Transcripts For CSPAN Washington Journal Reaction To Congres

Transcripts For CSPAN Washington Journal Reaction To Congressional Baseball Shooting 20170614

practiced at that field for years. the shooting took place and we are told steve scalise was injured in that shooting. he was hit in the hip. it is noted he is at medstar hospital in washington, d.c. undergoing surgery for that would. -- that wound. we also have reports of an aide being shot, and the gunman was also shot. alexandria police stating that the shooter is in custody, and this is considered a closed crime scene. reports of up to 50 some rounds being fired and taking as long as 10 minutes in that attack on a baseball practice happening this morning. it was before the congressional baseball game where members of congress come together to play each other. it is a democratic team versus a republican team that has been going -- and that game tradition has been going on for decades. these members of congress practice for weeks leading up to the game. this was one of the last practices before the game was set to take place. and now, this shooting has taken place. we want to hear your thoughts and reactions this morning. our phone lines are open. 202-748-8000 for democrats. 202-748-8001 for republicans. independents, 202-748-8002. we want to bring you the latest from the white house. statements onp's what happened. developersare of the in virginia. we are monitoring the development. we are deeply saddened by this tragedy. our thoughts and prayers are with the members of congress, their staff, capitol police, first responders, and all others affected." we will continue keep you ofated in this final hour "washington journal." dave is up first from alaska on the line for independents. i am located in the farthest north town in the united states in alaska. first off, my condolences to the victims of this tragedy this morning. it is something that i do not think anybody wants to see, and i hope it does not happen anymore. i hope this is not a trend we're going to have continue in this country. is, i want to comment on during the campaign of last year, i remember candidate trump mentioning that maybe somebody should exercise their second amendment rights on hillary clinton. i do not think that was a very good thing to say, and that could possibly lead people to think we should use violence to settle our differences. so, that is what i wanted to say about that. host: jason from san diego, california. caller: good morning. this is jason. calling lot of people about the things that president trump has done. what he has done is rollback all of resident obama's executive orders. thatn particular was people, who are known to be mentally challenged and receiving any type of money from the government, cannot buy a gu n. rolled that back and said that mentally challenged people can go out and buy a gun just like anyone else. the 10 essential parts of the affordable care act, one of them -- giving treatment for mental conditions. they are taking that out. when trump says he is making america safe, he is doing just the opposite. he is letting crazy people go out and buy guns. his: the president tweeting reaction this morning. we read you his reaction. indiana, hee of said, "a true friend and patriot was badly injured but will fully recover. our thoughts and prayers are with him." that coming from the president's twitter. jack now in california. go ahead. caller: i was listening to all the people calling in about the need to give donald trump a chance, and i do agree with that. they are staying with you to , butthe hate and all this people seem to forget that when you give someone a chance, it was donald trump himself, the first time that barack obama was voted in, he was out there with the birth certificate thing. none of that had anything to do with barack obama's views on politics or policies. birther stuff that donald trump was doing to make america hate again did not have anything to do with politics. it only had to do with the fact --t resident obama was black president obama was black. it would not have happened and never has happened for a white president. so asking for president trump to be given a chance, he did not give president obama a chance. do not come to me and tell me it because ity street, is not. the donald trump supporters, it is all these people talking about making america great again, but it is making america hate again. when a country became divided along racial lines, it also obamad when president became president. it had nothing to do with politics. it had everything to do with him being a black man living in the white house. host: we got your point, jack. we are taking your calls this morning about the shooting that happened between 7:15 and 7:30 this morning. you are getting a live look at that baseball field in alexandria, virginia. that is in the delray neighborhood of alexandria, junior. that is the field -- alexandria, virginia. that is a field that the republican supple team has used for years -- softball team has used for years to prepare for the congressional softball game that raises money for a good cause. we are getting your reaction this morning after that shooting. we also want to bring in a senior staff writer rum the hill newspaper to give us the facts of this morning. walk us through them right now. >> thank you for having me. know steve scalise of louisiana was shot and injured in a shooting that took place at this congressional baseball practice this morning in alexandria, virginia just outside of washington, d.c. they were gearing up for a congressional charity game, a bipartisan game. it is one of those rare type partisan events that members of congress participate in every year. it was slated to take place on thursday at nationals' park. it is unclear now if the game will move forward. more important, steve scalise has been elected to a local hospital in alexandria, virginia. there were other people injured in the shooting according to reports i saw on cable tv from eyewitnesses. oft includes some members the capitol police personnel. in fact, capitol police just emailed out a statement to members of congress and chiefs of staff in the capital. they said that the capitol police is investigating a shooting that took place off capitol grounds. the incident involved a member of congress. out of an abundance of caution, capitol police have deployed a robust police presence throughout the capitol complex. all buildings within the complex are open according to routine operations. emails according to an from capitol police that went out moments ago. host: are we hearing anything from members of congress this morning? been fairly people are still gathering information. this was an incident that occurred fairly early in the morning. this was the baseball practice officialrs before business gets going on capitol hill, so a lot of members are probably just arriving at the capital right now for their regular meetings and committee hearings. so, i have not spoken to any specific members of congress just yet. i do have a short list of members who were either confirmed there or lawmakers said were there. people at the congressional baseball practice. again, this was the republican team practicing even though the game is like partisan. members at the practice include brooks, rogero , johnms of texas moolenaar from michigan, and the two senators who have been giving interviews this morning. host: is there anything you can tell us at this point about the shooter? the alexandria police department confirmed he is in custody, and this is considered a closed crime scene at this point. what do we know about the shooter? >> what we know is that the shooter was walking around the baseball practice prior to the incident itself, talking to people who were participating in the practice. according to some reports, he was asking whether this was a republican or democratic baseball practice. the investigation is still ongoing, but if that is correct, it shows there was some targeting of certain members of congress in this incident. , there wererstand about 50 to 60 shots fired at a minimum in the exchange between the gun man and capitol police. capitol police would have been on scene in part because steve travels with a security detail. he would have had his security detail with him, what it is unclear if there were other -- with him, but it is unclear if there were other members of capitol police there as that was a lot of members gathered off-site. the shooter was taken down by capitol police after an exchange of heavy gunfire. , we are told that members died under the benches memebers dived under -- dived under the benches and took cover from the shooting. personnel was able to get to the scene and care for steve scalise. his wife was called and informed on what had happened to her husband. host: in a reaction from congressional leadership -- any reaction from congressional leadership? >> i have not seen a statement come across. i am getting some news right now e -- ioger williams' offic am sorry, from mark walker's office. he is slated to take the mound on thursday, and he is the star for the pitcher republican team. he is ok. the president of the united states did put out a statement saying that he and the vice president are aware of the situation. wishing alliously the folks involved in the shooting, including steve sending theirre thoughts and prayers. so, the president has been briefed by his team. host: the hill newspaper posting the democratic baseball team praying for their theblican colleagues after shooting this money. you can see that on the hill's twitter page. scott, thank you for joining us this morning. again, this is the live scene. you can see the continued police presence there at the baseball field in alexandria, virginia. it is about seven miles from washington, d.c. down the potomac river and the delray of alexandria. and that is where the shooting took place. we are told about 50 rounds of gunfire were exchanged this morning. we are taking your calls and getting your reactions until the in of our program this morning. next caller, go ahead. caller: good morning. i just called, because i quickly want to comment on the previous man. i would encourage him to listen to what his own brother said. msnbc talkd cnn and about how they are frightened that trump supporters could turn violent on journalists. i will say this over and over again, because they were not very encouraging of this administration. ironically, this morning, we see republicans targeted on the baseball field. targetedt journalists by trump supporters. it was republicans targeted by some man we do not know on a baseball field. on top of that, i watched everyone talk about jeff sessions stonewalling yesterday in his hearing. i have gone and watched. go watch the congressional hearing. the things that happened in the obama administration, it is mind blowing. that is where i will leave it. i do not believe the media. i go watch the hearing and believe what people say. host: suzy is in indiana this morning. good morning. caller: good morning. as much as this is a tragedy, and hope things -- it happens over and over again. i hope the gop takes a long look at what happened. hopefully, they can supplies with gabby giffords and the parents of newtown. hopefully, this man was not on a no-fly list. hopefully, he was not mentally ill. of thehey can get out back pocket of the nra and finally do something on gun control. a tragedy, its is is not going to end with the shooting. it is going to keep happening. host: you think they have not supervised when it comes to those incidents? caller: no. i have heard several of them said that they thought the whole newtown thing was a fake and that the parents were actors. host: you heard it members of congress say that? caller: members of the hannity show on fox news have said they thought it was a hoax. like -- they do not like something against them, it is a hoax and thickness. if it is favorable, then it is true. i am so sick of this, but i am more sick of the shootings and people getting killed and us not doing anything about gun control. thank you. ont: mark is in pennsylvania the line for republicans. good morning. caller: good morning. i am so upset about this shooting. democrats have been calling in and being completely on some pathetic to what has happened. you see it time after time over the past six months. in theerals writhing , and we have the democrats in congress spewing hatred, calling the president a liar and in collusion with the russians. even the ex-president did not come out to speak about this violence industry -- in the streets. it amazes me that there is no democrats coming out saying we need to call this down. they are the ones accusing him of all this stuff and calling him a liar. what do they expect people to do? our country is at a breaking point, and this is just an accumulation that democrats in the liberal media have been spewing for the last six months. host: did you have a chance to listen to congressman done by or before this segment? caller: i did. interested ine being reelected than helping the country move forward. guy, what,ike a nice to be honest with you, he needs to step up and say this needs to stop. he needs to stop with his desktop with his constituents and people he works with -- he needs to talk with his constituents and colleagues and say this needs to stop. no one is speaking up and saying we need to stop accusing people of lying, of saying things that are not true, of saying things like it is ok to go into the streets and riot. one democratard sink that what they are doing in the street is wrong. they are trying to shut down free speech, and they do not say a word about it. democrats need to get up on their game. it is ridiculous what they are doing to this country. host: former congresswoman gabby victim of anormer act of shooting in tucson, arizona. is tweeted out, "my heart with my former colleagues, their families, staff, and the u.s. capitol police. they are public servants and heroes today and everyday." mike on the republican line. good morning. caller: hello. how are you? host: doing all right. caller: on this particular itue, this is a tragedy, but is caused by extremism on both sides of the political spectrum. currently, the democrats are very bad news. the average democrat has to stop , justg to the far left like how the average republican should not listen to the far right. my other point is that there are millions of people in this country who are living with this kind of violence every day. it seems like we just accept it in our inner cities and so on. so, i do not think that should be acceptable. that is all i have to say. host: have you change that, mike? caller: i have no idea. i really do not. i think the people should stop normal life.s as that is all. it is unacceptable. , mean, in chicago last weekend 42 people were shot. this is an everyday occurrence for millions and millions of mostly poor people in this country, and i do not think it should be acceptable. that is all. host: our next caller on the line from indianapolis, indiana. go ahead. , with: my comment is that the health care bill and everything that the republicans ie pushing issues way out -- am a middle class and make a pretty good living, but those who do not are in situations where you give them no regard. this goes for democrats also. if the house does not come together and start doing what is right by the people, then the people are going to rebel because they have nothing else to do. we need to come together as a nation and do what is right by the people. right,health care is then why would congress not have the same health care as the people? we need to not just think about ourselves. most of the people in congress live in gated communities, and it will eventually take the people not having anything for them to start invading the gated communities. i just hope the world comes together. thank you. host: the washington post with some reactions from members of congress this morning. nunes told thein post that capitol police officers walked into the congressional gym around 7:30 this morning and told members about the shooting. they told him that steve scully's had been shot. said thatn millbrook .he shots were fired by a rifle it was about 50 or more shots. and that includes steve scully c. he was not hit. -- includes steve scully's. he was not -- steve scalise. he was not shot. was shouting from second base that he had been hit. the active shooter was still there. brooks said scully's crawled out of the outfield leaving a trail of blood. he was given liquids, and pressure was put on his wins. this is the life -- on his w ounds. this is a live image of the scene. cody is next on the phone. good money. caller: good morning -- good morning. caller: good morning. my thoughts and prayers go out to the people involved and their families this morning. people this morning are talking about how this could be the democrats or republicans. we are supposed to be discussing our reactions to this event. i just think it is horrible what happened. i do not understand why we want to tighten the blame on individual political parties. at the end of the day, people almost lost their lives on that field. the only way to go about making the situation not happen again is by working together to make sure there are checks on things like guns. we do not need to be getting up and saying, "oh, this could be that,mocrats," or saying "this seems mighty odd." host: how to become together? we, too ga -- do we come together? caller: the first step is listening to one another. immediately,icans, are turned off to the idea of listening to someone from the global -- from the opposing side of the political spectrum. sometimes, there are liberals who just say that conservatives are this, this, and this. they want to take money for the rich, they want to destroy the middle class. and then, conservatives are saying things about liberals that are not necessarily true. they are not necessarily listening to the other's political views. when this country was formed, our founding fathers do not even want political parties, because they knew that it would create debate, controversy, tension between two sides of the nation, and that would lead to destruction. if you think about the civil war , a ram lakin said that a house divided cannot stand. -- abrahamng that lincoln said that a house divided cannot stand. we are seeing that now. the first step is to listen to one another. host: next caller on the line. republican. go ahead. caller: i am a longtime republican and nra member. i am 54 years old. i had my first rifle by the time i was 13 years old. i saved up and bought my own shotgun. i spent most of my life in detroit, michigan. never in my life have i been in any trouble concerning firearms. gun control does not work if you look at the facts. of the mostat any restrictive gun control states, and the crime on the streets -- the criminals are better armed than law enforcement. gun control laws only affect the law-abiding. terminals do not care. the -- criminals do not care. they break the laws for a living. if you look at what president obama did with mexico, selling them guns come up so our american police were shot right guns sold by crooked obama and crooked hillary. he gave a boat load of money to iran. he pardons more prisoners in the last seven or eight prisoners combined. it is insane. every gun i have ever bought, you go through a criminal background check. i haveigan and wherever lived, you have to go through a criminal background check. host: an update from the alexandria police department. they are saying that chief michael brown updated the media. five were transported to local hospitals including the suspect. they will not identify the victims or suspects right now. many news outlets and members of congress themselves are saying that majority with steve scalise steve scaliseip is one of those injured on the baseball field in alexandria, virginia. you are looking from east to west at the scene. there is a coffee shop across the street there. there is a ymca to the south, and you see a large playground on the park grounds. by theld is owned alexandria tighten -- titans a small team. it is the field where the republican members of congress have practiced for years ahead of that annual bipartisan congress baseball game for charity in d.c.. back to getting your calls this morning. next caller from tennessee. good morning. caller: one of the reasons that i think that president trump is in office is because of the disconnect that washington has with the regular guys here in america. making your congressman a comment about 40 hour week/ . the regular guy is not working 40 hour weeks. baseball out playing this morning. i heard you say it is a charity game, but in my job i have to go to work. i do not get to play baseball during my job hours. if i play baseball, it is after my work hours. to hear them try and make those two things go together -- host: to give you more information, this is a caught -- this is a practice that c-span brought our cameras to last year. this is an annual event. they get up very early in the morning for this congressional baseball practice in the days leading up to the game to practice before congress gavels in on those days. it is an event that has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for charity over the years. we can pull up more information year's game for caller: again, the disconnect. i get up early and i go to work. i do not have a summer or winter recess. there is a disconnect between the regular, working guy who has to get up five days a week and go to work. we do not have the same business that they have. if you was to talk to his constituents, i would be interested to hear what percentage work in 40 hour week and are able to support their family. illinois on the line for democrats. good morning. caller: good morning. first, i want to send out my prayers to all affected this morning by the shooting. there is a terrible disconnect between washington and the regular folk. i'm not sure what needs to be done, but maybe we need to elect new leaders. thank you for taking my call. host: abc seven news this morning tweeting that the george washington hospital confirming they had to people in critical condition -- they have two people incredible condition related to the shooting that happened in alexandria virginia this morning. florida onakeland, the line for republicans. go ahead. caller: your last two callers seem to indicate that the disconnect is from republicans. this is why president trump was elected. democrats yet have a clue on what is going on. as far as the shooting this morning, it is clear that the targets were republicans. that is why the guy shot them. .hey hate has to stop you tune into some of these , and allles like msnbc they do is sit there and preaching hate and laughing about trump. that has to stop. get together with the republicans, and let's get this country moving. for: jeffrey on the line independents. go ahead. caller: good morning. god bless america. i hear all these people talking about democrats and how we are sickening violence or whatever. i am not hearing a word about how trump treated people on his campaign. making fun of a disabled person, talking about women the way that he did, the people getting beat up at his campaigns. where were all these people then? they cannot blame that on obama. i am so tired of hearing that. every thing comes back to the democrats from before. this is unprecedented. i've never heard people bellyache about someone else when they have so much problems of their own. host: majority leader of the house, kevin mccarthy of california, tweeting out his thoughts this morning. it little while ago saying, "judy and i are praying for our friends this morning who were wounded. this is a tragic moment for their friends come a family, and loved ones. we pray for full recovery as we know we have witnessed again incredible bravery from the capitol police." a capitol police officer is reportedly one of those injured in the shooting this morning. michelle from new york city on the line for democrats. go ahead. caller: good morning. i am so glad to be on. i think we need it to start at the top. we have a president who is not being kind to democrats. why are republicans calling in and saying they need to get it together. it starts at the top it it started at the top when obama was the president, and it starts at the top with trump. he needs to stop doing the same things with his presidency that he did while he was campaigning. if we are going to pull together, it starts from the top. from alabama on the line for republicans. good morning. caller: thank you for letting me speak. this early this morning. this has to stop. though when you have the black footed --hooded smashing, fascists, windows. you have people portraying trump as julius caesar at a public center in new york city and stabbing him to death. this professional woman holding trump's head up as he was beheaded. you have this slutty representative in new york who vilefile profanity -- profanity at new york university. host: hold off on the name-calling please. make your point. caller: this is nothing but democrats hatred. host: next caller. the money. caller: -- good morning. caller: i am hearing a lot about gun control but not criminal control. if we ban guns, we will have to knifes, or any other device that people can use to kill with.we would not have much ban after that. gun control is not the answer, criminal control is. thank you. host: a statement this morning saying that a congressional baseball practice where steve -- there was a shooting at a congressional baseball practice this morning where steve scalise was. we ask that you keep the whip and others harmed in this incident in your prayers. updated further as we learn information. that statement coming from steve scalise's office. mo brooks with a tweet this morning, "praying for those thered this morning at practice. i'm especially thankful to the capitol police who risked their lives to save us." we are taking your calls and reactions this morning after the shooting in alexandria, virginia. from west tostill east looking across the baseball field where the shooting happened. to the right of that seen in the picture, there is a playground. it, and a ymca behind there is a coffee shop behind the shop there. several soccer fields that aree our film -- filled with soccer players in the afternoons and evenings. we have received reports that there were as many as 50 or more shots fired this morning as part of that shooting. fox news reporting this morning may have askedr whether it was a republican or democratic member of congress practice before coming back in conducting the shooting. richard in massachusetts on the line for democrats. go ahead. caller: thank you. thank you for taking my call. i want to make a few comments. i am not surprised by this happening. i do not believe it has anything to do with political parties. i think this was just part of the violence, unsettled culture we live in today. we have more guns than people. is close with the republican party, and they are making a lot of decisions in regards to gun control. any study that i can recall i have a guns -- if gun and you have a gun, it makes the odds of getting killed twice as great. guns do not solve anything. they just make matters worse. gabrielle giffords was shot down in tucson, and that was a real, real tragedy. so far in this incident, there have been no fatalities, and god willing there will not be. began, ithis hatred believe, and the instability in society began using go when conservative right wing radio put on rush limbaugh and the rest of that crowd. they keep talking about the liberals and the left. i watch and this -- i watch nbc and cnn. i do not know what they are talking about. host: would you say to those collars who call in -- those callers who call in and say essentially the same thing but blame the hateful rhetoric on the left. what would you say to a caller almost two minutes ago who had the same comment but from the other side? caller: i will tell you, i have an open mind about this stuff. i have followed politics for years now. a lot of these folks on the onht have a very narrow view politics in america. especially the christian right, the pat robinson crowd. i do not know how we are going to bring us together. i do not see it happening in the near future. -- hatred in the animosity the hatred and the animosity, the lack of understanding is unprecedented. put on the dial on the radio, you will hear hate on the right wing radio from one end of the spectrum to the other. host: we got your point richard. beverly is next on the line for republicans. go ahead. there?, are you caller: yes. i think that the democrats were behind it. host: behind what? caller: behind that shooting. republicanswant the to do good, so they are trying to kill them. host: ok, that was beverly from louisville, kentucky. next caller from missouri. go ahead. caller: good morning. i have one thing to say and it is pretty caustic. i'm sure we are very shortly tearsto hear a crocodile flowing from a certain group in d.c. who has been really on the warpath since the day that trump was elected. i do not like trump either, but i have to say there has been a concentrated, consistent attack going on. after the shooting today, we are going to start hearing the crocodile feet -- tears start flowing. i feel that very sincerely. that is my comment, sir. host: next caller from wallace, carolina. good morning. caller: good morning. say, i dost like to not even know how trump -- i cannot even called him president -- i do not know how he got into the white house in the first place. women, he talked about disabled people. until they get him out of this -- everyone knows they are lying. they will not answer the questions. trump is a crook. i do not know how he got into the white house. until they get him out, this is not going to stop. they are paying too much money investigating this and that. it is costing taxpayers money. woman of aowed retired veteran, and i can barely pay my bills. we are spending all this money and everybody is lying. host: mike from florida. the do you think of shooting that happened this morning at the congressional baseball practice? caller: i am just calling to say that i am tired of hearing both democrats and republicans -- this is a done issue. every day on the local news, there are several shootings every single day. this shooting is no different from those. we need to control automatic long rifles. there needs to be a control on them. thank you. host: more from congressman mo brooks of alabama, a member of the republican team practicing at the field when the shooting happened. more from him recounting the this morning at about 7:15. he noted in the hill new story hid in a batting cage, and then he ran to the dugout for cover. there, he found a group of congressman and staffers tending to a staffer with a gunshot wound to the leg. i do not remove or who applied rnicit.kic get -- the tu the shooter eventually started circling around the third base. i was down on the ground helping the guy with a bullet wound to his leg. my understanding is that it was then that our security detail to can down. once we were all clear, we ran to steve scalise who was down by the second baseline. we start getting him some liquid, and we put pressure on the wound to his hip. physiciany, we had a with us and he started doing what you need to do to minimize blood loss. we are taking more of your calls this morning. steve scalise is now in stable condition at a local hospital. next caller on the line for republicans. go ahead. caller: i enjoy watching your show on c-span, because you get to hear a difference of opinion. i was listening to a man not too long ago said he has an open mind, but he turned around and said it was all the right and rush limbaugh's fault. to -- theomes down left has been burning towns and shutting down free speech. how can you have an open mind and listen to others when you shut them down? when you do not listen to the other side? i do not blame nancy pelosi for this. she is not grandstanding and calling trump a traitor. i did not support him in the republican primaries, but i did eventually vote for the guy. i think he's doing a better job than presidents over the past couple of years. this comes down to people being angry on both sides. withannot have dialogue people are on one side or the other. jeff sessions do not want to answer some of the questions yesterday, and they turned around and said that the guy is doing everything he can to obstruct. the two armed officers that were there, the security detail they're kept many more people from being assassinated. -- detail cap many more people from being assassinated -- detail kept many more people from being assassinated. if you look at great britain, they are now looking at trying to arm the police. if you look at the orlando shooting, if one of them had a firearm, that man with have been able to kill as many people. your point. the house is coming in at 10:00. they are expected to gavel in and go into recess immediately. we will take you to the house when that happens. in the meantime, we will continue to show you some of the reaction happening on capitol hill and commerce. this is dianne feinstein. out to thoses affected this morning and their families. this kind of mindless violence must stop. i'm dedicated to doing all that i can to stop these tragedies." next caller, tom. go ahead. caller: hello. i love c-span. these republicans are just slinging hatred, and that is what started. it is on their ballpark, their field. they are the ones causing this hate. i see it everywhere. until we get trump out of there, it is going to get worse. host: you think more members are at risk? we lost tom. next caller, christine from new hampshire. go ahead. caller: hello. i just want to wish steve scalise a speedy recovery. i want to say to that -- to say too that people talk about loyalty very differently. they are making loyalty now sound like a crime. everybody should expect loyalty from their fellow americans and resident. i think our big -- and president. i think our big issue is with that. as far as jeff sessions yesterday, i think he did very well. he's confident -- his conversations with the president, i would be concerned if someone came into my house and listened to all of my conversations with friends, too. there really hurting from top down to the bottom. i do not even know the gentleman , but i support him fully, because i think he's on the right track. i think we need a businessman there. host: the house is going to gavel in a moment or so. what you are seeing now is a block east of the baseball field. you can still see the heavy police presence there. a church on the corner which often does blessings of pets, animals, and there is a large community presence there. the house is about to come in. but see if we can get in dave waiting in new york. good morning. caller: good morning. i appreciate what you are doing. i just want to say, let's not jump to any conclusions here. kind of like what happened with ferguson. host: dave, we appreciate that. viewers nowg our live to the house floor. order. the chair lays before the house a communication from the speaker. the clerk: the speaker's rooms, washington, d.c. june 14, 2017. i hereby appoint the honorable george holding to act as speaker pro tempore on this day. signed, paul d. ryan, speaker of the house of representatives. the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to clause 12 section a of rule 1, the chair declares the house in recess until noon today. in a statement from his office already out this morning. we're taking your calls in the wake of this shooting. others that have been reported shot in this incident include capitol police officers or one or perhaps two police officers, according to reports. and staffers as well including the gunman also reported to have been injured in that shooting and in police custody. the alexandria police department saying that the scene has been secure, the shooter is in custody. getting your thoughts in the wake of that attack. ronald is in florida. line for democrats. go ahead. caller: first off, my players go out to the people that got injured this morning that was shot. nobody deserves to be shot. whether or not they're democrat or republican. but i want to say when you have a leader that comes on when he's running for president, he states he can get in the middle of fifth avenue and shoot someone and that's what happened to him, then you get a caller that gets on a couple calls back and states, well, the democrats is the reason for that to happen and he probably has five or six guns in his house, these are the people you have to look out for. this is not going to get any better. it's going to get worse. but when you m

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