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You can see it on cspan. Org and listen to it on the cspan radio app. As the hearing gets under way, we asked viewers, is more federal oversight needed of the Airline Industry . We want to hear your calls and stories. Democrats call 2027488000. Republicans, 2027488001. Independents 2027488002. A special line for frequent flyers, 2027488003. We will show you scenes from that transportation and Infrastructure Committee hearing as it gets underway this morning. Cspan3, if you want to watch it. The Washington Examiner talked about the changes that could be coming. Members of congress pushing for in the wake of the united incident. The headlight, congress uses united incident to crack down on airlines treatment of passengers. The shocking images of a passenger on a United Airlines flight drive screaming often flight, all of a flight. Among the angry lawmakers is senator Chris Van Hollen, democrat from maryland who demanded answers. He is taking the lead in finding a legislative way to ensure passengers on full flights cannot be removed from airplanes once they are on the aircraft. We are asking you should the federal government be involved e in oversight of airline the Airline Industry and how it treats its passengers . A special line for frequent flyers, love to hear your stories, 2027488003. Otherwise, lines as usual im a democrat, republican some independent. As usual, democrats, republicans, independents. Caller why would a person get on an airplane in a civilization and have to be removed in the first voice in the first place . I find that disturbing. Responsible people to make sure no incidents happen in the air. No crashes. No pilots overthrown. Oversight is mandatory, we really need it. We have foreigners coming in who do not understand our roles, morals, laws, initiatives. The treatment of passengers, do you think it is a place for the federal government to get more involved . Or something the free market can take care of . If a passenger has bad experiences on one flight, they will go to other Airline Carriers and can work it out in the courts . Caller i do not believe that detour business from airline flights. Airlines are flying all over the world, which makes it an international affair. I do not believe regular security from economic standpoints could take care of International Problem like this. You. I want to hear from a special line for frequent flyers. 2027488003. More from the Washington Examiner story on the work of senator Chris Van Hollen and his efforts in this area. He is circling a bill he is telling the customers, not cargo act which would require the department of transportation to update rules on full flights, among the updates he wants to see, requiring that airplanes and Airlines Deal with overbooking issues before passengers get on a plane and make it easier for airlines to increase the amount of money they offer passengers who voluntarily if up their seat. Airlines are limited to offering 1350 to passengers they involuntarily bump off of a point. Off of an airplane. The line from food requires, maryland frequent fliers, maryland, ben. Caller once on the flight, the seat is theres, not to be moved around, especially like this gentleman was treated. Host is this a place for the federal government to step in and make sure this happens . Caller if a company does not treat people a certain way, the government will step in. First, the company should take care of it but if not, there is a place for government to review. And possibly oversight. And possibly regulate. Host we talked about the question before, scholars who will say that the free market is quicker and more efficient in dealing with that problem. Passengers will just go to another airline, if they are not treated right on one airline. Caller absolutely. If a company does not manage their own backyard, that is exactly right. But if there is abuse, there is a place for regulations. It should not be an overreach in anyway. Host the question is what is the line . When does it hit that level of abuse were new regulation needs to be added. Caller the line is when you see aisleenger drug up the like we did on this case. That is where the line starts to be crossed. Host samantha on the line in florida, independents. Caller good morning. Host good morning. Go ahead. Caller my question is i am hoping the hearing will reveal the entire story of the watching the story. I do fly frequently with United Airlines and american airlines. My understanding, from my exposure with flying, republican theynes, where is the ceo, are in bankruptcy, is this a money issue . There were no airline employees that caused the physical damage. Was a unitedes, he Airlines Customer and therefore the responsibility does lie with them. The ceo is stepping up to that. Where is the faa . They have set federal aviation regulations. If airlines do not make the regulations, they have to support them. Will the faa step up, section. , that govern. R crewmember instructions and passenger compliance. If the flight crew does not enforce the regulations, they are liable for fines. Will the faa step up and say which regulations are going to be supported . And will they have consequences for them . Is this a situation where we do reward poor behavior . Comply . Dr. Dao did not he had a choice to comply, is there any responsibility on the behavior of customers . I watched the incident involving the lady with the stroller. That is very different from what happened with dr. Dao. That was mismanagement of Airline Personnel and their response. Addressingrlines is that and they suspended the individual that was involved. There are different situations. Hearing . Faa be at the will they be supporting the regulations they have said to govern airlines . Well they support the flight crews that they charge them to enforce these regulations . Host on this hearing that is happening now in the house transportation and Infrastructure Committee. There is the witness list, the ceo of United Airlines, along with the president of United Airlines. Also, the Senior Vice President of Customer Experience at american airlines. Be testifying. The Senior Vice President of external coming occasions for alaska airlines. From southwest airlines, the the chief commercial officer. With the consumer union, aviation consultant William Mcgee will be testifying at this hearing. Happening on cspan3 if you want to watch that hearing. Bill shuster, the congress and from pennsylvania is the republican chairman of that committee. In his preview of the hearing, he said that the oversight hearing will give Committee Members the opportunity to get answers about Airline Customer Service Policies and what is being done to improve service for the flying public. Wait the question as we for the house to come in at 10 00, should the federal government the doing more and have more oversight of the Airline Industry . Democrats, 2027488000. Republicans, 2027488001. Independents 2027488002. Frequent fliers, 2027488003. On the line for frequent fliers, kevin in virginia. Good morning. Caller how are you . Host doing well. Caller there are several things we have to look at with this situation. I believe it is time for the federal government to make some moves and have some oversight. Being a frequentflier when i was active duty in the military and now, after i retired from the military, what i have found is that these are businesses. There are Human Systems and by being a human system, whenever there is a problem or there is a mistake, they want to do as little as possible, and do it as cheaply as possible, those actions that will try to rectify the public, even though acts have harmed them significantly. That is one problem. With dr. Dao, what we keep forgetting, he bought a seat. Yes they can bump you in the contract. Is the contract more an advantage to the airline, or equally balance for the airline and passenger . That contract is for the advantage of airlines. The problem that brought this up was not the issue itself. If the ceo of united would have said, i am so sorry, that did not have to happen, lets do something about it. I dont believe he would have gotten this far but he protected his airline and basically accused the doctor, just like the Flight Attendant in the american case. The Flight Attendants themselves could have prevented this by stepping back and thinking about what was going on. And said, this is not worth it. But they want to take it to take the passengers money and still inconvenienced the passenger. Eveny other industry, or if a con man did that, we would be up in arms. Host is Airline Travel a different kind of industry because of all of the security surrounding airlines, especially after september 11 . Is it a different place, when it comes to customer service, because of all the Security Issues and concerns . Caller in a way, yes, but heres where the airlines get in trouble. I am a mathematician so i can talk about this. They are using the Statistical Analysis of what is the probability of someone sitting in a seat . I cannot have the seat vacant because then i am losing money. I want to overbook my flight by 20 . I am expecting 20 of the people to not make it, whether they are late because they did not leave home on time, or late because there is a connecting flight that is late. I will have that 20 overbooking so that i can go in and have my flight continued to focus. The fuller the flight, the better it is for the airline because it is more economical for them. Host is overbooking for congress should step in and say you should not do that anymore . Caller that is one aspect. That leads to things like frustration. You mention security. The security steps foot in since 9 11 those put in since , they are already part of a problem with sensitivity towards the public. You have that going. The airlines have been given more authority since 9 11, some people have not been trained on how to use authority. For example, when i was on active duty, i had a situation where i was on a mission and we were flying. The airline the Flight Attendant knew what i was doing. One of the other flight attended did not and shell most compromised my mission but having me do something i could not do. I wouldve had to get off the plane. The chief Flight Attendants that then. Guests stepped in but only after i told her i would have to get off the plane and she said to get off the plane. The chief Flight Attendants said tuesday, he is doing something you need to leave him alone. Host want to hear from more frugal fliers. Phil and denver, colorado, good morning. Caller i was in the Airline Industry for about 30 years. See that theo captain is the captain of the aircraft. Just like you get on a vote. Boat. If the captain says get off the airplane, it is a felony, unless the guilty point. It is a security risk. Captain . E you the caller i was maintenance. If the captain says we have to check this, you stop and check it out. I do not think the respect is therefore the captain. Host from your perspective, on the maintenance side, to you think the federal government has the right amount of oversight of the Airline Industry, could use more, less . ,aller you know, right now with the cutbacks they did a wild back, financial, there is less inspectors on the ground. Some of the alliance built into the tickets fees for fines they would get. For not going through all of the faa procedures. I think that the way the customers are treated are a small part of what is wrong with the Airline Industry. They have to look more at maintenance itself. Most of it is done out of the country by unqualified people now. Host lets go to heather, a frequentflier enamored in amarillo, texas. Caller good morning. I have a question im not familiar with you mentioned the 1350 limit on the reimbursement for tickets. Where does that come from . Host i am not a next her on Airline Regulations but i will work on that answer. I am an expert on ellen regulations but i will work on that answer. On Airline Regulations but i will work on that answer. Overbooking. 0 i do not think that it is appropriate for the government or the faa to determine the each airlinel that will use for their predetermined overbooking rate. Barrier at 1350 if that is an faa or some type of a legislative limit that ,s set somehow by a federal law protection or whatever it is, if that is a government limit, somehow, and not set by the airlines, i think that should be raised, especially after an incident like this. It you are going to pull somebody off of an airplane, that 1350 will not get you a ticket to get home the same day. To looking at the 20 overbooking ratio, in a six earned on twoi different airlines, probably and 25,000 miles gifted because of overbooking and delays on three or four different flights. Just by calling and getting stuck overnight on multiple flights. I have been through all of that. I did not get pulled off an airplane but i have had enough experiences to understand and be part of the overbooking phenomenon it does happen. Not doing nothing is the solution because there are too isolated,ts that are like where i live in amarillo. That do not have enough service to be competitive. Host on the regulations that that can be paid to the passengers, the department of transportation has clear guidance about compensation because of flyers who are involuntarily denied boarding. Reporting,sa today and involuntarily bumped traveler who arrived at his final destination within two hours late is entitled to an amount worth 400 debt for hundred percent his oneway fare , with a maximum of 1350. 400 his oneway fare with a maximum of 1350. Somebody was pulled off, sounds like a different scenario. I do not know if that would up why in this case because there is no guarantee, if you are seated on a flight and you will be pulled off, i do not if that because youlicable do not know what flight you may eventually get on. Host got your point. We are asking this question as the hearing is being conducted, a witness testifying right now, the chief executive officer at United Airlines. Lets listen in to what he is saying. Unoz i have spent every day thinking about how we got to this point. Events came to a loss of trust and summit customers. Analysis ofed an what happened, where we fell short, and actions we needed to change do help the Customer Experience at united. From our perspective, there were many failures but for main failures that we learned in this report. We called the Law Enforcement when safety or security did not exist. That should never happen. We rebooked crew at the very last minute, we created a situation at our own doing that we should not have done. We did not offer enough compensation or incentive does, any option for the customers to give up a seat. Therefore, perhaps the largest failure, our employees did not have the authority to do what was right or to use their common sense. In that moment, our customers and company, we failed. As ceo, that is on me. This has to be a turning point for the host to watch the full hearing, head to cspan3. Cspan. Org or the cspan radio app. As more federal oversight needed of the Airline Industry . Eight minutes left before the house. Therel take our viewers live with gaveltogavel coverage. Michelle in michigan. Good morning. Caller there should be more oversight. What happened to the doctor should not have happened, he was already seated. People whoink that work for the airlines should automatically just we will take your seat automatically. As far as i know, the stewardesses fly for free. If that is the case, they should be the last ones to take a seat. Motto, flyairline the friendly skies . They should be changing that motto. It is not working. That is my comment. Thank you. A few more comments on you do not have a choice in the matter. Is it possible that we can fix the regulation so that they are better . We could but we have not gotten into it to begin with. If you do not like something , that a Clothing Store they are doing, you do not shop there. The governor does not come in and regulate that. And say you cannot do this or that. If i do not like what is happening at one store, you go to another and the same thing should be at the airline. Host the thing at united is a youtube sensation and now a hearing this morning in congress. Is there any chance that the federal government will step back from that regulation and this will be a more open system that you are saying would work better . Caller realistically, i do not think so. I think they will adjust the system. Required to offer more money. Seat, orhave taken a want your ticket has been a threshold to say once you pass this point, the process of getting on the airplane, you are safe. I think that is where it will be headed. Host john in virginia, democrat. Good morning. Caller thank you for taking my call. Has taken sod it long and we have to see someone bleeding. After 9 11, the airlines used their power to abuse it. Muslim, you have seen telling thedants captain, this person looks muslim, they need to get off the plane. They come and pull people out. It is insane that some people like the previous caller said, this Flight Attendant and captain, they have authority no one challenges them. Unless we use common sense and tell them that you cannot abuse your authority and pull the plane out, i do not understand what happened to common sense. Since 9 11, things have changed. Customers are afraid that, if they do something, when they come out of the plane, they may charge them with something. He was trying to do something safety for the passengers. And they make stories. That is why people do not want to challenge the captain or the Flight Attendant. Everybody is scared to say something. I am glad it happened this way because that person was bleeding. All of those passengers were so upset. Host dan in softer alanna, independent in South Carolina come independent. Caller Airline Industry has been feeding off the taxpayer since pearl harbor. The man was going about 9 11, it would never have occurred have Safety Measures been put in place by the airlines that they said were too much of a hindrance on business. Business benefits more than anyone else and for the airlines in this country, let them pay for it. Host when it comes to customer treatment, do you think this incident has force the industry to turn a corner . Caller listen, they put extra chairs in the rows on the airplanes. They do not care about anybodys comfort. Host what do you think you will hear caller packers in like sardines. Host what do you think we will hear from them testifying in the hearing . Caller depends on how much money they get from the Airline Industry. Host it is on cspan3 and cspan. Org and on the cspan radio app. Time for one or two more calls before the house. Pennsylvania, democrat line, jan. Caller congressman shuster is our congressmen in our area and i have two comments. We cannot get this congressman to have a town meeting in our area. Second place, it is known in our area that he is taking a lobbyist from the aligns. A lobbyist from the airlines and he should recuse himself from these hearings because i do not think it is right. Host when you say well known, you have read that . We lost her but the last caller of the day as the house is getting ready and we will take you there live for gaveltogavel coverage and see you tomorrow morning on the washington journal at 7 00 a. M. Eastern at 4 00 a. M. Pacific. [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2017] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] a communication from the speaker. The clerk the speakers room, washington, d. C. , may 2, 2017. I hereby appoint the honorable charles j. Fleischmann to act as speaker pro tempore on this day. Signed, paul d. Ryan,

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