Announcer cspan programs are available on cspan. Org, right on our home page or by searching the video library. Announcer washington journal continues. Host it is open phones on the washington journal. Republicans, 2027488001. Democrats, 2027488000. Ndependents, 2027488002 yesterday, Democratic Senators are planning to hold the senate until at least midnight today to thrash Senate Republicans for refusing to hold Committee Hearings on the health care overhaul. The round of speeches is being organized by senators perry by senators patty murray of we willon, d. C. , and bring it to you as we always do when the senate is in session. Taking your calls this morning also, the other story we are keeping track of this morning, the van driving into muslims outside of a london mosque. The story from abc news noting that a man drove into that crowd of people gathered outside the mosque after midnight on monday. They have been gathering for prayers there in what Prime Minister theresa may calls a sickening attack. At thearold man was scene for suspicion of murder. No other suspects have been identified. One person who received first aid prior to the attack died at the scene, but it is unclear whether or not his death was a result of the attack. 10 other people were injured. We have been tracking that story for you. Another attack in london. Taking your calls this morning jerome is an anderson, california. An independent. Caller good morning, brother. Aboutle comment is looking at the voting process. Of asd of being thought elected officials, i am asking people to hire better employees. I am tired of these guys thinking they are better than us. Meeting with a congressman, and he looked at us with this stain whenever he was wheneverwith disdain he was asked a question that he did not like. Start looking at them like employees because that is what they are. We pay their salary. We pay taxes and we pay them. Monsanto, not shell corporation. We, the employers of this country. We are also job creators because we buy products. If we do not buy the products, nobody can create them. Corporationsose are not the job creators. We are. Host do you think there is a member of congress right now who sees themselves that way, as an employee to the employers, to voters . Is there a member of congress you wish your congressman would ambulate . Would and the late caller the only one i can see is bernie sanders. Host what is it about him . Caller he just gives us the truth. If i have more money than you, it is incumbent on me to go ahead and give more per why . Because i can afford it. Agree with that. I do not like how we make a section of our population povertystricken. That is not right. To start looking at this situation differently because we cannot afford everything that everybody wants. Nobody is going to get 100 . I leave people with this. Hiring and firing days, the primaries and the general elections hire better employees. To start looking at these guys you work for me, if you do not like it i will fire you and put somebody else in there. Host the special election in georgia is very expensive, a very closely watched special ofction, to fill the seat health and Human Services chair heath. President trump mentioned karen in a treat this in a tweet this morning. H is what he wrote this morning. Stephen is in texas. Republican, good morning. Open phones. Caller are you there . Host yes, sir, go ahead. Caller we got cut off earlier on this deal with fema and flood insurance. I am one of them victims. We never hear about the golden triangle, ike and rita. I never made a penny, took a beating into the ground. I never would have wanted to have to deal with fema again. Gentleman would like to call me, i certainly would like to have a discussion about this insurance business. Host what happened with fema specifically . Are you out of the program now . Caller you Better Believe it. I was left out there hanging on my own, with debt on my credit card, up to 13,000. They got compensated by the federal government. I know that for a fact. Fema let me sit around from november to midjanuary waiting for housing. The owner of the trailer park called me in november. Innovember. Just to get away from them. The home had damage. I talked to the agent when i found out about the damage. Know, it is a federal loan. Dealing with the federal government or anybody involved with them, i have gotten the business. Host we talked with Stephen Ellis in our last segment. Scheduled to end the fiveyear authorization pieriod. Indiana indianapolis, redline for democrats, go ahead. Caller pertaining to this why do they say americans should not be afforded that right . Host which actual right, can us . Caller not just access to health care but Affordable Health care. We go through this process of wanting to take every to take care of everyone else around the world, but we are the ones who are supposed to be the factor. We all paid our price. We all paid our dues. I just feel that with our government, we always want to cry to the government and say small government, but as soon as something happens, we call for our government. Sometimes we have our lines twisted. We know the government is who we on anyng to rely on major catastrophe that goes on in the United States. That is all i have to say. Host expect to hear a lot more about health care today if democrats in the senate fall if democrats in the Senate Follow through on their plant. On their plan. Michelle, independent. It is open phones. Caller how are you doing this morning . Host i am doing well. Caller i was listening to a gentleman who was just speaking, discussing about how our politicians are actually our employees and our supposed to be working for us. I happen to actually agree with him that we are not looking at it in that aspect, and that is the only way we are going to get anywhere in the current situations we are in. He was also mentioning povertystricken. That comes with the workforce. With foura household working people, since november, and each persons house and get that is incorrect, not get a paycheck at all, or have a discrepancy. When you bring this up to their attention, every single time you have to wait for the next check. More often than not, that comes to weeks later. In the process, that our bills that are do that you get charged late charges for and you do not pay them on time. And a lot of of other things come up, like you need gas to get back and forth to work. If there is no help to help us maintain, we stay povertystricken because we are spending the money that we never see on trying to catch up from those missing paychecks that we get. So i think the workforce is part of the problem. We are tired, we are exhausted, we do not know our neighbors anymore. We are too tired to know our neighbors. E are working our butts off there is no sense of community because we are all exhausted and nothing is being done about the abuse we are seeing in the workforce. Host rob is up next, open phones. Phoenix, arizona, one for independents. Caller a week from today, june 26, begins the criminal trial of contempt of court of the x sheriff, voted out in november, joe arpaio. He will be on trial for contempt of court during the racial profiling case. This is a longawaited trial that will cost in the range of 100 million. We have a courtappointed monitor who is still in phoenix taking care of the sheriffs department, and joe arpaio was charged by judge murray snow for contempt in this criminal case because it was intentional. Host what does this case mean to you personally . I followed this case along with a lot of people here in phoenix for years because he has been flaunting the law against all of us. I do not know if you know, but attorney general Jeff Sessions is a witness on the witness list. Whether or not sessions will be in court is unknown, but there is a lot of things that go along with this. He is liable to spend six months in jail. Host did you ever meet him in phoenix, rob . Caller well, i know who he is. They have been protesting him for years, the people trying to bring justice to these things like racial profiling, this that he did actions in phoenix. Host how did you get involved in protesting him . What was the first time you protested him . Caller 10 years ago. We have been dealing with things Like Community raids, the discrimination, and the outright unjust behavior of this one individual, joe arpaio. It has caused millions and millions of dollars. I think it is a microcosm of what we are dealing with with donald trump. So i have been very interested, and so have a lot of other people in phoenix. Host a story we will be hearing about more in the coming months. Charlie is in trenton, florida. For democrats. Good morning. Inler i was trying to call the other morning. It was open phones and i was going to make the comment i read a lot of articles in the comments section. I get this feeling underneath that people they call liberals almost like evil. They are almost considered like satan type of thing. Liberals and democrats are almost like there is a big religious divide. Coincidentally, later that day i started reading an article in Huffington Post by a gentleman who used to work at the 700 put, and they used to stories that started out like crazy stories, and the religious fanatics send in their money and got these televangelists flying around in their jets. Fox news kind of took that whole perspective and ran with it to create their own news. That is kind of like what has corrupted our news and what we get fed in the news cycle these days. I just thought it was kind of an interesting segment. I do not know the writers name, the guy who worked at the 700 club. I would love to hear more back and forth about how things got started and the consequences of it from that era. Host always appreciate suggestions, charlie. Here are the front pages of some of the newspapers. Boston herald focusing on the attack we talked about in the united kingdom, the van crashing into a crowd of people near the mosque. Out of pennsylvania, a lead story United States military on sunday shooting down a syrian fighter jet. This was an action that appeared to mark a new escalation of the conflict. This is the top headline of the republican harold. Harold theican republican herald. Seven sailors were identified in the fatal shipping collection the fatal shipping collision that happened over the weekend. When the destroyer collided with a container ship off the coast of japan saturday. A few minutes left of open phones. Annie is in russellville, arkansas republican, go ahead. To commentas wanting on the hatred that is in the United States now. I do not believe that trump started that. That started back two years prior to that with the shootings. Nd all that that was going on i do not believe the hatred in the United States is based around trump. Everybody says it is, but i do not believe it is. Host what was the shooting two years prior that started this . The ferguson shooting, and all the shootings with the police and everything. That is not right, and we know that, but it happens and the democrats just cannot seem to let go of it. I think they need to let go of it and let the president do his thing and run this country like it should be run. With the tax reforms coming out which i do not understand at but there are a lot of things i do not understand that maybe they will be clarified as time goes on. Host when do you think tax reform will happen . Do you think it will happen this year . Caller i dont think so, no. Maybe, it might. Up andhameful people get talk about our president like this. Hatred, hatred, hatred, everywhere you go. It is just hatred. It is not supposed to be that way. We did not have a lot of people cramming hatred on obama all the time. My goodness, it would have been shameful, and hed have probably had everybody put in jail that even said a word dad about him. Host you think president obama would have done that . Caller i do. I think he probably would have had people put in jail for it. Be that if wet to have a government to run, we need to run the government, not let the people have all of the hatred they have got just because we have a different president. And i really do wish that they would respect the president. If they do not like him, that is fine. Host amanda is in knoxville, tennessee, independent. Amanda, good morning. Caller good morning. I want to talk about the voting restrictions that go on in this country. Host what about them . Caller what about the voting restrictions . Host which ones . Why do republicans feel it is ok to put all the restrictions on minorities and to block them from voting, but then to turn around and say that they are not voting, being taken off the role and Everything Else that you can think of . The lady that just called President Trump has brought all of this hatred out in the open. It started with obama when Mitch Mcconnell said that his job was to make president obama a oneterm president. The representatives and the senators of the Republican Party went on vacation for eight years. Had they been doing their job, they would have had what do you call it medical bill. It was trying to not obamas. It was the republicans idea to start with. They would have had a replacement. Taking 250 Million People off insurance what are we supposed to do, die . Host we will be hearing more about health care today. Democratic senators are expecting to hold the floor of the senate to talk about it until midnight tonight. Kevin is in louisville, kentucky, line for democrats. Go ahead. Caller i appreciate you taking my call. I want to talk about health care. To the lady who was talking about it, we need to let trump do his thing no, we do not. Helped with the health care and many other things he helped with. Are on the i both Affordable Care act, which is obamacare, which the republicans are trying to get rid of. If it was not for the Affordable Care act, we both would not be alive right now. I had a problem with my esophagus that eventually turns into cancer. Using the Affordable Care act, it cured it here read it usually does not get cured. We both have preexisting conditions, and our neighbor, which is on medicaid and she is , would be cut from medicaid. Wayhe republicans get their of cutting the 8 billion on medicaid, with what they are cutosing, their plan is to 8 billion, and 24 billion medical bill,e the Affordable Care act. Host we got your point, kevin. Thank you for sharing your story. Thank you to our callers this morning. We will be back here tomorrow morning at 7 00 a. M. Eastern, cspan, where history unfolds daily. In 1979, cspan was created as a Public Service by americas Public Television companies. It is brought to you today by your cable or satellite divider. Provider. Today on cspan we will be anding from Joseph Dunford the u. S. Strategy for dealing with isis and north korea. Also cyber war. The joint chiefs of staff will be speaking at the press club, we take you there live at 1 p. M. On them. , an update attempt to repeal and replace the health care law. With tom carper. We will have that live on cspan. Senate at 4 00 eastern time. Usually they recess in the evening around 7 p. M. Eastern but tonight democrats plan to keep the senate in session until midnight. Politico reports that democrats will be holding the floor to voice frustrations at republicans for refusal to hear Committee Hearings on their health care overhaul. The liberal wing is demanding that Chuck Schumer and the others shut the senate down. They have made no decision on that object. You can read more on politico and find our live coverage of the senate throughout the night on cspan2. Recently on cspan, new orleans mayor Mitchell Andrew on the removal of a robert e. Lee statue. Out thetually lay reasons why the statues were erected in the first place. Why we were taking them down and what we could do to recover from the age old battles that have divided us for so long. Role in of new orleans that dark. Were afterory, we all, one of the countrys largest slave markets. I felt that i, and other people in the city, had a special responsibility to help our nation continue to move through racial discord. Force aimedsan task at ending sexual violence. To hear stories and the words you said, dehumanizing these lives derailed the way that lives go off track. Kids it sitting on the shelf. These are peoples lives, sitting on the shelf. Getting derailed. Ofldren getting derailed what this life is supposed to be. I was on this track cant even make sense of what has happened to me. We have been letting perpetrators go by not testing these kids and saying we do not care about this issue. Senator rand paul on the proposed arms sale to saudi arabia. We will discuss something more important than an arms sale. Will discuss whether she whether we should be actively involved. Should the United States be actively involved with refueling the saudi planes . With picking targets . With having advisers on the ground . Should we be at war in yemen . These programs are available on the homerg page or by searching the video library. Last week the European Parliament debated President Trump last decision to with raw the u. S. From the paris climate agreement. From strasburg, france