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Of money, carly who is exciting people. It is not over by any means. Those are your plausible pne nominees . I think with carly being the outlier of that group but i think you have to watch kasich and jeb bush because he has a ton of dough but he hasnt been able to make it work. Anyone you want to add to the list . This is the way, in my position, i think what you will see is i think donald will be there, i agree with you on that. But i think what is going to affect it more than anything else is who starts falling off on the bottom. When the money is not there the rumors are governor perry and you will start loosing people at the bottom. The interesting thing to watch is where that support is going to go. But with regard to march 1, i agree and i think donald will be there. Let me ask you this question and then we will open it up. Will we have a nominee by the time of the Cleveland Convention . Paul on the republican side . By the time we get to the convention, it is hypothetically possible. 10 . 20 . What do you think . Something where the nominee doesnt have enough delegates. I think you could get that way. The middle part of the republican process doesnt have winner take all. That means if i get 30 of the vote i get 30 of the delegates. Multiple people can win if there is enough of that it can play out. A lot of statistical pundant dont thing it will play out. I was at the 1971976 convent where we had that. I should say unfortunately butch biker passed away and he was the then governor reagan and if he won the nomination he would have been the Vice President but i dont think we know. I think we will have a nominee. I think we will know. Cornel, different question on the democratic side. Give me the size of the political earthquake if Hillary Clinton loses iowa or New Hampshire to Bernie Sanders . They are trying to say they can lose iowa or New Hampshire and be okay but i dont know if they understand the earthquake that would cause if that happens. If she were to lose iowa and New Hampshire it certainly puts a lot of wind behind sanders but this is problematic. Iowa and New Hampshire are really big deals and obamas win in 2008 primary season was a big go when he won iowa and lost in New Hampshire. But this is bernies problemnd they get this. After you get passed the first couple of states, and this is what obama put the nomination away, most people dont think about it but this is when he put the nomination away. In South Carolina, for a while we were competing with hillary for minority vote big time and for a while she was ahead. It it wasnt iowa that was huge saying he won iowa so black people were willing to vote for him. That is bullshit. White people in iowa said he was okay so they voted. He worked very rd. Wh South Carolina happened, we broke down the gates and it was flood gates. And hillary was competing anymore. What happens when you cannot compete with the africanamerican votes . You cannot win alabama, louisiana, georgia, virginia. So you go to the heart of the south, the bible bel of the south, and where we ran the clock and truth of the matter is when we ran thelock through the south the nomination was over. She could not get you. I guess going back to dwht is the level of panic if she loses one of the two . Does sanders get an opening . I am going to get in so much trouble but i think if she loses in New Hampshire and iowa, which i dont think she will do, i think you will see a strong case of biden to get in the race. That is what will happen . Cant win the general so i think you will have people pushing in the race. Amy, you get to do both. Tell me how does this play itself out and does it end in cleveland or not . I would put rubio in that category. He is under the radar but well liked among a Broad Coalition of Republican Voters. His getting out there and presenting himself and i think unlike many of the other candidates when he is a very good retail and strong on camera and natural candidate. So i think i would add to that. For as much as we love a brokered convention, a title college, those things never happen, but we can also hope. But we will see. And what was the other thing . The iowa and New Hampshire . I like that theory about biden coming in. That sounds like a lot of fun. But i agree. If you look at the fcc primaries again, these are certain states, where i would be concerned if i was a Hillary Campaign is when you start to see numbers among africanamericans and latinos and hillary start to drop. That is when there is problems. Loosing white, liberal men is not as much of a problem as loosing they are all in New Hampshire is and iowa. I would three throw in ted cruz and by stock in him winning in iowa right now. I would by stock in kasich right now. Lets go to questions. Tell us where you are from originally. I am andrew from cape cod, massachusetts and i want to thank you for being with us tonight. It makes the first week of class exciting. Excellent. You guys are stuck with monday, wednesday, friday 8 a. M. Classes, right . We are looking down the road and outlying how everything is going to come together and we have alluded to the war chest. I just want to ask do we think the war chest is going to be as affective as it has been to a candidate like donald trump whose personality seems to be so big that it could deflect the money to whoever is dishing it out and how is that going to change the Playing Field for someone trying to rise to the top like marco rubio. Money matters a lot and becomes less affective in a multi candidate race. Bush is going after trump on tv and they try to use money to destroy kasich and rubio. I am of the theory Money Matters less today than it did four years ago. Where were you on this . The one new point in this campaign is the super pacs that each candidate has a big stash of money they cannot control and symboll somebody else is spending it on their behalf. That is the new wild card. It isnt the candidate. But the candidates friend running this. It is aan amazing thing goin on. Once upon a time in this country, republican or democrat, as a campaign, you want to control the message. We were very, very disciplined about that in the Obama Campaign. We didnt want anyone out there defining our message and telling our story. Truth of the matter now is you will have people not connect today the campaign not connected to the Campaign Defining a large loss. And you have really and again i am going in on this not as a democrat but an american. You have millionaires out there in the desert and then they could define terms of the debate in a way that ordinary people dont. I am a consultant. I benefit from lots of money being in the process. But if i think as a regular american you benefit from all of this money. Just a little bit. It depends where the money is being spent. When i was head of the party, and involved in the reagan races, the party we call the wla blocking and tackling is going out and identifying voters and registering them to vote and get them to the polls. President obama used this to do it. The social media. If that money that is out there with the super pacs, i agree, there is only so much you can do on television today. Most people your age dont even watch tv anymore skwhand when yo it is on your computer or ipad or other vehicle. If that money is being used for blocking and tackling and identifying it be very effective. Is it problematic that as a party man, is it probematic that so much of the functions that once upon a time the parties did i said for a long time there were pieces of legislation because of it destroyed realistically the two broadest base organizations in the country, republican and democratic party, where you had a left, right and center in both parties. And the limitations to being able to spend hard money on things destroyed and changed the make up of the parties. Let me guide this. John mccain and john kerry did something in 04 and 08 and were the candidates who won without spending the most money. Romney outspent mccain and dean outspent kerry. How likely to see it this time . The super pacs have much more money than the candidates. You look at the time in New Hampshire and iowa 70 is super pacs. The one thing i will say about super pacs to add on is beyond the fact they are controlling a message outside of the campaign but they cannot control the candidate. You can have all of the money in the world but if your candidate is not good it dont matter how much money you have. Scott walker is a good example of this. If you are the scott walker super pac you are watching a candidate who is having a little trouble. There is not a darn thing the super pac can do to make up for that deficit. I promise we will talk take five minutes for the next question. I am from pittsburgh, pennsylvania. I am reading the making of a president 1968 and what is shocking is how 1968 seems to look like today. Race riots in the street, ongoing war on terror which like vietnam doesnt seem to be ending, a country with a lot of prosperity but no mobility for l lower income americans and we see establishment politics which is the laughing stock of the nation. So aside from the horse race, what is the outcome of 2016 . I am with you on this. Donald trump is George Wallace in that he is tapping into nativism. Frank, going to you. People came up to me and asked the question and i looked at Bernie Sanders very much like mccarthy and remember he lost New Hampshire. President johnson won New Hampshire but the affect of running the race and the debate got johnson to step down saying he will not run for reelection. I think the question is really smart. That is what i am talking about, look at the last 20 years, what have the people in washington and the Political Parties given the American People . Not very much. I want to make one point about this because i asked that question of peter heart who was renowned pollster who does the washington journal and he says 68 was about anger. This is much more about anxiety and there is a difference. When you are angry, there is definitely a lot of anger in there. But the overall impression he is getting, and i see this, too, and i am curious what you are seeing, is a sense of frustration but what we want is someone to delay the fear rather than build up the fear . [applause] address the social unrest. By the way, i wasnt alive in 68 just for reference. The social unrest is really interesting because the black lives matter lets take the black lives matter which i think is something the progressives have to take seriously as well as republicans because you have a cohort of social media savvy, smart young people who are using that social media vehicle in a way that i would not imagine ten years ago because it is using it as a vehicle for the new Civil Rights Movement and for organizing. And they are saying, you know, all lives matter but you will say black lives matter because we will not have our issues washed away. If you can talk about gender specific issues and hispanic issues and gay and lesbian issues then damn it you are going to talk about africanamerican issues. And when president obama steps off page, there is a narrative this is going to bubble up and flow in ways that have been held back because obama has been on that stage. And it is going to be really interesting. They are talking about their independence. And it will be interesting by the way, obama won two majority elections. You have to go a long ways to find a democrat who won backtoback majority elections. That part of his coalition is an important part of the coalition for progressives but they are incrose cre increasingly independently and i think democrats will struggle with the revolte against minority voters and if Bernie Sanders starts to answer it better than hillary there is your crack. The question is how much is this like 68 and interesting comparison saying it is the anger and anxiety and all of that. It is an interesting comparison. I think we are at a populus moment in american politics. You had tremendous number of american young men dying in a foreign war scheie donand we do that. But i think it is volatile and unpredictable and why we have donald trump and to a lesser extent Bernie Sanders. You know he wants to get rid of the Hedge Fund Guys and the tax lop lo loop hole but he is about building a fence. And that is about the nativism and economic population is combined against the bang of wall street. Whatever it is. They also have those two things. And i think one of the questions for me is just like out of 68, made permanent changes in american politics what is going to be this populus legacy of trump or will jeb bush get up on his behind legs and really change the nature of the party . I think that is unlikely. Lets go to next and i proplast it will be more lightning round. I am jack from chicago. My question is is there a specific policy issue that will affect the election . Policy . That is nuts. Are you joking . Lets go to the practicing on this. The right to life issue is a motivator. We see tax policy being talked about. But it is more personality now. To make this quick i agree. What will be the most debated issue in the Fall Campaign . Middle class income. And that is a real issue and really important. Immigration. I dont know it it will get in the fall but that is a real concern. Hi, i am anna, i had a question going back to where you started from, donald trump said something in the public debate that got caught off which was it is a broken system. He said that in response to show he dealt with bankruptcy in his own company. He said it is not abuse and said i useed the law to my own advantage and it is a broken system. He is the only republican and the only candidate besides sanders to mention the idea of a breck n system. Is the unwillingness or inability of the Republican Party candidate to mimic trumps tactics in ability to understand social media campaigning or is it more so an unwillingness to abuse the system and in doing so acknowledge it as broken . You know, that is a fantastic question. If you look at the field, on paper they all look like they are people running against the system, right . Mark rubio, ted cruz, rand paul, they ran against the establishment and were going to do it differently. Ted cruz was going to take it to washington and talks about doing that currently. You have governors that are not part of washington, right . That was the message. Scott walker. Everybody says i cannot do this but you can do it here. The system is broken. You dont have people who are standing up there saying yay status quo, yay establishment and i cannot wait do that and work within the system. They all ran saying the system is broken and that is why i ran a different kind of campaign. I meant the familiar financing system. Oh, oh. You mean wall street . A bit of bight both but mostly Campaign Finance. You hear druchonald trump ta about the corruptiveness of donations. If you go go to a sanders rally it is a huge part of his speech. The thing that is so interesting about donald trump is no body could have created in him in their Worst Nightmare of republican candidates. He is saying i am beholding to no one, money is corrupt, jeb bush is behold to the guys who gave him money. That is one of the other at t tributes. He doesnt take any money. He is not going to make the Campaign Finance system his issue like Bernie Sanders is but he said america used to be great, it is now in the toilet and i am going it fix it and make it great again. Have we had a successful candidate who didnt run against a broken washington . I dont remember Anyone Running for president that did run against washington. Hillary clinton is running against washington and the system. Obama broke through early on we talked about politics is not working. Politics is broken. We tie that to hillary as part of that and based on the top of their pyramid messaging was her experience in the way we flipped it upside down. But the politics has been broken and you have to run against a broken policy. Thank you. Hi, i am sarah royal, and i am from massachusetts and my question is about joe biden. If he does decide to get in the race what affect do you think he will have on the democratic side and do you think he can win . Does anybody give joe biden the shot at winning the nomi nation . I do. Make your case. The joe biden from eight years ago is not exactly the same joe biden. There is something to be said about his eight years standing beside obama and helping him fight the fights he has been through. I think he has gained a lot on that. I will say if in fact he can make the case that he is more u authentical candidate there is sump hope there. She is by far the frontrunner but dont count him out. Your poll that is in tomorrows washington post, but was an abc poll it was very interesting. It showed it builds on the poll that came out with 60 of people described one word as liar. And that showed that she is loosing support among mrn millennial and women. What you are talking about with black lives matter and i have always questioned whether or not blacks, hispanics and asians were the key for the 2012 election whether they will turn out for Hillary Clinton. That is still the question. If there is a fracturing of those core voters, i am not saying it yet, just the beginning cracks. He is very well loved. There is a great deal of affection for him with the death of his son. I have done 19 president ial debates, general election debates and seven Vice President debates and i will tell you is American People want like their president. And people like joe biden. I think he is a little low in the polls. I think his base is in the green room of washington. It is so unscripted. That is right. Elizabeth warren wanted to be on the ticket with him in that secret meeting. More about Elizabeth Warren than it was about joe biden i am marissa. We have been talking a lot about the domestic issues that are important to the campaign but my question pertains more to Foreign Policy. Given the fact there is isis encroaching upon turkey and the recent iran deal with important in the future, which candidate do you think would have the greatest impact and be able to best handle the Foreign Policy issues . Well it should be Hillary Clinton, the former secretary of state. But the interesting thing about Foreign Policy is at least until donald trump came along Foreign Policy was the number one issue for republicans. It is unusual it would be at the top of the list for oo president ial election. The republicans dont have a good alternative. They say the obama Foreign Policy has been a disaster but they with the exception of Lindsay Grahm they dont have a well, thought out, clear alternative. And it is easy to say, you know, the world is on fire, obama cant fix it, but they will have to come up with a solution. I think being secretary of state counts for something. Republicans are going to nominate someone hawkish and say whatever bush did i will do the opposite versus clinton who is more this will be the most dramatic difference between the two candidates, no . I think on domestic policy there will be dramatic differences whether it is immigration or it could be changing through the course. Hillary clinton hasnt done as many interviews as the other candidates. Have you noticed that . We dont have a hundred percent clear issue where she is on the issues now. We know when she was as secretary of state and she said theoretically she supports the iran deal. We dont know what is going to happen with isis and syria. We know she has been hawkish in the past. So it may not be there may be a way in which she is not she is obviously going to be divinidifrn from her republican opponent but may be further to the right than the president. I think there is a republican Foreign Policy in dealing with the issues that you have. It hasnt been fleshed out but it is peace restraint. You have peace in the world for having a strong nation who is respect respected, armed forces were nowhere where they could be. There should be a focus there. The individual issues are not fleshed out but i think that is the common core. Lets know to the next question. I am kendric chang and i am from honolulu, hawaii, the same place obama was born in. The republicans dont agree with you. What hospital . We are not sure you are supposed to be here. Is hawaii a state . In the end the general election is decided by the electoral college, is the any chance it will expand in the future for more states to be competitive . I dont think so. Do you think any new states will be added . Not many. Florida, ohio, you can go through the list and they are the pivotal ones. When are we going to see california . I dont think that will happen. I think we, the Obama Campaign, came in and quite frankly some of this was from dean but no one gives dean credit for it dean does. On election night, we will not be sitting around waiting for results of one state to come in. And so i mean putting those states into play and putting money into the planning states like virginia and north carolina, you can back a couple years and we spent a lot of money. Will georgia get more play . We did a couple polls in georgia. Georgia is a state that is in place but it cost so much money you take away from other states. Money is a problem with putting more states in place but i think you will see that the battleground if i am a republican, i think you have to bro broaden the battleground, if you think about loosing florida two times now. I dont know a lot of maps that get your guys to the white house, and it has guy unfortunately, without florida. So you have to broaden the map. You have to add minnesota and michigan to the Playing Field. I think they would. But wouldnt you put wisconsin in the mix . Sometimes it doesnt work to expand the map. The battleground changed over time. There was a time when iowa, New Hampshire and nevada were not part of it. I would add arizona. I think hang health care and both president ial nominees will spend money Hillary Clinton in arizona. There wasnt a dollar spent by romney in 2012 in pennsylvania and i think that changes. I am from kansas. If trump runs as an independent, what steps do the gop take to prevent that split from handing the election to the democrats . It is catastrophic. Yeah. That is how you really feel. It is catastrophic if you split the party and he has the resource do is get on the ballot. It is extremely difficult to get on the ballot. We have to keep him in the party. And somebody has to beat him. Are any of these pledges that states are asking to be on our ballot you have to pledge you will support the candidate is that legal . He said sure, signs the pledge and that is sorry looser laws what is their recourse in when bucannon who ran as a republican, moved and there were sorry lawsuits. He could not get on the ballot in general election states. Given the political environment why are we not seeing more independent candidates . Somebody brought up 68. 68, 92, 16 feel similar scheie are not talking about others and we why . John anderson and ross perot and other candidates tried to make the third party work and it doesnt. It splits the vote. I think there is a great reluctance. You are talking about a billon to run for president. You are talking about a billion. That is a lot of money for a billionaire e even. Lets go to the next question. Hi, i am matthew lee from florida. Frank touched upon this lightly and i wanted more in depth analysis. Assuming trump makes it through and he is one of the candidates where do you think the Republican Voters who didnt support him who will they flock to . If he doesnt make it and runs as an independent where does the average Republican Trump supporter go . Back to the Republican Party or keep going and follow him . That is a good question and i am not sure. You see ted cruz, he is very trying to close it down, so he is hoping that if mr. Donald trump doesnt succeed those votes go to him. I dont know. I think they will split and i am not sure there is one place they will go. If he stays in the race it is down to the wire. He is going to be effective and i am not ready to declare he is not going to fizzle out down the road. He may but that is true of the other 16 and they will fizzle out. Lets say he gets the nomination and the republicans do dont like him drift back to the nominee of the party. Whether that happens this time i dont know. We saw it with the quote unquote bad nominees, tea party, whatever. Most republicans come home. And democrats come home no matter how divisive. Remember the pumas for the democrats back in in 08. The question is will blacks hispanics and asians turn out in the same numbers and be as excited about hillary as they were obama and turn out out in record numbers. In florida and iowa, they were close races and it was demographic concentration using social media by the Obama Campaign that pulled them over the line. Turnout is the big key. Do any of you think clinton versus bush makes them create a high turn out environment . What you see in 2010 is a 16 point turn outdifference. I dont care who your candidate is if you have 16pooped differences in the prestincts you are lost. Do you the difference between the base . 1 pooped points. We got our tails kicked. We have to energize. Look what happened in maryland, montgomery and turnout was lower than the city of balt mother. If you cannot get a big turnout and voters dont make a bigger turnout democrats dont do well. You think the 2014 turnout is a predictor for 2016 . If you have a turnout difference it is problematic. How are you doing . I am drew lawrence. Two more questions. Sorry about that. You and whoever is behind you it better be a good question to be the last one. So focus. My name is drew lawrence and i am from massachusetts and i work on social media and i tweet all of you so i will refresh my twitter. I think to me the biggest elephant in the room is that we are at an event called campaign 2016 and it is september 2nd, 2015. From what i understand the campaigns have been getting longer since president kennedy. I was wondering in your respective field this has affected the fields and what is the biggest affect on the political system in general . We love it. No, it has been no vacation. I think one of the attacks is that the commission on president ial debates is dealing with it right now. I think on election day 2012, 41 of the voters already voted. So the question is do we move the debates earlier . They traditionally have been in october. Do we move them before people start voting online and by mail and so forth to impact . The conventions moved back. Their goal was to shorten the campaigns and this is a four year campaign. I would say, i think the effect is every debate in congress is now a political campaign. The biggest change in my 25 years, there used to be the odd year was the governing year, the was a governing year in washington, now we have a gov rng month, it is february of the odd month. And that is it. How facetious. I agree. If you politicize that that is why you are wondering why you cant do compromise. Campaigns are aspirational so everything has to be aspirational and perfect and it good is the enemy of the perfect and that is why we see what we see on capitol hill. Gefb good evening, i am lo davis from new jersey. So my question is more for the med media, looking at what we talked about with the kardashians and the discourse is shifting from these defined ideas that people can believe in and latch on to to sort of border wall and things with twitter and social media schillings washings what is the role of social media in elections . Is there an avenue for media to inform and shape the debate or is the rule indexing solely up to candidates . Go good question. I can back to donald trump. Donald trump made the media it is funny, i hear this. We are on the way to being irrelevant or we are too relevant. I cannot figure out if we are a dying thing or have too much power. But i view it as a spread offense. And this is what trump perfected. But the whole idea of the spread offense is you just put up a five Wide Receivers and you will have a mismatch. Stru trump is talking all of the time. Gaps at 9 a. M. , calls another at 9 30, your opponent is all over the place trying to tackle you on this issue and you went for the end zone on the other issues. My question is when are other candidates going to figure that out. I dont know if others can. He is a media creatures. That is where he lives. I am doing this story this week about and i have been asking people about the legacy of trump and someone said today he is going at a change the way campaigns run. I dont know who is going to be the next trumplike candidate. Kayne west. Yes, kayne west. He already announced for 2020. But you know the twitter wars he is running with jeb bush. You could make the argument he is laying a media trap that scott walker went into and maybe it was fatal. Would we have talked about a wall on the northern border if it wasnt for donald trump . I dont think so. Cornell, you brought it up first. How about the statement that trump will change the way campaigns run. I think it will. You have a lot of establishment people shaking their head and wanting this to go away. But i think this is for better or worse a lot of the politics in the future will look like Reality Television than campaigns in the past. I dont know if that is a good thing or bad thing but you better master it. Is there hope for changes . Changes to what . To go back . To go to a time where we could discuss great ideas and details and how things will be accomplished. There will also be some obscure website where you can do that. By the way, the good old days were not so good. No, the good old gdays were not so good. You want to start thinking back. The question is will you use the tools for good or evil. I hate to be that black and white. Just move forward. We dont define in america how somebody should vote. We let you pick it on their hair or their issue position. So you are trying to constrict it to this is how you should decide it. It is pleuristic and let anyone decide it anyway they want. All right. Well, thanks for the good question to end on. Big thanks to not going to let you end quite yet. I want to ask you chuck, and everybody else, how many of you guys in this room are thinking about or considering going into the politics or political journali journalism or something related to the Public Sector . What piece of advice based on where we are going do you think the reality show is changing . I would say well you are here, get in the game. Go work for a company, join a campaign. It is not hard. Get in the game. Now. All have to pay, i would give a practical piece of advice. Time, 80 of Campaign Spending has been in advertising. Say, learn how to shoot a commercial well. If you learn how to do that, you can make a lot of money. That is rapidly changing. , and i amney makers speaking of money because i know your generation the big money makers in politics are figuring out how to take what we have been doing on television and do it in social media. If money spent on campaigns were circles, the biggest would be television advertising. But that is shrinking and moving to social media. We have seen a lot of money in the social media space. If you figure that out and are good at it, you will be working for a long time. Frank . I will be boring with this advice. Regardless of whether your dream is to be in Electronic Media or print media, work on your writing. Work on your writing. It is a lost art. Those of you who can put down on a piece of paper or when you are put it down this, in a sophisticated way, you will have a leg up. Very true. 127 characters. [laughter] do not get distracted by the shininess. It is a big circus. The best job i had was covering congress. Learning more by meeting candidates than i could ever learn sitting on a campaign bus, hearing the same speeches over again. I learned about how campaigns are run, what candidates really do. It is not glamorous. You are not going to get the exposure that you do when you cover a president ial campaign, but you will understand politics, understand campaigns, and understand these things when people Start Talking about counties. You will have been steeped in it. It will make you much better as a political reporter. I agree with everything that has been said, especially about the writing and covering congress. The majority of the people covering president ial campaigns cover congress. You do not want to wait your turn too long. There is something to be said for getting a grounding. Thing, in terms of how the media is changing, and i have no idea what the new model but there is always going to be a need for great content. Really well reported, well written content. That is never going to disappear. Let me thank you all. First, this conversation here this evening, i am not sure which is better what you said or what you guys asked. This is a demonstration of the power of the brain and the place and the institution here. On thisngle person stage is affiliated with our school and you and are here because they believed in you and believe in the future. That is a powerful and wonderful thing. I thank you all for that very much. I would like to ask all of you in the audience to join me in thanking the panel. Thank you for a fabulous evening. Good luck in campaign 2016. [applause] special thanks to chuck todd. Do me a favor. Facebook, instagram, tell everybody to watch meet the press. Thank you, chuck. Good night. [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2015] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] monday night, margaret cuban and george w. Bush and bill clinton speaking to a president ial Scholars Program created by the clinton, george w. Bush, and george h. W. Bush foundations. Whats that event monday night at 8 00 eastern on cspan. Monday on the communicators, cspan stopped by several technology fares and talked with researchers on the future of technology. What we have been building is portaldata dashboard, a for a lot of data for agriculture and production in the united states. So these are little microprocessors that tell these little indicators to move. One of our suppliers here is something called ipatch. They have an interesting story. It started out with a journalist in new york, went to allie baba. Com alibaba. Com, and so it is interesting because you can create your platform, sell your product, and eventually find a platform to do this. I agree that this is a long way to go. I wish we were that smart to move forward but we are not that smart. So we are far away from that. But we are making a lot of headway. But in the past few years, technology has allowed us to create robots of that are a lot more smarter. Announcer watch the communicators, monday night on cspan2. Announcer next, q a, with author deborah rhode. After that, president ial candidate ben carson in ohio and after that, president ial candidate john kasich. Announcer this week on q a, Stanford Law School professor deborah rhode. Professor rhode talks about the high cost of law and the lack of diversity in that the law profession. Brian deborah rhode, author of the trouble with lawyers. Why are you one . [laughter] deborah well, i went to law

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