Transcripts For CSPAN Washington Journal News Headlines And

Transcripts For CSPAN Washington Journal News Headlines And Viewer Calls 20170501

host: a very good monday morning you. you can start calling in now on this budgetn to deal. craig kaplan up late last night reached andeal was up early this morning tweeting about this budget deal. a $1,665 -- 1,165 page omnibus spending bill. the the house rules committee is meeting on tuesday 3:00 p.m. and the billmust pass before friday's deadline to avert a government shutdown. following this legislation and the legislative hrck, congress is using the 244 higher bets act by congressman-on-man cooke as the to move this $1.1 trillion omnd ing deal. down the top-line numbers. brad jaffray of nbc, a producer there, on the budget deal, there's no border wall money, no sanctuary citor ies. it keeps funding for planned parenthood, and there's more spending.defense the headline in bloomberg news morning, congress inches spending deal that jess son as trump's priorities. story noting republican leaders eager to focus on tax overhauls boughed to democratic demands aimed at curbing regulations leaving the trump administration with few victories. the white house sought funding bordern building the wall as well as $18 well if cuts to domestic agencies and both were rebuffed. the spending deal includes money planned parenthood. tomp will be able to point $15 billion in additional spending at the pentagon, although $2.5 billion of that money is contingent on the administration delivering a new plan to fight the islamic state it also falls well short of the $30 billion that he had .riginally requested $1.5 billion for border security but cannot be used for the additional or immigration and customs enforcement agents, according to one congressional aide. are also new restrictions on the money going to so-called sanctuary cities. restrictionsnew that don't fully enforce federal immigration laws. breakdown from bloomberg news this morning. we'll take you through a couple articles, but we want want to particularly hear from you, your thoughts on this spending deal that if it's pass week, we'lls avert a government shutdown. phone lines, again -- a few more details from "the washington post" story. the package includes $61 million to reimburse local law enforcement agencies for the of protecting president trump when he challenges in his florida and new york. it's a major priority for the two new york democrats who were spending talke and involved in this deal. senator schumer and congress nitta lowey, head of the appropriations committee, leader, ranking member there. want to hear from you. the cost of fund ing congress, the legislative branch as it's this spendolved in ing bill. congress appropriates the money year.d itself each fiscal and in the breakdown of this fiscal deal that came out, the's the numbers for legislative branch appropriations bill. $4.4 billion, includes a freeze on member salary that since the united states senate is fund $871.2 million the package so i provides funding necessary for upgrades of the senate financial management system and invest ments in i.t. security. document from the senate appropriations committee notes the house of representatives funded at $1.19 billion. the different agencies of include the united states capitol police force fund $393.3 million in this spend ing deal. we'll keep breaking down this you.for want to get to your calls. tom in fort lauderdale, new york republican. good morning. caller: good morning. democrats can keep forcing out the funding to eliminate your legal immigration in this country, including the .all i think the hispanic population needs to know one thing. by thee being used democratic party for political .easons if they had only funded the wall things to stop the illegal immigration, there may immigration ree form dating back maybe a dozen years ago. think of all of those years , all the democratic party into the ideabuy that illegal immigration will be completely stopped. wall, the border patrol tells us with regard to that wall that they can't be everywhere at one time. and that is the fantasy of the plan for the border. president --think caller: if they detect 100 different people courtrooming wall, even if they're deconnected -- detected, the forces can't get to all of those people at one time. host: do you think president trump and republicans should have fought more for funding for the wall to get that project moving down on the u.s.-mexico border in this week that we have before this next government shut down deadline at the end of this week? hispanic population in this country needs to understand one thing. they will not get comprehensive immigration control, immigration reform until illegal immigration this country. and until that happens, the party will pretend to be their friend when really blocking comprehensive immigration reform. all they have to do, all they is we will stop illegal immigration to this defined and very strong way and comprehensive happen.ion reform will host: all right, tom in florida. newburg, new in york. good morning. line for democrats. good morning. caller: hello. host: go heat, bert. caller: my opinion on this wall, that trump does have a good idea that weuz has suggested use the money that we have from him.d he's not using it. why don't we put it to good use? build the wall. in part, give the money to the president and everything would be fine. i have another thing for you, too. abortion. i think all women should be taken care of up to and not, i not, to have an an abortion. they can go to a doctor or these that say they don't have abortions, i'll disagree with it host: all right, bert in new york. bert, on the border security we noted,s $1.5 billion included in for addition deal al border security. , that moneyted can't go forwards building a border.the u.s.-mexico as "the washington post" notes, border security, money comes limitations that the trump administration use it for only existing infra structure according to some aides interviewed for "the story.ton post" the details of this nearly 1700 page spending deal coming out overnight. we're trying to go through it this morning for you. we want to hear your comments. a $1.1 trillion deal to keep the government running through the end of september. next.up newcastle, delaware, a republican. good morning. morning.ood i think that trump should just that ryan redesign. rush resign. is pitiful. there's no spine in these guys. there's no fight. this is kicking the can down the road. they've done nothing but obstruct, and i'm talking about .he republicans it has to stop. trump has to stand up and say, deep this country is in doo-doo and we have to take some action here. is an embarrassment to america. it makes washington happy but country it'sof the just telling them the election didn't matter i think trump has be strong, demand .hat ryan resign, get rid mccarthy. get some new blood in that republican party down there enforcingey are not any sort of idea except and democrat- light. host: why is that? the republican leadership on capitol hill are supporting the president enough. why? don't think they're supporting him at all. i think they're part of the swam to drain's trying and they're just trying to hold on to whatever perks and for the that they have washington met poll tab area. -- metropolitan area. it's got to stop. right.ll ken in catskill, new york, independent. caller: good morning. you. very simply, i think all citizens should demand that such negotiations regarding the budget be suspended until our president die eventualths his tax records. indefensible. thank you. host: james in new york, republican. good morning. caller: i think paul ryan should go. schumer shouldck go. wake up, people. this president isn't getting anything. host: what can the president do to try to get more support on hill?l what do you want to see from him to make these -- caller: oh, i think they should change the regime down there. paul ryan has done nothing at all. of course, i've been in new york state all my life. and chuck schumer is the worst. out.him host: do you think the president should campaign against happen,ans to make that jane? caller: well, if it needs be, what should happen. host: ok. a couple of other details from bill.pending this from the hill newspaper story about it. the bill -- the deal that needs voted on includes money to permanently extend health for retired minors. it was a top priority of senate re-electioncing including senators joe mansion sherrodvirginia and brown of ohio. in the republican leadership of committeeriation wrap-up, they note that the for mine workers comes through the united mine workers benefit plan.93 it would have expired may 5 and extended thely united mine workers of america, the main union for miners. tweeted out overnight they healthcarepermanent fix included congress strikes the deal on funding to avoid a strutdown. their tweet from overnight last night, just before midnight. want to hear your thoughts this morning as we're getting the details of this $1.1 trillion to fund the government, would avert a shutdown at least september.nd of virginia is in waldorf, maryland , republican. morning. caller: good morning. how are you? host: i'm doing well. caller: i can say i'm so glad they did not fund the wall. there's newer technologies that are already paid for. the wall, as the president of is just a waste of money. thatcan come right on over so i'm glad think did not fund it. host: as a republican, did vote trump?sident caller: no. i did not. this what did you think of debate over the wall during republicanfrom the primaries through the general election? did president trump make too priority of it? caller: no. that's one of the reasons i think that america's divided now. they're hitting programs and thoughts of programs that are either useless, not that arective basically separating the nation, i believe. i hear these comments coming in on the wall. you know, immigration is a and has been since the concept. people have been coming to america. irish, italian, doesn't matter, mexican, now, you know, anybody east.he middle most of the illegals come in on .lanes not across the borders and the farmers in california need the labor. issue.tough host: if you want to join the andersation on that issue the funding issue, and this $1.1 trillion deal to keep running, phone lines: firsttalking about it for hour of our program this morning want to hear from you and get in. comments victor, florida, democrats. good morning. caller: good morning. as i look at this budget, it seems like the democrats have gotten pretty much what they want in the budget and the tea becauses been rejected the tea party wanted a budget was cut by one-third. they wanted to cut the federal government by one-third. budgetnted a balanced amendment. they want strict laws on stop immigration and to stop employers from employing illegals which they do.t this budget is a total rejection platform. party and it's a very good budget for the democrats who are out of power. healthcare concerns, we have a big problem with healthcare. more for healthcare than any country in the world and we're not getting -- we're rank ed 31st by the world health organization. we the highest prescription drug world.n the congress does nothing about it. those are things that costs a lot of money and a lot of people are in poverty in this country, below the poverty line and they're not getting any help. stampsf the cuts to food they are a disgrace. they should put the prisoners to them grow food for the poor. they don't do anything practical to help people. is tohey do in congress keep their donors happy and that's about it. they don't get much thought -- approval rating. and this budget reflects valuesly the democratic and the republicans caved because they didn't do their job the first place. they should had a budget a lot earlier. all 12ould have voted on of the appropriations that they're supposed to, instead of to these continuing resolutions. we are now in debt $20 trillion fromhere is no solution the republican party. thank you. continuingberg news their wrap-up of this spending deal, the $1.1 trillion deal we're talking about. overall, they write the compromise resembles more of an era budget.stration the national national institutes of health, a $2 billion boost the popularity of medical research among lawmakers , including $990 million for famine aid along with $1.1 billion as a boost for disaster recovery efforts. the story notes the environmentalprotection agency, trump sought to shrink would receive a 1% reduction in funding and no cuts, according to one aid talking about this budget deal. a 1700-page deal released overnight. it's going to be voted on some time this week. deadline is friday for that vote or the government would down. if this deal is passed by congress it would fund the ofernment through the end september. of course, members on both sides of the aisle have to sell it to members now voting that this deal has been reached by leadership and the leadersations committee c-span's hill producer craig amosh wases justin one of the 16 house republicans one-weekn that one continuing resolution. he says this omnibus deal will retweetingvernment, the tweet saying it's another deal to grow the government instead of compromising to cut spending, each side agrees to let the other side spend more is congressman wrote in his tweet overnight. earl, georgia, good morning. caller: good morning. how are you doing? host: well. caller: it's good to be alive. thank god we're still here. i have three things i would like to say. all, we're living in the last days. , peoplesecond thing need to stop explaining. when they did president obama that, you all yippy hoo, happy-go-lucky. they got trump in there. they're complaining. they need to stop complaining how they did president obama. and another thing i would like you know,that, immigration, i don't like a lot on myself but. the last thing i want to say, country has turned their back on god. that's why we're having so much problems. they have turned their back on christ. jesus host: all right. aaron, washington, republican. good morning. morning.ood host: go ahead, aaron. calling because i think that they should have cut continuing0% on this resolution. why do i say that? i used to work in the federal government. and anytime there was not a budget passed and it looks like going to be in continuing resolutions, they brought up all of the supplies they were going to need in advancethe year to ensure that they maximize budget expenditures. cut in could take a 10% these non-d.o.d. areas and maybe an effort to balance the budget a little bit. host: as a republican, republicans in control of the house, senate, and white house, that theyncern you weren't able to move that budget some of priority, those steep cuts in this first omnibus spending bill? caller: yes it does. i don't understand. if these people are really the republican thoughts, then they ought to be at least capable of going long cutting some costs. don'tt know whether they believe it or because of the way are in the senate where you can get 30 hours of ,peaking on every amendment motion, etc. that the leadraid er, mr. schumer, of the democrats, would manage to keep stalled forever. the theon't understand intricacies of the system there. but there's got to be some way things moving and reduce some of the things we don't need as much as we need things. radical muslim terrorist groups and other iings going on in this world, think we need to look at for our defense first. to look maybe we need at cutting some of the people coming into this country illegal ly. maybe all of them. i understand there are people that feel sorry for these people and think they should have free access to the united states. i don't agree with that. ancestors came into .his country as immigrants some of them had brothers and sisters and aunts and uncles away because they had t. .. or other diseases some of them were turned away meet certaindidn't other requirements. why shouldn't we turn these people away? host: you talk about prioritiz ing defense spending. here's the release from the house appropriations committee .hairman thesummary of spending on pentagon in this budget deal that came together, the bill provides $593 billion, an increase of $19.9 billion over 2016's enacted level more than the obama request.ation's he notes that $516 billion of that is in base discretionary spending, including an increase currentllion above levels and $76.6 billion in the contingencyerseas operations spending. in terms of military personnel includesthe agreement $132.3 billion for personnel pay to duty troopsactive and 813,200 guard and reserve troops. going through some of the details of this budget deal, the to hear from you on phones and twitter as well. one tweet that came into our c-span thread, the only time the government will stop spending is shutdown.overnment it's sad but true. taxpayers are better off with no government. and written in, the lack of moneys for wall prove the establishment democrats and two sides of the same coin. johnny writes in, republicans woke up this morning and found difference no between them and democrats. marlene is next on the phones, independent.a, good morning. caller: you know, i have to laugh. you took the words right out of mouth. this last election should show the american people without a doubt it doesn't make any difference whether the working in a republican or a democrat. lifetime when the democrats get in, they give low low lowerthe class and when the republicans to the rich give it est 1%. country being how many americans know that the bonds, are buying our getting interests, reinvest nag money by buying up america? when you go to buy any smith ham product, the chinese own it, lock, stock and bought smithhey field, they bought thousand s of acres of prime ofmland in the united states america. host: do you think that this going to beon is tough on china? caller: no. i do not. because we have in our two liberal democrats, unelected officials, that have almost as much to say the president of the united states. and his daughter and his son-in-law. noticed in the election, his son-in-law never opened his mouth but they are liberal new york democrats. host: ok. minnesota.ext from independent. good morning, daniel what do you think about this budget deal? caller: good morning. be like the should start of a new type of , a new system, hasthcare, everything that to do with economics and , human resources and that. itt put a new angle on how all works and operates together. because everything, the population is expanding. we always have -- host: what's your biggest way that thethe system works now? workr: it just doesn't together because other countries do other things. but it's like our healthcare, that's just a form of a new hospital. .t's an epidemic but i feel defense is number one do people, you know, if you the census, that could be a way but everything has to be done differently and work whole.r as a host: john, crofton, maryland, republican. morning. caller: yeah, i got the theession that this thing, $1.1 trillion, had already been passed but apparently it's process. i guess it's a continuing september 30.ough host: we're operating right now, are on in the capitol under a continuing resolution that was passed to give members of congress time to come up with longer term deal. this is the omnibus spending deal that they came together with. and appropriators coming together to negotiate this. they release it overnight. supposed to be voting on this week, voted onen and passed government will stay open passed friday. does that make sense? theer: you're mentioning money that they're operating on right now. and that was just a one-week extension. right? host: yes, sir. caller: to come up with a better budget. well, apparently i heard the guy talk about the tea party, how nothing the tea party wanted is budget and ithis was a member of the tea party. i live in the area. capitol a at the number of times trying to get noticed. and the t-e-a in tea part was already.ugh that was our main problem. of course we didn't like obamacare. listened to us then. there were a lot of doctors that came up from all over the country to protest against obamacare before that was pass the. -- passed. but to blame trump for in 100 days for a guy that is an outsider to blame his daughter and son-in-law for liberal, my god, can you find anything else wrong? smithfield hamor being sold to the chinese. didn't that happen during obama 's administration? all of this stuff -- these seeds were sewn by the worst president he never did a darn thing good for this country. eye rainone deal with s a dis grace, a trait russ treason ious act and you people are complaining about minor stuff. can ask you, bring it back to today. you said you've come to the demonstrated against some of the spending. do you think that this is something that will bring people back to demonstrate, to again? do you think there will be some pushback for folks about the deal. going to bee are people there today, mayday, may 1 is mayday. holiday.mmunist but they're trying to say, ok, we'll call it loyalty day. ande people that are coming demonstrating against global otherg and all of this garbage, the people like judd madonna, these are disgrace ful people. they are not trying to help this country. if you don't like it, leave. madonna, didn't she live in england. let her go the hell back. host: all right, john. about president trump's first 100 days. president trump and the white new video onng a the president's accomplishments in his first 100 days. is. it >> donald trump, sworn in as president 100 days ago. rarely seen such success. a respected supreme court justice, confirmed. investing in american jobs again. america becoming more energy independent. regulation that kill american jobs eliminated. the biggest tax cut plan in history. you wouldn't know it from watch ing the news. america is winning. president president trump is making america great den. president trump: i'm donald trump and i approve this message host: paid for by the trump for there.nt pack also over the weekend, of course , the 100-day mark of the of discussionopic throughout the news programs and , again, on the sunday shows yesterday. here's senate minority leader chuck schumer on fox news trump'sy on president first 100 days. senator schumer: he's workingromises to the people of america. when he campaigned, he againsted as a populist the democratic and republican establishments but he's govern ing like someone from the hard right, wealthy special interests. let me go over a few areas. promised to be tough , backed off on china, back on mexico by america. have a good, strong bill. they've backed off that. a lot of the steel now and infra structure and water is going to be made overseas. on healthcare he said he would people at less cost. his bill does just the opposite. and maybe the worst is draining the swamp. his last days he said wall street won't be in washington. well, they're more in this than others, billionaires. closedness.such one of the worst things he did on the swamp is they're allowing to work in the administration on issues they lobbied on and they get waivers secret. so there's been promise after promise that's been either un on infra or broken structure we sent him $1 trillion plan, haven't heard a peep out of him. we're willing to work with him on issues like this. so the bottom line is simple. president, if he works with us, particularly on issues like trade and infrastructure, we can the issues so far, taxes and healthcare, he doesn't consult us at all. puts together a plan that's very hard right, special oriented, andlth then says the way to be bipartisan is just support his plan. works.not how america host: some of the headlines this spending deals that was reached overnight. the front page of the "new york reached to fund u.s. for five months, threat of government shutdown recedes. spendinging that the package, if passed, would be the first significant bipartisan congresspproved by during the trump administration. and this headline from the this morning,mes" negotiators announce deal to avoid the shutdown, no seed borderor the proposed wall. certainly was a sticking point in the discussions. won't be in the spending plan that would fund the government through september 30. happens after that. want to hear your thoughts this morning. susan in welcome, maryland, republicans. good morning and welcome. caller: yes. morning. host: go ahead. caller: a couple of things. all, i think that i'm having ourof government held hostage by the resolutions. we need to have a balanced budget. they ought to cut by 10%sional salaries atil they can come up with valid spending bill. i think that we were told that there would be no funding for planned parenthood except for going into the states. i think that the money from parenthood should actual the healthcare bills, show that money is there , instead ofissues just for abortions. thoughts.are my thank you very much. byt: susan, do feel let down this spending deal as you're learning about it? caller: yes, i do. i really do. it seems like every time we get where we have to decide about a spending bill -- you know, we're supposed to be september.dget every we keep having omnibus spending throughst to get us where they're not doing their job. in office.hem i feel very let down by what the party has done on this one. host: do assign any of the blame to democrats here? caller: yeah. it to that's why i say congress should the -- and the senate, hello , cut your salaries 10% until you can come up with a balanced budget so that it is -- totallytisan partisan. and theironed it out american people know what's going on so things don't get passed in secret. host: members of congress keep ing that salary freeze in place that's been in place since 2010. it costs $4.4 billion to keep congress and its various and capitol police .unning that's $871.2 million to keep the senate lights on through the , $1.19 billionr to keep the house of representatives running. police force, $393 million to guard congress and capitol hill and congress. eleanor is in harrisburg, pennsylvania. line for democrats. morning. caller: hi. how are you? .ost: doing well go ahead. caller: my main concern is that trump needs to realize that there's a total difference and needs to understand in being the president of the united states and being a c.e.o. has done nothing and doesn't have a clue. he said about the swamp, he swamp.the that's understandable. you know, we owe all of this to republicans for the turmoil, promises and trump's on day one for his 100 days is a.c.a. that he keeps saying it's obamacare which will just destroy people. also he wants to privatize medicare. he wants to build a wall. hey, when you went to mexico, he choked. his legsere, cross the , choked and came back. you know, enough is enough. ought to bers ashamed of themselves because he has lied to them the whole time continue to lie without a doubt. is in potomac, maryland, good morning. stole: chuck schumer just my thunder. thank god for people like chuck schumer and paul ryan for bring normalcy or some sanity to this whomn the white house conmberg called the best man in u.s. has proved to be just that. in his budget, he wants to complete completely eliminate onlye taxes for the rich, .002% of the richest people pay .state taxes he wants to eliminate them. and that will cost $20 billion loss in revenue every year. he's definitely maid h made the rich richer. --t is it that people are for?ollowing him he has absolutely turned his .ack on the common man he's given just little crumbs as to the middle class. and the majority of the tax cuts to the wealthiest in this country. trump like aing fiddle. they get whatever they want in that they are going .o help with north carolina because will skyrocket no matter how much growth we it can never pay for the deficit. reagan tax cuts .nd bush's tax cuts host: just to make a few distinctions, talking about the proposal,s tax reform separate from what we're discuss ing here this deal that came up withngress to keep the government running september. end of of course the presidents always submit their budget but this is an omnibus spending bill that was gettiated and now has to voted on this week, would have tobe voted on before friday avoid a government shutdown. if it does it would fund the september 30.ough a few tweets. mrs. v writes the gop can't themselves to be fiscally responsible. james says government will never .ontrol its spending and asked, is there someplace to to read this deal? yes. you can go to the house rules if you million to c-span's hill twitter craig kaplan on , he put it up on his twitter link when he was talking the 1,665-page omnibus spending bill. that.n just click on it will take you right to the legislation to that deal. if you want to read through it yourself. getting you are your reaction as we're all learning about what's in it together from the reporting overnight. michael is in st. petersburg, new york, line for democrats. morning. caller: good morning. how are you? host: doing well. caller: this deal that congress has reached this funding deal, you say funding, people got to understand where the funding comes from. comes from taxes. it comes from revenue. and when they start cutting tax , the fundingch theying to go down and can't keep spending if the money is not coming in. it's just like running a household. this countryual in has got to do it. they got to pay their bills. and you can only pay what you have. and if they don't start understanding that if they keep cutting taxes for corporations and giving them breaks and not theyg their fair share, need to start paying their fair share. and its taxes is what funds this country. so when you talk about funding the country and funding the thatnment, you need revenue or you cannot do the funding. this deal -- they talk about they're going to cut things. talk why don't they cut or about -- they talk about healthcare a lot and the costs of healthcare. what the american people in this want, we want what they have. we want the same healthcare that family gets, that the congress and the senate and get. other individual we want the same deal. we want the same things. we're americans, too. tot: might be a good time mention, members of congress are get their insurance through the ad forrable care act -- affordable care act. somebody from the congressional management foundation i believe last wednesday to talk specifically member healthcare packages , what they get, what their staffs get, and what they don't get. so if you want to check that out , it's at i believethis program last wednesday. but go ahead and finish your thought. caller: well, my thought is that when republicans come into office, first thing they talk trickle down economics and cutting taxes for the rich. corporate america. this country was run better when and the with the rich corporate, the high taxes. and they still lived good. they still live very well in this country. and it's time that the republicans understand this trickle down thing does not work host: gotcha. might be a good time to show the united states national debt. it's at $19.894 trillion. is, the top number here ticking up. where you cank is check out the current state of the u.s. national debt. huntington, indiana, republican. good morning. caller: good morning. yes, i am just so disappointed in the way this is going. inas so proud when he got there and how the people i voted in and everything. i'm getting so disappointed now. they're not doing what i want them to do. is they specifically? who are you disappointed in? caller: the congress, the , the people i voted in. they are just not doing like they would do. host: do you think the president is doing what he promised he would do? caller: no. he's getting sidetracked. host: on what? what is sidetracking him? caller: i don't really know i haven't figured it out but it gets sidetracked auto easy and gets on to carrying else, just not ing through. i'm just getting very disappoint ed. or threet are the two things you want him to carry through on? caller: carry through on like the planned parenthood. do that.e would just be it for the little guy and everything. he's just not doing it. i don't know. doing it. he's not working -- can't get with himrats to work or something. i don't know. .t's just not fair hypothetical "wall street journal" in their lead story this morning noting that the work ont continuing to overhauling healthcare. the white house and top congressional republicans trying build momentum for new healthcare vote this week but amongst centrist members of the republican party remains a stumbling block in the effort to undo the ad forrable act, also known as obamacare. to other story to point you this morning, news from the hill.whose job up is the congresswoman latenam of florida retiring at the end of her term next year saying it's time to move on after 38 years office. the 64-year-old republican was elected in november to florida's district, a stretch of southeast maid maid -- miami- dade county. hillary clinton won it over president trump by 20 percentage points but the congresswoman was seat by 10 that percentage points. story in the "washington times" noting that her unexpected give democrats an opportunity to pick up a south florida congressional seat in 2018. we continue to talk about this $1.1 trillion budget deal. .ood morning caller: good morning, sir. thank you for having me. how are you? well.doing caller: ok. a quick kind of bipartisan point here. feeding america recently came out and said that there are 13 million children hungry in our nation. and this is relevant so give me here.e.c. there are also 74 million children in the united states if we figure that out, that comes out to about 18% to 20% of children who are hungry in our nation. the $54 billion that we just added to military spending, killing in its essence, people, regardless of the moral reason, that breaks down to 41.50 per child we could thatgiven the starving needs food, more houses, family homes, etc., in the united states that are actually facing similar issues. but point being -- host: not to quibble with your numbers but the number that's in budget deal was $15 billion in military spending. a total of $593 billion to the pentagon. caller: temporarily, yes. but the proposal i believe was military spending by 54 and cut military programs -- at least according to the times this morning. host: what you're talking about is president trump's original his budget proposal to congress. the $15 billion that we're talk ing about today is what actually came to in this deal that funds the government through the end of .eptember caller: ok. that does make sense. still in which case, i would that would still be a per starving$1,150 child in our nation. i would just like us all to be more about our neighbors and eachng our kids, helping other, getting our homeless people off the streets. there are a lot of things going addinghe world but just to the phene not taking care of feelroblems back home i exacerbates them. host: judy, crownsville, maryland. caller: you've had a lot of call ers talking about how disas withulted they are government in general and with budget,aspects of this with their promises made and the routinely.ey break .his last caller you've had so many callers. thatne of the problems is the constitution gives -- the to manage congress is the budget. and each year they fail. they are late and they are over budget. so we're forced into deeper and deeper debt. our children and grandchildren are going to be buried in debt. yourf you don't anticipate children children and grandchildren living in the basement, i don't know where .hey're going to live one the serious berns h -- concerns is one of the other callers made the point about the lack. income. know, you have to have funds coming in, the revenue to pay for the government. of lack ofhuge areas income has to do with the crush ing of the middle class and the failure to enforce the employment aspects of the immigration law prohibited from aliens.llegal and every year the office of the the socialeneral of security administration issues abouts about the i.r.s. what theywho have call no match. of the, the employees employers don't have legal social security numbers. is no prosecution of those employers. -- oh, plus, got are busy sending remittances home to their families because they're not folks in to the old this country or to the disabled folks that are here. their love and affection goes to their families, which is perfect ly logical. ast: are you saying that's place we could find revenue, by insuring that those policies are enforced? caller: absolutely. and because it is public generale the inspector reports it. you had a reporter on from i .ant to say san antonio people called in and he said -- not pay the employees of theirull amount social security. and many of them become independent contractors, so no scrutiny at all. we are losing staggering amounts of revenue from the people who don'tt -- you know who have social security numbers or who use stolen social security .umbers so there is this huge revenue issue. plus, you have these employers who are not paying their share security taxes plus they're not -- since this is all under the table and it's creating cash, they are also not paying, you know, the other revenue.f the so we're being hit from every direction and it is both parties. both parties stall. hired any other -- if you hired a corporation to do a job and company to do a job they were six months late and it's been a trillion dollars budgeted, would say this is a really lousy company and i'm never going to do business with again. host: well, we're about seven year. into the fiscal spending plan would fund another five months, through the end of september 30. that craig it clear caplan would be eye good person to follow on twit tore learn about this. so he's our hill producer up there. he's been digging through the spending bill this morning. a few of the things he's found, bill, one in that that no funding may be used to " ofvent implementation programs of voluntary prayer and meditation in public schools." and one other tweet from craig this morning, the spending bill reludes an entire section stricting funds to the russian government to counter their " influence and aggression." craigcaplan on twitter. james in georgia. morning. caller: good morning. comment.t a i always listen to c-span. last year when president barack was there. now we've got donald. just don't know nothing. it's just down to earth. he is racist. dumb. tv he don'town on know [indiscernible]. he is one of the dumbest presidents. host: rather than just calling names, give me examples. aller: that tries to make budget? what high school he went to? did he graduate? this thingll of about president barack but donald, you don't hear his grade class?tom of the what's wrong with this boy? he's not a president. a disgrace to the united states. take the insurance away from him don't try tone rich your family. you're doingw what , trump. now stop it. it's our taxpayers money. stop it. you're dumb. you're ignorant -- host: we'll hold off on the name calling. carolinaen in north carolina -- karen in north carolina. republican. morning. caller: hi. i just want to say, first of all ,i'm a trump democrat. say to my republican friends that if the freedom theus hadn't blocked healthcare legislation, we would have $1 trillion worth of tax cuts, planned parenthood would have been defunded. wasn't using the freedom caucus to sabotage trump's presidency. and that's what's going on. if that legislation had passed, would have seen $1 trillion worth of tax cuts and planned defunded asould be we speak. but ted cruz is sabotaging presidency.'s and i don't know why the media doesn't pick up on this because he came right out and said that ted cruz template for againstion, to go everything the establishment -- well, not the establishment. i don't want to say that. leaders and president trump want until they bend to the will of the freedom caucus so that he credit for the legislation in 2020 when he plans to run for president. can ask you, you said you're a trump democrat. democrats want? can the democratic party win back trump democrats? if so, how? caller: no. no. i don't want anything to do with the democrats. they are now the crazy constituency. they have lost their minds. they are globalists. the way i see it. they dangle the merckles, the greatest thing since sliced bread. --'s the liberal that caused the liberal ideology to be she's theacross -- last man stabbing is what i'm trying to say in europe. host: why not become a republican? caller: i'm going to be. i just haven't gotten around to doing it. i'm going to change my party affiliation. i'm regretting my vote for mark meadows. that right now. and i definitely want to get over there and change my party affiliation to republican so i can vote against whoever runs against him in the primar even if it's [indiscernible]. host: mark meadows, head of the caucus, somebody we've talked a lot about on this program. regret that vote? talk to me more about him. make a because he can't decision about anything unless it'slls and checks and see it's ok with ted cruz first. ted cruz is pulling -- he's the freedom caucus to sabotage donald trump's presidency. it's the leader ship of the freedom caucus thenot the membership of freedom caucus that's causing the problems for the president? caller: i'll tell you what, the members in the south might make it through without democrats crossing over him.oting for but ones like justin amosh, jim midwestern states, they are going to be out on 2018.cans in host: thanks for the call from north carolina. this firstller in segment of the washington -- of the "washington journal" this morning. journal," "washington we're going to be talking about ben schreiber, with friends of political the senior strategist there, coming off of those climate marches. we're going to take up the issue of climate change. morrissey will be here to discuss president trump 's support and approval passes the 100-day office milestone. right [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2017] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy.] c-span, senator tammy duckworth's maiden speech from floor.ate >> somebody tried to convince us less engagement of the world, acceptance of others and less investment of ourselves. i know the path forward for our cannot include, does not include turning our backs on the that built this nation. >> secretary of add culture sonny purdue. excited about the tint, ready to go to work and make we make american agriculture as great as it can future for rural prosperity and for jobs. >> national economic director gary cohen on the trump administration tax reform plan. >> we are going to cut taxes and simplify the tax code by taking the current seven tax brackets reducing themand to only three brackets. communism.rowitz on >> human beings are prone to .vil the corruption is within us. once you understand that, you're conservative. >> [laughter] that societyieve is an oppressive system,

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