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Politics. How is religion influencing your politics . Morning. We will get to your calls in a minute. Phone lines are open. Joining us is robert jones who is the ceo of Public Religion Research institute to talk about a new report that Shows Americans are divided along religious lines. Explain how sharply divided they are. See hiss what we patterns that are consistent with historic patterns in the u. S. What is notable is nothing affects the religious voting theyrns more than how responded to the civil rights act. Overall, most elections since reagan you could say White Christian voters, whether you are protestant or catholic, if youre a and christian, you tend to vote for the republican president ial candidate and nine what christians, religiously unaffiliated americans and other nonchristians tend to vote democratic. That is the pattern that we see today. The most fundamentally religious groups strongly supporting donald trump is white evangelical protestants, about two thirds supporting donald trump. The group most likely to support Hillary Clinton are africanamerican protestants at 90 . Donald trump, only three Percentage Points for donald trump. The group we are watching in the middle are catholics. White catholics have been the quintessential swing group. They play an Important Group an Important Role in states like wisconsin where the makeup like three in 10 voters where they make up like three in 10 voters. It should be noted that romney won them by 19. Looks like among White Catholics show support to trump. Host the White Catholic gender gap, how is that playing out . Mr. Jones that is one of the main reasons for this pullback. There has been a gender gap. This year it is 20 percentage 26 pointsikely with men more likely to vote for donald trump. What wemost double would expect to see in an election. Host why is the catholic vote historically been important in president ial elections . Mr. Jones one of the main reasons is they are heavily present is a lot of these midwestern battleground states. I mentioned pennsylvania and wisconsin, three in 10 voters. Even in other states where you might not think about it, about a quarter voters in ohio and florida which are must win states for donald trump. Host how have the catholic vote swung in past president ial elections . Mr. Jones the other thing i point to is we talked about the catholic vote. I would say there are two catholic votes and have been for some time. As hispanic population has grown, it has changed the face of the catholic church. Ofk in the 1990s, the ratio whitenonWhite Catholics was two to one. What is remarkable about this is while catholics have a lean toward republican candidates, hispanic catholics have become to be supportive of the democratic cap democratic candidates. 84 supporting Hillary Clinton to 12 supporting donald trump. There is this great divide running along ethnic lines within the catholic church. Host what could that mean for next week in the battleground states . Mr. Jones where will see this showing up, new battleground states arizona, nevada, places where hispanic catholics outnumber White Catholics. Historically, hispanic catholics lower legislation and turnout rates. We will have to wait and see. We have some sense that hispanic registrations are of. Robert jones, ceo of the Public Religion Research institute. Thank you, sir. Mr. Jones thank you. Host lets get to your thoughts. Perry in Fort Lauderdale florida is a democrat. What religion are you . Caller it affects everybodys vote. It is why this country is in the shape it is an. The way it has been used by republicans. When you go to democratic when you dont hear you hear a debate with democrats, there is no religion. That is all they talk about is religion. That is how they get russians to vote. The right wing goes out and vote. They dont care how bad the candidate is. Ie candidates could be saying am going to screw you when i get into office and a vote for them believe inause they what i believe in. That is why we have so many republicans that do nothing. Hownow on youtube does this person get in office like Michele Bachmann . It ruins it. Host speak personally. For you, doesnt religion play any role and how you vote . Caller no, it should not play any role. Host lets go on to john, independent caller. Caller hello. Religion should be completely removed from this. Personally, i am not religious. Perry, republicans use this all the time. It is a big fake out, phony christians who have the most pun,rable excuse the attitudes about things. They look at things through their own eyes, and religion seems to trump civic awareness. Host it is important to many people out there. , certain their faith Public Policy issues certainly abortion, Supreme Court justices and how they may vote. It is important to many people. Caller it is important, but in many cases, particularly with the elected republicans, it is phony. Abortion,back is no but once you have the baby, they could care less about what happens to the baby, the mother and the family and society. Independent, an you say religion does not play a role. Who do you plan to vote for . Caller i am still undecided amazingly. I am deciding to vote for jill stein or Hillary Clinton. Trump is the worst thing that has come down the pipe. Host why would you not vote for jill stein . Voter it would be a against both hillary and trump. Jill stein is not going to win anything, but hillary is looking fairly good right now, but trump is a nightmare. It is mussolini and hitlers wrapped into one. Host jason in gaithersburg, maryland. Good morning. Caller i dont know the last caller did not make any sense. Religion has impacted the whole world. That is the truth. Everybody has to weigh in on religion, whether you are muslim, christian. Religion is a very important point in any regards. As far as the obama administration, i have experienced his behavior where i work at. Gay marriage. Nted forced i dont want to get too much into details but it is an inverse relationship with christianity. It is not something you are forcing it on me to do a certain thing, to be a part. Abortion. Act it is a force on everybody because you have to pay into it with planned parenthood. I am fine with all the rights of woman, but dont force the bad behaviors i cant account for that behavior. Host jason, do you plan to vote for donald trump . Caller he is the more sensible option. Religion is a clearcut im not saying i dont think he that is a fact. She doesnt make appropriate comments saying that it is ok to do abortions. I think that is the most immoral thing across the board to tell me i have to pay into murdering babies. Dont get me involved in your bad behavior. That is my take. Host jason, is this the number one issue for you . Morality . Christine anti . Christianity . Caller if youre not morally responsible, youre not responsible, period. That is not a debate we should talk about. Host when you go to service, are you hearing from the about politics . Caller look, this is something it is something we can educate ourselves on. The bible is a standard for me. Pastors. We do have there is something we can read, and people they dont know nothing about the bible. They quote the bible everything every day and they dont know what they are talking about. People, they are not educated about the bible. Have to correct the people because they dont know what they are talking about. There are misinterpretations. Host jason, i asked that question because the p research the pewa Poll Research center did a poll about what people are hearing from the reverend or the priest when they go to the service. Nearly two thirds of recent churchgoers say the clergy have spoken about about one social or political issue. 40 of them say they have spoken 22 , environmental clergyand 18 say their have spoken out about economic inequality, something you have heard the pope talk about. Several of these issues. Carolina. Lisbury, republican. It is your turn. Caller hello, greta. Firsttime call. Host glad you called in. Caller i am a republican since august. Moved to cells very moved to cells very and there are no democrats. I had to change republican so i would have somebody to vote for in a primary. Getting to my religion, im a Wesleyan Sunday School teacher. Peoplenvinced that the that let the tv preachers are not reading the bible, and i would suggest they would read first second and third john and then matthew 25. Host when you became a republican in august, why was that . Caller we had two primaries because of the voter intimidation rulings. That being in this , it is locked up so i have to change it from the other side. Did the people who are not as crazy. Host what do you mean it is locked up . Caller i tell you what, even when i voted in the general election the first day, i could not vote anybody out of against any republicans in our general assembly. They are all running unopposed. Host i see what you are saying. Edward in west virginia. Good morning to you. How does religion impact your vote . Caller well, i am not a religious person. I have a lot of religious values, and i think it makes my vote because other things obviously the 10 commandments. Thou shall not steal, thou shall not murder. There is a values that you have to live by. Usually if you are religious, even though some people become extremists on every things, christians, muslims. A lotk religion matters because it teaches you values. Host edward, who are you voting for . I dont like either one. I value my vote. It is an important thing for me. I had a friend of 63 years who is mad at me because she asked me who was i voting for . And i said i am not voting because i cannot bring myself to vote for either one of these people. She got hostile with me. 63 years of peace. I cannot believe it. She shut up the phone and i was amazed. [indiscernible] me, religion matters. Not that you should vote for a religious person. I had a grandfather who never went to church. Host because you are not voting because you feel both of these candidates fail the test of christianity . Of being kind and having morals . Caller it is not because i dont know if they are christians are not. It is not for me to judge. I am a voting, because of their values. Neither one of them seem to have any real values. Hillary or whats his name . Votededward, heavy always have you always voted . Caller i missed a couple. I voted for republicans four times and democrats three times for president. I am really independent to the bone. Ive got to like you. I cant vote for somebody i dont like. Host edward in west virginia. Where asking all of you, how does religion influence your politics . Or maybe it doesnt. Tell us why. It is making a lot of news, especially the catholic vote. The Washington Times we spoke to robert jones. Catholics and brown states could sway the vote in battleground states could sway the vote. Into mrs. Clintons emails. This is a change from last week where another poll found that Hillary Clinton was ahead, so days earlier, a surprise announcement that it had renewed its investigation into clintons emails those numbers were reversed. The pri joined others at the National Press club to discuss the religious vote and a columnist spoke there about the importance of the catholic vote this election. Listen to what he had to say. [video clip] catholics are not a block vote. We go back to the 1960s and 4 election of john kennedy and 1964 election of john kennedy. Lbj holt held onto most of that, he got 64 . Just one election before jfk when ike was running against adlai stevenson. Eisenhower got 44 of the catholic vote. There is no block catholic vote. Even when youre nominated catholic, post john kennedy. John kerry did not secure anything like that majority. The important part is precisely because catholics are a swing vote. Group. Ere 4040, 20 there is a larger swing among catholics. Catholics are strategically located. Recovered that discussion at the National Press club. If youre interested in learning more, you can go to cspan. Org. On the washington journal here we talked to Christian Broadcasting Network chief Political Correspondent, david brody. This is what he had to say about the importance of the evangelical vote. George w. Bush in 2004 one the evangelical vote with 47 of evangelicals. Donald trump is going to have to be in that 75 even closer to 85 of evangelical vote to win. That is a tall order, especially with what has happened. Can he do it . Yeah, there is a punches chance. He will have to continually engage with the individual close. Thats with the evangelicals. We go back to the primaries and we say he did very well with evangelicals. Yes, he did. Now you have a much larger pool of evangelicals and those are a lot of the evangelicals right now that is having that distaste for donald trump. Even evangelicals who were at him at the beginning who were with him at the beginning are still with him today. Host we turn to you today with your religious affiliation is it influencing your vote . John is a democrat. Good morning. Pray thathope and trump aint the antichrist. Trump that host that what . That he ate the antichrist. Antichrist. Int the i hope and pray that he ate the antichrist. Host are you planning to vote for him . Colin in ellicott city. Good morning. Caller yes, i am a devout Catholic Christian and i live in the state of maryland. I voted already. I voted democratic. Religion should be brought into the public square. Who am i to judge . Gay . Mebody is or someone has committed an abortion . Religion is something personal. I think that it is not given play in Rural Regions because if that were the case, the socalled evangelicals would not have been voting for trump, because trump has offended every group of people, women, muslims, immigrants. I dont think religion will play any role. [indiscernible] oklahoma. , thirdparty oklahoma thirdparty candidate. What are your thoughts . Caller it is such a false premise. 2003 heard note one minister preach against war. Not one. If you go to war, you are going to go kill somebody. The first tenant of the 10 , follow those and you are following jesus christ. You thou shall not kill, period. Everyone of these socalled christians have the Death Penalty Christian States have the Death Penalty. The thing i do not understand is why our ministers so silent on war . They claim to be christians and they are against abortion. We have to be truthful to ourselves. Not just to get money. Look at these big churches down there in texas. I will call his name. Long. T the ones eddie he gets caught with young boys and his congregation, 25,000 there is no way he can minister to that many people. Yet and still, they are like that is my preacher. It is only the poor that congregate around religion. Forget that in the south, the term picnic came in came just bring a basket into eat after sunday service, we are having a lynching. You can see pictures down in virginia. We went to in fredericksburg in the center of the town. There is an auction block. They would have people there with a hung them. They are christian and follow the tenants of jesus christ. Thank you. Host on the front pages of the newspaper, will stop start with the Washington Post. The candidates are starting their final push. Clinton and trump appeal for turnout. States like florida and not kill and i are getting extra attention. Inside the west and post a story, they know this trump has been focusing on the fbis latest probe. In a land of he said that all 650 dozen there is that in the Washington Post. The New York Times says on the front page that donald trump has strong appeal with the nations veterans. There is also this in the wall street journal. The New York Times. Michael grace, a columbia lobby for certain shirt served in the treasury department. Here is what they write. That means he was paid no salary they are writing that, those two gentlemen. There is this in the New York Times. Some voters that were attracted to president obamas candidacy in 2008 when he called for change now find it in mr. Trump. Mr. Trump is able to attract some obama voters back from 2008 because they believe he can be one to shake up washington. We are asking this morning all of you, whether religion is impacting your vote this election . Richard in kingsport, tennessee. Independent. Go ahead. Caller hi greta. Good morning. I made a few notes. Maybe i can stick to the points today. I guess i should speak to two points. Official religion and unless it is just a social activity that people engage in a timer to a week, in my opinion, religion informs every area of life whether it is family, work, politics, business, money, charity every decision comes under it is guided by ones religious beliefs. Unless one divorces that inputs religion in a box by itself. Take for example, clinton and Mccain Clinton and kaine. They both claim that religion has had an impact on the policy which in turn affects how they view policies. To those democrats who are calling and saying religion should be kept out of politics, they should listen to the candidates. They are appealing to their background as religious people. The other point is in a broader sense, everyone has a religion. Maybe not an official religion, but if you if your beliefs that are hardcore and dont change from day to day, then people are voting based upon what they feel and they use words like right and wrong what is fair. What is that based on . That has to be based on some standards. People, if you listen to people who are really partisan, they may say they are atheist, nonreligious, but that is their religion in a broad sense. If we are going to vote based upon our beliefs, then religion, that is a part of our leaves our beliefs. Our wife my wife and i noted last week and we voted down in barrel forrote the constitution party. Host it was because of your religion . Caller every vote that we ever made has come from our religion. Everyone they may worship money, social agendas, their beliefs i hope their beliefs are driving their vote and not just flipping a coin. Host more of your calls coming up. An update on congressional races. Senate and house members are up for reelection next week. Democrats need a net gain of four seats if Hillary Clinton wins the white house. Five seats if donald trump wins. Over in the house, immigrants need 30 seats to take the majority. Over in the house, democrats need 30 seats to take the majority. Roy blunt is ahead of mr. Kander who is the secretary of state was than one percentage point. Below that story is one about the state of wisconsin. There is also this from the atlanta journal, the battle for georges u. S. Senate race could go to a runoff. Youll have to pardon us for feeling like this election has become somewhat of a slug there is this from the capitol hill newspaper, roll call that gop aides are predicting donald but control of both the house and senate. In california, usa today, one of the few competitive house races turned ugly. It is one of the truly competitive house races. Steve knight tries to fight off a challenge from his back to your calls in conversation. Robert in brooklyn. You are supporting a thirdparty candidate. Good morning to you. Caller i am going to vote for jill stein. I am an atheist. Therefore i would be counted among a segment which is generally referred to as the nuns and oh nes. President obama was the first major politician that ever heard acknowledged the existence of nonbelievers in this country. Since nones are one of the fastestgrowing no one is trying to appeal to them. Host is jill stein appealing to you . Caller no i am certainly opposed to the republicans who constantly appeal to religious sentiments. Host karen in texas, independent. Thanks for waiting. Ler host karen, are you there . Caller i am here. Ok. Host i hope karen can call back and we lost you there. Mary in fort washington, maryland. Democrat. Caller good morning. How are you . Host i am doing well. Caller no, my religious beliefs are not going to be injected into who i am voting for it i believe the 10 commandments and that is a part of the bible i go by. That is the only part that should be in politics, the pharrells of life. The fair rules of life the forefathers already put that in the constitution. The state shall be separated from church. That is the only thing the republicans have to go on. The attitude about church is evil. It is always negative, not always inclusive of everyone. They have to understand their brand is broken. The White Supremacy of the world is cracking. , emerging have a safe country of people that can live together. Everybody has an agenda but everybody can live together in this world very peaceably and financially well. There is no excuse. There is enough excuse there is enough wealth to go around for everybody to go to have a good life. We have to get the evil out of politics. Host is that why you are a democrat right there . Caller i am a staunch democrat but i would vote for a republican if a republican had something you could vote for. Host hi mark, does religion play a role in your vote . Caller we have not been considering spouses. And ivanka trump have been raised as communists. We have always been taught they are atheist religions. Is donald trump has married completely communist wife and violated most of the 10 commandments could even you look at the 10 commandments, some of the big commandments are thousand on steel. But we learned about some university is has been reported. Donald trump is lying consistently. Number three, and most importantly, what Melania Trumps father is a member of the communist party in the in yugoslavia. Thisll be the first time in history that a wife of a president ial candidate has been raised as a communist and would be in the white house. Host market, you would be interested in this. Hear Melania Trump in her own words today. When she does a Campaign Rally for a husband in pennsylvania. That is today at 2 00 p. M. Eastern time. You can watch on cspan are going to cspan. Org. You can listen to Donald Trumps wife talk about a story on cspans radio at. On the cspan radio app. Again, that is 2 00 p. M. Eastern time. Coverage of road to the white house continues with Hillary Clinton rally in North Carolina. That is this evening at 7 45 p. M. Eastern time. She will be in raleigh where she will be speaking. You can watch that on cspan, cspan. Org or did the radio app. Ivanka trump is having a Campaign Event today. We are covering that. Go to cspan. Org. Senator tim kaine, democrat from virginia will be speaking in spanish entirely today, giving a speech in spanish. You can find that on cspan. Org. Other headlines this morning about the fbi investigation into Hillary Clintons private server and emails. The front page of usa today. I have made a very deliberate effort to make sure i dont look in an am meddling independent process for making these assessments. Setting aside particulars of this case, i know that she is somebody who has always looked out for the interests of america and the American People first. Norm that there is a when there are investigations we dont operate on innuendo or incomplete information. We dont operate on leaks. We operate based on concrete decisions that are made. When this was investigated early, the last time, the , theusion of the fbi repeatedepartment, congressional investigations was she had made some mistakes, but it wasnt anything there that was prosecutable. Host that was the president news. Iew with now this, the administration kicked off the Clinton Campaign. The Top Justice Department official leaked about the legal case concerning the secret email Service Email server. You can further tamper the administrations claim of impartiality. May 2015 letting them know the government would try to delay posting mrs. Clintons emails until 2016. In a message sent from his private account, he warned of a looming house hearing where a Justice Department official would face questions about mrs. Clintons emails. Yet the front page of the washington journal with this headline. We had that offer on the show. Many of you have been able to talk to him. This is a lengthy story inside the wall street journal for those of you who are interested. Below that is a headline about donald trump and his foreign complex. Stories about how his children have ties family firms that have long dealt with politically connected concerns abroad. In western massachusetts, a democrat. Good morning to you. How does religion impact your vote . Caller i just want to say thank god for cspan. I am a christian. I really believe in what jesus taught us, blessed are the peacemakers, good samaritan. Stopped to help the stranger, treat him like a brother appeared i supported a candidate who is not a christian but stands up for these principles. That was bernie sanders. I think he is a living example of how a policymaker can be a peacemaker. If we could all follow the principles of our various religions. And those who dont have religion, just basic humanist vegetables. Every single bullet humanist vegetables. Every religion follows the golden rule. I think it is i think if that could happen, our world would more resemble rather than the explosions we see going on on the planet right now, it would be like the explosion of joy that we saw in chicago that is going on right now due to the cubs winning the world series. That is the message of my religion. Join to the world. Joy to the world. As far as who i am voting for, it has been difficult. My husband and i voted for Hillary Clinton. She is a flawed candidate. All of her sins have been exposed, but i dont think she innately i dont think she is an innately mean person unlike her opponent. He is appealing to the worst in us. I have friends who are strong trump supporters. They are so disgusted with the system that they want to break it up. Electing donald trump would be as bad as invading iraq was. One author compared it to opening the gates of hell. I think that is what would happen. That is my take. I think i think you and cspan do such a good job. They got for freedom of the press and various organizations, newspapers and so forth that bring us the news. Host appreciate that. Judy in North Carolina. Hi judy. Caller good morning. I just wanted to say that religion definitely impacted my vote. Was note did not the one that one. When donald trump was the nominee before he became the nominee that all his sins would be brought out. As far as religion and how i voted, i do know that Hillary Clinton said that Margaret Sanger was one of her idols. I know Margaret Sangers philosophy and it is not a or for poverty stricken people. People people who are in poverty to be sterilized. Mrs. Clinton has followed that philosophy. Iolife is what [indiscernible] i also wanted to say i have been listening to some of the comments. The one gentleman you asked him where you read about trump and coming is him he never responded. That was an interesting thing that he did not respond. He kept on talking about, you know, staying away from that. When i first turned on, heard the lady who was speaking about hangings in the south. South, i do get a little bit of a people dont think about the witches killed in the north. I would like for people to think about that. That was religious as well. Host we are going to end our conversation about that and take a short break. When we come back, a roundtable discussion on the integrity of the voting process in next week selection. Amid charges that the election is rate. We will talk to john waclawski and Kristen Clarke. Andra gillespie will be here to discuss new reports on africanamerican voter turnout. We will be right back. This weekend, cspan cities tour along with Cox Communications partners will explore the literary life and history of tucson, arizona. On book tv on cspan2, here about the Important Roles mexicanamericans played in the history of arizona from a local historian. Long before arizona became a part of the United States, it was a part of spanish and then later mexican sonora. Tucson was really the northernmost community in the province and later the state of sonora. On American History tv on cspan3, we will visit the Titan Missile museum. This site is now open to the public. The titan two was a missile used by the United States during the cold war. The mission was peace through deterrence. Was to project a credible threat, to be here every day demonstrating to the soviet union that even if they launch a surprise first strike against us, we would be up to write that out and retaliate quickly and with enough force that we would devastate the soviet union even if they had launched their missiles first. We will take you to the Saguaro National park in tucson. The park is named after the saguaro cactus. Here about the history of the park and some of the challenges the park faces. The cspan cities tour of tucson, arizona, saturday at 6 00 p. M. On cspans book tv. And sunday afternoon at 2 00 p. M. On cspan3. Visiting cities across the country. This week on cspan2, we are featuring local radio for ram livenational talkshow host today from noon until 3 00. On friday, from 9 00 a. M. Until noon, a conservative perspective on the Mike Gallagher show live from new york city. All this week, live on cspan2. Washington journal continues. Host the integrity of the voting process. That is our discussion. Joining us at our table is Kristen Clarke who is the president and executive director of the lawyers committee. As well as Jon Waclawski who is a Republican Campaign lawyer. Welcome to you both. Lets have both of you answer this question. What is an election lawyer . Clarke we were founded in 1953 at the behest of john f. Andedy who saw to mobilize help the nation of enforcing our nations civil rights laws and work to defend access to the puttingox or to promote rights for disenfranchised communities. It is paramount to what we do. One of the main activities that we do is run Election Protection. The nations largest Voter Protection program. At 866 we filled voters from all across the country. The work is to ensure that all eligible americans are able to have the ballot and but to spit in our democracy. Mr. Waclawski i practice political law. Clients onesent my election law issues, the participation that i provide and the council i provide really ofges in the gamut in terms conducting training sessions and working with clients, therefore election day. Especially preparing for close elections. That has serious implications as to what happens after election day for many of my clients, especially those running for office. The things that we advise and counsel our clients on election day preparation reference working with Election Administrators, working with lawyers, both in their state and around the country. Also working with judges and many judges in many instances to be prepared as possible so when the issues arise to go before a court or to deal with issues in front of Election Administrators, our clients are able to do that. Host first, lets pick this issue is whether or not the electoral process is rate. I find the suggestions that elections are rigged to be bogus, a myth. We have a very decentralized election system. Many communities have officials that represent both parties who are attacked with operating elections who are attacked with operating elections. The real issue is evidence we wrestling with voter discrimination and suppression. Rather than suggesting that re is somebody look into the president ial race, i think it is more important we look at the real voting dissemination we see at the local level in many communities. States like texas that have adopted a discriminatory auto id requirement states like North Carolina that fought to cut early voting hours, eliminated preregistration opportunities for 16 and 17yearolds. Communities like georgia that purge legitimate just legitimately registered africanamericans from the rolls. But a dissemination is the real issue. An area that requires focus if we want to strengthen our democracy. Mr. Waclawski i have a real problem with you using the term rigged. Whenever utilizing that term seems to me to imply that the outcome of our elections are predetermined. It is simple enough the case. It also does a great disservice to not only the voters who are participating in the election, but it does a disservice to the private citizens and the Election Administrators who are facilitating our election. During my practice, if you participated in elections, either as a voter, as a poll worker or poll watcher, you understand that the process is built in such a way that really prevents the system from being rigged. It is a decentralized system. It provides for numerous checks on the results that are processed on election day. Frankly, the public process in and of itself, both at the polls and after the polls because all of the records that are maintained in terms of the vote counts. They are all maintained and a publicly viewable after the facts. To get to the point about the issue that kristen mentioned about discrimination and preventing voters from voting at the polling place, i think the term rigged and some of the and the rhetoric we have been hearing, voters froms deter turning out on election day. I think that that rhetoric does a great disservice, as i mentioned, to voters in that circumstance. In terms of the actions that certain states have taken, the intent of those actions can be debated, and certainly we will talk about those today, im sure. Overall, what people on my side of the aisle, republicans really look for and strive for in terms of administering our elections and changing the laws is voter integrity. That is to make sure the voting ,rocess is as clean as possible as transparent as possible, and as fair as possible. The Brennan Center for justice put together a piece of bunking the voter fraud met. They note this two studies done at the Arizona State university found similarly negligible rates of impersonation fraud. So, does it happen . Mr. Waclawski yes, it happens. The Brennan Center does their work and produces reports. If you practice in this area, you can understand the fact that there are arguments and studies on both sides of that particular issue. The heritage foundation, for instance, found hundreds of instances of voter fraud. Topic that is ripe for debate, it is a partisan issue in many circumstances, i recognize that. What i think the heart of voter fraud issue gets that is, as long as people participate in the voting process, there will be those that want to cheat the system. So if there are safeguards we can put in place to ensure that the system remains with a certain level of integrity and are fair to all, then we should proceed and adopt those reforms. Clarke, you agree of voter identification is necessary . The data shows you have a greater chance of being struck by lightning than seeing vote fraud play out at the polls and auction day. When i hear the term of vote fraud, i see them as codewords for efforts that are about making access to the ballot box more difficult. When we had seen lawmakers around the country invoke the need to fight vote fraud, what we have seen result are barriers to the franchise, like texas photo id requirement. When that was put in place, there were 600,000 registered voters who were essentially disqualified because they did not have one of the limited forms of id required under the law. Americansgible turned out to vote in 2014, the lowest turnout rate we have seen in this country in more than 70 years. We are in a moment in our democracy when we need lawmakers to focus on how we make the process easier, how do we make it easier for people to participate and turn out, and what are the unnecessary obstacles and hurdles we throw in front of voters that they can ultimately more difficult for them to participate . Calls,ets get to the the phone lines are hiding lighting up. Dean in austin, texas. Caller i have a background in technology with computers. My focus is in a different area, very serious concerns. We know how much corporations and governments have been hacked with all the recent messing with the elections. There was an hbo documentary done some time ago, and you can still get it on youtube called hacking democracy. With my background and after watching that, and a person involved in that documentary did a new thing out on youtube magic. Fraction discovered is there are ways to hack into our elections every time the Elections Come around because people have to service these computers and can log and change the code in the computer itself and just alter the voting counts. Roportionately so it doesnt matter how many people vote at each precinct. There are also concerns about centralized computers where all of the memory cards are taken into the main precinct, and then the other computers count these things. Host i will have both of the guests answer that. 80 of ballots cast in the country are paper ballots. We have not seen evidence of hacking of elections, certainly not on the scale that would justify making it harder to vote. Agree,lawski i have to the way the technology in our elections is facilitated simply does not allow for widescale. Acking of the vote the instances the caller was referencing in terms of manipulating the final count, things like that would certainly be caught when votes are reconciled against the voters who checked in in the poll books on election day and before. I just dont see it being a real issue. Host will both candidates, parties, campaigns have people on the ground watching for that sort of verification that it happened the day of, Election Night . Mr. Waclawski if history tells us anything about what candidates will do, the answer is yes. I cannot speak for the Trump Campaign in this circumstance. I can speak for clientside represent, and they are forwardlooking and prepare for election day and beyond. It is a common practice for republicans either running for office or party, minus the rnc because of the consent tree they are barred by, to have a system in place in terms of volunteers, lawyers on call to facilitate issues, like the one we just discussed. Host if donald trump saying he will have poll watchers there, it doesnt sound that is unprecedented. Ms. Clarke i think its important to distinguish who is allowed to be inside the polls and those without authorization. Typically, on election day, you have poll workers, often on behalf of both parties. Depending on state rules in place, you may have poll watchers serving on behalf of the candidates. They are to be held accountable. They are not there to disrupt the conduct of the election, they should not be subjecting voters to intimidation or. Arassment but the entire system has checks and balances built in to help ensure the outcome is a fair and smooth one. What we want to focus on closely on election day is what is happening in the lead up to that point, making sure everyone enjoys equal access to the ballot box, making sure people are able to cast a ballot free from intimidation or harassment. Was what John Mccloskey referring to is a story in the National Journal that says the Trump Campaign is not working on a poll watch pine. Plan. So this is something that both parties agree to three decades ago. Nathan in connecticut, a democrat. Good morning, welcome. Caller thank you very much. You are doing a great job. Ms. Clark is very brilliant. Question is for mr. Moore mr. Mccloskey. His president ial candidate is urging early voters to change their vote by election day to a vote for him. This is kind of a new topic for me. Awski explainwacl why it should be legal to change your vote . To be clear, i dont represent donald trump and im not his lawyer by any stretch of the imagination, so that being said, the notion that a voter can change his or her vote if they had cast in early is permissible in some states so long as that vote has not been processed already. Or is a procedure under state law in no states it is permissible that you have to go through in order to ensure your vote is not double counted. In many instances, the early voting procedure is therefore people who have made up their mind and are ready to cast their vote. It really shouldnt be an issue, you probably will not be seeing many people change their vote. Host have people change their vote in the past . Mr. Waclawski historically, it really has not been a big issue. Host next phone call or in olympia, washington. We have paper ballots in washington, mail and only. When my mom died, or to terms, she got ballots in her mailbox. Owned a a relative house, so they could not use the ballot. The other point i want to make, when i bought my house, there was nothing to indicate i was a citizen but i automatically got a registration for voting after i bought my house. The other thing i have a concern about, when i took a class for the state, social class, social gave thatthe seiu class, and they automatically gave out these things to sign up for voting. But a third of the class were illegal aliens, they had only been in the states for three or four months. Easy to sign too up to vote. So, for decades, the way that we handle Voter Registration in our country, people meet the eligibility criteria, they are of age, they are a citizen, and then you sign under penalty of perjury that the information is accurate. This system has worked. We have not seen evidence of people impersonating the dead, evidence of undocumented noncitizens participating in our elections. I think it is important that we not create hysteria or rely on data that is simply is not there to disrupt the way we go about handling Voter Registration and elections in our country. Americans of eligible turned out in the last midterm election, and we want to figure out how we can get more americans to participate in the process. I think thei caller, in the first example that she referenced, raised an important issue that needs to be identified, and that is the incorrect or outdated that are on the books in many of the states. Unless there is an effort to maintain accurate and updated records, we will have problems with registration. Did a reportr finding 27 million records in our statewide Voter Registration database that is outdated, has inaccurate residents, etc. I dont like to use the word has a negativeit connotation, but to clean the data at the state level, but that would be a problem. People always allege, rightly or wrongly, that voter fraud results because of that bad data. Host that caller was from washington state, where it is all mailin voting. Any concerns from your viewpoint that that could happen when you have all mailin voting . Mailin voting is not the process where you have to physically mailing your ballot. Drop boxes where you can take your ballot and drop it off in those jurisdictions that have mailin voting. While there are people that raise concerns about not being in person when you are facilitating your vote, overall, we have not seen vast amounts of voter frauds or issues related to that. Host you are not in your head, you agree . Mailin ballots are an important election reform, but not the endall beall. Utah is another one. We have an interesting voter rights case pending in utah because the mailin Ballot System there in place today this in voters. The unique barriers that native American Voters face are often ignored. To cast an effective ballot requires many in the community receive language assistance. Reallyilin ballot disadvantages them. We have seen higher participation rates with mailin ballots. It is important but not the endall beall when it comes to election reform. Host lets go to South Carolina where there is no early voting and you need an excuse for absentee voting. Phil in summerville, South Carolina. Independent. Caller i think it is more of a reason rather than an excuse, and there is a distinction there. First of all, i dont want jon to be left out. I think you are brilliant, too. I thought it was unfair of someone to call in from massachusetts to throw in the other positives and then hit jon with, why should i be allowed to change my mind . Kristin, i have to tell you, i think you are wrong that you think voting needs to be made easier. The problems we have in this country is not that it is not easy to do it, it is that not enough people Pay Attention to what they are doing. We are more worried about Kim Kardashians rear end than we are about who is running the country. That is shame on all of us. Making it easier for somebody spending their time playing on youtube, fiddling around with the social media things, and who care more about who won the Grammy Awards or whenever last night, it is crazy for us to make it easier for that individual to go out and vote. I dont disagree, i think the caller raises an important point. We do have to figure out how we can restore focus and attention on democracy, encourage civic participation. There are a few states that have tried to move to preregistration of 16 and 17yearolds, so the moment they turn 18, they are ready to go and eligible to vote. There is a lot of noise today, and i think it is important to instill inhow we can young people in particular, millennials, a sense of importance about what is at stake when we have elections in our country. Host connie in new jersey, democrat. Caller good morning. I have a question and a statement. 17ame to this country at under the fascist government in spain. Government, by themselves, said we had to have identification with a picture and everything. If that is the worry about voter fraud, why is that an issue . They have to go to the centers were nobody is there. I dont have a problem because i have a passport and everything. But i am talking about the other people. Host we will have Jon Waclawski answer the question. Mr. Waclawski i believe the caller was referencing voter id, had different feelings about implications, how voter id is processed in certain states. Yes, if it causes problems for voters to obtain a voter id, thats an issue. The arguments made against voter id laws is it is discriminatory and rates a disparate impact among voters. To the extent states are able to as available as possible, make it free, and create timelines that allow for both the voter and Election Administrators, who have to toilitate the elections, provide adequate training and information regarding the voter id process. Yes, you will have allegations that the voter id is hard for others to obtain. Historically, voter id has been a popular issue among americans. There was a gallup poll not long ago that showed 80 of americans favored voter id for people going to the polls to vote. That included republicans, democrats, and independents. Host we are talking about the integrity of the voting process this morning. Roundtable discussion for all of you to call in. You have heard this out on the campaign trail, that perhaps the election system is rigged. What are your questions about it . You can also go to twitter and join the conversation there, or go to facebook. Com cspan. Another issue that has come up is recounts and when they can happen. 19 states and washington, d. C. Provide for automatic recounts if the margin between the top candidates is within a certain margin of error. Kristen clarke, what do you make a recount laws, where are their there concerns, where do you think they can benefit the American Public . Ms. Clarke i started my political career on the eve of bush v. Gore. I think everyone is hoping this is an election where we will see finality, we will not see endless debates about the outcome. It is interesting how much the world has changed since 2000. Is no longer a part of our election vocabulary. There are so many checks and balances built into the system. My hope is we will have some finality and clarity with respect to the outcome on tuesday. That said, we have seen in recent times recounts in local races, state races that are very close when it comes to the outcome. All of this underscores the need to ensure that people are able to easily participate. Every vote can make a difference in our elections. Ecountslawski r happened. As you noted in your description of state laws, in some states it is automatic. It is actually a very good check on how our Voting System runs. It is meant as a check, a reconciliation of the votes tabulated on Election Night. In many instances, it is meant to provide some sort of finality to the situation, and i agree with kristin, i hope there is finality on november 8. But we should not think of the recounts as a bad thing because of bush or igor v. Gore. They are an important part of our election system. If it so happens that we had to go into a recount, people should have confidence that it will garner a fair result. Any predictions where we could see a recount, either in a recount, either in the president ial race or tight senate races . Mr. Waclawski your guess is as good as mine. The races are closing every day goes fore it polling numbers. Certainly, the senate races certainly have more of an opportunity to go to a recount, historically more than president ial races. In the house, as well, which are more frequent. It is frankly impossible to predict which states are on thebound president ial level. The strategy that goes into determining that not only has to play into the closeness of the vote that the Electoral College numbers. Ms. Clarke i will put my money on no recount on tuesday. I think there is the possibility that we could see election day , if there are communities that legitimately purchased voters from the rolls, other issues that arise on election day, long lines, malfunctioning equipment. We could see election day litigation that could complicate the picture, but no recount on tuesday. Host steve in canonsburg, pennsylvania. Independent. Go ahead with your question or comment. Caller it is more of a comment than anything else. I have been voting roughly four 30 years now, every election, whether it is state or local, and every time the specter of voter id is brought up. I have never seen it turn out to be anything. Now all of a sudden you have a candidate crying foul, the system out to get him long before it starts. How do you prevent this from affecting the voters who want to turn out and stop them from thinking that it will not matter because no matter what the system is screwed up . Host Kristen Clarke, i will have you take that one. Ms. Clarke we have to change the discourse. I think its important that we reject these claims that vote fraud is something that looms over our elections. When we her about efforts at the state level, in our communities to change the rules, to put in place laws that make it harder supposingcause of vote fraud, i think its important that people speak up and reject that, make clear there is no data or evidence, just as the caller suggests, that vote fraud is something we are wrestling with. Whencan democracy works people are participating, when we take the hurdles down, and when we promote the importance of exercising the right to vote. John is in gresham, oregon, supporting an independent candidate. Thank you to cspan for this topic. I want to go back to a previous callers comment about the hacking of electronic Voting Machines. I am disappointed that the ofsts were glibly dismiss it the reality of a possible hacking of electronic Voting Machines. It is real, its possible. Congress has held hearings on that very matter. John conyers famously questioned ere participants in the hacking of Voting Machines. I would also suggest that the purging of voter rolls israel, it happens. Famously, letters have been sent to servicemen serving overseas by political parties, knowing that those people are overseas, and also knowing that they are not home to sign for the letter and return it. Thereby losing their ability to vote in an election. Host we will take your last point. Ms. Clarke i think the caller raises an important point. Purging ofe the minority and africanamerican and latino voters in some communities. Overseas voters, a person who served in the military, citizens living overseas or in Foreign Service are also vulnerable. When we hear about efforts to clean up the registration rolls they see that as an invitation to potentially purge legitimately registered voters. ,t is a deep area of concern when people have taken the step of registering to vote, we need to be sure that we are not stripping that important right away without grounds. To agreewski i have with that last sentiment 100 . We dont want to take away, through cleaning our election rolls, the ability for somebody legitimately registered to vote. However, there are records on state voter lists that have not been updated since people have moved to different states, have elections,n numerous not just talking about one or. Wo, or who have died it is an important facet to maintain updated voter lists. Host republican line, diane in minnesota. There is early voting there. Have you done so . Caller i am a republican and i will vote on tuesday for trump. He is our guy, all right . I am not ashamed to tell anybody that i am voting for trump. I think you will see red in minnesota. Read in minnesota, guys. What it is, nobody trusts you. The reason is, number one, i tried calling him before with the voter id. There is nothing wrong with voter id. You are talking about purging and cleaning up the voting. There are people who are 200 years old voting. They had been voting for years and they are dead. And lets please just discuss this here illegally that should be voting are voting. They are taking Social Security numbers. If you allow this to happen and you allow this to continue, how can you possibly think we are going to trust you again . Host lets get a response. Is this happening, as diane says it is, and what is the percentage of the voting electorate . Less than 10 . Is impossible it to tell because so few cases wind of being prosecuted. Ast of that reason is, kristen may argue, that it doesnt happen, i disagree, but to what extent host do you agree that it is inevitable as the studies show . Mr. Waclawski i dont know the answer. Without knowing, i wouldnt feel comfortable answering that in the affirmative. What we know is that prosecutors who have looked into voter fraud evidenced the reduction very difficult to do. Frankly, the other component to that ms. It is a politically charged prosecution at that point, which makes many prosecutors apprehensive to bring voter fraud cases. Opponents of voter fraud rights have been successful in promoting this hysteria around vote fraud which does not exist. Again, a greater chance that you will be struck by lightning than you will see voter fraud. The last place you would find someone undocumented is inside a polling place on election day interacting with government bureaucrats. Photo id, i want to underscore one point here. For those of us around a stable, we travel, we have drivers licenses, passports. What we are talking about our people on the margins in our country, the poorest of the poor do not drive, who do not get on planes, and who function every day without a government id. , theeral Appeals Court most conservative in the country, rejected the texas photo id law, because it would ,resumably advance vote fraud and because of its discriminatory effect on africanamericans, latinos, students, and the poor. Host to the callers point, when it comes to trust, why not have some form of identification so that people like that caller in Minnesota Trust the system and that every vote is a valid vote . Ms. Clarke there are mechanisms in place to verify identity. Here is signature matching in texas, they are putting a remedy in place that allows for voters to present a far broader range of identification to confirm their identity. They can bring utility statements, student id cards, they can sign an affidavit where and gettingng a government id would serve as an impediment or challenge. There are ways to confirm identity. The system is not broke, so these proposals to fix a problem that does not exist is problematic. Host janet is in michigan. A democrat. Caller thank you for cspan. This is a comment and i would be interested in the two guests speak to how we get younger demographics engaged at a younger earlier point in time in their lives. I am from a generation when i saw Voting Machines coming into my schools, students were being engaged in that process at a very early age. By the time they were old enough to vote, they were connected to the process and understood the importance of it. We are living in a social mediadriven age where there is opportunity to engage young the mechanisms and technologies they are most connected with, and at the same time, helping them understand what are those issues that will be important to me when i am ready to vote. I have shared with my niece on a number of occasions, that while you may not vote today, there will be people voting for issues that will affect you. And you need to weigh in on that. So five or six years from now, when a law or regulation is in place that is may be affecting your ability to get funding for school, other resources that you may need from the system host i will have both of the guests respond to that. Important point, no doubt about it, getting the young folks involved early in the process of voting is vital. The caller mentioned polling places in schools. You see that across the country. That is a great way for students in that case to be introduced to how the system functions. I would encourage people with children or with nieces or theirs to bring little ones to the polling places there is nothing that prohibits you from doing that and show them how the process works. Ms. Clarke i love the question, how we make the process easier for people to participate. Online registration is something that we have to move toward. There are a few states that have online registration, but in the computerdriven world we live in, we need to figure out how we can integrate that into the process to capture the imaginations of young people. I cast an early vote on sunday night, i brought my son and four nephews and nieces. I think its important that we engage people in the process. Think about preregistration opportunities for 16 and 17yearolds. Think about allowing them to serve as poll workers as well. Host in florida, chris is watching as an independent. Caller i have to comment on ms. Comment about squeezing voters out with voter id. In this day and age, you need have an id to buy food. So your comments are just laughable. , you stack the court system with these liberal judges that enable bad behavior. The reason i called, i have a threestep plan. First, it shows the incompetence of government in whatever we tackle, that we have have recounts in this day and age. You dont need to have an intimatebased system. Diebold could make the Voting Machines and you would not have any difficulties. You have all of these individual states and all of this incompetence. Technology could handle it. I have never had an error in my check in in 30 years. Second, requiring a fingerprint and birth certificate. I am a retired investment executive. Inancial analyst, phd economics and finance. I have absolutely no confidence that we dont have thousands of illegal aliens voting. Host lets hear from mike, wyoming. Republican. Caller thanks for cspan. You do a great job. I guess i have a comment for , ifan, for a future guest you have not had her on before. Her name is bev harris. I think her website is black box , if you have not had her on before. Voting. She has been studying voter fraud, electronic voting for 10, 15 years. Just a comment there for maybe a future guest. I was going to say to kristen, if you want more voting, just a thought, we could get a bunch of billionaires to pay people 20 to vote. You could get a lot more people to vote. Then we will find out if there is any voter fraud around when you stand to gain some cash. Those are my comments. Host washington, d. C. , independent. You are next. Caller i am calling because im tired of these people calling in and saying illegals are voting. First of all, most of these people do not know any illegals. In this country illegally, you are not going out to vote. You dont want to be in the system. So that a low profile you can get your papers in the future. Why would you jeopardize that . Host lets see if Jon Waclawski agrees with you. Beenaclawski there have instances where noncitizens have participated in the elections. That has been documented. The frequency of which, i dont think anyone would argue, is tremendous. Many times, it is more of an issue of not understanding the process than it is somebodys specific intent to manipulate the system. This election cycle, in the last year, there is an interesting case that jumps out and is discussion. That there was a noncitizen alien in votena who registered to and decided to not check the box rather to check the box that he was a u. S. Citizen. Then he went around to various news agencies, and talked about how he could participate in elections and how easy it was. If you did participate, he would find himself in trouble, i can tell you that. The fact that people can manipulate the system is real. That is one instance of how that can happen. Ellis in florida. Democrat. Up thathe brought interesting example but it is interesting he did not bring up that woman in florida who voted twice as a republican. The lady that called an earlier, and may be because of her accent , you missed the importance of her call. , why doesntsaying the supervisor of the elections issue the voter id . If there is no intent on state legislators to make that discriminatory, why do you have to have a second registration . In other words, you fill out a registration form, it goes to the supervisor of elections. He approves that and places you on the role. If there is any fraud, that is where it starts, because he is not doing his job if you are not a citizen. Have talked about these one or two obscure examples of somebody who may have accidentally completed a form the wrong way, but we do not talk about the actual data that shows that there are hundreds of thousands of people that are sometimes without the id required by these laws texas is a prime example of that. Courts are now rejecting these efforts, finding that discriminatory in their affect on minority voters in particular. Again, there is nothing broken about the system other than we have low participation and the low turnout. We need to focus on how we can get people more invested in the process and increase turnout and participation in our democracy. Host sherry, new roads, louisiana. Independent. Caller ms. Clarke, i have to ask you this question, why is it discriminatory when we would all have to get these Voter Registration cards . You say there is only one or two or three. San francisco is it registering illegal aliens to vote. Im sure you have heard that on the news. You say it is one here, two here. Bank, welfare, to get a you need a birth certificate. How is this so hard . We would all have to do this. Why is this considered against the black community . With texas, it is that they limited the range of ideas that voters could provide. Passports and drivers license, conceal and carry permits, a student id card for somebody attending college or university did not qualify. These laws were adopted with the intent of locking certain people out and making it harder for people to vote. The caller, i think, raises a good point. There are a few communities around the country that are exploring the idea of allowing the idea of people with green cards being allowed to participate in local elections. Around the country, we have stated requirements and you have to be a citizen to vote in federal elections. We just dont see any evidence that undocumented people are turning out to vote. There in the shadows. Immigration reform is not a topic we are talking about today, but just no evidence that vote fraud is a real problem in our country. Jon waclawski would you agree . Mr. Waclawski i know the litigation has been ongoing there, but the fact of the matter is, we now have voter id in many states that will be in effect for this election, and has been in effect for other elections. Although there have been attempts in other states to litigate those issues, it has been found that those states have produced a voter id system that does not discriminate, or does not treat voters in disparate ways. It is also interesting to note, after the 2004 election, there was a Bipartisan Commission to study how elections are performed in our country. Jimmy carter and james baker were the cochairs of the commission. They overwhelmingly endorsed a form of voter id to facilitate our elections in this country, with the caveat that it is enforced in a way that is fair, equitable. They promoted free ids, timing allowances to provide for people to understand the system and abide by the new law. Maria in columbus, new jersey. I want to tell you, i am coming from puerto rico. Had had voter, we id for the past 20 years. We take voting very serious. I think it is the only place where people will about 90 of the people that are allowed to vote go and vote. Idrybody has to have a voter to vote. Not only a voter id, but Election Voter id. Cannybody in puerto rico find a way to the Municipal Building to get an id to go and , i dont see why in this country we should have so much progress and cannot do the same thing. John in new jersey as well, independent. Caller thanks so much for cspan. In the democratic primary, it is clear, at least 150,000 voters in brooklyn, the home of bernie sanders, were purged from the rolls. Clear, at least 150,000 this is our Democratic Party no longer being democratic. The second thing, in electronic voting, if the images are not saved, if those images are not saved, then they cannot be checked. Talk about certification of the results. How does it work, Jon Waclawski, why dont you go first. The results areclawski tallied at the individual polling places. Those results are then provided to the next level of oversight in that particular state. Between county andks, municipal clerks, then a few days after the election is when those clerks will engage in cannabis canvas. That allows for the first check on the precinct level results produced on Election Night. Process,s a Public People can monitor the process. Really dig inl and reconcile all the materials that were facilitated on Election Night, on election day, make sure the poll book jives with the end result, and look at incident locks. Logs. Is done, thenas you get the certified result that is then broadcast as the certified result. From there, candidates and other people who are able, can decide whether a recount is right. Publichen you say the can observe, that is when lawyers are there . If theyre able. Lawyers have to go through the same steps as poll watchers in order to participate as a poll watcher. The canvas, things are typically a little more loose in terms of the permission to have people there observing. At that stage in the game, if it is a close election, and the candidate is prepared, they will certainly have lawyers there. Host let me ask you, Kristen Clarke, about observers of this process. Who is observing, government, nongovernment . Ms. Clarke the u. S. Department of justice had long in place a federal observer program, pursuant to the Voting Rights act. This is the first president ial election cycle where we are without court protections of the Voting Rights act. Most significantly, the Justice Department announced they will not have federal observers in some communities. They were an important check on. He system the watchful eye of the federal government, something to deter mischief that may occur in some communities. They help to ensure that voters were treated uniformly, fairly, and evenly. So there is some question about what will happen in some communities where we have seen voter intimidation and harassment, particularly of minority voters. One thing that we are doing through our Election Protection program is we are making our hotline available for voters to alert us to problems that they unfold. But the reality is, we are still living with voter intimidation, harassment of minority voters is not something that is confined to the past. These are still problems that we see in some local communities around the country on election day. Host is it happening in early voting . We have not heard reports that it is widespread but we are seeing an uptick in voter intimidation complaints. We have heard from voters in palm beach, florida about loud who areith bullhorns screaming at voters as they go into early voting sites. We reported that incident to local Election Officials who ordered that those folks move beyond the immediate perimeter of the polling place. But we want elections, when people turn out, that they are able to freely cast a ballot without being subject to intimidation or harassment. In oak ridge, tennessee. A democrat, our last of the discussion. Caller good morning, i have three questions that i would like to ask the gentleman and young lady. Who investigates the Republican Party as far as voter fraud and so forth . Filipinos they have living in miami and so forth, who investigates that . Words, which party investigates the other party more, democrats or republicans . I listen to all of this cuba,sation, and we have which has always voted republican. Then when barack obama came in, it went over to the democrats. The indians, pakistanis, they all used to vote republican. Who investigates their fraud . Said, i am ag lady part of that Civil Rights Movement with dr. King. I stood in greenwood, mississippi, when we were put on school buses. Dr. King was left in the middle on the lawn there. If we kill the body, the head would die. Ont means that they put us the bus and they left dr. King in the middle of the road. All im saying is we fought hard for the vote. With a regular chauffeurs license. Then i had to go to a cbl and then a specialist. It was crazy what they were doing, knocking a lot of people off the roads from driving heavy trucks. But with the government doing all of their regulation, they took a lot of jobs from people. Will leave it there. Our conversation is running short on time. I want to ask the guests to talk about what you are preparing for this time around that you did not have to prepare for in elections past. Jon waclawski. Is aaclawski i think this right circle to come back to because it cuts back to the rigging of the election that we talked about at the beginning of the program. The clients that we are advising have concerns, probably different than those that kristen has, relating to the. Igging rhetoric we need to make sure our people are allowed in polling places, that they are qualified and everything, that they are trained and though the process, that they are not there to intimidate or harass. Frankly, their biggest service to us lawyers who have to Service Clients postelection, is to be evidence gatherers on election day. To the extent they are thrown out of a polling place, that is the worst thing that could happen in the programs we administer. Ms. Clarke there has been a lot of toxic rhetoric this election cycle. This is the first president ial election in more than 50 years without the full protections of the Voting Rights act in place. We have been litigating cases. His election cycle in virginia, we moved to extend the Voter Registration deadline after the Online System collapsed. We have cases involving the purging of voters. We are working on efforts to move polling sites to hospital county,s, like in macon georgia, where they sought to move a polling site from the school to the sheriffs office. So this election cycle is a bit darker, but on election day, we are very hopeful that people will exercise the power of their ballot turnout and focus not just on what is at the top of the ballot, but focus on all of the races going down the ballot, because they have great implications for the way that we want our communities to operate. Host Kristen Clarke, Jon Waclawski, thank you for the conversation. Appreciate your time. When we come back, we go to a conversation we had earlier this morning with all of you about religion and your vote. How is your religion influencing your politics . There are the numbers on your screen. We will get to those calls after the break. This weekend on American History tv on cspan3, saturday night at 8 00 eastern on elections in history colin calloway, history professor at dartmouth college. Who presentedals themselves to us as allies and friends for the future are clearly our enemies, that are occupying our lands with troops, which is the one thing we were fighting against. At the same time, by cutting off , withholding gifts, refusing to give gifts, limiting trade with us, that is essentially a declaration of hostile intent. Backter at 10 00, we look to the 1966 campaign for california governor between incumbent governor democrat cap brown and challenger republican ronald reagan. My experience has turned me inevitably to the people to the answers for problems. Instinctively, i put my faith in the private sector of the economy. I believe in the peopless right and ability to run their own affairs. Every single solitary category of the business that tells whether or not californias economy is good is proven that we have done a good job. Sunday morning at 10 00 eastern on road to the white house rewind. Next tuesday, all of you will go to the polls and make a decision. I think when you make that decision, it might be well if you would ask yourself, are you better off than you were four years ago . Our proposals are very sound and very carefully considered to stimulate jobs, to to create tools for american workers. At the same time be antiinflationary in nature. The 1980 debate between timmy carter and governor ronald reagan. At 7 00 a realist without a devoted his life to fighting slavery. A realist with not have said this. Which is that a dissolution of the union for the cause of slavery would be followed by a war between two separate portions of the union, it seems like the result might be the extirpation of slavery from the continent and calamitous as this course of events in progress must be, so clarice would be its final issue that god shall judge us and dare i say it is not to be desired. At the New York Historical society, james traub, author of John Quincy Adams the militant spirit. They debate the question if John Quincy Adams was a realist. The foreignpolicy views and legacy of the sixth president. For our complete American History tv schedule go to cspan. Org. Continues. On journal we are back with your phone calls this morning about how religion is impacting your vote this election cycle. If you have already voted or plan to vote next week, what influence or impact is it having on the candidate you have chosen . Fred in newberry, florida, democrat. Hi. Caller hi, cspan. I have already voted. I voted for hillary. The reason i voted for hillary kkk supports, the trump. I came up religiously in the church. Any of the neonazi groups supporting trump, i cannot see myself voting for trump and thats all i have to say. Thank you, cspan. Host dennis and that independent independent. Caller i definitely think religion and politics do not mix. If you go back to the earlier times, religion pretty much ran everything. With the politicians do is play on their feelings. It is not right. You have a constitution that gives the religious people a place where they can pray and not be harassed by anybody. It is about america first. Not religion. Host have you decided to you are voting for . Caller yes, maam i have. Host tell us who it is and why. Caller im voting for Hillary Clinton because she is the most qualified. I said to my wife this morning, what if the roles were reversed . I would never vote republican, never. But what if the roles were reversed and he was the most qualified . I really have to give that some thought. The way the world is now you do not want an unqualified person in there because his position will be very powerful. Thank you. Host sandra and alabama, republican. Your turn, sandra. Caller i really have two things to say. Number one, republicans, this be the last time i ever vote republican because of the way the socalled elites have done donald trump. They always want us to vote for the one they pick. When the People Choose someone that they are not then they are not voting. I vote for the individual. Trump as religion, donald because he is the last hope of any of us to ever have a religious freedom again. I believe he is the only one that will stand up for true religious faiths. Host when you go to church are you hearing that from the clergy . This religious freedom . Is it something you were hearing from your religious leaders . Are they telling you it should be important . Caller the governmentcaller has put a scare into our religious leaders. If they mention anything, they dont get a tax break. Thats one of the things i pray donald trump will change because they have blackmailed our leaders. They should be telling us these things. That is why i hope donald trump gets it. Host sandra and alabama, republican. Lance in chicago, independent. Caller good morning. I feel in this Campaign Religion has no place. Summit is always excluded. The current republican platform, gays are excluded, lesbians. You have seen the discriminatory bills in North Carolina. I voting for hillary because she is the most qualified but religion does not have any place in the process. Host idiot in Frederick Vivian in fredericksburg, virginia. Caller thank you for taking my call. Donald trump is not a religious person because hes been married three times. The evangelical christians. There only thing is abortion. There was not one of them preaching abortion who has a child. 2 14, he nailed it to the cross. They need to stop going on that old testament. We are in the new. Religion is not supposed to be a part of politics. Donald trump is going to be their savior . Oh my goodness. Now the world is coming to an end. Host its not just supporters of donald trump who were basing their vote on religion. We have covered earlier the National Press club had a discussion about catholic voters. Here is a columnist for the Washington Post talking about the history of the catholic vote and how it breaks down. [video clip] catholics are not a block vote in the country. I think they are misled because you go back to the 1960 and 1964 elections of john kennedy, the first catholic candidate. 78 of the catholic vote. Lbj hung on the most of that with 76 present. Just one election before when i was running against Natalie Stephenson ike was running against stephenson, he got 44 of the catholic vote. There is no block catholic vote. Even when you nominate a catholic post john kennedy, john kerry did not secure anything like that majority. But the important part is precisely because a, catholics are a swing vote. They are a 404020 group in rough terms. There is a larger swing among catholics. And catholics are strategically located. At that event at the National Press club, vote latino president also talked about the Latin Catholic vote. The nonWhite Catholic vote and the impact that pope francis is having on those voters. [video clip] when you Start Talking but issues of social justice, the environment, immigration, social you seeall of a sudden in alertness among the latino population. Because it impact them disproportionately. I think that right now you are seeing a renaissance within catholicism. The pope is the one we have been waiting for. He is speaking to those issues of equity, social justice, the environment. And then you have a president ial candidate who has a tiff with the pope on social media. Shocking, right . Breaking news. He calls the pope disgraceful. When the pope says simply you have to be charitable with those that are the most poor. It was not surprising to a lot of catholics when he went to the border of el paso and basically had a conversation on this idea we are equal and one. For many latinos there was finally a leader giving voice to the hostility they havent feeling they have been feeling. Host that was the head of the latino group talking about the impact latino voters and catholic voters are having and the influence of pope francis. Listen to what the chief Political Correspondent david ready for the Christian Broadcasting Network told us on washington journal about support from evangelicals. For donald trump. [video clip] they are saying if i dont vote at all if you are a pro trump evangelical, i might get 60 to 70 of a judeochristian framework potentially and that for years, but im getting 0 with Hillary Clinton. If you look at 60 versus 0 , the last time i checked fifthgrade math 60 is greater than 0 and i think that is part of it. Host with that on the table we are asking you this morning is religion influencing your politics . Vivian in fredericksburg, virginia . Caller i was just on. Host what did you think . Caller i dont believe in abortion. Yes, i do believe there is a god and a jesus. But if they are going to use this as their platform, they need to take some of these kids out of the foster system. They need to be adopted. Host ernest and aurora, colorado. Independent. Caller good morning cspan. Host good morning. Caller i am an independent. I wrote my own ballot in, my own right in writein. As far as the question of religious and politics, it shouldnt but it is so heavily weighted in our politics, religion, it is in our legal system, our justice system. It shouldnt be. The foundation of the judicial system is in our amendments. You almost cant separate the two. That is my opinion. You cant separate religion from politics because they are so intertwined. You want someone to represent you that is moral and upstanding. Host it was that for you . Who is that for you . Caller it is neither hillary or donald trump. Host how are you going to vote . Inler i wrote my candidate who i wanted. I wrote in who i wanted my candidate to be. Host is it because of this issue of someone representing your morals and values . Caller yes. Host barbara in pittsburgh, democrat . Go ahead. Caller good morning. I dont believe religion should form your opinion, but i do believe what religion brings to an individual in relation to their ethics, their fairplay, and it is a morality that allows all one. Ognize we are i dont care you are coming from. It always surprises me that trump can tell these lies. Even Something Like ted cruz, do i do not like, but that his father was part of the kennedy assassination. Did they honestly think trump, as an ethical leader, do they honestly thin that see him as an honest person when he has been proven to lie so many times . There is so much meanness and him. Host do you see Hillary Clinton as honest . Think she honestly will do the best for our country. I dont know what is in her heart. But i trust her. I trust her as leader of our country. Person. Her as a who knows what she is doing . It will be able to talk to leaders of our country other countries, i mean. I see her as a person who is willing to compromise. Who will do the best she can. Nobody is going to get everything they want. But whatever they put a president in there, what you believe is they will do the best they can. What you believe is they will no how to compromise and not alienate one another at the expense of the voter, and the expense of the people who put them there. Host for in houston, texas. Gordon in houston. What you think about religious and politics . Caller freedom of religion is part of the bill of rights. Government. S there is a separation of church life youut in my put god first in my decisionmaking and pray about certain things that are important. That is what i did with this. I like trump, donald trump, but i did not vote for him. I definitely did not vote for Hillary Clinton. I voted for a thirdparty. Ven though i am republican so that is my take on religion and politics. Host al in North Carolina, independent caller. Good morning. Caller good morning. I see things different than everybody else. Greatk america used to be and it was one nation under god. It is been transformed to a very evil nation. We end up with abortion, gayrights, everything christians are against. Like foodor things different thaned kissing jesus on the cheek for 30 pieces of silver or the golden calf. How many voted for president whose president had a monkey god. Host who are you voting for . Caller Republican Party only. Host donald trump as well . Caller donald trump, yes. Host any questions about his reality and values . Caller everyone is a sinner. It seems like even with when he was saying, you got to apologize for that. Thats between him and god. When it is politics, that affects everybody. That affects all americans. Sought of and gomorrah. That affects everyone in america. Host al in North Carolina. Brenda in washington, a democrat. Caller i just wanted to say i believe character should be the primary issue. Church shall not control the state and state shall not control the church. And because there are so many different religions, we cannot bring religion into public squares. It has any a matter of character. I want to comment on jimmy carter, who unfortunately did not succeed in many rounds of presidency but one of the most faithful men. He believes in the separation. I want to say for anybody out there in the public square, if you cannot serve all the people because your religion mandates otherwise, you should not be a public servant. Host that was printed in washington state. Al is a democrat in toledo, washington. Go ahead. Caller good morning to you. Appreciate cspan. I get up every morning and try to watch this. My vote is influenced by my faith. I am a catholic. A knight of columbus. A veteran of 30 years of military service where i live serve as a religious leader, and god ins before we had our pledge to the flag. That came about in 1957. Compact we a willingly take between ourselves and god about how we are supposed to act. We are given directions in the bible. Mount,the sermon on the which seems to be the basis of the start of it all as to how we are supposed to act towards other people. When i see people not acting that way, i turn off to them. I look at the track record. I look at the way a person leads their life, not about how much time they spend on their knees praying. I look at a person who is disabled and i feel compassion for them. I used to teach my scouts i was a scoutmaster for five years during my 30 years of military, and i have 23 boys make eagle scout rank. I tried to teach them those things without relating to one religious faith or another. Overlooked at our when we look at our chaplain, he never specifically mentions jesus christ. They are christian faiths that do not do that. Instead of our faiths dividing us, we are given the chance to individualiths be and not impact the other person. We have a declaration of independence. It lists the grievances against the crown. One of the biggest grievances was he was putting his thumb on the scale of justice and enforcing his sense of what faith should be on everybody. Host had a plan to vote . Caller i will vote for Hillary Clinton. I see nothing in her entire life of public exposure that has ever been proven against her as far as wrongdoing. I handled topsecret material for the 11 different admirals i worked for. Very different sensitive stuff that i still cant talk about. Classifications markings are supposed to be of documents when they are emailed or otherwise. I can understand where the mistake could be, not putting a little cin parentheses. I look at the way the congress we used to call partners a congress the honorable person, the honorable mr. Jones. We dont see that honor and integrity in them when they ask how many devices did she use. She says one because that the only device you ever had in her hand. She did not take her care of replacing service or upgrading them or replacing a handheld device because it had more security features and was faster. That is one device. Host let me move on and get some other voices. Sharing in florida. Florida. In go ahead. When i heard hillary say we christians all of us, not just catholics, would have to muslim. Our religion to that turned me. I am just a christian. Always have been, methodist. My grandmother and greatgrandmother and all the way up. When somebody tells you once they get in we have to get up and go to their religion, that is not right. There are very good muslims in this world. We have some in brookfield that are fantastic people. But then there are the radical ones. How do we tell the difference until there is a problem . Please dont tell me i have to give up my religion. Host ok. Sherry in florida. Joining us via skype this morning to talk about the battleground state of pennsylvania where there are 20 electoral votes up for grabs, professor in the Political Science department. Professor, where does pennsylvania stand right now . We haventerestingly, not seen that much change in pennsylvania in the statewide polls for a few weeks. Clinton remains ahead. End sheexpect in the will win the state and maybe by about three or four points which is where the polls of finding her the moment. Host what is happening in pennsylvania . Explained the state demographically and geographically. Where the votes for trump and clinton . Guest pennsylvania was made that beinghe remark pennsylvania is alabama between two cities. Pittsburgh and philadelphia are large, cosmopolitan areas with very diverse populations. Tennessee is to vote overwhelmingly democrat. The tendency is to vote overwhelmingly democrat. Many pennsylvanians are living in or near one of the two major cities. Then there are other parts of the state, apart along the top of the state in the middle. With the exception of where pennsylvania State University is. Most of those counties are very republican. That is where the trump voters are if you have heard a lot about his enthusiastic support in places like harrisburg and lancaster. Im absolutely certain that People Living there are very enthusiastic for them for him. However they dont happen to be Large Population centers. Lookis always how things when you look at the map of the county by county vote you would think pennsylvania is predominantly republican because there is a lot of red. However, if they are lightly populated, at the end of the day the totals favor the democrats because of the concentration of the population around the two major cities. Host of Washington Times this morning as the headline, gop aims to flip pennsylvania. The keystone state has eluded every gop nominee for the last six president ial elections, stranding them brokenhearted with the same broken promise ringing in their years. This time will be different. Part i wouldrst agree with. Four years ago american crossroads spent an enormous a metamoney advertising in the philadelphia area for mitt romney. It did not move the needle at all. I ended up concluding when i looked at their ad buys they spent 3 million for no purpose. Dont confuse activity with a real promise of progress. At this state of the election they are very few undecided voters anywhere. Most people have already made up their minds. It makes pennsylvania what makes pennsylvania difference is we dont have early voting. We remain a blank box compared other states forging get a sense of who we showing up to avert early and he seems to be enthusiastic. Host is pennsylvania estate were people can change their vote . Would that have any impact on this race . Guest yes, but in a much more limited way that i think the Trump Organization is making it seen. I looked up some of this today to be sure. I also know it from my own working of the polls in my own polling place. In pennsylvania when you ask for an absentee ballot there is a clear warning at the bottom of the application that if you are in the area, in person on election day and not absent or qualify for any of these other reasons for the absentee ballot, it says you must show up at your physical polling place and your absentee ballot will be avoided. Will be voided. There is a lift as you come in. Is usually near the sample ballot of individuals registered to vote in a polling place to have sent absentee ballots. Showy people on that list up to vote in person, the polling place actually has possession of those absentee ballots. Iny are required to void it front of the voter and then let the voter vote on the machine. Saying is there is the slightest chance you ask for an absentee ballot because you will be out of the disability or neighborhood municipality or neighborhood for business and you have the ability to show up. Pennsylvania allows elderly people or people with disabilities to ask for an absentee ballot. If you thought you were able to physically come to the polling place, that is what he requires. Nothing you can have it sent back to you or put in a new one and have the old one avoided voided. Host we saw headlines that said the polls have tightened in pennsylvania. Hillary clintons lee has lessened. Lead has lessened. Could there be a hidden trump vote in pennsylvania . Guest the name for the game right now is voter turnout. That given theis distribution of votes for the two parties i just mentioned, the thing that remains an open question is how good will turn out be in places that favor each of the parties. Like whatright now, happened in the last several president ial elections, expect this weekend to see a lot of people, volunteers, party toulars and Union Affiliates come from other states whether or not competitive elections, to go knocking door to door and organize Voter Mobilization efforts. I think you will find that it is tremendously effective in our two large cities. With polls it is tough at this time to figure out who is truly undecided or who may be moved for voting for gary johnson a trump, but its more important to look at the direction of the polls, the consistent direction for the last month and a half. Clinton has been on top. I would just say that as much as trump would like to motivate other voters in other parts of the state, i am pretty certain that the Democratic Organization is equally well mobilized for Hillary Clinton. Host what is the senate race looking like . Guest the latest polls i have seen show mcginty slightly up. That ad very well be good turnout for the top of the ticket for clinton would also mean a victory for mcginty. I would also point out that pennsylvania is elusive for the presidency. It has been known to return interesting split ticket returns in this regard. 2000 whenamous was in the state went for al gore for president and also reelected republican Rick Santorum percent on the same day. That is the kind of outcome that could very well happen. The state would return votes for Hillary Clinton at the top of the ticket and pat toomey for senate. That is why i think the senate race, the campaigning going on for be in place up until the wire and why people are considering the senate race too close to call. Professorn kolodny, of Political Science at temple university. Art campaign bus is outside the Student Center today from 10 00 a. M. To noon. Is part of the cspan bus battleground state tour this final week of the election. We want to thank our Cable Partners from comcast for hosting us in the philadelphia area. Professor, thank you for your time this morning and the insight into the battleground state of pennsylvania. Guest thank you for having me. Host he will take a short break. When we come back we will turn our attention to africanamerican voter turnout. They will talk with Andre Gillespie at emory university. We will be right back. Most of us, when we think of Winston Churchill, the older man sending younger man of war. No one knew better, and few new as well the realities of war. The devastation. He said to his mother after his second war, the raw comes through. He knew the disaster that war was. Sunday night on q a, candace mullarkey talks about the early military career of Winston Churchill in her book hero of the empire. He said give me a regiment, i want to go and fight. He ends up going with a regiment on the day the torilla fell to the british. And hes over the prison frees the men who had been his fellow prisoners. He puts into prison his former jailers. Boar flags as the is torn down and the union jack is put up in its place. Sunday on q a. Cspan, where history unfolds daily. Cspan was created as a Public Service by americas Cable Television companies and is brought to you today by your cable or satellite provider. Washington journal continues. Host we are back with Andra Gillespie from emory university. Talking about africanamerican voter turnout. Let me show you the headline in the financial times. President obama rallying cry to black voters as polls show trump making gains. President obama on the trail yesterday talking to africanAmerican Voters, saying they need to get out and vote. The title the headline below the one i read says there are fears a low turnout. Can you speak to that . Guest the fear is making gains among africanAmerican Voters, although he says he is. The concern is that africanamericans are not going to be the buffer against increased enthusiasm among trump voters who think he has a shot of winning. The democrats need to get as many votes as possible out. Given the fact africanamericans typically vote at a rate of 90 or higher, the democratic four democratic president ial candidates, they need them to get out and vote presumably because they will vote democratic. Host the you agree with this headline. Blacks cannot muster fervor for Hillary Clinton. Is it they are not enthusiastic about the head of the democratic ticket . Ofst there are a number reasons that mice find a low voter turnout we have observed so far. I think its important to put it into context. It is not so much it is low voter turnout as it is lower voter turnout than record turnout in 2012. Putting this into a bit of perspective, right now about 31 of ballots that in cast of my state of georgia have been cast by africanamericans. That is one percentage point behind the overall africanamerican state of population in the state of georgia is. 30 of voters in georgia are africanamericans. They are slightly ahead of proportionality in terms of turnout. At this. 4 years ago 36 of the ballots cast had been cast by africanAmerican Voters. Host the center for political and economic studies did a study in 2016 on enthusiasm. What are some of the issues . One of the issues is looking at the turnout of millennial voters, particularly those aged 18 to 29. That group was far less likely than their older counterparts the city definitely plan on voting. There is much more uncertainty about voting. There is a may vote or they are not going to vote. Democrats in particular, if they want to win, they need to target a particular demographic. One of the other differences we saw was there are differences in terms of how younger and older voters perceive their vote for clinton in face if they decide to vote for her for president. Younger voters are voting against donald trump. The question we would ask is whether or not voting against donald trump is a strong motivation. Then there are substantive issues that came up. One of the reasons why Hillary Clinton is doing relatively poorly among young africanAmerican Voters in terms of enthusiasm is that she had issues in the 1990s with supporting policies that young black people today, particularly those connected with the black lives Matter Movement contribute to the rise of the Prison Industrial Complex in the United States today. She may not have done enough to convince africanamericans she is really going to take these issues to heart and she will be a champion of those issues. Is not just a typical politician coming around because she needs their vote and she will ignore them for the next couple of years until the next election comes around. Host what does that sentiment have to do with is a reflection of president obamas tenure . Guest in some ways it is. There were high hopes for the obama presidency. Perhaps the sentiments were too strong and people were projecting way too much in thinking president obama could do more than he actually was able to do. Now people have seen the limits of a president ial power can do. They are turned off to it and somewhat disappointed if it up residence could completely change everything. We have seen president s cannot change everything. What you are seeing younger people do this focusing on protests. Protests can help dominate the news cycle and generate action on behalf of policymakers. Some are focusing on local races, realizing the issues that are important to africanamericans are decided at the local level before there is federal intervention. Vendor is the general notion that politicians dont really care about what people think and it doesnt really matter which party is in office he goes you get the same type of policy outcomes. The democrats really need to work to try to spell provide stark contrast. Not just that the other candidate is racist, to provide a affirmative vision of what they plan to do and how they seek to engage africanamerican communities after all the votes and counted. Host we want to show some of the average happening by donald trump and Hillary Clinton. Lets get to some calls first. Democrats, republicans, independents, thirdparty support. Go ahead. Caller i was watching the program. The problem i see with a lot of ehe black youth is they ar pulling away from whats going on in politics. It is happening with the Younger Voters all over. People are pushing religion nowadays, especially in black churches in the south. I am surprised we dont have will republican support and we have. A Younger Voters just dont seem to have much use for trump or hillary. 65 years old is what i am. I took a look at it to me a week to vote for president. It sat on my table for a week with hillarys name and trumps name. At 605i couldnt make up my mind for a week because in my heart im a republican because i believe in it. But the democrat running this year is not my favorite either. I had a vote for the worst candidate i have ever voted for in my life had 65. I think part of our problem in the youth today is we are not cating them on the process all of our political stuff in school. We no longer have civics with a learned the legislative branch does, what the executive branch does. Lives matterlack movement somewhat helps, but when you start burning things, it does not help. Host thats a lot for Andra Gillespie to respond to. Lets talk about millennials first. Guest one thing to keep in mind with millennials if this is a letter of lifecycles and go to lower rates than their older counterparts. Is largely a function of education. Its not just book knowledge of how government works. There was the Life Experience that comes along with it. Even if some of you doesnt have a formal education, the older they have been in the longer they have been around, the more they can navigate the system and understand how politics directly affects them. It is not surprising young people regardless of the background would have a more jaundiced evil politics because they dont understand it or have not experienced it as much. Is the question for those that are older to whether or not people lock along walk alongside them and show them the process. For many people sitting out a process that are younger and thinking thinking use their nonvote as a way to leverage the system, that has the potential to backfire on them. That are pollock there are politics that think they will not vote in the first place. Those other kind of messages that rallies can get out to people and phone bankers can use to try to convince people of the importance of voting, even if you dont have the ideal candidate. Host jay in austin, texas. Caller how are you . Host good morning. Caller my concern first of all as an africanamerican and partly in response to the previous comment is that, yes, there is general lack of information relating to the democratic process. But we can see that also in the media, especially for the young media. And some of our political candidates and especially donald trump. Relatively andam enthusiastic an enthusiastic supporter of Hillary Clinton. I would also say as a protestant and is a baptist i have no concern about supporting Hillary Clinton. Host can i ask you a question . Does it help that president obama and the first lady have been stumping for Hillary Clinton and saying you need to vote for her . She shares the same values that we do. Caller i would support her regardless. Barrac andtely a Michelle Obama enthusiastk. I have also followed the issues. I am not impressed with donald trump. Because a character issues and. Ack of information and absolutely because of his lack of knowledge relating to the political system. He is not at all democratic, nor many of the people you have had people calling and throughout the evening. Host andra . Caller one of the things interesting about the respective she brings to the table is it raises the important of especially in the last weekend of the campaign. Both campaigns should identify their supporters and amassed enough voters that they believe if they get all the people out to the polls, they can win it recent or a district or state. What needs to be done in terms of reaching out to africanAmerican Voters is to talk to them personally. I think it is great that jayz will doing concert for her benefit this weekend, but what is more important is there was an army of volunteers dispatched throughout the communities making personal phone calls and knocking on doors to talk to voters to make sure they turn out to vote. We know that is the best way to drive out turnout. Ultimately rallies do not vote. We have seen evidence that the Clinton Campaign is using rallies in unique ways to get people to go directly to early voting. From what i understand from the jayz concert, the ticket pickup places are near Early Voting Center so people can be encouraged to take up their ticket to go see jayz and then go vote right next door. Those things are really important. That matters much more than the stump speech. Host lets listen to the case donald trump made when he was asked to make a pitch to africanamericans. [video clip] donald trump youre living in poverty, you have no jobs. 58 of your youth is unemployed. What the hell do you have to lose . [cheers] and at the end of four years i guarantee you that i will get over 95 of the africanamerican vote. I promise you. [cheers] produce for the inner cities. I will produce for the africanamericans. And the democrats will not produce. All they have done is taken advantage of your vote. That is all they have done. Once the election is over they go back to their palaces in washington. They do nothing for you. Just remember it. Host that was donald trump recently. Professor, i wanted have our listeners listen to the radio ad that the Clinton Campaign released in some key states. It is called disrespect. Donald trump openly mocks the Africanamerican Community. Donald trump africanamericans are living in hell. Listen to how he talks about us. Donald trump i have a great relationship with the blacks. Trump has repeatedly disrespected president obama. President obama has been the most ignorant president in our history. So while donald trump spent his career to meeting our community, Hillary Clinton spent hers fighting for us. Hillary clinton we cannot get to where we need to be unless we move Forward Together and stand up against paranoia and prejudice. I believe we are stronger together. It is almost time to vote in pennsylvania. Find out where to vote at iwillvote. Com. Hillary clinton ion Hillary Clinton and i approve this message. Host professor gillespie, candidates are seeing what you found out in your survey. Black clinton supporters are voting for her. 39 said they are voting for her. 51 said they are voting against donald trump. Could it be both these camps are looking at those numbers . Guest sure, and they should be. Donald trumps notion he could turn on africanamerican votes so they would vote 95 republican and four years is pretty wishful thinking. Secular realignments like that dont happen that quickly. To tap into this notion of Democratic Electoral capture. He recognizes and republicans recognize there is a tension between africanamericans and the Democratic Party. What the platform doesnt completely aligned with the views of africanamericans, but because ideologically speaking it is closer to the Democratic Party than it is the Republican Party, the majority of African Americans will cast their lot with the Democratic Party. He wants to tap into the tension that africanamericans get ignored and once the sake you should give republicans a chance if you want to see policy differences. It is tapping into the insideroutside of logic. How can you have change if you keep electing the same people the office over and over again . What clinton has tried to tap into is the fact that donald trump is not the most effective messenger for that particular type of statement. ,n part because of his history, etc. Surely insensitive. The history of having housing discrimination in the 1970s. It is a lack of no track record of advocacy in africanamerican communities. She wants to say he is not the right messenger to bring this message. She is attempting to discredit him. Iowa . Cornelia in caller good morning. Is ae it your guest hillary supporter. And she kind of inferred that donald trump is racist. I do not believe that. There is what i think. I think the Democratic Party policies and their platform is racist. So was Hillary Clinton. If you go to investigate Hillary Clinton and her past, she was given the award, the Margaret Sanger award by the prochoice people. Sanger andmargaret said her work was not done. Margaret sanger was the worst racist, one of the worst racists this country has ever seen. She wanted black people to be eliminated. That is one of the reasons she was a founder of planned parenthood. Planned parenthood puts abortion clinics in black neighborhoods. Even president johnson of the Democratic Party said if we give the blacks welfare, we will have their vote for the next 200 years. Host professor gillespie . Here im my role taking the role of a political scientist and an analyst role. I try to leave my partisan politic partisan views to the s side. They try to find white African Americans vote democratic in the last 50 years. It is not a given africanamericans will always be democrats. In fact they were always they were not always democrats. At the end of the civil war African Americans who are newly freed identified with the Republican Party because of Abraham Lincoln having issued the emancipation proclamation. They stayed largely republican through the new deal. Once the new deal started, we saw africanamericans vote democratic in elections. That solidified by 1964 when you have Lyndon Johnson promoting civil rights legislation and barry goldwater, republican candidate voted against it. That solidified africanamerican vote for the Democratic Party. And southern whites were drifting towards the Republican Party. That is a 50 year process we have recently seen come full circle. When i talk about those things it is not the stump for one candidate. It is to recount the history i have studied as a part of my profession. Host rudy from sun city, california. Democrat. Caller i would like to find out, and i believe the blacks today, and im a 60yearold black man who voted since 1976 when i was 20, i think they believe that Hillary Clinton isnt like barack obama. Nobody is like barack obama. I think they are expecting that type of energy and that type of fortitude to get out there and turn everybody on their heads to vote for them. She just isnt that type of candidate. I voted for her in 2008 because i didnt know what barack obama was. When he won the nomination, of course i was going to fall in line with democrats. It wouldve been the same with bernie. If bernie won it, i wouldve went for bernie. The kids are little confused. The black community is losing enthusiasm because of having the first black president. Host professor gillespie . Guest there is no doubt barack obama to generate some Additional Support in the Africanamerican Community because of the historic nation of his candidacy in 2008 and his historic reelection in 2012. That is part of the reason going into this election cycle we should have expected black turnout to potentially be a little bit lower. You dont have the first black president when it are no black residents on the ballot. When he to look at whether or not black turnout are proportional to the numbers in the population or whether or not the turnout at a proportionately lower rate than their population numbers would suggest. That is cause for alarm if overall they turn out at about 4. 8 of the electorate. That is proportional to the population. Democrats realize they put a Multiracial Coalition together and they cannot rely on over performance mexican americans to get them over the hump. In places like georgia this might not be a problem. Right now the problem is early voting for africanamericans in florida is a cause for alarm. Im sure democratic operatives in florida are trying to drive up of this weekend and on tuesday. Host we will try to get in a few more calls. Lisa in lufkin, texas. Caller good morning. There is not more black voter turnout. Ms. Hillary clinton was once a republican when she was young lady. She started being a democrat because of the oppression of the people. I feel that she is terribly misunderstood. Host professor gillespie . What are your thoughts from that color . Caller caller . Guest i understand Margaret Sanger was a eugenicist. Those are important things to know about both of them and they are important parts of their life history but that is not all people need to know. As far as mrs. Clinton explaining how she became a democrat and how civil rights help her be bald on her views about views about party affiliation, it is up to her to tell that story and how it affects her policy positions and what she intends to do as president. If she does not communicate that message effectively to people and do the shoe leather work at getting people out to vote, it will be difficult for her to be able to win the election. The same mr. For donald trump. Is not a matter of having its beaches. Its a matter of doing the hard work of knocking on doors and making phone calls. Whatever campaign is doing the tv job better is the one that will win the election. Host mary in chicago. Caller hi. I think they got hillary all wrong. I think she is a good person. If you look at her record, you will see she has worked all her life for people. Not just white people. We dont know nothing about donald trump. We dont know his taxes. We dont know anything about him. I think that is why some black people will vote for for hillary. Maybe not as much but they are voting for her because that is the best choice. I would never vote for donald trump. Host how important is this election . How do you view it . As an important election or not as important as past elections . Caller very important. To me donald trump scares me. He reminds me of hitler. You professor gillespie, have some statistics that show black voters and how they view this election by age. 65 and older, 90 of them view it as important. What does that say for voter turnout . When does that mean for the democrats . Caller guest we see ages correlated with thinking the election is important the same way its correlated with stating you definitely plan on voting. Older voters are more likely to say the election is important and others are likely to say definitely plan on voting. Older people are more likely to turn out to vote until the youre physically incapacitated. That is because they are they have greater maturity, they are more settled in their lives. Understand issues as a. Esult of their Life Experience that institutional memory is really important to getting the polls and understanding the importance of the election. It is not unusual for people to be less knowledgeable. There are young people who are politically engaged to have they will not vote in the election because they think they will teach the Democratic Party or elected officials a nonpurchase a patient. They need to consider whether they have the clt

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