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But he was really creating an institutional crisis in the u. S. Government, accusing his predecessor of wiretapping him for political reasons and inappropriately, based on information that he had allegedly just found out. The first tweet i just found out. Serious charge. It is the president of the United States making that charge. He is accusing the previous tosident of using the fbi get the authority to wiretap. The current fbi director was the fbi director then. What does he do . A little different from when he attacked the media, you know, the failing new york times, or if 3 million voters silly things or simply irresponsible things, but this demonstrates a kind of institutional crisis. So we call for quick, open hearings of the highest level. Could be the president who appoints independent committees headed up by serious people to get to the whole truth. What was the trumprussia connection . What did the Obama Administration do . What is the truth about the complex issues raised about the 20 16th campaign . Is a and there congressional investigation currently taking place . Guest there is so much partisanship already on those committees, and so many people have already weighed in. The chairman of the House Intelligence Committee is already giving opinions about what is happening. Would prefer is to poppers heard attorneys general, one from each party, or two judges on senior status appointed by obama and bush, highly respected people, and they will have full authority to get to the bottom of this. Director of the fbi, needs to say something. The president of the United States has accused that agency, under his direction, of basically, for political purposes, abusing the authority they have to pursue counterintelligence. I think he needs to speak up. Host yet, he turns to the Justice Department normally, the fbi director would go to the Justice Department, to the attorney to ask for a statement. If Jeff Sessions says you cannot say anything, i think comey may just to say, im sorry, i am going to say some thing. If you are a judge on the fisa court, what does it feel like . What lessons are conveyed . If you are a republican and a thep supporter, you say previous president used, for political reasons, abused a serious counterintelligence process and a key agency of the government. If you are not a trump supporter, you think the current president is recklessly making those charges. It is a pretty serious matter either way. It really should be resolved as soon as possible. Shut outight should be of this, that should happen as soon as possible. I think Justice Brandeis said that sunlight is the best disinfectant. I think that would be true right now. Truth on thes of Weekly Standard website. 2027488000, democrats. 2027488001, republicans. 2027488002, independents. John is from maryland, from missouri, calling on our democrats line. Caller a statement and then a question. 1941. Er 7, september 11, 2001. 20, 2017. Now my question since you are a member of the press, and therefore you must be an enemy of the people, how can we trust anything that the Weekly Standard says . Guest you dont have to trust anything the Weekly Standard says. You should read it and make up your own mind and compare it with other sources of news and the information you have all around you. I think we have a good diversity of news outlets in this country. The enemy of the people phrase, that is an exhibit of donald trump being totally irresponsible, using a phrase that is associated with lenin and totalitarian regimes to describe members of the media. I do not think it gets to the level of the responsibility of accusing preceding president s of wiretapping his campaign for political reasons and distorting the institutions, Law Enforcement institutions, of the u. S. Government. Caller from new hampshire, republican line. from new hampshire, republican line. Caller Obama Wiretapped all the political leaders across the thingsand he was doing far below the level of what he should have did. I have no confidence with what obama did, and i do believe that he did wiretap trump. Guest look, i was not a supporter. President obama, i written i wrote editorials criticizing him on policy issues, and i voted against him twice. But obama did not wiretap leaders across the world. The u. S. Government wiretapped leaders across the world. That is something the Bush Administration did, as well. I do not know that president obama changed that much. But if you try to do things like wiretaps for bad reasons, he cannot do that at he has to order people to do that. So are we willing to believe that people in the fbi and cia, layers down, were complicit in this kind of conspiracy . Thethe white house fool fbi . That is where this is really a crisis. You think about people who think Obama Wiretapped trump, theyre really saying the fbi was complicit. Jim comey was director of the fbi and is now. It is a crisis that needs to be addressed. Host even if you go down the road of investigations, do you think people would ultimately accept these things and the crisis would be resolved . Guest one problem of having a president who has Conspiracy Theory these conspiracy theories, and again, i was not a fan of obama. There were not cases where president s and oldest in conspiracy theories and really fed them. It is an unhealthy dynamic. To the birth certificate of president obama and so forth. Luckily, it is a free country. Our institutions are pretty strong. That is the one thing that does reassure me. Congress is congress. The courts the courts the are the courts. The fbi is not going to do something for political reasons and just follow an order of the white house. James comey would not do this be it he may have used that judgment at times. Three or four months ago, he was the guy that democrats were mad at about the investigation of Hillary Clinton days before the election. Now he is the good that republicans are mad at. But it is bad for the country to have this level of conspiracy theorizing. And that is why i think shining a spotlight on it, explaining what happened i think the truth will be much less i dont believe the federal bureau of investigation or the fisa courts were complicit in the politically motivated investigation. They may have investigated certain People Associated with the Trump Campaign for ties to russia. Have come across connections with the chilly campaign. Does might have been serious. They might have been innocent or trivial. They might have come across connections with the Trump Campaign. There are ongoing Legal Investigations and intelligence inquiries. But i would err now on the side of i think what we called it in the editorial, radical transparency. It is nothing but a crisis of confidence in the country, an institutional crisis that we need to give up a little bit. Sort of strictly, oh, it is an ongoing investigation, an intelligence inquiry. We should say, heres what happened. The public needs to be reassured and have some sense of where we are. Host ruth from jackson, mississippi, democrat. Caller hi, how are you . I know that it is so hard for the people out here that are not experienced in these things to think whatever they want to think. Now they are so caught up into the trump era and what trump is putting out there, and he says anything that he wants to say and people tend to believe what he say. And that is why we have such a problem. If obama had said some stuff like he said, it would have been a catastrophe. He accused him of not being american. He accusing everybody of stuff to it whenever he gets in a hole, he fights his way out by digging up dirt on the other people to but people do not have a problem with that. They have a problem with the true spirit and the truth will set you free, and it is going to, sooner or later. Thank you. Guest i agree that the truth should come out, and i think it will come out. It will come out. It will come up faster if we have a serious bipartisan investigation. And to the point that donald trump i am a republican and have voted republican since i was 18 years old. Host you voted for mr. Trump . Guest no. That was the first time i cannot vote for a republican. Trump has sort of indulged in the kind of rhetoric and conspiracy theorizing, some that works the political system in a way that the other president s have not. I hoped that it might change when he became president elect. Some of his appointments were pretty good. So i hope to the administration would be ok, even if trump himself was questionable as president. You think, ok, maybe he will get serious. People were saying finally the Trump Presidency has begun. I really am worried now. He will be president , leader for four years or until he leaves office voluntarily or is removed from office, which is less likely. One of the guess things that most spooks me as he does not even internalize the fact that he is president of the United States. Clinton, bush, once they were in the oval office, it was, i have got to be there. Even as a candidate, you should be a little more careful. But there are things i cannot say now. I cannot speculate on intelligence matters, on who is wiretapping who. I should be dignified in the office most the time. They all have things are probably regretted it but trump does not seem to even have the notion that being president is different than being a private citizen, troublemaker, tv reality host. It is just different. That is what worries me about him as president. I think that is why he is as president can do a fair amount of damage. Having said that, i think the institutions are strong and will overcome this particular problem, one way or the other. And we could end up with some policies i agree with and some agencies in the government that are wellrun. I do not think everything is saturdayt the tweets morning, just six weeks having been president , show a lack of understanding of what his goal is. That is worrisome. Host this week, the travel ban is expected. And republicans are expected to act on health care. Does this overshadow all that . Guest it may. In a way, it is reassuring that we get back to normal arguments, immigration policy and health care policy. I think it will overshadow this. Well, now weng, can get onto the agenda and off the silly stuff. But calling into question the fbi director and whether the fbi is politicized is more serious than the details of the health care proposal. Even the executive orders, if they do do a revised one. Nixon got comes up driven from office, but he also conducted some good things at the same time, and the were economic debates. It is not like the whole world stops at a time of institutional crisis. Viewnk the sophisticated that this isnt nonsense going on with trump and serious people are focused on health care, that this is nonsense going on with trump and serious people are focused on health care, i do not believe that. Caller charles on our rip charles on our republican line. Caller who is going to take responsibility when we are attacked by someone . Because your newspapers, comey did, clinton lied, and Loretta Lynch lied. Is the ninth Circuit Court going to take responsibility . Is comey . Is the aclu now going to sue our president . Are they going to stand up and say we are sorry . People are going to become dead over this stupid thing. There has never been any proof clinton y in the not the clinton, but the trump group actually committed any crimes by contacting russia, if they did or not. But who is going to stand up and thatm sorry that we held , all these items that have to be done to protect this country . Guest look, i agree that there is no proof that anyone in the Trump Administration committed crimes or senior advisers did. I never said they did. There are things that probably should be investigated, and they are being investigated by congressional committees. Those committees are chaired by republicans, so i do not think they will be unfair investigations. But they should be looked into, unusual aspects of the campaign and trumps teams connections with russia. So that is worth looking into. But yeah, i agree, no one should accuse anyone of a crime without having evidence. On the executive order, it may be that the tightening up of certain requirements that trump tried to do in his first week were important to fight terrorism. It is not clear that it was a lot of terrorism experts think this was pretty marginal and a distraction. Trump thought it was extremely urgent and had to do it right away. It has taken four or five weeks to get a substitute. Needeed these says visas and will be interviewed at some countries should be shut down entirely. I am not sure iraq is one of them. A lot of their people have been fighting and dying with us. Have are quits translated groups, and for them to be denied entry is inappropriate i have worked with translation groups, and for them to be denied entry is inappropriate. Evidence in a lot of serious people have thought about this issue, but we will see what happens. Generally on immigration, i am not that liberal on immigration, and i am certainly pretty hawkish on the war on terror. Connections,t the so i am sort of a hawk on the war on terror. And i am not that liberal on immigration policies. Is nott is happening going to be popular. These raids in separating families. They should not be popular these raids and separating families. They should not be popular. There are serious conservative restrictingout lower wage immigration. I am not sure i agree, but they are serious policy arguments. Arguments about people here without documents. Obama deported some people. Everything in such a hamhanded way that i think it will discredit the conservative arguments that dont deserve to be discredited necessarily and leave conservatives much worse off and republicans worse off. Host maria from new jersey, independent line. Caller i have a couple points to make. Said of all, mr. Kristol it was unthinkable to question the intelligence agencies. I would like to remind him that mr. Klapper lied under oath about surveillance of citizens. Schumer written President Trump with the intelligence agencys revenge. Loretta lynch met with president clinton before the brouhaha came out, and no on his her to task. It really is not a question of party. It was the establishment and running their little wars, wanting no borders for our country. Nobody is looking to president yet. s record he has not been vetted yet. The globe had an article that the clintons had been put under that jury in december and Hillary Clinton tried to leave the country. Either that is true or that is false. Look into that. I think the American People have to pray and believe in the goodness of the people of this country. I am tired of the snark in the smears of the neocons. I want them to just go away. Thank you. Guest if she believes in the goodness of the people in this country, that includes what she calls neocons. I do not know anything about Hillary Clinton fleeing the country or anything like that. If a News Organization has a reason to believe that, they should report that. Look, of course intelligence agencies make you safe. But we have congressional oversight and we have to do investigations. I dont believe that the fbi would go about a politicized investigation of trump. Jim comey is the guy who released the letter about Hillary Clinton 10 days out. I do not think he can be viewed as a friend of clinton. I am not a defender of the policies of the Obama Administration. There are people who differ on policies. They all wish the best for the country. Most people who go into government do so because they want to bring about policies they think are good for the country. I have worked with a lot of these people and know these people, and they actually worked pretty hard to try to get the country safe. They have done a pretty good job. How many attacks have there been here since 9 11 . Some, obviously. That the fbi should have deported after the first , and we can think of cases in boston and orlando. But these are changes that trumps travel changes would not have affected. The people involved in this have worked pretty hard since 9 11. We owe them quite a lot. One of the things i dislike most about this rhetoric is klapper, have no reason to defend him. But if these conspiracy theories imagine that the entire cia or fbi is doing things they should not be doing, that is not the people i know who have worked for the fbi or cia. Host this is sandy of twitter this morning. He says guest that could be, and they should not leak. Have been hostile perhaps to the new trump up administration. That has happened. It has happened in the past. I am sure obama felt there were people in the pentagon who did accounts of meetings he had early on who were left over from the Bush Administration, loyalists who believed in the not likeaq and did affect the president was getting us out of there and stuff. There are leaks often in leaksgton, and there are when a new Administration Takes over. If there are Serious National Security implications, those should be investigated. Investigations are not a good idea. You end up getting yourself in more trouble than you do the leakers, which happen with nixon. Remember, watergate began with a leak investigation. They put in bugs to discover who was leaking stuff. I think even if the leaks are annoying, you probably better off doing your business your way. If donald trump has successful Foreign Policy or repeals and his economicacare, policies lead to economic growth, he keeps the country safe, it will not matter that there are all these leaks. He has been in office for six weeks. He will be judged by the results of his policies. For him to beot obsessing about what Hillary Clinton did or what president obama did. What doesnt matter . Lets assume i do not think it is true, but lets assume toma arranged for comey improperly wiretap some people in october at trump tower . At trump tower. So what . Trump is president. Leaks have sort of come and gone, no evidence behind them. If there is evidence, that is another question. But if it is all phony, all fake, theres nothing there, it will blow away in a day or a week. Go ahead and pass your obamacare replacement, past your economic package, and run a Serious National Security policy, and you will be fine. Bill kristol from the Weekly Standard joining us. Democrats line. Good morning. Good morning. Will not waste too much air, no disrespect intended on mr. Kristol. But im concerned about is, we have been watching the elections, cspan had every rightwinger you could think of throwing out here Hillary Clinton conspiracies. Now we have serious can conspiracies about this administration, and all cspan is doing is putting republicans on to give us bubble talk. The president of the United States said that our president prior to that wiretapped his office. We had massive voter fraud. These conspiracies are on the lines of the Easter Bunty Bonnie and santa claus. We need serious journalism going on. Cspan needs to put on people like mother jones, the young turks, somebody like that to give voice and not bring in rightwingers no prop who have no problem running up every clinton conspiracy, obama conspiracy. You have mentioned two of those, both representatives have been on the program. There are 365 days any year, so you bring them on two days, and rightwingers the other 363 days . That is not true at all but we believe in it back. Its go to louise the republican line, high. Good morning. I am not a fan of bill kristol, was not a fan of his father either. Ets stick to the facts there was 17 intelligence agencies that came out in december, saying that yes, russia hacked, but they did not say that they hacked the males of podesta. They did not say that. What they did imply was that there was a propaganda lower lore that russia may have influenced the election through Russian Television which i like. They have a lot of Different Things about the world, as compared to cnn, nbc, all those others that only stick to trump. The rightwing, extreme rightwing, which you are, you are very upset, that you were afraid that President Trump is not going to do your bidding. You are absolutely obsolete. Lets stick with the facts. But i would like to say is i trust james comey. I trust the fbi. I have known different fbi agents, they are very good people. Honestly, they are fair and honest and i trust them just like i do state police. , youre aou are doing position to trump, you and the left wing, are joining together. You do not want to change the system, the system suits you find. You need to go away. We will leave it there. Tick glad you just trust james comey and the fbi. I respect james comey, i would not trust him blindly, but it is, trump who attacked him, not me, so your problem is with, trump on some things. I do not expect them to do my bidding. It is a free country, we can agree or disagree with him. So im happy to agree where i can. I want to agree with the republican nominee, i tend to agree with many of this aussie are, i admire many appointments. All this talk of changing the system, people like me want to keep it the way it is, it is simpleminded. Of course i want to change them some things and keep some things mostly the way they are, like having a free country, free media, a president who behaves in a dignified way in office. Those are not bad things. This country is not in horrible shape, incidentally. People in government and 40 years have not failed in every respect. I think the president wants to change things and defend somethings is a good thing. ,ll this drain the swamp talk is exciting, but of course trump is not doing that. He is proposing the same spending in the federal government as president obama did. Oteri,s increases to the which the liberals go crazy about military. Mr. Change, will do the exact as president obama. Mr. Change has put a bunch of rich guys and billionaires in his cabinet. Ofnce priebus, the chairman the rnc is his chief of staff, that is a huge change, right . A lot of people have been in government a long time, it will always be that way. He is proposing some policies i agree with, obamacare replacement, developed by a lot some ofe i worked with them. That is good i would like to see that. Lets see if he can do it, that takes hard work. His administration so far is damaged has damage project prospects of serious legislative changes. What about institutional reform . Im for that. Chances of institutional reform greater or less when we have a president who is so likely reckless that everyone says cheese, the alternative is theing geez, if alternative is blowing things up we should stick with what weve got. If trump goes down this road he will lose more support. It will not work. We will end up with a failed administration. The latest on the website, the editorial posted this morning. Thanks for your time. Thank you. Cspans washington journal, life every day with news and policy issues that impact you. Morning, sarahay chamberlain and the Trump Administration, immigration reporter for the Associated Press will be on. She will talk about the travel ban executive order. Lynne gholston from a working institution will discuss the Trump Presidency so far, and how congress is responding to its legislative agenda. Be sure to watch cspans washington journal at 7 00 eastern tuesday morning. Join the discussion. Tuesday, a confirmation hearing for two of President Trumps nominees for the Justice Department, the Senate Judiciary Committee Hears from robberson stain rob rod rosenstein. And rachel brand, for associate attorney general overseeing Civil Justice and Law Enforcement. Live coverage at 10 00am eastern on cspan. Andines foreign minister diplomats to five other central in the Eastern European nations all on capitol hill tuesday. The group testifies before the senate a Senate Appropriations subcommittee on russian influence in and around the former soviet bloc. Pm eastern ont 2 15 cspan3. You can also watch online on cspan. Org, or listen on the free cspan radio app. Who will win studentcams grand prize of 5,000 . Eastern fort 8 00am the announcement. We asked middle and High School Students to produce documentaries telling us, what is the most urgent issue for our new president and congress to address in 2017 . 2900 entries,er from 46 states, plus the district of columbia, england, germany, singapore, and taiwan. Students competed for the chance in cash00,000 dollars prizes, and first, second, and thirdplace categories. You can log onto our website, 30 minutes before our big announcement to view a 100 150 when he documentaries. Watch the announcement of our 2017 grand prize winner, wednesday, march 8, at 8 00am eastern on cspan. Monday, President Trump sign an upbeat updated executive order that bans travel from six muslim majority countries. Secretary of state rex tillerson, attorney general Jeff Sessions, and Homeland Security secretary john kelly defended the order. That included iran, libya, sedalia hamyd mourad. Iraq is excluded from this version of the ban. Green cardholders are not rules affected by the rules. This briefing is about 10 minutes. [camera shutters] hello, good morning, thank you for joining us. The executive order signed by the president earlier today protecting the nation from foreign terrorist entry into is a vitalstates measure for strengthening our national security. It is the president s solemn duty to protect the American People. President trump is exercising

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