your question is an issue that is being pushed especially by
Boston University<\/a> that the cases havent been diagnosed and there are questions about what role do they play exactly and are they really is that where this is starting and spreading or is it
Something Different<\/a> . From the nfl perspective of course they love the fact that this is not a conversation right now and frankly because it is the definition of the sport it is the coalition but i think if you noticed they can only handle this in so many ways that are basically saying football is a problem and so the answer is we are going to legislate all of the huge and the hard hits that you see because thats what we can do and that is what it looks like to be the problem. But when you look at the data that suggests it is an issue i dont know what the current numbers are good when we look at the look at book at the time the
Boston University<\/a> folks it was the preponderance of the cases that this narrow degenerative disease for offense and defense of wine in and playing the core of the sport so its being talked about but the answer is to focus on the celebratory heads to say look we are going to talk about this. Is that arizona or alabama . My name is michael and my question is both mostly for professor mcdaniels. Do you think that the denial is the fact 75 of the week is africanamerican. From the standpoint of somebody that is africanamerican a
High Percentage<\/a> are seeking opportunities to create social mobility and so it is to better the physical attribute and take advantage of the money available and therefore also help your
Family Community<\/a> is a narrative that we all hear how are things and get these contracts and they are willing to sacrifice for their families. You can have tv contracts and enforcement appeals and everything attached to this game that we play that is a business that it has to be if you admit to it all these connections will unravel. No one wants to lose and its on the number of levels too so they want to take advantage of what they feel is their opportunity and take advantage of what they see as their godgiven gift abilities. So in the
Family Community<\/a> as they are looked upon as men who are making a way for their families. You have these articles that deal with the golden goes to extract student athletes of urban environments more than football so thats part of what we are seeing right now is that you have these young men. What is it about they were not willing and one of its alumni said we dont have the right athletes here we need to get the job student athletes we just need the
Football Player<\/a>s to get the best athletes in here and so at the end of the day and how to sign those new contracts. [applause] dont forget to become a friend of the tucson festival of books so we can make sure that it remains free and to support important literacy programs in our community. If you would gather your things and without us quickly as possible and dont forget the gentleman will be outside and again, thanks for coming. And audible conversations [inaudible conversations]. Will re air at 9 00 p. M. Tucson time. The seven and a half hours of our coverage will be on. If you would like to see a behindthescenes pictures you can follow us on twitter or check out our
Facebook Page<\/a> at facebook. Com teesixteen. This festival and its 7th year being held on the campus of the university of arizona. About 350 authors were here this weekend participating. We have given 15 hours of live coverage on teesixteen. We have been here at the gallagher theatre,s theater,
Student Union<\/a> building. We would like to thank the two stuck tucson festival of books organizes and the university for their help and cooperation. Coauthor, league of denial. What was the reaction from your employer, espn . They were supportive and continue to be in many ways. We ran into a bit of a pickup and ended up doing a documentary with pbs frontline which had some complications about it. In the end the book would not have been possible without the support of espn. During the two years that steve and i were working i were working at the book we produced story after story after story that appeared on espn network or espn website so it was really an incredibly supportive effort after one lets take some calls. A lot of viewers have been watching watch the panel with you want it. We will begin with larry in kansas. Please go ahead with your question or comment. Caller it is my understanding that sends a
Texas Football<\/a> lineman this year allstars are bigger than the pro players in 1998 suggesting what made the most sense was to get people and used i. E. Off of so many drugs. Get people who are normal like they used to be. I think there is no question that players are bigger and faster and stronger than they were. The one thing, as we document in the book this issue dates back, the 1st case of this is mike webster diagnosed as a player in the early 70s, the heyday before players got it. So a suggestion that this was not going to be an issue but i think there is no doubt players have gotten bigger and stronger and faster. Just the amount of force is that much more substantial and creates a much more complicated issue and trying to address the problem. Host what kind of changes has the league made with regard to concussions and hits . The most substantive change has been to reduce heading during practice time that is the biggest thing have done. It is not just a matter of whether you are getting hit during a game but the practice time as well. That is a change that they made that is a tip to this issue. What else they have done to try to suggest that they are addressing this is they have become much more address to the aggressive at finding and penalizing players for helmet to helmet hits where defense it back slammed into a wide receiver at the same time there are a lot of people who suggest that is not the crux of the issue but it is sub concussive hits that are really more problematic. I am not sure that the league can legislate that out. After one what is the purpose of congressional hearings . Guest there had been a few, but in 2010 the concussion issue have begun to peak in a lot of ways and the nfl was getting attacked in ways it had not previously. This was an effort by congress for a story was getting a lot of publicity to seize on it and begin to raise questions about whether the league was addressing this in the proper way and was also an opportunity for the politicians to do what they do sometimes to posture and attack which is what they did. You saw did. You saw the representative really go after the commissioner of football. Is football leading the concussions . The commissioner basically dodged the question. Host here is the cover of the book. In colorado. Go ahead with your question or comment. Caller in the late 60s i began to look at the
Foundation Research<\/a> and sacramento, california. We put the headgear on our athletes. This is a short story. The guy went the guy went on to play ten years for minnesota. The kid said, my head on her more. Its been in the literature. No one is talking about the foundation. They started foundation. They started doing headgear research in 1959. It is interesting. And it is not something we are familiar with or rent into. I do know that the helmet is an interesting topic. The nfl spent considerable energy and time suggesting that they were going to create the perfect helmet. When when this issue began to percolate in the early 90s the nfl from the community to address this problem one that became quite suspect. One of the things the committee did they would create the perfect helmet. We have all the money in the world. We will throw money at the problem and fix it. So fractures to protect the blame which rattles around they could essentially pay kid essentially pay its way out of the problem by creating a super helmet to many people is naive command to this day i i dont know anyone who believes theres a helmet out there that has solved this issue. Certainly you have had helmets that can reduce concussions, but questions have been raised. Raised. To this day i dont know that the helmet is the answer. Host did the league cooperate in the writing of this book . Guest they wanted no part. We part. We went to the nfl headquarters very early on and said, this is what we are doing. We want you to cooperate. Liggett the trajectory of this issue. We were very transparent about what we wanted. The league listens to us and said we are just not interested in helping or cooperating. Did not make anyone available. We did find doctors who were willing to participate and talk and that helped considerably. Host next call is roger. Caller it is ironic that you would mention you had not heard about any equipment that could help. I want to know if you are serious about getting to the meat of this problem. Guest we did this book, spent two years on it and the issue was looking at the nfl handling historically. There is an ongoing look by any number of people trying to look at the issue of helmets and other opportunities to try to come up with a solution. A lot a lot of time continuing to cover. A lot of people out there for claiming or suggesting their closer to solving the problem with the helmet. Mentioned a. Mentioned a product that he says he understands is closer to that. A lot of money in the issue right now. All sorts of all sorts of levels to try to find an answer. Host jean, meridian, idaho. Were talking about the book league of the nile. Caller the question i have i feel i have one that would do the job. Guest i think you would have to contact the nfl. The nfl. The league is spending a lot of money on research on this issue. There have been grants. I think if you went in the lab and did a search for the nfl funding you might get some information. Host im sure you have seen the advertisement for this new reality program. Really hitting. Guest we spent a bunch of time in texas working on a story that looked at the ongoing question of youth playing. Football is a huge peace of our society are now. Friday night takes is an example of this. We saw kids as young as six and seven years old. Its almost funny to watch. They are adorable, this little helmets on. This question of whether kids should be playing and when they should be playing is no question that is ratcheted up. A lot of parents talk about whether you want your kids to be playing or not. We did a story not long ago that looked at the participation rates and pop warner. This seems to be no doubt that decrease was as a result of the ongoing discussion about whether kids should be playing football or not. Host good afternoon. Guest yes. Yes. Hi. Isnt there a question of individual responsibility . I mean, by the time you are in college and old enough to be pro i mean i mean isnt it and no tradeoff for several
Million Dollars<\/a> you trade possibly a part of your life. It is very much like going into the armed forces. He get certain benefits and the possibilities that you will get blown up or killed or maimed to the players who played for years all of them would acknowledge that they understood that there was going to be large impact physically they could be damaged and substantive ways. I we will think any of them would have told you they believe the understood they might end up losing her mind or have some sort of braindamaged earlyonset dementia. If you look back at salaries, there are a lot of guys not making millions and millions and players working in the offseason, short career lifespan. I dont think there is any doubt. You could not suggest to player that you cannot find a player you wouldnt think it is not understand the potential risks. I think i think the issue is more the leagues denial for decades and in the message that they were sending to players. You talk about big tobacco, one cancer, and the
Science Behind<\/a> that. Is there is there conclusive proof that what is happening in football today and has happened is leading to early braindamaged . Guest the nfl would have you believe there is an ongoing debate. How widespread it is. I dont think to their lines in the minds follow there work closely is any doubt that when they are finding these damaged brains or former
Football Player<\/a>s it has been the colleges that have collisions that have happened. For years the idea that colliding with someone are hitting your head can lead to some sort of damage separate from football was an accepted thing and has been. I think to a lot of people the debate about whether you could end up with some sort of damage hitting your head time and again almost seem silly. The larger debate seems to be around what percentage of players will end up with this issue how substantive it will be command how young you will be when you run into some of these problems. Caller im originally from new zealand. The world champions, and i played rugby for about 20 years. Im sure that the incidence of concussions was much lower. And i am wondering whether or not the nfl could take a much stronger position on tackles. There are strict rules about tackles that prevent a lot of injuries, particularly at the inter
National Level<\/a>. Also the absence of helmets ironically, might be a cause cause for fewer concussions. Could you please talk about the difference between rugby union and
American Union<\/a> and american football, whether or not you have looked at that . And if you have not looked at that, take a look at the new
Zealand Rugby<\/a> union seem and maybe open up a dialogue with the
National Rugby<\/a> team to see whether or not you could learn something from new zealand and maybe they could play more games of the year. Thank you very much. Its interesting. I have heard from a number of folks. This issue is raised repeatedly. The biggest. Is the one you hit on about helmets the absence certainly changes the way players tackle in the game. We we address this in the book. In many ways, the helmet has made the concussion issue worse. It is overpriced piece of plastic that has emboldened players to tackle in much more aggressive ways than they had the helmets were leather. That. That said the idea that the nfl would basically go back to leather which is an extreme suggestion i i think theres no way that they will go back to the. It is as popular as it has ever been and one of the reasons is because of the aggressive nature. The helmet is a big part of that. Host our fans culpable . Guest that is sort of a loaded question. It suggests that there is an ongoing problem. For me there are two pieces. The nfl is what it is. It is a violent sport. And now that the denial, denial, whether the league is in denial or not is to be debated. For the rest of us the denial is over. This board is what it is. I would like it to continue the way that it is. I dont think there is a change necessary. Players no what there getting into. The issue the crux of the question, what is interesting the youth level where kids are their brains are still developing and there are questions about whether you want your kids to be playing and how much we value football and want to contribute to the discussion. I think we are all hope will called in part of the discussion. I dont necessarily have a position a position about whether we should have tackle football at a certain age. The number you pick will be an arbitrary one but there is a reason. Host do you support the league being a taxexempt organization . Guest it isnt the topic of our book. Thankfully i am not paid to give my opinion. I am paid to investigate and look and issues. I think it raises a lot of questions when you have entities as large as the nfl that are financially huge billiondollar industries with the commissioner making at one time 45 million year i think there is a question to be had about whether you can call yourself a nonprofit. Host our next question caller yes. I have an anecdotal statement. I would like to touch on the coaching aspect of the against the youngsters. And a lot of this the coaches need to be schooled as an when i was coaching the team i kept up with what the other team was doing because what you have at that level you have
Different Levels<\/a> of maturity. In other words, you have some skilled players who can bring it. You have little boys who have not developed a they are out there together. What i would do is look over at the other coach. When he substitutes in i would substitute in. I try to put put my little guys against his little guys. Some of them 1st of all over half of them barely belong out there. A lot of them discover by the time they get to high school. Host can we ask were you worried about this issue . Caller absolutely. I w caller absolutely. I would set up my teams. We had 100 after playing. Upset my team up and try to make them said michael, but you have to play them all. I would get playing time. If the truth is known, a lot of the little guys dont want. Host any response . Guest coaching clearly is a huge part of the issue. The question always comes back to kenya coach your way out of the issue . Its a collision sport. I think proper tackling is obviously important in teaching that and having kids were not in over their heads is a huge peace of it. The end it comes back to whether you can really figure a way to legislate your way out of this. Host good afternoon. Caller a great deal of blame has been given to the increase in size, strength, speed of the players increasing intensity of the impact the game do you have any data that you have gathered related to natural turf versus
Synthetic Turf<\/a> . It seems to me that
Synthetic Turf<\/a> increases the speed of the players as well as being a harsher surface to come in contact with. I dont i dont have data, and i dont think we came across any. There was certainly a lot of anecdotal discussion players and their families who talk about what it was like toyers and their families who talk about what it was like to play on astroturf. Now its a different animal. At that time there was no question that it did not make players faster and consequently when you fell in your head in. We heard players and families talk about that. Whether theyre will be dated it looks a decrease these kinds of issues since we had gone to grasp and were different remains to be seen. Host a few minutes left with our guest. Caller i saw your documentary. Can you comment on this doctor . He seemed like he did not know what he was talking about and just supporting the nfl type. Guest so he was a gentleman and i were cast and that nickname for an appearance he had hbo for you was asked repeatedly about the connection between football and brain damage. He was one of the few neuroscientists associated with the nfl. He had a background in neuroscience and have done a lot of research about around the issue of berkshires current brain damage. Contrary to a lot of the other folks who had been part of the nfl medical team that was aggressively denying this issue there actually was a school that had a background in the brain. However he along with the other doctors who were in charge of the nfl program repeatedly seem to deny a connection between the. Brain damage than the other twopronged attack as we lay out the book not only denied the issue is about the when they were doctors who began to raise this issue and talk about the problems of potential brain damage from football there was an aggressive attack against those doctors, and effort essentially tossed her size them. Caller my question has to do with whether or not mark founded found in research the spoke to address the issue of how colleges educate student athletes with regard to the dangers of confessions were injuries. It would seem to me that with a collegeage student, they begin to make their own decisions. After one are you connected to football in any way . Caller my question came about because i was teaching at a big university. Several of my students we were talking the performance. And so the conversation area 18 and 23. If this is being talked about at public universities, universities, it would seem to be an ideal time. Move forward possibly into professional careers. Guest it is interesting. We did not spend much of anytime focused around the college issue. I no that there is an ongoing debate and discussion around colleges as this issue has become more and more discussed. There are lawsuits at the college level. One of the things i heard was there was a definite suggestion any substantive way including to the. That they were very slow at even hiring a medical director to begin to focus on look at concussions. I think at i think at all levels we have seen that slow response. The colleges are no different. Going here is the book. Thank you for your time. Thank you everybody, for watching the tucson festival of books with book tv this weekend. Everything you have seen today will begin reairing at 9 00 p. M. To sometime which is midnight time out on the east coast. Book tv now continues. And you are watching book tv on teewun. Cspan2. A look at our primetime lineup","publisher":{"@type":"Organization","name":"","logo":{"@type":"ImageObject","width":"800","height":"600","url":"\/\/\/0\/items\/CSPAN2_20150315_170000_2015_Tucson_Festival_of_Books_Sunday\/CSPAN2_20150315_170000_2015_Tucson_Festival_of_Books_Sunday.thumbs\/CSPAN2_20150315_170000_2015_Tucson_Festival_of_Books_Sunday_000001.jpg"}},"autauthor":{"@type":"Organization"},"author":{"sameAs":"","name":""}}],"coverageEndTime":"20240621T12:35:10+00:00"}