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President trumps tax history matter to you . Give us a call this morning. Republicans, 2027488001 is your number. Democrats, 2027488000. Inns, 2027488002. You can catch up with us on associate media on twitter. Com cspanwj, acebook. Com cspan. Host via his twitter page. He tweeted out i did what was an almost an impossible thing do for a republican easily won the athletic trorl college. Now tax returns are brought up again, question mark. He tweeted following that someone should look into who paid for the maul organized rally yesterday. The election is over. Over the weekend, as we said, those protests happening, those marches happening in cities around the country. Heres a scene from one of those protests here in washington, d. C. Featuring the Ranking Member of the Financial Services committee, congresswoman maxine waters. A year ago, donald trump lied and he said and im going to quote. He said i will absolutely give my tax returns. But ive been audited for two or three years. So i cant do it until the audit is finished, obviously. Liar. Liar. Iar. As Fact Checkers schexperts quickly explained it was all a lie. There is not nothing preventing donald trump from releasing his tax returns. The simple truth is hes got a lot to hide. Host were asking you this morning does President Trumps tax history matter to you . Hone lines again, republicans, 2027488001. Democrats, 2027488000. Independents 2027488002. As we said, well also be checking social media on twitter. Its facebook. Com cspan. Don griffith writes in this morning that President Trumps tax history did matter but not anymore. He said that its safe to say hes a tax cheat that pays very little and hes shamed to show the public exactly what he gets away with. And below that, logan writes in nope unless theres illegal activity it shouldnt matter to anyone. News gnash, in he had done something wrong, the i. R. S. Would have already said something. I want to hear your thought this morning. Were focusing on this in the wake of those marches that took lace over the weekend. Walter, good morning. Caller truly independent, sir, and i think that it should matter to the American Public as we go out and try and scrimp and pay our own taxes. The idea and my problem is the conflicts of interest that are within those papers that hes refusing, outright refusing to show. The idea that this fraud, this bankrupt specialist is now the president , im not angry about its. America, you elected him. But hes a fraud and the idea that there are conflicts of interests. People dont realize the hotel and allowing that hotel to remain a trump property is a violation of the law. But that too should be in there because he has 5 million worth of lawsuit on that hotel that he hasnt paid bills on and his bankruptcy was his Economic Policy and were about to enter the negotiations for the continuing resolution on our budget or, you know, our federal spending and that is going to be a problem. We need to see his paperwork. Host walter, before you go, among the comments from the trump family about President Trumps taxes, is there is quote to the pittsburgh tribute from President Trumps oldest son, he said releasing the president s return which he said would cover 12,000 pages would distract from his fathers message. What do you think about his explanation . Caller the only message that he has is hate. Hate and separation, divide and conquer. Its a republican playbook. But the idea that that clown go hunt some more endangered species because they are no geniuses. We did not elect iyanla. We did not elect eric. We did not elect these guys to be the new kennedys, if i might facetiously say. The idea that this guy is a fraud. Donald trump is not a successful businessman and the russian connections are embedded in those 12,000 pages. Host randy is next from louisiana and an independent. Good morning. Caller good morning. Thanks for taking my call. Well, i got my own problems with taxes much less donald trump. Hes got his own problems. And everybody that sits there and jumps up and down about trump trying to throw him under the bus, my god, they need to go after Hillary Clinton, george bush and the obamas and everybody else. Thats just a that whole dang bunch needs to be in jail. I could care less. As long as he puts this country back on track which it hadnt been since they murdered kennedy. I mean, my god. Hes doing what he can and everybodys trying to throw him under the bus. Let he man do his job. Host donald trump brought up that he did an almost impossible thing to do for republican easily winning the eck Electoral College and how to these returns are brought up again. He said in that tweet. Do you think the people who bring up the tax returns are trying to refight the election . Caller oh, theyve been trying to refight the election ever since he won. The opposition, the clintons, everybody was fed up of them because nobody the bushes and the clintons. Theyre all the same people. They never got anything done. So, you know, this man is not a republican and hes not a democrat. Hes an independent. Hes a true independent. Host all right. Lets go to mark. North hollywood, california, line for democrats. Mark, good morning. Caller good morning. The first gentleman said it much better than i can say it. He absolutely should show his taxes. This is a guy who harassed barack obama for six years that he demanded to see his birth certificate. And he only goes after people when hes provoked, he says. Barack obama never provoked donald trump. Hes a liar. Hes a thief. Hes con artist. And if you dont think he has something to hide, why dont you want him to just show it and just prove us all wrong . Im sure donald trump would love any opportunity to prove that hes wrong but he is a thief. Hes a liar and hes hiding something and its absolutely unamerican for you not to want him to show his taxes. Host michael, olympia, washington, is a republican. Michael, good morning. Caller yes. My responses to these people who nts use critical thinking. Donald trump can afford to pay the most prestigious tax preparing people in the world to prepare his taxes. If there was anything illegal that he had ever done, it would show up in the annual audits he gets from the i. R. S. And he would be in jail now. He would not be president of the United States of america. Now i watched the hearings on cspan and youre welcome to watch them too. Theyre recorded for your information. Watch them and youll see a rson who was an expert tax preparer in congress. A congressional person who talked to the man from new all the answer that is youre asking for are in the document that donald trump has already given to congress. Something like 500 pages long and he answers all of the things that this man wanted to be answered but seeing Donald Trumps tax return. Host michael talking about the Financial Disclosure that then candidate trump filed. A few comments from twitter as were talking about this. Jim in said those obsessed with tax returns really think that the i. R. S. Would not have trump in jail if he were cheating on his taxes . Bill king writes in yes, i want to see taxes and i want to know who is entering the white house. Both are important. Bill king talking about the stories about visitor logs at the white house. Officials in the Trump Administration saying they wont make those visitors log public. President trump as we said, hosting the annual White House Easter Egg Roll this morning and throughout the day at the white house today. Heres a tweet from first lady melania trump. Looking forward to hosting the easter egg roll. That images for the advertising for this years easter egg roll as President Trump is at the white house today. His Vice President mike pence is in the dill militarized zone in north korea on the border of north korea visiting korea after that weekend in which north cree rea botch admissible missile test. He made some news with some of his statements and warnings to north korea about their work on their nuclear program. Just in the past two weeks, the world witnessed the strength and revolve of our resolve in our new president in actions taken in syria and afghanistan. North korea would do well not to test his resolve or the strength of the armed forces of the United States in this region. We will continue to deploy the Missile Defense system called for by the alliance and for the alliance. We will continue to evolve a comprehensive set of capabilities to ensure the ablets of south south korea. We will meet any use of Nuclear Weapons with a effective response. Host the Vice President making those statements in seoul, south korea this morning. We will keep you up to date about his trip and his travels n korea and in asia this week. We start with north korea and get to the issue of the unpredictabilityibility aspect f President Trump. There are trades going up last year. They also as we found out have indirectly provided some missiles. So china could be brought to a point where they putting pressure constantly on andy north. Theres an opportunity to north korea. There has to be a daybyday strategy and one of the things is that getting mill trill raised from the but he needs a much stronger state department. Host senator jack reed there on meet the press with chuck todd. About President Trumps tax history. Were asking whether it matters to you. Phone lines for republicans, democrats and independents. Well put those numbers on the screen and go to our line for democrats. Janus is in freedom, california. Janus, good morning. Janus, are you there . Well go to ted, waiting in new york, independent. Good morning. Caller good morning to you. Trump had a problem with any embarrassing information, maybe anything damaging, it could have been leaked by now. Believe it or not, our personal information has been out and thats true. So all these things is just political. And i know that donald trump trying to destabilize this man and then impeach him, maybe and that this will continue. Even if the tax will resolve in the next month or two, donald trump is enemy number one and they dont want him to succeed. Believe it or not. It is a sad thing. The next four years, he is going to be still protest, protest about whom, donald trump, they dont like to be president. Period. Host does it matter what he does even if he put all 12,000 pages if thats what it is out there . You dont think that would matter . Caller no, because they try to associated him with putin now. That backfired. So this line of pushing him maybe he has business over there illegal things he does, all this or that, that will continue. Even if after he proved all the documents in the coming months. But he didnt break any law. That is the law. If he had broken a law, it could have been by now another story. He just follow the rules. He has been in the public life for how many years . He has many public enemies. It seems that people are not happy that he is our president. Host lets go to madeleine in virginia. Good morning. Caller i just want to say we had easter dinner sunday with our families and the discussion was about the people in are you there . Host yam. Yes, maam. What was the discussion about . Caller the people there in the capitol, washington, d. C. Are, not representing the American Peoples safety and security. We are upset also. We could care less about Donald Trumps taxes. We have too much trouble with our own. We are upset over the fact that our sons are cant afford spent their time in the military and cant afford to have Health Insurance but obama carrie i. R. S. Took 1,200 out of their i. R. S. Refund again this year. And that is theirs. Our safety and security and the interest of the American People and the senators in the creme congressmen up there in the capital need to start working to protect the American People thank you very much. Caller i think it is very important donald trump show his taxes. Donald trump called on mitt romney to release his taxes. Its hard time that the American People come to grips with the fact that donald trump is a pathetic serial liar. He has no morals. I mean, if youre accused of groping 16 women and you are going to call them all liars, which we know is not true, then you have a problem. And the Biggest Issue with this taxes is the fact that the American Government has become the extension of the Trump Administration, the trump organization. He has many conflicts of interests, especially many maralago and other trump properties. Its pathetic that donald trump would not show his taxes. Host can i ask you about the early callers comment that President Trump could release all his taxes and it wouldnt matter . Why should he release his taxes . Caller he should release his taxes because it would show where hes getting his money from. We know that donald trump owes hundreds of millions of dollars to china, to russia, his son actually said Donald Trumps son actually said that millions and millions of dollars are poured in from russia. And its curious that many people in the trump orbit from flynn to cushner to manny ford, theyre all associated with russia. I think 20 people that are on the witness list of the senate have been called to testify because they have ties with russia from jeff sessions. The list goes on and on. Manny page, roger stone, ford. Its very suspicious that many people that are in Donald Trumps orbit are associated with russia. I think its very i think its very important. Host im going to dom the issue of tax, reform. The New York Times tax returns. The New York Times, one of those news organizations that are tracking what we know, whats been released, whats come out. Among the information that we do know at this point is some information from President Trumps 2005 tax returns. Those obtained by msnbc and david kay johnson, a recorder. Those coming out last month showing that President Trump used large scale business losses to reduce Tax Liability in 2005. Still paid 38 million on an annual income of 150 million that year. Tax returns also obtained by the New York Times dating to 1995. Those came out during the president ial campaign showed 916 million losses that President Trump could have used to wipe away in taxable income for up to 18 years after that and some Tax Information dating back to the early 1990s and the 1980s that can come out over the years. But mostly the extent of that about his specific tax returns. Gene this los angeles, california, republican. Gene, good morning. Caller good morning. Host go ahead, jean. Caller how are you doing . Host im doing well. Go ahead. Caller great. Im just sick of all this crap t and im sick about the these people who are against him. He did his taxes. He doesnt have to show them to anybody. Let them show their taxes. What they want to see, im sick of it. Im so sick of it. And i love trump. Bye host arthur, memphis, tennessee, line for democrats. Good morning. Caller good morning. Donald trump is taking this country for a ride. Every other weekend, hes going to florida. And these people that dont want to show the taxes, theyre as crazy as he is. Host why should he show them, arthur . We lost arthur. Louis is in michigan. Democrat. Good morning, louis. Louis, are you with us . Caller yes. Host go ahead. Caller i believe he should show his taxes. There should be transparency across the line. I dont care if youre republican, democrat or independent. There should be transparency. And that should be for all of us to think about. If youre in government, you have lost, really, some of your privacy and there should be transparency for all of us to see. Host are you saying every federal worker should release their tax returns . Caller no, but if youre in the high levels like the presidency or the Vice President who did show his taxes, you should. You should. There should be transparency. Host and what about cabinet members . You want to see all their taxes as well . Caller i think so. I in the senate yes, i believe so. I think theres a lot of money flowing in that we dont know about. Pardon . Host senate and house members too . Caller yes. If youre in the high level, i believe it. You should have transparency. Theres a lot of i cant think of the word. Youre going to have to help me because i cant think of it. The lobbyist. The money flows. And you need to know who theyre accountable to. Are they accountable . Are they voting for you . The people . Or are they voting because the lobbyist . And a lot of times, it is the lobbyist. The money is flowing and it gets he vote. Yeah, i truly believe there should be transparency. Host two former white house ethics lawyers wee column in the californian. The hello of that column, headline they are richard painter, vice chairman for ethics in washington and norman isner, who is the chairman of that organization here in washington, d. C. And that column, they wrote at a minimum before this Administration Even thinks of proposing any changes to the tax code, we should see what stocks Code Provisions the president himself has been taking advantage of. Otherwise, we are bound to end up with a deal where the rest of us pay yet more tax while he and probably his Business Partners and political allies pay less. The art of the deal for him, perhaps, but for the rest of us t the art of the steal. He writes we should not pay taxes for a government that ignores our interests. The column and the californian, in you want to read that. Its part of the u. S. A. Today network. Debbie this henderson, North Carolina, republican. Good morning. Caller good morning. The majority of the people that voted donald trump into office along with our savior and lord jesus christ, we dont care about seeing his taxes. It is not rider. And i think the protestors are just having something to crybaby about. Snowflakes, whatever you want to call them. Theyre paid by george soros. Al sharpton owes millions in taxes. Jesse jackson, i used to attend his church in riverside, california. And im ashamed of it. E owes back taxes. And they have no right to get out there and burn our flag. Nobody cares about Donald Trumps taxes. And if you want to see if hes got a building in north korea, fly over there and go check it out. Host did you see any caller this infuriates me. Host did you see any flag burning this weekend . Caller yes. It was a veteran in a wheelchair that tried to stop them. Host was that in henderson . Caller no. That was in berkeley. I didnt see anything in henderson. We were to stop him. Host debbie, is that your husband . Guest my flag got stolen. My marine flag did not. My American Flag did. Host when did that happen, debbie . Caller over the winter. But we bought another one and put it out. Host do you think it had something to do with the election . Yes. Caller absolutely. I think these people need to take a look at whats going on around the world and stop the petty stuff that theyre doing and i think there should be a law against burk flags, our American Flag. That is our flag. Thats our country. And if they dont like it, make them keep their word and leave. Go to canada. Go to wherever. There are a bunch of communists. And they dont belong here. Host all right. Thats debbie in henderson, North Carolina. Tony this bradenton, florida, independent. Good morning. Caller good morning, sir. I just want to say that yes, trump needs to show all his taxes because the average american, when we dont pay taxes, we get crucified by the i. R. S. [inaudible] the list goes on and on. We find out with nixon. He didnt pay like half a million. So im pretty sure this person is not only the worst person in the United States the most corrupt president in history and yet because he has russian and tions, i mean, putin then trump, theyre so corrupt host tony, you think that would appear in his tax returns . Money from russia . His r i agree with whats name . Pelosi and the other person. Es from new york. I have alzheimers. I know the senator or a the senator from new york. He said he needs to show his taxes. Host tony, you talk about some of history here. That is noted in the wall street journal story today about the marches and president rumps responses on twitter. Every president has released his returns while in office in 1978, ethics laws requires all including president s to release their tax assets. Linda is in orange, connecticut. Line for democrats. Good morning. Linda, go ahead. Caller hello . I dont think its important that he shows his taxes because to see if he paid them or not. I think to see who he owes money to and a significant amount of his holdings are in foreign interests such as in russia or china, then that could compromise his decisions in Foreign Policy that affects our entire nation, not just trade, but quite frankly, we have people north korea and its not whether or not he paid taxes. Its who hes indebted to that i believe counts. And as for our caller from North Carolina jesus said give to rome what is romes when speaking of taxes. So its a kernel above for our christian listeners. Have a good day. Host dems are trying to fight the election. Theyre vindictive because they are beaten so badly. Donny is a democrat in columbia, kentucky. Donny, good morning. Caller in talking about trumps taxes, i could care less about his taxes. We need to impeach him and send him back to new york. Yall have a good day. Host and in california this morning. Line for republicans, john. Go ahead. Caller yes. I voted for trump. D as i recall in some of his speeches, he said he will release his taxes. Then he should do it. The mans lying otherwise. And i voted for the guy. Thank you. Host john, would you vote for him again if he was running for reelection and had not released those tax returns . Caller i would have to. The choice i had, i would still have to vote for him. I dont like the guy but im a conservative. You cant vote for Hillary Clinton for christ sakes. Host john, do you think he loses voters though when he runs for reelection when he doesnt release those returns . The people who are not going to vote for him are not going to vote for him regardless . Caller from what ive been hearing on your program, what he said would. But thats simply a matter of sigh lying or telling the truth. Simple as that. Host jim this new york, republican. Jim, good morning. Caller i used to enjoy listening to your program but you are not by partisan anymore. Our intelligence is being when you weaponized by guys hardly even make a whisper about it. You talk about a tax return. The guy released 506 pages of his financial documents. I noticed all the combination, the topics you bring up are always geared to be a negative towards republicans and im sick of it. Host sorry to disappoint you, jim. We do try to bring up topics that are in the news. Try to bring both sides and try to give you chance to talk about it. President trump tweeting about his topic yesterday morning. And one of the reasons weve been talking about it today. Renee, baton rouge, louisiana, republican. Good morning. Caller good morning. When will congress and lobbyist and the media and nonprofits and political groups stop stealing taxpayer money to pay for investigations and marches . Host what do you mean by that, renee . Caller were paying for these investigations. Congress isnt paying for all of his nonsense looking at russia. The American People are paying for it. Its our money. Donald trump was elected to recover stolen property and stolen money from the American People by the Obama Administration with the help of media, lobbyist, congress, nonprofits and political groups. When will that stop . When will yall pay for these investigations instead of demanding that we pay for them . Were broke. Host randy, do you think there were unnecessary investigations during the obama investigation . Caller im 54 years old. I looked at illegal and wasteful spending for four years by congress. Four years Investigation Commission summit, task forces and Congress Just get fat and happy every year. Have a nice day. Host steve in minnesota, republican. Good morning. Caller thanks for cspan. Well we got a lot of important issues in the world to be talking about this again today. We talked about it sunday morning, yesterday on cspan . At any rate, i am a tax guy. And during the campaign, it came up by donald that he was under aud it and had been for the last 5 years. The issue of whether hes paid all of his taxes which ill and comfortable given the fact that the i. R. S. Is auditing him that e has paid all of his taxes. Obviously now that hes president and hes under audit, at last potential conflict of interest, i think because people in the i. R. S. Indirectly, at least, property to him. But having said that by the fact that he has been under audit, i think he shade during his campaign that ones the audit is over, he would disclose his taxes. So thats a promise that hes made and he seems to be keeping most of his promises. So i wouldnt i dont know what the status of that audit is but i would be curious about where that does stand if any other viewers know about that. And as far as tax simplification piss concerned, just one little shot there. I think wages in capital should be taxed at the same tax rate. And i wish that piece of simplification would get into the tax code. So thanks a lot. Host tax reform an issue with congress. They have promised to deal with and the president as well later this year. Well be covering that as it happens. I want to show you some other headlines from around the country today. Some headlines based on the 10year anniversary of the shooting rampage at Virginia Tech in the blacksburg, virginia. A day of remembrance held on sunday. Theres a headline from u. S. A. Today. We are Virginia Tech is the tshirt that Christine Smith wore at the remembrance event that was held yesterday. Shes pictured there with her 10yearold son. A few of the headlines about that this morning come from the washington times. Their story, a survivor now a dad aftermath of a tragedy 10 years later. Scars of Virginia Tech shooting remain is the story there about Virginia Tech student kevin stern who was carried out of north hall on campus after the gunman opened fire in a dorm and classroom. Kevin stern also now working at Virginia Tech. The story about his journey over 10 years in the washington times. And one other story to point you to on this topic today is an editorial from congressman bobby scott of virginia. His editorial today appearing in one of the virginian newspapers noting that despite calls for reforms in the nations gun laws, congress has done little from fort hood to aurora to new wn to charleston to orlando, we are borne twons far too many Mass Shootings in our nation. Democratic congressman buck scott of virginia, if you want to read about his column in the daily press. Were talking about President Trumps tax history, asking simply does it matter to you . Joyce is in vero beach, florida, a democrat. Good morning. Caller good morning. I think the releasing of the tax material is important because he said he would do it and then it gives us an idea of where he stands moneywise. But i think theres a great problem here. I think the nation needs to become more aware of research d watch the station and read the book that analyze what is going on rather than jumping to this dang by god ordinary nation to run our country. We have had corruptness from congress from both parties. They need to represent the people, not special interests. The last thing that was passed on giving Big Companies like verizon the ability to give away our information. The congressman got paid on the floor for passing that regulation. And im more concerned about his concept of basically a dynasty occurring in the capital. I mean, why can you go ahead. Host what do you mean they got paid on the floor for doing that . Caller well, they get paid on the floor for passing certain bills. I cant remember the name of the group that monitors that. But Mitch Oconnell got a check for like 249,000 for voting for that bill. Host you think members of congress got checks for the house and senate floor . Caller yes, i do. Host where did you see that . Caller i cannot remember the organization that is by partisan citizen, a group on ethics. But they have to get paid if they vote everything for big business over the people. And try and escape these town hall meetings. Host are you talking about Campaign Donations . By lobby groups . Caller im not talking about Campaign Donations. Im talking about if a business ants to pass a law for the furtherment of their interests, they will pay members of congress when they vote for it. Host not something ive heard of, joyce, but if you come up with where you heard that, let us know. Giannis alexandria, pennsylvania, an independent. Ohn, good morning. Caller i read yesterday that donald trump is 132 million in debt. Ok. Now if i was 132 million in debt, i couldnt buy anything. I couldnt get a loan. I couldnt get anything. Host john, where did you hear that . Caller read it from mother jones. Host ok. Guest to me, this guy needs to be impeached. And to the people in North Carolina theyre complaining about their flag being stolen. Why dont they leave the country . You know, im so sick of this right wing ideal joling of im right, youre wrong, you know . Why didnt you blow up the runways of the airport . And is it funny when the last two republican president s when their approval rates go down or something that we start a war. Wake up. Host the time right youre wrong ideaology you talk about is that something that is just unique to republicans . Caller yes, it is. They cant think for themselves. Ive got that Bumper Sticker on the back of my vehicle. Host ok. Thats john in pennsylvania. A few tweets from democratic members of congress. Oyd said texans agree that President Trump must release his taxes. Debbieres congresswoman wasserman schultz. And then theres joe crowley of a few of the democratic members who were tweeting about this issue amid the tax marches over the weekend, President Trump tweeting out his response in a series of tweets yesterday morning. Were talking about it with you on the washington journal for about the next 10 to 15 minutes. Want to hear your thoughts about it. Does President Trumps tax history matter to you . Patrick is in columbus, indiana, line for republicans. Patrick, good morning. Caller hi there. Good morning. Host go ahead, patrick. Caller hi. Ok. My point will be suss i think and very to the point. Donald trump is playing the democrats as fools. One day, he will release the taxes and then they will all fold up and fly away. Thank you for your time and i appreciate your host patrick, you dont think theres anything in there that people will find . He just wants people to be interested in them . Caller theres probably things in his tax return that are well, business oriented and if he does cheat on his taxes, the i. R. S. Will fine him and they will go after him. But this is all just going to be a nice show for him. Everyones going to get upset about his taxes and then boom, he will show them and they will find something new. Host another patrick in pennsylvania. Democrat. Patrick, good morning. Caller its stunning when i listen to the comments of people who are not even beginning to understand the way the media operates particularly when it comes to the enormous shift, the the hift to articulating president s message. I have never seen an about face in the history of this country when it comes to how the medias now greeting this president. And all of a sudden, youre actors in he other the media system greeting this president yes, he understands his new president ial narrative and then the media deploys the issue of the aspects of his monumental its a National Issue when in fact what were looking at is the greatest pivoting of any president in the history of the country when it comes to this president , abandoning his entire base and moving into the new world order. They call it the order now. You the mccains and the lindsey grahams. They call it the order now in order to rationalize what theyre doing, which is so disturbing on virtually every level. I got to tell you, its really appalling. Host one story on whats happening in the world this from u. S. A. Today but also being covered in most papers with international news. Turkish president claimed victory sunday in a tightly contested National Referendum that would change his countrys system of government and give the president vast new powers. Multiple opposition parties allege voting irregularitys and seeking recount. The referendum would allow the president to tighten his political grip and remain in power until 2029. Back to your calls. Daniel is in staten island, new york. Daniel, good morning. Caller good morning. I have no feeling or want to see mr. Trumps tax paperwork because the man is a proven liar. Proven. No question. He lies. What makes you think those tax papers would be accurate . It goes to and he changed the law in order to make this acceptable to his nazi buddies in congress. This country is in big trouble. I am a veteran of the United States armed forces. I also served my country. And i served it because during the vietnam crisis, it has to be. Is man, of course, he hasnt done a lot of things and he is, im sorry to say, not very representative. So youre going to read his taxes . I trust theyre not accurate. Host all right. Mark is a republican in pennsylvania. Mark, good morning. Caller good morning. Thanks. Ill make it quick. Its good to get his tax returns. Why wouldnt you want to give it . Hes our president of the United States. He serves us. The reason because well, he had money invested into the pipeline and that was a travesty. And also does he have money invested in the pipeline thats going through syria thats causing this war . Because it will cut russia out , the warsto authority are caused over Natural Resources today. And its about Corporate Power and the poor man underground has to suffer because of the stupid leaders choices of whats going to happen and war is the wrong way to go. But yeah, he should release his causing allwhich is this killing and thats really host mark, does he lose any new voters by not releasing them or does he gain any new voters by not releasing them . Do you think its going to matter for people one way or the other . Caller look, look, first of all, im not a republican. I called on the democrats line first. I just called the next one up because it doesnt matter what party youre in. The main thing is he needs somebody to run up against him and just tell the truth of whats going on. It doesnt matter if its a republican, democrat, donkey, a mule or a cat. So maybe we should have a cat party. Thats all i have to say. Host all right. After our viewers to try to stick to those lines so we can try to hear from folks across the political spectrum this morning. Line for republicans, 2027488001. Democrats, 2027488000. Independents, 2027488002. About 10 more minutes to talk about this this morning on the washington journal before we move on to a few other topics today. John is in virginia, a democrat. John, good morning. Caller yes. Thank you so much for having us here. I love cspan. I just like to comment that our celebrity preb this is apprentice thinks he can escape by without releasing the taxes. Thats idiotic. Every president releases his taxes since jimmy carter. I just dont understand what hes trying to hide. Its all about clarity and letting people know that youre not behooving anybody else and how do we know that as the American Public when this man hides behind on being audited. That is idiotic because youre being audited does not mean youre not releasing it. Hes trying to stall this so they can try and hide whatever he owed to russia, the chinese or whoever. I would like to bring up i do not have a computer or a smartphone. The only way i reap you is on this line. I would like to see a text message so you can text in just like twitter. It would be more fair. Thank you very much. Host appreciate that, john. Always appreciate suggestions on how best to communicate with you, our viewers. Karen is an independent in california. Good morning. Caller good morning. Do not care one bit about President Trumps tax returns. He filed all the required paperwork over 500 pages. And thats all hes rider to do. These marches since he has been office are an unprecedented attack by left wing radicals to overthrow our legitimate president. Ow my concern about taxes is where are our tax dollars going . Have 22 veterans committing suicide every day, waiting for months, dying for care with the v. A. Coverup where no one has been prosecuted. We have lowest learner using the i. R. S. To target conservatives and no prosecution there. She was allowed to retire with a big fat pension. You have the Clinton Foundation who took contribution from Foreign Countries after Hillary Clinton became secretary of state and she signed an disagreement with president bama that she would not be accepting foreign contributions and she did. This was taxfree money. Host so karen, do you think the Trump Administration is doing enough to investigate these issues from the v. A. To the Clinton Foundation and Everything Else in between you brought up . Caller pardon . Host do you think the Trump Administration is doing enough to investigate all these issues you bring up . Caller well, the trump ministration has been in office a few short months and i will tell you in eight weeks, they have done more to fight isis than obama did in eight years. Bombing k on trump for was nistan by liberals outrageous, considering the fact that our veterans have lost their limbs and their lives going through i. U. D. Mines and a veteran just recently spoke up about this, who lost both his legs where he had begged to have this equipment, these bombs clearing the mines and president obama refused to do so because his priority was civilian casualties on the other side. And by the way, there were none. Host all right. Thats karen. A few minutes left in this segment of the washington journal on this question. Does President Trumps tax history matter to you . Harvey in oklahoma is a republican. Good morning. Caller yes, good morning. Thank you. And ill told you what. I dont understand why everybody wants his taxes. My taxes dont tell anybody where i got my money or where i spent my money. My taxes show me or anybody debits and credits. So if you want Donald Trumps life history, go into his office and dig into his files. Thank you very much. Host taxes, the topic of the poll du jour in the washington researchday from a pew from earlier this month. 60 overall say bothers them when some wealthy people dont pay their share of taxes. 40 of taxes and 46 agree with that. 20 say they are bothered if poor people dont pay their taxes. Pat is in pennsylvania, line for democrats. Pat, good morning. Caller good morning. A few minutes earlier, President Trump is going to be drafting up new tax policy very soon. And just for that reason, if he release his taxes, so it would not benefit him personally. Host ok. Thats pat in pennsylvania. Our last caller in this segment of the washington journal. But a very busy show for our viewers ahead. Well be talking about charter tools and school demoice our next segment. Well be joined by ed pozzuoli, General Council for Charter Schools usa. And National Consumers leagues John Breyault will be discussing consumer scamss and what his organization is pushing the congress to do to protect consumers. Coming up, a few minutes. Washington journal. Check out our classroom website. It gives teachers easy access to ready to go rain showerses for the classroom including shorts Current Events videos that highlight important events in washington, d. C. Constitution clips that bring the constitution to life. Social studies lesson plans as well as on this day in history resources. Our search function allows cspan Classroom Teachers to search and filter by date, person, keyword, topic and grade level. Our bell ringers are teacher favorite. The short videos paired with vocabulary and discussion questions make the politics more assess to believe your students. I love the bell ringers. A lot of times, they dont use them as actual bell ringers. I ucla them in conjunctions a more of a wrapup. The new website is something that is fabulous. My students use it regularly and its so easy that they are right now, working on clipping videos and making questions that they can design and turn into their own bell ringers. My favorite is the deliberation page. Its the perfectly set up ready to go classroom deliberation classroom discussion on a variety of topics that are current and relevant today. If youre a middle school or high school teacher, join thousands of your teachers across the nation as a member of cspan classroom. Its disagree its easy to register. And if you register now, you can request our american president s time line poster, a graphic display of the biographies of the 45 president s. Find out more about it at cspan. Org classroom. Washington journal continues. Host at puzzle he joins us now. Pozzuoli joins us now. He is with Charter Schools usa. What is Charter Schools usa . Guest Charter Schools or Charter Schools usa . Host Charter Schools usa. Guest Charter Schools usa runs approximately 85 to 90 schools across the United States. 100,000te approximately students, and they do so on ,ehalf of nonprofit schools cities, and minas appellees states, they come in and operate on behalf of those states. Host what is the difference between a Charter School in a private school . A Charter School is a public school. It is ultimately run by contract by either a nonprofit entity or a municipality or some other governmental entity, and they

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