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Forward . What words of wisdom do you emember . The line to call is 2027488000, parents, 2027488001 and for all others, 027488002. Were on social media as well, twitter at twitter. Com cspanwj and facebook, facebook. Com cspan. But first, we begin with breaking news from overnight. Washington post reported in the New York Times confirmed that the Russian Ambassador told moscow that Jared Kushner wanted secret communications with the kremlin. Kushner, soninlaw and confidant made a proposal on december 1 or 2 at trump tower. Using they suggested russian diplomatic facilities to work for the communication. Host back to our question of the morning. Your advice for College Graduates. One thing thats different is College Graduates are entering a much better job market from years past. This is from the u. S. A. Today. It is the strength its been in years. Companies are beginning to show the value to fill key entry level role. Regardless of degrees, specialty or work experience. New grads at the liberal arts background are highly adaptable, eager to prove their worth and exceptionally well prepared to make Immediate Impact for a company if accurately match their true skills of the roles host and the president of the United States is the most sought after commencement speeches. Heres what donald trump told the students. He talks about the benefits of being an outsider. President trump and for the people who care about you, carry yourself with dignity and pride. Demand the best from yourself and be totally unafraid to challenge entrenched interests and failed power structures. Does that sound familiar, by the way . The more people tell you its not possible that it cant be done, the more you should be absolutely determined to prove them wrong. Treat the word impossible as nothing more than motivation. Relish the opportunity toon outsider. Embrace that label. Being an outsider is fine. Embrace the label. Because its the outsiders who change the world and make a real and lasting difference. The more that a broken system tells you that youre wrong, the more certain you should be that you must keep pushing ahead. You must keep pushing forward. And always have the courage to be yourself. Most importantly, you have to do what you love. Ou have to do what you love. Host so were asking you your advice to recent grads. Grads call 2027488000, parents call 2027488001 and all others call 2027488002. Salaries soar for the class of 2017. The average base pay for College Grads ticked to the high test level in at least a decade to 49,785. Host lets go to the phones. Jim is from the all others line. Hey, jim. Caller hey. I thank you for taking my call. Host sure. Caller ive seen hillary on tv this morning, ranting and raving about impeaching somebody. She should know how to do it because her husband was impeached while he was president. He was impeached by the house. Host we have some sown of that, Hillary Clinton speaking at at her alma mater. Look at the budget proposed in washington. It is an attack of unimaginable cruelty and the most vulnerable among us, the youngest, the oldest, the poorest and hardworking people who need a little help to gain or hang on to a decent middle class life. It grossly underfunds education, Mental Health and efforts even to combat the opioid epidemic. And in reversing to fight climate changers it puts the future of our nation and our world at risk. [applause] Hillary Clinton and to top it off, it is shrouded in 1 trillion mathematical lie. Lets call it what it is. Its a con. They dont even try to hide it. Why does all this matter . It matters because if our leaders lie about the problems we face, well never solve them. It matters because it undermines confidence in government as a whole. Which in turn breeds more ynicism and anger. But it also matters that our country, like this college was founded in the principles of the enlightenment, in particular, the belief that people, you and i, possess the capacity for reason and Critical Thinking and that free and open debate is the lifeblood of a democracy. [applause] host jim, are you still with us . Caller yes, sir. Host so you heard Hillary Clinton there speak about the Trump Administrations bunk as a con. She mentioned criticism of the p. First, what do you think of the substance of that and do you think politics have a place in commencement speeches . Caller no, i dont. They need to be there to encourage these students to get out, go to work, find a good job, go to work, get to paying taxes so that this country can ove ahead. The democrats are out to get people on welfare, have them where they can control them. Host what would be your parting advice to the class of 2017 where were youve given the opportunity to address the graduating class . Caller get out there, find the best job they could. Youre not going to start at the top. Youre going to start at entry level. But once you get in, you do the job the best of your ability and you will move up in the corporate ladder. Host ok. Thanks for your call. Lets go to david, calling from jackson, mississippi, hes on the all others line. Caller you just played Hillary Clintons speech in its entirety. I have seldom in my life and im 77 years old heard anything quite so mediocre and totally unimaginative. I cant understand why the major columnists in the new york dismiss Bernie Sanders so handily. I mean, these are the people who donald possible for trump to be elected and i have a lot of i was a sanders supporter. And i cannot understand why they allow trump to become. President. Host ok. Connie is on the line from spartanburg, south carolina. Shes on the all others line. Hi, connie. Caller hi. I just want to say this. I think that Hillary Clinton gave a wonderful speech at her lma mater. She is smart. She is intelligent. She thinks things through. She doesnt let her i cant decide that word, but her mind is bright. Donald trump absolutely has a mental problem. Host why do you think that . Caller he always has. Even back in his young days. If i, just a plain old citizen filed many times as he did, i couldnt go buy a front porch chair to sit in. Thank you. Host so connie, what would be your advice to the class of 2017 which is our question of the morning . Get r now, see, if we can this country straightened out. I watch yesterday. He was in district three or four or five in south carolina. This man dont know what hes talking about. Could redo, i wish i my budget like they way they do it. Who t the devos woman has no, no information whatsoever about schooling. Went to just a plain school didnt have no special paper. Ut we also didnt have as much disruption in the classes. We had rules and regulations we went by. And children now, their parents take up for their misbehavior. I think debbies wrong. Host been calling from springfield, massachusetts. Hes on the all others line. Whats your advice for the class of 2017 . Caller good morning and thank you for taking my call. First of all, i want to just make a comment regarding the gentleman from alabama who was putting hillary down. After you had played the speech by the president , which he had delivered when he became very political in his expressions. The gentlemans comments, i dont think he listened. I dont think he listen food what you have offered him. But what i would express and advise to the class of 2017 is to be openminded. Look at the world in its whole and its totality. A job is very important. Its important to earn a living for your family but its also important to pursue your dream. Make sure that what you pursue is something that you enjoy doing and do the best job you can at it and recognize that the world is global and it is diverse. And that theres no superior race of people or culture in this entire world. We all are in it together. Thank you. Host that was ben calling from springfield, mass. Earlier this month, starbucks executive chair Howard Schultz spoke at Arizona University and he talked about the American Dream and the current mood in politics. Lets take a look. Only in america can a poor kid from Public Housing have the privilege and the honor to be the Commencement Speaker at the largest and most Innovative University in the country. [applause] i stand before you as living proof of the American Dream. Joining many of your parent, your professors and generations of graduates before you. But today, you may question the strength of that dream and the promise of america. Thats fair. My generation has not made it easy for you. Our political leaders on both sides of the isle isle have not acted with enough honesty in addressing the longterm challenges we face. [applause] they have been more focused on fighting with each other than walking in the shoes of the american people. And vitriol and interest rule the day in washington. Despite all that when i look to the future, i am extremely optimistic, especially when i look out and see you. Because the future is not up to them, not up to washington. Its up to you. This milestone in your life may come with some anxiety about what tomorrow holds. And you may have questioned that only time can answer. But as a young man who once sat nervously at his own commencement, i encourage you to always trust yourself. Host lets go to green belt, maryland where ed is waiting on the all others line. Good morning. Whats your advice for class of 2017 . Caller my advice to class of 2017, be positive. Our nation this a crisis. Im a scientist, an africanamerican, a proud africanamerican scientist and i am retired. Was a a scientist, i student in germany. I received the president of the university there. And being proud in germany, you can look back in america and see whats going on in this country and our country is in a crisis. And you can help save this country and pull this country out of the demagogue that is leading this country right now. There is a Mad Scientist against everything that is positive for this country. An example, his choice to lead the education, betsy devos, that shows this president does not appreciate science. Does not appreciate education. And being an africanamerican scientist, i can see whats happening. Ive taught in major universities in this country and teaching students of class of 2017, take a language, go abroad. Take a look at america from abroad. And you can come back and help this country from the deepest of the corner right now. The scientist in this country and convene all over the world and stood up against the United States, you know, being the lead of science in the past going back right now. Students of 2017, be positive and dont look at the negatives anymore. Thank you very much, cspan, for your listening to my voice. Thank you. Host that was ed with a bit of a global perspective there. Lets go to shannon from berkeley springs, west virginia, on the all others line. Good morning, shannon. Caller good morning, cspan family. I just like to make a little short comment that the class of 2017 and forward has nothing to look forward to in this country but uncertainty. We have a president who is in a whirlwind every day with the house and the senate as far as anything that hes going to try to pass or attempt to do in the government. We have the possible compromise of his administration through the russian leaks that we know so far. And its just a lot of uncertainty in the world for these kids coming into the world. As a cspan member and a supporter of cspan, i just like to reach out to you guys to keep it informed as far as what is really going on that things that will affect these children affect us in our lives. Host thank you. Lets go to be ony calling from livingston, new jersey, on the all others line. Good morning, bonnie. Caller good morning. Thank you for taking my call. Im calling to tell the audience that i watched senator cory booker on cspan, actually, and he gave an incredibly inspirational and uplifting speech last week. And he spoke for quite a while about how you, being the future of our country can do anything. He specifically said that hes won only one of four black men Congress Senators walking the halls of congress. And of course his ancestors were africanamerican and we should not give up hope, that we can do anything, everything. So thats my advice today. And im a professor at a college. And it made me feel really great and i hope you have a chance to check it out. Thank you. Host were inviting recent graduates, parents and everybody else to call in. The line for graduates to call is 2027488000. Parents, were asking you to call 2027488001. And everyone else, all others, call 2027488002. The girls who code founder spoke at scripps colleges commencement and spoke about the underrepresentation of women in the job force. Lets take a look. In the last half century alone, women and the people of color, weve been climbing. Women now earn the majority of bachelors, masters and doctoral degrees. So graduates give yourself a pat in the back. [applause] today some 40 of american women are their familys bread winners and we are as close to equality as weve ever been. And yet we have a problem. Because the next revolution, its underway and its leaders, they dont look like us. They look like Mark Zuckerberg and elon musk and tim cook. Now those guys, theyre awesome. But america is a big, beautiful diverse country. And for all the progress that women have made, we are vastly underrepresented in congress, in the Tech Community too. So why . Why arent there more women in power . Theres no question that its a structural problem. From Workplace Discrimination town affordable daycare to lack of paid family leave. Women, we just face extraordinary challenges that men just dont. But theres another challenge that we face and its not structural. Its culture. In cultural. In our society, we train our boys to be brave, to throw caution to the wind and to just follow their passions. And we train our girls to be perfect, to please, to play it safe, to follow the rules and to, of course, always get all as. And the results . Girls dominate in the classroom but youre falling behind in the real world. And if we dont start teaching girls that success is a product of bravery and not perfection, then theyre going to miss their chance to code the future in silicon valley, to build the future and to legislate the future in capitol hill. Host lets go to manchester, connecticut, where tony has been waiting on the line. Hes the parent of a graduate. Good morning, tony. Caller good morning. Yes, my daughter graduate a while ago. Shes working on her doctorate going deeper and deeper in debt which is one thing that i, me that the banks get nearly free money from the government but yet citizens and working people have to pay interest on their loans and graduates go into debt for ridiculous amounts. But im also a High School Teacher and im really fearful for my students as they graduate. I try to prepare them. Im a teacher at a Technical High School in connecticut. Im reasonably sure that my students have the skills they need. I just cant guarantee theyre going to have the opportunities or the world is going to be fit for them to be successful with or without college. And as far as politicians making commencement speeches, i think its disgusting in the way that donald trump has politicized every opportunity he has to make a statement either by blaming the liberal media or the fake news or his opponents or try to put safeguards on things hes doing. I just shake my head. I would not want to be putting a child out in this workforce, out in this world with people like him in charge. Host how do your older students feeling . Caller theres been an assortment. Some go to college. Some found it difficult financially to get by and have had to change their plans. Fortunately in connecticut, we have a Great Community College System that allows them to reduce money and get started on their education. Some have come back and its been great to stheevement some are still struggling and its sad to see them not take advantage of their opportunities and working the same job they had during high school. But ive got students placed already in their careers and hopefully, knock on wood, and with prayers, theyre going to be ok. Thats all we can do. Host and how have students changed over the years for taking the long lefou how have their skill sets changed . How have their interests changed, if at all . Caller its still tough because in some cases, youre asking students with no Life Experience to start thinking about their life path. You are trying to get them to focus on education and they have et to see the value. Back in our time, it was our job to do well in school. And you knew thats what you needed to do to get a good job after high school. Because in our case, sometimes just a High School Education was enough to get a decent middle class type job and have a middle class life. But a lot of students realize that they need more than just a job to get by. Unfortunately, theyre still under pressure and their parents are still under pressure thinking that Everybody Needs a fouryear degree when that is not true. College is helpful. Its useful. Education beyond high school is essential for advancement, but you dont need to go into debt to get a fouryear degree. Back in my time and probably your time, it was reasonable for people to go to college to find themselves. Tuitions were such that you could work a summer job and pay next Years College tuition. Now you work a summer job and you pay for books and thats it if youre lucky. So i think High School Students today have a much difficult, bleaker future ahead of them and its intimidating. Weve seen far too many students who are panicking toward the end. They realize that the monumental size of the decision before them. And theyre not quite there. We can try to tell them, inform them of the opportunities. You cant force anybody to learn. We just keep presenting the opportunities. Host tony calling from manchester, connecticut, with some interesting insight there. Lets go to steve in phoenix, arizona. Hes on the all others line. Good morning, steve. Caller good morning. My advice is there are naysayers in everything. Dont pay too much attention to that. And the most important thing to contemplate is who can you help . There are some you can the a Capital Society that help you get ahead. So thats my advice. Help the people you can help and that will help you get ahead. Host william is calling from chicago, illinois on the all others line. Hi, william. Aller good morning. I would encourage class of 2017 to dont give up. Dont complain, you know. Problem solved. Unfortunately, this administration does not know how o problem solve. I would encourage this generation to get involved. Its not about them you are responsible to help your brothers and sisters. You have to give to make a better america. Host anthony is in virginia beach, virginia on the all others line. Good morning, anthony. Whats your advice to the class of 2017 . Caller good morning, spavepble thank you for taking my call. My stuff would be to get a grip on reality. Right now we have a mess of a nation and the only reason why we have a mess of a nation is because theres the narrative that and it comes politically as well as from a spiritual standpoint that everything has to be to the left. I will caution that the class of 2017 that nobody owes you nothing. You were born by the grace of god. Three, you have to right to develop your talent executively. You have to point by what you do by gods grace and work at it. Nobody is going hand to you something. The whole purpose of you being born is to fulfill a purpose in this life. Ok . So you work at it. You do what you have to do. And at some point in life, you will recognize you know what, im able to help this other person. I can do this for this one. But you have to stay focused. And furthermore, aisle tell you this much, ok . If we continue down this line that everybody should be the same, we will become victim of our own stupid choices in this great nation. Dont ever look aside and think oh, this is going to be it or this is going to be that. Call it what it is. Offensive identify the issue and deal with it. That is my look as far as where the class of 2017 should take a look at. Host mike is from boswell, pennsylvania on the line for parents. Good morning, mike. Caller good morning. Last t had a son graduate night. Host congratulations. Caller he was our fourth child. So we had a long spell of children in school from dish got married in 1978 and from 1984 through 2017, we had children in school. Host wow. Guest my wife and i always made it an obligation to help whether it was reading, or whatever to help. Make our school and our community better. And my advice is for these graduates graduating seniors this year is to be a part of your community. You will make a difference. Always lift somebody up. You need to have a positive attitude. And just you make the difference. You make your community. And weve this country of ours instead of pointing fingers at one another, we need to lift people up and we need to be the better person. Each town, each community, each state and our whole nation will be a better place to live. And i just want to wish all the graduates good luck and be the person that will make a difference in your own community. Thank you. Host springfield, virginia, where caroline is on the all others line. Good morning, caroline. Caller good morning. My name is carolyn. Thank you for taking my call. I have been in education for a while and i will give a little shoutout. My cousin is bobby kennedy, to the class, class of 2017. I want the class of 2017 to partner with cspan and set up a community cabinet. We have some job issues going on. And if the president works as the president and as chief, we need people. I appreciate conversation but we need writers. Pairs the pencil and in each category, education, trade, economy, monitoring things. If theres isnt a ruling, file it. Have the courage to stand up for that rule. The second piece has more people involved in the lottery. On the public education, im in virginia. Public education gave 580 million last year to the lottery. There is a general discretionary fund. I want that protected for education. I value it. I also want to make sure that nobody can do their work if theres an emergency, natural disaster. We need ensure theres said money. And there is in virginia, actually, a clause that some of the lottery can move towards certain other locations. People got to use that pencil. And then the third piece, it was sadness. Just what happened with arianna grande. And i would share that. If people can be more involved and becoming emergency responders, first aid, that would be great. And i just had a fourth. Get more people to maryland and california youre allowed to vote at 16. Change, perhaps, we need to change some of the voting rules. Host ok. Lets go to jason who is a recent graduate, calling from florida. Jason, congratulations. I imagine when did you graduate . Caller i just graduated may 18. Host great. From where . Caller pokey high. Host oh you graduated from high school. Caller yeah. Host oh, ok. Who delevered commencement each and who what tchisd person tell you . Caller my superintendent. Saying we have a great future ahead of us and that we shouldnt be limited to anything we want to do. But based on what the president is doing now and his cuts, its like in the next 17 years, if anyones applying to go to college, how are those guys going to be financially stable . Because with all his cuts that hes trying to make, thats basically trying to get what were trying to establish in college. Host what are your plans, jason . What do you hope after getting into high school . Caller i plan to get a fouryear degree in criminal justice. Probably ill be able to be like in the c. I. A. Or Central Intelligence or Something Like that. Host have you been accepted to a school or planning to apply . Caller yeah, ive been accepted to several schools. Host and you feel like the Trump Administration is putting a limit on what you could possibly do in the future . Caller yes. Host why is that . Caller because his cuts that hes trying to make, how can i able to be make it to college . Host because you intend to take out some loans to go to school . Caller i mean, probably going to have to the way like the way its set up now. If im trying to go to a university where im trying to be having a fouryear degree at a great college, thats going to teach me well, it costs a great amount for the tuition. Host yeah. Caller so its basically where do i look for it now if im not financially stable . I come from a small town thats like basically like i can say like 1,000 or 2,000 people at the most. And only thing we see every day is poverty and Gang Violence and killings. So what do you expect me to do . How am i supposed to financially leave here . Host well jason, good luck to you and thanks for calling in and i wish you all the best with your plan to pursue a career in criminal justice, all right . To jasons point, this is from the center for american progress. According to two pieces from the Washington Post published wednesday, not only will the trump budget include the disappointing 5 billion in cut programs for the low education, but it proposes policy changes that will raise student debt burdens and eliminate loan rgiveness l. C. Lets lets to go to caller i would say grace and peace be yours in abundance through the engine of god in jesus christ their lord and grace is gods willingness to use his power and our ability on our behalf even though we dont deserve it. And thats grace through fate and faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of god. And that Critical Thinking involves conceptualizing and evaluating information as a guide to the leap and action. Seek first the kingdom of god and his righteousness and the kingdom of god is within you. And i would tell them that faith is a substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. And what do we hope for . We hope for the promises of god. Through faith, we understand that the worlds refrain by the word of. God so things which are seen are not made by things which appear, that man is a spirit, and he possesses a soul. His mind, his will, and his emotions. And that we get that information from the word of god and in proverbs chapter four it says with all youre getting, get an understanding. Find out how things work. Get to know who you are as a person. And we can only get that from the word of god. Isaiah 55 10 and 11 says with the rain and snow comes he was and returns not bitter but waters the earth and make it drink further and bud and bread to the eater. So shawl my word be that goes forth out of my mouth. It should not return to accomplish that which i please and it shall prosper unto i send it. And in mark four in the jesus into he kingdom of god the ground and to sleep and rise night and day and the seed should spring and grow up. He knows not how for the earth is gs but when the fruit ripe, immediately he puts in the sickle. Host lets go to randy. Hes a parent of a recent graduate. Good morning, randy. Caller good morning. Host whats your advice to your own child . Caller first of all, my daughter just graduated after only four years with honors from georgia tech in aerospace engineering. The commencement speech was given by the president of panama who was also a graduate from tech and the takeaway i got was very simple. Theyre saying solve the problem, dont be the problem. Host you said your daughter as an engineering three and caller yes. Host does slea job lined up . Engineering seems to be where all the jobs are. Caller yeah, she just got an offer from the navy about two hours away from here. Designing helicopters and shell probably take it but she really wanted to design satellites. Host is that true from most of her friends that they already have jobs lined up . Caller most of them because tech is probably one of the top engineering schools in the world. And secondly, you know, job, ering is a desired whatever, career, im sorry. Host and how do you think the job market has changed for your daughter compared to when you graduated from college . Caller well certainly her grandfather and a lot of the people from the world war ii era went into the service, and came back and got engineering type degrees. , a r me and for my family lot of that path that they went. Host lets go to beth calling from australia, washington. Hes on the line caller good morning. I look at the class of 2017 and i think we have extraordinary young people. I think that there are they have more opportunities than those that have come before them. And people have opened doors. And my advice to them is to look at their opportunities and look at the gifts that people have given them to education and stop being victims. Look at what they have. Theyre extraordinary and theyre doing extraordinary things. And i listen to the young man earlier that said that hes having problems, you know, just being able to afford school. I think academia needs to turn around and see what theyre doing. The world has changed. And i listened to the gentleman ahead of me and his daughter is doing very well as an engineering. Well, not everyones an engineer and that speaks to that young man who comes from a small community. My son comes from a small community. And he came out with two degrees, couldnt get a job, did an internship and worked and in three years, he went from well, he went from making 35,000 to now 160,000 a year. And it was because he took his opportunities. He stopped blaming everybody. And he stopped saying its cultural, its this, its that. I mean, he put in hundreds of hours to do what he needed to do. Kids have opportunities. Young people are so smart. Its just that its everything is a blame game. Look at what you have. The gentleman that said that commencement speech was very simple. Be part of the solution, not part of the problem. But every time we become the victim, we become part of the problem. And for the educators that want 16yearolds to vote or somebody that just had said something, these young people dont have the experience. Please dont ask 16yearolds to vote and tell us how to live our lives when they honestly dont have the ability to make those kinds of decisions. But put them in and give them opportunities to be able to move forward and be able to move the problems that we have forward and stop blaming the president or the past president or the future president and say look, not everybody can pay for education. These kids have to understand when they want something free, somebody else has paid for it. How do we look at how we prepare our young people and also, not stretch everybody so much that they cant live. And i dont think these young people understand that. But i also look at academia. There could be some things that are very different and we have a culture of the same old way of teaching our kids and i think our kids are very just zproord very smart and they have the ability to do much more than we give them credit. And if we stop telling them that theyre victims and they can really do something and make a difference, i think we would be better off. So that would be my advice to the class of 2017 grads. Host heres a director of the National Institute of health. She gave a musical tribute to the graduate of Southern Methodist university. This is what its like to be a university these days in universities somewhere, maybe even in dallas. I came i bought the books i lived in the dorms followed directions i worked ive studied hard made lots of friends that had connections i grinned, they gave me grades nd may i say not in a fairway but more, much more than this i did it their way [laughter] [applause] i learned so many things although i know ill never use them. The courses that i took were all required i didnt choose them youll find that to survive, its best to play the doctrinaire way and so i knuckled down and did it their way well, yes, there were times i wondered why i had to cringe when i could fly i had my doubts but after all i put my wings and learned to crawl i learned to bend and in the end id it their way [laughter] host the many talents there of francis collins. Lets go to iris calling from tennessee. Shes on the line for parents. Good morning. Caller good morning. The reason that im calling is that our daughter, shes a graduate of may i mean in 2017 and it was very, very difficult. But we were able to get her to graduate without any loans or any debt. E made a lot of sacrifices one of her doctors, he said that his wife had got a lot of loans and shell be in her 60s before they are, you know, paid for. And i think that we need to make an investment in our young people because they keep saying that they dont have any, you know, qualified students and they have to go, you know, overseas and bring students here. And my thing is ok, im a taxpayer. And i would rather my funds to go for, to help, you know, someone to get their degree here in tennessee. The governor started this program where you can at least get an Associates Degree and the state will pay for it. And i think that thats a wonderful thing and i wish that more states would do that. Host let me ask you this. How were you able to help your daughter graduate from College Debt Free . Aller you know, sacrifices. She lived made at home. E pulled together. Her oriole brother, he took on extra work and everything. Host so it was a family effort . Caller yes. Yes, it was. Because when i graduated from college over 40 years ago, it was 187 a credit hour. Host wow. Caller so you could work your way through school. And then a lot of companies, assistance. Tuition but they dont have that now. Heres no loyalty. You know, they and its sad to hear some people there saying that the government to solve other peoples problems but we as parents, were taxpayers. And some of my daughters friends, they had to drop out so that they can work and then go back. I dontlooks like know when i took an economics class and they talked about guns and butter and its like people would rather tchashe dont have any problems investing their oney in guns but not butter. Which is like anything, like education. Because we have a lot of and ted people out there they are an investment. Host lets go to ed calling from altoona, pennsylvania, on the all others line. Good morning, ed. Caller yes. I would advise the graduates to get empty glass jars. Screw the lid on. And bang a little slick on the top. And then every day, put a dime in. Every day, make sure you go to the trouble of getting a dime. Put the dime in the jar. And watch the dimes grow. Cause you cant start saving i know it seems impossible to save anything, but they can save a dime a day. Get a jar, put a dime a day in it. Over time, watch it grow as an object lesson to yourself. Ing . That probably should be selfexplanatory, of course, from the getgo. But doing that will help them realize that saving is a process. And it requires discipline. And when they want an extra slice of pizza, they leave the dime in the jar and eventually because you see, they dont want to make money. The goal. They want to make money for the sole operating procedure of their lives. But there, of course, comes times where it is very convenient to have it. And the discipline that they need is demonstrable by putting a dime in the jar every day and leaving it there. Host going to take a moment now the e the passing of strategic theorist who is the National Security advisor of jimmy carter. Im reading the obit here from the New York Times. In the tumultuous year of the iran hostage crisis and in the soviet invasion of afghanistan. He died on friday at a hospital in virginia. He was 89 years old. Is death in falls, church, virginia, was announceded by his daughter, the cohost of the msnbc program morning joe. He spoke to cspans q a in march of 2007. He was asked what advice he would have given to then president george w. Bush about the iraq war. I would tell him to reassess very seriously where in the circumstances are headed if theyre not altered and he shouldnt bequeath to his successor. The war in iraq, because 20 months from now, its too long that he should avoid escalating that war because more people will die needlessly. But if he escalates the war, he may create circumstances nilly willy that will produce an enlargement of the war. Because escalation and continuation of the conflict can generate incidence that are unpredictabilityable but which can have very destructive effects. If get an enlarged war, were going to be stuck for the next 20 years in iraq, in iran, in pakistan and in afghanistan. Thats what i would tell him. Host and that was his prediction from 2007. You can watch all of mr. Brzezinskis appearances on our website and at our Video Library at cspan. Org. Back to our question of the morning now. Your advice to the class of 2017 in the minutes that remain, lets go to corpus christi, texas, where steve is on the line for parents. Hey there, steve. Caller hey, how are you doing . Host great, thanks. Caller i just had a daughter graduate last friday. Host congratulations. Caller my oldest, she graduated. She has a masters. Shes teaching at a local high school in another town up the road. And i told my youngest my oldest is 36. My youngest is 18. She just graduated high school. She graduated cum laude and everything. And i told her to be positive about everything you do in life. Ive taught all my kids to be positive about everything you do in life. Do better than i did. I mean, i went to college, but, ou know, my dad, he worked for an Aluminum Company for 35 years. He was able to come out of high school and get a middle class job. I mean, those jobs are long one. Those metal companies, those iron jobs are long gone. Everything is going technical. And im just encouraging her. Shes on her way to college to get an engineering degree and, i mean, god bless her. Because the way things are going now with the president we have now, i mean, shes going to need it. Shes going to need a lot of prayers. Well get there though. But were getting rid of things like my oldest daughter, she used planned parenthood for like things like Birth Control and her breast exams, pap smears, things like that. Just trying to get rid of stuff like that, you know. And just things that i mean, nobodys asking for anything for free. Ive taught all my kids. You work hard for everything that you get. But, i mean, there are small things that help people in life and helps you get through life. And you need those, you know, different avenues to be able to you cant just say i got all this debt. I got to pay this. I got to pay that. I got to pay this. Ok. You have to have somewhere to go to get something. Im not talking about something for free. Im a taxpayer. Im paying for that. You know . Time helping pay for the education. You cant take away their entitlements. Of course im entitled to my Social Security. Im 56 years old. I paid into it. I started working when i was 16. Yes, im entitled to it. Everybody, you cant get something for free. Its not free. My wife works at the hospital. Ive worked i mean, i make about 50,000 a year and my wife makes about 40,000 a year. You look at the taxes that weve been playing paying for the last weve been together 27 years. You look at the tax exempt, of course im entitled to Social Security and medicaid. Im supposed to be entitled to it. They fight out host lets end with this call from garrett from orlando, florida on the all others line. Caller my advice to College Graduates is that when they get home, if they do not have a Public Library card to go get one, and use it very frequently. I have noticed, even amongst my peers, i am 64 years old, and amongst my nieces and nephews it seems that when i get out of college the reading sort of stops. Life,ave found throughout people who read more seem to do much better, regardless of their occupation. It just makes them better and more wellrounded citizens. Congratulations to the class of 2017. Host lets take a look at what we have coming up on the program. We will take a key look at the developments in president trumps first foreign trip as president to the mideast with gary schmitt and Michael Breen. Later on, World Magazine reporter sophia lead, looking at homelessness in los angeles, what is being done to help solve the problem. Stay with us. Regardless of your background, remember where you came from. Hold on to the way so many of you reached out to mentor Young Persons through the cares about kids. Hold on to the way you engaged in this community. And make sure to bring that commitment to whatever walk of life that you choose. Perfection, was the key that has unlocked every door i have walked through sense. It took me 33 years to figure out that brown girls tend do white guy things too. Understand you are here because of a lot of help and also understand that now is time to help others. That is what this is all about. Tonight at 8 00 eastern, 2017 includingnt speakers former governor Arnold Schwarzenegger at the university of houston, former print Vice President joe biden at northwestern, Arizona Governor doug ducey at embry riddle error not a minute this Aeronautical University Aeronautical University, and Mission Governor rick snyder at adrian Community College in michigan. Tonight at 8 00 eastern on cspan and cspan. Org. Sunday on key one day friend who was vaporized along with a six man Security Team that i had built together and sent to the airport , and it took three weeks to separate them all. War is not a game, not a funny thing. On his careerce and most recent book the plot hackingmerica. And isis, how to destroy the hacking jihad. Came out of hacking isis, while we were writing it we found that there were two hacks that were done against one, to the five and france and another against the german bundestag, germanys parliament, which were attributed to isis. While we were studying that we learned that the methodologies, the malware that was introduced, and the place where the servers terminated that were stealing information, were certainly not isis. They are what is now known as atp 28, cozy bear. That is the number that crowd strike gave for their interpretation of this malware package that came from the russian intelligence. Sunday night at 8 00 eastern on cspans q and a. Continues. On journal host welcome back. Are talking about Donald Trumps first trip abroad as president and we are joined by , a gentleman, gary schmitt contributor to the weekly , and Michael Breen as president and ceo of the Treatment Center and the truman National Security project. Welcome. Lets start with the big picture

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