Transcripts For CSPAN Washington This Week 20140105 : compar

CSPAN Washington This Week January 5, 2014

Not in hyde park, mrs. Roosevelt on her own we choose to spend your time and theyll kill valkill. In this direction we have a direction to sarah delano roosevelts bedroom. Mrs. Roosevelts bedroom is sandwiched between sarah and her husband franklin. The same as in her lifetime she was sandwiched between franklin and his mother, sarah. The involvement of mrs. Roosevelt in the political career of frank and roosevelt is right from the beginning. She becomes much more active in whenole after 1921, Franklin Roosevelt contracted polio. She would encourage Franklin Roosevelt to continue with his political ambitions. And she would toyed forces with the political strategist. Were laid out,s and it was important because roosevelt and mrs. Did not have a close relationship until the polio came into the story and louis h owe was with Franklin Roosevelt sent 1910, when he started his political career. They would encourage franklin in the sense against the wishes of franklins mother, sarah. Felt because franken contracted polio and thinking of the resources of the family, that franklin could very easily live his life at springwood in the role of a gentleman just a keeper estate keeper. Mrs. Roosevelt would encourage the opposite and motivate franklin. Mrs. Howe would tutor roosevelt and her public speaking in teacher her how to put emphasis on certain words, how to control her very interesting time that sometimes went a little highpitched. Soon mrs. Mrs. Roosevelt would be comfortable with her public speaking and realize the power of that ability. Some might think it was a bit selfserving of mrs. Roosevelt, because when you think of the doubling estate keeper, his wife would also be confined to the estate. Mrs. Roosevelt would enjoy certain freedom. Her tutoring relative to her public speaking is important, also, because they very shy delano roosevelt, eleanor roosevelt, would suddenly realize she had the ability to conquer that fear through tutoring. And she would realize the power of public speaking. In this case, the power was a kept Franklin Roosevelt image alive to the American Public until he addresses the Democratic Convention in 1924. Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I am speaking to you tonight at a very serious moment in our history. The cabinet is convening in the league is in congress are meeting with the president. The state department and Army Officials have been with the president all afternoon. In fact, the japanese ambassador was talking to the president. Hat japans time t airships were bombing our citizens in hawaii and the philippines, and sinking one of our transports, on its way too wide. By tomorrow morning, the members of congress will have a full report and be ready for action. In the meantime, we, the people, are already prepared for action. For months now, the knowledge that something of this kind might happen has been hanging over our heads, and yet, it seemed impossible to believe, impossible to drop the everyday things of life and feel that there was only one thing which was important preparation to meet an enemy no matter where he was. That is all over now. And there is no more uncertainty. We know what we have to face. And we know that we are ready to face it. As a young woman growing up in missouri, bess truman would be paid a visit by her neighbor was relative, harry. My grandfather visited independence, which is 26 miles from where he lived in grandview in 1910, he often stayed across the street at the nolan house. One afternoon he was over there with his cousins, with the family, and his aunt brought in a cake plate that my great grandmother, madge wallace, had lanen her a cake and mrs. No had cleaned the plate and was asked if anyone would take it back over. And my grandfather, moved with what my mother described as something approaching feet of l ight, and ran over here and rang the bell in in the hope that my grandmother would answer the door, and she did. And she invited him in, and that is the beginning of their formal courtship. They first met in sunday school and my grandmother was five my grandfather was six. They were baptists. My grandfathers family were baptists, but the Presbyterian Church down the street here had a very good sunday school. That is what my greatgrandmother truman was most interested in. She took grandpa over there to talk to the reverend. And as she was talking, sunday school was in session, and as my greatgrandmother was talking to the reverend, my grandfather noticed this little girl sitting in sunday school class with what he described as beautiful blue eyes and long, golden curls. Any sort of fell in love with her right then and there. And as far as i know, as far as anybody knows, never look at another woman. We are on the back porch of my grandparents home in independence. This is the way we came in. Through the kitchen door. Came into the kitchen, and the first place i always had it was back here to the pantry. Tin, butt see the there was always a tin on one of the shelves, a round tin, filled with brownies. And i always made sure that was in here before i went anywhere else in the house. Once i made sure the brownies were in the tin, the next oped stop had tothe next be my grandfather study. He did not meet his at the airport as he got older, but once he came into the house, you had to say hi to grandpa. This is where you found him most of the time as he was getting older, if i wanted to talk to him, that is where i looked, because he was always reading. And my grandmother and my mother sat in those chairs and often read in here with him. Andrently, my grandmother my mother used to start a fight. And my grandfather used to mark his legs with his finger and look up and try to decide whether or not the fight was escalating to the point where he needed to get out of the room. If you decided everything was ok, he begun to the next page and read down and check again. Sometimes he left, sometimes he stayed. And this is the formal dining room. This is where we ate the evening meal every day. We had breakfast in the kitchen and sandwich or something for lunch. But this is where we ate all formal dinner meals is in this dining room. And my grandmother sat at that end of the table. Closest to the kitchen, i think. Go through here, were in the center of the house, in the foyer. And you will notice that the biggest portrait in the house is that of my late mtother. She was only conceived after my grandmother suffered two miscarriages. My grandmother was 39 when she was born. So she was very precious to my grandparents, and they were very close Little Family unit. My grandfather kind of spoiled her. My grandmother was more the disciplinarian, but the three of them were very, very tight as a family. Because she was their only child. Wewe go through this way, are in the living room. And this chair was where my this is where my grandmother did her reading after my grandfather passed away. This is where my grandmother sat. She read murder mysteries. And she had stacks on either sid e of the chair. An in stack here and an out stack here. This is where she spends a lot of her time. She gave a lot of those murder mr. To my mother, who murder mistress to my mother, who did the same thing. Mom of course became a mystery writer. This painting was originally painted as my grandmothers official white house portrait. Bird johnson, lady went looking for portraits of first ladies t to rehang in the white house. And she looked high and low, and she could not find my grandmothers official portrait. So she called my grandmother and said, mrs. Truman, do you know where that painting is . And my grandmother said, it is on my wall. And mrs. Johnson said, you really should not have that. It along to the white house. And my grandmother said, no. It is on my wall and that is where well stay. I think mrs. Johnson tried a couple more times, but eventually she gave up and had a copy painted. Copies made, and one of them hangs in the library down the road and the other is in the white house. Those are the two copies. This is the original. First lady mamie eisenhowers sense of style kept her noticed by the fashion world. Im surrounded by a few of the items that kept her on the 10 best dressed list. She worked with one of her favorite designers for her suits and daywear. This is the outfit she wore to the formal opening of the st. Lawrence seaway. Customdesigned d ress, this is a printed, con fabric with many of the houses the eisenhower was lifted in during their marriage. In during their marriage. These are a few examples of her day dresses. She was very fond of the color pink and wore it in many different shades and styles. Many of the trusses ucr sleeveless and she always had her arms were ikes favorite feature many of her dresses were sleeveless. This one has an exceptional long hem, that she would raise and lower so the headline was always in fashion. Jackie kennedy is well known for the little black dress, and here are two examples of mamies favorite little black dress up your she said she would never just like an old lady. These gowns that she wore well into her 70s show her love of bright colors and while fabrics. Like any highfashion lady, she loved cats. This is a small sampling loved hats. One of her favorite designers was salley victor. No outfit is complete without a fabulous pair of shoes. As a matter of fact, many of the shoes we have were made expressly for mrs. Dwight eisenhower. This dress and underground from the mid1920s underg arment, shows her love of fashion. She was about 30 years old. Lets take a look at some of the exhibits that focus on her style. Mamie was well known for her trademark hairstyle, the bangs were called the mamie look, and you could purchase fake bangs at the drugstore spirit she would often go to the Elizabeth Arden salons to get her hair done. And Elizabeth Arden had one of her hair stylist create the strong so that she could take that with her so if she had to go to another stylist, her hair would be perfect. Who grew up in a poor family of all sons, mamie was from a welltodo family of daughters and she attended a finishing school. And we have her report card from the school. In denver, colorado. In english,t a b she actually got a c in european history, and c in french. As knew that in later years a military wife and future first lady, that she would be so well traveled and have so much to do with european history . We actually have a special passport issued to mamie in 1945. This is when she could go join her husband ike when he was First Military commander of the u. S. Occupied zone in germany at the end of world war ii. While in germany, she actually purchased the sterling civil and marcasite pin. Mamie renewed her passport one more time a few years later to travel with ike. We have her nodulation card. Innoculation card. And this is from one ike when ike was commander of nato forces in france. Mamie loved charms. Early on, ike bought her this west point football charms, showing the army and navy game for. S when ike was coach for the Army Football team. Whenwas purchased by ike he was stationed in the philippines working for general macarthur. Mamioe\ coul no always travel with ike, but she was often on his minde. These bangles were purchased in north africa in 1943, during the operation and invastion of and invasion of north africa. The nautilus was the First Nuclear powered naval vessel. As a military wife, mamie took great pride in creating a home places theyhe 356 lived throughout their marriage. As a girl, she was diagnosed with a heart condition. In later years, she was under Doctors Orders to stay in bed three days a week here that was too much for her, so she compromised and stayed in bed every day until noon. She would still meet with her staff. She would get up in the mornings, do hair, put on her makeup, and where these lovely bed jackets. As well see in the library, we have many notes from those meetings. While wearing the bed jackets, she would often meet with her secretary to plan the days events. Ran the white she house with military precision. Her schedules were often blocked out in five minute increments. We have schedules for every year she was first lady. For example, on the schedule, we see that not only did she have a diplomatic dinner, but the next morning she was planning to cut the ribbon at the national Presbyterian Church bazaar. Some of the things that mamie would discuss with her social secretary were of a personal nature. Here, she is shopping for Christmas Gifts for their grandchildren, and she has to buy this doll for her granddaughter susan. Mamie was always particular about the budget, and she even kept her figures so she would never go over budget. Keen sense of fashion, Jacqueline Kennedy was admired for her clothing ensembles. Mrs. Kennedy is very well known as a style icon. Admiration of her fashion sense mble shefirst ense wore as first lady was on inauguration day. This grayish colored wool coat and dress. I think it is a wonderful example of here simp her simple elegance that became very popular. And the only thing she wore to adorn the ensemble was a really beautiful ruby boracroach that jfk gave her to celebrate the birth of john jr. She wore that after the swearingin. Of course, most famously wasshing mthe ensemble this pill box hat. She wore it on the back of her head so her face could be seen. That set a fashion trend. The hat would normally be worn on the top of the head, she had pushed back to frame her face. Box, is oneth the of her bestknown dresses. Her televisedg tour of the white house in february, 1962. Visitors to our museum are quite surprised to realize that it is red, because of course, the program was filmed in blackandwhite and broadcast in black and white. I like to surmise that she chose red knowing that it would be televised on valentines day, 1962. Ands go into the museum look at other examples of jaclyn kennedys clothing we have on display. An awful lot of thought into her wardrobe when she was representing the country, both at the white house and while traveling abroad. She would think about what colors would mean something to the country im about to visit. For her visit to canada in 1961, the first state visit the kennedys made, she shows she chose this red suit as a gesture of respect for the red of the canadian maple leaf, and knowing that she would be greeted by the Royal Canadian mounted police who wear red. We display the green coat and hat worn by the first lady for her arrival in columbia in 1961. The president and first lady traveled throughout south america on that visit, were greeted by hundreds of thousands of people, an overwhelming response, particularly when mrs. Kennedy would address the crowds in spanish. I really admire the thought that mrs. Kennedy put into her wardrobe. She would think about the events she was attending or the country she was visiting. Color that style of she would wear that could mean something to her host . She also knew the advantage of choosing a color or style that would make her stand out in a crowd. In her oral history, mrs. Kennedy speaks about president kennedys love of reading, love of history, of his belief in the power of words. And that is something, that is a belief they both shared. And what i like about this story here is it shows, it is an example of that belief in the power of words. And it is a great example of collaboration between husband and wife. Histhis very early in president ial campaign, late 1959. In those early days, mrs. Kennedy did travel with him on the campaign trail as much as possible. Of the speech he presented in Washington State in june, 1959. Mrs. Kennedy was with him at that dinner. President kennedy obviously had speechwriters that he would speeches, ups until the moment he was about to deliver it. As he wasnner, waiting to speak, he wanted to close his speech with some versus from ulysses. So he actually asked mrs. Kennedy, give me the last line from ulysees, come my friends. And following and mrs. Kennedys hand is the rest of the poem, which he knew from memory. So he could close his speech with those words. From a young age, jacqueline beauvier loved to write. She would create poems as gifts for her parents. On christmas and birthdays, she would write up a woman and illustrate it. We have two early examples from when she was 10 years old. Porters school, she wrote a wonderful essay called be kind and do your share. She goes on about how helping others in life is so important. Word for someone. Is called one special summer. After graduating from school, jackies parents, her mother and stepfather sent jackier and her sister on the summer through europe. Appreciation for the gifts, they collaborated together on this scrap up to give to their parents to let them know what their investors were. And it is accommodation of snapshots they took, handwritten descriptions of the different places they visited, the people they met. It is a really wonderful, whimsical sketch done by jackie. Jackiefall, 1950, writingvogues contest. She won the contest. One was asays selfportrait, where i think she wonderfully described yourself as tall, with borown hair, a square face, and eyes so unfortunately far apart again, it is an example of her love of writing, and the power of words. Shes asked in question three of the essay, who are three people in history you wish you had known . And the first two she mentions audelaire and oscar wilde. Jackie wasy 1950s, hired of the inquiring camera gil for the washington camera girl. This is the camera she went through the streets of washington asking questions and creating columns. One, we have on display is prophetic because she is interviewed by president nixon and senator john f. Kennedy, who was the adversary in the 1960 president ial campaign. I think all of these examples of her early writings, and she did write throughout her life, but i nk of her life, had made had been made different, she wouldve been a writer officially appeared in the last part of her life, she was a very prolific editor of books in new york city working with several different authors on several different topics. First lady Lady Bird Johnson enjoyed the time she and the president could spend at their ranch, resting and relaxing. Their living room is the oldest room in the house. She would refer to this as our hearts home. And we have a few things that speak to her connection to the room. One of the things that she wanted to highlight was the native American Heritage in the hill country. And we have a small collect

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