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For democrats 202748800 2027. 2027488001, for , 2027488002. Ourou want to post on social media pages, on twitter wj onn find out cspan facebook, it is facebook. Com cspan. Tookent from yesterday place in new york and made the london. Ges of times of saying that the clinton collapse is headline saying raising new fears for fitness of oval office. Story, screen corrupts from video that was captured from a person standing a cell phone camera. Shows that i want from yesterday. You probably seen it here. Up and van is pulling secretary clinton is awaiting to be put into the van in which she by a secret service member. You see what you seen before her being taken into the van as she seems to be stumbling and put into the van. This comes out of yesterday saying that she headed over to her daughters apartment and later was appeared on the street greeting people. Well show you that video in a bit. Aboutw york times talked her i want and diagnosis of pneumonia. Campaignr 5 00, official said mrs. Clintons official had examined the her home. At mrs. Clinton was rehydrated. Her statement said, on friday morning, after a prolonged cough, mrs. Clinton was given diagnosis of pneumonia. Offermpaign did not information about why. She left earlier then twice day. G the she abandoned group of reporters. Notaign officials did respond to multiple inquiries whether mrs. Clinton treated by a doctor. Fromall from thats all yesterday. Your thoughts on secretary clinton and her health and if its a Campaign Issue. Numbers to are the call. 2027488000, for republicans 2027488001, independents 2027488002. We will start with tyrone this morning who is in North Carolina democrats. For good morning. Go ahead. Caller good morning. Anybody that call in, anybody gainuse this for political should be ashamed. If donald trump and the Republican Party use her sickness for political gain, be ashamed. Take care. Host what do you think about the incident itself . Does it call into question of her health. Next, maryland democrat. Caller im a democrat its very important. Its not political. We shouldmething that as americans, should want in our showsan president and it physical strength, physical as mental well strength. It is an issue. Same thing goes for donald trump. Be releasing his Health Records. Matter. Oes host scott up next. Hes in big sandy, texas. Line. Ican go ahead. Caller theres a video going now. D the internet american thinker yesterday. Diagnosedm florida her condition as being advanced parkinsons. Host where did he gather in from . Caller you have to see the video. It is very convincing. About specifically . What did you take away from the in new york . Caller well, if she had diagnosed friday, why she will be there in the place . Thats bologna. Not only that, i believe this pneumonia isstates that parkinsonsost patient in the end because they have a swallowing problem. Explains her existing coughing. To american thinker. It will be on your right hand side. About four or five six columns. Have parkinsons. Very credible doctor and website. Host New York Times highlights pneumonia especially on theirects people and and health condition. Beginning question, what is it. The common lung infection that millions of people, it is caused by bacteria a viruses for one third of the cases in United States. Other germs can also cause pneumonia. Responds by sending them. To attack those cells can cause air sacks in the lung to become alarmed or fluid and pus. Knewng the symptoms of nokia. It includes coughing, fever, chills and shortness of breath. The American Lung association, other symptoms is pain, excessive sweating, olderergy adding that people sometimes experience confusion. Albert, chicago, illinois, democrats line. Good morning. Caller good morning. I have a couple of points i want make. He hast guy who said parkinsons. Dont know what hes talking about. First point is, i had pneumonia this year. For 10n the hospital tube up my nose and ivs in my arm. The fact that she was able to herself up and get dressed and stand out there in the heat and humidity for 90 minutes. Tells me she has incredible stamina. Media all in a snidbit that dehydrated and didnt going. Ere she was to recooperate with a her. E of reporters around host how much of a concern is this for you . Caller its not a concern at all. As her coughing goes, i have similar allergies that produce a coughing effect. Uncontrollable coughing. To call 911, i had a really bad coughing attack. Thought it was allergy. Its not a concern at all. Going to say shes not able to be president because she might get sick during her presidency . That would disqualify everybody then. Albert in chicago. Former secretary of state headed her daughters apartment. After that went back on the street to talk to people. Bit of that. Ittle [video clip] secretary you feeling clinton . Are you feeling better . Thank you very much. Again, fromas yesterday, Hillary Clinton held Campaign Issue. 2027488000 for democrats a republicans and independents 2027488002. Tom you are up next from florida, republican line. Caller heres the problem. Diagnosis of allergies coughing and her everything. You cant have pneumonia without temperature. What exactly was going on there with that . Overall, here the thing. Was told to the American People about the condition of Hillary Clinton. Caught. Is there any end to the boldface this candidate and this party will tell the people . She will never command the a president needs when nobody knows when she comes out and says something, if its truth or not . Her asnever accept president of the United States. Somehow, some way, some stupid and a boldface liar be president of the United States. As far as republicans using isnt that what the Opposition Party supposed to do . Suppose to point out the defects in what the other party might be doing . Honesty inwe get this land. Are are people supposed to be an effect in the United States. It. St dont believe i dont believe it. Boldface liars and people are complaining that somebody of a them in the middle lay. I dont know whats going on with this country. Host lets hear from josh in maryland. Josh on independent line. Ahead. Caller i do believe that the illness does matter. Reason why theres a running on party that last callers note about honesty. Gary johnson who do represent a majority of american. Looking back at the previous comments from the sunday channel, Hillary Clinton calling deplorable and commentator saying in represents at a the population, is inaccurate. Host about her health why does it matter . Caller if you look at gary johnson, this is a person who climbed every peak of the world. You look ats barack obama, hes able to physically and mentally manage the country. I dont see donald trump or Hillary Clinton doing anything active. A problem. You do have to be awake or able awake when somebody bad happens. Like benghazi. The stamina toe be able to do that. I dont think either can do anything, physically when it president. Naging the host josh from maryland. The editors of the washington journal talk about the the largeralks about issue of health when it comes to candidates. Saying mr. Clinton and mr. Trump should be held to the same as senator john mccain when he was running for president. Experts to scour more than thousand pages of forrds where he was treated melanoma. Viewers could not remove the the campaign sent to a detail description from one specialist who treated him. Nothing turned up. Mark in philadelphia, pennsylvania. Democrat line. Good morning. Caller good morning. Say what im not so much her health. T shes 68 years old, running around out here like an 18yearold. Im 66, i know what its like. Disturbshe thing that democrats, when she was diagnosed friday with pneumonia. Why not come out and say it and take a couple of days off, friday and saturday and then go to that 9 11 memorial. The way concerned with her staff is handling this. Know, if she hadnt we wouldnt9 11, have known she had pneumonia . Evens a little disturbing someone who will vote for mrs. Clinton. Host as a way of responding to whats the best thing for the campaign to do Going Forward . Caller just be honest about it. She has pneumonia. It. Out and say she needs a few days to rest. I dont know. The republicans make hay out of it if they will and theyre going to obviously its that political time. Coverups. He host your thoughts on hillary a campaignealth is issue. Especially with the release of the video yesterday which showed former secretary of state being taken into a van. As she wasstumbling going into that van. This was shot by a bystander. Your thoughts. Specifically to yesterday but to the overall thought on if this former secretary of states issue. Is now a campaign off twitter, steve says, if you meet with thousands of people in a campaign, youre likely to get allcreeping organisms of type. This is clearly a lie. Welcomed ons twitter and facebook as well and lines. From pine bluff, arkansas. Morning. Nt lane, good caller im coughing myself. Seasonalry much allergies. It can turn into anything at any time. Hery she didnt take allergy flu shot and pneumonia shot. Take myself. Wanted to be as ground zero hoursshe was for many after 9 11. Been thankfule for being there at 9 11. Host do you think when she was diagnosed that should have been campaign . Y the caller she should have been checked thoroughly. Told her what to do. Host as far as the campaign releasing the information, do you think that should have been put out there by the campaign . Taken her doctor she should have taken her doctors advice. Host does this change anything for you . Not. R no sir it does anybody protect the stamina of time, should be applauded. Georgia,ry from macon, democrats line. Caller hi steve. You know, i have a couple of comments i want to make. First is about hillarys health. Three years ago, i live in macon, georgia, im from virginia. I drove to virginia for a wedding. I got there and i sat up half night with my brothers and family having fun. Coughed. Tly i had taken a medication prior. O that was constantly having this cough. I made it no matter. Allergies or just whatever. About 1 00, about 4 00 in the morning, i woke up i was coughing and stuff any and i took some benadryl. I went back to bad, i woke up and i was coughing. Im like, i got a cold. About 11 00 that morning, i went to an urgent care. I had double pneumonia. I never had pneumonia before. Never had it again. I didnt feel the need to to anybody but my family and georgia that i had to virginia torom georgia. Let them know that i was sick way home. On my ther thing host dont think that information should have been released by the campaign . It should have. I feel women are strong. Resilient. Women walk around carrying babies, push them babies the next day theyre in the kitchen stirring pots with the baby in one arm. Women can get through a lot of stuff. Im a woman, i know. Another thing, i wanted to comment on. About theen talk statement hillary made about deplorables. I agree with her on some. Peopletrump, all the following donald trump in mien. , are the feel the way he do. Blacks, they hate poor people. Leave itry, well there. Were trying to stay focused. Carolina,om north republican line youre next up. Caller yes. I think her health makes a big difference. Sorry thats happened with mrs. Clinton. Been a series of concerning her things when she was doing some speeches and had to reminded of the topic. I noticed she was getting in the under her. S buckled my concern could be, is there a chance shes not surrounded by a of people, she could a concussion. Does she really have the energy. I based that upon many events. Of events a lot lately. Theres been months where we havent seen her. Those things are concerning for a commander in chief and our country. Would like to add one thing. I am a trump supporter. Want to be argumentive here. College education. Im a white woman. Blacks. Hate calledthe humor being deplorable. Host on the front page of the washington post, todd frankly takes a look at other issues when it comes to Hillary Clintons health. The headline, Hillary Clinton been quick to share information. When it comes to personal health, Hillary Clinton has long privacy datingse back to 1998 when she described scariest moment with a blood clot in her right leg. A second clot in her leg in 2009. Released a report in july 2015, attesting to her good health as she launched campaign for nomination of presidency. Mrs. Clintons third blood clot in 2012, was too serious. She was serving at the time in profile role as president obamas secretary of state. In newnt several days york presbyterian hospital. To recover. Six toes clintons privacy about her health has continued as she the run forth presidency with donald trump suggesting without specks that her specifics that her health could pose a problem. Comment onou to Hillary Clintons health. Its a Campaign Issue because of of yesterday. From new hampshire, independent line. You thisow are morning . First to say, no one of all, this whole thing about illness, how she has parkinsons. Good lord, anybody who encountered anyone with parkinsons or loved one, knows not have parkinsons. Thats absurd. They goe it up as along. I personally, im 62 years old. Keep upnever, ever, with the regiment that this has. She is on the go all the time. Function to that campaign. The go. Its almost like 24 7. Definitely going to ended have allergies, she up with pneumonia. Anybody that ever had pneumonia has to take antibiotics. If you have to take antibiotics ive had to, i know in the past for serious had. Sses that ive antibiotics will make you ill. Ive literally taken antibiotics morning and within three hour, ive been ill from them. One gentleman made a comment about, she has pneumonia, she should have a fever. Not if she was on her antibiotics. The antibiotics would have brought the fever down almost. Mmediately these people theyre all play doctor. My opinion, get in the suv, steps. Ome do these speeches. Yourack down, get back in plane. T back on his plano. Dont bring up baton rouge. Was there for 49 seconds. Seconds. 49 host paul is up next. Paul is in pennsylvania, democrats lane. You . R how are happen to down into morning joe. They had Christian Welker who is house correspondent. She said on friday after she was pneumonia, she to two fundraises that day. She convened two hour meeting with the National Security team. Conference and gave an interview with a Major Television network. 64, i had pneumonia about four years ago. No symptoms other than i couldnt breathe right. Me somehere, they gave antibiotics. I was fine. Felt fine and workhorse. A real this girl, also followed her was you know what i mean. State. Ry of she said that hillary would on. Ys push want to go to the next stop. Make sure she had a full schedule. Workhorse. I respect Hillary Clinton. Host paul in pennsylvania. Writes the piece in washington journal. Hes intern at new york, also a correspondent for fox news. Talk about other president s who issues. H medical saying previous president s who died of pneumonia only a month office, Woodrow Wilson suffered a stroke during his last term. Severity of his illness known. Publicly nixon who took multiple had undisclosed health problems. Public concerns have been raised candidatesealth of running for president. Bob dole became the oldest candidate to run for president. Senator john kerry allowed the media brief look at his military in 2004. Ecords george w. Bush released approximately 400 pages of 2000. Records in again in 24. 2004. Boulder,livia, independent line. Caller i wanted to make a couple of comments. Before. Pneumonia are you there . Host go ahead. Caller i heard some ringing. Sorry. Ive had pneumonia in the past before. Walking pneumonia, it doesnt mean anything about ones health that will last more than a few with antibiotics. Itslly dont think that an issue that the media has made it out to be. Cspan. Host do you think the video than issue than it would have been . Always videos on but between the heat and the vest that she wore to that 9 11 in new york city, it would have enough to exhaust anybody. Those vests are pretty heavy. Forvest that we wear protection. Debating, sort of the breitbart blowing up the situation. Blowing the situation up into was not. It its more the issue and more importantly, apology to the audiences who entrust them to facts. Em the as cspan does. Not to jump the gun. The video wasnt anything huge. Just the speculation and jumping the gun about it. Host boulder, colorado. Olivia. If you are calling us to talk about Hillary Clintons health, think its a Campaign Issue. If youre on the lane to talk to us, stay on for a few minutes. Minutest to take a few to talk about congressional activity this week before on thes heads back out break. Joining us on the phone what to expect this week, susan washington examiner. Shes chief congressional correspondent. Good morning. Susan good morning. Host what are the major issues that congress has to tackle and lets start with the issue of and keeping the government from closing on september 30th . Susan thats right. September 30th is the final day of fiscal year. Byy need to pass something then to keep the government functioning. Federal government. Works nowplan in the beginning over in the senate side, congress. The majoritye leader Mitch Mcconnell working with minority leader, democrat harry reid and the white house. They trying to come up with plan foreep the government open a short time. That legislation would include funding for federal government mosquitoes andkeetes come up with a vaccine. Deal is reportedly in the works. The leaders including, house the whitell meet at house today to talk about the septemberened with the president. Be probably the number focus on that they today. Host one of the discussions about that issue is the length, doing it now before new doingent put in place or it after the president comes in place. Has there been resolve especially amongst republicans and democrats . Susan right now, theyre thatng on short term bill holds funding at last years level. When they return after the we call, they have what the lame duck suggestion. That usually takes place and last in november until the end of the year or less time than that. How they debate over should fund the government beyond that december 9th date and theres a lot of republicans that dont want what we call big ominous bill that packages everything together. Theyre talking about maybe doing smaller groups of combined legislation instead of calling ominous, you call a minibus. That can fund the government through 2017 fiscal year. If they cant get all of it maybe a few peaces that they do need for the next and the next president. I think thats where theyre headed. Some republicans of the house dont want a short rare lamethat will duck action. They dont think lawmakers who are back after an election accountable to the voters. They dont think they should be working on spending bill. To passing in now that last until next year. Thats not enough support for that and white house dont back it. Its not going anywhere. At now, islooking legislation that passes pretty fashion. Ipartisan it will probably exclude the of moreof a lot conservative spending talks over tothe house who really want reign in what they consider, ballooning increase spending every year. I think thats where theyre headed. Details of thehe deal at this moment. Im told thats moving right along. Have a deal and it will come from the senate potentially and that may give the house a little nudge to quickly too. Host susan ferrechio, also coming under the spotlight this the i. R. S. Commissioner. That . The latest on susan we have same republicans. They will probably bring up a resolution this week because they would like to have the vote on impeaching john costa and the i. R. S. Commissioner. Republican leaders of the house do that. T to theyre more interested in maybe at the very extreme. Thats what they think as far as they want to go with it. Floor,oes come to the theyll have the option of vote it. Able they could just vote on whether to impeach him or they can vote to send it to the judiciary committee. Those are among the possibilities. I dont know i dont think loves idea of impeachment. Its a rare thing. It hasnt happened with a cabinet member or administration midto latece 1800s. The entireing amongst republican leaders. They know its coming. Its under decision. A big divide over whether it should happen. I suspect they may table it or committee. Real before we let you go, quick susan ferrechio, a story you posted today on the examiner website. In onicans zero row obamacare, ghost town. Susan there was a scare in arizona where they were facing anypect of not having ed on thesurers list Affordable Care act. Having have a difficult the Health Insurance in it. Big Insurance Companies are backing out because they tend to losing money because theyre not signing up young and healthy to offset older and sicker individuals. Sort of the ground zero for this. Bluecross blueshield, they said they will were not coming back in 2017. Minute, were talked into staying. Now they have one. Forefrontrt of at the what the fear is for many counties in america. Whoes millions of people only have one choice of insurance company. Archingt the over. Roblem with the law then theres big medicaid expansion. Its a real struggle and in on itns are zeroing in congress to highlight as we all know there are years long to repeal and replace the bill in congress. Course, democrats do not agree with. Ferrechio with the washington examiner, telling us and giving us a flavor whats this week by congress. Thanks for your time. Much. Thank you very host 5 00 this afternoon, a hearing on Hillary Clinton fbing a look at the investigation of recordkeeping and her use of email. Is before the House Oversight and government reform committee. At can see that on cspan 3 5 00. Watch for it on cspan. Org and view it and listen to it on cspan radio app. Jenny from lancaster, ohio, republican lane. Thanks for waiting. Were talking about Hillary Clinton and her health as a Campaign Issue. What do you think . Ander this is what my mom i think. Its not an issue that she had pneumonia. Its an issue she lied. She lies about a lot of things. To her lies so much, they overlook it. Up next. Es, james is in florida. Line. Ats hello. Caller hello sir. I want to say sir, she like else. Ody she not perfect. Rest,eve if she dont get she can beat donald trump. Say a lot of evil know, and people need to you judge person by the content of their character. Hillary is not perfect, but she qualifies for the job. Trump as a businessman, people off. Lot of host as far as health go, aside this pneumonia, this you concern . Caller trump have pneumonia, i it. Be concerned about i believe she get rest and time trump, to go up against she will win. Good over evil. Yes, shes not perfect. She qualifies for the job. Host dee up next from florida on the republican line. Caller good morning. Wanted to mention that i do really believe that hillary is sames toill than she be or they talk about her being. That her Main Objective is not so much she wants to win the presidency. Shes not going to last too much long in there. She wants to be the first she history be in the books. Shes going to push herself itng no matter how long takes or how ill shes going to be. Theneeds to make it to presidency and once she does that, it really isnt going to her. R with kaine will be our president. Looked at the video a lot of times. Tos awaiting at the vehicle get in. Herthing dropped out of left leg. Something metal or silver thing her left paint leg. Youll see that falling out her paint leg. Was having a rally. Maroon on this red or pantsuit. I didnt Pay Attention to that. R left leg. Hes not going to make it. Her Main Objective is to get into the history books to being the first woman elected for presidency. Thats my opinion. From karen youre up next weatherford, texas independent line. With the laste caller. Thats Hillary Clintons Main Objective. Aboutwhat do you think her health . Caller her health is an issue. If she cant maintain the office, why should we elect her for the office . Severalve noticed times, i would like for you to callers, when they call and they put down trump or even say anything about hillary. They facing this on the bit news information that theyre getting on local news commercials . Have they really watched them word . In her every i have heard every word. You all take trumps sound bites out of context a lot. Noticed yesterday there were two men giving us led upfacts about what to 9 11. I was really interested in what saying. E the person leaving cspan, well watch these people. Would have us sit there and watch people greeting and 9 11ng and laughing at the gathering. Host ill stop you there. Were not discussing that gathering. More to the health that led to incident that took place yesterday with Hillary Clinton. If you want to watch of the events that took place you can an our website. We archive that material as well as a lot of content concerning this years race. Not only the president ial race but the congressional race. Information you can find at cspan. Org. Harvey, illinois. Democrats line. Caller i want to comment. All, i dont think something as simple pneumonia have effect upon hillary or anybody else running for office. We all get sick. Had asthma for most of my life. I functioned quite well. Im a retired school teacher. Retired news reporter. For havingr pneumonia, she may not even know it gone into pneumonia. Host she was diagnosed last had it. Orning that she caller but still, i dont see how that can keep her from holding office. I wouldnt criticize her and claim she lied because of we didnt know. Host overall the event of for you . Not a concern caller no. For the trump ever done American People . Im a vietnam veteran. Boyver heard of him being a scout. How has he interacted with regular American People . Always had his way. He got in office, it will be the same thing. Doing what hest going wants to do. Who knows what this man will us. Host lets hear from doug, independentew york, line. Caller i just recently went to was offered a i agemonia shot because of my and they said theres a bad pneumonia. Im surprised of president ial thatdate wouldnt had shot. Another comment on hillary, i am independent, but Hillary States that she is for all the American People. All the American People. Comment at ar most fundraiser, she said that 50 of the trump deplorable or some comment like that. Concerning to me because i have a feeling that shes morph elitist than she makes out to be. York. Thats doug in new u. S. A. Today takes a look at psa. You remember earlier before the started concerns about wait time at t. S. A. Check points airports. Now say that the now saying reporting, 98 wait less than 15 minutes. According to Homeland Security secretary. Reduced wait time this summer without compromising security. Seven busiest airports averaging average wait time less than 10 minutes. Couple of people had experience with the t. S. A. That story you can find in in mornings u. S. A. Today. Beatrice, next from if hillaryine asking clintons health is a Campaign Issue. What do you think . Caller no. Think its an issue. Have hy you [indiscernible] candidatesthat both should release their Health Records. I think donald trump, i dont know people noticed, last weekend, his value summits group. Disoriented, he couldnt hardly speak. Was some kind of i dont think its a problem. Of it is trumped up and alternative right people making a big deal out of it. Internet. L over the host as far as her general health, youre not concerned it . T concerned. But not to vote for her. Host do you think the campaign released information about the pneumonia last week . Caller yes they should. Trump campaign should release his information. He has some kind of mental issue. They should have release the information. Be transparent and then you s. Nt have these problem they should have released it. Host jeff from indianapolis, indiana, independent line, good morning, youre next. Caller good morning. Want to preface by saying im neither a trump nor clinton supporter. Fromieve shes suffering petite malsyndrome. Shes blanking out. Heres videos that show interrogated by different reporters. She blanks out for a minute. Weird head ticks. I say this because one of my best friends has had epilepsy for years and years. He goes through different spells almost identical. Then you cant even ask them what they were talking about. Know. Ont even 10 or 15ly last like seconds. Plus theres several different instances where theyve shown her handlers and people around spellsn shes had these pull out a little syringe to control epileptic symptoms. When she was on the podium that where she had a bad coughing spell and it look like one of going through these syndromes, she blanked out. The guy had to remind her what the topic was. Guys from the secret out a syringe. Thats when she said, okay, back. I want to bring up the possibility it may not be parkinsons. Epileptic symptom. Is, this allergy reaction is a smoke screen for a serious illness that they dont want to disclose. Pneumoniaaid, she had diagnosed friday. Thats not correct. You cant diagnose pneumonia one day. Has to be done with an xray. That takes at least a day. Host thats jeff in indiana. Lis, the man attempted to take ronald released. E has been John Hinckley saying associated reporter saw hired a car pool about 2 30. Officers from the Police Department chased reporters away. Federal judge ruled late in july. Mr. Hinckley is not a danger. Time at hisl home. Rold mother hes preparing for a a full time transition. Have a lot of rules to follow in williamsburg. Mr. Hinckley is a citizen we can be proud. Mr. Hinckley have to work or least threer at days a week. He has done paid work in williamsburg. At a church or mental hospital. He has to continue to go to williamsburg in for at least the first six toes. Hell see a psychiatrist twice a month. Attend Group Therapy sessions. Thats in the Washington Times this morning. Aboutsociated press story John Hinckley. Up next, woodbridge, virginia, democrats lane. If its an health issue, or issue. N what do you think . That, what i think about guy doctor, say is okay in one paragraph release of his medical records. Why not jump on him and ask him for his records . Man is senile, hes half crazy. He talk about himself. Rich man, believe me. Im this and that, believe me. Is crazy. Anybody who votes for him has dark ages, im the want to go back to the dark ages. Thank you. Host california up next bernard, go ahead on our line. Ndent caller good morning pedro. Candidate ay that the candidates Health Definitely matters. Hope hillary i hope shell be okay. They should release Health Records. Trump, this guy hes talking about people he can shoot people in time square and get away with it and hillary can shoot people in the heart. Thats clearly mental illness. Illness in the mental place for years. Know. Its clear its Mental Health behalf. N his hillary, i dont know whats going on with her. And i think okay shes taking one for the team. I really do. Of the Health Records would you have to see in order to be convinced of either candidates health . Caller at this point, im thinking the health, physical health, Mental Health. Im afraid on both behalves. On hillarys physical health and health. Rump mental if people in america can see in north korea, and mentally ill and his behavior. Can they not see donald trump got Mental Health issues. Owensburg,from kentucky. Republican line. Caller this is mike from kentucky. Hillary had that this parkinsons disease for 10 years now. Diagnosed withen a disease. Toy say she has one year live. Honorable thing for her to do is race. T the host where do you get the parkinsons and one year to live fact . Caller off facebook. Those . Hy do you rely on caller because i believe in them. Host darrell, good morning to you. Detroit, michigan, independent line. Caller good morning. Like to say Year Long Campaign tiring andncy is almost killing. I cant imagine youre making eight more years as president. That is even more killing. I dont know if the people in want to keep hillary away from her bill. Aughter, chelsea and to me, right now, stage of her pulling that lever and voting booth for hillary much. You very host robert in massachusetts. Democrats line. Good morning. Morning. Ood the reason why you see hillary pants all theng time because of the blood clots in her leg. Wearing pants,ed thats the day she started sick. G Woodrow Wilson, he was sick in the white house for two years. Nobody knew it. His wife had to take care of him. Also believe Ronald Reagan in his last days, he had alzheimers. Donald trump is going to end up like howard hughes. A mental man, crazy in his hotel. Hes going to die like howard hughes. Host the cia director john brannan was talking yesterday the russia. Sophisticated computer capability. The u. S. Must be on guard. Asked in an interview if russia trying to manipulate the american president ial election. Know thatsay but he the fbi is investigating the hacking of the democratic email. Committee aggressivescow intelligence. Asked about the question, he the russia. Its woes in hacking u. S. Institutions. Heres a bit of that from yesterday. Playingrole is russia russia has exceptionally capable and sophisticated cyber in terms of collection as well as whatever do. It might want to weve known this for quite a while. They have Intelligence Services world. Ctive around the this is something we have to make sure were on guard for. Just for National Security but also making sure that our istem of government here going to be preserved. Whats the reality . How much are they active . Theyre very active worldwide. The u. S. , the fbi is looking of the dnccking network. The release of these emails. Criminal activity. I would defer to the fbi as it continues to look at all of the forensics as well as intelligence that we might be able to provide the bureau. In terms of attribution. Host lets hear next from tim, pennsylvania, independent. Caller hi. Host youre on, go ahead. Caller can you hear me . Please. Dahead caller both candidates need to release their medical records. Hillary. R i hope shes all right. Probablyink she can pass away god forbid. We wouldnt hear about it until after the election. The records doof you have to see in order to be convinced about her health . Caller i dont know whatever standard is. Donald trump seem to be able to run circles around everybody. People. Own hillary, she was in hiding for the last month or so. Out. His is coming they need to be up front. Its not so much the medical that is going to convince me vote. Way to its more policy. This is all a bunch of hookah. Dont think the health of Hillary Clinton is a Campaign Issue . Campaignell, its a issue. Takear are you going to it . Lets get to the meat of it. I think they should release it. Standard. S i think donald trump saying hes going to release he recent hes goingsical and to release that some time this week. Getting back to one of your saying an xray that Hillary Clinton could not have been diagnosed with pneumonia. Know. T a doctor i dont somebody needs to be straight. Thats my comment. On thatst comment topic. We will change gears and talk about issues concerning the atlanta community. Especially when comes to campaign 2016. Well be joined by Ivan Garcia Hidalgo and Clarissa Martinez of the National Council la raza. Well discuss the Research Going on into brain cancer and the cancer moonstration shot initiative. David arons of the National Brain tumor society. Will continue with washington journal after this. Tonight on the communicators, author scott wooley explains the waves. Of air excesslties that were in what he wanted to pay. Who was right . Question. Lly hard asking toostrong was much and he was giving too little. Armstrong wasnt capable of treating that as a business negotiation. He thought he betrayed him. At 8 00 eastern on cspan 2. For campaign 2016, cspan the road to the white house. Were going to get things done. Big things, thats who we are as americans. We will have one great future. Our potential is unlimited. Thehead live coverage of president ial and Vice President ial debates on cspan. The cspan radio app and cspan. Org. Monday september 26th is the debate. Esidential live from Hofstra University in hempstead, new york. Tuesday, mike pence and tim kaine debate. On sunday, Washington University louis host the second president ial debate. Leading up to the third and final debate, between hillary and donald trump. Taking place at the university of nevada, las vegas on october 19th. Live coverage of the president ial and vice debates on cspan. Listen live on the free cspan radio app. Or any time on demand at cspan. Org. Washington journal continues. Host looking at the concerns of voters and campaign 2016. Two guests joining us for this conversation. Joined by Clarissa Martinez. National council of la raza. Hidalgo. Ed by ivan chairman. As ms. Martinez this culture of latinos and hispanic, what are comingst concerned about november . Guest the Hispanic Community is voters. To other normally top of mind issue tend to be the economy and jobs and education. Not surprising. Having a good job allows you to for your family with dignity, having a good education kids to do better than you did. I think one of the interesting is that when the immigration debate gets toxic, i butk it has been nothing for many years now, it starts the priority list for latinos. Thes not forget, latinos in United States, 76 are United States citizens. Because of how it permeates on how the whole Latino Community is perceived, starts gaining importance. In a recent poll released last latinos, it had risen to number two a concern of the community. Host mr. Hidalgo is that a topic. Guest its number five. Its jobs, economy, education and healthcare and National Security and fifth is immigration. Kla rac clarissa is right. Conversation is toxic. Democrat have used that to divide people. A battle cry. I think when you look at the areogue and what people looking for, every single poll i right now, i think its 53 of the country is looking for some type of immigration reform. Toe type of pathway legalization. Host mr. Trump brought this into the campaign. Overshadowed a lot of other things. No. T yes and newt said something that was funny. He said what donald trump says in two or three words should be in 12 or 15. That is very true. At you take a step back and really analyze what he says. Not that much different from what everybody else is saying. That would you agree donald trump brings to the topic is aligned what other people said about the topic when it comes to immigration. Guest after one year listening whotatements, anybody thaty wants to dig into disagreeuld have to with that statement. Couple of weeks ago were addressing this particular issue. A couple of weeks ago when he made his speech and everybody was waiting, isnt it which way is it going. I think that what became clear some folks were softening on immigration let me be clear what that is. Its not 50 . Last two polls showed that 80 the American Public support solutions that include an for people of good character who are here to earn their legal status. Overhas been the case for decade. I think some people are waiting for a softening on that. What we saw a double down but a triple down. Thats fine. Peopleng details to allow them to make decisions. Reiterated a approach that result in mass deportation. He talked about massive escalation of enforcement which is already at record levels. Number three, he actually wept t as far as talking about cuts to immigration. When we fix Legal Immigration system, well go a long way to make sure people are illegally vetted. Reiterated guest you know, the positions has now are no different than what president clinton had. What secretary clinton said in the past. A very similar situation. The Obama Administration people than any other administration combined. Its an extension what the Obama Administration is doing. We got to get rid of the criminals. Day, you saw how kid guided an 18yearold in park and stabbed him over 40 times. Thats the type of stuff or people we need to get out the country. That immigration speech was exactly about that. About Law Enforcement. Law enforcement and order. , wereg our borders sovereign country. You look at countries who actually recruit immigrants like canada and australia, how they do that . Comedont let everybody in. They vet them. Sure that their background check is clear. Havewant to make sure they education and mbas and doctors. Same thing we should be doing. To import with very low skills or you want to bring mathematicians, doctors, scientists, people like that. Host people on the phone line if you want to call and ask for questions, democrats 2027488000, republicans, independents 2027488002. Latino voters special line for morning. 7488003. Your thought. Guest i forgot. Im kidding. To trumps arizona speech. He gave at a that rally. The donald was raised. At the text, you sit back and get out of it. Of thed the actual text speech, its exactly whats going on. Its about Law Enforcement border. Ng our lets make sure we get the criminal out. Clear. End, its very he says, nobody catches this, so fired up about the speech. After we secure border, after we criminallythe element, well evaluate those remain. Guest the thing that i found most enlightening, i want to see says,olitical ad that trump is just trying to continue policy,immigration said. You just theres certainly the president a deporter ind chief. The interesting thing, even trump doesnt recognize that. Havent seen many members of the Republican Party recognize that. Think frankly, thats why frustrated. Voters thats just one example. I think this whole fight, yes, maybe if you really are parm one other. The you can interpret the speech any way you want. Thats kind of the problem. Voters are frustrated because they feel that there arent specifics that candidates are them. Providing to i would say that on the issue of immigration, mr. Trump has been consistent. I found them to stay very consistent through this whole time. Reality is that, if 80 of americans support a solution that is not like what hes proposing. People are wondering why is it that we cant get this legislation done. Where you get not just people running for president but folks wondering, why is the system so dysfunctional. Voterswe have to do as to make sure that solutions to problems, particularly are the ones we agree on can get through. Thats why i think voting is so important. Tots why, im not here defend trump, or defend hillary. Job. E doing a good im here for us, what our concern is there are less and less americans voting and particularly in the primaries. Itswe are so frustrated, when we need to engage more, not less. Votingell talk about issues in particular, participation. Calls. Nt to bring in bob, springfield, virginia, republican lane. Line for our guest. Good morning. Caller thank you for the opportunity to ask the question. Im concerned about taking for granted and the risk of exploitation of generally. When you have a family values asue, which is very much bedrock of latino society, you have many latinos working in the military. You have many latinos working their families for several generations. The bottom line, im asking do you feel that you, the party, is trying to take latino voting for granted . Take latinos for granted as a their its going to be in pocket. Not respect the fact that they think for themselves and they to make decisions based on issues. Without talking about either candidate in particular. Im more concerned about the party trying to exploit latino votes. Host thank you for the question. Guest thats one of the reason pac. We created the like i said before, im not a surrogate for the trump campaign. Theve no contact with campaign. The reason we put the pac together, we think that my party, the Republican Party, has led engaging himself hispanic voter. Come up with spanish pamphlets and outlet. Host why do you think it failed . Guest it fail fard lot of reasons. We dont know how to gauge. 30,000foot view is what people think. Maybe every election cycle. Plan forhink theres a a consistent, steady, work of engaging the Hispanic Community. Especially at the grass level. Look and you compare, you can draw sharp contrast right. The left and the natural home for Hispanic Community should be the Republican Party for a lot of reasons. We do a terrible job engaging. Said. Ewt , newt used to say, its not about outreach, its about inclusion. Think thats what we need to start doing a lot as a party. Both parties should do the same thing. The democrats take them for granted. Generational dependency message. They try and keep people in that, stuck the government. They want to give them a handout. Terrible message and terrible situation and a terrible path to guiding my community in. More. Go into that host mrs. Martinez what do you think about this idea taking granted . Guest i think thats how a lot of voters are feeling. Latinos for sure. Weekd a round table last and polling showed that 60 of voters are already registered, havent gotten outreach from anybody. Whats happening. Elections have become such specialized mathematical equation. Dont hope to be in competitive in that zip code or competitive state, you will not hear much and attention. Latino happen to be concentrated states for expert or worse, one party or the other, considers not competitive. California, texas and florida, which is competitive. I would say that, the rest of the electorate, what were states inold in those places like nevada and colorado, were going to see unfold across country. For me, as a member of a i feelisan organization, ies competeoth part aggressiving for your vote, its better for the country. Hopefully, folks are competing to see who puts the best opposed to table as the talk and its dominating now. Host its hear from head, latino voter. Youre on as guest, good morning. Caller good morning. Thatration topic, i think its a policy all along. It. Can see people can come over to this without a visa is chile. Do it its so political. Reallyblican party were interested in immigration and concern, why dont we repeal the cuban policy. Which allows illegal cubans to this country. Where we spend over 600 million year on them. Why dont they repeal that . Becauseon why, historically the cubans vote republican. Mexicans historically vote democrat. Politics. Guest i think our immigration policy now needs very significantly modernization. The caller on that. We havent done that in more than 20 years. You imagine how much has changed in that time. Ago immigration, responds to economic and social sources hasnt changed. Thoseappens with pressures, if we dont have legal channels that work for vetted,ho come fully then employer and workers are system. Outside the we need to modernize that system. Callers point about cuba. On any policy debates, balance elusive. Yes, there is a very generous policy with cuba. Maybe condition have changed. Why thed be guided by best solution, rather than say, lets treat people as badly as the worst we treat other immigrants. Thes figure out what is right way to do this and be fair. The last thing i would say is that, we are nation of immigrants and we love to say that about ourselves. Includes ying and yang. With every episode of immigrants our country, we have experienced backlash, whether it was against irish, germans, italians and japanese. Latinos are vast majority of citizens, bear the current immigration. My hope is that we learn from history. Through this chapter, sooner and with less scars. We modernize immigration policy. Hidalgo . Garcia guest we do have Legal Immigration. For people toay come into the country legally. Theres not a problem it needs reformed. There is way for people to . Into the country. Isnt. I didnt say there guest you did. We need to fix the system so people can come into the country legally. There is a way. Problem that we have now with ofigration is, theres a lot people that over stay visas. Secure the border so people stop coming in. We need to make sure we know are when theyover stay and ask them to go home. Thats normal. Every country in the world should have that right to do that. Clarissa is side, right. Is hiring illegal people, something needs to happen. I remember president bush talked about the guest worker visas. Theres been proposals in the past that have not gone through. Those things need to be evaluated. Other thing is, companies are hiring illegals, they should be fined. If theyre hiring people that shouldnot be here and not be working, theyre creating a demand for people to come in. Bothesponsibility goes ways. It goes both ways. Be pushed on illegals coming in and its all their fault and theyre invading our country and that type of argument. There is a than. Hiring them. Host two guest joining us today. Ivan hig hidalgo. Romney presidency. Clarissa martinez next call arizona. Goodyear, arizona. Latino voter. Susan, hello. Was coughing. Good morning thank you both. Guys areboth of you in comments that youre saying today. With the young lady there, i saw think it was yesterday when she was on tv talking with other women. Ins she have a program here arizona . Guest i dont. Sorry. Tablely, we had a round on latino voters in partnership organizationsther talking about statistics, issue forrities, outreach parties. Cspan was kind enough to cover it. Link on their video library. I work for nonpartisan organization. Thatre very lucky to get coverage by cspan. Thanks for watching it. Susan. Hat was as far as participation, statistics tell us in 2012 for specificallys out votemillion turned for that election in 2012. Or 50 percentnt voterse participant participated. What do those numbers look like now . What about Participation Rate . Is the Latino Community a solid participation, a block when it election . Guest i think theres a tremendous opportunity for both sides. The left, before they take them for granted. The republicans doing a terrible job to engage them. Theres a huge opportunity now to engage Hispanic Community. Be able to bring that voter on to our side. A real conversation, compare and contrast. What are the policies of generational dependency, versus policies of lifting people up and Free Enterprise markets. That conversation is going to time. Ery single you look at right now, the is jobs andssue economy. Right now the economy is in terrible shape. Recoveryest economic in the history of this country. We have the lowest Participation Rate, in 30 years. The unemployment numbers in blacks andand hispanic, theyre so much higher whites. Every single factor when you look at with the economy is not doing well. This should be excellent the Republican Party to win that vote overwhelming. Not. Re because of i think, the candidate that we have at the top of the tickets. So polarizing in his message. Has really driven a wedge or allowed the left to drive a wedge with the community and the Republican Party. Happens. Ng to see what i think regardless of the outcome of this election, if wins or secretary clinton to really evaluate what happens down ballot with hispanic vote. You look at some of these swing states where secretary clinton see our Senate Candidates winning by a big margin. Host ms. Martinez. Guest theres been a lot of talk about swing voters. At the patterns of overall, theye are very much part of that how you would describe a swing voter. I think theres a long history there. If you look at Election Results in many past cycles whether its in florida, arizona, colorado, places. Ia and other where you see that latinos are willing to consider the candidate matters, his or her outreach ister and personaessential. They willing to consider a candidate. You seen races were seeing now, winning inemocrat is one race, the majority of the latino vote. Is differentntage in another race on the same ballot. One the interesting things, after 2006 when the Republican Party started being seen as more embracing antiimmigrant blunted thatt factor. I would challenge people who to paint atlanta voters, they have a democratic gene. Voters, what theyre actions are and who they support the partiesof what are doing. Thats why were trying to make sure that more latinos are part the electoral process. So that candidates feel the need meaningful way with clear positions address these voters and then we get a hold accountable. Host lets hear from samin in downington pennsylvania, independent line. Youre on. Bothr yes,i. To know, these people are intel cent. Intelligent. I like to know why they dont get together and run for president . Independent. Third party. Ideas. Od very good this is about latinos. Ones thatould be the have a say in this country. Lets face it. You get together and come up with a positive. Host there you go. Guest we need to get your be ourtion so you can campaign manager. See what candidates go through, its kind of easy to whowhy so Many Americans would be excellent public servants. Im not going down that road. Think its an opportunity for us as voters to also yes, we to judge the candidates. We have to hold them accountable. Them to us. Eld at some point, we have to start ourselves these are the folks we are helping elect. In a wayking ourselves that rewards problem solving are recognizes those who willing to work with whoever needs to be worked with who legislation passed for some of the big problems we have . If were not doing that, then we cant expect our elected officials to do it. I think this is a wake up call voters. S i am hopeful that the is going to go from venting to saying, yes. We are going to reword problem solving. Were going to move this forward. We cant stay stuck where we are. Side, as farother as latinos or hispanics who run for office. We saw marco rubio do it on the side. Ican as far as the future, whats your hope . More coe will be marco will be president. No doubt about it. Well see what happens in the cycle. If we win or not. If secretary clinton wins, i run. Hes going to hes definitely running in 2012. He would have to be the favorite. Its a matter of time. Excellent super articulate. Great guy. Real conservative. The base really likes marco. Rolegoing to play a major in our party for the near future. Guest well, i think latinos are the u. S. 50 of one in 60 american is latino. To see latinos represented in every segment of society. Commensurate with our numbers of population. In the workforce, were definitely one of six. In the bar boardroom, close that. E near i i dont think its because have a latino elected official, will atlanta represented well. Not at all. Think its because as a country, we are all serve better when all the different opinions are at the table. Theres hispanic president inesident and the horizon. Americand first precedent whos africanamerican. Theres a woman running for president. These are historic times. Coming. Nk its i do hope that people see it as happens to be a woman. Africanamerican, latino, rather who can himsel hispanic speak for hispanic. Guest theres so much play on identity politics. The first woman, first firstnamerican, its the hispanic. Instead of, why dont we pick the best person. Regardless of what race or person is. I think, at least i can speak as a republican, thats what we for. Were always looking at whos the best person. Skinnt care what their color is or religion is, we ant care if they have accent when they speak. That other side seem to play politics or race card all the time. Its disturbing. At the toxic, environment that we living in election. S its out of control. Where you have a candidate for president dismissing half the country. Us a bucket detestables deplorables thats crazy. Guest i feel that its a unbalanced im not here to defend democrats. Ously youre defending republicans. One of the things voters are with is the level of talked aboutencecy this campaign. I can be completely imparable impartial when you other side guest both sides is responsible. Guest its a false equivalencecy. We know that divide and conquer is the strategy that worked. Useds why its been forever. One of the interesting things about trump era. People talk about the trump phenomenon, the negative talk mexicans ors or s. Tino unfortunately, those kinds of topics have been used far long from eachvide us other and prevent us to come together to solve problems. Ripped the done is veneer of civility that was manying that strategy, politicians have been using. Too many in the Republican Party. Fully exposed it. Folks really so to make about okay, i need to see which candidate more ray with my position. Which candidate defends my value. O make a choice sergio,is is from latino voter. Independent line. Go ahead. Caller thanks for taking my call. I dont know where to start. Me start with what he said rubio being future president. Hes a hypocrite. Man. Lled trump a con which i agree with. Hes a racist trump. Going to get the latino vote at all. Mexican people are hard working people. Theyre not criminals, robbers. R rapist this people think they own country. Only people that own this country are the indian people. Going to lose. They will lose all the minority votes. Because theyre racist. Its true what hillary said. Shes running for president. She couldnt help herself. Its true. Respond too you that . Guest one moment. Look, the rhetoric its elevated now as i said before. Both said really playing into strategy. And conquer i think its terrible. You look at it every single election cycle. More and more toxic. I think one of the biggest talk aboutverybody redistricting that happens. They are so polarizing. So far away from each other. You dont see that division in the senate. In the house you see really partisan people that really to the right or really to the left. It makes it very hard to have a dialogue to move legislation forward. Rubio race and all of thistuff, im not going to respond to that. Have a civil conversation and trying to push together. That doesnt merit a response. Do agree. I think this is important because we are four years out next round of redistricting. Tos is a wake up call voters. Right now, redistricting is largely in the hands of elected officials. Having the fox watch the hen house. Try toppens is, people favor whoever is already in there or try to concentrate the is leading ther state legislature at the time. Is, we are electing people who are less and less to govern. Whatever one decision maybe on the role of government, i think needuld agree, we government to govern. Thats where we as voters come in. If we are not rewarding people who are willing to govern and requires compromise, right now people talk about compromise as if its a weakness. Frankly, compromises is not for the weak. It takes a lot of work. Lot of coverage. Courage. We need to look at that. What i would say, look at people what have they gotten done . Are cheap. Ask people what is their biggest accomplishment and how they went about doing it. I think that compromise youre role of see plays a big that. Whoever doesnt tell you that, want. An do whatever they guest its a part of reality. You dont always get what you want. You never get 100 of what you want. So polarized and toxic, somebody gives a little bit, theyre going for that persons head. Lets raise money and find an and throw him out. Hes had a deal. Know, he wins. Vote. Nt win 100 of the he won 53 or whatever it was. Thats the type of situation that unfortunately when you isnt happening. About rewarding those that work represent everybody. Thats not happening. Theirody is so focused on polarized district that its crazy. Does need to happen. Look at maryland. That a disaster. Overoks like a spider all the place. Ridiculous. Can that be possible . How can anybody approve that . Whoever approved that should be thrown out of office. Six. Ook at in district its ridiculous. Situations like that across our country, make this conversation toxic. Nd worse and more host from buoy, maryland, line. Ats caller good morning. Whatuys have gone way past [indiscernible]. Immigration. He one of the lady said about about, immigrants not coming in. D before comin i happen to be one of the immigrants in this country. Well vetted. Issue, both people that are coming into this country in withy when you come overseas and youre overstaying and nobody is doing anything about it. These are people that are doing that they shouldnt do. S immigrants being the ones that are doing everything not be done. Black, white, green, purple, guiltyctive who are all of doing things that they should not do. Africans [indiscernible] to respond . Nts guest my apologies to the caller. I think maybe my comments were misinterpreted. I do think that people who come the Legal Immigration system comes at it. Thats what we want as a country. Not you were saying, its that we dont have Legal Immigration. Ups that we have not kept with the times. We ned to modern we need to system. E our rather than people going around the system, we have legal channels that are wide enough for people to come through fully as the caller did. Now. S what we dont have we havent modernized that system in more than two decades. Changed. Ve the other piece of the puzzle, this is where amazingly, even talks of rhetoric, 80 agree, we have a population of 11 million who are currently hear. Whether you think that its because of security or other a ways, there should be for those in that pool, most of them have lived here for more and are part of communities, u. S. Citizen families to come forward, get vetted and have a way to earn their legal status. Think, for those of concern, we about can take hay out of the haystack. I think nott politically it will happen until we can security border. Reagan. Hat with last big amnesty, millions of people and said it wasnt going again. En here we are guest we didnt fix legal that program. Th that was one of the issues. Guest the problem was there was be a component there to security the border. When you look at whats in the voters, what can happen and what can happen from said. Present before anybody agrees to say pathway and find a solution for everybody here. Border. O secure the lets make sure we can control whos continuing in an coming in. Make sure those who shouldnt be us. Arent a threat to once that happens, i think yes,body is going to say, absolutely. Lets not throw all of these people in are here, not committing crimes have been been here, have hardre lawabiding and workers. Hispanic community is not a lazy community. We work hard. Lot of people work two or three different jobs. Jobs nobody else wants to do. On the other side, we have excellent professionals. Executives and best doctors if the world. Were excellent people. Just have some folks that are caught in this gray area. Doing it and also them. Ies are hiring guest one important thing, when were talking about policy, its talk about theto facts not just what we feel. Its important to match. Weve been record height of enforcement. I do think theres a need for enforcement. Not just throwing more body and money into something that isnt working. Heres another interesting fact. By nutro documented independent group. Zero. T enforcement is highest levels. Part of the reaction to this border,f securing the if you as a voter, going to meet congress, weber of need to secure the border first and ask them what this means. Tell you. Lets be guided by the facts. The majoritythink of americans who support this notion of a solution, when you an opportunity to the American Public, they may vent frustrated. Theyll back solutions every time. Host let me take one more call you. Oth of this is sue in manning south line. Na, republican a republican im a trump supporter. I like both speakers. Like garcia. I dont feel like trump is anybody. About i think he is all for American People. Like that i dont care what color, nationality or forever you are, he is everyone. White person. I dont hear enough talk about people especially about the blacks or hispanic or other nationalities. I still care for trump. I didnt like what clinton said other day about putting us all in a baskets because were educated. I think that was terribly wrong. Its like they dont think that theyre poor, have any common sense. To blacks,inos and should really listen. I know trump says a lot of things that he gets off the wall. He doesnt really mean it. Goodhearted person and i believe he loves all americans. Host to one more question to both of you. When it comes to the places voter will go. How prepared are these places to barriers andguage help through that with voter i. D. Issues . These communities and localities ready particularly to might needters who that assistance . Guest i dont see any issues. Look at the ballots. They have in different languages. I dont think theres an issue at all. Issue. See that being an i do think, i am for voter i. D. Need to make sure that people do have an i. D. You need an issue to cash a airplane. Get on the why wouldnt you need one to vote . Think, theres probably a lot of fraud there that needs to be controlled. Voter i. D. , we probably get rid of a lot of it. In 2000, i was working locations. Oll it was crazy. People are getting bussed in. Getting one to walk in. Get theld come out and other sneaker. Thats crazy stuff. There needs to be a lot more control. Cant be busing and buying votes. Of those, were all people who they say they are . Hispanic, i dont see the problem. I traveled around and not just here but also florida. Identification, its another one where we need to separate what we feel and facts are. The facts are, this has been argued in court and in many and state legislatures. The documentation of fraud that is committed by what these are trying to solve is basically nonexistent. You can look at court cases a number of cases. Time, e same guest you cant prove it. Happening. Idea its guest people walking in saying guest part of the issue to me. Focusing on problems that we really need to solve. That ime thing offended by is continued of politicians to them ase who votes for opposed to the other way around. System byg of the either making it hard for eligible americans to vote to imposere trying i. D. Es that people dont have. Its a minority, why should american who are eligible to vote disenfranchised. Dont they matter. If you trying to solve the problem, at least prove theres and then thatt the measures that you are going actually do, disenfranchise voters of with we they showlatinos up at the polls, they dont get frustrated. Other thing is also, we have a lot of first time voters. Population. Ung theres also basic information that folks need to get and we haveo make sure that they that. Host two guests joining us to talk about the issues in campaign 2016. You heard from Clarissa Martinez of the National Council of la clr. Org. Website if you want more information on their also joining us of the Garcia Hidalgo hispanic leadership. Thanks for both of you for your this morning. Were going to turn to the topic withain Tumor Research david arons of the National Brain tumor society. Well talk about the latest brain cancer. E especially among children and also Obama Administrations shotoon shouldnt nrf. Initiative. Later on discussion with melissa korn. Washington journal continues after this. Cspan. Org, you can watch our Public Affairs and political any time attar your convenience on your desk stop, mobile device go to cspan. Org and click on the bar. Library search you can type in the name of the speaker, sponsor of the bill or topic. E event review the list of search results and click on the program you like to watch. Search with minisearching tool. If you looking for the Current Program and dont want to search the library, home page has many Current Programs ready for your viewing. Todays washington journal or the events weve covered that day. Cspan. Org is a Public Service cable or satellite provider. If youre a cspan watcher, it out. Cspan. Org. The cspan radio app makes it the to continue to follow 2016 election wherever you are. Its free to download. 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Tell how Much Research actually from the that section federal government compared to brain Tumor Research when it adults. Guest this is Childhood Cancer awareness month. Its a good time to talk about pediatric brain tumors. Unfortunately, far less of the the about 260 million that goes into the federal funding for brain Tumor Research, much less of it brain tumordiatric research. Unfortunately, the National Cancer institute does put in of dollars into a small pediatric brain tumor Clinical Trials group. Get Clinical Trials for pediatric brain tumor separate network that analyzes pediatric brain tumors. Looks at the tissue. Federal government does do work in this area. Funding, its of much smaller in pediatrics than tumors. Adult brain host why do you think that is . Guest its part of the population side. Much smaller number of adults. Han typically that holds true for Childhood Cancer nationwide. Less Financial Resources go into they dod cancer than into adult cant. Children arey affected . Guest about 4600 new cases are diagnosed. Host guest joining us for about research for brain tumors when it comes to cancer. On it. Take your calls do we know now as far as federal research and otherwise causes and the success of treatment of these type of cancers . Learning a lot more than ever before about what causes them. Weve learned more about pediatric brain tumors in the last 10 years than previous 2000 years. We now know that more about the types. Nt theirw more about biology. Pediatric brain tumor is the of child tumore in america. Lot more need to be done to understand the biology and understand what kinds of drugs will work against these brain tumors. Thertunately, whether its federal government or private industry, not enough resources areas. Ne into these thats why were launching a new effort against the deadliest pediatric brain tumors, called defeat pediatric brain tumor collaborative. To start a whole new front the worst. Worst of front, what changes are you calling for . Research for the community to work together. Just like Vice President biden down thed for breaking silos in cancer. Bringing together people of all different sectors. That in our program. Bringing together the worlds a team to start a united front against the worst pediatric brain tumors. To share data. From theiscoveries into amediately translational environment and clinical trial. Underserving these kids. We can do better. Host because of condition, why isnt more information sharing being done anyway . Guest traditionally, researchers often wait until they publish before they share data. Now things have really changed over the last five years, researchers want to share beginning. Rom the we realized in the research community, we cant do it plan. To share data from the time that its created and move it from lab to lab, from lab to clinical trail. Researchers, they have to move this data quickly. Thats a way we can really research. Cancer host lets hear from colleen. On withn, massachusetts our guest david arons with the National Brain tumor society. Ahead. Caller hello good morning. Husband, he was 66 to brain tumor. College, he at a aaternity gathering, he got concussion. He did go unconscious. He had his first sign that he have a brain tumor when he was 46. He took medicine for six months and then there was nothing. 63 he wase he was diagnosed. Theres aondering if connection between brain trauma and tumors . Thank you. Sorry to hear about your husband. Unfortunately theres not a validated scientific link between brain trauma and brain tumors. Know yet the reasons start. In tumors thats a great source of research focus. Causes brain tumors. What makes brain tumors grow . Please join us in our efforts as we try to learn the answer to of what starts a brain tumor. I appreciate your question. Symptoms. Mentioned what do you look for . Seizures,look for pain, headaches, changes in the or maketo think decisions. Those are Early Warning signs. If they see y, have a changes going on, they talk to they are doctor. Their doctor may prescribe an mri. Thats the first step to finding there is a brain tumor. From there they move on to specialty care. From daytona eric beach, florida. Caller i have a question on cancer and children. Much has it increased and the reasons why. I talked to my mother a year ago mother a year ago to pancreatic cancer. Weve in Childhood Cancer been making our country has been making great strides. The progress in Childhood Cancer has been in the area of leukemia. Cancer used to be across the board a death sentence. Thanks to medical research and innovation, there are more Childhood Cancer survivors than ever before. Survival rates have soared. Some of those areas of pediatric cancer have been left behind. Not have been well served like a where no brain tumors unique new drugs have been developed for immediate at trick brain tumors. Are challenged by understanding the biology of pediatric brain tumors. Because we learn so much about them in the last five years, we a new opportunity to go after the worst type of pediatric brain tumors there are. Just like in other childhood sarcoma and others. This is a time to redouble our ertz. Others. To try to do ten years worth of Cancer Research in just five years. To really move the needle in a way that all americans want to happen. Host from woodbridge, georgia, lin, hi. Caller my question today, what food we eatf the geneticallyy is modified . What do you think is the impact the genetically modified food the cancer rate . The third question if they found cancersor these tumors how much money would the medical colleges andd the the researchers lose from all of this . Real effort to really it myre or is about thes mostly food. When will they start labeling the food so they can know what eating . Thank you. Spent researching cancer. It makes me wonder if it is not filling a few peoples pockets. I think it is atrocious. I know there is a cure and they would rather treat and say weve got it under control. You can get a cure and it could have been cured a long time ago. Is it as simple as that . Guest it is not. Nationalunder this cancer moonshot effort and in the decade before that, everyone is trying to row in the right direction. The fact that we have far more Childhood Cancer survivors than ever before is evidence that we are all pulling in the right direction. There have been several new drug approvals in the area of melanoma so we are starting to make progress but again, there are areas of research that do need extra help. Brain tumors is one of them and that is why we are starting our front against brain tumors to defeat pediatric rain Tumor Research, which we hope everyone will join us in. Host the website for more information where can people find out . Guest www. Brain tumor. Org. They have two defeat efforts, anddefeat of glioblastoma defeat pediatric brain tumors. In 2012, 60 3 of brain tumors discovered were benign. 37 malignant. When it comes to treatment, what is the best approach to cure a brain tumor . So far we havent cured brain tumors so there is no answer to that question. Trying researchers are surgery, radiation and drugs and even new types of medical devices are coming out. So our new front on brain tumors is to try to use these in different combinations to make a difference. If someone has a brain tumor, the best chance is to reduce it . We want to shrink the tumor and destroy it. But it is not just about destroying the tumor. It is about ensuring a person has quality of life throughout their treatment and even if they do survive. In pediatric brain tumors, some children survive the treatment but are left with learning disabilities. Effortsthe societies are to develop new therapies that not only extend survival but leave the child better off. Host ray is up next from new hampshire. Good morning. Caller thanks for taking my call. I am calling about the cancer moonshot. We always think about Cancer Research in the United States but it is pretty extensive in europe and most likely in asia. How much is there between the organizations in the United States government and research being done overseas . Being about the moonshot big data. This collection of treatments and how well patients respond to it. Is that going to include data from europe and asia . There is extensive collaboration going on at Cancer Research tween the u. S. And around the globe. Otherample, pharmaceutical companies it is a global enterprise. If they launch a brain tumor clinical trial, that involves multiple countries and hospitals around the world. The National Cancer institute and the european medicine agencies they all talk about what is going on. Japanese,lians, the the brazilians, all very involved. Health canada very involved in the regulations and the biomedical research. A veryer, globally, is Close Community of people working together. Even our own pediatric brain Tumor Research collaborative, one of those areas involving the German Cancer Center and canlving their laboratories work collaboratively because we need to think of cancer as a global disease, not just one in the United States. Cancer doesnt discriminate between countries, races, genders, ages. We need to fight it together. Host what does the Obama Administration hope to accomplish with cancer moonshot . Guest to dramatically accelerate research and get done what they thought was possible in 10 years but get that done in five years with at least 10 transformative recommendations that just came out of the National Cancer moonshot blueribbon panel. They are going to turn these into funding opportunities if congress will appropriate money for projects and then put the money in the hands of Research Teams that can take these exciting ideas and go the distance. Way that theing a patients can enter in their data into a database and it will help them move into Clinical Trials much faster than ever before. A way to understand Childhood Cancer at the protein levels in ways that have never been understood before. Nanotechnology and other Imaging Technology to better see the tumor and better understand when it is going to exist, how it will grow and what types of drugs can be effective. Bute ideas are mind blowing that is what president kennedy wanted to do at nasa, put a man on the moon. With this effort it is talking about big ideas and taking big ideas and putting them into practice. Host jeff from pennsylvania. Good morning. Caller are there hotspots for cancer . I have a friend who lives in coal country, west virginia. They talk about the incidents of cancer in that area like we might speak of somebody getting a cold up here. The is an exaggeration but point is there seems to be a lot more incidents in certain areas. Questionat is a great for the cdc, which does monitor cancer clusters. Very scientific process to determine where there might be a cancer cluster or a hotspot or a place where there is a heightened prevalence of cancer due to particular environmental conditions but there is not just one there is not hotspots all but it isountry important to check in with the cdc to see what they think these true hotspots are cancer clusters are. Host marquis from loris, South Carolina. Caller i live in South Carolina now but i lived in upstate new york. A class of 45 kids had three kids with brain tumors. My son was one of the youngest the youngest child they had ever treated at roswell park in buffalo for tech testicular cancer. Drum had the biggest ammo dump on the east coast and i was wondering if there was any relationship between those two things. Thank you. Guest we dont know. More Research Needs to be done to determine whether an environmental effect or an environmental cause of pediatric cancer in that location or that is why we needs more funding for cancer epidemiologists to understand the kind of situation you are talking about. Host john in newark, new jersey, go ahead. Caller hello. How are you doing today . Am and 81yearold man, black man. Inad nonhodgkins lymphoma 1998. I have been in remission ever since. Believe in modern medicine. I think modern medicine has come a long way. After ing is that when i was a child, i used to see people with iron lungs from polio. And they cured polio. And i think the medical profession after they cured polio found out that they would have made more money treating polio than curing it. I think the same thing is true for cancer and diabetes. In the case of diabetes it is an academic epidemic in our country and doctors dont seem to be doing anything but giving you more medicine to kill your kidneys. And when your kidneys die you have to go on dialysis. Including the pharmaceutical. That is my comment. Bet my only reaction would there are some terrific and dedicated and ethical doctors particularly in pediatric brain ,umors like dr. Roger packer in the National Medical center in washington dc that have devoted their life to finding cures. Next from bobhear in hyattsville, maryland. Caller good morning. Is is that the reason why we still havent any cancer, let alone brain cancer . Maybe the methodology we are using are too limited . We have got billions of cells in study just a few of radiation to find a cure, i am highly skeptical of methodology. Guest you are onto a very good point. The complexity of cancer and the complexity of brain tumors is one of the greatest barriers to progress. It is that complexity of brain tumors that is the scientific challenge that we are taking on to defeat pediatric brain tumor and our collaborative adult program, the defeat gbm initiative. To take on those complex brain tumors and to understand why brain tumors are complex and what we can do with them to make sure the drugs destroy the tumor. 2027488000 for the eastern and central time zones. Oft is on the Forefront Research on brain tumors or reduction of brain tumors . Guest everybody is excited about immunotherapy and unleashing the bodys immune system against cancer. That is very much the same in brain cancer. We are excited about all that is going on in him you know oncology. Immuno oncology. Also the ways to predict whether a drug is going to work in a brain tumor. Some of the discoveries were discovered by the defeat glioblastoma initiative that we have. The research has discovered that nutrients can affect the way a brain tumor grows. We are exploring that strategy as well. This is the time to look at everything on the table and go after the ones that work. This is a very exciting time, truly. The Brain Tumor Community and the greater Cancer Community overall going after setting a new goal of making cancer a chronic manageable disease. Host we hear next from larry, burnsville, minnesota. Caller hello. I am interested in how he feels about the work of dr. Gold at Syracuse University . Guest i am not familiar with dr. Gold but i would be grateful to learn more about it. Host can you tell us more . Lets go on to joseph, joseph from florida. Caller good morning. So i was treated in the year Prostate Cancer and i was treated in california. They have a system of proton and praise god, i am cancer free now. 16 years later. I know that Proton Therapy has been used very successfully for interoperable brain tumors and i am wondering if mr. Aaron could make some comments on why this therapy is not receiving enough attention in this war on cancer . Is not experimental and it has been very successful. If anyone wants information, dial one 800protons. Guest i dont know that it is not receiving enough attention, but i would agree that it is an important part of treatment. It is an important treatment option and we encourage brain tumor patients to seek out all different Treatment Options including proton beam and other types of Radiation Therapy that might help them. First, consult with their neural oncologists. Host steve is on from brookland. Caller do cell phones cause brain tumors . Guest there is no validated study yet that shows that cell phones cause brain tumors. Host pat up next, coatesville, pennsylvania. Caller hello. I just read a very interesting aboutry good report research on a particular kind of cancer. I cant remember which, but they were able to develop something cancerancer cells cells dont die like they should. And apparently they have developed something that would cause that function of the cell to be more normal and have the cell by. I was wondering if the gentleman could think about that in relationship to childhood brain tumors. Guest i am not familiar with exactly what you are saying. Host san antonio, texas, michael. Though ahead. I am a retired family physician in san antonio, texas. Guest good morning. ,aller i would like to ask you does pediatric brain cancer have any relationship to epigenetics as in a adult cancers . I would also like to say that epigenetics was not in my vocabulary when i was in school. Please use this forum to teach. It is the best educational media in the country. Please use it. You for your question. You ask a terrific question and yes. Epigeneticscs is a strategy for understanding pediatric brain tumors. The Research Collaborative we are announcing today has a big component of it that focuses on epigenetictic brain tumors. We have a better opportunity to identify particular targets, targets which drugs can focus on and ultimately destroy the tumor. Host more about the effort at the societys website is linked to our cspan website. Learn about the efforts announced today and efforts overall. David aaron, ceo of the society, thanks for your time. Coming up is our more money segment and we are taking a look at how might be on the hook for two large forprofit schools. We will be back after this. Tonight, author Scott Woolley explains the history of airwaves. Mr. Sarnoff is largely responsible for the creation of nbc. Royalties thatat were in excess of what sarnoff wanted to pay. It is a really hard question. Armstrong was probably asking for too much and sarnoff was willing to give too little. Armstrong wasnt capable of treating that as a business negotiation. He made it personal. Watch the communicators tonight on cspan two. For campaign 2016, cspan continues on the road to the white house. We are going to get things done. We will have one Great American future. Our potential is unlimited. Ahead, live coverage of the debates on cspan. The cspan radio cap and cspan. Org. Monday, september 26 is the first president ial debate live ftsra university in new york. Then governor mike pence and senator tim kaine debate in longwood university, virginia. Then Washington University in st. Louis hosts the second president ial debate leading to the final debate between Hillary Clinton and donald trump at the university of nevada las vegas on october 19. Live coverage of the debates on cspan. Listen live on the free cspan radio app or watch live anytime on cspan. Org. Washington journal continues. Regular is time for our your money segment and we are of theby melissa korn, wall street journal. We are talking about federal Student Loans and forprofit universities. Thanks for joining us. Thanks. Host can we define what is meant by a forprofit university . Guest a university that has shareholders. The are publicly traded on stock markets and some are privately owned by families or companies. They are the other part of the Higher Education system besides public and state universities and private colleges. Being taught at the school and can you give us names . Universitylargest is of phoenix and that is owned i apollo group. Of these schools offer bachelors degrees in general topics but a lot focus on vocational topics. Automotiveology or technology, computer science, business, nursing, medical assisting, so generally they focus on entrylevel positions for students who need a more flexible schedule. A lot have online operations. Host the reason we brought you on is because one of the names of these forprofit universities came into the news over the last couple of weeks. Itt technical institute. What happened . Guest itt had been one of the revenue. Y it had 40,000 students across and it offered entrylevel Associates Degrees and bachelors degrees in mostly technical fields as well as nursing and business. It is going out of business. The government has required the company to post more and more money over the past few months just in case they went out of business and that paired with cutting off federal student loan access for new students who attended itt schools helps put the company out of business. They couldnt afford to operate without access. Host why did the government so become so concerned . Guest there were a few things. Itts a creditor said in the spring that they were concerned itt wasnt living up to the standards of the creditor. That they were not financially responsible, that their outcomes were not great, that their academics were not strong, a pretty harsh indictment of the school. Federal government took that as a sign that they should be looking into them further. The school had already been on close watch for finances. The government wanted to make sure that if it did go out of business, taxpayers wouldnt be on the hook for all the loans. That oversight helped push the school into a bit more financial problems. Host we will talk about some of those but if you want to ask our about the recent closing, you can ask questions at 2027 488000 for the central 8001e, and 8000 14 for the eastern and pacific time zone. How much money does the federal government give to these universities . Guest a lot. The federal Governments Department of education said t week that taxpayers there are 500 million in loans that are they are not sure how they would be paid for because the federal government could end up for giving half 1 million in loans for students who attended. Itt only had 90 million stock away socked away. Money,s a lot of billions go to forprofit colleges every year. Many schools, itt derived about 80 of its revenue from federal student aid funds. They are completely reliant on federal funding. As fars that commonplace as a forprofit school is concerned . To get a lot of its cash from federal sources . Guest there is a rule in place called the 90 10 rule that limits schools so that they cant get more than 90 of their revenue from federal funds. 80 is well within reason. Gett of these schools closer to 90 and well over 90 when you count veterans benefits. Guest as far as the actions, how does itt respond . , they were told in late august they would not receive federal student aid funds for new students. The company then announced they would not be accepting new students and about a week later, said they were shutting down entirely. So students arrived at campuses around the country last week, doors were locked, there were notices outside saying we are done. We will find a way to get you a transcript. Host connected to these top universities, one of the statements that we have, many disagreements about strategies. We share the common goal of schools defined by highest outcomes. All we ask is the same outcomes are applied to all sectors of Higher Education and ask the Department Work to achieve these outcomes. It sounds like there has been an adversarial back and forth between the department of education and these types of schools. Absolutely. For quite a few years. The department of education proposed what they called the gainful employment rule which would hold forprofit colleges as a particular standard that they are graduating students that can live productive lives. Youthe forprofit industry asked why are not public universities being held to that standard . It has been an adversarial relationship. Collegeser, corinthian liquidated in bankruptcy because the federal government had pulled funding. This is the next shoe to drop. Covers higherkorn education for the wall street journal. When it comes to student loan money that goes to these universities franklin, pennsylvania is the first call. Caller melissa, something to know. Fairfield iowa public library, ask them to download you data from life magazine and blackhem send you flat and white, the story regarding a college out of that community. The name has since changed but it will explain everything on forprofit schools but that is the worst case in the history of the United States confirmed by ,avid yeps and david yepsin and that place was mindboggling. I am asking again, june 3, 1966, copy of life magazine. Good luck and i thank you pedro and you, melissa for hearing me out. Joe is up next, miami, florida. Guest yes. Caller do you hear me . E got a question regarding a lot of them have already accrued this enormous debt. With the government shutting it makes all, degrees nolan void. Void. L and im asking whether or not they are going to include former itt techs that have paid degree worth nothing to work out the debt that we currently hold. Governmentfederal have set up a website at the department of education where you can find out how to get your loans forgiven. This current round of forgiveness only applies to current students, students who left the school in the prior 120 days. If you have received a degree already, a year ago or 10 years ago, you wont have your debt forgiven under this policy. However, i will say there is another plan in the works for the department of education to be finalized this fall that clarifies the borrower defense rule which would allow students to apply for and have their loans forgiven if they can prove they were defrauded in some way by their school. That will go into effect and be finalized this fall but a lot of former Corinthian College students and a lot of students who feel their schools misrepresented the outcome opportunities or graduationed about rates, retention rates, there is potentially some outlet for that Going Forward. But this current round of loan forgiveness would not apply to somebody who are he graduated. Host the possible 500 million pricet is the ultimate back for students who are satisfied . The department of education, when they put out their proposed rule on the borrower defense program, they said it could range anywhere from about 240 3 billion. Is over the next three years if every single student who has been defrauded reached out and applied for and received a loan forgiveness for all of their federal loans. Again, they are not sure how much it will cost. Ultimately, the taxpayer becomes liable for these Forgiveness Programs . Becomehe taxpayer will liable for a lot of it. The federal government requires schools to post some short of surety. It would offer a safety net if they go out of business overnight. If their doors are locked, there is some safety net and that would go towards repaying the loans that would be forgiven. Part of the borrower defense plan would require schools to post letters of credit. If their Credit Rating was downgraded, if the terms of their debt arrangement or credit with banks changed, if their default raised or if their Graduation Rates were particularly low, they are signs of a school being financially weak. There is something some money set aside to cover at least part of the Forgiveness Program but it will likely not cover all of it. 2027 488000 for the central time zones. If you have attended a 2027ofit school, 488002. Lets hear from jeffrey who lives in new york. Caller good morning. I attended the Art Institute of pittsburgh. , a forprofitsity subsidiary of Emc Corporation which was soon ivy federal government sued by the government. It was an 11 billion lawsuit and they recently settled. The Art Institute of pittsburgh is bankrupt. I was in default when i was paying Child Support and raising my child is a single fire single father. I am paying back 6000 in principle but 20,000 in fees and legal fees and interests over the. That i was defaulted. On a Fraudulent University that promised me lifetime job placement and the 80 of their graduates who are working within the field, i was on the deans list four times. I couldnt find anything but menial entrylevel temp jobs, what they call freelance is a in the art industry. I gave up. The job placement they offered was a joke. They sent me xerox copies of yellow pages for rochester, foruse, ithaca advertising agencies. These agencies, i researched on my own and sent resumes ages before they were even xerox copies. It was a fraud. I was defrauded. My military benefits are gone. They used federal grants. I tried to transfer credits to the Rochester Institute of technology and they laughed it off. The Art Institute of pittsburgh swindled me, i am 58, i will be paying this 20,000 debt until i am 65 or beyond. Host thank you for telling your story. Melissa, take that story and apply it to what we are talking about. Guest there are a couple of things i want to draw on. The military benefits while students who have attended now closed institutions like itt, like corinthian can have their loans forgiven. Unfortunately, the g. I. Bill funds are not you cant get those back. So the School Closed part way through your program and you cant start over with new veterans benefit money. Definitely a concern because a lot of forprofit schools do cater to veterans because they have stressful schedules, they are online. Is theer i will mention transfer of credits. Many forprofit colleges are accredited by what is called a national creditor. A tis is the acronym. Dontegional accreditors accept credits from schools that are nationally accredited. They feel they are different standards of academic success and qualifications. Not means that our i. T. May. Ccept Credit Community colleges dont often accept credit. Fine print saying credit transfers are guaranteed and many students who have an are surprisedree and disappointed to find out that their credits do not transfer when they pursue a bachelors degree. Challenge. I would definitely say, do your research beforehand. Host from susan in fort myers, florida. Go ahead. Withr my disappointment college was the superfluous courses that did not apply to my degree, which was accounting. Lynch merican literature course. I was trying to work fulltime and parttime as an adult. Tudent at 20 and 21 years old it was a two year degree to be a cpa in illinois and i had to cpa a tutor to sit for the which made my equivalency im going to tell you they put those to propose courses in their that were not applicable. They took all these enriched courses in high school. I said to the dean, i had a 3. 8 gpa and am i going to be able to be a cpa . Do and me what i had to i transferred all scholarship to another university. Thated to attend university and it was not a commuter place. So ithey have got me more just gave up and thought i was just going to cram for the cpa. It was just worthless. I received a very good education for the primary system and was not disappointed with the education i got that was more. Echnically oriented they have expanded that degree to another baccalaureate for the cpa. Host thank you for calling in. We will let our guest respond. The disappointment you had with college is something very common among adult students, people who are holding down part or fulltime jobs who have families or who dont really want to take a great looks class or literature class or a philosophy course that take the classes they need to get the degree, to get a promotion. They are there for the more vocational instruction. Haveis why so many people flocked to forprofit colleges is because that is what they promote. And not a vocational comprehensive liberal arts intellect program. That does appeal to a lot of people. You are seeing for your colleges offer those programs as well forprofit colleges offer those programs as well. Host we set aside a line for who attend forprofit universities, 8002. This is tina from North Carolina, hi. I attended the university of phoenix because Electronic School was great for me as far as my schedule and my family. It was a lot of money. Degree, atmy masters the university of maryland, i havent been able to find a job and i am working part time but looking for something in the field that i graduated from. Unfortunately, it is saturated and one of the problems is if you are trying to face the it hasor pay your rent, been very difficult because the the interests of the interests upon interests. Cant prepare for my future i graduated. That is another problem. Think i dont know if the caller had federal or private loans, but there is a significant difference in the Interest Rates for federal versus private loans. Federal loans generally have lower Interest Rates which can ease that burden a little bit, in the 34 range rather than private loans that are in the double digits. 90 of loans out there are already federal loans. Rates arevate loan fairly rare. Ist if i am a student and get federal loans and i apply them to a forprofit university and it goes under, do i lose access even if i get the loans forgiven . Guest you can get more money. While you can have those forgiven and start fresh, that is the difference between the federal loans and the g. I. Bill funding. Federal Student Loans, you can potentially start over. Start. W program, you can guest from herman . About 11 years ago i decided to take some classes from the university of phoenix and i was just starting. I wanted to move up in my job and i needed more education. Take classes at the university of phoenix and i took three classes, only three classes. One class each semester and i couldnt go anymore because it got intense at the time. I had kids, a family, work and everything. Absencefor a leave of and i was told that i was approved but later i found out that i was not approved and owed 7,000 for those three classes. And it was devastating for me to know that i owed 7,000 when i college before. I never owed that much money in my Student Loans and now, that is still hanging over my head. It has been 11 years and it is still part of my credit report, that i oh 7,000 on the department of education. Melissa korn, three classes, 7,000. Is that the commonplace kind of numbers you hear . Classes, 7,000 is quite a bit but it is not unexpected. Forprofit colleges do 10 to have high Sticker Prices especially compared to Community Colleges where it is a couple hundred dollars per course. That said, when you go to school and even if you dont finish if you take a leave of absence, or if you are on the hook, you signed paperwork in the beginning that says you would pay those loans back. It is worth looking at the Sticker Price and worth looking at the net price. There are a number of state universities that have online operations. If you want to do an online program, you might still do it for cheaper. Guest host as far as itt and when they colleges, decide to adopt them or take them on because of their experience . Guest they might take students on individually. A number of Community College programs and for your programs have reached out to local students who have attended itt in the past week or so. They are offering scholarships to give them academic credit but there is no guarantee. Schools of state thating the institution, is not likely going to happen. They will probably have to sell at least a bunch of it, so they will cancel those leases. Are there forprofit universities that work and a couples what they promise . Guest absolutely. Not all nonprofit schools are good or have strong outcomes. You see fouryear schools that have abysmal Graduation Rates. So we cant paint with broad brush strokes. There are schools that teach hairdressing and if you want to learn hairdressing, you have to go to a forprofit college to do it and you can get a wonderful job. You just cant paint broadly here. There are some forprofit colleges that do their jobs. Or thingsery flexible like that that are worth looking into. Guest im a very big fan of cspan and i watch you all the time every morning. This is another example of the system being a fraud. I remember being a little kid, you know, getting an education and staying off the streets, but these situations, youve got to lot of the poor people and black people are the main targets and they wonder why criminals are running on the streets. This is ridiculous. I was a victim myself from a forprofit School Called fast train college. Same situation. It is madness. Nuts. Here you turn, it is be ank there needs to moral questioning of these things going on in the United States. And let me take that one step further. Who oversees forprofit do you think Congress Might become more involved because of the itt story . Guest there have been a number of hearings in the senate and the house over the past seven years that i have been covering forprofit colleges, talking about the bad they are doing in the good they are doing and one threads is if we are going to hold them to a particular standard, why not hold public universities to that same standard. It is a fair question. Continue to bell a topic of conversation in the senate and the house and the white house. In terms of oversight it is complicated. The department of education ultimately does open the doors access to Financial Aid and schools generally have to be. Ccredited in certain programs, and in certain levels. The accreditors themselves are not they are pure peerreviewed systems. Big debate going on about whether the accreditation system is intended to hold schools to a certain standard or recommend improvements. Andhelp schools get better potentially obtain those standards but not take them out if they dont get them. That was one of the challenges of Corinthian Colleges. They were accredited the entire time and they had a number of lawsuits. The a creditor, the same creditor that accredited itt gave them a clean bill of health the whole time. There is a lot of discussion about how to watch the watchdogs because they dont have much of a bite right now. Host a couple of people asked about Trump University, asking if a forprofit university gets federal student money. Trump did not get any federal money. It was not an accredited institution. It was a real estate seminar program. Mostly. Especially in the later years. People who attended were paying outofpocket. They were paying on their credit cards, writing tracks or getting personal loans writing checks or getting personal loans. Montrose, colorado, susan, good morning. Though ahead. Go ahead. I had Student Loans back in 2002. I couldnt find work to pay them back. I was living in another state at and it is kind of ironic. The education i got was a paralegal degree. I used that degree to file a bankruptcy case. Work. Couldnt find it was hard. Im not going to attribute it all to that but i was able to but i haddent loans to prove total destitution. The irony is that my Legal Education help they represent myself through three appeals. It was considered a landmark case but i just think they should change the bankruptcy laws to help you. Cry out. Ese students they are destitute and dont have any money to pick up their loans. So they can live. I think there needs to be in 2005 they changed the bankruptcy laws concerning private debt and i think they need to start there too. Host lets hear next from robert, in georgia. You are next. Caller hello. Would like to say, congratulations to the folks who twittered you about trump. I was getting concerned that none of the phone calls were that thisp and given is going to be one of the decisions americans make this year, asking questions about mr. Trump and his involvement in this university. Here is my question. The wall street journal is pretty wellknown to be to the media. F other news i would like to get the rights position on his legal obligation to the people that went to the college. Can i get some criticism from the right . Thank you. Sectionhile our opinion does take a Firm Political stance that tends to be towards the right, our news departments including reporters like myself do not. I have written about Trump University and how it changed over time, having the backing of dartmouth to become a hotel real estateoom seminar program. Cant comment on the political side of things. Host where do you see the future of forprofit universities . About theirncerns coursework and their ability to help students get jobs, is the system do for a change . We will find out in the next few weeks. The a creditor who oversees forprofit colleges is under fire. Ability to its accredit schools and keep open the floodgates. If it loses its authority to accredit schools, those schools will have to go searching for new accreditors. It couldysts told me ultimately affect as many students as itt closures. Tens of thousands of students would be affected. Take one more call, kelly from dallas, texas. Are you there . Go ahead. Caller i was referring to the bankruptcy part of the Student Loans. Filed going to a Community College. I had a loan of 3200. We had to file bankruptcy. The student loan was 1600. It was listed on the discharge papers so i thought it had been discharged. 22 years later they came back to owedy me that i owned 6800 dollars. My employer got letters regarding garnishing my wages. My senator verified it could not be discharged. My warning had gone through a bank which i had thought was a bank loan and not necessarily a federal loan and i just wanted people to know, they pay for the rest of their lives. Thanks. Any final thoughts on forprofit universities, anything we have not covered today . Guest do your homework, know what youre getting into. , here to talkkorn about forprofit universities and Student Loans. Thank you for your time today. Guest thank you so much. It for ouris program. Another one comes your way at 7 00 tomorrow morning. We will see you then

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