Transcripts For CSPAN White House Pushes New Skilled-Based I

Transcripts For CSPAN White House Pushes New Skilled-Based Immigration Bill 20170802

leaving the u.s.. we use -- we do the seven things, it is a new day for american workers. their incomes of go up and the number of good paying jobs of go up. and we will do it under a better deal because we want a better deal for the american worker. sarah: good afternoon, everyone. before we get started, i want to headed over to stephan miller to speak to you about the rays act that the president endorse this morning. take it away, steve. great to be here today to talk to you about the president's new proposal for immigration reform. i will just walk through the basics of it and then we will take some questions and hopefully be able to answer all of them. this is the largest proposed reform to our immigration policy in half a century. the most important question, when it comes to u.s. immigration system is who gets a green card. a green card is the golden ticket of u.s. immigration. every year, we issue a million green cards to foreign nationals from all the countries of the world. but we do so without regard to whether that applicant has demonstrated the skill that can add to the u.s. economy, whether they can pay their own way or be reliant on welfare, or whether they will displace or take a job from an american worker. as a result of this policy, in place now for many years, we have seen significant reductions in wages for blue-collar workers, massive displacement of african-american and hispanic workers, as well as the displacement of immigrant workers from previous years who oftentimes compete directly against new arrivals were being paid even less. so it is a policy that exacerbated wealth inequality in the country in a significant way. you have seen over time, as a result of this historic low of unskilled immigration, a shift in wealth from the working class to welfare corporations and businesses. it has been very unfair for but especiallys, for immigrant workers, african-american workers, and hispanic workers, and blue-collar workers in general across the country. at the same time, it has cost taxpayers an rsa because roughly half of immigrant headed households in the united states receive some type of welfare benefit, which i know is a fact that many people might consider stanching. but it is not surprising when you have an immigration system that doesn't look at questions like skill level or self-sufficiency. so this proposal has several major historic changes. first, it eliminates so-called chain migration. right now -- what does chain migration me? if you coming -- mean? if you come into the united states and get a greeting card, it gives the recipient a andtime work authorization allows them to bring and a fast-track to u.s. citizenship and all the benefits that come with being an american citizen. individual right now who are receiving green cards, they can bring in, say, an elderly relative who can immediately go on to public assistance if they become unable to support themselves financially. then that person can bring in a relative who can bring in a relative who can bring in a relative who can bring in a relative. that is why they call that chain migration. skilled workers in america. limit migration to spouses and minor children, that has entry system a point's space will look at does the applicant speaking wish? can they support themselves and their -- speak english? can they support themselves and their families? can they add to the u.s. economy? company is offering three times the median wage, that person will get more points on .heir application all of a sudden, you are putting upward pressure on wages rather than downward pressure in your making it very hard to use immigrant labor to sensitive american workers. by prioritizing higher paid workers, you basically end the practice more or less of being able to seek a permanent residence to come in at lower pay. that is a major historic change to u.s. immigration policy. the effect of this, switching to a skills-based system and ending unfettered chain migration, would be over time cut migration in half. polls support by the american people in huge numbers. this is what president trump on.aigned he talked about a throughout the campaign, threat the transition, office.e coming into this is a major promise to the american people, to push for merit-based immigration reform that protects u.s. workers, protects u.s. taxpayers, and protects the u.s. economy, and that prioritizes the needs of arrows citizens, our own workers., and our own it is pro-american immigration reform that the american people want, that the american people deserve, and puts the needs of the working class ahead of the investor class. with that, i would gladly take a few questions. >> you talk about [indiscernible] without becoming law, it will not be of limited. implemented. where are they cover mice point for the president? >> it has been my spirits in the legislative process that there are two kinds of proposals. there are proposals that can only succeed in the dark of night and proposals that can only succeed in the light of day. this is the latter of those two. the more that we as a country have a national conversation about what kind of immigration system we want and to whom we want to give green cars to, the -- green cards to, the more momentum to change. look at the polling data in many key battleground states across the country. over time, you will see a massive public push for this kind of legislation. because immigration affects every aspect of our lives. it affects our schools, hospitals, working conditions, labor market, our tax base, and communities. it is a deeply personal issue for americans. so you will see massive public support for this. ultimately, members of congress make.ave a choice to they can but with the interest of u.s. citizens and u.s. workers or they can vote against interest, and whatever happens as a result of that, i think, would be so unpredictable. how do you was this into an already jampacked legislative calendar? >> we will have to have conversations with senate leadership and house leadership about the steps forward. this is an issue we campaigned on. the american people voted for by electing john -- donald j. trump. we are predicting blue-collar workers and bringing in workers who can add to the economy. is ally think this historic moment that happened today. again, the biggest proposed change that would take place in 50 years, at a time in which you have automation that is replacing a lot of jobs in the you have american workers without high school diplomas who have very low per dissipation rates in the labor force, and then you are bringing in workers to compete directly against the workers who are either losing their jobs to automation or who cannot find work because there is not enough jobs for workers in our own country without education. go to an american city that has labor force problems, wherever that may be. say, detroit. how is it fair or right or proper that, if, say, you open up a new business in detroit, that the unemployed workers in detroit will have to compete against an in-depth as an endless flow of workers for the same jobs and reduce their chances of getting those jobs while at the same time alter high school workers are at the back of the line in the country. it doesn't make sense. the number of low skilled workers in particular is a major detriment. the more we have this conversation publicly and ask america who ought to get a green card in this country, the more momentum there is going to be, the more support there is going to be, and our message to folks in congress is, if you are serious about immigration reform, ask yourself what is in the best interest of americans and american workers. ultimately, this has to be a part of that. all, let's have some statistics. there have been a lot of studies that don't show a correlation between low skilled immigration and the loss of jobs. site for me, if you could, one or two studies with specific numbers that prove the correlation between those two things because your entire policies based on that. secondly, sources have told me you pushedth ago, ever structure out of the way to do immigration. why is this more important than if a structure? >> the most recent street at would point to is the study from george borjas. he went back and opened up the old data and talked about how it actually did reduce wages for workers living there at the time. borjas has an enormous out the research on this. >> [indiscernible] study saidrecent that as much as $300 billion a year may be lost because of our current immigration system. there's also common sense here, folks. at the end of the day, why do special interests want to bring in more low skilled workers? >> i'm not asking for common sense. i'm asking for specific -- steven: if i could just answer your question. i named the studies. i named the studies. >> i asked you for statistics. stephen: maybe we will have a car about in the bill that the new york times can hire lower skilled -- maybe we have compassion for mac and workers. president trump -- for american workers. president trump has met with american workers who have been replaced by foreign workers. >> i'm asking you for -- stephen: i just told you. premise of at at the bringing in low skilled labor, it is based on the idea that there's a labor shortage for lower skilled jobs. there isn't. the number of people in the united states is at a record high. one in four americans, almost one in four americans in the ages between 25 and 54 are not even employed. , males-american workers' with a diploma, has plummeted 40% points since the mass wave of unskilled migration began. the reality is that come if you just use common sense -- yes, i will use common sense -- the reason why some companies want to bring in more unskilled labor is because they know it reduces wages and labor costs. our job as a country, to is our duty? to a u.s. workers. if low skilled immigration was an unalloyed good for the economy, why we having growing at 1.5% for the last 17 years at a time of unprecedented new low-wage arrivals? the facts speak for themselves. hand, like i said, you have alter high school workers who are at the back of the line, which makes no sense in the year 2017. let me go to neil monroe. targeting the black unemployment rate which is historically higher than the average american? is that what you are looking at? doubt, verye is no sad and very fair, that immigration policy, both legal and illegal over the past several decades, has had a deleterious effect on african-american implant in general. in this country has to have a conversation about that. immigration would increase the total number of jobs. immigration brings in more restaurant jobs and resort jobs. is it better for this country to have more jobs or higher wages and high productivity for americans? stephen: president trump has been clear that he is a pro high wage president.he ran as a pro high wage candidate. the point about economic growth, we are constantly told that unskilled immigration boosts the economy. but again, if you look at the last 17 years, we know from reality that's not true. if you look at wages, you can see the effects. if you look at the labor force, you can see the effects. again, we are ending unskilled migration. but we are also making sure that the great inventors of the world, the great scientists of the world, the people who have the great piece of technology can come into the united states and compete in a competitive application process, a point-based system that makes sense in the year 2017. let me go to you. >> to questions. you did personalize it with the new york times. normally, this would not be a question, but will the trump organization stop bringing in foreign workers on visa programs to set an example for other businesses in the interim before this bill becomes law? stephen: as you know, the only way to have immigration policy work is to have it be national. you cannot have it be a different for different companies. nonimmigrant visas is a different thing. there was a debate on this where he said emma as a businessman, my responsibility is to operate my business under the laws of the united states. my job as the president of the united states is to pass laws and make sure we have an immigration system that prioritizes american workers. this is a technical matter. you are talking about a different aspect of immigration system. today, we are talking about the green card system. but it's a good question. to take the question in another direction, usa today and others have shown that there has been a negative flow of immigration across the southern border. at perhaps ais 10-year low. will there be enough workers in southwest states if this policy were to go into effect? >> i think we are talking about different things. i appreciate the question. net migration overall has been at a record pace. you are talking about just some questions about net migration in legally across the southern border -- net migration illegally across the southern border. we're talking about green cards and he keeps adding every year. a record the foreign-born population million. is 45 i think there is 25 million foreign workers in the united states. first, does the trump administration plan to defend the doctor program? >> we are not going to make an announcement on that today. there is ongoing litigation and doj and dhs are reviewing that. whatever we do will prioritize the interests of american citizens and workers. >> you talked about the estoril and policy. can you speak -- the australian policy. can you speak more specifically about [indiscernible] ringing in elderly relatives, for example, that children can come with their parents. which elements of the policy are you choosing? >> we looked at the australian system, the canadian system. we took things we liked, added things that make sense for america. the most compelling about the australian system is the efforts to make sure immigrants are financially self-sufficient and make sure they are able to pay for their own health care and things of that nature. that is one of the things we took from that. the points-based system has a lot to recommend it. we took that and added things that are new to it and they were released, today and to make sure we have a highly competitive application process. there are 7 billion people in the world. who gets that golden ticket needs to be a discerning an environment where you have this huge pool of unemployed labor in the united states, and your spending massive amounts of money putting our own workers and welfare, doesn't it make sense economically to say let's get our workers, immigrants and u.s. born, off of welfare, into the earning a living wage, able to pay into taxes instead of bringing in lower which substitutes, while at the same time ensuring that the inventors, innovators and scientists are able to come into our country and add to our economy and our gdp, but not as substitutes for americans? to rumors inspond euro party that say we should be focused on competence of reform? what do you say to those who say this just separates families, effectively cutting them? stephen: legislation for folks they arelready here, grandfathered in. it is a new system moving forward. .1. .2, beyond the immediate family members that are covered in the bill, your minor children and your spouses, your other relatives can come in. they just have to come in through the points-based system. >> what about copperheads of immigration reform. summer but can say we should be focused on competence if -- what about comprehensive immigration reform. publicans say we should be focused on comprehensive immigration reform? introduced awe had 2000-page comprehensive immigration reform bill. would we be having this conversation? i think we wouldn't be. it's time that we force of the conversation on to this core issue. i know the president feels that it is an enormously advantageous to have this conversation about this aspect of immigration reform. it receives no discussion and yet it is so important. let's go to you. >> you mentioned lawmakers have a choice to make. well president trump make this a campaign issue next year? anphen: we are making it issue period. we started in the campaign. but as a real push for change, that begins in earnest aggressively starting today. side, work on the policy but i do think voters across the country are going to demand these kinds of changes. the effects it has on their lives and their communities, this is overwhelmingly popular. i challenge any news or in his -- ion here, do a poll challenge any news organization here, do a poll. do you think people who come into our country receive welfare or be financially sufficient? do you think we should reduce overall net migration? do you think we should have unlimited family chain migration? look at the polls. look at the results. it will be very clear. the president talked a lot about immigration reform in the past. he has the power today to take personal action on this by while bringing in other unskilled workers in these states. does the present plan on taking that action? does this signal that the white house will no -- does not think that comprehensive immigration action is possible? matter,as a technical we are talking about nonimmigrant guestworker visas. this legislation deals with green cards. two separate categories. during the primary come in the debate, he said my job as a businessman is to follow the laws of the united states. my job as president is to create an immigration system that works for american workers. one of the reasons americans so deeply admire president trump is that they see, every day, he is not working for himself. he said over and over again. i have been very successful. i have had a great life. i am here to work for the american people. work, it has to be uniform, one standard for everyone. >> how close is the president to getting a nominee for dhs? if this legislation is not living by the end of the year, how much is it possible for you to do through executive action? >> the administrative action fund, you can tighten up enforcement on visa rules and standards. that is certainly something that we have been looking at doing. but we were like a permanent change to our immigration system that will endure through time, that will still be in place many decades from now. that is what this legislation what a compass. i would encourage everyone to understand the depth of this change. what president trump has done today is one of the most important legislative moves that we have seen on this issue in many, many years.the president of the united states said i am taking a stand today for american workers and the american economy and we are putting american families first on immigration. we are saying our compassion first and foremost is for struggling american families and our focus is on the national interest. that is a major event. and all your news organizations should take a hard look at the polls on these questions and see where folks are and you will see this is an issue supported by democrats, independents, republicans, across-the-board. i'll take one more question. >> [indiscernible] stephen: a lot of energy from upfront. >> so huge and major, you make it sound so enormously important. why did the senators who were with the president today call it modest and incremental? you seem to be suggesting this is immigration reform. does this come even close to stemming illegal immigration? stephen: the answer is that it's the divide between how americans think about immigration and how washington think's about immigration. youveryday americans, shouldn't have foreign workers displacing american workers. in washington, this represents a sea change. it depends what lens you are looking at it through. your edtee you -- go to think.nd see what they they will see it as a's seachange -- as a seachange. the center ofown american politics and american political views. one last question. here. -- right here. >> i would like to ask you if you have recently spoken to your old boss and what you make of the riff between president trump and the attorney general? president has confidence in all of his cabinets and expects them to perform their duties honorably and fully on behalf of the mecca people. since that's the american people -- behalf of the american people. >> what the president is proposing does not sound in keeping with american tradition when it comes to immigration. liberty says give me your huddled masses. it does not say you need to be a programmer. are you trying to change what it means to be an emigrant coming into this country if you are telling them you have to speaking wish? cap people learn to speaking was when they get here -- have to speak english? can't people learn to speak english once they get here? stephen: i don't want to get off into a whole thing about history , but the statue of liberty is a symbol of american liberty lighting the world. the poem you are referring to was added later.but more fundamentally , history -- -- saying the notion let me ask you a question. >> that sounds like national park revisionism. stephen: let me ask you -- >> they are not always going to speak english and they will be highly skilled. stephen: i appreciate your speech. let's talk about this. when we let in 300,000 people a year, was that violating or not violating the statue of liberty law of the land? tell me what years mate your definition of the statue of so you law of the land. say that a million a year? bringing a speak english philosophy here. that is not what the united states is about. stephen: you look at the history of immigration. it has ebbed and flowed. we have had periods of large waves and less immigration and more immigration. a president who wants to build walls and bring sweeping change. stephen: you don't think that a wall affects green card policy. the notion that you think that immigration is a historic wall, the foreign population in the united states today -- >> i'm talking about border crossings -- see thedo you not difference between green card policy and illegal immigration? people who emigrate to this country [indiscernible] stephen: as a factual question -- >> they do it for a lot of hard work and they made learning english as a second language later on in life. but this notion that they have to learn it was before they get to the united states, we only go to bring in people from great britain and australia? stephen: i am shocked at your statement, that you think that only people from great britain and australia would know english. it reveals your cosmopolitan bias to a shocking degree. this is an amazing moment. moment, thatazing you think only people from great britain australia would speaking wish is so insulting to millions of hard-working immigrants from all over the world. have you never met an immigrant from another country who speaks english outside of great britain and australia? is that your personal experience? that's not what you said. it shows your cosmopolitan bias. >> you are trying to engineer unethical people into this country. steven: one of the most outrageous, insulting, and foolish things you have ever said. the notion that you think that this is a racist bill is so wrong and so insulting. that thety is foreign-born population into our country has quadrupled since 1970. that is a fact. it is mostly driven by green card policy. this bill allows for immediate nuclear family members to come into the country, much as they would today, and adds an additional point-based system. have been hurt the most by the policy you are advocating -- >> what policy am i advocating? stephen: unfettered immigration. hurteople who have been the most by the policy you are advocating our immigrant workers and the african-american community. >> you brought it up again. you said you wanted to have a conversation and not target. you bring up the african-american community. i'm not trying to be funny. stephen: what you're saying is 100% correct.we want to help unemployed african americans in this country and all unemployed workers of all backgrounds to get a job. trying to describe the fair's motives to a compassionate immigration order is wrong. this is a positive, optimistic proposal this is 10 years, 20 , wes, 30 years from now want to have an immigration system that takes care of the people who are coming here and the people who are already living here by having standards, by having a clear requirement that you be able to support yourself financially, by making sure that employers can pay a living wage. that is the right policy for our country. to -- and it is the president's commitment to taking care of american workers. i'm sorry for getting heated. i will hand it over to sarah. i think that is exactly what we were hoping to have happen. thank you. sarah: the transition back should be pretty fun. thank you. exciting. throughout this week, we have been talking about the american dream and all that it signifies for people of all ages and nationalities. conwayrning, kellyanne and ivanka trump hosted a listening session with military spouses on the unique challenges they face in finding and maintaining employment to support their families. yesterday, we hosted over 100 small businesses for a discussion on how they help keep the american dream alive for millions of workers around the country. as i mentioned last week, i want to take time to recognize people from around the country that right in and ask the president questions. today, i want to redo a special letter to the president who embodies the enterprising -- i want to read to you a special letter to the president. it would be my honor to mow the white house lawn some we can for you. even though i am only 10, i would like to show the nation what young people like me are ready for. i have been mowing my neighbors lawn for some time. please see the attached flyer. here is a list of what i have and you are free to pick whatever you want, power mower, push mower, and we director. i can bring -- and we'd after -- whacker. i just spoke with the president. he wanted to tell you you are doing a great job and keep working hard. we also want to wish you a happy birthday. from 10 to 11went in the time that we received and were able to respond to this letter. he also wants me to invite you to spend a day with the white house groundskeeper and show you a how the national park service maintains the 18 acres of the white house complex and give you the opportunity to cut the grass in the rose garden. it is our responsibility to keep the american dream alive for kids like frank, immigrants who are already here and those who dream of immigrating here in the future. with that, i will take your questions. president -- does the president believe that white applicants to college are victims of discrete nation? the justiceain why department civil rights division [indiscernible] sarah: that's an accusatory question, but i would be happy to respond. is inw york times article violation of department of justice policy. how the white house does not confirm or deny the existence of a potential investigation, the department of justice will always review the credible allegations of discrimination against any race. >> why did the president say he got a call from the leader of the boy scouts and the president of mexico when he did not. did he live? a phonee referenced call that he received in. july multiple members of the boy scout leadership, following his speech that day, congratulated him, praised him and offered quite powerfulpowerful complemeg his speech. reporter: the report says he received a phone call from the president of mexico -- sarah: it was a phone call. it was more a direct conversation. reporter: so that was a lie? sarah: it was not a lie. it was in person. reporter: a couple of questions about russia. the prime minister has weighed in on the sanctions, saying it proves the trump administration is "utterly powerless." what is going on? sarah: this morning the president signed the countering adversaries sanctions act and he favors measures to deter the regimes of north korea and he wants to send a signal that we will not tolerate interference in our democratic process by russia. the bill was approved, the congress has encroached on the power of the presidency and he signed in the interest of national unity. we have been clear that we support have sanctions on those countries and we continue to do so, and it has not changed and i think it was reflected in the statement today. findings, andhe stated that russia did in fact try to interfere with the u.s. election and in the president quibblet's he did not with that, is that an indication that he accepts that russia interfered? sarah: the president said that in:. -- said in poland. he said that in poland at the press conference. reporter: one more, you said on monday that he would have something to say about the russian action on u.s. diplomats. anything to say today? sarah: noah don't. when i do i will let you know. trump,r: when donald prior to signing the bill, did he speak with the president of russia? sarah: no. reporter: the general said, i think at some point where clearly going to take dramatic action shortly against north korea. can you respond to that, do you think it is an accurate characterization? can you tell us where the administration is right now when it comes to taking military action against north korea? said many times before, we will not broadcast actions into your we are keeping all options on the table. inorter: the president said an economist interview in may, he was asked whether he supports cutting the number of immigrants who can come here legally and he said no. still today, the reports showing they would cut the green cards issued by half, so when did the president have a chance to part on the issue? sarah: i would have to see the reference, but the president has talked about merit-based immigration before, not just on the campaign trail, but about it for years. i cannot comment on a report i have not seen. reporter: the visa reduction, the total green cards -- does he have a separate opinion on the number of green cards? sarah: i think stephen spoke extensively on that. i do not have anything to add on it. reporter: the president in signing the sanctions bill today issued a signing statement and in that statement he said the bill -- he said there are provisions in the bill that are clearly unconstitutional. why would he signed the bill if he felt so strongly that this bill inhibits his ability to act as the commander in chief and to carry out his duties as president? sarah: i think i spoke on it already, but primarily because the president favors tough measures to deter and punish bad behavior of the regimes in iran and north korea and he sent a signal we will not tolerate interference in our democratic process by russia. he signed it in the interest of national unity. , there is noort of question that there is not support for the principles of the bill, maybe it is some of the process. reporter: i'm sorry, he is signing this legislation and sending a signal that if another bill comes before his desk, that he also signs -- finds significantly flawed and clearly unconstitutional, he was on a legislation as well? sarah: i will speak about a hypothetical bill that is not exist in whether or not the president will sign it. reporter: can you clear up confusion, they were two statements going out, tennis late that had different language, did you attend dissented without? sarah: it was one signing statement in one press statement, so that is the difference. one is a legal document that goes with the executive secretary and another one is a press document. reporter: i wanted to bring up unfinished business, when you are named press secretary because there was so much focus on other things, you only had a chance to talk about the job in one question, so i wanted to give you a chance to answer two questions that all of your predecessors have answered. first, what is her overall approach to the job, in terms of balancing whether you are serving the president or the public? secondly, do you see any circumstances where it is appropriate to live from the podium? sarah: i will take the second one first, absolutely not. it is not appropriate to live from the podium or any other place. on the first question, i think that the balance in my job is to communicate the president's agenda, his message, and answer your questions on that as best as i can, as honestly as i can and as transparent as i can be. reporter: thank you. following up on the question spicer'swhat is sean role at this point and how much longer do expect him to stay on staff? believes he said, i that was a week or so ago, the days are running together now. he was going to stay on in a transition process through august. nothing has changed. reporter: it does not affect anthony's armuchee leaving? sarah: no. reporter: on the signing statement, it said it would drive china, north korea and russia most -- much closer together, can you elaborate? yesterday you suggested china was a partner. sarah: i do not have anything to comment. reporter: follow-up with two questions, dhs -- in september when congress comes back? second question, lots of lawmakers and republicans on the hill and business committee have been concerned the president will not stay focused on tax reform, that they want him to talk about. instead he will do immigration, we have health care hanging, will the president focus on all those issues in the weeks ahead going into september, or does he want to showcase one or two things? sarah: as we said before, we can walk and chew gum at the same time and work on a multitude of issues at the same time. in terms of the dhs appointment my do not have a personal announcement. reporter: thank you. this morning, new orleans mayor mitch landrieu, president of the u.s. conference of mayors, took a shot at tom home and, the head lman, the head of immigrations and customs -- customs o enforcement. workthe podium -- most with us, but many do not in the larger cities. that is where criminal aliens and criminal gangs flirt. and -- flourish. mayor landrieu said he is wrong about that, that kind of rhetoric is not helpful and he added that police officers keep the streets safe, irrespective of immigration status and they do so all the time. your response to mayor landrieu and his charge against someone that is mentioned frequently to be the next secretary of homeland security? sarah: i think that tom has served our country well. he has been active in law enforcement and i was certainly trust his opinion. confidencea lot of in him and his abilities, having been in a multitude of different positions within law enforcement and been able to see it in a lot of different places, not just one location like the mayor. so i would differ to tom on the issue. reporter: you would trust him more than mayor landrieu? sarah: i think that is safe to say. reporter: jim -- in the political magazine article -- said the president was, he suggested the president was a carnival barker. is the president still thinking of helping to fund the $10 million challenge against underprice, and as they have response to his comments? sarah: i am not sure about potential funding of a campaign, but i think that the senator would service constituents much better if he was less focused on writing a book and attacking the president, then passing legislation. reporter: two american soldiers were killed in afghanistan today. does the president know about it, does he feel a sense of urgency -- with that? sarah: i cannot comment, but i will keep you posted. reporter: did president trump feel pressure to sign the russian sections bill? sarah: as i've said, the president supports putting pressure on the three countries in particular. he supports the principle of it and he wanted to take action. reporter: follow-up, you are asked about the president weighing in on the -- comments. will the administration continue to make -- or not? are workingayments on a failed law that the president was to repeal and replace. the president has been clear that obamacare is a failed a lot and he is working with staff and cabinet consider the issues raised by the csr payments and without can congress -- the congress replacing obamacare, insurers will continue to flee the failing system. we need reform actually lowers cost and provide more choice for americans in what we compute posted when we have -- and we will keep you posted when we have a final announcement. [indiscernible] [laughter] announcer: the convention of hackers and i.t. professionals to place in las vegas last week. the atlantic council will look at issues discussed and what is ahead in separate security. our coverage begins at 4 p.m. eastern on c-span, online at, or on the c-span radio app. tonight, the president has a campaign rally at the big sandy superstore arena in huntington, west virginia. it is scheduled to start at 7:00 p.m. eastern and will be live on c-span. president trump signed legislation today expanding sanctions on russia, iran and north korea and house speaker paul ryan issued a statement on twitter saying "today the united states sent a powerful message to adversaries that they will be held accountable for their actions. the stations directly target the destructive and destabilizing activities of iran, russia and north korea. we will continue to use every instrument of power to defend this nation and to the people that we serve." and president trump announced his support for legislation today that would reduce illegal immigration into the u.s. and it will be based on work skills rather than family ties. he was joined this morning by senator tom cotton of arkansas and david perdue of georgia. the president and the two senators spoke at the roosevelt room. after the meeting, the senators spoke with reporters outside the white house. we will show you all that, up next. pres. trump: thank you very much. it is great to be here today to unveil legislation that will impact the immigration system. i want to

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Transcripts For CSPAN White House Pushes New Skilled-Based Immigration Bill 20170802 :

Transcripts For CSPAN White House Pushes New Skilled-Based Immigration Bill 20170802

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leaving the u.s.. we use -- we do the seven things, it is a new day for american workers. their incomes of go up and the number of good paying jobs of go up. and we will do it under a better deal because we want a better deal for the american worker. sarah: good afternoon, everyone. before we get started, i want to headed over to stephan miller to speak to you about the rays act that the president endorse this morning. take it away, steve. great to be here today to talk to you about the president's new proposal for immigration reform. i will just walk through the basics of it and then we will take some questions and hopefully be able to answer all of them. this is the largest proposed reform to our immigration policy in half a century. the most important question, when it comes to u.s. immigration system is who gets a green card. a green card is the golden ticket of u.s. immigration. every year, we issue a million green cards to foreign nationals from all the countries of the world. but we do so without regard to whether that applicant has demonstrated the skill that can add to the u.s. economy, whether they can pay their own way or be reliant on welfare, or whether they will displace or take a job from an american worker. as a result of this policy, in place now for many years, we have seen significant reductions in wages for blue-collar workers, massive displacement of african-american and hispanic workers, as well as the displacement of immigrant workers from previous years who oftentimes compete directly against new arrivals were being paid even less. so it is a policy that exacerbated wealth inequality in the country in a significant way. you have seen over time, as a result of this historic low of unskilled immigration, a shift in wealth from the working class to welfare corporations and businesses. it has been very unfair for but especiallys, for immigrant workers, african-american workers, and hispanic workers, and blue-collar workers in general across the country. at the same time, it has cost taxpayers an rsa because roughly half of immigrant headed households in the united states receive some type of welfare benefit, which i know is a fact that many people might consider stanching. but it is not surprising when you have an immigration system that doesn't look at questions like skill level or self-sufficiency. so this proposal has several major historic changes. first, it eliminates so-called chain migration. right now -- what does chain migration me? if you coming -- mean? if you come into the united states and get a greeting card, it gives the recipient a andtime work authorization allows them to bring and a fast-track to u.s. citizenship and all the benefits that come with being an american citizen. individual right now who are receiving green cards, they can bring in, say, an elderly relative who can immediately go on to public assistance if they become unable to support themselves financially. then that person can bring in a relative who can bring in a relative who can bring in a relative who can bring in a relative. that is why they call that chain migration. skilled workers in america. limit migration to spouses and minor children, that has entry system a point's space will look at does the applicant speaking wish? can they support themselves and their -- speak english? can they support themselves and their families? can they add to the u.s. economy? company is offering three times the median wage, that person will get more points on .heir application all of a sudden, you are putting upward pressure on wages rather than downward pressure in your making it very hard to use immigrant labor to sensitive american workers. by prioritizing higher paid workers, you basically end the practice more or less of being able to seek a permanent residence to come in at lower pay. that is a major historic change to u.s. immigration policy. the effect of this, switching to a skills-based system and ending unfettered chain migration, would be over time cut migration in half. polls support by the american people in huge numbers. this is what president trump on.aigned he talked about a throughout the campaign, threat the transition, office.e coming into this is a major promise to the american people, to push for merit-based immigration reform that protects u.s. workers, protects u.s. taxpayers, and protects the u.s. economy, and that prioritizes the needs of arrows citizens, our own workers., and our own it is pro-american immigration reform that the american people want, that the american people deserve, and puts the needs of the working class ahead of the investor class. with that, i would gladly take a few questions. >> you talk about [indiscernible] without becoming law, it will not be of limited. implemented. where are they cover mice point for the president? >> it has been my spirits in the legislative process that there are two kinds of proposals. there are proposals that can only succeed in the dark of night and proposals that can only succeed in the light of day. this is the latter of those two. the more that we as a country have a national conversation about what kind of immigration system we want and to whom we want to give green cars to, the -- green cards to, the more momentum to change. look at the polling data in many key battleground states across the country. over time, you will see a massive public push for this kind of legislation. because immigration affects every aspect of our lives. it affects our schools, hospitals, working conditions, labor market, our tax base, and communities. it is a deeply personal issue for americans. so you will see massive public support for this. ultimately, members of congress make.ave a choice to they can but with the interest of u.s. citizens and u.s. workers or they can vote against interest, and whatever happens as a result of that, i think, would be so unpredictable. how do you was this into an already jampacked legislative calendar? >> we will have to have conversations with senate leadership and house leadership about the steps forward. this is an issue we campaigned on. the american people voted for by electing john -- donald j. trump. we are predicting blue-collar workers and bringing in workers who can add to the economy. is ally think this historic moment that happened today. again, the biggest proposed change that would take place in 50 years, at a time in which you have automation that is replacing a lot of jobs in the you have american workers without high school diplomas who have very low per dissipation rates in the labor force, and then you are bringing in workers to compete directly against the workers who are either losing their jobs to automation or who cannot find work because there is not enough jobs for workers in our own country without education. go to an american city that has labor force problems, wherever that may be. say, detroit. how is it fair or right or proper that, if, say, you open up a new business in detroit, that the unemployed workers in detroit will have to compete against an in-depth as an endless flow of workers for the same jobs and reduce their chances of getting those jobs while at the same time alter high school workers are at the back of the line in the country. it doesn't make sense. the number of low skilled workers in particular is a major detriment. the more we have this conversation publicly and ask america who ought to get a green card in this country, the more momentum there is going to be, the more support there is going to be, and our message to folks in congress is, if you are serious about immigration reform, ask yourself what is in the best interest of americans and american workers. ultimately, this has to be a part of that. all, let's have some statistics. there have been a lot of studies that don't show a correlation between low skilled immigration and the loss of jobs. site for me, if you could, one or two studies with specific numbers that prove the correlation between those two things because your entire policies based on that. secondly, sources have told me you pushedth ago, ever structure out of the way to do immigration. why is this more important than if a structure? >> the most recent street at would point to is the study from george borjas. he went back and opened up the old data and talked about how it actually did reduce wages for workers living there at the time. borjas has an enormous out the research on this. >> [indiscernible] study saidrecent that as much as $300 billion a year may be lost because of our current immigration system. there's also common sense here, folks. at the end of the day, why do special interests want to bring in more low skilled workers? >> i'm not asking for common sense. i'm asking for specific -- steven: if i could just answer your question. i named the studies. i named the studies. >> i asked you for statistics. stephen: maybe we will have a car about in the bill that the new york times can hire lower skilled -- maybe we have compassion for mac and workers. president trump -- for american workers. president trump has met with american workers who have been replaced by foreign workers. >> i'm asking you for -- stephen: i just told you. premise of at at the bringing in low skilled labor, it is based on the idea that there's a labor shortage for lower skilled jobs. there isn't. the number of people in the united states is at a record high. one in four americans, almost one in four americans in the ages between 25 and 54 are not even employed. , males-american workers' with a diploma, has plummeted 40% points since the mass wave of unskilled migration began. the reality is that come if you just use common sense -- yes, i will use common sense -- the reason why some companies want to bring in more unskilled labor is because they know it reduces wages and labor costs. our job as a country, to is our duty? to a u.s. workers. if low skilled immigration was an unalloyed good for the economy, why we having growing at 1.5% for the last 17 years at a time of unprecedented new low-wage arrivals? the facts speak for themselves. hand, like i said, you have alter high school workers who are at the back of the line, which makes no sense in the year 2017. let me go to neil monroe. targeting the black unemployment rate which is historically higher than the average american? is that what you are looking at? doubt, verye is no sad and very fair, that immigration policy, both legal and illegal over the past several decades, has had a deleterious effect on african-american implant in general. in this country has to have a conversation about that. immigration would increase the total number of jobs. immigration brings in more restaurant jobs and resort jobs. is it better for this country to have more jobs or higher wages and high productivity for americans? stephen: president trump has been clear that he is a pro high wage president.he ran as a pro high wage candidate. the point about economic growth, we are constantly told that unskilled immigration boosts the economy. but again, if you look at the last 17 years, we know from reality that's not true. if you look at wages, you can see the effects. if you look at the labor force, you can see the effects. again, we are ending unskilled migration. but we are also making sure that the great inventors of the world, the great scientists of the world, the people who have the great piece of technology can come into the united states and compete in a competitive application process, a point-based system that makes sense in the year 2017. let me go to you. >> to questions. you did personalize it with the new york times. normally, this would not be a question, but will the trump organization stop bringing in foreign workers on visa programs to set an example for other businesses in the interim before this bill becomes law? stephen: as you know, the only way to have immigration policy work is to have it be national. you cannot have it be a different for different companies. nonimmigrant visas is a different thing. there was a debate on this where he said emma as a businessman, my responsibility is to operate my business under the laws of the united states. my job as the president of the united states is to pass laws and make sure we have an immigration system that prioritizes american workers. this is a technical matter. you are talking about a different aspect of immigration system. today, we are talking about the green card system. but it's a good question. to take the question in another direction, usa today and others have shown that there has been a negative flow of immigration across the southern border. at perhaps ais 10-year low. will there be enough workers in southwest states if this policy were to go into effect? >> i think we are talking about different things. i appreciate the question. net migration overall has been at a record pace. you are talking about just some questions about net migration in legally across the southern border -- net migration illegally across the southern border. we're talking about green cards and he keeps adding every year. a record the foreign-born population million. is 45 i think there is 25 million foreign workers in the united states. first, does the trump administration plan to defend the doctor program? >> we are not going to make an announcement on that today. there is ongoing litigation and doj and dhs are reviewing that. whatever we do will prioritize the interests of american citizens and workers. >> you talked about the estoril and policy. can you speak -- the australian policy. can you speak more specifically about [indiscernible] ringing in elderly relatives, for example, that children can come with their parents. which elements of the policy are you choosing? >> we looked at the australian system, the canadian system. we took things we liked, added things that make sense for america. the most compelling about the australian system is the efforts to make sure immigrants are financially self-sufficient and make sure they are able to pay for their own health care and things of that nature. that is one of the things we took from that. the points-based system has a lot to recommend it. we took that and added things that are new to it and they were released, today and to make sure we have a highly competitive application process. there are 7 billion people in the world. who gets that golden ticket needs to be a discerning an environment where you have this huge pool of unemployed labor in the united states, and your spending massive amounts of money putting our own workers and welfare, doesn't it make sense economically to say let's get our workers, immigrants and u.s. born, off of welfare, into the earning a living wage, able to pay into taxes instead of bringing in lower which substitutes, while at the same time ensuring that the inventors, innovators and scientists are able to come into our country and add to our economy and our gdp, but not as substitutes for americans? to rumors inspond euro party that say we should be focused on competence of reform? what do you say to those who say this just separates families, effectively cutting them? stephen: legislation for folks they arelready here, grandfathered in. it is a new system moving forward. .1. .2, beyond the immediate family members that are covered in the bill, your minor children and your spouses, your other relatives can come in. they just have to come in through the points-based system. >> what about copperheads of immigration reform. summer but can say we should be focused on competence if -- what about comprehensive immigration reform. publicans say we should be focused on comprehensive immigration reform? introduced awe had 2000-page comprehensive immigration reform bill. would we be having this conversation? i think we wouldn't be. it's time that we force of the conversation on to this core issue. i know the president feels that it is an enormously advantageous to have this conversation about this aspect of immigration reform. it receives no discussion and yet it is so important. let's go to you. >> you mentioned lawmakers have a choice to make. well president trump make this a campaign issue next year? anphen: we are making it issue period. we started in the campaign. but as a real push for change, that begins in earnest aggressively starting today. side, work on the policy but i do think voters across the country are going to demand these kinds of changes. the effects it has on their lives and their communities, this is overwhelmingly popular. i challenge any news or in his -- ion here, do a poll challenge any news organization here, do a poll. do you think people who come into our country receive welfare or be financially sufficient? do you think we should reduce overall net migration? do you think we should have unlimited family chain migration? look at the polls. look at the results. it will be very clear. the president talked a lot about immigration reform in the past. he has the power today to take personal action on this by while bringing in other unskilled workers in these states. does the present plan on taking that action? does this signal that the white house will no -- does not think that comprehensive immigration action is possible? matter,as a technical we are talking about nonimmigrant guestworker visas. this legislation deals with green cards. two separate categories. during the primary come in the debate, he said my job as a businessman is to follow the laws of the united states. my job as president is to create an immigration system that works for american workers. one of the reasons americans so deeply admire president trump is that they see, every day, he is not working for himself. he said over and over again. i have been very successful. i have had a great life. i am here to work for the american people. work, it has to be uniform, one standard for everyone. >> how close is the president to getting a nominee for dhs? if this legislation is not living by the end of the year, how much is it possible for you to do through executive action? >> the administrative action fund, you can tighten up enforcement on visa rules and standards. that is certainly something that we have been looking at doing. but we were like a permanent change to our immigration system that will endure through time, that will still be in place many decades from now. that is what this legislation what a compass. i would encourage everyone to understand the depth of this change. what president trump has done today is one of the most important legislative moves that we have seen on this issue in many, many years.the president of the united states said i am taking a stand today for american workers and the american economy and we are putting american families first on immigration. we are saying our compassion first and foremost is for struggling american families and our focus is on the national interest. that is a major event. and all your news organizations should take a hard look at the polls on these questions and see where folks are and you will see this is an issue supported by democrats, independents, republicans, across-the-board. i'll take one more question. >> [indiscernible] stephen: a lot of energy from upfront. >> so huge and major, you make it sound so enormously important. why did the senators who were with the president today call it modest and incremental? you seem to be suggesting this is immigration reform. does this come even close to stemming illegal immigration? stephen: the answer is that it's the divide between how americans think about immigration and how washington think's about immigration. youveryday americans, shouldn't have foreign workers displacing american workers. in washington, this represents a sea change. it depends what lens you are looking at it through. your edtee you -- go to think.nd see what they they will see it as a's seachange -- as a seachange. the center ofown american politics and american political views. one last question. here. -- right here. >> i would like to ask you if you have recently spoken to your old boss and what you make of the riff between president trump and the attorney general? president has confidence in all of his cabinets and expects them to perform their duties honorably and fully on behalf of the mecca people. since that's the american people -- behalf of the american people. >> what the president is proposing does not sound in keeping with american tradition when it comes to immigration. liberty says give me your huddled masses. it does not say you need to be a programmer. are you trying to change what it means to be an emigrant coming into this country if you are telling them you have to speaking wish? cap people learn to speaking was when they get here -- have to speak english? can't people learn to speak english once they get here? stephen: i don't want to get off into a whole thing about history , but the statue of liberty is a symbol of american liberty lighting the world. the poem you are referring to was added later.but more fundamentally , history -- -- saying the notion let me ask you a question. >> that sounds like national park revisionism. stephen: let me ask you -- >> they are not always going to speak english and they will be highly skilled. stephen: i appreciate your speech. let's talk about this. when we let in 300,000 people a year, was that violating or not violating the statue of liberty law of the land? tell me what years mate your definition of the statue of so you law of the land. say that a million a year? bringing a speak english philosophy here. that is not what the united states is about. stephen: you look at the history of immigration. it has ebbed and flowed. we have had periods of large waves and less immigration and more immigration. a president who wants to build walls and bring sweeping change. stephen: you don't think that a wall affects green card policy. the notion that you think that immigration is a historic wall, the foreign population in the united states today -- >> i'm talking about border crossings -- see thedo you not difference between green card policy and illegal immigration? people who emigrate to this country [indiscernible] stephen: as a factual question -- >> they do it for a lot of hard work and they made learning english as a second language later on in life. but this notion that they have to learn it was before they get to the united states, we only go to bring in people from great britain and australia? stephen: i am shocked at your statement, that you think that only people from great britain and australia would know english. it reveals your cosmopolitan bias to a shocking degree. this is an amazing moment. moment, thatazing you think only people from great britain australia would speaking wish is so insulting to millions of hard-working immigrants from all over the world. have you never met an immigrant from another country who speaks english outside of great britain and australia? is that your personal experience? that's not what you said. it shows your cosmopolitan bias. >> you are trying to engineer unethical people into this country. steven: one of the most outrageous, insulting, and foolish things you have ever said. the notion that you think that this is a racist bill is so wrong and so insulting. that thety is foreign-born population into our country has quadrupled since 1970. that is a fact. it is mostly driven by green card policy. this bill allows for immediate nuclear family members to come into the country, much as they would today, and adds an additional point-based system. have been hurt the most by the policy you are advocating -- >> what policy am i advocating? stephen: unfettered immigration. hurteople who have been the most by the policy you are advocating our immigrant workers and the african-american community. >> you brought it up again. you said you wanted to have a conversation and not target. you bring up the african-american community. i'm not trying to be funny. stephen: what you're saying is 100% correct.we want to help unemployed african americans in this country and all unemployed workers of all backgrounds to get a job. trying to describe the fair's motives to a compassionate immigration order is wrong. this is a positive, optimistic proposal this is 10 years, 20 , wes, 30 years from now want to have an immigration system that takes care of the people who are coming here and the people who are already living here by having standards, by having a clear requirement that you be able to support yourself financially, by making sure that employers can pay a living wage. that is the right policy for our country. to -- and it is the president's commitment to taking care of american workers. i'm sorry for getting heated. i will hand it over to sarah. i think that is exactly what we were hoping to have happen. thank you. sarah: the transition back should be pretty fun. thank you. exciting. throughout this week, we have been talking about the american dream and all that it signifies for people of all ages and nationalities. conwayrning, kellyanne and ivanka trump hosted a listening session with military spouses on the unique challenges they face in finding and maintaining employment to support their families. yesterday, we hosted over 100 small businesses for a discussion on how they help keep the american dream alive for millions of workers around the country. as i mentioned last week, i want to take time to recognize people from around the country that right in and ask the president questions. today, i want to redo a special letter to the president who embodies the enterprising -- i want to read to you a special letter to the president. it would be my honor to mow the white house lawn some we can for you. even though i am only 10, i would like to show the nation what young people like me are ready for. i have been mowing my neighbors lawn for some time. please see the attached flyer. here is a list of what i have and you are free to pick whatever you want, power mower, push mower, and we director. i can bring -- and we'd after -- whacker. i just spoke with the president. he wanted to tell you you are doing a great job and keep working hard. we also want to wish you a happy birthday. from 10 to 11went in the time that we received and were able to respond to this letter. he also wants me to invite you to spend a day with the white house groundskeeper and show you a how the national park service maintains the 18 acres of the white house complex and give you the opportunity to cut the grass in the rose garden. it is our responsibility to keep the american dream alive for kids like frank, immigrants who are already here and those who dream of immigrating here in the future. with that, i will take your questions. president -- does the president believe that white applicants to college are victims of discrete nation? the justiceain why department civil rights division [indiscernible] sarah: that's an accusatory question, but i would be happy to respond. is inw york times article violation of department of justice policy. how the white house does not confirm or deny the existence of a potential investigation, the department of justice will always review the credible allegations of discrimination against any race. >> why did the president say he got a call from the leader of the boy scouts and the president of mexico when he did not. did he live? a phonee referenced call that he received in. july multiple members of the boy scout leadership, following his speech that day, congratulated him, praised him and offered quite powerfulpowerful complemeg his speech. reporter: the report says he received a phone call from the president of mexico -- sarah: it was a phone call. it was more a direct conversation. reporter: so that was a lie? sarah: it was not a lie. it was in person. reporter: a couple of questions about russia. the prime minister has weighed in on the sanctions, saying it proves the trump administration is "utterly powerless." what is going on? sarah: this morning the president signed the countering adversaries sanctions act and he favors measures to deter the regimes of north korea and he wants to send a signal that we will not tolerate interference in our democratic process by russia. the bill was approved, the congress has encroached on the power of the presidency and he signed in the interest of national unity. we have been clear that we support have sanctions on those countries and we continue to do so, and it has not changed and i think it was reflected in the statement today. findings, andhe stated that russia did in fact try to interfere with the u.s. election and in the president quibblet's he did not with that, is that an indication that he accepts that russia interfered? sarah: the president said that in:. -- said in poland. he said that in poland at the press conference. reporter: one more, you said on monday that he would have something to say about the russian action on u.s. diplomats. anything to say today? sarah: noah don't. when i do i will let you know. trump,r: when donald prior to signing the bill, did he speak with the president of russia? sarah: no. reporter: the general said, i think at some point where clearly going to take dramatic action shortly against north korea. can you respond to that, do you think it is an accurate characterization? can you tell us where the administration is right now when it comes to taking military action against north korea? said many times before, we will not broadcast actions into your we are keeping all options on the table. inorter: the president said an economist interview in may, he was asked whether he supports cutting the number of immigrants who can come here legally and he said no. still today, the reports showing they would cut the green cards issued by half, so when did the president have a chance to part on the issue? sarah: i would have to see the reference, but the president has talked about merit-based immigration before, not just on the campaign trail, but about it for years. i cannot comment on a report i have not seen. reporter: the visa reduction, the total green cards -- does he have a separate opinion on the number of green cards? sarah: i think stephen spoke extensively on that. i do not have anything to add on it. reporter: the president in signing the sanctions bill today issued a signing statement and in that statement he said the bill -- he said there are provisions in the bill that are clearly unconstitutional. why would he signed the bill if he felt so strongly that this bill inhibits his ability to act as the commander in chief and to carry out his duties as president? sarah: i think i spoke on it already, but primarily because the president favors tough measures to deter and punish bad behavior of the regimes in iran and north korea and he sent a signal we will not tolerate interference in our democratic process by russia. he signed it in the interest of national unity. , there is noort of question that there is not support for the principles of the bill, maybe it is some of the process. reporter: i'm sorry, he is signing this legislation and sending a signal that if another bill comes before his desk, that he also signs -- finds significantly flawed and clearly unconstitutional, he was on a legislation as well? sarah: i will speak about a hypothetical bill that is not exist in whether or not the president will sign it. reporter: can you clear up confusion, they were two statements going out, tennis late that had different language, did you attend dissented without? sarah: it was one signing statement in one press statement, so that is the difference. one is a legal document that goes with the executive secretary and another one is a press document. reporter: i wanted to bring up unfinished business, when you are named press secretary because there was so much focus on other things, you only had a chance to talk about the job in one question, so i wanted to give you a chance to answer two questions that all of your predecessors have answered. first, what is her overall approach to the job, in terms of balancing whether you are serving the president or the public? secondly, do you see any circumstances where it is appropriate to live from the podium? sarah: i will take the second one first, absolutely not. it is not appropriate to live from the podium or any other place. on the first question, i think that the balance in my job is to communicate the president's agenda, his message, and answer your questions on that as best as i can, as honestly as i can and as transparent as i can be. reporter: thank you. following up on the question spicer'swhat is sean role at this point and how much longer do expect him to stay on staff? believes he said, i that was a week or so ago, the days are running together now. he was going to stay on in a transition process through august. nothing has changed. reporter: it does not affect anthony's armuchee leaving? sarah: no. reporter: on the signing statement, it said it would drive china, north korea and russia most -- much closer together, can you elaborate? yesterday you suggested china was a partner. sarah: i do not have anything to comment. reporter: follow-up with two questions, dhs -- in september when congress comes back? second question, lots of lawmakers and republicans on the hill and business committee have been concerned the president will not stay focused on tax reform, that they want him to talk about. instead he will do immigration, we have health care hanging, will the president focus on all those issues in the weeks ahead going into september, or does he want to showcase one or two things? sarah: as we said before, we can walk and chew gum at the same time and work on a multitude of issues at the same time. in terms of the dhs appointment my do not have a personal announcement. reporter: thank you. this morning, new orleans mayor mitch landrieu, president of the u.s. conference of mayors, took a shot at tom home and, the head lman, the head of immigrations and customs -- customs o enforcement. workthe podium -- most with us, but many do not in the larger cities. that is where criminal aliens and criminal gangs flirt. and -- flourish. mayor landrieu said he is wrong about that, that kind of rhetoric is not helpful and he added that police officers keep the streets safe, irrespective of immigration status and they do so all the time. your response to mayor landrieu and his charge against someone that is mentioned frequently to be the next secretary of homeland security? sarah: i think that tom has served our country well. he has been active in law enforcement and i was certainly trust his opinion. confidencea lot of in him and his abilities, having been in a multitude of different positions within law enforcement and been able to see it in a lot of different places, not just one location like the mayor. so i would differ to tom on the issue. reporter: you would trust him more than mayor landrieu? sarah: i think that is safe to say. reporter: jim -- in the political magazine article -- said the president was, he suggested the president was a carnival barker. is the president still thinking of helping to fund the $10 million challenge against underprice, and as they have response to his comments? sarah: i am not sure about potential funding of a campaign, but i think that the senator would service constituents much better if he was less focused on writing a book and attacking the president, then passing legislation. reporter: two american soldiers were killed in afghanistan today. does the president know about it, does he feel a sense of urgency -- with that? sarah: i cannot comment, but i will keep you posted. reporter: did president trump feel pressure to sign the russian sections bill? sarah: as i've said, the president supports putting pressure on the three countries in particular. he supports the principle of it and he wanted to take action. reporter: follow-up, you are asked about the president weighing in on the -- comments. will the administration continue to make -- or not? are workingayments on a failed law that the president was to repeal and replace. the president has been clear that obamacare is a failed a lot and he is working with staff and cabinet consider the issues raised by the csr payments and without can congress -- the congress replacing obamacare, insurers will continue to flee the failing system. we need reform actually lowers cost and provide more choice for americans in what we compute posted when we have -- and we will keep you posted when we have a final announcement. [indiscernible] [laughter] announcer: the convention of hackers and i.t. professionals to place in las vegas last week. the atlantic council will look at issues discussed and what is ahead in separate security. our coverage begins at 4 p.m. eastern on c-span, online at, or on the c-span radio app. tonight, the president has a campaign rally at the big sandy superstore arena in huntington, west virginia. it is scheduled to start at 7:00 p.m. eastern and will be live on c-span. president trump signed legislation today expanding sanctions on russia, iran and north korea and house speaker paul ryan issued a statement on twitter saying "today the united states sent a powerful message to adversaries that they will be held accountable for their actions. the stations directly target the destructive and destabilizing activities of iran, russia and north korea. we will continue to use every instrument of power to defend this nation and to the people that we serve." and president trump announced his support for legislation today that would reduce illegal immigration into the u.s. and it will be based on work skills rather than family ties. he was joined this morning by senator tom cotton of arkansas and david perdue of georgia. the president and the two senators spoke at the roosevelt room. after the meeting, the senators spoke with reporters outside the white house. we will show you all that, up next. pres. trump: thank you very much. it is great to be here today to unveil legislation that will impact the immigration system. i want to

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