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Defense of democracies. And then a conversation the Trump Administration in the freedom of the press. We talk to bruce brown from the Reporters Committee for the freedom of the press. Be met with fire, fear he, and frankly, power, the likes of which this world has never seen before. Thank you. President trump of the statement about north korea comes after reports that the created a missile that can fit inside an intercontinental Ballistic Missile. All of these happening yesterday and in the next hour, we want to get your thoughts on the development to north korea. Not only with the news of this missile, the president s response and the larger issues of how to handle this issue. If you could let us know and give us your thoughts this ,orning, 202 7488001 republicans. 202 7488000, democrats. And independents, 202 7488002. If you want to post on our twitter, you or can go there as well. President s statements responding to yesterdays news about north korea and this reported potential of a Nuclear Weapon being capable of being inside an intercontinental Ballistic Missile. To give us some overview on to how that might work, our guest joins us. Guest good to be with you. Host can you go some perspective on what this means and tell our viewers what we are considering we hear about the potential of a weapon being inside of an icbm . Guest we have known for quite ise time that north korea trying to develop a smaller, lighter, more compact Nuclear Warhead that can be delivered on able epistle, particularly a longrange or intercontinental elastic muscle Ballistic Missile. So several intelligence agencies have issued a report that assesses that north korea has achieved this technical capability. In july, theyhat tested successfully, for the first time, ebola it missile capable of intercontinental range a Ballistic Missile capable of intercontinental range. So the takeaway from a technical perspective is that north korea is making fast technical progress. Yearswas and maybe 1, 2 they are within maybe 1, 2 years on the capability to deliver that weapon that has this makes it all the more urgent to deescalate this crisis, to engage in direct with north korea to, first all, reduce tensions, and then to haltind a way further nuclear and Ballistic Missile testing, which will only help advance their capabilities. Host one of the papers this morning highlights the fact i will just read you with this says experts say the problem is not militarization, but if the warhead can survive the intense heat of reentry as it through the atmosphere from space, a hurdle which north korea is not believed to have overcome. Guest we simply do not know if they have mastered the reentry vehicle technology. But what we have to remember is with further testing, they will. That is not the most cold technical hurdle difficult technical hurdle. The most difficult one was manufacturing the material for Nuclear Weapons, that highly enriched uranium, they have that. Perfecting a longrange Ballistic Missile, they have got that. Designing and print testing a vice, a device, particularly a longer one. Lighter one. We do not know they have mastered the targeting technology, that is to guide such a weapon to a target. Rightf their capabilities now are still a couple of steps away, the problem here is urgent. The problem is that north korea is not saying theyre going to strike a u. S. Target unprovoked. They have said time and again this is a defensive capability. U. S. Are very fearful of and south Korean Military capabilities. So they see this as their security guaranteed. That is why we need to be oreful not to provoke precipitate a military crisis that could go nuclear. Host in the reporting that somehow put out as far as the statement about potentially reviewing north korea and its leadership, on strikes on guam of the anderson air face airbase do, there were that they will not strike unprovoked . We have to take this seriously, but we have to realize that the North Koreans in that statement they speaking very hyperbolic, overthetop terms all the time they are responding to the fact that the United States is implying be one strategic bombers these are strategic commerce from guam in over south korea as a sign of the United States su resolve to protect our allies, south korea. So the North Koreans are saying we do not like that and we are capable of hitting qualm with some of our intermediate range Ballistic Missiles. So what we are seeing here is that North Koreans will meet every u. S. Action with a counter possibly evenh is more dangerous. It is important that President Trump and his advisers work with our allies to deescalate this cycle, which is growing tensions. , in host that is the reaction almost every president has in recent history and going the on that has done. What changes the possibility of the escalation this time, and the potential for new sanctions we rolled in a help or assist in not . That . Sanctions approved by the United Nations will have a large effect on north koreas ability to generate revenue which might roll into its new year and missile program. But it will take a while for that to have an effect. North Koreas Nuclear and missile progress, i think, will outpace the impact of those sanctions. Nottions alone are simply going to bring north korea to change its course. Fact, the statement made by President Trump yesterday, i tonk it is only going reinforce the north korean regimes resolve to resist the United States and show that they are prepared to defend themselves. So we have to be prepared for is another north korean action, perhaps another missile test, perhaps even a nuclear test explosion. So i think it is important for secretary of state Rex Tillerson to find out a way to reach out probably to his north korean counterpart to explore the about talksof talks and a producing tensions on the peninsula and trying to address these mutual security concerns. Host so lets say that north korea does develop the technology that has been reported, what is the potential threat against the u. S. . What is the range and the potential devastation of something should come of that . Difficultnkly, it is to say. I would caution everyone to recognize that the u. S. Intelligence community, while extremely good at their job, knows less than they would like about exactly where north korea is. What we do know is that they are making substantial advances. They have a missile that has the range to reach the western United States, alaska, hawaii. They probably dont, at this moment, have a warhead ready to go on that system, but in the next 12 years, they are going to improve that capability. That is why it is important for us to bring about a halt to their further longrange missile testing and any further nuclear test that could help them perfect that warhead. Targetar weapon on any is going to produce devastating effects. Ofay is the 72nd anniversary the u. S. Atomic bombing of the city of nagasaki in japan. Killed,000 people were that day, and some 75,000 more in the months afterward. So Nuclear Weapons are extremely dangerous, and it is Something Nuclear war is something every u. S. President has enormous responsibility to avoid or prevent. That is Daryl Kimball of the arms control association. Thank you for your time this morning. Guest thank you. Host we turn to you to give your thoughts about what is happening in north korea. 202 7488001, republicans. 202 7488000, democrats. Independents, 202 7488002. We start with ohio, republican line. Go ahead. Caller how are you doing this morning. First of all, i would like to say and i support what President Trump was saying 100 10 . I am talking about his language and his reddick rick 100 and 10 . Im talking about his language and his rhetoric. The fact of the matter is that President Trump has pushed into this position. He has pushed into this position because we have had weak withdents, starting president clinton going on to president bush and president obama dealing with north korea. The only reason President Trump is in this position is because would notld that they get Nuclear Weapons because we have this agreement, we have this deal. And then nothing happened, nobody did anything, and now President Trump has to be hard on north korea because if he is not, we could end up in a situation where we have 20 nukes flying at us and at all sorts of different cities. We have to try and knock these nukes out of the air. Im glad that President Trump is the president , because we need gh who will finally take a stand with north korea. On the last note, it will be the worst because iran has much more money than north korea has. We will have the same problem in a few years because of north korea on what president obama did with the rand deal iran deal. Host yes . Caller hi, you let that arrogant elitist kimball ramble on about the threat from north korea. What gets me is this. Two years on a line, they will have this kind of capability, that kind of capability. We do not know of they can strike now or later. The point is they will make it stronger and every previous agreement they did not adhere to. A 4dent clinton gave them billion deal to stop their program. They did not stop anything. They accelerated their program, and they probably put a good amount of money into that corrupt regimes pocket. One other point as well if douglas in the 1950s and he wanted to exert fire and fury, theyre not need being a fire and fury today. But nobody in the media talks about that. And that kimball comes office oh arrogant, so elitist, and john mccain, there is a special place in hell for him as he attempts to usurp President Trump. Dilemma here, and they will only get stronger, stronger, and stronger if something is not done about it. Host darrell, st. Louis missouri. St. Louis, missouri. Go ahead. Darrell . We will move to carl. Hes in massachusetts. You are on. It seems to me like we are being lied into another war, and i am wondering why it seems meaty United States is more concerned to me that north korea is more concerning than south korea, russia, japan, china. We are more worried about them than they are. And alaska is fairly close, but most of our country is thousands of miles away. I think we can settle it and again, why should we believe anything the government says or the cia says after iraq . Even going back to vietnam. About ourg my doubts entry into world war ii that was supposed to be the good war. There is not such a thing. Host we will go next to carl, houston, texas. Caller i wanted to say thank you for cspan. I think this is a really, really bad move. I think for america to follow donald trump blindly is very foolish. Seen this,hould have ever since the russian thing pointed wes were pointed toward a war to take the focus off of what donald trump has done. Its amazing barack obama did everything he could to help americans. He did everything he could to take every little advancement or help that barack obama has put out and destroy it. Now he is willing to, after doing that, because of this thing with russia now he is willing to take a life in the lives of your children and grandchildren and standup blindly and say it is ok. Tom, fort lauderdale, florida. Republican. Go ahead. Caller good morning. The media is at it again. They talked about trump in terms of being a wild guy or something. But when trump first came into office, he said he would be honored to meet with the north korean leader. What people say then . They said what are you talking about . This guy is a beast. So they cannot have it both ways. This news about the nuclear wepon, it is terrifying and have a preview as to how the theirkoreans will use Nuclear Weapons when they have started immediately threatening uam. G if i was going to make a production, i would say donald trump will start sanctioning china without any regard to economic or diplomatic damage, and see if that works. If that does not work, he will parking six or seven aircraft carriers off the coast of north korea and see if china reacts been. Keep ratcheting up, and he should. The North Koreans want to destroy the United States, and we need to stop treating them like some child that needs to be understood. Host tom in florida, the New York Times this morning highlights the fact that while mr. Trumps statement is one of the most militant a president has made about north korea, it may have been aimed at beijing as much as pyongyang. By discussing military options, the military might be trying to convince china and its president that the status quo is dangerous because it risks war. But it may be a message to xi jinping that you have to be doing more than just sanctions at the u. N. That was joseph knight, a scholar who once ran the American Government National Intelligence council. Your next from joy, washington, d. C. , republican line. Caller good morning. Host good morning, go ahead. Calling well with the president is doing, and i needshink that congress to ramp up their efforts to deal with some of these domestic situations we have so the president can have a clear mind while dealing with people like north korea and china and all of those other jurisdictions russia. When bushe call from got in office. Wrong a lot of things with the Monica Lewinsky situation, and we ended up in a war. So my opinion is that we need to clear up some of these domestic situations that we had so we can have a clearer mind to deal with these affairs. On twitter, someone says when we Start Nuclear war, the schoolent better provide desks for us to hide under. Thankr person says we can obama for looking the other way for eight years while north korea improved their new your goals. Nuclear goals. If you want to contribute to the conversation, give us a call. Republicans, 202 7488001. Democrats, 202 7488000. Independents, 202 7488002. The president made a statement, which occurred at the top of the hour, and hears him here is him reacting that yesterday. Pres. Trump north korea better not make any threats to the United States. They will be met with fire and fury, like the world has never seen. Threatening,ery beyond a normal status. As i said, they will be met with fire, fury, and frankly, power, the likes of which this world has never seen before. Thank you. Host if you go to the website of the atlantic, they have a store there talking about the capability of the north korean missiles. Currently, not only to that show a launch area from north korea, but the potential for where the various missiles within the arsenal can reach. Ase indicating places far san francisco, los angeles, and further. The atlantic websites that is the graphic that is on the story. Mapping the threat of north korea is the title of that story. Maryland,o marion in democratic line. Youre next. Caller hello. I love your program, and listen to it every day, and i just want to say rallying people up to get into another war is the wrong approach. Damage nothing but cause to our country and to other countries. The best thing we can do is get a reality check on north korea. That the endee result is not going to be this great success. It is going to be damage and lives lost, and that needs to be communicated. This is all slight a pep rally going on. Anyway, that is all i wanted to say. Education and communication, that is what we need. Host carlos, new york city, independent. Morning. Ood i love the program, but i want to say what is remarkable is that we had eight years of president obama, eight years of president george w. Bush, democrats and republicans, and somehow these president s managed the north korea problem without going to war. Six months into the Trump Administration and we are on the brink of war. That is a dangerous rhetoric and eight colossal failure of diplomacy. Host has that changed in part with the news about their Nuclear Capability . There is always this backandforth rhetoric that escalates, but somehow we must contain this problem. President trump is a belligerent and war is obviously. Thank you. Little bit more about the capability aspect on the Washington Post, saying that this has long been a challenge for intelligence official because of the culture of extreme secrecy. Weapon scientists have conducted five Nuclear Tests since 2006, the latest being a 2030 kiloton sincetion on the 2016 although if you discount north koreas prominence, mentiont u. S. Experts the danger of overestimating the threat. The last menu is official to inspect the facility has calculated the size of north koreas arsenal at no more than 2025 bombs. Johnny, beaumont, texas. Democrat. Youre next. I just wanted to say that i do not trust trump. He will push this thing is a what is going on with the russian investigation. I have two grandkids that graduated from high school that want to go into this military. We had a family meeting, do not go in that military under trump, because you will get killed under trump. We do not trust trump. So no. I do not agree with him, i just do not trust him. Host as far as the north korean capability, we do not think that is happening . Caller we have other enemies with Nuclear Weapons. The russians have it, the chinese have it, other countries have Nuclear Weapons so what . We need a deterrent against them. I was once stationed in korea, south korea, and if you start a war there they will destroy souls within artillery range. They will destroy that whole city with all of those people 28,000 american troops it will be a slaughter. Do not trust trump. It will be bad over there. Host so you says it has to be a deterrent. What is the best deterrent . Builds defense weapons, something to knock those missiles down. If they have to put them right next to north korea, do not go into war with those people on the ground. They are going to kill along people. It is too close. Theres too much artillery. Theyre going to care that city up. So go on with it trump, you are going to go straight to hell with it. Host elizabethtown, republican line. Hope a question does not sound ignorant, but it is more along the lines of the technicality of the bombs in the i amles, the icbms, understand they have to leave our atmosphere and reenter, and from my understanding, our bombs will not go off unless they are detonated. So my question is what kind of damage would a nuclear bomb due to our atmosphere if it blew up on reentry, and how would it affect Global Warming and the ozone their . As farhat do you think as the situation at hand as far as the treatment so far by the trumpet ministrations . I was scared youre going to ask me that question. Well, i dont know if you can remember when george bush, after he kind of responded lackadaisical he and said oh, by the way, we are at war. And now if you look at trump, we are moving forward. What and how aer person has rhetoric towards war, it is a scary, scary thing. Do i have a solution . No, i do not. I just wanted to get a sense of how the administration is treating this so far and what you think about the treatment of the situation . Ok. Er im a republican, yes. Shouldk i think trump put a sock in his off the couple times a week . Yes. Do you think yesterdays statement went too far . I think he shouldve thought about what he said before he opened his mouth. That scares me. Know, the way bush handled iraq also scared me. If you youre not scared of war, you are saber rattling and do not know anything about it. Im not qualified to discuss whether or not i think trump is 100 correct, because we are talking about lives, not just 10 lives, hundreds of thousands of lives. I think people need to be more. Autious in their rhetoric chris in kentucky, giving us his thoughts this morning. Youre welcome to do the same on the phone lines and all of our social media pages is all. Tom, minnesota, democrat line. Go ahead. Agree withl, i everything that everyone has said so far. I do not think anyone wants a war. You, this guy up there, kim, whatever his name is that runs things in north korea, he is a nutcase. He is clearly belligerent, and letting him have a Nuclear Weapon is like putting a gun to the worlds head. I do not know if you would attack us. I heard somebody say i think your expert earlier said it was going defensive. But i think we should go up there and attack and get it over with. Try to blow his nuclear stuff up, try to kill him with surgical strikes. They will now start bombing stool, seoul. That black gentleman who called earlier was 100 correct seoull get will get blown up. The skies in a job and cannot have Nuclear Weapons. Host secretary of state made comments about trumps reaction from his plane. The president is sending a strong message to north korea in language that kim jongun would understand, because he does not seem to understand diplomatic language. I think the president just wanted to be clear to the north korean regime that the u. S. Has an unquestionable ability to defend itself, will defend itself, and i think it was important that he deliver that message to avoid any miscalculation on their part. Alexander,is virginia, independent line. Good morning. Good morning to you all, and thank you for cspan and all of that. The last caller, toward the end of his statement, was sounding a bit warmongering, a bit hawkish. He needs to understand that we cannot let donald trump and his administration drag us into another needless war. Korea,family over in over in japan as well as well. They are serving the country, and they are very disturbed by all of these statements. They do not know it is coming towards them, and it all seems take mediaar is to attention away from his russia investigation. 12 hours ago, it was reported that he turned over a bunch of documents to the special counsel , and mr. Mueller. We see where the cards land with that. The washington times, their editorial from the last 12 hours or so saying it is difficult to imagine any president not wanting to answer these warnings, but the fiery rhetoric might be without precedent. Not speaking softly, as theodore roosevelt, his republican predecessor advised, but he does have a big sick. Big stick. Mr. Roosevelt followed that up with multiple terms as president , and the munro doctrine in keeping foreign and inventors at of latin america, and in the dispatch of the great a circumnavigation of the globe to underline and emphasize growing american power. Clearly won the bragging match, and speaking at his Foreign Ministry my mind him himight might remind this aphorism dashing encourage like to congress to pass a new war powers resolution at would prevent the president of the United States from and family taking the country to war offensively. If we let them get away with this crop for 200 years, and it did not matter so much when they were fighting indians or the spanish, but this is going to be a full, thermonuclear war on the whim of about 10 people in the white house. It really ought to be a decision of the whole congress, whether or not we go to war. That is all i have to say, really. Host will your from ray in pennsylvania on our independent line. Hi, i high caller called a few months ago and warned everyone this would happen. Opinion, we have been warned. They will build this bloodlust up and pivot right to a ron. They will have some kind of false flag, and say oh, the intelligence we got in korea was wrong, but iran is the real enemy, and it is an easier place to try out their tactical Nuclear Weapons. So i warn you again, it is going to be a ron, and they will pivot from north korea after they let the bloodlust build up enough. Their policies are all failing, there is no wall, there is no health care reform. He will blow his popularity it will happen, just like it did with bush. That is all i have to say. Just be warned. It will be a ron. Iran. Host the Washington Post, responding saying since Nuclear Weapons have been dropped on hiroshima and nagasaki were dropped, they never have been used in combat. Throughout the years, the world has been filled with close calls and false alarms. The russians keep many missiles on alert, meaning they are ready to launch within minutes of the president giving the order. President trumps threat of fire and. Might sound like height to american ears, but it could be heard quite differently by others, such as mr. Kim, the bullet or a leader of a nuclear north korea. Mr. Trumps language could be this understood, he did not say precisely what would lead to fire and yuri if youre a fury except the north korean threats, credibility, the essence of deterrent, means the other side has to believe the threat israel. Is real. Caller good morning. Theybody wants to drum up old war, sewer member this. A week after donald trump gotten he went to speak to the military without reading reports,ts or mission and sat down on the field team and got a bunch of kids killed, that some soldiers killed. This guy is lazy, he does not do his homework, he does not do anything. To runuld not trust him a war. That is all i have to say about that. Host are you concerned about this news about north korea . That hei am concerned is going because he likes to be on his chest. He likes to have himself not look weak. So he will do things without doing the research, learning the knowledge behind it. He is working on impulse, and you cannot do stuff on impulse when everybody has lives at stake. Host this is the National Post out of canada, their front page. With victor the President Trump and kim jongun. The Guardian Newspaper out of the united kingdom, highlighting the fire and fury statement from the president yesterday. Threat ofd saying the a new pyongyang missile emerges, and out of thailand, the Nation Newspaper there with a picture of the secretary of state, who is traveling there. Traveling alongside the Prime Minister of thailand. Bangkok talks focus on asian tension is the headline there. Those are how the International Papers are playing out the events of yesterday. From a pio ohio, republican line, kim. Go ahead. Caller the one guy said something about if a war started, thousands of people in south korea and soul would die seoul would die. When i lived there from 1981 to 1982, there were 9 million , ande and soul there now it is more like 12 million. They told me at the airport that if there was a war, i would have five minutes to live. Through majored parts of south korea that are targeted, their largest airfield the Army Airfield i was at was the largest Army Airfield, and then pusan naval station. That goes up, a lot of people will die. There is no doubt. We have known that for years. In 1976, when they killed the commander, dmz, the the second for three division went on television and said to the president , give me nine days. Three days to kill them, six days to clean them up. Pulled outtually got of south korea and sent back to the United States. This has been going on for years and years, and it is not just this kid. He has a big stick poking at a hornets nest. His grandpa and his dad were all the same way. To they yelled out it enough get what they wanted. But this kid does not know what he wants, so he will poke that hornets nest with a stick until it will be too late. Host if you go to the twitter page of Anderson Air Force base out of guam, which has become the topic for north koreas statements about reviewing plans for potential action in guam, this is what the twitter page says. Recent rhetoric does not change our confidence, our readiness, and our preparedness to prevail. Prevail. Cannes,go next to washington, dc, independent line. Caller good morning. I hope youre are having a wonderful day so far. My comment is is that the security is a state of mind, a state of being that you feel safe. I am not threatened by north korea postulating on getting a Nuclear Weapon. Us have lived with someone or lived next to someone in their community or neighborhood or home that has been hostile, delusional, whatever the case might be. Someone in your neighborhood, probably is not wrapped too tight. You might be put on edge a few brought saw them get a gun, but you do not launch a strike on them with your gun. A lot of people get weapons because of security. Afraid of a miniature domain or a fullsize doberman . Fullsizen or a doberman. It is grandstanding for him, but trump is doing the same thing. Trump talks to people because the people he speaks to, it is just ratings for him. And mr. Kim has no clue what he is doing, but again, to start any type of war host so you do not have confidence in north Koreas Nuclear capability . Caller i will put it this way. Russia has launched Cyber Attacks and been a bigger threat than north korea is since the Russian Federation came into existence, yet for some reason we are not having the same stance against them. Toause it is cheaper for you launch a cyber war against someone then it is to launch a nuclear war. Nevertheless, it is a sign of aggression. So north korea does not have the ability to be quite as aggressive. It is like a fiveyearold black belt. You would not be threatened very much, nor would i, because they have a black belt but a fiveyearold capability. Enoughink we are smart and have the intelligence community, they have isolated what they have and what they do not have. But i am not afraid. Im not scared. Im going on with my day and i think people in chicago, i do not think they are afraid of a nuclear strike. Ken, commenting on radio yesterday with john mccain, and interview out of arizona. The chairman of the Senate Armed Services committee could talk about the president s statement from yesterday. Here is his reaction. I do not know what he is staying, and i have long ago given up trying to interpret it. But what he is saying is obviously fire and fury, but what about seoul . What about south korea . Tot about the ability inflict serious damage on south korea . All i can say is that i do not believe that president reagan or eisenhower or other president s that i have admired would have said the same thing. They might have done as much as we could, but not that kind of rhetoric im not sure how it helps. Host from twitter this morning, robert says guam is approximately five miles by 38 miles. I was stationed there for six months. Trumpther poster says and kim are both crazy hotheads. It is hard to tell the difference. Trump should back off. Democrat line, ohio. Keeps you know, trump running his mouth up there about what a nut job there is an north korea . To me, trump is a bigger nut job than he is. Just check his ratings and everything, how popular he is. He does not have sense enough to realize what a stupid idiot that he is. To theike when he came airport. He had a crowd there, but when that one guy tried to get to him, he was like a big baby, looking for the security to back him up. That is what he does with all of his business he is such a successful businessman, but hominy bankruptcies has he had . To me, that does not make you a very successful businessman. Cheated many people he and what they cheated him out of in all of those bankruptcies. I live in west palm beach, i will appear for 11 years. I know what kind of a nut job he is. He is nothing but a big bully who has bit off more than he can chew, and the poor American People are the ones who are going to suffer. Richard, nashville, tennessee. Independent line. Caller yes. My greatgrandfather fought in the korean war, and he says do you remember when i was a child . I am 60 years old. When the russians were doing all the drop and roll crap in school, and this father, now the sun. If we did not have 28,000 troops in the dmz, there would be no south korea because north korea would own them out right, and Everybody Knows it. And i tell you what. The asian people, they are fierce fighters. We were member that when we had to go to japan because of pearl harbor. We were member hibbler, all of these things going on. So you better be a big man, and i would much rather have a man in office. I do not care if he is offthewall somewhat in some woman like hillary clinton. Wallowingant to be any woman. I have women in my family and i love them, but we need to set once and from. Men are to fight wars, women are to take care of the women and kids at home and protect this country. Because of we dont protect this country, they are coming here. Look at what happened in vietnam . A north vietnamese married a south vietnamese. And now their businesses are everywhere. Get it together, america, because they are coming. That statement from tennessee. Reckless rhetoric is not distract strategy to keep america safe. Off of facebook, another person when north korea makes good on a threat, will your crybabies have the same sentiment . What you cheat your children when someone bullies number hits them repeatedly . Them or hits them repeatedly . Facebook. Com cspan is how you can post your responses there. Best, north carolina, republican line. Youre next. Caller i see this whole thing through i am pragmatic. Math, and how the close china is to north korea, first of all trump is sending a message to china. Pitbullme to make your heel. What is in it for china to let north korea log Nuclear Missiles at the united dates states . Contributore, huge to their rising economy and increasing standard of living over there. Why in godss name would they let north korea do Something Like that to the United States . We are their dream customer. Everybody needs to take a deep breath, put their partisan thatics aside, and realize there is a thing called the balance of power in the world. This is not the north korea versus United States. Complicated and connected than Something Like that. China is not going to let this go to that extent. But china is a master chess player. There is a reason they are called the sleeping giant. Beth in north carolina. A recent survey done by the Chicago Council Global Affairs was done, asking americans about what they would like to have done about north korea . 76 of those responding have said imposed tighter economic sanctions on the country. 68 saying sanctions should be imposed on Chinese Companies doing business with north korea. 40 saying that airstrikes should be conducted on Nuclear Production facilities. 20 saying send in u. S. Troops to destroy those facilities. 21 say except north korea possessorth korea will a Nuclear Weapon in exchange for producing no more. 11 said except that north korea will keep producing Nuclear Weapons. That is found on the forbes website. George, west virginia, democrat. Good morning. Caller good morning. Host you are on, go ahead. Caller i was in korea in 1967. I was in the infantry. There were nights that we spent crawling the hills of south korea, chasing North Koreans. In 1968, january june, excuse me. In january of 1968, the North Koreans captured a ship called the pueblo. People need to read the act of war by jack challis. It tells you what those men went through for one solid year, and our government basically sat on their bottoms and did nothing while these guys were beaten, kicked around, put in solitaire we lost 11 Good American men when i was there in 1967. Unarmed american troops. They were ambushed while they were cutting wood, cutting trees to clear out an area around the dmz. And these people who call in and just raise all kind of pain about our president probably was never in the military. They have to realize those people over there are trying their best to live a decent life. , hishis kid in north korea father, his grandfather, all of them, all three were the same. About ak was written ship that was captured that was not in north korean waters, and we sat in the boat it is still over there. Host robert, las vegas, independent line. Caller i appreciate this opportunity. I am a korean veteran. I was proud to serve during correia, we were a destroyer division. This,m wanted to mention food for thought for these folks, and that is that in the in0s, they had a famine north korea. They have another one coming up. But the one thing that is important it was a few months ago, on 60 minutes. Reporters they were in a nuclear sub of ours 160 feet below, and when they came to the section for the them, andy had 20 of these are quite capable of hitting anywhere in the world. Mention that to reaching of him somewhere in america with a nuke he would be toast. Would that do him . He knows that. He is not stupid. The bottom line here is that we should thank him for stirring things up, because it enables us to build up our military even more and get the money that is needed. So we have more and more of a secret weapons then the world has ever known about. Host robert in north nevada, giving us his perspective. The Washington Post writes about this is the title of it. North korea on the brink. He says the countrys defiance of the United States and china is rooted in the idea of military selfreliance. Selfreliance and national defense, a creed that promotes total loan confrontation. What is at stake in this confrontation was underscored by discussions this weekend at an annual gathering of the foreignpolicy establishment called the aspen strategy group. Thisrs meeting years meeting included five Trump Administration officials as well as a collection of former top officials from previous republican and democratic administrations. Among the clearest points of consensus among former officials was that the north korea crisis provided what 1 but one participant called a catalytic moment. Florida, independent, dave. Your yes i like the idea of what donald trump does. I do not like the idea of people beating him up in the media. I think something will going is going to have to be done in korea. We all know something needs to be done. Maybe he was a little harsh and a little quick with what he said, when he first got into office he said he did not want to give anyone advance notice that he was coming. , and he just done that hopefully they will heed that reason to slow this whole thing down. Actnever but he will step and take a good look at it. I do not think donald trump has the power to go to war by himself. Doesthough the president have the power of war act. Stop,think they need to listen to what is going on there are many things we do not hear. I trust donald trump. You Say Something has to be done . What is that something . Caller well, we just started it. We said something needs to be done, he told you what he was going to do. Anybody reacts to the United States, he is going to lay the law down. Host fayetteville, north carolina, republican line. We hear next from jay. Good morning. Caller good morning. I made disabled i am eight disabled vietnam war veteran. Kim jongun, he had his daddy assassinated, the president , and his stepbrother. I think he is asking for a because heill him has done so much devastation in his own family that he wants to and all of the other people that called in, just like the man before and the man after, they do not even know what war is. You have to be in war to be able to see what is going on. In all reality, what i said first i believe kim jongun is sorry for what he has done to his country. And to his leadership when his father was running it. The stepbrother, he had him assassinated. That and quit criticizing our country, our president , he should be protected. Host so what convinces you that he has had that change of heart . Need iswell, what they to get on their knees to their god. And pray, because the Lord Jesus Christ you said that you think kim jongun had a change of heart. What convinces you of that . Caller because of the way he had acted. I mean, people can put on a face. Re are people that said sit in front of my daughters allday long. Dr. s allday long on these opioids and everything like that, and they try to put on a face and say they are hurt, and they are not hurt. Host oceanside, republican line, ian. Hello. A head,this has come to and thanks to the clintons, ok, this started under bush, under obama, it all came along. And now here we sit with a loose cannon, iran on its way to nukes, and we will have to take care of this. Hopefully this kid has a mole in north korea and they can take him out. Look at what this has come to. Host that is the last call that we will take on this phone segment. Two expertsing up continue our discussions about events in north korea, what the u. S. Response should be in light of statements by President Trump yesterday. Eland and a. Ruggiero will join

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