Dr mnoabane t athheof cbethaar. Eyng sills n xtd ng ca t oco, tinsndur uny g io he countrs . What kinds of things to other countries ask of teyra t s s anwhupt hio uncos. Cochairman of the congressional progressive caucus and a democrat from minnesota. The race is being seen as a battle between president obamas supporters and those of vermont senator bernie sanders. Former Vice President joe biden announced his support for perez. Keith ellison has gained support from chuck schumer. Speaking of chuck schumer, one other story on that from the washington times. Coming off of his meeting with the Supreme Court nominee neil gorsuch, he met with him yesterday. The minority leader is still not sold on the nominee, saying that the judge seems to be following a deliberate strategy to avoid answering tough questions. Those meetings happening this week with several democrats, continuing expected to continue to happen leading up to the nomination hearings, whenever they may be. Matthew is a virginia beach, virginia, and independent. Caller good morning. God bless america. Unfortunately, the messages going to have to go toward the way of the beast. Have a citizenwe and worker id card with a chip. That would probably most likely have to work through the state department, the same way they do visas now. That card would allow those citizens and workers, if you dont have a card, you have no banking access, you have no working privileges, you have to have the taxes, money, transfers from foreign countries, utilities. That card can be monitored the same way Social Security is monitored. When someone dies, that card is then canceled. I take issue with the lady that mentioned nobody wants those jobs that the foreigners are doing because i take issue with that because the bill to complete apartment complex that , it isre of locally here about 35 years ago, the bricks were being laid for that apartment complex by foreigners. Was a rooferon trying to get work, he was turned away. The farmers dragging in sheet rock, doing roofing, all other things. I went there early one morning and watched that lot that was fenced off with a big stop sign telling people no need to come and apply. Ive watched van loads of what seems to be illegals pulling in and doing the work on that property. Host it seems like you might have another call on the line, matthew. Another call from lorton, virginia. Caller good morning. Influxhave to say on the of Illegal Immigrants is that it is just not mexicans, it is asians, it is people from the middle east, it is people from all over. The reason why they are able to stay here is the employers. Ive seen it. Ive worked in the medical field and we deal with a lot of workers comp. I saw it 30 years ago happening. People would be working for 10. 50 per hour. Who works for 10. 50 for our per hour . I checked with my daughterinlaw. She said there was an influx of mexicans in base housing. You know why they do that . Because it is cheap labor. They dont have to pay any benefits. Once their work visas run out, they go back over, they get some more. Until we do with employers and the rich people who hire these people to work in their homes and take care of their babies when we have to pay for babysitters, we are going to keep that problem. Host our last call from lorton virginia. Up next, we will be joined by Congress RomanMichelle Lujan grisham to get her perspective. N these issues she is the chair of the congressional hispanic caucus. Later on, we will be joined by ushaar from the national journal. We be right back. Sunday night on q a in all these years ive never seen a case where, the snowden case, where journalists have accepted information from a single source, edward snowden, who is in moscow under the control of the russian government. Investigative journalist edward jay epstein, on his book, edward snowden, the man and the theft, how america lost its secrets. In normsay that he did is good. He did in or missed damage. Thats their view. Maybe he did some good because he started a National Conversation and he opened up a subject of interest, but i think that where trump is certainly right is that this man has not faced justice and he deserves to face justice. Sunday night at eight p. M. Eastern on cspan cspans q a. Where history unfolds daily. Cspan was created in 1979 and is brought to you today by your cable or satellite provider. Washington journal continues. ,ost Michelle Lujan grisham democrat from new mexico, candidate for governor in the land of enchantment and our next 30 minutes. I want to start with the president s proposal for a border wall. You have your own bill, the build bridges not walls act, aimed at stopping the border wall. Whats the mechanism by which you hope to do that in congress . Guest thank you for having me today. Im delighted