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Process. Abroad, our climate assistance now reaches more than 120 nations. And on tuesday i called on every nation, developed and developing alike, to join us in this effort for the sake of future generations. The people of the world looked to us to lead. And we welcome that responsibility. We are heirs to a proud legacy of freedom. As we showed the world this week, we are prepared to do what is necessary to secure that legacy for generations to come. Thanks. And have a great weekend. [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2014] hi. Im tom tillis, the republican nominee for the United States senate and the great state of north carolina. Over the past four years, ive had the honor of serving as the speaker of the house in the state assembly. But my journey to get there is what defines the American Dream. I was brought up in a working class family with my mother and father and five siblings. My parents often had to work two jobs to make ends meet. We lived on the economic bubble and were constantly forced to pack up our belongings and love in state to state, wherever my father could find work. When times got really tough, we lived in a trailer park. And my parents took extra jobs in order to save enough money to buy us clothes for school. But the reality was that what my parents couldnt provide with material goods or a nice house they more than made up for with unconditional love and instilling an invaluable work ethic in me. I have my first job as a paper boy when i was 9. I started recording earnings with the Social Security system when i was 12. I took a job as a short order cook when i was 15 and i worked for minimum wage for many years. When i graduated from high school, i couldnt afford college. So i entered the work force. My first fulltime job was a warehouse records clerk. I know firsthand what its like to raise a family, attending school at night and struggling to make ends meet. Over the years i worked my way up in the Business World to become a partner at Price Water House Coopers and an executive at i. B. M. And i finally got my College Degree when i was 36 years old. I consider myself to be incredibly blessed and fortunate to have a shot at the American Dream. The promise of opportunity that is the reward of hard work. My familys story isnt unique. Its the story of Many Americans in my generation. That if you worked hard, played by the rules, and persevered through good times and bad, youd realize your American Dream. And pass on something even greater to your children. But unfortunately that dream is become harder and harder to realize today because this president and his fellow democrats are crushing our nation under broken economy that continues to underperform and fails to create the opportunities needed for working class americans. Unfortunately we have an administration that has lost sight over what makes our country the most exceptional on this planet. And today washington doesnt play by the same rules that American Families have to play by every single day. Instead of living within its means, washington has punlted on making the tough decisions, spending our nation to the brink and adding 7 trillion to our national debt. In the midst of economic collapse, while hardworking americans are are losing jobs and their livelihoods, washington is using our hardearned dollars to bail out big wall street banks and billiondollar corporations. With americans struggling to afford Rising Health care costs, president obama and the Senate Democrats rammed through obamacare, which subsequently caused millions of people to lose their health care plans. And caused premiums to skyrocket. And the only dream realized in obamacare was a nightmare of broken promises that we could keep our doctor and our Health Insurance if we wanted to. As we look at the crises boiling over across the globe, we see a president who has been leading from behind with a failed Foreign Policy that has weakened america. Iran is getting closer and closer to developing a nuclear weapon. Russia continues to infringe upon the sovereignty of the ukraine. Our ally israel is being tagged by terrorist groups. And the president still doesnt have a strategy to destroy the terrorist group known as the islamic state. Simply put, america lacks leadership. And is no longer considered to be an exceptional nation by our allies and our adversaries alike. But in november we can change that. The American People have a chance to send a message to washington by electing a new Senate Majority that will move our country in a new direction and restore the American Dream. A new majority that empowers the people of this great nation to live out their aspirations that rebuilds our working class work force and restores america as the strong leader in the world that is desperate for our leadership. We have an opportunity to get our debt crisis under control once and for all by spending taxpayer dollars more responsibly and by passing a balanced budget amendment. We have an opportunity to repeal obamacare and replace it with reforms that empower parents patients and doctors, while making health care more affordable and accessible. And most importantly, we have an opportunity to spark Economic Growth and create millions of jobs and higher wages for middle class families by overhauling our broken tax code and cutting burdensome government red tape for our Small Businesses on main street. A new Senate Majority will give our nation those opportunities and many more. We owe it to our children to offer the same shot at the American Dream that we inheritted from our parents. Thank you so much and may god bless america. [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2014] on this weekends news makers, Michael Podhorzer is our guest. He discusses the types of issues that are important to the more than 13 Million Union workers that the organization represents and what the aflcio is doing leading us to the midterms. Watch the interview sunday at 10 00 a. M. And 7 00 p. M. Eastern here cspans 2015 Student Competition is underway. Nationwide competition for middle and High School Students prizes totaling 100,000. The topic the three branches and you. Videos need to include cspan show varying points of view and must be submitted by 2015. Y 20, grab a camera and get started today here on cspan, the with ftctors is next, commissioner maureen ohlhausen. Democratic senator jim webb speaking about the economy and Foreign Policy at the National Press club. Of this weeks annual legislative conference congressional black caucus. Cspan, created by americas cable companies, 35 years ago, brought to you as a Public Service by your local cable or satellite provider. Us this week on the communicators is the senior republican on the federal trade commission, maureen ohlhausen. Commissioner, thanks for joining us. Commission isthe turning 100 years old this month. Yes. Of thes the Mission Federal trade commission . Well, thank you for having me here. About theted to talk mission of the federal trade commission. Our birthday is actually this ill bethe 26th, and hosting a celebration at the commission. Twofold. Ission is its to prevent unfair and deceptive acts or practices and competition. S of but to do that in a way that hurt legitimate business. And we try to keep those two goals in mind as we do our work. Theell, this is communicators, so we want to talk about some of the Communications Issues that we often talk about. Do you fit that mission

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