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Over the past 38 years at the nadh, i have had the enormous privilege of serving under and advising seven president of the United States beginning with president Ronald Reagan on Infectious Diseases and threats including hivaids, west nile virus, the anthrax attacks, endemic influenza, ebola and zika among others and course, most recently, the covid19 pandemic. I am particularly proud to have served to president joe biden. While i am moving on from my current position, i am not retiring. After more than 50 years of Government Service, i plan to pursue the next phase of my career while i still have so much energy and passion for my field. That is a statement yesterday from dr. Fauci. We want to ask your thoughts on the Doctors Service to the country over the course of 50 years. 202 7488001 for republicans. Democrats 202 7488000. And independents 202 7488002. On msnbc last night, dr. Fauci participated in an interview and talked about the lessons he learned while dealing with covid. [video clip] in some respects, the situation has eroded, and i think it has in the sense of neglecting of the capabilities of the local Public Health officials. Because if you want to respond to an emerging infection, you do need leadership from above. You need Central Support from the government. But at the local level, you also have to have the kind of resources that will allow you to respond. What we learned, and i hope were still learning, a very important lesson from covid, that you never, ever underestimate an emerging infection in which you do not know where it is going, because we have been fooled before. We did not fully appreciate the magnitude of hiv in the early 1980s when i first got involved in the first kisses were recognized, and so many things and the first cases were recognized, and so many things were learned on the run with covid. As the months went by, some things we thought in the beginning turned out to not be the case which forced us to adapt and change some policies and recommendations. That was interpreted by many as flipflopping or not really knowing what is going on, but it really was the evolution of the science. So one of the lessons that i hope we learn is that we have got to be prepared, have got to be able to respond, but we have also got to be flexible. Some military colleagues have told us it is kind of like when you are at a war, you can plan what you are going to do, but when the bullets go off and the cannons start firing, then it becomes the fog of war, and you have to be flexible enough to respond. Host that is dr. Fauci in that msnbc interview from yesterday. Alan starts us off from brooklyn, new york, democrat line. Go ahead. Caller first of all, it is an honor to be speaking with dr. Fauci in any capacity or reason for what he has done for our country. To broaden the scope of the topic, the assault on truth he seems to have been facing during the entire time he was trying to save american lives by using his expertise to address the recent pandemic. I see an analogy between the denial of truth of the science that he has been making available to the public and the denial of truth about democracy in general. Many people disparaging the integrity or truth of elections or election officials. I am just wondering if he has any comment on the idea that there is an analogy between this kind of disparagement of fundamental processes in the country, health and elections, and food libel laws from the late 1980s. Host back to dr. Fauci, what do you think will be the contribution he has made . Caller i think that he has, by his example of total integrity and honesty in attempting to speak based upon evidence and not upon any kind of bias or opinion, he has host oh, that was the first caller from illinois from brooklyn. This is carla from wayne city, illinois, republican line. Caller yeah, i think dr. Fauci is a coward. He does not want to face the music from congress. I believe that he knew about the coronavirus and do not think he helped the American People any. He cost a lot of grief and anguish. And people were shut in, wearing masks, getting boosted, and none of the stuff worked. So i am glad he is retiring, but i would rather see him face the music. Host stephanie is next from new york, democrats line. Caller good morning. The previous caller said not so good things about dr. Fauci. If it wasnt for dr. Fauci i am an africanamerican woman, and if it was not for him and the biden administration, a lot of us black americans would be dead. Trump had made it very political. When they found out that it was affecting the Africanamerican Community more in the hispanic and Asian Community more than the white community, he just did not care about it. That is when he made it political. That is when they started talking so bad against found she fauci. Fauci is a hero and always will be. So those who talk bad about him, that is ok, because Everybody Knows what dr. Fauci has done for this country. Host that is stephanie in new york. Several opinions looking at the doctors influence over various Infectious Diseases over his career, covid being the most notable and most visible over the past few years. You can call and comment. 202 7488001 for republicans. Democrats 202 7488000. Independents 202 7488002. On capitol hill, several members of congress responding to the retirement announcement, republican and democratic alike. This is representative andy biggs of arizona, sing dr. Faucis guidance lead to unemployment, child abuse, drug abuse, suicide rate increases, closures of schools and churches, jacobian and antiscience mandates. Another representative from the Oversight Committee saying we need to know if dr. Fauci can steal anything from Government Officials to shield relationships with the alliance in regards to research and oversight. Senator rand paul also commenting on this. You may remember that he and doc served ouchi that she and dr. Fauci sparred several times in the hearings on capitol hill. His tweet saying that dr. Faucis resignation will not prevent and investigation into the origins of the pandemic and he will be asked to testify under oath concerning the lab leak. It was in one of those discussions that dr. Fauci and senator paul had exchanges. This is a portion from the Senate Health committee from earlier this year. Dr. Fauci responding to rand paul, the senator. Here is a little of that. [video clip] the anger that has developed with you, dr. Fauci, as you do not want to give us advice, you want to tell us what to do. You think you are the science, and anybody response to you how dare you . How dare you could incise science . As if you somehow are science. That kind of arrogance, that hubris, that is why the anger is coming toward you. If you were one doctor among hundreds and the government they gave advice, people might not object your advice if there was not such a degree of anger. But you are not willing to hear anyone else. Three epidemiologists, and you are not even one, but three prominent epidemiologists, oxford, stanford, and harvard, you maligned them. You spoke openly with dr. Collins, and you went after them and said you would do a public takedown, not in science or nature but in the nation, a leftwing publication. You wonder why there is so much anger . You are not an objective scientist. You lost that long ago. So many of the things that people want, they want to know why you are forcing their children to be vaccinated when 95 of people at risk have been vaccinated. Over 95 of people over 65, huge, voluntary success, but you will not rest until you force every child to get this. So yes, there is a great deal of satisfaction with you and many people want you to go. Senator paul, your time is expired. I will allow senator faucher to respond. Thank you very much dr. Fauci. [laughter] thank you dr. Murray. [laughter] no, no. First of all, senator, at a hearing such as this where there are almost 900,000 people in this country that have died from this outbreak, you have chosen to do personal attacks on the they go back to multiple hearings. Again, just for the record, for people to check, i have never said take people down in that email. It was an email sent to me again you agreed with dr. Collins in the email. Senator paul, this is my time. You personally attacked me, and the things you do are incorrect and proven incorrect. You publicly accused me at a hearing of being responsible for the deaths of 5 million people, when there is not a single, single shred of evidence that anything that was done with the nih had anything to do with covid19. You talk about things like game to function dr. Fauci, i am going to let you respond, but i think you have responded i appreciate the time. Thank you very much, madam chair. I just want to say i am actually stunned by the amount of misinformation. The only thing i have ever done, and this will take 20 seconds, if you look at the things i have said, they have been to support the recommendations of the cdc, of their advisory committees, and of the fda. I have told people that it is important to get vaccinated, get boosted, to wear a mask, and to be prudent. That is the only thing i have said. I have not dictated anything that is only a monolith with me. It is always Public Health practices. Anybody goes back over any record of me, they know that. Host you can see that hearing on our website at cspan. Org. Senator dick durbin, democrat from illinois, saying dr. Fauci has devoted his career and life to improving Public Health. He has said kelly lie she has saved countless lives in the u. S. And around the world, a brilliant scientific mind. Thank you, dr. Fauci, you will be missed. President biden saying, because of dr. Faucis many contributions to Public Health, lives in the United States and around the world have been saved. As he leaves his position in the u. S. Government, i know the American People and world will benefit from dr. Faucis expertise from whatever he does next. He has touched all americans about real lives from his work. I thank him for his service. America is stronger and healthier because of him. Next, annandale, virginia, line for democrats. Caller i am glad you played that, dr. Fauci just saying that about his support with the masks and vaccines. Dr. Fauci is a great man, a hero. He wanted nothing but the best for people. Host that is nick in virginia. Lets hear from steve in san jose, california, republican line. Caller one thing is for sure, dr. Faucis epitaph will not take place until he testifies in front of congress. That will be determined by the amount of times that he takes the fifth and refuses to answer. There are many questions involving dr. Fauci. Chief among them is, it is a wellknown fact that china is our enemy. China is killing americans directly by the shipment of fit no fentanyl. Why in hell would he give money to a research facility, and we know that this is true, not directly but through the nec, why would he give money to our enemies for purposes that could be used to harm us . Biologically, why . Like i said, is epitaph will not be realized and fulfilled until he testifies. He has been extremely, extremely evasive up until now. And i hope ron paul is on the committee that puts the questions to him. Host you mean rand paul. Caller rand paul, right. Host gotcha. Lets hear from christine in west virginia, democrats line. Hi. Caller hello. I was just going to say that dr. Fauci has done a great job telling us about the coronavirus when it first came. Trump did not take this serious. He called it a democratic hoax. He did not take it serious. Republicans have to have a fall guy no matter what. They have to have a fall guy to say it is dr. Fauci who brought the coronavirus here. That is why they are blaming dr. Fauci. That is the what the shame, just like the fbi host how do you think dr. Fauci contributed to the whole thing over these years . Caller from the time that he started with reagan . Host particularly for covid. Caller covid, well, he helped trying to tell the Trump Administration to take it serious, to get us to wear masks, which did help, really did help us. When they did get the vaccination and the booster i have taken mine, and i might have gotten it, sure, they said we would get it, but we would not have it as bad, and we didnt. My family had it, and we did not have to go to the hospital. We was fine. They keep saying it is just like the flu, but it was worse than the flu. That is what trump told us. And he knew what it was. That is what the republicans are doing. They want a fall guy, they are blaming dr. Fauci. Host the editors of the wall street journal with the headline, dr. Fauci and the rule of expert. They write, he and other Public Health experts use their authority to lobby for broad economic lockdowns that we know now are far more destructive than they needed to be. He also lobbied for mask and Vaccine Mandates that were far less effective than his assertions to the public. Dr. Faucis influence was all the greater because he had an echo chamber and the press corps and among public elite. A flagrant example of dr. Faucis refusal to even consider the noble coronavirus had originated in a lab at the wuhan extent to of verlin g in China Wuhan Institute of virology in china. More on this editorial from the wall street journal, which you can find online. Denver, colorado, we will hear from sue on the democrats line. Caller i am a retired registered nurse. I thought you were going to announce again that he was retiring, but i heard it a few months ago also. Host he made it official yesterday to retire in december. Caller i missed your phone number but finally got it off the internet. Anyway, i met dr. Fauci back in 1982 or 1983 in new york. What had happened was the california hiv aids patient, a young man coming in with infections only immune suppressed people are supposed to get. It was a hematology clinic at new york hospital, and he came to visit us because i began with globulin being studied for other things, and we were going to make an attempt to try it out on this young men who were having these diseases that they were not supposed to be having at their age. So we tried it and it did not work. But having met him so long ago and followed his career, i have to tell you, that man is so dedicated that anybody saying that he is not justice and thinking right. And i do realize that these epidemics and stuff evolve, and that is kind of what was happening back then in 1982 or 1983. Nobody knew exactly what to do for these gentlemen, these young men, coming in with Infectious Diseases they should not be getting at their age. That is what i have to save it he is a nurse, i have bragged on him my entire life now to every nurse i know, and i know plenty of nurses. Host dr. Fauci has appeared in front of cameras many times over the course of his career, several times on this program, as well. If you are interested in hearing him on the various subjects he has addressed over his lifetime, go to our website, cspan. Org, and type in his name. You will see every appearance of his, whether it be on a hearing or on this program. The New York Post looks at his career. They talk about, as a pathbreaking researcher and Public Health administrator, he has been the worst enemy of deadly bugs and illinformed politicians. He worked with ebola, swine fluke, sars, covid. Long after dr. Fauci leaves Government Service in december, the know nothings will keep trying to score political points. Surviving truth over and over again, harnessing the power of medicine to save lives. The editors finish with, thanks, doc. We will hear from kendra, flint, michigan, republican line. Caller i am concerned about the issues with dr. Fauci. Our gall paying attention to what is going on in the networks with this . And i mean xfinity. Host can you clarify . Caller as in, yall have access to medical files and with that company and nobody seems to care about it. Host why do you think that is . Caller um, because you guys at the networks dont care about it. Host what makes you think we have access to it . Caller since covid, you guys have had access to medical data that you should not have access to. Host ok. Lets hear from mo in florida, independent line. Caller good morning. I want to say, generally, when the whole covid thing started, i was so thankful for Public Servants like dr. Fauci. I thought, what a tough spot to be in. You know, they should just be giving credit. But over the course of time, and i understand it is a very difficult situation, but i think dr. Fauci even said it himself and the responding to senator paul, when he kind of referred or blended policy and recommendation. And he kind of seemed to blur the not kind of, he really blurred the lines with that. Because a lot of his early recommendations, they were not given with any kind of uncertainty. I think it is pretty clear that, and dr. Byrd has come out lately and indicated the same, that they were giving Firm Recommendations without firm knowledge. There was way too much guesswork going on, and that came back to bite their credibility. And that is just the way this has played out. I think the wall street journal editorial you referred to spell that out. Secondarily, his involvement with the nih and the china lab and that sort of thing, while maybe that kind of experimentation at one time was considered important, it has become apparent that that type of research is dangerous. And he has not been forthcoming about the involvement of him and the agencies in that in those experimentations, that sort of thing. Those are my two main points. And that is what i wanted to add. Host mo in florida. The profile in the Washington Post admits that the way dr. Fauci has looked at covid, they write veteran science has acknowledged several missteps in the early weeks of the pandemic. Fauci and other government scientists said americans did not need to wear masks, which President Trump seized on towards the end of his presidency to criticize fauci. Fauci did not recognize early on that agitprop that a symptom attic people dr. Fauci could see he and other scientists were wrong about masks from the beginning. They did not see that it was effective in prevention of infection outside of hospitals. It became clear later that the virus was airborne. You can find it online. This is paul in kentucky, democrats line. You are next up. Paul in kentucky, hello. Caller good morning. What i wanted to yes, can you hear me . Host yes, go ahead. Caller hello . Host go ahead. Caller i was calling i am talking. Can you not hear me . Host you are listening to your television. Ignore that and go ahead and talk on the phone, please. Caller no. All right, im ready. [laughs] what i was calling about is i wanted to commend dr. Fauci for the years of service. I wanted to say that being a doctor and a medical administrator is one tough job, but especially for as many years. The other thing i want to say is, dr. Rand paul, he is an ophthalmologist. He is talking out of his hatch when he is talking about talking out of his hat when he is talking about knowing what a physician should be doing. I think we get a misconception. We have people like our previous president discussing medical policy when he needs to listen to those in the profession. Host ok, that is paul in kentucky. If you are online, viewers, mute your television so you do not listen to it while you should be talking to the phone and a delay does not happen. A congressman sing dr. Fauci saved countless lives and helped our nation navigate the most pressing Public Health crises. From one scientist to another, thank you, dr. Fauci. Members of congress posting announcements in light of the resignation announcement yesterday with dr. Fauci. In georgia, republican line, this is john. Hello. Caller yes, i heard of dr. Faucis resignation yesterday. I was recollecting the old western song, thank god and greyhound, he is gone. Thank you. Host what do you mean by that . John hung up. A couple posting off of our twitter feeds and other feeds, as well. Lynn from twitter saying i want to think dr. Fauci for his service and i hope he enjoys his retirement with his wife and family instead of worrying every day about being threatened by maga terrorists that i wish you the best. Catherine says faucis resignation will not prevent an investigation into the pandemic, he will be asked to testify under oath about discussions concerning the lab leak. Sue in new jersey singh prior to covid19, i did not know who dr. Fauci was. The pandemic thrusted him into the limelight. The experience leads me wondering why there was so controversy so much controversy and confusion surrounding covid19. Dana in st. Johns, michigan, republican line. Caller i just want to say, about dr. Fauci, he is a criminal. He is a murderer. He knew he was part of it, moneywise or what have you, in that wuhan lab in china. Not only that, this man is the highest Government Official in the government, 400,000 a year. Not only that, he should be arrested and charged. I have never had the shot. I do not have the shot. I have had corona three different times, and im healthy. It did not harm me. A a couple days like the flu, what have you. So it does harm some people if theyre compromised, yes. A lot of things will hurt someone who is compromised. It is unfortunate. However, it is scary, the world has changed ever since corona 19. The world has changed. We have people are afraid, people against each other. It is all because of this corona. It had a purpose that i believe was for world crowd control, just like a burning forest fire. Host why do you take that belief on . Caller by what i see and by what i hear from other people, how African Americans believe they were targeted from corona 19. The asians, too. I am not denouncing that, maybe so. I dont know. I know this though, it does affect the weak and compromised. If africanamericans are more compromise than whites or what have you, then that is what it is. My point is host what are you trying to make by the comparison . Caller the comparison is i dont believe that corona 19 is directly targeting africanamericans or asians. I believe that if you look at the overall numbers of africanamericans or asians or even whites, whomever, in areas that have poverty, they are not going to be as healthy as somebody else that has more going on than being healthy. Host we will continue on for the next halfhour. Republicans, 202 7488001. Democrats, 202 7488000. Independents, 202 7488002. Text us at 202 7488003. In the same interview that dr. Fauci appeared on msnbc yesterday, he talked about theories concerning covid19, how they impacted the Recovery Efforts and the efforts of the federal government. Here is a portion of that from yesterday. [video clip] having been the target of this really specific, really different attack, do you have insight into what we should do to protect Public Officials like yourself and to try to be more rational about the stuff in the country . You know, rachel, i wish i did have a positive, constructive answer for you, but i dont. I think you and i are talking about Public Health issues right now. But what has spilled over, and really in many respects impeded a proper response to a Public Health challenge, it is something we see has gone well beyond Public Health. It is a complete distortion of reality. I mean, a world where untruths have almost become normalized, how we can see something in front of our very eyes and deny it is happening. That is the environment we are living in. You can look at january 6 on tv, and you have some people who actually do not believe it happened. How could that possibly be . And it is now spilling over in denial about public else principles. So i wish i had an answer but i dont. I mean, i do have, because i have always been someone who is cautiously optimistic and always feeling that we will be able to extract the good out of people, and there are the possibility that we will see, as i say, the better angels in our society prevail. But what is going on out there now with the distortion of reality is very troublesome. And i do not have an answer for it right now, but it is certainly interfering with the proper approach to a Public Health challenge. Host our latest story, pfizer asking regulators to approve another covid shot. This is in the wall street journal this morning, u. S. Food and Drug Administration expected to clear the shot in the coming weeks, in time for a planned fall booster campaign, targeting the original coronavirus and sub variants of omicron, which have become predominant in the u. S. Pfizer and biontech said they could begin supplying the vaccine upon fda clearance for a Vaccination Campaign that could start as early as september. Dr. Fauci announcing his retirement in december. We are getting your thoughts on it and his work for federal government and various fights against Infectious Diseases. A call from ohio, republican line. Caller thanks, pedro, for taking my call. I want to go back to something a lot of democrats do not understand. In 2014, president obama ordered fauci to get out of wuhan and stop playing with that virus. Barack obama was deeply concerned with faucis fascination with a deadly virus, and he shut this whole project down. But apparently, obama failed to share his concerns with an incoming President Trump, because he went back to china as soon as obama had vacated the white house. Fauci is a criminal. Thank you. That is all i have. Host New York Post going back to october of last year, saying it is another fauci flood, national has admitted about research at the wuhan lab, despite dr. Fauci singh no such thing happen. In a letter to wednesday, top nih official blamed an Alliance Funding wuhan lab for not being transparent about the work it was doing. The nih Deputy Director said that limited experience tested whether spike proteins from natural occurring coronaviruses circulating in china were capable of binding to the human receptor in a mouse model. This is from october of last year. Robert in arkansas, democrats line come on dr. Fauci and his retirement. Caller yeah, i think dr. Fauci has done a good job when you go back to the last six presidency worked for, compared to the last one, everything he done, he was contradicted, saying it was a hoax, and you got people believing in that stuff. Jobs shutting down, people dying, and you have people calling here talking about fauci was a criminal, there is something wrong with the world for people to think Something Like that. One man that is a criminal, that is the former president. And everyone that worked for him had to do whatever he said. That is what i have to say. Host from washington state, republican line, we will hear from john. Hello. Caller hello, good morning. I just have one thing to say about fauci, he is a fake, a fraud. He is retiring so we can get some other fake and fraud in there. That is why he is retiring, to cover up his messy little details. Host you say he is a fake and a fraud paired what do you base that on . Caller he is a psychopath. He actually invented covid. Host what makes you believe that . Caller just all the stuff i hear. Ask rand paul. You dont want to listen to rand paul, but you want to listen to this clown. He has killed more people than hitlers, you know, so what can i say . Host that is john in washington state. Another related health story, when it comes to monkeypox, the hill reporting that monkeypox virus now has reached 50 states, according to the cdc. Wyoming reported a single case of the virus on monday, final state in the country to do so. Wyoming department of health said the case was from a male resident in laramie county, and representatives have followed up with the infection individual to deceive other residents have had direct contact with him. Wendy and michigan, clinton township, democrats line. Caller hey, pedro. How you doing . All these people are turning on dr. Fauci, when he told us to wear masks, get our vaccinations, get our boosters, i was first in line. As soon as he told us i was able to, i had nothing to say. As soon as they tell me i can get my third booster, i will be there for it. When they say all these other things, i mean, people, get real. I did not have any problems with the virus. I had the pfizer vaccine. No problems at all. Host why do you fundamentally trust dr. Fauci, however . Caller because he is a medical person. I mean, he has done all this. When he told us to get our vaccinations and everything, as soon as i was able to, i did. And i have had no problems. I am healthy and everything. So as soon as they tell us we can get these other boosters and stuff it does not cost us anything. I am going to get them. I am not going to fool around. I want to stay healthy. Host several people have talked about this gain of function research connected to dr. Fauci and nih. We have had a couple events in the last couple of months that we can share with you. It was on august 3 of this year that the senate looked at this hearing on Virus Research funding. That took place, and if you want to see that, you can go to our website. On this program, may 3 of this year, we had a reporter talking about the gain of function research, a researcher reporter from the federalist, so if you want to look at that and other things dr. Fauci has done over the course of his career, not only with covid but with hiv aids, ebola, zika, you can go to our website and search that. Marilyn is next in maryland, temple hills, we hear from bob, independent line. Caller i am glad to see him go. A lot of confusion that comes from him. And as far as taking the vaccine. To me, this is my only point, he is a profiteer off of this whole Health Episode or event that we had. You know, he just came out early this week to say take another booster. I never took a booster. I just caught covid memorial day weekend. Three days down, felt like the flu. That was it. But the other issue is that as an africanamerican, i feel like we will always live with this, because it was a targeted, cultural message. It is still out there. When they tell you it aint over, they specifically target my africanAmerican People, and we will never get past covid. We will always have to wear masks o some kindr of thing connected to covid19. Host other than that, the general public at large asked to wear masks . Caller when they tell you it aint over until it is over on urban radio, that is messaging to africanamericans. Host why do you believe that . Caller they are not telling the white people it aint over until it is over on the rock stations. Listen, you go to Prince Georges County and see how many children are made to take the booster and wear a mask. This thing is over. By the way, how does biden catch active at covid, and he was fully boosted . Catch back to back covid, and he was fully boosted . Host we will go to cliff, in line for democrats. Cliff in virgin islands, hello, democrats line. Caller good morning. How are you, pedro . Host well, thanks. Caller i think dr. Fauci is just a victim of social media. I loved cspan, but you guys are social media, as well. You have people calling in who have no idea what theyre talking about. You have people calling in making judgments on a doctor who has 35 years of experience. He has devoted his life to what he does. And people call in and are making judgments, they never went to medical school. They have no idea how to judge a doctor. They just make stuff up. They read stuff on the internet, and their calling him a kwak or incompetent or saying he was involved in wuhan, it is crazy. Host do you make judgments yourself on dr. Fauci . Caller no, i have listened to dr. Fauci and have respected him as a physician. I wish he was my physician. Host why do you put your trust in him . Caller his position at nih, you do not get into that position by calling into social media or putting photos on facebook. He went through training and practiced medicine for 35 plus years. He writes papers. He has been judged by his peers. When he writes a paper in a study, it has to go to people who know what it is about. It is peerreviewed. He is getting reviewed by these morons calling in. Host i will stop you there because people can call in to express wide variety of opinions. Our callin feature has been something we have been doing there since the beginning. I would parse those words on that. Lets hear from catherine in los angeles, republican line. Caller david good morning, thank you for taking my call. I understand how people heard about dr. Fauci during the covid thing, but hes a man whose single existence benefits humanity and will benefit humanity forever. With the commercials about africa for five dollars a month, it is an innovation dr. Fauci pioneered during his leadership to keep those kids life, all throughout the world. Sars, hiv, this case was a pioneer for all the advances we have. Host innovations such as what . Caller such as covid19, pedro. A brandnew nova virus. No one knew anything about it. In one year, we gotta vaccine and multiple forms of treatment. You have cancer, you have aids, 20 years. One year, he nailed it. It affected everybody, and we got it in a year. Nobody celebrates that. Nobody sits back and says, hey, fauci has done an amazing job, saved millions of people. This guy is awesome, pedro. Humanity will benefit from him because of his work. I understand how critical people are of covid19. Host do you think he has been flawless the whole time, especially during covid . Caller no, no. I am saying we need to celebrate the mans career, talking about his retirement. There have been setbacks with covid. Host covid is what he will be known for most. Caller this is a new. I did not expect him to nail it 100 . There will be bumps in the road, it is science. You test ideas, some fail, you come up with new ideas. Some succeed. You have to expect a couple bumps in the road. A couple mistakes about covid. Thank goodness they were not that big. This could have been way worse. It could be on a way different level. Overall, big picture, sure, they made mistakes, but who does not . One year, pretty awesome. Host to los angeles that was a call from los angeles we take you back to march of 2021, then President Trump and dr. Fauci did not agree on everything when it came to the fight against covid. It was a press briefing you can still find online peer dr. Fauci is asked about President Trumps promotion of hydrochloric wind, calling it a game changer in the fight against covid19. Here is dr. Faucis response. [video clip] there have been some problems with hydroxychloroquine, used as therapy for people infected with coronavirus. Is there any evidence to suggest that it might be a prophylaxis against covid19 . I think the answer is no, and the evidence youre talking about is anecdotal evidence. As the commissioner of the fda and the president mentioned yesterday, we are trying to strike a balance between making something that has a potential of an effect available to the American People. At the same time, we do it under the auspices of the protocol that would give us information to determine if it is truly safe and truly effective. But the information that you are referring to pacific lee is anecdotal, not done in a controlled the information you are referring to specifically is anecdotal, not done in a controlled way. Without saying too much, i am probably more of a fan of that maybe than anybody. I am a big fan. We will see what happens. We all understand that what the doctor said is 100 correct. But i have seen things that are oppressive. We will see. We are going to know soon. Including safety. But when you get to safety, this has been prescribed for many years for people to combat malaria, which was a big problem, and it is very effective, a strong drug. So we will see. Also effective against sars. As i understand is that a correct statement . It was fairly effective on sars. You have to be careful when you say fairly effective. It was never compared to anything in clinical trial. It was given to individuals who felt maybe it worked. That is the point, whenever you do a clinical trial, you do standard of care versus standard of care, plus the agent you are evaluating. That is the reason we showed with ebola why particular interventions work. [video clip] mike host michael and plant city, florida. I learned to never trust federal employees with my health. I did not do anything he suggested, and i am still alive. This comment says that dr. Fauci never understood the ties with covid with china during covid and how these might have been detrimental to the American People. You can text us at 202 7488003. This is anna in minneapolis, democrats line. Caller good morning. I just want to mention that i do not think that the infection would even be out if it were not for trump. Isnt he the one who had that operation warp speed . He demanded it be out. Which i took and i believe he took. When it comes to hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, you do not know what is in there either. We do not know what is in the vaccines. We do not even know what is in aspirin. Host so dr. Faucis announced retirement, what do you think about his role he served in government with Infectious Diseases . Caller i believe everything he says because he is a medical doctor. He has been trained. He studied. I dont know medicine. I have got to believe somebody, and i do believe the person who has been trained in that field. Host from mississippi, republican line. Go ahead. Caller yes, i am glad dr. Fauci is gone because he would Say Something one minute, where the mask, not wear the mask. In the infancy of covid, everybody did not understand what was going on, but now it is time for people to begin to start living again. Dr. Fauci is a medical doctor, but he does not know everything. Why cant they take the advice of other people, medical people . He does not know everything. He has people who have gotten the vaccine, double boost to come and they are still getting covid and diane. I and are dieting. I had a brother who got the vaccines and he is still getting covid. So why does he have his say . Why cant other people tell you there say, and they are not telling the truth about all these vaccines and the side effects, they get taken down. So you need to tell it all. There is a dark side to covid. These people are giving you the vaccines and believing in them, and then some saying leave the trump alone, he has nothing to do with the vaccines. He did not bring covid here, so people need to get real and start living. They are trying to shut things down. One doctor said people are wearing masks, staying six feet apart, and still dead. Host this is the first day of president bidens term as president of the United States, dr. Fauci appointed chief medical officer. He was asked about his work in the previous administration. Heres some of his perspective. [video clip] if you hold over the previous administration, what has been your experience with this new team . In your view, what would have been different in terms of the trajectory of the outbreak from the beginning if you are with this team . I can tell you my impression of what is going on right now, the team, i do not know if i can extrapolate other things, but one thing that is clear as recently as about 15 minutes ago when i was with the president is that one of the things were going to do is be completely transparent, open, and honest. If things go wrong, not point fingers but to correct them, and to make everything we do be based on science and evidence. There was literally a conversation i had 15 minutes ago with the president. And he has said that multiple times. Looking back over the last 10 or 12 months and to now, can you clarify . I always said everything on the face, that is why i got in trouble sometimes. Host a call from the democrats line. Caller thank you for taking my call. I was listening to the previous calls. I want to thank dr. Fauci and the cdc, pfizer, moderna, for helping us live throughout this pandemic, for guiding us through this pandemic. I think dr. Faucis only mistake was being well, let me see, let me put it this way, i was listening to cspan radio app and it sounded like a live broadcast where dr. Fauci was talking to i believe members of congress. As he was talking, when dr. Fauci was trying to say, well, if you look here, and if the x axis represents this and the y represents that and you look at this graph and you look at that graph, once i heard that, i said, oh, no, he is making a big mistake, because he is thinking he is talking to medical candidates, medical students. He is not talking to medical students. He is not talking to people that are smart. And theres nothing wrong with me saying that not everybody can become a physician. You have got to take a medical exam in order to go to medical school. You have to pass part one and part two of medical exams to make sure, nationally, that you are accredited with the other people around the United States. It takes an incredible amount of time, effort, money, dedication to become a physician. Once you reach that particular pinnacle of life, then you do realize that when you are looking at analysis, when you are looking at being able to try to figure out exactly how a drug or exactly how a test should be conducted and if you cannot go off one set of data. Host we got your point. Frank in michigan, hello. On the republican line. Caller i never talked to dr. Fauci. The cdc approved a vaccine that was they never approved that, an mrna vaccine. It was the first time in history. I called, and said, should i wear a mask . They said no, it will not help you. I got the vaccine, three of them. Dr. Fauci said you are protected, you are not contagious. It was a lie. I finally caught it. You can watch the rest of this program if you go to our website, cspan. Org. The German Marshall Fund is looking at former President Trumps influence on the Republican Party ahead of the midterms. Live coverage on cspan

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