Financial system in place we will share that with everybody. We do not have that right now. One, know that at least and the second payment to insurers for subsidies. These payments reflect what insurers are telling you about how many people are paying their premiums. They are and i remember based on those customers who would be qualified for either the look of the marketplace. We do not have individual information about the group that is premium tax credits. As an indication that they do not have the full information, so were getting argued that about a portion of the marketplace, and not individual data about the portion of the customers. A firsts they take months premium, they cannot get a tax credit. We are very interested to make sure that that is correct. Working in person at a time, which do not have that at this time. Have you asked for the information . We are working on the Automated System which at the end of the day the 834, which is the process by which we sent to the Insurance Company from the website. Chairman cap who wants to enroll they will group send back a confirmation that the pages premium and thatll be the end of the loop to that part of the process is not in place. Is their coronation between is there coordination between indie agencies on this . Are irs and treasury basically pays the bills, and they pay them based on a system of presenting them with information about just the way medicare bills are paid. Mr. Levin, and then we will conclude. I wanted to be asked that it would be entered into the record three documents relating to the Medicare Advantage rates. One from the secretary to the speaker, one from an article of the New York Times, and one from a been a very letter from the beneficiaries. Without objection. That the cbosked table on 4015 doubled coming up in the next couple of days with your amendment showing about 13 would be in the record. Thank you for your time this morning, and we appreciate that. This hearing is now adjourned. [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2014] look at some of the crimea locals at a polling station, this is from the guardian. The head of the Referendum Committee in crimea says that more than 90 that are sent more than 95 of voters have approved splitting off and joining russia. It has been announced as invalid by obama and his allies. He will meet with the president of all three baltic nations as well, lithuania, estonia cover and let get to talk about and other issues. Secretary state john kerry will host a town hall policy on how to make fords policy lest foreign. Well bring that to you on the cspan networks. The suggestion is, would we say freedom of choice, let people go their own way, what i think we often mean is they know best. Bestnment does not know evidence and so the notion of autonomy, a pretty elaborate k of it is basically a way a oneword way of saying that people know better than outsiders do about what will make their lives go well. This sounds academic and abstract, but i think it mistakes a real and concrete which is the question really would we think about our policies, are people going to be sick, are they going to be miserable, are they going to be dead . If we have some policy, whether involves savings for retirement, or if it involves privacy, or if it involves airquality confident we can think of some way that makes them less likely to be sick or miserable or dad, while also looking them ultimately going their own way if that is what they want, that is probably a good bargain. Former Obama Administration official on todays q a. The headline from the new is diverted inquiry former Inspector General of the department of transportation and our partner of the law firm motley rice. Qa for being with us. So much to talk about. Based on everything you have been following over the last eight days what are your various scenarios . What do you think happened to flight 370 . I was convinced we are looking at mechanical because of the flight path, because of not want shred of evidence to ofinitely say that there was but yesterday made a new huguenots without a relief hard to reconcile with mechanical. Several legitimate desk mitigation systems stopped communicating. Often that can mean that you have a catastrophic failure on board. On you could even have a possibility where the fuselage sustained cracked image yesterday was interesting day. The malaysian authorities announced that they believed that thethout a doubt system on the airplane that sends messages about the plane back to the airline that that was shut off. Not stopped transmitting but was actually shut off. That happened before the last Pilot Communications to aircraft control. When pilots communicate with air Traffic Control by the way, the transponder, in other system that tells both air traffic ol by the way, the transponder, in other system that tells both air Traffic Control and radar where you are, it sends out a radio signal with the number saying this is us. That was still on. If the pilot was so able to communicate with air Traffic Control, he was still fly the plane. And he could have said the code word. Airlines are usually trained to a code. They say it if you are in dire strain and cant squawk the hijack code or do anything else to let them know you are in trouble. Know all right, good night, the last words of the pilot could have been a hijack code. It was very ominous to me. Saying they think other people were on board. Isre are theory, and this one that is difficult to copperhead to comprehend, the belly ofred the plane and turn off a piece of equipment that let people know where the plane is. You dont get to that electronics they from the cockpit. You get through it from the passenger cabin. To be able to do that, somebody would have to go to the carpeting, access that area, in a is post9 11 which 01 world the passengers would have fought back. We investigated and litigated passenger cases. They have plans to fight back on every single plane. You need a crew on that plane to take it over, going to the electronics pay. Keep the passengers under control to fly the plane and to manage the navigation. Is it was of thought going over the himalayas. With thatfficult time scenario because there are 100 peaks in the himalayas over 23,000 feet. Thatg to radar pings is it. All we have are pains from various locations. They believe the airplane altitude varied. It was between 43,000 feet at feet and at times dipping down to 23,000 feet. Pilot is as as a huge amount of time. We have major captains on Major Airlines that dont have anywhere near that kind of flight time. Other possibility they are looking at is the plane went south. Its assigned point where it made its last communication. Points, kind of like louise in the sky. You have these different points of view are navigating. Theny to these points and make a turn and keep going on. That is probably at a to because we know the hijackers in september 11, 2001 had a gps. They had actually gone to new york with their gps and more at various sites in new york city checking it out with their gps is. He ever went north over the himalayas or south into the most desolate vast expanses of the indian ocean. There is the indian ocean and , whichere is antarctica does have an airstrip but you cannot land there in march. You have to land in december and january. The u. S. Now that persons believe it went into the deepest water and its vast expanse of water there is. Are many holes and problems and disconnect in this theory, not the least of which is this, they are relying on satellite data that has not yet been smoothed out. There they are undoubtedly feverishly working. Theyre going to take the white noise out of the data. Maybe theyll have better idea of where this claim went. Right now the malaysian authorities are moaning their chief theory, it was intentional behavior. They are looking at hijacking or deliberate sabotage. 18,000 flying hours, which meant that the pilot spent his entire career working as a pilot or Malaysian Airlines. The investigation is focusing on him. Reporting there were also pilots Flight Simulator. What can we learn from that . Caller a lot. As a bus that had a microsoft Flight Simulator in our houses and cut the various versions of it you know, it is very telling because you can put in any airport in the world and practice landing there. You can program in various waypoints so if the pilot is the one they are also saying the they weree not on their way to beijing, where they were supposed to go. Who knows if this is reliable news. Thathave released the news those have been program before the flight. His simulator had these routes these various waypoints practices going to and going over, landing in runways in cant extend where they are talking about abandoned airfield. There is apparently one even in the south indian ocean. Then they think that there was someone practicing this and why hours omeone with 18,000 need a Flight Simulator . Well, a lot of us have flight sim later at home. It wouldnt mean anything for us but it would if you were training someone else. And also looked through possessions at his home and looked to see where they would suspect pilot sabotage or suicide they would look at recent Life Insurance policies, debt, suicide notes, anything that would indicate that you would have an alternative plan other than going to work. O they did sees the flight computer and bags that people observing couldnt see but thats what they were looking for at the pilots house. Host were talking with mary schiavo. She served as the inspect o of transportation and currently a partner at the law firm motley rice. Another theory is that the pilot was able to lower the plane that would allow him to kill off the passengers while he was able to keep the plane airborne. Do you buy that theory . Guest no. This is why i dont buy that theory. The planes are pressurized and the last event where they knew everything was fine when he said hurt, good night. The plane was at 35,000 feet which means its pressurized. If you had a rapid depressurizing event, the pilots have in the cockpit emergency oxygen equipment but at 35,000 feet they have 30 seconds or less to get that on before they start getting disoriented. After that its hard to think and eventually you die in pretty short order. But what happens is they pout on the oxygen masks and it would drop for the passengers. If the pilot went down to 35,000 feet, this is still you would live, but not long, and depressurized the plane so you dont have oxygen and then went back up to 45,000 feet if they had their oxygen masks on, that would kill the passengers. Well, you know, thats taking a pretty big risk, because according to these very unreliable pings by the way, they were not at 45,000 feet very long and the problem in climbing to 45,000 feet. When you climb up to those flight levels above what the plane is intended to fly at a couple things happen. You have to climb to those flight levels slowly, if you climb quickly you have engine flameout, because the engines have to take in the air and they have to climb to that level slowly. You dont just pop up and climb like youre on top gun. And in doing that they could have had a dual engine flameout and its very difficult to relight those engines. You have to basically dive and get them spooling again. You can try an inflight relight. So that if youre doing it slowly, some passengers could acclimate. You cannot fly at 45,000 feet the biggest is whether these data pings from the satellite are right. The directional pings on the satellite, they feel pretty good about. The altitude pings, not so much. So i wouldnt put a lot of stock in that right now. But if you were going to get down in the cargo or the Electronics Bay in the belly of the plane and mess around with the plane, you would have to think of a way to control the passengers, because thats why people have the theory that they killed the passengers. Host another theory is that the plane may have landed somewhere. This is a picture or graph from the New York Times, possibly could have gone as far as kazakstan. On that theory, what are your thoughts . Guest well, i have one question that so far ive asked everyone to try to find this answer out and that is did the pilots call for more fuel before they took off. Because if youre a pilot with 18,000 hours and youre going to deliver this plane to somebody in kazakstan, that means youre basically a World War Ii History buff, you have got to fly the hump. Youve got to take this plane up and over the himalayas. Unless you go a long convoluted route. But if you have to fly you have to make sure you have enough fuel because there are head winds and tremendous things that could make you run out of fuel. This plane has a range of 7 50,000 miles if youre using the wing tanks. The pilots, you can say, well, im checking the weather, weve got some head winds and you can call for more fuel. And my question has been did they call for more fuel . Because if they didnt, a pilot with 18,000 hours probably would not take this plane past its range over the himalayas. You wouldnt be assured you would ever make it if you were really delivering this plane anywhere in the stans. So then that leaves the very awful thought that they didnt take on more fuel and we dont know who did this if anyone. We still dont have a black fwocks confirm the Communications Equipment was positively turned off, and that it us just stopped working. T the intention is that they didnt take on more fuel and didnt intend to go to kazakstan or anywhere like that and they were just taking it to the indian ocean to ditch it. Obviously thats a horrible sad thing and i hate to even say that for the families that are holding out hope but the second theory is not promising for any survivors. Host measure mary schiavo who served is joining us from South Carolina a partner at the law firm motley rice and a veteran of the department of transportation as we look into what happened to flight 370 that Malaysian Airline flight now being called a criminal investigation. Herb is joining us from springville new york. Good morning. Caller yes. Good morning. Accidentally let me first say that on the news last night ma laceya stated that no additional fuel was taken on. , t let me go back to my point ms. Mary schiavo and talk about the transponders. As we know on 911 ten the highjackers on all three planes, one of the first things they did was turn off the trance ponder. And im told by the experts on a legitimate flight a pilot has no need whatsoever to turn off transponders so why havent the Aviation Industry and the security people got together after 9 11 and said, lets take the on off switch out of all commercial planes, but we will leave in the sos switch on the transponder, but the on off switch will be totally taken out. Why wasnt that done . Guest boy, you have hit the nail on the head. Not only will they not do that, but this gentleman obviously knows flying but the American Public is shocked to learn that you are not required to have a transponder at all to fly around the United States of america and a great november aviation planes dont have one. You dont have to turn one on or unless youre going into a controlled air space and landing at certain airports. The big Passenger Service airports, you can fly around and basically are a u. F. O. Because you dont have a transponder and dont have to squak your code, now the transponder puts out a number and on september 11 there was great difficulty once they turned them off to determine where they were because they were saying flight 93 was lost for a time. I was working at the newsroom in nbc at the time and we were scrambling, where do you extend crews . To cleveland . Akron . But the other issue that came up after september 11 is not only why do we allow transponders to be turned off or literally why do they have them where they cannot turn them off but they talked about additional cost but if you can afford a plane you can afford a transponder. Be why dont we do this deep ocean search for black boxes when we have the ability to do streaming like on air france 447, we knew what happened on air france 447 within a couple days because that plane streamed its data on this system status update putting out messages saying heres whats happening with the plane. The plane did it all on itself. This system is spooling down and this system is spooling down. So on that plane we knew something was seriously wrong, you can stream this information we dont need this fran tic search for sonar if we allow data to be and the cockpit voice recording will only last for two hours and so if it was a sevenhour flight nothing would come up. It would be silence and onboard video periodically streaming video as to whats going on in the cockpit or cabin, that was objected to as an invasion of deprive criticism. Im a lawyer and let me tell you theres no right to privacy an commercial jet carrying 239 lives. So i dont think the arguments against this Technology Make any sense whatsoever, but the simple reason is we dont have them because the federal Aviation Administration and other aviation authorities around the world, because we can only control our pilots and airlines, nobodys ever ordered it. If they ordered it, it would be done. Host marie has this question if they can use detectors over the ocean to find the plane . Guest no. Not at this point. 59 this point they have to go strictly off of satellite coordinates and listen for the signals emitted by the black boxes. They call them pings, they have a pinger, but they emit a radio signal that can be picked up by at this point they have to use submersibles. Because its very deep there but once the pinger is gone. And this happened with air france the battery lasts about 30 days. Help the they have to look for it with a submersible on value jet 592 divers found them and on twa 800, same thing, submersibles and divers. So just because they dont find it within