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For democrats, 2027488000. , 2027488002. S you can also join in on the conversation on our social media pages. Before the mixup at the Academy Awards, donald trump was repeatedly in the spotlight yesterday. Here are some of the headlines from this mornings newspapers around the country. The inside page of the Washington Post, diversity and politics attend the ceremony. That is their headline. Another headline, trumps name looms in speeches. Another headline, assailing Trumps White House from the hollywood glasshouse. We will get into this a little bit more as our program goes on this morning. This broadcast is being watched live by millions of americans and are around the world in more than 225 countries that now hate us. [laughter] and i think that is an amazing thing. [applause] as you know, i do not have to tell anyone, the country is divided right now. I think it is time to bring everyone together. You need to Say Something to unite us. Let us just get something straight off the top, i cannot do that. There is only one braveheart in this room, and he is not going to unite as either. [laughter] [applause] mel, you do look great. I think the scientology is working. [laughter] i am not the man to unite this country, but it can be done. There are millions of people watching right now. If everyone of you took a minute to reach out to one person you disagree with, someone you like, and you have a positive, considerate conversation not as liberals or conservatives but as americans. We really could make America Great again. We could. Host we are asking about hollywoods influence on politics this morning. For republicans, 2027488001. For democrats, 2027488000. Or independents, 2027488002 we want to hear your thoughts about some of the speeches last night. Whether hollywood represents american values. As you call in, we want to show this recent survey that came out. An overwhelming number of President Trump supporters changed the channel when award shows become too political. Said theymp voters have stopped watching an awards show because a celebrity started talking about politics while accepting an award, while only 19 of Hillary Clinton supporters have done the same. Poll featured around 8000 people. We want to hear your thoughts this morning. Was was the survey conducted by the hollywood reporter. Carol, in their field beach, florida, what do you think . Caller i am in boca raton, florida. Host sorry about that, carol. Go ahead. Hollywood hask always been way left of center. Been opinion, they have folks who are in the business or have been in the business it is a big, big business, and they are constantly in flux. Republicangine if a they are not even welcome in la la land. I used it long before it was a film. Enough, as the old saying goes it is not enough that you have a hit. Your best friend needs to have a sale. They are very insecure people. , to be honestthem with you, their morals are nothing to brag about. It may be tough to get into that field. The reason i know is that i have had people try. I would not have the stomach to get into that tough, tough field. You have to be willing to do anything. I do not think that is a pretty picture. I do not think that is a pretty picture. Taught an ap class before i quit teaching. That is one of the most poignant roles. The character that August Wilson had. It will just bring tears to your heart. Carol, is this from florida . Yes, i am from boca raton. Deerfield is just down the road. Host i know you are one of the folks who tweet throughout the program along with a lot of other folks. You can follow along with carols comments on twitter at http twitter. Com cspanwj. Mily is up next staying in florida. Daytona beach. Emily, go ahead. Caller President Trump already said he does not need the celebrities. He needs the people. For the American People, that is what it is all about. Host you bring up President Trump. Some of his success has been part of being in the Entertainment Industry on a reality tv show. Do you think there is more influence these days on the entertainment more influence of the Entertainment Industry on politics . Caller what made his show great was the people who watched his show. It was not hollywood who made the show great. It was the people who had to watch his show. That is why he was a winner on Celebrity Apprentice and a winner as the president. Host hobby or is up next on bridgeport, hobby year javier is up next from a bridgeport, connecticut. Caller i agree with emily. Hollywood should just focus on hollywood and let politics be. Everybody. Influence to a certain extent, it is getting ridiculous. I think they should just stick to making their films and let trump do his thing. Sam in manassas, virginia on the line for republicans. This i want to say hollywood has no influence whatsoever. Not anymore they do not. Here in virginia, we elected a republican this year. Hollywood continues to bash him, the president , they have 23 u. S. Senators up for reelection and we can win them all. We can wipe out this party. Host that was sam in virginia. Night the moments of the salesman director was boycotting the award show due to President Trumps band on muslims from band ban on from seven predominantly muslim countries. She did a statement was provided. I am sorry i cannot be there in person. I am boycotting the show in response to the executive order ravelersce bans t u. S. Fugees into the [applause] is a poor our country excuse to start a war. Filmmakers can turn their cameras to capture and share human qualities. They create entity between us and others. Empathy between us and others. And empathy we need now today more than ever. Host we want to hear from you about hollywoods influence on politics today. Epublicans, 2027488001 democrats, 2027488000. Independents, 2027488002. Next caller, good morning. Caller people need to understand that the arts represent the history of the people. Throughout history, the arts have always represented what is going on in politics and in the world. Host and, did you watch last did you watch last night . Caller unfortunately not. I was working. I would like to see if i can watch it in some other way. Host when you hear callers talk about that they hope hollywood continues to go after President Trump, as our last caller was saying, it helps President Trump. What do you think . Advertisingknow, always helps him. Especially with the prot rumpers. I am kind of starting to think it is like a acu cult already. I cannot understand how he has been lying so much, and the Fact Checkers have proven this, yet they still support him. He could even say they that he he even said he could kill someone on the street and they would still support him. It is a scary time we are living in. Have yesterday, you might seen the blueribbons on some of the actors and actresses that they had and to them. The Washington Post had pin ned to them. Noted thatton post it showed support for the American Civil Liberties union. Charleston, south carolina, steve, an independent. Go ahead. Caller good morning. Lady thaty get just called remover, i am a strict constitutionalist. When trump said he could kill someone on the streets of new york and people would still stand the, he was really, in my view, noting the serious one ofcance and water the problems with politicians these days. ,nce people get behind someone people will stick with them that and then. I am bewildered by this influence of politics on hollywood. I will tell you why. Hollywood does influence people. Just like the caller before that , the lady pointed out they are playing right into the republicans hands. Hollywoode people in are very wealthy. They are part of the elite. They do not want to claim they are, what they are. , they do notou produce anything except movies. They do not stand in the cars. Tion line and build they just have opinions about things. When you get involved with people who do not actually make anything that continues contributes to the wellbeing of this country it is be wondering to me why people rely on those people for political opinions. I just do not get it. I never will. Host what they do have is a microphone. Do you think people listen to what they have to say less now than it used to they used to . Are people more skeptical of the statements coming out of hollywood . Caller i would say right now they are more skeptical. I would not deny anyone the right to free speech. Even hollywood types. As i said, i am a strict constitutionalist. What i am disappointed in our people who rely on them for their opinions. Host do you think donald trump winning the presidency has changed how people think about the Entertainment Industry . Guest i do think so. Caller i do think so. They are a lot more active now in politics than they have been in the past. Much more active. They are vocal. The are outspoken. Forle are looking for some reason, people are looking to them for leadership. I do not get it. Not denying their freedom to do that though. Host we mentioned this column earlier in the front page of todays New York Times. The column noted that for all the talk of inclusion in the political speeches leading up to and during the auction awards, how inclusive is hollywood exactly . Some would answer to a low full degree. Of female directors continue to be the rarest of species. This is another year without a woman among the director nominees. If you want to read that column, it is in todays New York Times. Ty is up next from maryland. Go ahead. Caller good morning. I am happy they spoke out about the situation trump is getting are situate our country into at the awards last night. Freedom of speech is a thing. Asking hollywood to be quiet is unfair. The fact we have so many people around the world represented in that academy, i think it is important they continue to speak out. Host what issue did an actor or director speak out about last night that was most personal to you . Caller the immigration ban. My family was brought here to this country as slaves, but i also have family that came over from ireland. I think we need to continue to speak out about this immigration them. This country was built on immigrants. Host another topic last night to President Trumps plan build the wall between the u. S. And mexico. Here is a comment from last night. As a mexican, as a latin american, as a migrant worker, as a human being, i him against m against any i a form of wall that tries to separate us. Host again, we want to hear from you this morning. Epublicans, 2027488001 democrats, 2027488000. Independents, 2027488002. Eduardo is up next. Are you with us . Caller yes. Host go ahead. Caller how are you doing today . Host im doing well. What are your thoughts on the speeches from last night . Caller i did not see the speech, what hollywood has always but hollywood has always influenced politics. It should a lot of thoughts about the vietnam war. Who solved the cold war more than rambo . We used to fly bombers 24 hours a day during the cold war. It could have been a nuclear war. Eduardo, you think the Entertainment Industry can spot like this issues that america may not want to look like look at . Either from its past or Society Today . Eduardo . Think all right, we will go to don waiting in tennessee. Don, good morning. Caller good morning. How are you doing today . Host im doing well. Caller i have to disagree with an earlier caller who said the arts have always been reflective of history. What about avatar . That won some awards and i do not think that has to do with our history. As far as hollywood influencing elections, i would love to see how someone like meryl streep would do at a town hall meeting here. My guess is she could fill 300 seats. Anyway, those are my comments this morning. Host if she showed up, what would you ask her . Caller good question. I was not ready for that one. Quite frankly, i cannot come up with a good one right now. Maybe someone else can. Host we will look for more thoughts down the road. Some thoughts shared from members of Congress Last night during the Academy Awards. Jim mcgovern was live tweeting the events last night as he was watching. Fromit came to the message the iranian director, he wrote, a powerful message on trumps muslim ban. The need for us to reject his hate and fear. Now more than ever, we must stand together. When it came to that mix of about best picture, several members of congress tweeted about that as well making parallels to the general election. A congressman from colorado, a democrat from colorado, said, la la land won the popular vote. Chris murphy said, what happened on awards night happened on election night. Next caller, good morning. Republican and a veteran, and i am especially thankful to hollywood and the women of america to speak out about this. Every single one of those people who voted for donald trump knew there was no such thing as a trump university. Test theyot meet the did not need mitt romney to tell them that. They just thought it was amusing that a man who claims the work 10 billion would rip off the children of america for hundreds of millions of dollars. Need ted cruz to come out and tell them that donald trump was a pathological liar and a sniveling coward. That was a republican candidate for president telling the people what trump was. He has ripped off more people in america than anybody. I was down in Atlantic City last weekend. The last trumpok sign down in Atlantic City. Atlantic city is bankrupt. Atlantic city, the state of new ,ersey taxed the casino at 8 and now everything is bankrupt down there. In pennsylvania, the casinos are taxed at 55 . Trumptaxed at 8 , donald went bankrupt at every single casino he owned. Host you called in on the line for republicans. Who did you support in the primary . Supported john kasich in the primaries, and i voted for Hillary Clinton in the election. Host who would you like to see challenge President Trump in 2020 . Hope that kasich will run again. 2020 is a long way off. We will have to see what happens. Host very true. There is another election around the corner in 2018, the congressional election. Certainly a topic we have covered on the washington journal. We are talking today about the intersection of hollywood and politics in our first hour. We want to hear about you from you about hollywoods influence on politics and not just last night at the Academy Awards. Enever it happens. Some of the political statements and policy statements not being cap to just last night at the Academy Awards. Here is a column from Montel Williams, a supporter of donald trump during the election. Trump needs to speak loudly against bigotry. That is his headline this morning. I have had it with Donald Trumps reluctance to issue a comment on the bigotry in america today. Trump shared a link to his powerful speech under the . Rds this goes double for me you can read that column from Montel Williams today. After cpac, there were some more comments that were made. Here is part of a speech. What is happening right now in our country from the elite hollywood they can fly anywhere and work anywhere. I travel the world singing. Some of you may not know that. I am a darn good singer. [laughter] but i can go anywhere. The Makeup Artist cannot get on that plane. The dry cleaners, the makeup the lighting electricians, hollywood has lost touch with the blue collar of america. That is why they do not know. [applause] so now, just a few little the Parent Company of cnn is time warner. , ornow that the fake media we note ke media, i have known for years. I have seen it manipulated. They are good people. I respect everyones living in point of view. But i also understand that when i see the the trail and misrepresentation vitriol and misrepresentation of certain point wherees to a it should not be. That is what we see happening right now. Host if you want to watch all the speeches from cpac last week, you can go to our website www. Cspan. Org. Jeff is with us from New Hampshire on the line for republicans. Jeff, good morning. Caller good morning. I just wanted to say that yes, is hollywood. To freee a right speech, but they have zero influence on me. They have so much potential, and all they do is produce garbage. Some of these people are the biggest hypocrites on the planet. Host do you think most americans feel that way . Can they separate the entertainment from their own thoughts on politics . Caller i think it used to be that way. I think we are so partisan and so divided now i feel that way now. I do not go see movies anymore. I would to see them on tv. I do not spend money to go see those people. I loathe those people. Host a political cartoon in you somey will show thoughts on the political speeches last night in hollywood. Jean on the line for republicans. Go ahead. Caller many in hollywood have not always been rich. Many have come from the socalled wrong side of the tracks. They are citizens of the United States. They have a right to speak their opinions. Y should speak out about against this man who would destroy our country. He inherited a mess from president obamas administration. Olluding with russia all his cabinet members including benin and jeff sessions. To speak outds against this man, because he is certainly trying to destroy america. He is trying to distract. Everything every time something is said about his lies , he brings out fake, fake, fake. I hope the press will keep taking so we can send this man packing. Various the very wealthy and elite of hollywood speak out, one caller said that only health donald trump. Do you agree . Caller i do not know about that. Maybe or maybe not. They still need to speak out. Just because they are wealthy they have not always been that way. Many came from the wrong side of the tracks. They have earned their living. Just because they are in hollywood and all this kind of stuff, we should not look down on them and say they are not supposed to have a voice. Everybody has a right to voice their opinion. If it does not agree with yours, that is too bad, but they need to speak out. Somey, somebody Trump Supporters will really listen and have an open mind and not judge them just because they are elitists. They are human beings, and they urge earn their living. Why should we put them down . They have not always been rich. Even if you are rich, listen to all this average donald trump has said. Jean. We got your point, lets head to nevada. , an independent, good morning. Caller good morning. They do not influence me a bit. These people make millions of dollars making films. Even if they are from the wrong side of the tracks, which we do not hold against them, but millions of dollars in that is not enough for them. They want a pat on the back. They want awards. If they want awards, then keep it to what you are doing to receive the award. Tos is not a political stage try to influence people who do not really believe in your beliefs anyway. Would some wood, out come out to help shovel ditches. 9. 25ld live on 925 an hour. I think they would have a new connection with some american working people. You disagree with some of these celebrities coming up to capitol hill to testify at congress, when they lend their name to some nonprofit causes whether it is around the United States with the world . Or the world . Bono, i watch him a lot on capitol hill. Not all of them do that. Host is that more helpful than speaking out at an awards show . Caller that would be 100 better. Peoplethere, and let the here what you really know about the american problem before you speak out against it. Host more than the less than a minute soundbite we hear . Yes, you hear bits and pieces of what is going on. I do not hold it against them for making a career, but have them connect with the American People. Go to congress and these hearings and testify. The White Helmets did not make reasonhe oscars for one the president pulled their passports. That is a reason. It has nothing to do with Donald Trumps been that has been ba n that has been reported. To say they are not here because of the ban is not correct. It is because president assad pulled their passports. Host use talking about the ,cumentary the White Helmets about the people who have been doing search and rescue in syria for some time. We want to show you some other stories going on around the country. This story making headlines nomination fors the head of the navy withdrew his nomination. A former military intelligence landed the hong kong grant of a private equity firm said that he does not want to continue to seek confirmation in month after he had been named for the post. Other story this morning a reminder to viewers that tomorrow President Trump will address a joint session of congress. You can watch that tomorrow on cspan tomorrow night when it happens. Democrats giving a response to that speech planning two responses, one in english and one in spanish. They have brought in an illegal immigrant dreamer to speak in spanish. Of resin protection obamas deportation amnesty program, the speaker also was at the Democratic Convention last summer. Former Kentucky Governor steve will deliver the response. That will happen tomorrow night on cspan if you want to watch. We will see what President Trump chooses to address, what topics he will cover. A very busy week in congress. A lot of big to dos coming up including two potential financial crisis is. Crisis. There is the deadline to raise the debt limit. To your calls. We are talking about hollywoods influence on politics. David, you are up next. Caller good morning. How are you doing today . Host doing well. Caller you have had some interesting comments this morning. Rhinos. S and it is very embarrassing. The Democratic Party has absolutely nothing, nothing. Away at just flailing trump. What is he doing . He is trying to influence the laws on the books in the United States of america. In order to keep our people safe. The rightaws are not laws, then they should change them. You know,really they have no idea how much damage they are doing. Not just to themselves, but they are doing damage to their shows. If they think they are helping the democrats, they are not. They are helping the republicans. I am in arkansas, and i am an attorney. I follow this stuff rather closely. Of medical malpractice, a lot of cases, and i have studied these cases. It seems like the hollywood people really enjoy finding out who our greatest enemy is, and then they love him. Russia was our greatest enemy. Heroas there hero their . Stalin. Stalin was invited to the west coast. He was the guy who was celebrated by all the hollywood elite, and he killed 30 million people. Host everything the democrats are doing is only helping donald trump, what should they be doing do you think . Caller there is nothing else they can do. They have no platform. If they have to tell the truth about what they really want, the American People would reject it. I do not know where they should go. They need to just disappear or become a totally socialist party which is exactly what they are. If you go to any of the Great Colleges in america, which my children have gone to, the great northwestern,cla, like my children went to, all state or new york the schools across the nation, people are being indoctrinated at early ages. Example of it are with the muslim people do. They indoctrinate their children at an early age to hate the jews and anyone not muslim and that they deserve to be killed. That is what they are taught. Host you think the entire religion does that, david . Or a specific terrorist organization . Look, we and saying need to look at the facts. On highim religion percentages believe on sharia law. They are taught sharia law. They are given the principles of sharia law. Host we will hold off on the debate of sharia law. We are talking about hollywoods influence on politics this morning. Fromweek that came in mark, if hollywood has any influence on politics, then the democrats would not have lost so many seats in the house and senate since 2008. Larry, an independent in florida, go ahead. Caller good morning. Thank you for cspan. In hollywood, i can say this hollywood needs to be made a century city with no police in the city. Everyone go there freely and do whatever they want. Let earl street and arbor streisand enjoy Barbra Streisand enjoy the freedom whatever they speak. Talk is cheap. Let them pay for the sanctuaries. Let the illegals be in hollywood and bel air and all this beautiful areas. We will see in a year or two how they speak again. Host how do you think that would change . What would happen in a year . Caller i think in a year or the hollywood would become biggest supporter of our constitutional laws. I am not talking about trump. I did not vote for trump or hillary. I voted for john kasich and then i stopped voting. Doing ontrump is immigration and all of that, i support him 100 . I have seen it myself. I have seen what illegals have done. I live in those areas. That hate usople with the american culture. I came to america and assimilated. My culture is the same. I came from ukraine. America is a country of love and constitutions. For people who are being prosecuted in their country should come to america, it is the united not the United States of deplorables. Thisu want to come to country, be assimilated to this country and become valuable to the country. Host jeffrey in indianapolis, good morning. Caller thank you for taking my call. Hollywood has just as much a right to speak as anyone else. If you look at the conservative foxike talk news news, they say exactly what they want to say. Host i am listening. Caller they say exactly what they want to say. We have so many people in this country who are being fulled by those media outlets. Who are being fulled fooled to believe that things will not eventually pan out. Donald trump continues to talk about the socalled fake media, that we have many stories about things donald we have many stories about things donald trump has said that are not true. Hollywood has just as much of a right to speak politically as anyone else. That is what the First Amendment is. Host speaking of donald trump relationship with the media, the New York Times using the spotlight of the hollywood awards to run an advertisement about the importance of the free sketch press. Donald trump responded with a tweet. Here is the added that ran last night. Ran last night. [video clip] host the New York Times ru nning what is known as a house ad, an ad in their own paper. They included the slogans they put into that video advertisement. Heres the full page ad from the New York Times. Next call from the line for republicans. Caller good morning. Ive been trying to get in for a long time. I do not believe hollywood per priority asve a top to how they feel when other people do not. Thing the second thing is that people are so built up about people coming in from other countries. People need to think of something. We have children over here that are starting. Starving. We have families over here that are on the street. We need to care for them first. The women that have been doching about abortion i not believe in abortion, but the way they were asking it almost made me feel ashamed to be a woman. I think people should look in the mirror before they start judging donald trump. Haveyou look at what we done it before we start pointing fingers at him. Let us pray for him and give him a chance. The christian people are really praying for this man and his cabinet and everyone that surrounds him. Everyone have a blessed day. Host before you go, with your feelings about hollywood speaking out, what are your feelings about donald trump and part of his success being in the Entertainment Industry . Caller well, i have a past just like everyone else does. We should forget about all that stuff that happened 20 years ago are 30 years ago, and we should let the man do his job. If he fails, we can attack can then. Give the man a chance. He won. He is our president. Host what stuff should we forget about . Caller all that stuff spread across the news media. Stuff he said, and things they thought he did. I have done things, and more than likely you have done things, that we are not proud of. We have all done things. We have one judge jesus christ in heaven. That is our judge. Man not trying to please a im trying to please god. If the christian people pray for our president i believe he has a good heart. I really do. If we pray for the man, he will be saved and that will be another soul going to heaven. We need to give the man a chance. Host about 15 minutes left in this segment of the washington journal. We are taking your calls about the intersection of hollywood and politics. They want to hear if you think hollywood and the Entertainment Industry reflects american values. We are talking about it this morning after the Academy Awards show. Some of the speeches and statements that crossed into the political policy territory last night. Here is another example. America won best documentary. The director dedicated the award to ron goldman and nicole brown who oj simpson was acquitted of murdering. He said, this is for them. Ofs is for the Victims Police violence and police brutality. Kim is up next. Caller good morning. Thank you for cspan. Way weys clean about the have our conversations. We do not have our debates. We do not talk anymore. I am from texas, born and raised. Woman installing cell phones. We do not even have telephones in the air. Think about that. Town . Me to Jerry Falwell and all the christians. We transformed, and we got into these partisan fights. It saddens me that we are , buttians, good people until everybody learns to get a wide range of education hollywood speaks on behalf of all of us. Tv is a reflection of our hearts. A reflection of ourselves. To tear ourselves apart the after day is ridiculous. , to alabama to louisiana north dakota, south, east, west, trump cannot ban the media. That is not right, good, or wholesome. We need ethics. Educatorsome of the to have conversations. Christopher hitchens, rest in peace. I do not like what is going on. Donald trump i tell you, i know who you are. You are a good guy, but what you are doing is crossing lines that are going to forever transform us and not in a healthy way. Tree tries to cut its own arm off, it will not stand. People need to wake up. I have been in bed and almost died. When you face death, you do not care. You need to understand that there is a bigger world. We need to wake up. It is not as scary as you will think. There are good people in the world. There is more good tahn than there is bad. Everyone is looking through a narrow window. Sake, i get so disgusted with this. Wake up people. Really see what it is what is up. Host bonnie is up next. Caller good morning. I wanted to say that it just blows me out of the water that a place like hollywood would cut their own throat. I used to be A Meryl Streep fan. I will not go to any more of her movies. I do not want to go to the movies or pay them money when they do not believe the same things the idea. They decided to take a political stand. I do not think hollywood to take a political stand. I think they should make the movies we pay them to watch and be quiet. If they want to make their own stand off the screen or the venue they are using, that is fine. Get up there and tell me i hate the president. He is not my president. Im not going to spend any money to go to her movies. Do you think President Trump should respond to any of the statements made last night . Parent. He is a he knows what a spoiled child is. You do not respond to that mess. Host you do not think he will respond today on twitter to anything that happened last night . Caller you know he cannot control himself from doing that, so he will likely be out in front of god and everyone else saying, and another thing host you think that is helpful . Caller no, i do not. You have all this fighting, and it is not doing anything to bring us together. Jcpenney said they are going to trumps close off the counter. We pay you to think make clot hes and not make political statements. Who cares. Host here is President Trumps latest tweet from yesterday about the governors dinner that he was attending. We will continue to watch his twitter page throughout the show. This is the time of the date where he often tweets. The day when he often tweets. We will watch his address to congress to mount night at 9 00 p. M. You can watch that right here on cspan. Well be doing lots of coverage leading up to that event and afterwards. Again, that is 9 00 tomorrow night live on cspan. Back to the phones with just about five minutes left in the segment of the washington journal. Lewis has been waiting in new jersey. A republican. Lewis, good morning. Caller good morning. Everyone can say what they want. Free speech and all that. You have to realize that they are hypocrites. They always have armed guards around them, but they do not want us to arm ourselves. Unions, they had better wages and whatnot. May todaye movements are made out of the country so they do not have to pay union wages. Titanic, the whole thing was shot in mexico so they do not have to pay union wages. They talk about global warming, but they fly around in private jets and drive around in limousines. You enjoy your day, sir. Host patricia is up next. Good morning. Caller good morning. How are you doing . Host doing well. Caller i went to comment on the hollywood deal. We are all americans, and we have a constitution and the amendments. Everybody has a right to speak their mind, their opinion. It does not matter what hollywood makes her how much makes, or how much money they make, or whatever. A have the same rights of every american. Donald trump is a pathological, habitual liar. He lies while you are looking at them, and then he says he did not say it. Everyone needs to call him out on it. He is our president. He can control this country. The deals he has with russia only god knows what that will lead to. How do we know he is not going to sell america out to russia . Then, we will all look crazy and say we should have listened or spoke out against this man who is a liar. He is a con man and a liar. Everyone with common sense can listen to him just listen to him. This man, he has gotten his way so far, so we better be careful. We better be very careful, america. We might be sold out to russia. We will be speaking russian. Host we get your point, patricia. A few more tweaks came in during our program. Trumpads, both president and reagan were from were hollywood will elite holly wood elites. Is in Houston Texas houston, texas. Good morning. Caller i does want to comment on hollywoods impact on our culture. In the 30s, there was a movie on a man that married and native american, and he was an outcast. Childrens hour depicted how human the homosexuals were. Guess whos coming to dinner depicted racism. When they move the culture, Congress Comes in and codifies the feelings they have had. This is you think something hollywood has been doing for centuries to sort of be ahead of these cultural issues . Caller yes, yes. They are predominately liberal which is good. Slavery. Eliminated host joe, has there ever been a way you have seen hollywood move the culture in the wrong direction . Caller it is not in the wrong direction, with all the movies theare just but all movies now are just bombs exploding. Host what should they focus on . On things like love your neighbor instead of with a lot of the pictures they have. Promote decent and love. And love. Host jesse is up next on the line for republicans. Good morning. Caller the influence of hollywood has nothing to do with me. They make their living by lying. That is how they make their living. They are liars. They are just fodder for our entertainment. They have no affect on what i think. The people of the stars, like madonna who did say if you vote for Hillary Clinton i will give you a blow job. What is that . Jesse. Hat was our last caller for this section. Coming up, we will have our next guest talk about donald trump and his relationship with the press. After that, we will have grover another to talk about it border adjustment tax and how it into a broader republican plan for tax reform. That is all coming up this morning on the washington journal. Watched cspans donald trump delivers his first address to a joint session of congress. This congress will be the busiest congress we have had in decades. Following the speech, the democratic response, and your reaction to the president s speech. Live tuesday at 9 00 p. M. Eastern on cspan and cspan. Org. Listen live on the freeseas in radio app on the free cspan radio app. Democratic congressman ro khanna represents silicon valley. He will describe the issues that matter most to the tech companies, their frustration with washington, and his goal to create more jobs through the companies in his district, including apple, google, tesla, and others. He is interviewed by david mccabe. We have to figure out what the credentialing will look like for the jobs available. Not everything requires a fouryear degree. I am not as concerned as the folks getting a fouryear degree or phd. But what

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