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Facebook. Com cspan. We will get to your thoughts in a minute but lets begin with that Youtube Video. Here is what president elect donald trump had to say. Would like to provide the American People with an update on the white house transition and policy plans for the first 100 days. Our team is working smoothly and and truly talented men and women are being brought in and many will soon be a part of our government, helping us to make America Great again. My agenda will be based on a simple core principle putting america first. Whether it is producing steel, building cars, or curing disease, i want the next generation of production and innovation to happen in our ,reat homeland, america creating wealth and jobs for American Workers. I have asked my Transition Team to develop a list of executive actions we can take on day one to restore our laws and bring back our jobs. Hese include the following on trade, im going to issue a notification of intent to withdraw from the Transpacific Partnership, a potential disaster for our country. Negotiate fair, bilateral trade deals that bring industry back on to american shores. I will cancel job killing restrictions on that production of American Energy including shale energy, creating millions of high paying jobs. That is what we want and what we have been waiting for. I will formulate a rule that says for everyone new regulation, two old regulations must be eliminated. So important. On National Security i will ask the department of defense and chairman of the joint chiefs of a comprehensive plan to protect americas vital infrastructure from Cyber Attacks and all other form of attacks. On immigration, i will direct the department of labor to investigate all abuses of visa programs that undercut the American Worker. On Ethics Reform as part of our plan to drain the swamp we will impose a fiveyear ban on executive officials becoming lobbyists and a lifetime ban on officials lobbying on behalf of a foreign government. Just a few steps we will take to reform washington and rebuild our middle class. I will provide more updates in the coming days as we Work Together to make America Great again for everyone, and i mean everyone. Host the wall street journal front page this morning saying that video is the first time mr. Trump tried to communicate directly with the public about his agenda for his first days in the office. Also report that he did not mention in that video action on the Affordable Care act, his proposed wall along the southern border, the tax code or the iran nuclear deal, all of which were central arguments for his election. Several changes would direct Government Agencies to come up with new plans on how to operate and their impact could take a while to be felt. A review that could become broad in scope. He said he will also initiate an investigation into visa fraud and impose a new limit to initiate to limit regulation. Republican, what do you make of his plans for the first 100 days, are you happy . Happy with it. I saw him at a rally. X mayor fallin a and dewey bartlett, i was wondering if either one of them are going to make it. I would like to put in a good word for mayor Rudy Giuliani. Host why is that . , when i think he was mayor giuliani got up and said something it was one of the main reasons why he won. Host do you think Rudy Giuliani is one of the best people to help him accomplish that agenda that he just laid out in the Youtube Video last night . Caller i do, and i think he would do a better job than mitt romney. The newspaper is speculating they are both being considered for secretary of state. Caller i would say Rudy Giuliani. Host ryu a donald trump supporter from the beginning . Caller yes. Host what do you want him to do first . What part of government should he tackle . Think he needs to do something in syria real quick. Host why do you say that . Caller i see it on the computer and it looks like it is getting out of hand. I watched a war on the computer. Rip in tulsa, oklahoma, a public in supporter a republican supporter of trump from the beginning. He met with the governor of hawaii, a democrat, about what is happening in syria at trump towers, and met with several different people about how this transition is going, and the appointments he needs to make, 4000 plus for his new administration. It says on monday afternoon he had a contentious meeting with another member, another one of his cheese adversaries, chief adversaries, a member of the news media. Trump was highly critical of coverage of him, and keeping his voice calm and his tone flip it he told a group they failed to provide fair and accurate coverage and failed to understand him or his appeal to millions of americans. Haveous president elects chosen to speak directly but donald trump chose a Youtube Video. Tuesday,n meetings on today he is scheduled to meet juniorthur sulzberger and reporters from the New York Times. His meetings on monday included Tulsi Gabbard was the first and do you remember of congress and supported Bernie Sanders. He is a combat veteran who served in iraq and has been critical of the Obama Administrations handling of the war in syria. He also says mr. Trump is considering other candidates for Homeland Security secretary including marine general john kelly, he is under consideration. Another candidate is frances townsend. On that agenda that president elect donald trump said yesterday includes a call for action on trade, immigration, energy, regulatory curbs, National Security, ethical changes. He said that is on his agenda for the first 100 days. What is your reaction to that this morning . Cecelia in illinois, democrat. Go ahead. Caller good morning, greta. You look beautiful as always. Host thank you. Caller i think donald trump, as typical as he is, is lying. Far as bringing back jobs jobs, itback coal and is obsolete and most of the higherpaying jobs are taken over by robots. I have a question for you outside this topic. I have been doing research for the past few days, and it is apparent that this has been rampant voter fraud in this past election. Called the mainboard and left a comment with the producers of washington journal, and have not heard anything back. I can give you numbers. Stuff,e i look at the the more i am amazed. Was lphia alone it hillary lost by 0. 589 of the vote. There was a swing in the favor of donald trump. Host we welcome the suggestion. Anything you want to talk about on this program you can email at cspan. Org. We welcome those suggestions. And thatentioned coal is part of the president elects agenda. This is the front page of the Washington Times, Gina Mccarthy sees trumps failure with fossil fuel energy pledges. She was at the National Press club yesterday. She said the president elect will fail in his efforts to revitalize americas sagging industry, taunting and incoming image and is administration that is primed to roll back some of her agencys initiatives. Energy and environmental legislation have withstood the test of time. If you want to watch the entire speech by epa administrator jesus Gina Mccarthy go to cspan. Org. Tommy, an independent. Caller good morning. Diatribe by mr. Trump about making America Great again, i have heard this before from other leaders in other countries around the world, and it always leads to war. A prime example of that is hitlers. Hitler nationalize the german people, took their infrastructure and industries and merged them together, and started the march on countries that they would conquer. It is my hope and prayer that donald trump does not want to conquer any country, but he makes speeches about reindustrializing the United States, it tells me he has got some kind of war input in mind whether it is against isis or someone else. That he war mentality is disguising from the American People. I just hope and pray that the American People will not follow closely to what he says and read between the lines. Greta, have a great day. Host we will go to hawaii, faith, a democrat. Caller greta, thank you for cspan. I do not know what we would do without you. My question to america is, why is this man allowed to have all the bosses from all the major mass media, why is he able to have them all come visit him yesterday in his trump tower, which we had to pay for all the security, and we do not hear about what he says because somehow he has made a deal with them . Host where did you read that that he made a deal . Ler they are talking it talking about it today on cspan and msnbc. Somebody leaked that several of the main reporters had gone to speak with him yesterday and he made a deal with them that they could not talk about it. Supposedly he yelled at them and now he is putting out his own film. Is he going to have his own media . Are we not ever going to get any questions from him . This morning already it is 1 00 a. M. In hawaii. He has tweeted three times how bad the New York Times is, but he refuses to say that these peopleupremacy kkk young are going off the hook. He will not stop them. It, but we do not like he has tweeted already three times today about the New York Times. Hook, this man. Host did you watch what he had to say in his youtube posting about his first 100 days . Caller yes. Host is there anything you are happy about . Caller but it is his media. Is breitbart going to have their own media for him and we are all going to have our own media . Because he is not going to talk. All we get is kelly and saying, llyann saying, that is not true. But it is true. America is seeing this violence everywhere. It is true he is inside the people donsiting white premise supremacy. Host in an editorial this morning, mr. Trump rages at the wrong target, falsely accusing his itchy finger felt silent fell silent when members of the old right movement gathered on saturday at the Ronald Reagan will Federal Building to celebrate his election in a very public Comingout Party filled with racist and antisomatic filth. Antisomatic film. Filth. Semetic the New York Times noting it is the first time he has spoken directly to the public. He has done interviews with 60 minutes. He gave a brief speech after Hillary Clinton called him and gave an interview with 60 minutes but since then has mostly been beside behind closed doors as he assembles a cabinet and White House Team. Victor in windermere, florida, an independent. Caller after listening to mr. Trump for the last six months, first he says he has an economic plan that basically is george w. Bushs economic plan on steroids. He plans to spend all of this money, cut taxes. The debt is going to increase, same thing that bush did. We have had 11 recessions since 1945 and nine have recurred to have occurred with a republican have occurred with a republican in office. Plan hasf his economic come out and they call it a disaster, the media is not taking into account that we are in debt 19. 9 trillion. There is no plan from congress to pay down the debt and the next generation will be facing a huge debt they will have to pay for, and mr. Trump has no plan with how to pay down the debt. His tax policy is in question by giving tax cuts to the rich. This is going to increase the deficit and that is my main comment. Host what do you think about his trade comments . Withdrawe are going to from the Transpacific Partnership agreement and we would make an effort to change nafta. Caller i think he can make an effort that nafta has to be approved by congress. His trade policies are going to be up to congress to agree because you cannot make a trade deal without the approval of congress, so that is still up in the air but it is a good effort because our trade policies have led to the decline of the American Factory system in the United States. Host you might be interested in the story in the wall street journal, trump set to push nafta changes. He and his advisers appear to push for changeless changes, an effort that could groove difficult to negotiate and perilous to the regional economy. 9. 5 in mexicoe in 2016 while the canon the deficit in canada fell 15 . Mr. Trump has not released a blueprint of his new nafta but his comments and sit advisers would like big changes. New taxes would hit u. S. Firms that moved production to mexico. As dean says it may also seek to remove a nafta provision to allow mexican and Canadian Companies to challenge u. S. Regulation outside the court system. Mr. Trump hit on his trade intentions prominently but did not mention nafta. He said he would issue an executive action on the first day notifying a leather other countries that the u. S. Was pulling out of the proposed Transpacific Partnership, a trade deal approved in 2015 but not yet ratified by congress. This is according to a transition memo. Robert in fayetteville, North Carolina, a republican. What do you make of what you are hearing . Caller good morning, greta. I just want to tell you that i am a moderate republican, just right of center. I have been following this election,since the and i heard on cnn this weekend that the president has said that put inthe population donald trump as president. , theis the Silver Lining vast majority of americans do not agree with his rhetoric. They think they have a mandate to spread this hateful language, and i think that his first 100 days he needs to realize he is going in without a mandate of the majority of the american public. The democratic vote shows that Hillary Clinton is beating him by over one million votes, and this gerrymandering of the region that is known for quite a few of the american voters, this is supposed to be a democratic republic. One man, one vote. Host lets focus on the agenda that the president elect laid out. That is our question. Caller the thing that i am really concerned about that 100 days agenda is the way he put it out, you are not coming before the press to speak. You are bypassing the press and making these videos. That is an assault against the freedom of press that is guaranteed in our constitution. If he is going to continue doing this we are going to have us an issue in which the people do not feel that there is any equity or fairness. His first 100 days he must really focus on trying to bring. Nity becauset me stop you president obama used social media as well to talk directly to the American People. Caller i understand, but he is doing this all the time. The media is claiming that he is telling them things like, i am out, and he go escapes his bubble. If you are going to do all this stuff it brings concern that those that disagree with you that are responsible for , there is a Chilling Effect over the american population. Host let me show you, because as our previous caller mentioned donald trump has been tweeting this morning about the New York Times and he met yesterday with Network Executives and anchors from all of the major networks, cnn, msnbc, its better a, etc. , where he supposedly told them their coverage was not fair. He was supposed to meet with the top the publisher of the New York Times and this is what he tweeted out. Once thethat meeting terms were changed at the last moment. Not nice. In the meantime they continue to cover me in accurately and with a nasty tone. That is coming from the president elect trump early this morning. What is your reaction to that . Thatr what im saying is you are a public person now. You are in the media. You are going to get good coverage as well as bad coverage, just like they did with obama and his wife a few years ago when he first was ofcted and put in some sort arab terrorist goal. If you use your office to voice of the reporters and media, like you said, he had that meeting and then saying later on in the morning he is making a major statement that it does not comport well. Not agree with him, i am just going to shut your voice off and i will take it to the media. I am sorry for holding you up, and i am enjoying this conversation. The Silver Lining here is that American People by a large did not vote for this man. It was 43 that was very apathetic in going to vote, and i sure hope this is a lesson in civics to say that you need to use your vote or you will lose your vote. Focus on this agenda that he laid out in the video, and your comments are welcome about how he went about this using youtube, posting it live, speaking directly to the American People not as the wall street journal says on their president , republican george w. Bush and democratic resident president obama held daily briefings. President elect donald trump is Holding Daily calls with the press where a spokesperson talks to them about the meetings they are having, and also in trump tower there is a gaggle of reporters down by the elevators on the first floor. Often you have seen Kellyanne Conway, the Senior Advisor for the Transition Team, go to the reporters and give them updates. We also saw yesterday scott brown, the former massachusetts secretary senator speak to the reporters. Governor mary fallin of oklahoma spoke very briefly to reporters. You can go to our website, cspan. Org. We are streaming that coverage of trump tower aetrium all day long. You can see who is coming in and out of that public area. Arthur in memphis, tennessee, a democrat. What do you think about what the president elect had to say . Caller i do not think too much of it because once he shows his taxes he will be host richard in massachusetts, an independent caller. Like what he is doing with the transpacific agreement. I like the nafta, to go over nafta. Just two things that i really would like to see done. Host if he can accomplish that, making changes to nafta and renegotiating the Transpacific Partnership, would you be happy . Yeah, if he wanted to negotiate i would be happy with that, i would have no problem with that as long as he is trying to do what he figures is best. If it happens, it happens, and it is up to congress most of the time anyway. A make the big decisions. Host the white house has to negotiate these trade deals and congress has to ratify them, but it is going to be the president elects White House Team doing the negotiating. Caller he is doing the negotiating and not congress . Host that is right. Caller he should consider congress too. Talk it over and make a decision on that. I do not think he should just go out himself and do it. In pennsylvania, a republican. Caller all i want to say is i had no problem with how he is handling this. This election has been like no election we have ever seen, and for the media to say he is doing it different than george bush, he did Everything Else different and now he is the president elect. I do not know what they want from him. Host i heard your point on that. What about the agenda that he laid out last night . Caller i think it is fantastic. Host he did not talk about the Affordable Care act and some of the things he talked about on the campaign trail, but what was your overall reaction . Caller he did mention there was more to come and stay tuned. L is neversays, coa coming back in the area i live in w one of the main industries. I do not mean to get off topic host this is ontopic. Caller this area has been devastated by the loss of jobs. Jobs have moved out and the drugs have moved in. Now we have katy perry telling us who to vote from . She spends 1000 on lunch and we have people here who do not know where their next meal is coming from. That is why trump won the election. Host if mr. Trump cannot do something for the coal industry within the first two years, what do you think your perspective will be on his administration . Caller he has got a lot on his plate. He does have a lot of stuff to take care of, but if there is any sign he is trying i am sure live, my family, where i and i think there will be pride in whatever he gets done. There is such support for trump around here and everyone is asking like acting like they are this basket of deplorables. We just want our jobs back. I am a junior at penn state and i am not in the basket of deplorables. Host would you like to hear him say more about the alt right rallies we saw on saturday in washington, or has he addressed it . Caller nobody seems to remember , Barack Obamas preacher when he was a running, there was a clip of him saying not god bless america. I am sure Everybody Knows what he said. He was a radical and out trump has radical supporters. He is not endorsing these people or agreeing with them. He cannot control what they say. Host what if he were to give some sort of unity speech in his first 100 days, that help . Would that help . Caller i believe so. Obama, it seems like he is throwing more fuel on the fire. If the president elect will come out and say i will be president for all americans like he does all the time, that will be great. I think people need to give him a chance. Host here is a little bit more about his agenda. Trump takes aim at federal workers. The president elect and republican told congress are drawing up plans to take on the government bureaucracy have long railed against my evoting job protections and grinding down benefits federal workers have received for a generation. Hiring freezes, a green light to poor performing employees, a ban on Union Business on the governments dime and less generous pensions, these are the contours of the blueprint. Is one of his most influential advisers and would lead the effort. It is a big project. , web of possible conflicts if giuliani joins the cabinet. Consortium of mexican businesses paid his Consulting Firm 4. 3 million for a comprehensive review of the justice system. A former new York City Police commissioner said the work with giuliani went on to shop around latin america, made him a wealthy man. In a disclosure form, the holdings for his business interests are worth 5 million to 25 million. Atricia, a republican what did you make of the president elect and his policy plan for the first 100 days . Caller he is doing just fine, but i need to make this point. The woman from hawaii demonstrated how perfectly perfectly how dishonest the media is. They characterize his speech as he was yelling. Joe scarborough corrected him on the spot and said, he was not yelling and the wall street journal said he was speaking in a calm tone. She believed that live from our dishonest media. I hope trump continues to stand media. His incredible they are so dishonest. The New York Times is ridiculous. Host lets focus on this agenda question. Him him thatd Youtube Video say what he wants to do in the first 100 days, what made you happy and what did not resonate with you . Caller everything he says makes me happy. It has only been president elect for 12 days. Lets wait and see. Calm down, everybody. You are encouraging people to criticize him. I want him to close the border and deport the illegal criminal aliens first, and create jobs. Actually, get the government out of the way. Host how does he do that . Caller and i want him to continue to confront the dishonest media. They have been lying for a year and a half, and so many people bought all their lives. Lies. Host the building of the wall, his immigration policy, you need a team around him. He has to make 4000 plus appointments. The Washington Post says it could be smooth sailing likely for many of his picks thanks to democrats. Reports the Senate Democrats will not be able to block Jeff Sessions bid to become attorney general and cannot block pompeo from the cia, and they have themselves to thank. Ago the Democratic Senate changed the way they do business. Senators to approved by a simple majority all president ial appointments to the executive branch and the judiciary with a exception for the Supreme Court. Under the new roles and takes only a simple majority of senators to confirm such appointments instead of the 60 typically needed to force senate action. That is an update on the cabinet choices for president elect donald trump. Abouttory this morning changes to the House Democratic roll car reporting that nancy pelosi sent a letter to her colleagues about next questionadership outlining changes she would like to make, one of them making them policy chairmanship and appointed position. Steve israel could continue to serve on her Leadership Team after serving on the Democratic National campaign congressional campaign. She is proposing to expand upon the ideal by replacing the single chairman with three cochairs to cover more fully the priorities of members. Year. Is retiring this switching the appointed leadership position which she creating fiveand regional vice chairman positions , as well as requiring each committee to create a vice Ranking Member position or vice chair if democrats are in the majority, and that will be filled with members who have served on the panel four terms or less. We will see if this satisfies some members of the Democratic Congress caucus who would like to see Nancy Pelosis leadership challenged by a younger member and somebody who does not represent the coast in the United States. Steve from houston, texas, good morning. Caller good morning. Thank you for accepting my call. So far i think it is great. The guy is not even in their yet and i think he has been the most transparent president elect that we have had so far. Host what do you mean by that . Caller he is doing everything out in the open. The other ones when they was doing there cabinet members and Everything Else, you mostly did not even hear about who all they was interviewing. He is showing you everything. Host the wall street journal is saying that president obama and george w. Bush were Holding Daily news conferences while they were transitioning. Caller he is doing it right out in the open, and besides that, that is like president obama waited for weeks to name his first one, and president elect trump has already named three cabinet members, or one cabinet member. Host what do you want President Trump to do when he is sworn in . What do you want him to do, what is the first act you want to see from him . Caller my first act would have been about the health insurance, but im glad to see that he is going to do away with the tpp. Naftaneed to renegotiate and all of these. We are losing 850 billion a year in trade deficit. Think most people need to chill out and just see how he does, and grade him on his performance like we do with just about any of them. Host jerome, erie, pennsylvania, democrat. Caller thank you for taking my call. What hehis agenda is has been preaching ever since hed been running. You cannot believe anything he say and he is not going to do nothing for me, the middle class, or the poor here at the poor are going to get poor and the rich will get richer. He will site for desk he will site for the country dry. He will cipher the country dry. Host because he wants to cut taxes . Caller he wants to cut taxes for the rich. Credit. Credit is a i do not itemize. It is not going to help me. There is nothing he can do to help the poor or middle class. Host competition to cut taxes heats up, and International Race to lower Corporate Taxes after written recommitted britain recommitted to flashing rates. The u. K. Prime minister theresa may and forced endorsed a move to lower the main corporate 2020 from 20 . Donald trump promoted a 15 u. S. Headline Corporate Tax rate. About thelso this president elects agenda. The of Congress Chamber of commerce says they are asking him to be more moderate on his order proposals. The chamber oftommy from new york, a republican. What do you think of the president elects first 100 days . Caller what i like is his main thing he was running on to begin with is we are going to get more jobs here, more money for everybody. By dealing right off the bat with nafta and the tpp, that shows me he is trying to do what he said he wanted to do, at least try. Lets see what happens with it as the democrats are just worried about other countries, this world order. What about here . Do you know how many jobs we have lost every time there was a democrat in office because they were worried about nafta, which was started by bill clinton and took away thousands of jobs . The tpp is going to take away more jobs. He said from the beginning, i want to renegotiate. I think he will send the right people there to renegotiate and help america. Are oni am glad you today because you seem to be the most impartial of all the people on cspan. Host tommy in new york, a republican. Politico has this story this morning, abolish the office of the first lady. They write the office of the first lady should be done away with. He funds a ridiculously large million. 1. 5 the president ial spouses have historically advocated for healthy living, healthy eating, and beautification of highways. The spouse is not a specimen of American Royalty and by giving her a federal budget and nonstop press coverage we endorse a neonepotism, saying Pay Attention to the person because who she is related to by marriage. This is not about Melania Trump but the other but the office itself. Kingdom has bestowed such honor on the spouse of their leader and they are better for it. A panel of three federal judges said the wisconsin legislatures redrawing of state Assembly Districts to favor republicans was an iron and on partisan gerrymandering. Federal courts have struck down gerrymandering on racial grounds but not on grounds that they unfairly given vantage to a political party, the more common form of gerrymandering. There is also this from the front page this morning of the this is from a, Homeland Security document that the Washington Times obtained that revealed tactics behind the latest surge. Illegal immigrants are trying bold new strategies, pairing up with unrelated children and pretending to be family, back home tooes encourage Border Agents to let them in. Caller thank you for taking my call. I have been watching politics before mr. Trump decided to run for president. I find that pretty much all of his policies go against what i believe the progressives are using in cooperation with the superrich to try to move our country. This would include for starters the immigration policy he has that i found, first off when he made this statement about mexico he said mexico is sending their bad people. He did not say mexicans are bad. There is a lot of drugs crawling across the border. There were a banks such as wells fargo that were caught laundering money. Our prisons are full of people who committed violent crimes. Start thens helped mandatory minimums to keep people in prison. It is linked to fencing defending our country from drug addiction. The tpp wanted to open the mexican and canadian borders and have governments be run by businesses and judges in the u. N. It would decide whether or not to sue other countries for bad trade deals. As far as the environmental thing, i do not believe there has been any substantial reports or evaluations that we truly are having Global Warming. There have been some that were opposite to that. Host let me jump in. You are supporting mr. Trump. As you vote for him . Caller yes. I am not saying i necessarily support him. I am going to watch him very closely. Ifanswer this question what, youomplished x, will not vote for him again in four years, what does he have to accomplish . Caller x is a large variable but i would definitely start to research it and no that it is true and make it publicly known so the people of the United States can defend themselves from certain attacks or wrong choices. Host we need to go to another election. The Washington Post this morning with the headline that Bernie Sanders backing pete ellison from minnesota for the Democratic National committees top post, has led to Chuck Schumer to also offer his support for people ellison. Coming up we are going to talk columnist who will be here to talk about potential members of the Economic Team and the economic agenda, so we will dig deeper into that. Later, obamas legacy and what he accomplished as president. From president lincolns cottage in washington, d. C. , we will have a conversation about the book lincolns generals wives. So you can see that women reinforcing of either the best in their husbands or the worst, and that is what the study is. At 10 00, the 1955 film american frontier. From there to the Central Office in oklahoma. Day and night our telephone board was lit up like a christmas tree. Calls from new york, california, houston, it right it we began to realize how big a thing this was. The film promoted the financial benefits for farmers of leasing areas for oil exploration. Sunday at 11 00, panelists discuss jack london and how his novel the call of the wild influenced generations. He always looked back to the natural land, to his ranch, to the beautiful scenery in california and elsewhere, to center himself and find release andrelief from the rigors deprivations of the cities. Visit6 00 p. M. Eastern the Military Aviation Museum in virginia beach. This basically taught all the military aviators, army, air corps, and navy how to fly. Many guys never even saw an airplane coming from the farms and anywhere you can think of. The first plane they saw was the boeing stearman. Complete tv schedule good to cspan. Org. Washington journal continues. Host at our table this morning, a washington columnist for. Euters, gina chon posted adentelect video last night laying out his first 100 days and it has a lot to do with his economic agenda. I want to have you react and lets pull out what he has to say about the u. S. Economy and what he can do in his first few days. To trump i would like provide the American People with an update on the white house transition and our policy plans for the first 100 days. The Transition Team is working smoothly and effectively, truly great and talented men and women , patriots indeed are being brought in and many will soon be a part of our government, helping us make America Great again. My agenda will be based on a simple core principle putting america first. Whether it is producing steel, building cars, or curing disease i want the next generation of production and innovation to happen right here on our great homeland, creating wealth and jobs for American Workers. As part of this plan i have asked a team to develop a list of executive actions we can take on day one to restore our laws and bring back our jobs. It is about time. These include the following. Im going to issue a notification of intent to withdraw from the Transpacific Partnership, a potential disaster for our country. Negotiate fair, bilateral trade deals that bring job and industry back on to american shores. I will cancel job killing restrictions on the production of American Energy including shale energy, creating many millions of highpaying jobs. That is what we want. That is what we have been waiting for. On regulation, i will formulate a role that says for each one new regulation two old regulations must be eliminated. , i will asksecurity the department of defense and chairman of the joint chiefs of staff to develop a comprehensive vitalo protect americas infrastructure from Cyber Attacks and all other form of attacks. On immigration i will direct the department of labor to investigate all abuses of visa programs that undercut the American Worker. On Ethics Reform, as part of our plan to drain the swamp we will impose a fiveyear ban on executive officials becoming lobbyists after they leave the administration, and a lifetime ban on executive officials lobbying on behalf of a foreign government. These are just a few of the steps we will take to reform washington and rebuild our middle class. I will provide more updates in the coming days as we Work Together to make America Great again for everyone, and i mean everyone. Chon, how is he going to impact jobs and the economy with that agenda . Guest you heard him talk about the Transpacific Partnership which has been a running theme of his campaign. He said he would pull out of that agreement. It is with 11 other countries including canada and mexico. It could also affect nafta as well. Host what does that mean for ringing back jobs . Bringing back jobs . How could he do that by resending the tpp as well as making changes to nafta . How does that immediately give americans jobs . Caller that is going to be a question guest that is going to be a question for him as he is taking a lot of promises but some of the things he is talking about may never come back. Some of the manufacturing jobs, the steel jobs, a lot of that has changed because of technology and automation, and those are things that trade deals will not fix. Host what do republicans and this president elect say, what is their argument for illuminating regulations and the impact that could have on the economy eliminating regulations and the economy that could have on the economy . Guest they are complaining about everything obama has put in place in his Administration Whether it is energy and environmental restrictions. Wall street has had to go through a host of reforms because of the financial crisis. These are all things he has talked about rolling back, saying banks are not providing credit because they are antibecause of all these regulations. Theres a question whether they will put money into the economy whether some of when some of these are rolled back if in fact a are, and this is part of their pitch to get the economy moving. Host what is it like to try to roll back a regulation . The epa chief Gina Mccarthy gave a speech yesterday and does not see his promises on the coal industry actually coming to fruition. Guest that is going to be a question. Thee is a lot of things president could do under executive action just like president obama has done. A lot of those things we have seen go to court and possibly had stays put on them like some of his immigration policies, so that will be a question of whether the tables will be turned under a President Trump administration when you are seeing him being taken to court, whether it is the sierra club or other environmental act to best groups. And see where that plays out. Host where else do you expect him to take steps to increase Economic Growth . What do you expect to hear from this new administration . Guest the interesting thing he did not talk about in the video he put out last night is his coupleducture plan, and with that possibly his tax cut plan. Infrastructure is one of the things he talked about in his victory speech. It is something that democrats would favor under certain conditions. His plan has some possibly private funding that i do not think democrats would be crazy about. Bernie sanders came out yesterday criticizing that aspect, but that is also something he has talked about possibly spending up to 1 trillion. Host before we get to our yourrs, and we welcome questions and comments about the president elects agenda and team, lets talk about what positions make up the Economic Team and who is he considering. Guest the most important post is the treasury secretary job. He has his Campaign Finance chairman who is a former Goldman Sachs banker, a hedge fund founder, possibly in the lead for that job. He has also met with congressman jeb hensarling, chairman of the House Finance committee. He has his own rollback dodd frank plan he has pitched to the president elect. Other interesting names that have come up have been jpmorgans chief executive jamie dimon. There are some reports yesterday that perhaps that was not actually on the table, but i think there is a lot of names being thrown out, and he is trying to make a point of meeting people he did not who did not necessarily support him. He met host what about his inner circle economic advisers . Guest he had a host of wall street ares on his economic council. He has a billionaire with his own hedge fund. It he is in the running for commerce secretary. We are trying to see what happens with the federal reserve. It he has criticized janet yellen, saying she was artificially keeping interest lows to help democrats. She said she would stay on through 2018. Its a pretty important post for how the economy runs. Host lets get to questions. This. my comment is i think donald trump is doing a good job and that he has the rest of the World Leaders scared about their economy. Have come flying over here wanting meetings with him. Our past president s of gotten too much to the point that they got worried about everybody else overseas and how much money can we are wrote to give away. How many products from america gets shipped overseas that are manufactured here. Maybe he accidentally shook up the hornets nest to where hes making people think and get the World Leaders around the rest of the world saying wait a second, our economy is in trouble. Great point. A we have seen the japanese leader come. He has made the chinese very nervous in terms of what he could do with some of the tariffs he has threatened. It has shaken up the world order. I think the question is whether some like china could also see advantages to that as the u. S. Recedes from the global stage. Will countries like china and russia try to step in and take more of a leadership role . Host what about our neighbors to the south and north and the impact of his trade and immigration talk on their economies . One of the gauges of how he is doing it through this campaign has been where the mexican peso was heading. Market, of the currency we have seen it go up and down depending on where trump was moving in the polls. Mexico is a country that is very worried about what could happen under a trumpet in a stray should and, not only with the wall and the immigration plans. He has threatened to hold remittances. People send money back home to help relatives there. That puts immigration in terms of mexicans coming to the u. S. At a standstill. There hasnt been an increase in mexicans coming within the last few years. Policies, thats could reverse that. Host hi there. Caller good morning. There are grave concerns about the kids and the problematic area of corruption and malfeasance with his familys personal business and his children. In the last couple of weeks we have seen a little preview of what its going to be like unless somebody does something within the family. We have seen him on the phone while his water was like paris hilton glycinate in. Weve seen indian businessmen talking about his hotels on the phone. We saw the Prime Minister visiting in the personal residence. We have seen the corruption in south korea and china. This is an american way of life. I would like to hear what she has to say about this. In thehere is a headline Washington Post this morning. One project is under investigation in india. Guest thats a great point. Its something that has drawn more attention. You saw trump on twitter react to this. That i had these overseas businesses and now the immediate is reacting. This is an issue. He is talked about his children not being part of his administration, but they were on the campaign trail and they are on his Transition Team. Been a parttry has of these meetings with foreign leaders. I was just looking at his Campaign Finance disclosure forms when he was a candidate. Positions, ar so lot of them are overseas ventures in saudi arabia and india and indonesia. Hase are countries where he a massive amount of influence as the leader of the United States. How he handles that is still in question. How do the conflict of interest laws work . There is a clause in the constitution people talk about because of some of his dealings so far. Prevent publico officials including the United States president to accept gifts from foreign agents. That includes leaders from foreign countries. There is a question of whether he could violate that once he takes office. That our federal statutes on conflicts of interest. They dont apply to the president , but historically president s have followed them because optically you dont want to look like you are flouting ethics laws that others have to follow. Host the leading contender to be the top lawyer would be charged with unraveling his business conflicts. Peter in new york. Caller good morning. Smithd like to dispel the of jobs not being here in the United States because of Tech Knowledge he. About carrieroint airconditioning. They are not going to mexico because of automation. Their labor costs are very low. The reason they are going to mexico and china is because of the low labor costs and the lack of Environmental Protection and taxes. Cantof these Companies Continue to do their work over here because they are competing with Foreign Companies with cheap labor that is being sent to the United States. Any company that is Manufacturing Products that is highly motivated, they stay here. The ones that have high laborintensive jobs go to mexico. If he can create a level playing field, thats one of the reasons why nafta has to be renegotiated to make it fairer. Thats what he is talking about. I want to dispel that myth. Guest thanks for pointing that out. The interesting thing about nafta is when president obama was campaigning, he criticized nafta and talked about needing to renegotiated. Frome are not new points president elect trump. These are issues that democrats have been wrestling with. Getpp and other trade deals reopened up, president obama has said it was meant to fix some of these problems with nafta. Now that President Trump may undo it, i think the proof will be in the putting. These changes do bring back jobs or cause more companies to stay here, that could be a possible winner. Host we have your questions and comments about Donald Trumps economic agenda. What do you want to see him do first . What do you think he could do to bring it jobs back to america . Charles is next in california. Good morning. California has one of the largest economies in the world. Its greater than the economy of france. I wonder if california might in if iom the tpp and want to say one other thing. If hillary got 60 of the vote in california. Thats all. The way the Obama Administration has tried to pitch it, it has fallen on deaf provide that it does 18,000 tariff cuts. Those are tax cuts for u. S. Exports going overseas. That includes some of the products that come out of california but also other states. One of the biggest supporters of cattlemenshe ranchers association. A lot of the imports to japan and australia and other countries havent been able to compete as well because of some of these taxes on their products. Undo or rollback a lot of those taxes. Asy have tried to pitch this something that would help the u. S. Economy and create more jobs. It has not gained as much traction as some of the criticisms. Host we have charlotte, North Carolina. Go ahead with your question. I was commenting on the jobs. Cturing i jobs. I think collars and state things about how technology has impacted jobs. Its not that they are moving across, its the jobs percentagewise that are affected here. That 40 of the jobs are going overseas. Mostology has taken manufacturing jobs that we see on assembly lines. They are not moving overseas. The percentage going overseas. That is the statement. Earlier, i mentioned technology has been a major driver of certain jobs being lost. 5 Million Manufacturing jobs of them lost over the last 10 years and a lot of that is because of automation and technology. One of the latest concerns happening in washington is over self driving cars. Who could be the losers because of that . There are taxi drivers, over drivers, but also businesses that rely on fixing cars. There will be less accidents and that means all of the auto repair shops and Small Businesses that might be affected by this new phenomenon could be impacted. Are a lot of unintended consequences from Tech Knowledge he. We all benefit from some of those conveniences, but there is a downside. Host carol is in new york. Caller what i wanted to comment about is something that has nothing to do with Tech Knowledge he. Technology. Companies that do all of these things for deutsche bank, they are not in this country. Fedex,called to talk to i am not talking to someone in this country. I have had major problems call myi have to company which is deutsche bank. I cant get anyone in the United States. They refused to transfer me to the United States. I get to talk to someone from some other country. They really dont comprehend the language. Back told be coming this country. That would give at least the lower social Economic Group jobs. Any talk about outsourcing of jobs like the ones she was mentioning . Guest that was also an issue on the campaign trail on something he emphasized. It hasnt been talked about as much from some of the other candidates. Its definitely a concern. There are lot of call centers and other types of jobs that have moved overseas, particularly to india. , peopleterpoint of that need additional training and things that havent been provided as much. There is sort of a double edged sword to both. The lower skilled jobs and the higher skilled ones that are scarce. Host aaron is in minnesota. I was wondering if you are thinking about auditing the federal reserve. That would do a lot for us. Beennk donald trump has critical of the fed. We will ask our guest. Guest that has been an issue on the can pain Trail Campaign trail. Beenof his allies have critical of the federal reserve. Audit the fedn bills that have been proposed in congress, most notably by rand paul. He has brought it up continuously. Democrats had been the firewall to that. You could see that change. Host where could there be some compromise on the economy . What about his agenda appeals to the other side . There is an idea of a grand bargain with tax cuts and infrastructure. There has been this problem of u. S. Companies moving their headquarters overseas because the u. S. Has such high Corporate Tax rates. There is talk about ways to change that. Chuck schumer is going to be the democratic leader in january in the senate has signed off on a tax plan to change the tax code to take away some of the incentives for companies to move overseas. That is something that republicans want to do. Togethern put it all in a tax code overhaul that includes money for infrastructure in terms of some of the companies coming back to the u. S. And using those proceeds on roads and bridges that democrats favor because they would see it as a job that is initiative, something where there could be a meeting of the minds. Few democrats want to give the democrats republicans opening that could help them in the midterms. Chris in louisiana. Good morning. This. my question is what will donald trump due to improve the security at school . Will he be able to reestablish prayer in school . Host we are talking this morning about economic agenda. There is a piece in the paper this morning about his education views. Todays focus is economics. She is the washington columnist with reuters. Donald is in pennsylvania. Good morning. I think the policies of the past have prevented job creation. We need to stop taxing industries. Taxes, it will eventually create new jobs. Toot of the money is going entitlements and other programs. Its good to help people for two years and then there should be a lifetime ban. They could win the lottery or get married. Too much money is going in the wrong direction and its not developing. I am from central pennsylvania. We have suffered from high unemployment. Summer mp said this there were 15,000 people at his rally. The voters have said they have had enough. Lower taxes on industry and businesses and then they will create jobs. Thats been one of the disappointing aspects of this recovery, businesses have not been investing in their expenses and other that usually to generate growth. That is part of the tax plan. He wants to slash the Corporate Tax rate to 15 . That would be a huge change. Something that fits what is happening, the u. K. Has talked about wanting to cut Corporate Taxes. The worry is you dont want to have a race to the bottom. The u. S. A sense that isnt competitive on that front. Possibly cutting taxes would help businesses grow more and hire more as well. Have manyd people think education is the key to Economic Growth. If we have a better educated population, that means better jobs. Nhe New York Times has a article about education. Has that not been something he is talked about . Guest it has not been a core focus of his campaign. You have seen him meeting with a woman who used to be a leader of the schools in the washington area. She was a bit of a controversy all figure. He is trying to make a point of listening to various sides and keep an open mind. He wants to think outside of the box. Virginia, we have an independent. Caller in regards to outsourcing as well as what you were just talking about with tax cuts, had we feel comfortable that some of this is not generated by Unrealistic Expectations for profit and growth and ceo Salary Compensation . They are relatively obscene compared to what the average person makes. Guest thats been a question of the economic plan, that its based on a lot of assumptions that economists dont believe are possible. He thinks that gdp growth will hit 4 under his plan, possibly higher. 3 duringn below obamas presidency. It is a bit of a question in terms of whether companies will reinvest in jobs and other things to produce growth. Thats also a question. The last time there was a holiday, it didnt get invested in their own firms. They did buybacks and dividends. They padded their own compensation. Ifres a question of whether you give these tax breaks of they will be used in the way the administration hopes they would be. Host welcome to the conversation. Caller thank you very much. Statement toquick reiterate what an individual had called earlier and said. The jobs that were being lost were being lost due to automation. It as partcame into of it. It was a way to make the American Worker safer. Osha was involved in that. More regulations were put in so that the workers were not getting injured. Wasof the number one things loss of time from these individuals at work due to injuries. Things like that. Thats where automation came in. Thats where automation came in. That is not the be all end all. The thing a lot of people are missing side of is and they missed site for the last 20 years, on these outsourcing of jobs, they are going places like the philippines. It might be the pharma going over there. They are sometimes using inferior fillers that are going into our medication. Labor that is highly underpaid from what everyone else gets. When you look at things like clothing, thats always been an issue. 20 years ago with kathie lee child labor. A lot of these things have found that these individuals that are in pakistan, they are making one dollar a day. To them, thats money. Thats good money. If we bring the products back to the u. S. , you will see the quality,. You will see our economy,. The only way to do that is to give the business. Host what about the price of that product . Caller there are certain things that i wouldnt mind paying an dollarnal . 50 or one for certain items. Problem paying additional for that knowing its going to be made with quality. Is it an additional . 50 . Guest it could be much more. If you take a shopper at walmart who is looking for a bargain and whether they turn away from those products because they are more expensive, thats a question. Walmart is an interesting example. Recently. Raised wages we saw in the election for states raised minimum wage. Walmart has found that there employees are happier and more to productive. They are working harder. If that works for the longterm remains to be seen. In terms of the morale in their store and their productivity, it has helped. That could be an example for others. I voted for donald trump. I dont understand why people are not giving him a chance. Ive been hearing all morning everybody complaining. Everybody complaining. We are the people of america. We need to give him a chance at this point. He does is outspoken. Who isnt nowadays. My question for him is what is he going to do for the them wage person . I have a daughter who lives off the government. I struggle. I dont live off the government did i find it more difficult for her because she has one child. She is making minimum wage. I kind of had to write it all down. Giveinimum wage will only you 15,000 a year. She has childcare because she does not qualify for assistance. Its 115 per week. Then you have to consider rent. She pays 700. Then you have your utilities, water. Then you deduct your light bill. That leaves you with 1000 to buy food, clothing, anything that you need. How is some of the supposed to live off that . What is he going to do for those people that are trying to work . Guest he does also cut taxes on lower income families. The problem is because of the way our tax code works, it really does benefit the wealthier individuals more than lower incomes. About her was talking daughter that also has a child. He has a plan to help those people with childcare. Its based on a tax deduction. For lower income families, that doesnt really help them that much. They are making not enough to qualify for those deductions. Planso has to do with his to repeal obama care. That has helped a lot of people who qualify for medicaid and expanded coverage for those families and the subsidies of lower income people get. Republican plan supposedly has some tax credits. It seems like a lot of people could be without insurance under that plan. The safety nets that have come into existence under the obama worrystration, that is a for lower income families. Host john is our last phone call here. Caller they stole my thunder. Good morning. You heard the last caller. You cant live off minimum wage. The jobs hes talking about ringing back, thats what youre talking about. You are talking about corporations that are constantly making money, money, money. They dont care about the person or bringing jobs back. They are not going to pay 20 an hour. Host what has been the reaction to the election. Guest he does have a lot of Business Executives and former bankers and had shed managers on his Economic Team Hedge Fund Managers on his team. He was in conflict with the chamber of commerce and the business roundtable, which is made up of ceos of major operations because they were worried about his immigration plan and his stance on trade. He wasnt quite in sync with a lot of the traditional Public Allies that are on the business side. I think theyre trying to take a wait and see approach. They are in favor of some of the things paul ryan has approached proposed. They think that can be moderation on some of Donald Trumps more extreme policies. Host how is the market reacting . Guest many of them had priced in a Hillary Clinton when after the election. Nasdaqhen, the s p and have been up. Bank stocks in particular have been up because they think that not only will they benefit from a lack of regulations, but the volatility is helping in terms of their trading revenue. Bump. , we have seen a that is not to say that could change because some of his plans could affect the markets in a negative way, especially if you start a trade war. That would get investors nervous. So far they are happy. Host it reached a new record yesterday. Guest they are going higher. Some of these stimulus aspects of stimulus spending, youve seen a lot of construction marketes go up in the because they feel like they should be able to benefit. Thank you for your time. We appreciate it. We are going to talk with michael to talk about his book about his legacy. It we will be right back. If James Madison is the architect of the constitution, George Washington is the general contractor. You know that for something that contractor, general Edward Larson talks about George Washingtons role in unifying the country and ratifying the First Federal document. They wanted to recruit rushing to in. They had talked about the democracy is not going to work. Washington believed in republican government. Sunday night on q a. We have a special webpage to help you follow the Supreme Court. Go to www. Cspan. Org and select Supreme Court. See four of the most recent oral arguments heard by the court this term. All of the oral arguments covered by cspan. You can find recent appearances by many of the Supreme Court justices or watch justices in their own words. There is also a calendar for this term, a list of current justices with links to see all of their appearances on cspan. Atlow the Supreme Court www. Cspan. Org. This weekend on american fromry tv on cspan3, president lincolns cottage in washington dc we will have a conversation about her book lincolns generals wives. For women who influenced the civil war. Women have ae that means of reinforcing the best in their husbands or the worst. Thats what this study is. 10 00, the 1953 film american frontier. From there to the Central Office in oklahoma. Day and night, our telephone board was lit up like a christmas tree. Calls from new york, california, houston. We began to realize how big this was. The film promoted the benefits of farmers leasing land for oil production. The life and legacy of social and how hisk london novel the call of the wild influenced other writers. He always looked back to the natural land, to the beautiful scenery in california. Release and relief from the rigors and the degradations of the cities. We visit the Military Aviation Museum in virginia beach. This basically taught all the military aviators how to fly. Many guys never even saw an airplane coming from the farm or anywhere you can think of. This was the first airplane they saw. For our complete American History tv schedule, go to www. Cspan. Org. Washington journal continues. Host here to talk about his new book on the legacy of president obama. Thank you for being here. Guest thank you so much for having me. Host historians will or trade resident obama favorably be on the obvious citation that he broke the color line. What do you think are going to be his biggest accomplishments . Guest you have to look at what nine. Handed in 2000 we were in deeper session. We were losing jobs every year. 10 Unemployment Rate was and it did reach 10 . 900 millionoved in funding to sustain jobs and create new jobs. A lot of teachers and Police Officers that their jobs. Money was spent on infrastructure and other things. That began to turn things around a bit. Of concernte a bit in congress, he started to fix the auto industry. The government bought chrysler and gm and forced of the file bankruptcy. Six years later, both of those theties have paid back money the government had invested in them. If the economy hadnt been settled, wed be in a very different place right now. I am abetting guy. Even though weve heard a lot of talk in this campaign about ipeal and replace obamacare, think much of it will survive in some form or other. Ablepresident s have been to struggled to provide health care. Host unemployment falls to 4. 9 , yet the selection was about the economy and many people supporting donald trump because they were angry that washington and this president has not done enough for them to raise wages and have that are jobs for them. About ande of it is unleashing of peoples fears and anxieties about the economy. Inre is a challenge now terms of where we are economically as americans. Our parents generation had pensions. When they took a job in their 20s they would have that same job there career. You add on to it the number of jobs that have gone overseas. People dont have stability. That is something that needs to be addressed. I think we have to figure out how we can Work Together. I am sensing a lot of division. I am not alone in that in america. Majoryou mentioned overhauls to health care with the Affordable Care act. Whatt to show our viewers he had to say that day when he signed what is often called obamacare. Health insurance exchanges will be created, a competitive marketplace where uninsured people in Small Businesses will be able to purchase affordable insurance. They will be able to be part of a big pool and get the same deal members of congress gets. When this exchange is up and running, millions of people will get tax breaks to help them afford coverage. Its the biggest tax cut for health care in history. Thats what this reform is about. We are affirming that central nation thate not a scales back its aspirations. That fallsa nation prey to doubt or mistrust. Fear. t fall prey to we are not a nation that does easy. Its not who we are. Thats not how we got here. We are a nation that faces its challenges and accepts its responsibilities. We are a nation that does what is necessary, what is right. We shape our own destiny. That is what we do. That is what makes us the United States of america. Whyd you think this will be central to his legacy . Guest i think its going to survive because it is needed. There are pieces that impact all americans. Penalized, you cannot be denied coverage for a preexisting condition. That impacts every american. You can keep your child on your plan until they are 26. That covers everyone. Max out in terms of the amount of money spent on your care. I think thats really important. We have more than 20 Million People who have health care, most of them did not. I dont see how you take that away in a way that is humane. Many areas to discuss about president obamas legacy. What do you think it will be . We will take your calls this morning. Premiums have gone up. Here we are sick cheers later. Premiums are slated to go up more. The administration has struggled signing up people on the exchanges. Americans would like to see changes to this law. Do you think its still going to be called obamacare . Guest it will still be obamacare. All of their premiums have gone up. Most people, the majority of people who have obamacare have subsidies. I am of the belief that once you give something they need, its difficult to take it away. Host what is your thought about executive action and the use of that by this president . For him to have gone down that road, you think that will be his legacy for good or for worse . Guest he is not the first president to use executive orders. There were others who did it more. In the last three years or so, he took that route because of frustration with congress. There are a lot of things we will see if they sustain through time. Host lets go to john who is in virginia. Good morning. Caller thank you for taking my call. I want to ask the guest. He has done something that no president has done before. Leaderu see a republican saint i ame middle not here to work with this president , i want him to fail. That is a big message that you are sending. Is no one can deny his accomplishments. Unemployment was 9 when he took over. Now it is for. 9 . 4. 9 . They tell the American People that people give up jobs. The reality is this president took us out of war. He got obamacare. He has a position that no president has ever given us. He is a black president and that is the problem. Lets be realistic. Have a good day. Guest thats a lot. I think race does matter. Frustrated after the election by the narrative that democrats did not win because the White Working Class feels maligned or that they havent had the ability to move up. There are working class that are white and brown and black. It seems to me that when lack and brown people complain about where they find themselves, its viewed as complaining and whining. I think the president suffered through a lot of that. Disrespecteden as as he is been as president. The Republican Leadership on the day of his inauguration gathered to figure out how they were going to make his life a living hell. Host Race Relations reach an alltime low under president obama. Guest ive seen that poll. I see people talk about that quite a bit. People are just talking about it. A lot of people may have thought that once the first africanamerican president was elected we would be in some postracial place. Thats not the case. People who study American History know that one black president does not make nirvana. Host and is in kentucky. Thatr i would like to say when he is talking about obamas legacy with the Affordable Care act, i think people will remember he was not truthful when he said that the families would have savings of 2500 a year. While i am speaking i would like to say that i am disgusted with him saying now that he is going to reserve the right to speak out if he doesnt approve of something the president says in the future. Years and last eight former president bush never said a word about the way he was governing. He is saying he is going to leave himself open to be able to say whatever he wants to say about the job trump is doing. We put up with him for eight years. We had enough. Guess i would say that the president has been very supportive of the incoming president. He is been in europe for a week andcalming waters there saying we need to give him a chance to show what he can do. American, he has every right to speak out on things. Host joe is in North Carolina. Welcome to the conversation. We are talking about president obamas legacy. Caller i think his legacy is going to be one of the better president s that we ever had. Initially, everybody wanted him to be a celebrity. He was supposed to show how america was so fair and promoting lack people to the front. Despite where they came from. We were all going to benefit from this. In reality, every time he did something successful, people got angry. I saw people fall on the ground and cry when the Health Care Law was approved as being constitutional. I saw guys get in a fight and of bojangles because he killed Osama Bin Laden. Competently more successful, there were many whites who became very uncomfortable with that kind of power in the hands of a black man. People had never seen that before. A lot of people decided that we need to get this guy out of here and Hillary Clinton is his third term. We need to stop her at all costs. We heard your point. Guest i think there is a lot of truth in what you said. Americans are taking a second look at his legacy and what he accomplished. Now they have something to compare and contrast. The points was Osama Bin Laden and president obamas leadership and decision to go in and take him out. 2011 when he, announces the death of Osama Bin Laden. Report to the American People and to the world, the United States has killed Osama Bin Laden, the leader of al qaeda. He is responsible for the murder of thousands of innocent men, william women, and children. Whens nearly 10 years ago the worst terrorist attack on our people. The images are seared into our national memory. Hijacked planes cutting through a cloudless september sky, the twin towers collapsing to the ground. Black smoke billowing out from the pentagon. The wreckage of flight 93 in pennsylvania. Morec citizens saved even heartbreak and destruction. This does not mark the end of our effort. There is no doubt that they will pursue attacks against us. We must and we will remain vigilant at home and abroad. We must reaffirm that the United States is not and never will be at war with islam. I have made it clear just as president bush did shortly after 9 11, bin laden was not a muslim leader. He is a mass murderer of muslims. His demise should be welcomed by all who believe in peace and human dignity. Host what will be the impact of that decision on president obamas legacy . Guest its huge. Its something he promised when and 10 yearsg after the attack, he was able to get the premier terrorist of the time. I think it was important psychologically for americans. Host his campaign to withdraw from the international scene, the power of the United States whether political or military expresses itself even when washington chooses to remain neutral. Guest its not like weve withdrawn from the world stage. In creatingnvolved an environment where countries have come together to try to control the increase in local warming. Global warming. We are involved in the iran nuclear deal. Someone argue its been involved in everything. We could argue that forever. Host what you think will be his approach to Foreign Policy that will be remembered . Guest hes had good relationships with people. The thing he seems most proud of is bringing down Global Warming, to get 190 countries to agree to that. I think its extraordinary. We only have one planet. I realize just how essential and important it is. Host fred is in new york. I cant think of any one that would make me think that obamas legacy is positive. I think the world is less safe. I think our country is less safe. There is more entitlement than ever. Health care plan that is still very unpopular. I dont think we are stronger internationally. Our our relations with the rest of the world have declined. If there was an expression made off ago, are we better eight years ago, in total i dont leave we are ahead of where we were over the past eight years. Host what does your research tells you . Guest i hear the same kinds of conversation. Are you standing in a bread line . We could have been there based on what barack obama was handled handed. The reality is things are better. Host what do you think is behind this Approval Rating . 57 . It has gone up. It has stayed high. For a it was in the 40s good chunk of time. Host what do you think is behind that . Guest people have viewed him as leadere and inspiring that got stuff done. Thats my belief. Is a republican in orlando florida. Caller i would like to make a comment. I wish you expanded on it. Not thenind if gm had bought out by our tax dollars, private investors would have. After we gave them the money, they sold out chrysler. They sold it to a foreign country. They put that money in the bank. Now they have turned around and they have built a billiondollar plant in asia. Our tax dollars have dealt this plant in asia. There went our jobs. Guest i would have to go back and take a look at that. It was my belief that the jobs issue was stabilized due to the government getting involved. Its worth taking a look at. We are talking about president obamas legacy. He has a new book on that. Out two different accomplishments in the book. What are some that are accomplishments that people wouldnt immediately think about. Huge education has been a idea for the president. I think that was huge. That continues. One of the first things he did was lily ledbetter. Changes the table for women. A woman who is doing the same job as a man must be legally paid the same amount of money. That has not been the case in the history of the United States. Incarceration, legislation was approved that allowed for sentencing for those who were convicted of using crack cocaine to meet much higher the nose using cocaine. That has been changed. They were spending a great deal of time in jail. I suspect before he walks out of the white house, there will more, that has been an important issue to him. That is an issue hes been very uccess envelope terms of winning over congress, it is just really the right thing to do. Do you think that is something that happens after president obama is gone because of his action . Guest i absolutely do. I mean, who knows what will our incoming with is ident, but i think that an issue there is bipartisanship support, bipartisan support for fixing that. Jacksonville, florida, democrat. Caller hi, how you doing . Days, how are you . Morning, sir, how are you . Caller im fine. I was listening when you first came on and im a person who is compassionate listener, but i choice oflem with the your words, frustration was one other one was e paramount to saying of the te reform you didnt use this word xactly, but it came out to compassionate reform of the Affordable Care act. Call it obama care ecause im informed, but with hat said, the frustration is a visceral thing, in the a thing that is concrete. Think that it was just him to walk into the president with congress who what ying that no matter idea you have, we would go against it. Even if he had a good idea, that meant there was no chance it was to help him on it. I understand all of that, but importantly, mr. Obama came in, first i think i heard him that caught my eye when he started running, he was going to infrastructure. He was fought tooth and nail by that, by the republicans, no one just the republicans, this would have been frustrating for visceral thing, but on jobs, that just took jobs away from people who could have had the jobs. Worked in Construction Industry building highways, i know how it works, it puts money the economy, but more than to , it gives people a way look to america as a place that place. Uilding host lets get michael days thoughts on that. Guest im reflecting about my words, i do think there was a frustration there and it was not the Affordable Care not as signed into law was initially envisioned, i dont believe. Singlepay plana n. Terms of reinvestment, almost pumped into the i know the president wanted to do more, there was a deal withe to cut congress. Like i ame away feeling was supporting the notion of the Affordable Care act, that was not my intent. Paul in iowa, illinois, independent caller. Caller yeah. Hi. I just want to say, i think after eight years of george bush, president obama really pragmatic mind that the nation really needed, articularly coming out of that enormous recession and i think guiding us out of the recession that he it andng will be remembered for. In the processnk of doing that, he kind of seeds of what is happening now with the election. F trump not having having the ability mandate to go after wall street and the big banks who caused that recession and he had every right to do that, he never allowed the suffering, are the all the people who lost their obs and homes, they did that, but those in wall street and the banks, they were basically were given d hundreds of millions of money in bailout money. American mind, thats not seeking justice. Okay, lets take that point, paul. Michael days. Have to reflect on that. Think the Banking Industry wasnt thrilled with the dod dfrank act. If enough wasnder not said, enough was not of culated about the impact d doddfrank on the industry. You make good points. Host james, indianapolis, democrat. Yes. R my background is lifetime deck ccurate, voted republican, trump is here. My points are on the insurance. Originally the republicans, several years ago talked about paying insurance all, which is what this turned out to be. My point was about the obamacare, the poor individuals, i know of two individuals trying or could not ce even afford to pay anything to obamacare, then at the end of the year, the government was threatening to take their tax pay for the to fact they didnt participate in insurance program, which that doesnt sound good and i know there is a lot of things to work out, i cant see that helps wage wer individual person. Host michael days. I dont know if anybody would argue the Affordable Care act is perfect, its a long way from perfect. It needs some reform, but im ready aso see if were americans for 20 Million People insurance not to have insurance and what the impact of that will be, maybe well find out cht ask you to put your editors hat on, several networks reporting kellyanne said this morning that there is no plan to charge plan to linton, no investigate Hillary Clinton. To hearingr reaction that . She was never , charged with anything. Reading ng forward to outlet, of our some what was the f. B. I. s involvement in all of that. Said, therelot to be is a lot of guilt, why werent released, why was the server used . Hy was the f. B. I. Speaking publicly about what they were doing . I dont know if anybody was in all the emails that caused all this drama. So i think, you know host you think their should be an investigation into that, leader nancy pelosi said so, she would like to know, have investigation into f. B. I. Director james comey and his ecision to release that guest americans need to know. T was unprecedented to jump into the fray 10 days before the election. Why . Why . So i think americans want to know about issues, that is one need to know. S i think the committee will investigate it, as well. Host what impact could president elect donald trump we on president obamas heard from him last night in e first video about the 100 days, on day 1 he will take action with executive orders, is place he can undo what president obama has done . Guest sure. Orders, cutive absolutely. It does appear, i mean, i will appear that president elect is mellowing a it on some of his commitments he was going to repeal repeal that and other things where the Hillary Clinton thing. Caller you know, one said, we have to give him the chance and the time to be do the first 100 days, im up for that personally. Kristen, michigan. Hi, chris. Caller good morning. Thanks, cspan, for giving me a chance to speak and i get to in terms of numbers and numbers dont lie. Wont be an issue here. Legacies t have many of things that are, but the economy and healthcare wont be one of them. And let me give you simple numbers here. If you take a 40hour work week, that is what the employment used to be and now changed f healthcare, to 32 hour work week. If you have 10 employees, you 400 hours to cover that same amount of work, where now 320 hours, you have therefore that is difference of need hours and then you 21 2 employees to cover that 125 amount of work, increase in employees in order to cover the same amount of work. Off, they dont count the people not looking for you add anyway, if 25 , that changes the 4. 9 unemploy toment 6. 25 . They also dont count employment numbers the same as they used to. People to o wait for be looking for work, i think one time, two years, it was one year recently, now down to six months. Unemployment close to 10 , therefore, when we say his healthcare or the economy, thats two issues there or two parts of his presidency not fly when histories evaluated. Host okay, chris. Your thought. Guest i cant go toe to toe with the numbers you laid out. The research of this book, independent economists believe out of the us recession, economy is much better. A republican. Caller yeah, good morning. Im on st bare with me, elliptic elliptical. Michelle obama told us to work out, im working out. A drag on theo be health system. Yeah, his legacy fast and running, how he lied about benghazi to get eelected, how he lied about obamacare, most president in history. He divided us along race, religion. He also, hey, greta, we know corporations work with during the campaign through wikileaks, i wish you disclaimer when ou use the New York Times, post. Co, washington com i will talk to them about it. Thanks a lot. Host okay. As weve said many times, were not endorsing these ublications, but letting you know what people in washington are reading, the people who are debating and deciding policies, letting you know what they are reading out in the reporting that is happening. Ahead, michael days. Guest i feel like i should be you are getting a good this morning. Um, i dont know what else to dont agree with you on much of what you had to say, but a great thing about being citizen of this country, we all are allowed to have our own opinion. Host in what condition is president obama leaving the Democratic Party . This piece e is written in the Washington Post, daniel galvan, associate Political Science and faculty member at institute for policy research at who Western University wrote, democrats both president obama and president clinton treat policy successes as tantamount to political success. Obama and clinton argue reform would create supportive the party y to award at the voting booth in the long run. Policies dont always generate support, thelitical main difficulty president obama confronting now. S he leaves office, the democratic bench is weak and form team is nonexistent. Emocrats are scrambling to rebuild as the out party always does. They will do well to rebuild bottom up. Guest ive said to many, many obamas success, obamas charisma doesnt seem to democratic the party. There were a couple election cycles when it felt like the him. Was running away from now. Embraced him this time i think the same could be said for both major parties. Not that long ago, a few weeks ago, a lot of Republican Leadership seemed to away from the incoming president and of course embraced now and the democrats, it seemed they need people, but they also, they need to figure out how to layout america going forward. Think that was obamas strength, good and bad. Host harry in georgia, independent. Hello. host hi. Guest good morning. Caller thanks for having me and thanks for cspan. Is just several things i want to say. Number one, you had a woman call ago saying chrysler General Motorsof that was sold off. Chrysler was not a division of it was a tors, and first to company daimlerbenz, by fiat. Sold to this was a good thing for American Auto workers, i know work in an automotive staffing plant. Obama did at basically save General Motors has saved of jobs in llions included. Ry, mine anybody who thinks that obama didnt have a tough job , after the mess that was left by the bush mistaken. Tion, is this man has worked diligently dignity and in the face recalcitrant republicans who claimed that they were going to ake him a oneterm president and then claimed that they were determined to see him fail, this unprecedented in the history of the United States. Host michael days, sorry, harry, i thought you were finished here. Guest i feel like you are reading from my book, thank you, agree with you more. Host david in washington, d. C. Ere, independent, our last here. Go ahead, good morning. Caller yeah, good morning. Guest good morning. Was calling about president obamas legacy. Excuse me, regarding the Dakota Access pipeline, which is not a lot of press and when spunes, it is usually more in favor of north dakota and the pipeline builders. And i think that the dabble sums up every issue america is right now. Gh you have native americans, which of thetly are the lowest low, so in our society as far as you can just kick them whenever you feel like they to be kicked. Are you guys still there . Listening. E what is your point, how does this impact president obamas legacy . Caller i think it is a giant stain on his legacy. I dont deny hes had a tough time regarding you know, guiding the ship of america through republican icebergs and mines and what otherlistening. What is your point, how does this impact president obamas legacy . Caller i think it is metaphor you want to have, certainly been nothing but negative. But drag on him. Lot of play on the Dakota Access pipeline, one caller mentioned we saw during the basically a re was direct hotline between the Democratic Party, the news media and the clint host david, i will leave it there and take up the dakota pipeline. Guest the pipeline issue, it appears the Obama Administration s trying to stall the running of the pipe through the waters, that is i think my understanding. Hes running out of time on that particular one. Ost what about environmental policies, his legacy on the environment . There have been so many executive orders, we shall see, the paris agreement, he brought together 190 countries, i think that will hold. I like to think that we will have more and more politicians who believe in Global Warming and that is a huge issue for us country. There have been so we shall see on that. Host michael days, editor and of obamas legacy what he accomplished as president. Thank you for your time this morning. Thank you for having me on. Host appreciate it. Well take a short break. Back, open up the phone lines. You are welcome to call in on Public Policy or political happening. There are the numbers on your screen. Well be right back. Announcer here are featured programs thursday. Cspan. Iving day on just after 11 a. M. Eastern, on aska senator ben saff american values, Founding Fathers and the purpose of government. Civic e is a huge mindedness in American History, ut it is not compelled by the government. Announcer followed by tom childhood the rise of obeatity in the u. S. For everything from monster burgers, 1420 calories and fat, to 20 ounce 15 s and pepsis, 12 to pieces of sugar, feeding an epidemic of child obesity. Announcer then 3 30, wikipedia founder talk evolution of the encyclopedia. I know there is a Small Community there. Ten really to active users, another 20 to 30 that know a little bit, they of themselves as community. Announcer just after 7 eastern, inside look at the year repair and to restore the capital dome. At 8, Justice Kagan reflects on her life and career. Senior thesis, a great thing to have done, it taught me what it was like to be a serious historian and to sit in archives all day everyday and i realized it wasnt for me. Followed by Justice Clarence thomas at 9. A 2 ius is not putting idea in a 20 sentence. In a 2 ing a 20 idea sentence without any loss of meaning. Announcer and just after 10, in the white mony house, president obama will present medal of freedom, our nations highest award to 21 recipients, including n. B. A. Star michael jordan, singer springsteen and bill and melinda gates. Cspan. Org, pan and or listen on the free cspan radio app. Washington journal continues. In open phonesck for the remainder of todays washington journal. Frank in north kingsville, ohio, a democrat. Is on your mind this morning . Caller well, i know you were just talking about what obama done as his legacy and so forth. I want to say that, i dont know people are coming from, but when president obama came into office, a bunch of were losing their houses. Hundreds of thousands a month were losing their houses. In the situation myself where i had gotten into and hadle Rate Mortgage to interest only loan with bank of america and when i tried to refinance because it went 1000, i 450, up to tried to refinance and they were adjustable r Rate Mortgage and then obama was to pass this keeping home wentdable program, which i to apply for and they said i under nly do it if i was fannie mac. Or they let me reapply and a private company came in and me a new loan and refinance and saved me several month so i ars a could stay in my home. They were starting to foreclose. Out of a job at that time, too, which i had to go into the Unemployment Office and there were lines coming out the door, out to the road at that time unemploy whment he first took office. People seem to have no memory of was like at the time he took office. They act like things were great. When he were horrible took office. That is my point. Host okay, frank. Washington, independent, joe, good morning. Caller yes, good morning. Continue this discussion, i didnt get in on he last part of your forum, i want to discuss obamas legacy. Referred many e jc ago to isis being president. I consider obama jv president. Years, dp for eight obamacare, the middle east is on in hise ruled whole time presidency to executive order, amongst all races, everywhere. Ots high unemployment, higher unemployment in the black high rate of crime in his own community, chicago. On welfare and unemployment, more illegals have crossed our border. I can go on and on and on. Rejectionelection was of progressive policies. You look across the nation, have governors, ublican the republicans control the senate. D the so they can talk all the garbage want, obama koolade drinker and scream about the new elected President Trump, but we are going to make America Great again and watch and see what happens. Greta, have you been exposed by the caller from North Carolina this morning, i watch you every single day, you the most biassed host of all. Thank you. Washington, independent caller. Tube, his in you days. A for the first 100 the wall street journal reports this morning it included six calls for action on trade, immigration, energy, regulatory curves, ethics changes, it did on the ude action Affordable Care act, his proposed wall on the southern code or the iran nuclear deal, central arguments for his election. Are welcome to call in on that or president obamas legacy happened this at morning, Kellyanne Conway, Senior Advisor to the trump saying on one of the morning programs that the president elect, will not visit Hillary Clinton. Gar neflorida, republican. Gary, good morning. Go ahead. Caller yes, you were discussing new york ers and times, complaining they didnt gets the right amount of access newspapers are responsible to report the news they change hen from check on both parties and another cate to bring party in, they are not acting as journalists, they are extension that party and they have lost their integrity. They reduced themselves, only are good for, to train their dogs when they waste. Ways. Nnot have it both you are not supposed to be an advocate for a political party, supposed to present the news fair on both sides and let the reader decide. All right, gary. Donald trump meeting yesterday tower with the major Network Executives, as well as cnn, cbs, rs from etcetera, and supposed to meet with the New York Times. Morning, iearly this cancelled the meeting with the New York Times when the terms changed at ns were the last moment, not nice, he says, he did say that maybe he reschedule that. Don in carolina, don, democrat. Open phones, go ahead. Greta. Good morning, i just wanted to mention one of electoral s of the college was not just to have equal representation everywhere, in the event that an election was considered to be, some ways not fair and there is so many examples of this election wjames comey and wikileaks and on and ence, i can go on, i dont want to. What im proposing, the the electoral timesge are supposed to at vote in the interest of the country over their party, im sure that theyre greatly partisan, the only way ell get them to vote for hillary due to interference in the election would be if like of christmas future appeared to them in their reams to show them what Trump Presidency will bring. Other than that, theyre function as a failsafe and if the american has been deceived or fooled in the election. Ut im afraid that theyre not doing their duty and that they consider need to voting with popular vote and youre as objective as you can be. Sure hope you dont take the other callers to heart, thank you very much. Host thanks, appreciate it. Democrat. Onald trump tweeting this this morning, sessions, fitting selection for attorney general, tweeting National Reviews endorsement of the president elects choice to the senator from alabama as his attorney general. The team that obama is putting together from u. S. A. Today excuse me, president elect trump, that would be. Retired seven e years to lead the pentagon, this s what u. S. A. Today reporting. James batiste would require become rom congress to defense secretary. Last day was less than seven ago. S president elect trump said he batiste for the job n. 2008, the eligibility requirement was short ebbed to from in top pentagon post 10 years to sefrn. Carter did not serve in the predecessors many had. Cable was infantryman in vietnam. Pinetta and bob gates served in the military. Retired after leading the military central command, eadquarters that oversees military activities from the middle east to afghanistan. In u. S. A. S story today, about president elect likely tocks, theyre sail through Senate Confirmation thanks to democrats. Not going ocrats are to be able to block Jeff Sessions bid to become attorney do much to cant entering pompeo from the cia. Senate majority led by harry reid went through rules changing the way business is done. Allows senators to approve by single majority appointment to the branch and judiciary with ig exception for Supreme Court justices. In connecticut, independent, thanks for joining the conversation. Ahead. Caller hi, how you doing . Question. Obamas ink that actions deporting people via ice, enbolden trump during the to, you know, say a lot of nationalistic like xenophobic gs and also host ty, what do you think . I dont know, that is why im asking you. Think ing you because i it will get worse under trump, at least with the mass deportations. Having immigrants in this country is beneficial for run, it my in the long goes against stats. Host you may be interested in chamber ington post, of commerce calling, making that argument, immigrants help the helps trades and asking president elect trump to issues. Ate on border john, from pennsylvania, democrat, youre next. Greta. Yes, president obama will be missed greatly. That he made is America Great again after the bush administration. Trumppenceputin regime will be a disaster. Thank you. Ost michelle in michigan, republican. Hi, michelle. Caller hi, greta. I want to clarify something had said a few calls back in regard to the Electoral College. Host uhhuh. Caller that is done according o each state makes their own decision on how the Electoral College will vote. Example, here in michigan, most voters, he say that m to everybody could do their own way of doing it, you know, however like doing it is incorrect. Host michelle, the state of being called yet for the president ial race. What is happening there . How closely are you following that . Oh, were for trump. Yeah. It was in the local paper not ago. This week, actually. Host and why did you vote donald trump . Caller absolutely. Host and why . Caller why . He was my favorite. I mean, i like everything, he everybody has t been thinking about. That is the way i look at it. Ive been thinking about. You know, in regard to to the ion, in regard economy, in regards to think ong, he just, we the same wave length. Host and michelle, what do you make so far of the names you serve in athat could Trump Administration . Sound good. Ink they i think they sound real good. Im anxious to see them in action. Host okay. That is michelle there in michigan, republican calling. Putting together his team at the white house and he met id yesterday, with gabbert, a congresswoman hawaii, first hindu member of congress and supported bernie socialist in the democratic primaries on Foreign Policy. Veteran, has been critical of the Obama Administration handling of the war in syria. It also says in the Washington Post article that president elect trump is people for two other the Homeland Security spot, john asly, who retired this year, well as frances townsend, top omeland security official in the george w. Bush administration. ThatWashington Post notes the trump aide who holds daily press briefing, spokesperson for the transition, declined to back f. B. I. Director james comey. Says the trump spokesman declined to back director james trump would meet with the nations top Law Enforcement officer at some point. Tucker, georgia, a democrat. Good morning, pete. Saying news hat by from Kellyanne Conway that the administration would not investigate Hillary Clinton. Go ahead, pete. Caller thank you for taking my call. Id like to address several points. Aca t, this idea that the was designed to curtail poor practices and this idea that if you could keep, you cukeep him was rather a silly point to make companies urance change their policies and providers ith health almost yearly. So that is nothing new for eople to have to change their network and the idea insurance cross state lines, they wont because there is not a network for them to use. A healthcare provider, a hospital, will sign a contract with one insurer and because the so loose, even the emergency room wont be part of that contract. You go to a hospital thinking youre using your an extra ou will get bill for the doctor who is not in the network, even though that s in the hospital in your network. This idea of was corporations getting rid of egulations, but they wont tighten whistleblower laws. So they want to regulate every regulation we have has come in place abuse and another problem i surely see is this comes in ter caller with news that they got from a fake news story, like this chrysler was a g. M. Company. You dont hear the right talk bailouts werethe because they worked. You know, just the idea that i get in a debate winger, they use fake story after fake story and the media is compliceit because the corporate f problem, they point out fake them lie ut they let anyway. Host okay. All right, petes thoughts in georgia. Woodbridge, republican, youre next. Aller thank you for taking my call. I want to highlight that trump his business ng fficiency over government bureaucracy in the speed with which he selected heavy hitters to solve some National Security problems. By the way is general matis, just er than for clarity. Maddis,rked with general he is the real deal, he and will, and im hoping there be a petraeus in there because i that these are the people we need to solve the problem. Legacy, it is as what were in right now, that is the entire world is on fire, throughout pected the world, and not for our for moral, ht, but the of moral courage that world has known throughout history that we had. I tom, can caller hes compromised that, and maddis, flynn, petraeus, sessions, these are mean of extreme moral courage that are willing to put not only their ife, reputation on the line, but they are listening, tom. Caller they love our country and will not give up without a fight. Is a fight for the world. Host tom, what is your opinion syria and what president elect trump and his National Security team should do on that . With gabbart yesterday, democrat serving in the been against aas nofly zone over syria . Well, it is interesting you ask that because i mentioned petraeus was ral wanting congress to give his recommendation after he left the him saying emember clearly that what we needed in approximately is a year ago or more, he said we syria and er zone in southern iraq, im sorry, southern syria. This includes portions of northern iraq, as well. Her, but ure if it was a female person on the panel or you mean a at said safe zone. He was like, no maam, i dont places afe zone, these are not safe. These are wartorn environments, almost just n almost annihilated by the russians and syrians. Saying a buffer zone ecause a buffer zone would be essentially boots on the ground hat would provide a place of relative safety from etceteranplaces, so we wouldnt have a refugee problem that we have throughout europe right now. This refugee problem right now s a direct result of lack of moral courage to step in early with regard to the syrians it spread into iraq and had we had the moral courage, as country, im telling you, uniformed military would have been ready to go over there a ago, despite the fact e suffered so many losses in iraq, this is a catastrophic and i believe this will go down in of the most e significant political military iraq ever in ng history because our departure from iraq has caused complete and utter instability within the the e east, which led to rise of legitimacy to what i ultraconservative islamists on both sides of the fight, and shia. Okay. Caller and i just think that president elect trump is selecting heaviest hitters there are to solve this problem. All right. Tom, heard your point. I want to share with viewers the new york the times. Isis used chemical weapon ecessary syria and iraq at least 52 times, this according to a report. Bob in maryland, independent caller. Bob, youre next. Caller hi. Calm down hould just and stop talking about u. S. If it was like because we have balance and other safety mechanism to president doesnt do much, either good or bad, so dont understand why people are acting as though, you know, has so much t power. Obamasu know, as far as legacy, i mean, that, too, i mean, i dont know how much or exactly what he did, you can see as a president id with his own power. Things just happen coincidentally and he is blamed, is good, he gets credit, shouldnt that people make too much out of this what or r the u. S. President can cannot do because host okay, bob. Maryland, democrat. Betty, what is on your mind this morning . Caller for the record, i that obama did save the country with a team from the branches of government, executive branches, especially, and some of them were republicans, so there is that. Also, the republicans in congress refuse to work with the democrats, refused to work with obama that whole time, they were unpatriotic and headed toward estroying the functioning of government and also people need to read those articles published n the Washington Post about the two young men who make up the news and post online and quoting it as if it is true and they are making up that. Nes, that is people need to be aware of that. Host betty, can i ask you a democratic ut the party . There is a headline i want to share with everybody else, first a democrat, how did you think the primary system worked for the party and does it need to be changed . Caller yeah, democrats have to whole system, yeah. Howard dean did it, he worked on setup when he came in d. N. C. And we need to rework it. To see howard nt d. N. C. . K at the caller people seem ready for new blood. Back, love to see dean it is probably time for new people in. I think the system was rigged. Said it was rigd and it stolen from the democrats at the last minute, that is what i believe. Yes, the d. N. C. Needs to do strong work. Host betty, you mentioned the democrat from minnesota. Of bernie cking sanders and Chuck Schumer who is leadership the top slot for democrats in the senate in an says that schumer interview said hes supporting a bid by representatives to run he d. N. C. , he has backing of sanders, key liberal voice in the senate. He earned a spot this past week schumers 10senator Leadership Team. Democrats include former vermont governor howard dean, labor uniz, out going secretary tom perez, and gallejo, ative reuben omalley vernor martin said he will not run for the job. Be a full n must timer. Debbie Wasserman Schultz held a job as parttime basis while in the house because president obama appointed her to the job while president s get to rules. Arty chris, in texas, a republican. Morning. S, good open phones. Caller good morning, greta. Host how you doing . Is on your mind . Caller well, i want to throw 50 im a vietnam veteran, i got skinnected and in the game and it has been hard watch, but what obama has and, o the constitution you know, just kind of the law. G our constitutional laws. Msnbc and there is more, they are not really reporting. I understand why democrats are o upset with us, because they wont watch fox news that doesnt report anything that is has audio and visual roof, you know, it is on tape, whatever. They dont get that news. Not report itwill if it is the truth and it is for hing politically wrong the democrats, they wont report it. O they dont know what obama has done. I give them a pass for being so upset. Host all right. Chris thoughts. Jame necessary newark, new jersey. Independent. Yes, hi. Host good morning. Caller thanks for taking my call. , congress, ways and means committee, have been in about a year and a half, congress finance whatever. , im an activist, i do not agree with washington, d. C. Since 2002. Know people down there. Wants to discuss the room because e are ether since 2009, we 6 trillion street dollars and every month we give dollars as a cushion, for them. Host under what program . Under what program . Caller the people that print it to them, t give first, and then give it to other people second. Know this . O you caller whoever print the money. With wall street in the 70s. Sound younger than i am. In 73, in happened almost bankrupt iw york city and that is when worked for wall street. Host okay, jame necessary newark, new jersey. Didi, a republican. Caller yes, i have comments the the obamacare and economics and Everything Else. First and foremost, everybody when the obamacare was first initiated that paul blocked it and paul ryan that so it couldnt get approved. And everything, the doctors had the option to go ppo, that wasnt anything that had to do with obama. That was the doctors, they more money. Instead of getting flat lined so here would be a certain monetary value, the doctors wanted more money and for the trump, his kids, paul ryan trillion dollars to [cutting out] apologize, i breaking up, difficult to hear you. Another change for the party. Tic nancy pelosi, leader in the ouse, announced expanding the leadership slots, the role call has this story that she changes for her caucus to vote on next week when ack in washington, making the Democratic Party and communication chairmanship an appointed position created in elected eshg post. She wants to replace the single cochairs, th three this would immediately open up positions. Elected switching the position pelosi created for South Carolina rep cliburne, to elected position next time there is vacancy, only members who served fewer than three terms will be and sherun for the post says, proposed another change creating five regional vice the d. C. Cc,ons at elected by members yet to be defined. This suggestion came from the current chairman when she got election to leave the House Democrat arm for the 2016 psyche nd he will she also is proposing that each committee create a vice Ranking Member position that would be filled by a member who has members who served on the panel for four or less. Nancy pelosi being challenged by from an, the democrat ohio. Some are asking for younger the house and also one that represents the central part of the country. Doug in oklahoma, a democrat. Morning, what is on your mind . Caller yes, i want to say to want to put at syria and i heard about ll this morning hat, that we failed in that ission to do that, but that is exactly what those people over there want us to do. Get into another ong protracted war over there and that is what weve done in done that by big mistake to do that, as we can and see that it was. It would be a great mistake now. Thank you. Host all right, doug. William in harrison, arkansas, independent. Hi, good morning. How are you, greets greta . Fine. Doing caller thanks to cspan, you are fantastic service to the country. Hottest woman the on the entire show. Im sorry to be that way. Iraq war was an invasion by mr. Bush, lets not get obama entangled in this. Mr. Bush put us in there. Hat i would like to discuss, along that line, i have heard allers talking about general petraeus. I served with petraeus from up to generalonel of 101 division. He biggest problem i have with his coined dinista strategy ftwo we paid themifles, not to shoot at us, they calld that sons of iraq. Shameful. I want to talk about steve talking about is this guy and his racist nclusions into the president elects cabinet. Please stand up for this. Please track it. On top of it everything that happens, before oath. Guy takes the host william, you say no one is talking about it. Greta. No one is, every time it comes up, it is painted as some kind of liberal not. K, its it is what he is doing. I dont understand how that can be a liberal thing. Host okay. Caller it really alarms and me. Ghtens host william in harrison, arkansas, democrat. Couple headlines to share with you. Arrested atmes, 16 north dakota pipeline protest as and it is the ue New York Times reporting that n north dakota on monday afternoon, Law Enforcement arrested many over the Dakota Access pipeline. Use of fire ended despiteainst protesters the below freezing weather. Another headline, that is again New York Times, immigration agencies green card error said to be worse than first thought. Ron nixon reports citizenship and Immigration Services sent green cards to peep theyll contained Incorrect Information or mailed themte to the wrong addresses, according to a report released homeland ment of inspector fice of general. The agency wishes the Homeland Security told auditors it received roopts of cards not approved vered to applicants. 2400 immigrantsd approved for twoyear conditional resident status were instead given cards that were years. R 10 franklin, ohio, republican. Hey, ryan. Caller how you doing . Host good morning. Caller morning. Have a comment. I voted for trump. Obsolete. I didnt really like his oisterous voice on the whole situation, but what i dont nderstand is why everything in the American Society has to be progressivism . I dont understand why people cant go back to the way it was 70s and 80s, when i was a kid, to where the press was off. I think reagan was a great president. He had his faults, but i think have gotten so far away from the traditional base of what a is, what our country there might be liberals who have a good hart, steering far away and trying to be so inclusive, bring circle. Y into the were in america, we are to fight and scrap and to claw our to the top and whatever it takes, i run a small business, works for me. Out they want to bag on everybody to net, i dont ty understand that. I know some people need it, but that trump come at the right time. Ad as far as syria goes, its major problem. Its going to come to our has, we have to do something about it. Obama was going to take care of it. Is built on blood and treasure. My grandfather fought in world are things worth fighting for, i dont understand people cant grasp the situation we live in. We live in a dangerous world. A republican from franklin, ohio. Were learning this morning mr. The new eeting with york time system back on. He will meet with the publisher off the record and that session followed by an on the record meeting with journalists columnists, this is from the tweet, the new york about that. Ment happening in washington today, the president ial medal of will be taking place, president obama presents 21 individuals with that honor, the nations highest civilian honor, recipients include n. B. A. Star jordan, kareem, and steen, and bill and melinda gates. We will have coverage of that on cspan, cspan. Org. Texas, a garland, democrat. Caller hi, how are you this morning . Host doing well. Finish out this conversation, is on your mind . Im a ll, i was democrat, i did vote for hillary. Was disappointed when she didnt win. Wasnt too hocked in a way because the democrat has held that office i didnt years and think the powers that be would to hold it another four years, so that would have in all that a democrat would have held the office of president. Think trump is a danger to this country. Do. Eally and i believe that he is for self and self only. Host all right. That is laura in garland, texas. Well have to leave it there. To all of you for call nothing and watching todays washington journal. Back tomorrow morning with more of your phone calls, emails, tweets and your facebook comments. Thanks for watching

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