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Act completely . Does notises it but repeal it. Congress is using a budget technique to try to get the bill through. It is called budget reconciliation. It cannot be filibustered in the senate and only needs 50 votes. That is the good side if you want to pass the legislation. The difficult side is that there are a lot of things you cannot do in budget reconciliation. Everything in it has to be directly attributable to the federal budget. It has to add or subtract from the federal budget. There are many things they cannot do in this bill and they are not doing it which was initially are to the problem for a lot of conservatives. They promised to repeal the whole thing but to do that, they would need 60 votes in the senate. That is what set up this whole difficult situation. What is included and what is excluded . Included is everything having to do with the money. It repeals all of the taxes that went into the Affordable Care act to a for the health to pay for people to get Health Insurance including expanded medicaid and the tax credits to help people pay for their premiums. It takes away the premium subsidies as they exist now and it replaces them with different kinds of tax credits. Some people would be helped and some people would be hard. Younger, healthier people would see more of their premium paid but sick or and older people would see their costs go up, perhaps dramatically. It also tries to address some of the regulations. But again, those are not totally budget oriented. There was a lot of difficulty in getting to the things that conservatives say are driving premiums. And there is some debate about those things like the required benefits, Community Rating where insurers cannot charge people who are sick, higher premiums. Those are all of the things in this waiver amendment that got the bill passed. That may or may not make it through the senate. The parliamentarian will rule , could possibly rule that the provisions are not related to the budget. Insurance regulations. They cannot be merely incidental to the budget. The purpose of it has to be budgetary and that is the difficult threshold they have to get over. Another example of why they are doing it the way they are doing it. Everyone is talking about taking away the individual requirement for people to have Health Insurance. They cannot do that in reconciliation, so they take away the penalty. They say you have to have Health Insurance that if you do not, nothing will happen to you. What about the Congressional Budget Office and the scoring of this legislation . Republicans in the house voted without seeing that. What does that mean for the senate Going Forward . It cannot come to the senate before getting a cbo score. The original republican bill was scored. It famously said it would result in 24 million fewer people having insurance over 10 years. What cbo has not done is scored what those amendments that changed the bill would do to the overall score. They will have to wait for that. The senate is saying they will not even act on the house bill and that they will do their own bill. Which is traditionally how this process worked. Normally, when you do budget reconciliation, it gives instructions to the relative committees and both houses. To do what they are going to do. To go off and write a bill that matches the instructions they have been given. Normally, the house and senate are working at this thing time and they come to the floor at roughly the same time. So the house and the Senate Passed the bill and it goes to a conference. The senate has been waiting atiod now, instead of being the end, they are at the beginning. We will talk more about what might be in a Senate Republican bill. We want to invite you to call in. We are dividing the lines for this hour. If you have Affordable Care act insurance, julie, for those with insurance, what does this legislation in the house yesterday due . Yesterday do . Ofit depends on what kind insurance you have. If you have insurance through a private employer, it may not have much impact. Employerprovided insurance, this will not change that much. The Affordable Care act did not change many things and for those people. If you have medicare, it does not do much but for one of the taxes that it repeals was helping medicare. This mostly impacts people that have medicaid coverage work who purchase their own insurance in the individual insurance market. That is a small slice of the population. Ithaps, total, 18,000,00020,000,000 people. That is what the Affordable Care act set out to fix. It wanted to take that dysfunctional, individual market and make it better. There are those that would argue that it made it worse. No one would argue that there are no problems in that individual market. Changes toramatic medicaid in this bill that have been lost in all of the debate. Medicaid people on than those that buy their own insurance. 70 Million People are on medicaid. This bill would not only phaseout expansion but it would do something republicans have been trying to do since the 1990s which is cap the amount that medicaid can spend which would have an impact, not just on healthy or people who are in poverty, but it would also impact low income moms, kids, disabled people, and elderly people. Im sure we will have questions on that as well as preexisting conditions and other provisions that have been talked about. Let us see what our viewers have to say. Good morning to you. Caller it is very interesting. 2007, practically, the first a big part of the population that were impacted were the 50yearold. The company would say is they closed down and went overseas and here we have all of these years later, we think that it is over and it is not. Believed in the dollar or any money, it is the faith in it. Think that all of that is over. And it spread to the world. Here we go about insurance. Being born is a preexisting condition. A tiny baby that has to have a major heart surgery. We are high income. My husband at a certain ceiling stopped paying into medicare not medicare, but social security. And i never could understand. He is going to get a lifetimes anth of money it is like annuity. I know not sure he had to continue to pay into medicaid. Insurance companies do not want 5065yearold because chances are they will have a problem. A lot of them are healthy. Take i will have julie what you have given us. Julie one of the most dysfunctional pieces of the market is what happens to people. Retire early but they are still too young to get medicare. Many are involuntarily retired. They lose their jobs and it is hard to get a job in your 50s. They need to go out and purchase their own insurance. And Insurance Companies do not want to sell to people over 50 because they tend to have more Health Problems and are more expensive. This was the origin of the idea of letting those people buy into medicare early. Ironically, that would help that pool. They are the sickest part of the individual market but they would be the youngest people in medicare and so probably healthier than the 70yearold and the 80yearold. Republicans and even some democrats were worried about decreasing expansion of entitlements like medicare. A cap onle there is the payroll tax for social security, they took the cap off of medicare more than 20 years ago. You do actually continue to pay payroll if you work. Host doug from belleville, illinois on our line for those that have insurance with their employer. Good morning. Caller hello. I wanted to respond to the caller who said that people like obamacare because it has obama in the name. Nothing could be further from reality. It was kentucky that was the ultimate example of that. They were polled on whether they approved of the Affordable Care act and most of them approved of that. When they were asked about obamacare, most of them disapproved of that. That shows they went by the name was a person that associated with the bill instead of the actual name of the bill. Newas far as this legislation, to me, it is just win, a checkmark in the win column. That is all this is. Scoring a victory. They did not even go through the proper protocols of having it scored by the cbo. And the protections are going to be stripped down to where it is for play to get coverage for preexisting conditions. And they have certain ones that are listed host doug, let us pick up your point about preexisting conditions. That was the issue heading into the row. Tell us what was in the original republican provision bill and how was it changed . Julie as i mentioned, because of the budget process they are doing, they could not affect most of the regulations. They could not affect those with private insurance. General, it was considered not being able to fly in the senate. Weekthey came up with last which got this bill this would revive it waved a preexisting condition. They could waive the essential benefits requirement. Offer benefits in each of 10 specific categories and wave Community Rating which insurers runned charging more. That made conservatives happy but it concerned moderates that people with preexisting conditions could be charged lots of money, which was the case before the Affordable Care act. People either got turned down or they were charged unaffordable premiums. Michigan came in and negotiated an amendment to people who were uncomfortable with that. We could give some money to states to create high risk. For those people to get coverage, although pretty much every analyst said it is unlikely that would be enough mine. It depends on which states ask for waivers. Difficult for states to figure out what the impact is because its unclear how many state legislators want to exercise the option. If it was a couple of small state it might not. Statesng we know is 35 have them prior to the Affordable Care act. They do not work particularly well. They were very expensive they killed often up and people would be left on the waiting list. Republican pointed to maine and the highrisk pool they created. Why . Guest maine was more sensitive and cannot cover enough people. For the people they cover, they did an ok job. How does the highrisk pool work . Who is in it . Guest do you have to have a preexisting condition. In most cases, you need to the projected to get into the high risk will. They are funded in a variety of ways. They cannot pay enough premiums. Ony states had an assessment Insurance Companies. They would pay into a pool. I think some use their tobacco money. Basically, none of them had been well enough funded to provide coverage for people with preexisting conditions. I believe the number was 5 . Analysts say it wont be enough. It could. We have no idea how many states. This money comes into play only if state exercise options. No one knows how many states or which states. Host 8 billion in addition to what . It can do a number of things to try to help offset some of the premiums. It is a valid with the Affordable Care act. People can get insurance, but then they can afford to use it. The question is whether what republicans are doing with solve it. If it. If they do not have to cover summoning benefits, it would be cheaper. Care, it the maternity is things like hospital care, prescription drugs and doctors visits. Host lets hear from connecticut. You get insurance from the Affordable Care act . Caller yes i do. Through the exchange. Im 91 years old, but for years had medicare. Under the formal carrots, i gave up medicare and that was a much better deal for me. I did not have the high deductibles under medicare and my insurance didnt pay for hospital care that i needed at the time, but when i went through the portal terra, i was able to get an operation that enabled me to get an operation and did not have to pay for a penny of it. If you go into the Affordable Care act and dont examine the different plans that it offered, then of course you might end up with higher deductibles or if he reallys . Studied the act, then you have a plan that is good for you. Host you had to the study the options and if you didnt you would end up with guest a high deductible. Guest thats true. You can join private plans if you are on it is true in both cases there are choices and they require you to pay different amounts. If you pay higher premiums, you can get richer benefits and lower deductibles. If you are to pay lower premium to you will end up paying more on the other end if you get sick. Thats why there are different levels. Host david, uninsured, missouri. What are you uninsured . Insurance premiums are higher than me paying my own way. Host do you have a question or comment . Do as far as a comment. The Republican Party for years and years attacked the Obama Program and finally get into power and they perpetuate this scam of not having a plan. It seems no one is talking about. He fact it seems like we have been dealing with this for eight years and no one is talking about that. Guest they dont have the power to repeal it, but they dont have the power. They would need 60 votes in the senate. Bailey have 52. There are not eight democrats who will repeal it. Correct in that the republicans did not have a plan ready to go because as is seen, republicans are themselves divided about what to do. There are conservatives that want to repeal it and start over. There are moderates who want to fix it and there are people in the middle who want to repeal as much as they can. The president made all kinds of promises about how everyone will have insurance. Thing about health care, it is always a tradeoff when you have some people and will hurt others. Hurt as fews to people as possible. Who hasthe president not had a lot of experience does not quite understand the pushes and pulls back on with policymaking. The senate now says we are going to write our own bill. Mick could have written it in january. I guess they were waiting to see to it past the house. Housell that passed the has all kinds of problems. There are a lot of moderate theblicans that do not like medicaid provisions. Ban on a oneyear funding for planned parenthood on this bill. There are a lot of flashpoints for this bill and some provisions might not even make so thehe Senate Floor Senate we are hearing is going to try to write its own bill. Conservativesus who dont want to fix this. They want to repeal it. You have much more moderate members who are going to go for anything that is they only have two votes to play with. Michael in crossley, texas who is on the aca. I think people dont want to use the name to get it to go one way. They should of said Affordable Care, or abortion law. They want to make it personal like jim crow. If you use the name, you have a face. Abortion is the law. Basically, when its of all, they dont want to use the name. Its a lot. Host joanna, maryland. Good morning. Caller i was watching the financial station yesterday to see how they scored this proposal and a couple of things was aas mentioned is this pharma. Dfall for big essential benefits package that even employers can offer skinny packages. Even employer insurance could do that. They said this plan works best if you are under 40, high income, and healthy. They talked about an age tax as you grow older. After 40 it becomes more and more expensive overtime. Lets see, there was another i am forgetting. I would like you to comment on those. Guest thank you for those comments. Let me start with the age tax. The Affordable Care act require insurers not charge older people more than three times what they charge younger people. This was a big win for the older people, it was a big loss for the younger people. They are paying for the older people. Younger people, sunday you will get old, and younger people will pay for you. That did not go over well. A lot of younger people point out, the fine i have to pay is less than the cost of insurance. I am not going to bother. What the republicans did is went back to five to one, which was common before the Affordable Care act. Now you can charge of people five times more. Younger peoples premiums will go down. Older peoples premiums will go up. That is what they are talking about. Older Peoples Insurance could go up dramatically, by more than younger Peoples Insurance will go down. Host windfall for pharma. Guest im not sure what that is beyond the appeal of taxes. Peoplee are fewer covered, those are people who will not have insurance who will not be able to afford their drugs. Upset about this bill because they will lose people from medicaid who now have insurance. They took lower medicare reimbursement exchange for getting more people covered. Those people will not be covered. They will have their medicare cuts. Hospitals have been unhappy. Host are we going to start hearing about a doc fix . Guest it should be fixed. Host that was a 10 year battle on capitol hill. On the comments about windfall for pharma, New York Times says indoor tanning companies and other medical industries, this would roll back taxes on Health Insurance products. Some of those industries may lose a little. Guest exactly. Those were the taxes that were imposed by the Affordable Care act to make it revenue neutral, to make it paper the extra benefits. The federal government is paying the vast majority of the medicaid spending for the additional people. That is a big expense. All the Health Care Premium subsidies for people buying their own insurance and costsharing. That is a whole other issue. Host what is happening with the Insurance Companies . Two states with early deadlines going virginia and maryland show Insurance Companies seeking major premium increases. Anthem said he was was seeking 38 in virginia. 35 rise. Guest there are two problems. One is the uncertainty. They had no idea what is going to happen. That makes it difficult to price your products. Before the end of last year, the markets looked like they were stabilizing. They found huge price increases in some places because those were the places that had underpriced. There was a feeling across the Insurance Industry that this was stabilizing. A couple things happen, President Trump was inaugurated. Now what do Insurance Companies do . Thisther issue is discussion about costsharing reductions. These are payments to people who run under twoandahalf times the poverty line. They get help paying their premiums and help with high deductibles and coinsurance. Put a directot to appropriation for that when they passed the Affordable Care act. There was a lawsuit. The house of representatives sued, and they want. Won. It went to the court of appeals , and that is where it is now and has been sitting. There is one way that this could go away. Congress could appropriate the money. There was an effort by democrats to get that money put into the spending bill that just passed. They did not do that. The administration has been hot and cold about whether or not they are going to pay those payments. Uncertaintybiggest for the Insurance Industry. It is about 20 of premiums. They are required by contract, their contract with the federal government to give these discounts to these people. The federal government is supposed to pay them back. The federal government might not pay them back. That is what you are seeing. In california, you will let them offer two different rates. The rates if this money is paid, and if it doesnt. The rates if it doesnt will be much higher. That is what we are seeing. Most states will file at the federal deadline. That is in june. Host tom, go ahead. Caller good morning. I was wondering if there was any example, over the United States and have this one market as opposed to different markets for insurance. Guest there has been lots of discussion. That would be a singlepayer system. That is what we have for medicare. It is the same in all 50 states. The federal government does it. There has been a plus for a singlepayer since i have been covering health care, 30 years now. There has been more of a push now that there has been. We have republicans in charge of all three branches. They say they want Less Government involvement. It is hard to see how you get from wanting less involvement in health care by the government to having them in charge of all health care. There are a lot of people, including increasing pieces of the Healthcare Industry who think that would just be easier. Host how does our Health Care System compared to other countries who do have universal health care . Guest not favorably. We spend more. Our outcomes are not as good. Not everybody is covered. It is just a mystery. We are towards the bottom of the industrialized world. Other countries do it lots of different ways. Some of them have purely socialized medicine like great britain. They are less purely socialized than they used to be. The government pays for everything. Switzerland has a system like ours, people are required to buy insurance. There are specific packages people can buy. If they want extra benefits, they can buy those. Other countries are in between. Canada has a medicare for all. It is provincially based. There are lots of different ways to do it. We dont do any of them. With present Obama Meeting the Prime Minister. Guest trump. Host thank you. President trump meeting with the Prime Minister of australia yesterday. Praising their Health Care System. Guest australia does cover everybody. It is one of those hybrids. Im not as familiar with that. Every other industrialized country has a thoughtout system. We dont. We had this hybrid system we have built different pieces. That is why it is so complicated. It is not one system. It is a lot of systems that sort of knit together. Host kim. Good morning. Caller hi. I wanted to talk about the european and the way they have it. Some of these things i have learned, i did a report in hospitals and doctors offices and pharmacists are not allowed to advertise. There are probably billions of dollars being spent in the u. S. With these companies. Because they are singlepayer or universal health care, the amount they take out of your paycheck i did a whole analysis of the paycheck and belgium. Medicarel security and that come out of our paycheck is 7. 65 as well as how much we are actually paying for insurance through the workers, and the deductibles, we are paying triple the amount they are paying. Their package includes everything, unemployment pension, everything. Host that is what youre talking about. Guest i spent time in switzerland looking at their Health Care System. Their Health Insurance is pretty expensive. Why dont they mind paying for it . I realized after spending time talking to different people, they dont have to pay for anything else. Their taxes pay for college, retirement. We pay very high taxes. This is one of the arguments across europe. Taxes are high because they get more social services through their taxes. It is a debate that the u. S. Continues to have. You get what you pay for. Is it best to have private industry competing . Will that hold down prices . That is the continuing debate. Debating that we spend more than other countries and we dont have Better Outcomes to show for it. Gilbert still, pennsylvania, he gets his insurance through his employer. Caller good morning. I have a question and, my question is, people have been throwing the 24 Million People losing health care if this passes, is that 24 Million People to the amount of people currently on obamacare . Guest yes and no. Many of them are people who would lose medicaid coverage. Many of them are people who would no longer have requirement to buy insurance and would not. That is smaller. These will be people who will be affected some of them, a big chunk of them will lose medicaid, that is not the Affordable Care act. That is the group that if they were to cap medicaid spending, they would have to drop people were not accept new people. This is just the Congressional Budget Office saying if we continue down this path, as many people will be uninsured. Law, 24 million more people will be uninsured. Am 60 my question is, i years old. Im disabled and retired. Am i going to be affected by this new Health Care Plan . I have United Health care and medicaid. I need to know if im going to be affected, if im going to be taken off. Has cirrhosis of the transplant, and it is preexisting. Off . He be takintaken i need to know these answers. Im scared. Guest it is hard to say. You are probably on medicare and medicaid. At this point, they have not done anything to medicare. There are these cuts in the bill to medicaid. It depends on what the state does. Nothing would happen right away. It would take a while for the cuts to take hold and for states to decide what they want to do. Fromshe is calling missouri. Billy long negotiated this amendment. Guest that is right. These are not people in the individual market. These are people impacted by the medicaid changes. It is not clear, it will depend on the state. The states will start from a budget and that money will not be enough to keep up with the current medicaid population. It is hard to know how long that will take your probably nothing will happen right away. Host walk through the timeline if you can for medicaid and the states that expanded. Expandede states that and 31 states expanded, these are not disabled, elderly, pregnant women and children, they did not fit into a preexisting category. Under 130 ofnts poverty. That will be phased out. The government is paying 95 of that. You would not lose your coverage under this, but if you got a job raise,ed more, or get a then you earn too much to get medicaid, you will not be able to get back on. The underlying Medicaid Program would be subject to these caps. Medicaid has traditionally been an openended program. The state pays its chair. The federal government is its share. If youre eligible, you are eligible. States have a fair amount of possibility now to cover who they want and what they want. There are some requirements. States have different Medicaid Programs. Because medicaid is a safety net program, it is countercyclical. When the economy goes down and states have less money and more people are eligible because they have lost their jobs, the rules get bigger rolls get bigger, and the federal government pays more money. When the economy does better, fewer people are eligible, and the states dont need as much money. In future downturns, there will not be extra money coming from the federal government. That is one of the reasons this is never passed before. There are a lot of representatives from states who have heard from their governors saying this is not such a good bet. Host what about the bloc grants . Guest that is one of the options. They can take it as a block grant. The per capita is a little easier, if your roles get bigger, you will get more money. You will get a limited amount per person. Speaking of the economy, less people on medicaid. Reuters with this headline. Unemployment rate hits 4. 4 . Tightening labor market that could seal the case for an increased Interest Rate next month. 211,000 jobs added. The is coming out from labor agency this morning. Ins hear from richard nashville, tennessee. Good morning. Caller good morning. As i stated, i sold insurance years ago. I was an independent agent. As long as my credit was good, i could get licensed with any Insurance Company in america. Sell Health Insurance. I had to be licensed for it anywhere. I would challenge every american , if youre concerned about your Health Insurance, go to your state and take the Health Insurance exam. You will learn every caveat about the Health Insurance business, life insurance, all of it. It is about the money. Insurance companies so based on commission. It does not mean their product is necessarily good for you. If im going to make 10 versus 5 , what am i going to sell . I have to make a living. You have a captive agent that works for the Insurance Company. He is required by his employer to sell the flavor of the month or the day. That is how they go. When you get the money out of it, and i believe in a singlepayer system, and i have voted republican all my life. I consider myself an independent. When you get all the money out of it, you will see. How many people, if you took away the independent agent, how many people would be unemployed . These people are making 300,000 to 500,000 a year. They have all these things about get a job. Insurance companies are hiring. You better have enough capital in your bank to survive, because unless you have a niche market like i had, you will never sell any insurance. Host ok. Guest one of the difficult things about dealing with health care is it is now a sixth of the economy. A lot of people depend on the Health Care Industry, from agents and brokers selling policies, two people doing that coding, doctors, nurses, ministers. It is an anonymous industry. Ants enormous it is anonymous industry. You are affecting how a lot of income. Arn their host employer plans are put at risk because of what the republicans passed yesterday. Can you explain . Guest it was very connected. Republicans are trying to take out pieces of it. They are taking out pieces did not mean to because they are connected. I dont know that story. There was a wall street journal story yesterday that pointed out the popular requirement that employer insurance no longer have lifetime limits, so they cannot say if you have a Million Dollars in claims, we will not pay anymore, that is connected to the essential health benefits. If you have a state that waves essential health benefits, you have nothing to pin that ban on. Employers could go back to having a time limits. There was this employer mandate in the law. Analysts have said it has had very little effect. Most Large Companies already offered Health Insurance. They were going to continue offering Health Insurance. The employer requirement is not even extend to small companies. That is irrelevant. You could make the employer requirement go away, and not much would happen. These are interconnections that until somebody realizes them. Host lets talk about provisions in the Affordable Care act that were taxes. Under this republican bill, they are eliminated. They are taxes on individuals earning more than 200,000 were couples earning more than 250,000. 0. 9 increase on the medicare payroll tax, and a 3. 8 tax increase on investment income. Guest what the Affordable Care act was trying to do to pay for itself was tax the rich. That is what democrats have been saying for years. That is what it did. When you take those taxes away, you will get a tax break to the rich. As you mentioned earlier, there are a number of taxes on Health Care Industry stakeholders, medical devices, drugs, Health Insurance. Those were, we will give you more customers, so you will make more money, so you will get some back to us in the form of tax. Host mario, tennessee. Caller good morning. I had the chance to live in europe, especially italy. It is nothing to compare with a singlepayer system. Nothing will change. Here we have a total mess, chaos. Talking about this and that. You have to go to a lawyer to find out exactly what youre getting with one side or the other. Ago, i got a lower back xray. They give me the next rate. Minutes. And out in 50 3300. Was in europe i would have paid 100. Herenk the American People have to wake up and look what theyre doing. Canada, germany, italy, france, we will pay half for medical. You dont have to worry about getting sick. When youre sick, you go to the doctor. You can go to any doctor that you want. Host all right. Guest all the european systems are slightly different from each other. Some of them are more socialized. One of the things we do see in most other industrialized countries, most of the people are happy with their system. That is not the case here. The only thing people on the far left and far right agree on, the system does not work. They disagree on how to fix it. Host we will go to nebraska, john. Uninsured. Caller i would like to say that the system does need kinks worked out of it. Foruple of things i am glad , the states have the choice for high risk premiums, and the fines for insurance have been removed. I know several people who get maybe five dollars six months ago before tax returns, and they lost their entire tax return due to their fine in the Affordable Care act. It was very frustrating to watch my entire family have to ituggle and scrape by when could have been solved a lot better. Guest there are lots and lots of proposals are ways to tinker with the Affordable Care act and make it work better. Republicans would like to make it work less. There is this fundamental fight about who should regulate insurance, federal or state. States do a lot of relational Health Insurance. Like thens pretend federal government has taken it all over. They did not. They have taken over some of it. That is behind these efforts for states to have waivers and to end medicaid. Theyre going to turn medicaid back to the states. They will give governors more flexibility when they give less money. Medicaid already does not pay much. It will be hard with much less money to be flexible and cover the same number of people with the same benefits. Host what about selling insurance across state lines . Is that part of this puzzle . Proposal . Oposal guest it is not. It would need 60 votes in the senate. This was made legal in the Affordable Care act. You already can. It is up to the state. It is not up to the Insurance Company. Washington, maryland, virginia they can do that. Nobody has yet. Georgia passed a law that allows other insurers to sell. Nobody took them up on it. The insurers dont like it. Insurance regulators worry it would cause a race to the bottom, where you would have a state with very few regulations, and everybody was flock to that state. Healthy people would buy from that state. You would not get many benefits, but they are healthy, so you dont think you need money. Therefore there would only be sick people left in their individual state. Premiums would go up. The other thing, this goes back about 20 years, you would have to have a network. Ensure would not want insurers dont want to sell a plan in a state where they dont have any providers. It is not like somebody in the state of washington is going to go to North Carolina and sell insurance because they dont have anyone to provide care. Im not sure why there is some much excitement about this. For many years it has been suggested that this is not a very useful answer. Host our republicans talking about doing this as part of phase two . The president has put this tweet win in the house, exciting, when everything comes together, we will have truly Affordable Health care. I think phase two is what the administration itself can do. Tom price has lots of authority to make all kinds of changes. That is one of the things the Affordable Care act did, it gave enormous amount of authority to the secretary of health and Human Services that democrats pondering the possibility that there would be a republican in that role. Things like something crossed a line that they cannot do in budget reconciliation. Host what else will be in phase three . Guest im trying to remember. There were a couple more. Host in phase two, what are some of the changes tom price could make . Guest one is a controversial change. This was referred to yesterday. That secretary price is going to tinker with the requirement for contraceptive coverage. Religious organizations dont have to provide it, but they do have to tell the government it is a violation of their conscience rights. The question is whether he will take it out of the package of required benefits with no coinsurance or copay. Women now have basically free birth control. He could take that away. That was done by regulation. There are a lot of ways he could tinker with some requirements of the law. Host eric in indiana. Good morning. Do you get your insurance through the aca . Guestcaller i do. I am in ohio. It has been a good policy. We have used the Preventive Care with no cost. Generics were free. What it is going to do for us is give us a thing that is going to knock us off of having insurance. I am selfemployed. I am happy with it. It has worked good. The question i have is, somewhere, and i believe it was on my representatives website, i saw where tom mccarthy put in an amendment to allow the senators and representatives and staff and families to stay on what is the obamacare that they use through the government. Is that true . Guest yes. There has been much to do about not very much. The reason it was written into the macarthur amendment that they could not waive the requirements for members of congress and their staff is for procedural reasons. It has to do with budget reconciliation, which is the province of another committee. It would have been out of jurisdiction. They could have killed the bill. That is why they had to do that. They had trouble explaining that. It looked like they were giving themselves an out. Nonetheless, they have passed a separate bill yesterday saying they did not mean to do that. That is because they cannot put it in budget reconciliation. It is a procedural thing. Host to be clear, they are not exempt themselves from this republican bill . Guest no. Most people dont realize members of congress and the staff are on the Affordable Care act. They buy through the district of columbia exchange. They get their employer subsidy, which is another source of controversy. They took themselves out of the regular federal employees health plan and put themselves into the Affordable Care act. Host kentucky, the area, good morning. Caller i am 63 and on private insurance. New law going to affect me when i go on medicare and my employer is responsible for my medicare, but i dont know how that would work in pain for my insurance paying for my insurance. I want to ask how that is going to affect people. Host no problem. Guest it should not affect you. His sense like your employer has a wraparound plan to go with your medicare. If youre still working, you sign up for medicare and keep your employer insurance when you retire. You can sign up for medicare as a backstop to your private insurance. For now, you probably would not be affected. Wont right now, they make it to medicare later, but right now probably not impacted. Host this legislation that passed the house yesterday goes to the senate, or they do their own legislation. Guest it still goes to the senate. Host when do they do this . Guest it is a good question. It will take them at least a month. I think that is optimistic if they are starting from square one. What is important to remember is congress cannot start on tax reform until they finish this. They are using this budget procedure. One spendinghave billnciliation at a time. These protections would go away for the health bill if they did taxes. They have to do them one at a time. The longer it takes health care, thats it for they can start tax reform. Host David Jefferson will talk about the fccs attempt to roll back now the actions. James and oh, Washington Examiner politics editor discusses President Trumps religious liberty executive order. Live atshington journal 7 00. Cspan, where history unfolds daily. In 1979, cspan was created as a Public Service by americas Cable Television companies. It is brought to you today by your cable or satellite provider. The more about house passage of the Health Care Replacement bill in the next legislative steps in the senate from todays white house briefing. This is about a half hour. Perfect timing. Good afternoon. As i mentioned yesterday when we spoke, sean is on reserve duty with the native. Navy

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