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With you. We are not going to have a government shutdown. We will probably put in the senate. I sit on the appropriations on the appropriations on defense, on homeland, on ag and i know how important it is to get this done. I will also say the House Appropriations committee we pose all of the appropriations bills. Half of them passed over to the senate. So we have done our work. I wish we would do this on time every september 30. Host you are saying this process is broken, dont blame the House Appropriations committee . Guest im saying we did our job, that is all i can say. We post all 12 bills from the committees about a half of them passed from the house to the senate. We do need to look at this because every year, you know, we get thousands of bills that are final and i would feel that the appropriations bill, those that should take priority and we should pass them. There should be some sort of reform i wish we would just say that every september 30 we would have a continuation at the same level unless the Congress Votes on it and makes variations like we are doing on this one. As we cause the cr december 16. Host things that are in it an art and it, not a variation there is enough money in their for additional Covid Response that the white house wanted. There is 12 billion for ukraine to continue to fight russia also billions of dollars for recovery from wildfires, 20 million for water sanitation issues in jackson, mississippi. What do you support and not support . Guest im going to vote in favor of the cr. We need to continue the government. That is what happens, on the senate side it is 5050 split. You need to have 10 republicans come over to get this done they couldnt get it on some of the issues, including the energy bill budget senator joe manchin. Keep the environmental protections but streamline the process. Again, it is a giveandtake. If you dont have the 60 votes in the senate some things are going to stay and some things are going to be dropped. That is what legislation is all about. Host Kevin Mccarthy is not going to be supporting this cr this is what he said. If they dont use this funding bill to address the border crisis immediately im going to vote no on this bill and i urge my colleagues to do the same. You and i always talk about border issues. Your thoughts on that . Guest first of all, if you look at the Homeland Security bill that we passed it has more Border Patrol agents. It as money for men and women in blue. It has money for technology, we are looking at doing a pay raise for Homeland Security employees. Psa tsa appointment employees also. Childcare for Border Patrol, health care for Border Patrol, clothing allowance for Border Patrol so if you would like the bill and support the homeland there is money there for border security. Host but that bill is not going to be the final version rate . It is continues under the old funding measures . Guest that is correct. We still have the money for the appropriations we are going to keep it but again i would provide support for the appropriations bill. It will be interesting when he does if we get a bill, it would be interesting and he does is on republican im going to vote no on this democrat majority or if he will support the men and women in green. Talking about it is one thing. Keep in mind doing another thing is very different. You have to do the talk but you have to do the walk and support the men and women. People got out of the border, they spent a few hours and after spending a few hours they think they know the border. With all due respect, i live at the border. I talked to the men and women in green. I live there are talk to the landowners there. We know there is a problem there. Again, it is not theater we are looking at we are looking at practical solutions. We respect to migration. I certainly want to see Immigration Reform but at the same time we dont want to seek open borders down there. We want to make sure we have lost. However the supposed equipment, they can come in. Just like secretary jeh johnson under president obama did. They did it the right way. They counterbalance to border security. Some of us, we see administrations go too far to the left or too far to the right we just say at times people dont understand what is at the border. Host 20 minutes left with congressman cuellar. 202 7488000 per democrats. 202 7488001 free democrats. 202 7488002 for independents. This is chris in michigan. Caller good morning, congressman. Being done by the border town im sure your constituents are pretty upset over the way your party has treated our border. Since biden has been in office there have been over 5 million illegals coming into the country which has created such an issue to the border states the overrun and within the 5 million is over the people that dont know what they are bringing into the country. Or kind of issues they have. A lot of the people are coming with no identifications. You dont know who these people are. You are just going by what they have been told and theyre saying that 70 of the women coming through have been raped on the way and there is all kinds of sex trafficking being done to these women that are being brought through. I mean, when trump was in office you would go down to the border many times and asked the Border Patrol that they wanted and they told him that they need a barrier. To help slow down the situation. When you have this many getaways and supposedly 110,000 young adults between 18 and 45 are dying every year by this fentanyl. Something has to be done. Host congressman, you can jump in. Guest first of all, thank you so much and good morning to you. Look, i dont believe in open borders. Also i dont believe in separating kids from their mothers the way President Trump did. We are getting to extremes. We have to make sure that we understand how people come into the United States. We have to understand smugglers make a lot of money taking drugs or passing people. If they charge an average of 8,000, it could be less or much more dependent on what country they are coming from. They make billions of dollars on his people. At that doesnt include passing drugs. We have to be able to address that. One of the things that we have to look at either we play defense on the one yard line or we play defense on the 20 yard line. Making sure that mexico and guatemala and the other countries do their job. We have to address that. Make sure Border Patrol has the right equipment, personnel. But at the same time if you look at push and pull factors. What happens to those countries, why they are pushed over here, what pulls them over here . We have to be able to address that. Fentanyl, i can, we have to stop that but keep in mind most drugs will come in through ports of entry. Quicken, content all that comes in through ports of entry if you put a wall its not going to stop most of the tracks because it comes in through ports of entry. By the way, a few years ago 63 percent of the people here illegally came through leases. The number one violator was canada. So i want to make sure as we address the issue, we know the facts. And we address them in of correctly. By the way uncle paul, things change over time. Before 2012, the Border Patrol union was against the wall because they felt it was a waste of money they would rather get the money and put it in personnel. The Border Patrol union how to change in leadership and after 2012 they said the wall is the solution. The wall is a 14thcentury solution to a 21st century problem. Again, if you want to talk about deportation, who deported most people . It was actually president obama with secretary johnson. He treated the people with respect and dignity but at the end of the day he said we will return you because this is what the laws say. It is the same laws we have right now we just have to enforce the laws we have on the books right now. Thank you for your question. Host to the line for democrats, orlando, florida. Mike how are you doing with appropriate preparations for ian . Caller doing fine, thank you sir. Still have our fingers crossed so far so good, thank you for asking. Host go ahead with your question or your comment for the congressman. Caller i may not be one of your biggest fans. I think it is because you are more conservative than democrat. But when it comes to the immigration issue i think you and i are exactly in the same spot. I completely agree with your viewpoint. I wish more democrats felt like you do about immigration. I think the biggest blunder of the biden administration, the pullout of mckennas stand. I still have qualms about that incident. That is not to say that the Trump Administration solved the issue that we all know the Trump Administration was fueled by racism. His policy of trying to when his own mother came out here without one. People like ted cruz and the senator here from florida that came from cuba. It is america we dont import senators. We import hardworking people. Host we are running short on time did you have a question . Caller i just want to say the Democratic Party should be listening when it comes to emigration. Immigration. Guest thank you for your kind words like really appreciate that. Number one and number two i hope you stay safe from the hurricane thats about to hit i hope everything works out for the people of florida. But let me say this, we have to understand the border. What is happening there, for example if you think about this right now 60 of the Border Patrol agents we have in texas are actually at the migrant Processing Centers. 60 taking care of migrants. 10 of them are actually doing administrative work that all that only leaves 30 of agents, only 30 so while the numbers are going up you have less Border Patrol agents at the checkpoints and at the border where they are supposed to be doing their job. With all due respect we could provide other support staff and i want the administration to move faster to be in those Processing Centers and put Border Patrol where they belong. That is to secure our borders. The agents out there is also important to note there are more deaths of migrants, they will die out there because there is less Border Patrol agents not only do they secure our border but sometimes they will go out there in the desert are very difficult terrain to save migrants and they have helped save thousands of migrants. That is why i have the back of the Border Patrol agents. Like i said i live with them, in my community, i see them at my church has see them at the grocery store. You have to understand Border Patrol agents have a very difficult job but we have to be able to address the needs of Border Patrol agents. Again, without the respect to selloff my colleagues, the last point that you mentioned about emigration i believe in emigration reform. A lot of them took a long time to follow this Legal Process that i support but right now we are seeing people that will get on a bus or a plane and they jumped the line and this is part of the frustration that some outposts feel at the border. Host illinois, connie, republican. Good morning. Caller good morning. Esther cuyler congressman cuellar, thank you very much. The border is a huge, huge problem. Cartel is setting up in america these days. The fat not coming across that border is killing our children. And i want to say one other thing. The cages were built by president obama. And they were built for a good reason. He rescued a couple of little boys and they went to pedophiles. They were going to sue him so he built the cages. Host what do you say there . Guest greetings to illinois, thank you so much for your question. Let me talk about cages. Those are not cages. What happened is the Border Patrol facilities what theyre supposed to keep people for 72 hours were set up to handle small numbers and they were male adults coming over to work. All of a sudden when somebody figured out if you bring a child because there is a 1998 all that allows if you arefrom one of those countries you come through a different process into the United States the cartels figure this out. Bring a child, bring a family unit and you will only had a small fee but. By the way, right now, you have people from over 60 countries coming into the United States. So they come into those Border Patrol facilities where they are supposed to keep people for 72 hours. What happened is instead of having all adults, all of a sudden there were unaccompanied kids. With the Border Patrol did, they did the wise thing. They separated, like you know, keep the kids at separated from the adults and the used chainlink. That was the only thing. This administration uses apostate. Border patrol did it in the right way. They are not cages, they were separated began kids from the adults. There are some people that come in with criminal records including assaulting kids. That is what was set up and unfortunately there will people that we call them cages and yes there but there under president obama but they per separated for safety reasons. The kids away from the outs because the way Border Patrol had been set up. We do have migrant Processing Centers that are very different because things have changed. Host 10 minutes left with you this morning. When you were lost on this program back in january a few weeks after that we saw headlines about a raid on your home and your office can you explain what happened there . Guest are you not the target of an investigation and again we will cooperate and at the end of the day we will see that there was no wrongdoing. Host not the target of the investigation that is according to the fbi . Guest according to my attorneys talking to the department. Host ok. St. Peters missouri. Caller thank you for taking my call. First ill look like to say i believe in what Ronald Reagan said earlier i believe it was him that said the nine words you hear from the government and im here to help. I dont believe we have a taxing problem in our country we have a spending problem. You were talking earlier about Social Security and medicare and things like that. One of the callers said that the illegal aliens coming across the border are receiving the Social Security benefits as well as several other benefits. That the american tax people are paying for. I just want to know if you can comment on that and please be specific on the exact benefits that these illegal aliens are receiving that i am paying for. It is just unbelievable. Im having trouble paying for my own family, for my kids to get school supplies, to get food, insurance, everything is through the roof. And to find out my text dollars are going to support these illegal aliens, host congressman . Guest the losses if you are here illegally you cannot receive those benefits. That is the law. Number two, on Government Spending if you look at tax precedent in the past he would have 1 trillion of spending, deficit spending. You see under president , lets start with bush. And then clinton was the only one that had a surplus in 20, 30 years. If you look at the last couple president s, President Trump spent almost the same thing that president obama did in eight years. When it comes to deficit spending it involves both democrats and republicans. Again, i say that because we have both hands together to address the issue. You have Discretionary Spending and then you have the stuff on automatic. I would say that the Fastest Growing area has to be the area dealing with the automatic spending. So we have to do something about that. Anytime you talk about Social Security, medicare, Veterans Benefits things like that people will say no you cant touch that but you have to look at where the spending is increasing if it is so automatic that we have to look at it. As a democrat i will say this we have to figure out how we address that otherwise the whole budget will be on this. Talking about deficit spending, we have to produce that. We have to reduce that because otherwise we are paying 350 billion in interest with every year. If we dont do something about it its going to continue. The discretionary funding has increased but not as much as the mandatory and and were leaving this program here to keep over our 40year commitment to live coverage of congress. The house is being to gavel about to gavel in for legislative work. Theyll consider 32 bills. And theyll debate a rule on corporate merger filing fees and voting access for the disabled. Now live coverage of the house here on cspan

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