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And a really want to thank the u. S. Commission on International Religious freedom, the department of Homeland Security for sending representatives to participate in todays discussion. Thank you, all. [applause] announcer our road to the white house coverage continues with the Green Party National Political Convention in houston. Earlier today, the green party chose jill stein as their president ial nominee. Speeches inceptance their entirety on sunday at 9 p. M. Eastern on cspan. Also available on the cspan radio app and the cspan. Org. Newsmakers, green Party President ial nominee jill stein talks about the 2016 president ial race. She officially received the nomination at the Green Party Convention held in houston. ,newsmakers is sunday on cspan. In his weekly address, the president talks about celebrating this years summer olympics. Representative buddy carter of georgia has the republican response, discussing the house agenda and its impact on health care. Pres. Obama every four years, our nations attention turns to a competition thats as heated as it is historic. People pack arenas and wave flags. Journalists judge every move and overanalyze every misstep. Sometimes, were let down, but more often, were lifted up. And just when we think weve seen it all, we see something happen in a race that weve never seen before. Im talking, of course, about the summer olympics. This month, rio is hosting the firstever games held in south america. And were ready to root on team usa. Were excited to see who will inspire us this time. Whose speed will remind us of jesse owens . Whose feats will remind us of bob beamons amazing jump . Which Young American will leave us awestruck, the way a teenager named kerri strug did when she stuck that landing . And when another kid, named cassius clay, gave the world its first glimpse of greatness . Who will match Mary Lou Rettons perfection, or pull off an upset like rulon gardners, or dominate like the dream team . Thats why we watch. And we have a lot to look forward to this year. Team usa reminds the world why america always sets the gold standard. Were a nation of immigrants, that finds strength in our diversity and unity in our national pride. Our athletes hail from 46 states, d. C. , and the virgin islands. Our team boasts the most women who have ever competed for any nation at any olympic games. It includes activeduty members of our military and our veterans. Weve got basketball players who stand nearly 7 feet tall, and a gymnast whos 48. And team usa spans generations. A few athletes who are almost as old as i am, and one born just a year before my younger daughter. Our roster includes a gymnast from texas whos so trailblazing, they named a flip after her. A young woman who persevered through a tough childhood in flint, michigan, to become the First American woman to win gold in the boxing ring. And a fencing champion from suburban jersey, wholl become the First American olympian to wear a hijab while competing. And on our paralympic team, were honored to be represented by a navy veteran, who lost his sight while serving in afghanistan, and continues to show us what courage looks like every time he jumps in the pool. When you watch these games, remember that its about so much more than the moments going by in a flash. Think about the countless hours these athletes put in. Knowing it could mean the difference in a splitsecond victory that earns them a lifetime of pride, and gives us enduring memories. Its about the character it takes to train your heart out, even when no ones watching. Just hard work, focus, and a dream. Thats the olympic spirit. And its the american spirit, too. In our olympians, we recognize that no one accomplishes greatness alone. Even solo athletes have a coach beside them, and a country behind them. In a season of intense politics, lets cherish this opportunity to come together, around one flag. In a time of challenge around the world, lets appreciate the peaceful competition and sportsmanship well see, the hugs and highfives, and the empathy and understanding between rivals, who know we share a common humanity. Lets honor the courage it takes, not only to cross the finish line first, but merely to stand in the starting blocks. And lets see in ourselves the example they set. Proving that no matter where youre from, with determination and discipline, theres nothing you cant achieve. That idea, that you can succeed no matter where youre from, is especially true this year. Well cheer on athletes on the firstever olympic refugee team. 10 competitors from the congo, ethiopia, south sudan, and syria, who personify endurance. To all of our olympic and paralympic athletes wearing the red, white, and blue, know that your country couldnt be prouder of you. We admire all the work youve done to get to rio, and everything youll do there. Thank you for showing the world the best of america. And know that when you get up on that podium, well be singing the national anthem. And maybe even shedding a tear, right alongside you. Now, go bring home the gold. Rep. Carter hello, im buddy carter, and i represent the First District of georgia. This week, i held seven townhall meetings with people from all over our district. We talked about a lot of different issues. But the one thing i heard over and over again was this. People are frustrated. Theyre working as hard as ever to pay the bills and put food on the table. But theyre just not getting anywhere. Their problems are growing. But their paychecks arent. And at this point, theyve come to see washington as the place where bad ideas go to take root, and where good ideas go to die. Thats why House Republicans are taking action. Earlier this year, we decided we had to go from being an Opposition Party to a proposition party. If we didnt like the direction the country was going in, then it was up to us to offer an alternative. Well, now, we have offered that alternative. And were calling it a better way. Its our sixpart plan to get the country back on track. In it, we tackle some of the biggest issues of the day, poverty, national security, the economy, the constitution, health care, and tax reform. What i like best about our plan is that it isnt some topdown, washingtonimposed mandate. Instead, we took a bottomup, organic approach. This is a plan we developed with input we got from all of our members, and our constituents, over many months. We put out the call for the best thinking out there. And these are the ideas that rose to the occasion. I want to tell you about one issue in particular, health care. Ive been a pharmacist for many years now. In fact, im speaking to you from a hospital in my district. So, this issue is especially important to me. And the Health Care Law we have right now is a mess. It is destroying the Health Care System ive worked in for more than 30 years, the best Health Care System in the world. This law makes some people pay less, by making other people pay more. It tries to give more choices to some people, by taking them away from others. And lost in the constant backandforth between insurers and washington bureaucrats is the most important person, the patient. So, our plan would repeal and replace obamacare. We would clear out all the red tape and mandates that are taking away your choices, and let you pick a plan that works for you. Our plan would also help accelerate the development of lifesaving devices and therapies. For instance, this week, i had the pleasure of visiting the Anderson Cancer Institute at Memorial University Medical Center in savannah, georgia. These doctors are developing the very treatments we need to beat cancer and to save lives. And now, what we need to do is to tear down barriers, so that the Innovative Research being done at places like anderson can go to the people who need it. These are the kind of ideas we need to get america back on track. And this is how we can make real change in washington, by listening to the people who sent us there. If you want to learn more about our plan, go to our website, better. Gop. Thank you very much. Announcer i want to introduce the gentleman on my right, bob rosenkranz. Bob was our first chairman. And the gentleman who through in the first seed money to get cspan started in 1977. In august, 1977, bob rosenkranz, then president of Coleman Cable and Business Partner were the first Cable Operators to agree to support the idea for cspan. At that time, only about 90 team percent 19 of American Homes were wired for cable. Mr. Rosenkranz, who passed away this week, wrote a check for 25,000. With that seed money, cspan created the infrastructure to send out cable televisions first live views of the u. S. House of representatives on march 19, 1979 to some 3. 5 million homes, served by 350 cable systems. Let the public understand what goes on in washington. What the issues are, and how to deal with them. And i think, above all, our mission here at cspan has been just that. And we are very proud of that. Bob steered the Nonprofit Network to the initial challenging years and continued to serve on cspans board of directors until his death. Most recently, in the role of chairman emeritus. We believe a nation can only benefit from more exposure to our political process. To educate and inform our people, both young and old. And give us all a better feeling that we are participating in this process. That carries our nation forward. Thank you very much. You are watching the communicators on cspan and we are at the broadcasting board of governors this week. This is an agency that houses the voice of america and radio marquee, radio free europe, middle east broadcasting as well, and we will learn how these Government Agencies broadcast americas message to the world. We want to introduce you to Amanda Bennett who just today has started a new job. What is that job . Ms. Bennett im the director of voice of america. What does that mean

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