Transcripts For CSPAN Washington This Week 20130922 : compar

CSPAN Washington This Week September 22, 2013

I rise to engage to join in a colloquy. I appreciate his willingness to are come debate when there Natural Disasters and i appreciate your efforts. In colorado, we are experiencing a major flood that has impacted his team counties, crossing over approximately 2000 square miles. Certain areas have received over 20 inches of rain. Damagedomes have been or destroyed in the destroyed count is above 2000 homes. Many areas are still in crisis trade federal Emergency Management agency will be unable to provide an accurate Damage Assessment or at least early days. Additionally, the Colorado Department of transportation estimates cost could exceed the 100 million cap that would exceed the cap on funds in a Disaster Relief act. The tragedy and devastation caused by this severe flood the federal government. Will the gentleman yield . I yield to the gentleman. I want to thank the gentleman from colorado for all of his efforts to help colorado through all of this turmoil. Im awareisaster area of the dire need to help colorado and provide access to emergency resources, including access to emergency transportation dollars and i look forward to working with the gentleman to address this funding manager as expeditiously as possible. I know i speak for all of the house when i say our hearts are with you and our prayers are with you and thank you for our thank you for your great service. Kentuckyntleman from reserves trade the gentlewoman from new york is recognized. The gentleman from connecticut is recognized for three minutes. I rise in strong opposition to this cynical and ms. Conceived funding bill designed to push us into a government shut down. Majority, we saw this on a partyline vote rob buddha low incomeuth of americans including children, seniors and veterans. Would onlytion further punish American Families and accelerate the majoritys race to the bottom. In fact, the majoritys leadership has been quite explicit about their intentions. They want to lock in the cuts we have seen to education programs, health programs, they want to make those cuts permanent. That is their opening position. They have been quite upfront that the only way they would mitigate against these cut is in exchange for cuts to Social Security, medicare and medicaid. Even though these deep cuts are producing harmful results over the country, the majority wants to use them as leverage for further negotiations. It is about ideology and it is just a game to them. Peoples lives dont seem to matter. Let me remind this hottie what is happening all over america because of the acrosstheboard cuts. More than 50,000 children are losing access to Early Learning through head start. Children that thousands of schools across america would use would lose access to schools they need to provide access to instruction they need. Overboard and agencies are asking to pick up a higher share for the cost of educating more than 6 Million Students with special needs and kids are losing access to childcare and putting Economic Security more at risk. Hundreds of thousands of unemployed adult veterans are losing access to job training programs. Though Biomedical Research that saves lives and cancer, diabetes, autism, that research is being curtailed. I am a cancer survivor. Biomedical research and the grace of god have allowed me to stand here today, but they would cut off while medical research. It is either going to be delayed or lost. Food safety, public health, we andromise our Economy Health and wellbeing of American Families and our very future as a nation. Instead of working to pass a compromise bill that addresses the budget and a serious and responsible manner, they have used this ross us to try yet again to derail the Affordable Care act and deny americans Affordable Health care. These members have Health Insurance. Most americans do not. She is an recognize for an additional one minute. Members of congress have Health Insurance. People in this station cannot afford Health Insurance. They would cut off. They would make it impossible for people to get Preventive Care to get their kids up to age 26 on their own Health Insurance coverage and say to the insurance companies, go for it can deny Health Care Coverage and talk about pre existing conditions. Families all over america are struggling. This is not a game. We are talking about peoples lives. We have a moral responsibility and we are here to represent the our own people, not personal agenda or political agenda and dont ideology. Better, so we must vote against this bill and i yield back the balance of my time. The gentlewoman reserves. Kentucky man from can i ask how much time remains . The gentlewoman has 11 minutes and the gentleman has asked minutes. I reserve great madams beaker, i am pleased to yield 10 minutes to the distinguished gentleman from georgia, john lewis. The german from georgia is recognized for two minutes. Madam speaker, i want to thank my friends and colleagues for yielding. Madam speaker, this is unbelievable. I cannot believe we are here done,with so much to be so much good that we could do, this Republican Congress wants to stop the country to deny the people a chance to see a doctor. How many times are we going to do this . Next . S medicare . Medicaid . Social security . This is not right. This is not fair. It is not just. Madam speaker, the voters have spoken. The Supreme Court has ruled. The Affordable Care act is the rule of the land. It is constitutional. It is compassionate. It is what is right. T is what is necessary so much progress has been made that young people can stay insured under their parents. More people will have coverage to help them see a doctor when they need to. Coverage that covers. The American People are counting on us trade we must fulfill our Constitutional Responsibilities to fund the federal government. The prong the promise of health care to American People. We will not go back words. We have come too far and we cannot turn back. Madam speaker, health care is a right. It is not a privilege for the oflthy grade every citizen the United States should be able to see a doctor when they need to. Every single one. This is not the american way. It is not the america we believe in. We should care for each other. We should look out for one another. We are one family, one house, the american house, and we shall put the roof down on our heads. We should not pull the roof down on our heads to when political points. Vote no on this backward deal. Vote for what is right am a fair and just. The gentlemans time is expired. The gentleman from kentucky is recognized great i reserve. The gentlewoman from new york is recognized. I am pleased to yield one minute to the distinguished leader, ms. Pelosi from california. The gentlewoman from california is recognized for one minute. You very much, madam speaker. Madam speaker, i come to the floor in anyways as a mother. As a mother concerned about the children of america, as a grandmother concerned about all of americas children, but as a mother who steps into this chamber to say this place is a mess. Lets get our house in order. We are legislators. We have come here to do a job for the American People, and job means we have to make the government for the good of the people. Not here to expand government, but we are not here to eliminate government. If the idea is to limit government, lets Work Together to do that. But what is brought to the floor today is without a doubt a measure designed to shut down government. It could have no other intent. Its purpose is clear. If our colleagues on the republican side deny that, then they have no idea of the gravity of the situation to quote the music man of the trouble that is contained in this resolution today. It is a wolf and wolfs clothing. The underlying bill to shut down government is reason enough to object to it. Cost at least a million jobs in the course of the next year. Will cost a million jobs. , itill not only do that will cut our investments in the future in education, biomedical the National Education National Institutes of health has the power to cure. We have a moral obligation to resources and the respect the talent, intellect and godgiven intellect of the science to cure and what do we do in this will . Say no, we cut it. Doing serious damage to science, health and not only that, to our competitiveness as a nation. That, it is if the underlying ill were not bad enough or reason enough to say , thene you kidding, no they cloak it in wolves clothing and say in their view they are going to defund the Affordable Care act. Nina what that is about. It is simply about putting their friends, the insurance companies, back in charge of the medical decisions for your family. But it goes farther than that. If that were not bad enough, it slashes the strongly bipartisan childrens Health Insurance or graham by 70 . Effectively eliminating an initiative that provides much needed help to millions of low income children. That will passed the senate in a bipartisan way with a vetoproof majority. But thats not good enough for you. You have to slashes by 70 to harm those children. Once again this week. It wreaks havoc on health care for seniors by disrupting provider payments for medicare and medicaid. Either you dont know what you are doing more this is one of the most intentional act of brutality you have cooked up with this competition for that honor. It cuts billions of dollars again from the National Institutes of health, delaying Important Research and denying medical breakthroughs for future generations. Democrats have a responsible proposal that balances, reduces the deficit under the leadership of chris van hollen, our Ranking Member on the budget committee. It reduces the deficit in a responsible way and the devastating acrosstheboard cuts of the sequester and makes investments in the future and keeps government open as opposed to this bill intended to shut cut shut government down. I know my colleague mr. Hoyer has been very vocal on this subject and he will quote some republicans on what they have said great dont take it from us. Take it from you, mr. Chairman i will extended to have the exact quote. It doesnt enable us to do the work of government. I urge a no vote on this continuing revolution resolution. A terrible vote for our country and it is time for us to Work Together to help ensure and not in danger the Economic Security and prosperity of the American People. I urge my colleagues to vote no and yield back the balance of my time. Back. Gentlewoman yield the gentlewoman from kentucky is recognized. I yield one minute to the distinguished majority leader of the house, mr. Cantor of virginia. Virginiantleman from is recognized for one minute. Thank you, madam speaker at a want to thank the gentleman from kentucky for his leadership running this bill forward. Madam speaker, i rise today in strong support of this measure providing for the continuing resolution. Millions of americans across this country are struggling to find good paying jobs and struggling to pay their bills and their frustration with government continues to grow. These americans, these hard working middleclass americans are counting on their own elected representatives to show leadership during these hard times. Resolution will keep the government funded at its current level without increasing spending on the discretionary level while congress finishes working on a tiredudget. Americans are of seeing their government continue to spend more and more of their hardearned tax dollars and for the First Time Since the korean war, it will be possible to have two consecutive years of Discretionary Spending cuts. This resolution will protect the working middle class from the devastating effects of obamacare. We hear stories about how both major employers and Small Businesses are cutting back benefits and cutting back hours. The president S Health Care law is turning our fulltime economy into a parttime economy. Even the heads of major unions who were once so supportive of obamacare want to see this law drastically changed to avoid further nightmare scenarios. Lets defund this lot now and protect the American People from the economic calamity that we know of obamacare will create. Americans back home are fighting for their families. To washington by our constituents to fight for them. They have put faith in their leaders to do whats right. For this entire congress, the house has led on restoring faith in our economy and trust in our government. We should pass this continuing revolution so the senate can finally begin to do the same. I would like to thank the gentleman from kentucky for his work on this measure along with the help of the gentleman from louisiana, the Republican Study Committee member for their hard work on the issue and i urge my colleagues to support this resolution. The gentleman from kentucky reserves. The gentlewoman from new york is recognized. I am very pleased to yield three minutes to the distinguished with, mr. Steny ther from maryland area gentleman from maryland is recognized for three minutes. Thank you for yielding. Arem speaker, today, we considering a measure to Fund Government only if the Democratic Senate and president will agree to dismantle a Health Care Reform law that will help millions of americans access quality, Affordable Care. That isnt going to happen and it is a latent act of hostagetaking. Lays thelican cr groundwork for a default on our debt, an unthinkable act. By instituting a page china first revision. Dangerousmbraces the and irrational policy of sequester. This bill enshrines and confirms the dissent into an economy destroying National Security undermining and ineffective rendering of the government are country and our people need. ItsMajority Party with distractive obsession with the repeal of the Affordable Care act and it unrestrained hostility toward government has offered this bill notwithstanding the hollow claims of irrationality of the sequester policy their party adopt. The majority does so notwithstanding their chairmans accurate description of their policy of sequester and i quote the distinguished chair mr. Rogers as unrealistic and ill conceived. His words, not mine. A policy which chairman rogers himself says must be brought to an end. His words, not mine. Chairman rogers vote today i will expect do just the opposite. They will vote to continue a policy that will inevitably lead to an american decline in retreat. Party to the disinvestment in americas great men greatness. Undermines the education of our children, the security of our seniors, the present and future hall of our people, the Strength Training and readiness of our armed forces, the growth of our economy and the creation of jobs, the viability of our properructure, the compensation and respect for those who labor in the Public Sector and most certainly the honoring of americas debt and obligations. Todays bills undermines all of those priorities and more. I urgenot support it and my colleagues to oppose it. Outontinues on the path set lee described by chairman rogers his words, not mine, as lurching path from fiscal crisis to fiscal crisis. I urge my colleagues with wisdom and courage on your side of the aisle to oppose this bill. Dirty additional seconds . The gentleman is recognized for 30 additional seconds. Madam speaker, i am for a comprehensive, balanced and responsible policy that will put this nation on a fiscally sustainable path. Been and continue to be willing to work with all my colleagues to adopt such a bill. I take nothing off the table. I believe it will take both reason and political courage to achieve such objectives. Americans are hoping and yes writing we will have such wisdom and courage. I urge my colleagues to oppose this bill and commit themselves to adopting a bipartisan and effective alternative to this distractive and irrational path. I yield back the balance of my time. Gentlemans time has expired. From kentucky is recognized. I yield one minute to the gentleman from hell for you, mr. Mcclintock. The gentleman from california is recognized for one minute. The minority whip is dead wrong. This measure protects the full faith and credit of the United States by assuring our sovereign debt will be paid in full and on time. Imperative our creditors know whatever battles rage in congress, their loans to the government are absolutely secure. Our ability to pay all of our bills depends on our credit in this resolution guarantees it. It also addresses to fiscal

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