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Comestitled the alt right to washington. Based on your reporting, how do you describe the all right . The definition of the term is a little bit of a job fall originally it was more of a catchall for more fringe elements of the right side of american politics. Anyone who was on the right but not patched to mainstream conservatism. More recently that term has narrowed. We have a conversation of light nationalism and that is how the Associated Press now defined the term. Caused a lot of consternation within the movement as the extreme elements embrace of this light nationalism and say yes, that is who we are and others say i dont want anything to do with that. They are looking for an alternative name or saying they dont want to be labeled at all. First movement that in conferences a range of wildwood rightwing figures who have mostly made their name on the internet. On the less extreme end, they include economic nationalist who want to purchase on from the United States and europe. The movement in conferences over White Nationalists committed fascist and for patterns of a host of other ideologies that were thought to have died out in american politics not long after world war ii. How did the altright come to be influential in trumps orbits in the first place . It has to do with the fact that the Mainstream Republican Party shunt donald trump for so long. There were voices out on the internet who were viewed and french whoookey and geved that truck and frin was aned that trump outsider. Was willingat trump to talk about race in a way no mainstream republican had done in decades. Campaign that the was a doityourself campaign. There were not a lot of barriers to interacting with people. You could tweet and get a response. On could form relationship platforms so someone like mike people like they knew steve bannon and guts know many members of trumps circle. These guys have a proximity to power that is real. Can you get a sense of what they are thinking . Depends on figure two figure. For someone like spencer, he wants to make racism no longer taboo in American Public life and discourse. Refocusing ourt Economic Policy on median gdp instead of gdp growth. He says he really has come to be very concerned with the state of american workers. He grew up in a factory towns in the midwest. He says he wants to win the culture war. Steinopolis is getting a fair amount of attention and a lot of these people are capitalizing on this newfound attention. We are talking about the altright and taking your line calls as always. For independence is we are to have a call. Malcolm from tennessee on the democratic line. My question is if hillary had gotten elected, they would have been doing a lot of different stuff. Not blocking this and not blocking that, all the protest, it is ridiculous. To keep all of the illegals out of the country and she would have opened orders and all the refugees come in. It is ridiculous. Brightont is mark from , massachusetts on the independent line. I just wanted to point out a few things. Number one, the label altright in magazines like politico is a propaganda kind of thing. They are trying to put the Smear Campaign on everything that disagrees with this radical leftist perspective and it is just false. I have been reading news from breitbart and they are not racist or nationalist. You are lying to your teeth, it is discussing. Stop it. That was a perspective. Delve intoething we in the piece that this altright has acquired this racial connotation. People like mike describe themselves as altright a few months ago and are now saying dont apply. Term to me because im not talking about racial. Mike pointed to the fact that his wife is version and he said he believes in cultural nationalism but not in a racial nationalism. He did not touch on info wars. They are considered altright but would not embrace some of these racial theories that Richard Spencer has. Alex jones, the host of info accused barack obama and Hillary Clinton what is their goal in setting up shop in washington . Spencer, for example, he would like to move his ideas into the mains dream. They are currently considered well outside of the main stream. He would basically like to see the United States become an explicitly write white country. That is the sort of idea you have not seen or world war ii and in many cases since before world war i. Likeother people, people certain of its cernovich and other lesser known figures would likeind, they to change the way the think tank culture works. They think that institutions like cato and heritage are no longer effective in achieving a conservative agenda and these are guys who came up on the internet and are well versed in internet culture and meme culture. Upy are thinking of setting new age takes that operate that way. Less aimed atks washington itself and more aimed at influence American Culture generally so it trickles down to affecting policy in washington. Lets go back to the fence. John on the republican line . I have been waiting a long time. Democratic party plays identity politics. Policy the core of their. ,t is africanamerican jewishamerican, lgbt, i mean, it masks their moving away from economic issues. The billionaires have become democrats. The working man is a republican. Inevitable that white people have interest as well. It is way past due that the republicans should be playing the same game as the democrats do. Let the Democratic Party become thenwhite party so Republican Party should explicitly state they are a white party. If the democrats have been doing this for a generation, why do the republicans refuse to play the same game . That is what the perception is from traditional conservatives, you know, that they are cowards. Movement is part socalled altright am i still on here . For instance black lives obviously matter. Black People Matter but the reality is that black men commit murder, according to fbi statistics, black males commit theer more than eight times rate of white and hispanic males. That is fbi statistics. Base to break it out even further. Times black males commit murder at eight times the rate of white and hispanic males. If you look at the last eight olympics, the finalist in the 100 meters were always african black. What does that tell you . Were going to move ahead to angelo from new orleans, louisiana. Good morning and thank you for cspan. I am 70 years old and my daddy went to europe for four years to fight not these nazis. Believe the guy from breitbart who is on the National Security council now, i believe him and spencer are nazis. These people can call himself altrights. They hateacists, black people, they want all the blacks out of the country. They want to have a war against one point 7 billion muslims. Work makes money from the for the profiteers. I am totally bewildered. I feel like im living in bizarro world. Do you have a sense of what kind of following the group actually have . It is a good question and it really depends on how you want to post the numbers. Richard spencer, once he held a conference in the after the election, he had a couple of hundred people show up. That would be a good sense of those who are following this explicitly White Nationalist group. You go to another end of the sector. Mmeone might someone like ilo who describes himself as a western chauvinist. Had before he was kicked off of twitter hundreds of thousands of followers. Book deal inen a the six figures from one of the big publishing houses and has become a pretty familiar face if you are watching cable news or reading big national newspapers. This is really a loose somederacy of people and of them are really on the fringe and can only muster a very small, small group of people even if they do make a lot of noise and are able to make themselves part of the conversation in that way. It shaved over into a group that in many ways could represent a big part of the future of the Republican Party and has ambitions to take over the party and make it an american nationalist party. Jack in providence, rhode island. A republican. The reason why i am calling, you mentioned the term altright. Sean hannity, i dont know if he started it, but he put the term out there altleft. , white altright nationalist, they are going after steve bannon all the way. They are scared of the because bannon becauseof he is smart. Yes to work with the upcoming treasury secretary. He is going to be working with him. Understand, we need people running the government of high intelligence. Bannont like a because he is irish, white and he is very bright. Nancy pelosi calling him a white supremacist. That has gone too far. He is not a white supremacist. He is a nationalist. What is wrong with being a nationalist versus a globalist . Bannon is an important your in this race and what that color was referring to speaks to the issues around this label. At one point last summer in an interview with the wall street journal bannon said that bright word Breitbart News was the platform for the altright. At the time it did not have this White Nationalist connotation and when it became perceived as a White Nationalist movement, bannon disavowed the term and said that is not what breitbart is. Democrats have seized upon that comment and make a lot of political hay about it. At the time bannon was trying to theess the breitbart was Center Banner for a National Strength. He is connected to several figures in this piece including milo who make the similar point about Jared Kushner who is jewish. He says steve bannon cannot be an antisemi because we have worked together. Certainly that is something that the democrats have seized on that, you made last summer. Jake from new jersey on the democratic line. Listening to the same echo chamber from the altright. It is everywhere. On every major social Media Network and mainstream Media Network. We are dealing with alternative facts. Said i know im the smartest guy in the room because im not smartest guy in the room. How to deal with this narrative and is demonstrably false is being skewed by fellow citizens, some of them who i greatly respect but who prefer to adhere to propagandist lies that fit their narrative as opposed to except verifiable facts. Immigration is a great example. We get 13 billion annually from Illegal Immigrants and yet the narrative is a they are taking our jobs and medicare and medicaid and we are subsidizing them. It is just false and it is provably false and yet you try to engage with people that you respect and have a right to have a voice in the direction our country is going to go, but they refuse to knowledge facts. They refuse to source facts. Were talking about vetting refugees, why dont we vet some of the talking heads we have elected to positions of power. We are dealing with a guy who openly mocks judges who are dealing with cases that his logic is bringing. The insane logic to that is leading me to believe we are going to a time where the judiciary might actually become delegitimized by people who do not even understand the structure of our government and the masses are just eating it up. Im sitting here wondering what the heck can i do or should we feared. Ome a i will take the answer off there. D. C. Any parallel links between the beliefs of the altright and the policies coming out of the Trump White House . Many of these people are admirers of steve bannon. Look at this travel ban where they have taken these seven majority muslim countries. Someone like milo believes that islam represents an existential threat to the United States. He believes that europe may have already fallen to these migrants and there is a fifth column of muslims who are going to forever alter the nature of european society. Taken to see states steps taken to prevent more them from coming to the United States. To in some cases make sure some of the muslims here leave and part of theo be design of this muslim ban for this travel ban which obviously sem from truck trump original Campaign Promise which was to halt the entry of muslims into the country. In terms of his rhetorical emphasis on workers, that is and myng that this guy sentiments make a highpriority saying the Republican Party and is nottrump Party Interested in business and the party is going to be proworker. Tom from the democratic line. One of the only things i think well get bipartisan agreement is the infrastructure built. The Democratic Party i was part steel beinsist the made in america. Do we now see that as democrats as something that has been monopolized by the altright . Speaking to this economic National Strength that is within at least parts of this movement. The economic nationalist may reject the altright term and right. Em trumpist or new many of these people say they have more in common with Bernie Sanders then they do with the establishment of the Republican Party. In fact, Richard Spencer said that. That is the sort of policy that someone like Richard Spencer would agree with and some of these figures are quite focused on getting Bernie Sanders voters to reject Hillary Clinton and either stay home or come around to trump and theres Nothing Better than some antenatal antidotal evidence. To the fact that there are people on the left and right who antitrade,ore antiglobalism positions now who feel that their parties have moved away from them, i think the last call it really spoke to that. Acre in las vegas, nevada. Calling because i think the whole discussion on the issue is missing. This is why i say hillary lost because you guys are making out tond his appointees be racist. This has become a racial thing and i dont understand that. I voted for trump on the issues. That is what matters to me the most. This whole racial thing, i mexican american, my parents are from mexico and i voted on trump simply because of obamacare. The whole thing was a disaster. Has beenlding horrendous. It would have been much cheaper just to extend medicare for the 20 Million People that did not have insurance. That would have been so much cheaper than to go into obamacare the way we did. The way it was done, that is what i think motivated mystical to vote for trump to get rid of this bill. Going next to a lane in charlotte, north carolina. Justm calling because i am so bewildered by the fact that america has become a country of us and them. When i call and i call in on the democratic line because i am a registered democrat but everything is about race, everything is about money, everything is about when are we going to come together as amply americans . Simply americans . When immigrants come to this country the reason they come is they are seeking opportunity. Everybody wants to do well. We have become so polarized in this country until we cant see the forest for the trees. We talk about make America Great again, america is great. Come because people are hiring them. Are hiringle who them would follow the law, we would not have this problem. They are not taking jobs, people who go get jobs get jobs because the people are hiring the. Have a problem with just rotation gentrification. Every major city in this country is doing that and it is all about profiteering. When we come together and start looking out for each other because we supposedly are a christian country. But we do not follow christian principles. There is one commandment which is called the great commandment. It says love of god. It is not say whether you are muslim, christian, buddhist or whomever you worship, love that god that you worship. Love your neighbor like you love yourself and when you love your neighbor like you love yourself you will be we will be more inclusive. I am 74 years old. I have never been afraid in this country. I have lived in the ghetto, i have lived in the upper middle class, when we talk about nothing but crime, what about sometime talking about the good things going on in this country because there is a lot more good going on then there is bad. During the 6 00 news, delete lead story is about somebody killing somebody. Goodabout talking about things that the young people are doing sometimes rather than always focusing in on the negative . Thank you so much. We have one more call to get you and that is betty from green bay, wisconsin. Thanks for taking my call. I look at the big picture concerning steve bannon. People from as many the voice of america, it goes to 120 countries, 16 languages. There was a board of six people that takes care of this. Fired andthey were two 20yearolds are taking care of what is being out put out to these countries. That scares me. You can fact check this and it is true. Whats the point, why did they do it and i think steve bannon did this. He is a selfproclaimed lennini st which means tear down the country and make it the way you want it. I think people should be aware of our freedom of beach and not freedom of speech and not to take it away from us. This is scary because this started in world war ii and it show andbiased reel now it is republican. Thathad heard some chatter after and there were rumors that donald trump was buying some sort of Media Venture or Television Network in the event he lost an election. Was what people were calling it and there was some it might become the outlet for some of that creative energy. Membersot followed the of the board the caller was talking about. But certainly listen america has been in and ordered part of americas communication with the world for some time now. It will be interesting what will happen. Are guesses morning covers National Politics for politico area the story is the altright comes to washington. Announcer cspans washington journal, live every day with the news and policy issues that impact you. Coming up sunday morning, usa today commentary editor discuss her book on how consensusbuilding happens on capitol hill. And University Professor karen the currentsses screening process for refugees entering the u. S. And duncan was will join us. He is the director of the Wilson Centers mexico and to. Be sure to watch cspans washington journal live at the a. M. 7 00 a. M. Join the discussion. Sunday night on afterwards, melissa fleming, chief spokesperson for the United Nations High Commission of refugees recounts a young syrian womans journey to europe in her book a hope more powerful than the c sea. She is interviewed by the president of refugees international. 2011 and the arab spring is happening all around them and they are turning on the television and all kinds of average families syria, they are living under an oppressive regime but they all have homes, livelihoods and health care and they are going to school. This family in particular was not politically active, they are caught up in this kind of countries about other around us are changing, maybe they could change here and demonstrations are starting in doa, who is 16 years old, is inspired to go out and see what is happening. She witnesses the protesters shot at. Announcer sunday night at nine eastern on afterwards. His weeklyin address, the president mentions victims of tornadoes in louisiana and mrs. To the, job growth, cutting taxes and executive action on terrorism. Representative joe crowley of new york livers the democratic response, giving his reaction to the democratic ticket of order the executive order. Fellow americans, this week our hearts are with the people of louisiana and mississippi families have lost their homes, businesses and likelihood after devastating tornadoes swept through many, many communities

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