Transcripts For CSPAN Washington Journal 20160730 : comparem

CSPAN Washington Journal July 30, 2016

202 7488000, between 25,000 and 50,000, your number is 202 7488001, if you make more than 50,000 year you can call us at 202 7488002. You can also find us on social tweet us your thoughts and find us on facebook. Donaldllary clinton and trump has been trying to ramp up their efforts to appeal to americas workingclass custom he was Donald Trumps latest ad. [video clip] lies the the glitter stark truth. Hillary clintons america, things get worse. Taxes keep rising, terrorism spreads, washington insiders remain in control. Americans lose their jobs and hope. In Donald Trumps america, people are put back to work. E American Dream is achievable again. I am donald trump, and i approve this message. Host Hillary Clinton accepted the nomination for president from the Democratic Party on thursday night. Here is her making a direct appeal to the workingclass. [video clip] willts begin with what we do to help working people in our country get ahead, and stay ahead. I dont think president obama and Vice President biden get the credit they deserve for saving us from the worst economic crisis of our lifetime. [applause] our economy is so much stronger than when they take office. Nearly 15 million new private sector jobs, 20 million more americans with health insurance. An Auto Industry the just had its best year ever. [applause] now, that is real progress. But none of us can be satisfied with the status quo, not by a long shot. We are still facing deepseated problems that developed long before the recession and stayed us through the recovery. The country talking to working families. Many who feelrom that the economy is not working for them. Some of you are frustrated. Even fr. Even furious. You know what . You are right. Lot ofow, an awful people feel there is less and less respect for the work they do, and less respect for them, period. Democrats, we are the party of working people. [applause] but, we havent done a good enough job showing we get what you are going through. Were going to do something to help. Host which party do you think best represent americas workingclass . Hillary a little bit of clintons acceptance speech at the Democratic National convention. Also play Donald Trumps latest he would boost jobs. Here is an article from the atlantic. An story says there is undercurrent of concern that something old is being lost in the Democratic Party in the celebration of the new. Public a medic Democratic Party opened to all races, genders, sexual orientations, welcoming to immigrants and champion diversity may not have preserved enough room for the workingclass white voters who anchor the party from Andrew Jackson through lyndon johnson. Been theers havent party center for years except for bill clinton in 1996. No democrat has won more tha 40 of white voters without a College Education cents 1980 according to media examples. While running just enough above the National Numbers among workingclass whites in the key midwestern battleground states retaining the advantage in those pivotal state. We are taking your phone calls this morning, lets start with michael in maryland, good morning to you. Caller hello . Host which party do you think best represents the workingclass . Caller democratic. Host why is that . Caller it seems like they have a plan. Trump, i dont understand what he is saying. Betweenis is you make 25,000 and 50,000 a year, and feel like youre part of the working class . Caller yes. Host what do you do . Caller i work for the federal government, cod. Host our next color is mark caller is mark from philadelphia. Go ahead, good morning. Caller good morning. Host which party do you think best represents the workingclass best . Caller definitely the democrats. It is pretty simple. Take detroit, president obama. Mitt romney was talking about a controlled anchorcy and that kind of stuff. Look at michigan. They have indicted those state employees, lowlevel grunts. He real culprit is the governor snyder, a republican. Host mark, do you think the Democratic Party has done enough to explain its message and connect to workers . Caller yes, they have. Is eating up the oxygen with this totally ridiculous slogans and unrealistic plans with tariffs. I think hillary has a very measured, intelligent program. I dont know. I guess people want to hear bernies nonsense on the left. They like his nonsense on the left, blaming banks and wall street. Trump on the right is blaming politicians. Exceptas no one to blame the person looking at you in the mirror. If you cannot compete in this economy, that is just the way that it is. Dont blame anybody for some hillary is just trying to aid people to find jobs. From that is mark, philadelphia first of our next color comes from hollywood, florida. Cindy, this is you make less than 25,000 a year, who do you think best represents you . Caller my answer to that question is neither. , actuallytwo laws both republicans and democrats to do that. It is those three laws that are the problem. Atyou want the minimum wage 15 an hour, the only people to get more money is the government. On it, it is 123 more out of your pocket to the government. God only knows what they will spend it on. Your ownf you making decisions about what you need. Here is the law, i dont know the name of this act. It was not passed by this congress. This act was a financial law that has to do with the currency. It a sickly says that the basically says the dollar you earn today next years worth less money. It will be about . 90 on the dollar, maybe less. It will beter that worth about . 80. The value of what you do today decreases over time. Really doesnt matter, but if it doesnt matter you really shouldnt be doing it. Everybody should be doing something that matters. Your compensation should matter as well, and not decrease over time. It took both republicans and democrats to pass that law. That is your problem. That is why your money doesnt buy anything. Until they fix that, raising the minimum wage, all this other stuff, is not going to work. They did it once, already. It didnt work. It raises thee price of everything and you increase poverty. Money wealth is when your buys the things you need for you not just those, people who work for the government. Host all right. Caller i am sorry, but i sent them a thing about building a National Floor panel for, making it a constitutional amendment, what would be a threebedroom two bathroom average standard would be 25 a month to matter how much wattage you used. Host all right, we hear your thoughts this morning. Lets move on to georgia, herbert is calling there. Good morning to you. Caller good morning. Now, thati am retired is why i make less than the money. The peopleut there, the people there, the hour, that is minimum wage. You of congress with republicans and democrats making 174,000 a year. That is not including expense accounts, and others. Thinkwhich party do you is best positioned to improve the situation of people making 725 an hour . Caller democrats mostly, watch what im saying. Democrats help the middle class. One person who unionized america. They made it when the unionized america that is when the salaries went up. Legislators never passed bills until people started to organize. Take theshouldnt legislature to organize people to organize. Theseon should know corporations know theyre making huge profits. Why should you wait for the thernment when they know money theyre making. Theyre making a Record Number of profits. You know one thing i found about it also . Been in this little town now first of many of the small towns in georgia, and chamberppi, tennessee, of commerce controls the salary. Most of these people are making 7. 25 an hour. We have the biggest chicken factory in south georgia. Guess what . They come here because they dont have to have that competition. Now all right herbert, lets get some perspective of farmville, virginia. Brought me rodney is on the line, good morning. Go ahead with your thoughts. Who best represents the working class . Democratsthink the represent the best workingclass. If you look back during the Bush Administration before president obama took over, the world was in turmoil. I am a construction worker. Timeslaid off three during the Bush Administration. The housing, the type of work that we did, the projects were down. When obama got into the presidency, things picked back up. I think the democrats of the best workingclass. Host how has worked been for you sense than . Have you been able to find a job that is steady since the recession . Caller yes, i have. I think president obama and mr. Biden has some a great job. I think Hillary Clinton will do a good job. Really dont think donald trump move forward to for people to get better jobs. I definitely think the democrats would be a better workingclass. Host all right. Now here is a story from im economy a gr report plays into trumps hands. For as clinton is hoping stronger economy. A Donald Trumps version of a crippled america she got grim news on friday morning within a report showing the economy grew quarter, in the second a sluggish pace for an expansion that is durable but also deeply dissatisfying to most americans. The details provide firstquarter growth down to 8 , showing an economy dangerously close to stall speed in handy donald trump a talking point. The story appeared in politico. Now to joseph, in chicago, illinois. Good morning to you. Caller good morning. You know, i think the Democratic Party best represents the workingclass voter. About white workingclass voters, and 2008 president obama had a problem with the white workingclass voters. People wondered why the Obama Campaign couldnt attract workingclass voters . To me the issue is not what is wrong with the Obama Campaign or the clinton campaign, the issue is what is going on the white workingclass voters . They cant seem to find a home in the Democratic Party. They say that it is because of the diversity of the party itself. Theuse, in 2011, if Republican Party had not blocked the american jobs act, the economy will be doing a lot better. Host a quick question for you, do you feel the Democratic Party has done enough to reach out to white workingclass voters . Caller well, i look at it this way. When the economy crashed into thousand eight, it affected every group of people. It affected Asian American workers, and hispanic american workers, and africanamerican workers, and White American workers. So, why is it that these other groups feel like they have a place in the Democratic Party, but white workingclass voters are excluding themselves . Host all right, next up steve from dover, florida. Between 25000 and 50,000 a year. Good morning, steve. What the problem is this 7. 25 wage is way off the line. Hour and werean talking with 16 and already have 12 first of this is five dollars more than the usa. You know what . You go there, people say it is expensive. It is not much different. If you go to europe, where i came from. The same thing, nobody is hungry, everybody is driving cars. I said then why are you complaining . You have two cars and a house, this is a democracy. You know, this and that. Host what industry do you work in . Caller i am retired right now. I am 72. I am getting sick of when you see the republican if you think about seven or eight years backward, who destroy this economy . Republican, or democrat . Just ask yourself. Lets not talk of what happened 80 years ago, but we should talk about it. Years ago, but we should talk about it. Host that is steve from florida. Lets hear from cindy in inglewood, new jersey. Cindy earns over 50,000 a year. Good morning. Caller good morning. The last color just said 8 years ago, where were we . We are now under 5 . I work for the automotive industry. Finishinging, he just the gdp it is better going up then back for stuff that is my comment, have a nice day. Host all right. W, donald trump was campaigning in scranton, pennsylvania earlier this week. He talked about Hillary Clintons comment on coal miners. [video clip] hillary give a press conference in an area where coal and the Different Things that we love wasnt so important, right . She figured should make the statement and it wouldnt get back to West Virginia. It got back to West Virginia, and to pennsylvania, and ohio, and a lot of places that she d idnt want to hear that message. She said she would put the coal mines out of business, no good. We had an event, at a big, massive place, it was beautiful, in West Virginia. The place was packed. Outside, they had at least double the number. It was love. I saw some of the miners. When you think, of leaving are going to another place it may be doing Something Else that of this . They said mr. Trump, we love mining. We love doing it. This is our livelihood. This is what we do. We dont want to do Something Else. I said, i love that. I can understand that. I love that. [applause] in, because we will put you back to work. Here are some more statistics from the story in the atlantic. It is the post Republican National convention poll released on monday was directly at the anxiety in the Democratic Party. Trump had big leads among 39college whites, cnn polled percentage points. The cnn poll touchup attraction only 69 of noncollegeeducated white men but also noncollege educated white women. On twitter we have this comment. When hillary is forced to confess the extent of the confessions concessions she expects white workers to make they will all flock to trump. Turning now to montana, or is that missouri . I think steve is calling. Caller yeah, that is missouri. I dont know if a lot of people know this. The message massive immigration started under Ronald Reagan. When clinton got in there was more jobs than we knew what to do with. That has a lot to do with not so much raising the minimum wage as i work for a company they make 50 billion profit in a year. It is a trucking company, nonunion. Do you think they sure that with us . No way, it doesnt work. You need strong unions. Why dor comment is, these politicians have to take lie detector tests, drug tests, evaluations . I think donald trump acts like he is on drugs. Host all right, that is steve from missouri. Lets move on now to walter from indiana. Go ahead. Caller thank you very much for taking my call. I think what we have to do is ask ourselves a question, how is a job created . If we believe the government, these people that wear threepiece suits can somehow create a job, then you have to ask yourself how. If you look at the real with creating a job or what you have to set up an environment that is conducive, you have to have low taxes. You have to have fair, but not too stringent epa regulations. You have to be job friendly. You have to have products that need to be sold and products that need to be made. All of those things work hand in hand. If we look at states that are run by conservatives, im out here in indiana. Taxes york, my property you couldnt even hang close out on the close line the backyard because there were rules and regulations. I had to work two jobs. Out here in indiana, my property taxes are under 2 , 300 a year for an acre and a half of property. Very low crime, no vehicle inspections. Our property taxes, income, everything is low and controlled. We ask ourselves how is a job created . Nothing can be produced in less there is a demand for that. In order to make that demand accessible have to make things lower and cheaper. Host are you still working or have you retired . Caller i just retired two years ago. L equipment ande delivering factories for years. It comes down to common sense. Republican, conservative, or democratic thing. When you look to a party that says i will give you free things, there is no such thing as a free lunch. Do, i wasing that we watching this morning, the white people, the hispanic people, the gay people. I served in the military for all americans. What we have to do is say were all americans, were in this together. Stop segregating and putting people in little boxes. Most of the problems will be have decent jobs. If you turn around and say i will raise the minimum wage, how absurd do you think a cheeseburger that costs three dollars will now only cost three dollars . They dont understand capitalism, or the business owner. Cups, you leftie a raise the price of that. Then it will cost 15. It comes down to how people if he ask a person how do you think a job is created . Host the hear you this morning. Luke is calling from louisiana. Caller this thing with the minimum wage, i mean, my first 3. 30 an hour. 3 host what were you doing . Caller flipping hamburgers. If youre 30 or 40 years old and a career and are still working you minimum wage job, didnt advance your career any kind of way. Up. Have to work yourself if you try to support a family on a minimum wage job you have advanced your career and he kind of way. Host both Hillary Clinton and donald trump have called for increases in the minimum wage. Donald trump calls for 10 minimum wage, what does that mean for who you might support . You cant raise the minimum wage that much. It has to stay where it is. Like the gentleman just said, the previous color. In of you raise the wages the prices of Everything Else is going to go up. All right, that is luke from louisiana. We turn now to glenn from florida, also calling on line for those making over 50,000 a year. Good morning. Caller how you doing . Hos

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