Transcripts For CSPAN Washington Journal 20160424 : comparem

Transcripts For CSPAN Washington Journal 20160424

Next up is john joining us from ohio. Good morning. Caller i have two comments. We should have never invaded none of these countries. Now weve got this mess. And lets have i mean, i hope theyve got good luck getting that bill through the house because they cant get anything finished. So thats my comment. Host ok. Our question, your own experiences with t. S. A. As you go through airport security. Nathan from pennsylvania. Caller i cant believe i got through so quick. Thats better than t. S. A. Host we aim to please. But were not t. S. A. Go ahead. Caller i havent flown since the 1970s since i was a kid so i hear the stories. I wouldnt want to go on a plane. I went to disneyland and a couple other places in the late 70s and jumpen on a plane was as innocent and fun as jumping on a Greyhound Bus. I havent been on a Greyhound Bus in 0 years. That was also very 20 years. That was very easy. Im wondering whats happening with buses and trains. Thats probably next. Host how do you get around . Do you just drive . Caller i just drive. I dont really travel. But interesting my parents this happened a few years ago. They were close to 80 and they were come back from a trip. My mom had a snow globe with a little manger scene in it. It had liquid in it. And theyically clfiss kated it made her go to the back. Shes an old woman about that time about 79. My father had a money clip taken from him that had a little tiny thing on it to open something up. But just hes a world war ii veteran. A marine. Its just the thing that bothers me is like what the other person said, is why are we doing this . Why are we becoming a police state like this . And were doing it because we have no trust because the government doesnt know who we are and we dont know who they are. And theres a loss of trust when you have importation of so much people from the third world and you have to have you have to have a form of a police state. So im wondering how long its going to be before trains are you going to have to be searched before you get on a train soon . Im sure thats coming next. And im sorry, but if im still in the air im sorry to say this but of course were not looking for chinese american grand moms, japanese americans. Were not looking for 80yearold pennsylvania dutch moms like mine. Were looking for muslim men 18 to 40 thats who does this kind of stuff im sorry but thats who does it. And i just its just amazing that we have to lose all our liberties because our country cant get ahold of who is here. Thats why a moratorium on migration from muslim countries like trump says would be a good idea until we got a handle on this, i think. Host thranchingse for your call. And this is another tweet. Host good morning. Caller good morning. Well, my light is read in with the t. S. A. I was in the las vegas airport with my disabled daughter who is in a wheelchair. And were sitting in front of an elevator to go down to the bottom level of the las vegas airport. The door opens up and ten t. S. A. Agents just walk in front of my daughter and fill the elevator. They were doing a shift change at the time. I mean, theyre just rude and think that they can do whatever they want to do. And this is just my latest one. There was an escalator ten feet away from this elevator they could have went down but instead they had to crowd in front of my disabled child. Host was she in a wheelchair . Caller yes. Sheness a wheelchair right in front of the doors and the doors opened up and all them t. S. A. Agents walked in front and took the elevator and left us standing there. But anyway. Theyre pathetic. Security. I mean, they all the time get guns through and they try to test them. I mean, its ridiculous all the money we spend on them. Host ofpblgt thank you very much sorry for your own experiences. Good luck to you by the way. This is a fronted storty as the president winds down his remaining months in the white house. He flew to germany earlier today overnight meeting with business executives, a private dinner with the german chancellor. First lady obama was in london on friday to join the president for lunch with queen elizabeth. The president will be flying back tomorrow. He will be at the white house correspondents dinner. Live coverage of the dinner saturday eevepbling. Our coverage gets under way 6 00 eastern time. You can watch it or listen to it. Back to your calls and comments orn t. S. A. Security your experiences. Caller the Fishing Company that i actually work for out of dutch harbor alaska, they were stationed in seattle, washington. They didnt open up until 8 00 or 9 00 that morning. I had to leave the airport at 6 00 a. M. When the buses started running from the t. S. A. Agents for a security reason. I was not allowed to sit in the airport after just getting off a flight. I dont know. For some security reason. I dont know. They actually made me jump on a bus and leave. I ended up riding the buses for over two hours. Host wow. Thats crazy. Caller it made no sense at all but they said it was a security reason and what could i do . I didnt want to sit and argue. I had to do what they said. Host how long was your overall journey . From start to finish . Harbor, left dutch alaska, to bethel for the weather. And had to stay in bethel overnight. When the weather got better went from bethel to anchorage and then after a few hours whatever layover. So we arrived at 4 00 or 5 00 a. M. Host thank you very much for the call. We appreciate it. The New York Times sunday magazine looking at hillary. Inton how she became a hot Time Magazine is out with the 100 most influential people. Back to g to ask you your phone calls dealing with t. S. A. Your own experiences going through airport checkpoints. The house begins debate this week. Good morning. Caller good morning. Youre a frequent flier . Caller yes, i am. I fly around two to three times a month. The smaller airports are better than the larger airports. The larger airports for some reason had like atlanta, had to staff more people for larger crowds. The smaller airports are easy to get in, easy to get out. No hastle. Now, the thing i had a problem with when i traveled through larger airport, items get stolen or theyre delayed when im landing in another large area. In recently, i landed nashville, tennessee coming from texas, forthood area, and had to wait almost half the day ust to get my luggage. My luggage had all my work clothes in it. Host thanks for the call. This is the headline from. S. A. Today. Betty good morning. Caller good morning. Ok. I wanted to comment regarding the t. S. A. Agent not the security but the agents in general. I just wanted to say to all the people out there that complained about the agents being rude. I think a great idea would be to have serning planes that fly every day where people can come into the airport and fly without going through security at all. Just put all of them on a plane together. Let them fly without going through any security and see how they feel about that. I think americans complain too much. Technically, i think i sense a m of some type of izz involved when theyre talking about the agents to a certain extent because they all have jobs and most look like theyre young kids. A lot are minorities especially in the larger cities. So americans complain too much. So what if you have to wait . Ive had to throw away bottles of water. Ive had to wait in long lines and take my shoes off and everything. And it is inconvenient. But at least we have a system. Like i said, the great suggestions for everything would be to put them all on a plane without going through security and see how long they complain then. Thank you. Host betty. Jan has a similar sentiment on our twitter page. Turning to politics. The story this morning front page New York Times. Next up is chris from massachusetts. Good morning to you. Was i had a friend who sponsored for a ticket by another guy who had frequent flier miles and they had the prescreening clearance to go through who was extended to my friend who was not and that is a dangerous loophole. Host thank you for the call. Another story that will be getting attention this week as the u. S. Supreme court hears oral arguments on former governor bob mcdonald. This is a piece this morning. Caller i was flying to the United States bowling National Tournament looked on the t. S. A. List and youre allowed to take bowling balls. Every teammate took bowling balls. They said i might have a bomb inside my bowling ball. And i suspect thats fine if they cant xray it sufficiently. But then they gave it back to me and said i could either throw it away take it back to my car or mail it back. Well i had enough time to take it to my car. But if you think its a bomb why do you give it back to somebody let them walk through the airport with it . And i only fly once a year maybe twice a year and my wife and i have taken an overseas trip and were coming back through frankfurt and i bought her a little snow globe that had a castle in it. And we get to detroit, they take that from me and my wife was upset. It was a surprise to her that i had bought this because she collects those kind of things. And the lady said well here i will give it to you and you can look at it and give it back to me. Once again if you think its something thats deadly why would you give it back . Host with regard to the bowling ball why didnt you just check it through . Caller i did. Im in a top list bowler so you can only get two. I figured it would be safer to keep that one with me. So thats why i didnt check it through. And then in t. S. A. s defense i wrote them a scathing letter about them taking it from me. And it really ruined the trip. It was a ball that i wanted to use. And she apologized and said its up to the local t. S. A. Guys. They make a decision on Something Like that. But why would you give it back if you think it might be a bomb . Thats just ridiculous. Host thanks for the call. The hill newspaper reporting on the f. A. A. Debate. Senate leaders ultimately decided to drop Renewable Energy tax breaks from the bill which democrats said were left out of last years package but that drew the ire of conservative groups. More details available on line. Vancouver, washington. Your experiences. Caller one morning about nine months ago i was taking my mother to the Portland International airport in oregon. She had forgotten in her purse a large butter knife about eight inches long. The top half being all metal the bottom half being metal and plastic. So she went through the checkout line there. And they put her since shes elderly put her through the easier line and they never noticed it it was in her purse. If i remember correctly some of the nine 11 had a box knife hidden. I really question what are we paying for here . Thank you. Thank you. Well go to jack from miami. Caller good morning. Just on the other hand i have a very good friend of mine who is a t. S. A. Officer works out of miami and he is relating to me and this is in reference to the not enough personnel that the t. S. A. Side, they are so aggressively negative against their officers that they did a credit check on him and if your credit is not absolutely pristine, they let you go. So you have the pressure from the irate travelers, which is part of the standard of t. S. A. , and then you have the pressure from the t. S. A. Against the t. S. A. Officers by having all these little int cal parts to keep their job. And its just a lot of pressure on these people. I just thought i would pass that along to the general public. Host thanks very much for the call. Were getting your comments about your experiences. Over the weekend we covered the president who held a town hall meeting in london. He calls the meeting with european counterparts over some shared challenges over the debate in june whether or not grabe Great Britain will stay as part of the european union. Heres a portion. Every few months i keep with a new group of white house interns. Theyre roughly your age. They come in for six months they are assigned to various aspects of the white house. And i often talk to them about the fact that if you could choose one moment in history in which to be born and you didnt know ahead of time what you were to be, you didnt know whether you were a man or a woman what nationality, what ethnicity, what religion, who your parents were, what class status you might have. If you could choose one time in history where the chances that you led a fulfilling life were most promising, you would choose right now. This moment. Because the world for all of its travails, for all of its challenges, has never been healthier, better educated, wealthier, more tolerant, less violent, more attentive to the rights of all people. Than it is today. That doesnt mean we dont have big problems. Thats not a cause for complacency. Ut it is a cause for optimism. In a moment ng where your capacity to shape this world is unmatched. What an incredible privilege that is. Host the president at a town hall meeting with residents in the Greater London area. We carried it yesterday. It is on our website at cspan. Org. Back to your calls. From new jersey, karen. Good morning. Caller theyve not been very pleasurable. I was at the airport in dallas, texas. They want you to go through the big machine, its like a big xray machine and i wont go through it. So they have somebody host where where you put your arms up and it goes by in three seconds. Caller it spins around you. Host right. Guest and they dont have that at the lehigh valley, airport but they have it at dallas airport. I dont trust that thing. I wonder if that gives off some type of radiation or something. I dont trust it. So i have them pat me down. I felt like i was in a porn movie. It was so weird. And i get that we have to have security. But its sad that the airport is not a fun experience like it used to be. Host thanks for the call. Next up is yvonne from puerto rico, good morning to you. Your experiences with t. S. A. Security. What have they been . Caller not too good. I noticed that when i go i always have my head patted. Can you hear me . Host we sure can. Go ahead. Caller i always have my head patteded. Theres an african american. If theres a white lady they dont pat her hair. I go through they want to pat my hair. Fiff it in a bun, if i have it in a wig. I dont understand it. And i know that theres a rule that theyre not allowed to do that. So they still do a lot of profiling. Host ok. Did you have a final point . Caller that was it. Host thank you for the call. Lou from high labd park, illinois. Caller first thing i would like to say is if youre giving these t. S. A. Employees almost lice roles and they have absolutely very, very little training in how to do with the public. I had a horrible experience with the t. S. A. Person at chicago, ohare. Host what happened . Caller i came through the line and he told me to remove something from my wallet. I didnt see it. When he said it to me again he screamed, took my wallet, emptied it out, and then took my careyon luggage and i was careying gifts for my grandchild. And he shook it violently in the air in front of everyone. He shoork it violently. This guy was about six feet, maybe four inches tall. Then he threw it on the convare belt. Host when did this happen . Caller this happened about a yearandahalf ago host did you complain to t. S. A. . Caller oh, yes. Host did they get back to you . Caller no answer. I would say theres no supervision there. Theres no training. These people have i will tell you something else. They make fun of women coming through the line. They have these code code words. One and ive heard them use it is did you see that . And they pass that along to the other t. S. A. Employees. And if theres a goodlooking woman coming through they all look and remark that did you see that did you see that. Its really its uncontrollable these people are if you ask me theyre the ones who should be screened not us. Host ok. Thanks very much for the call. Coming up were going to introduce you to one party that has a nominee. No second ballot. The nominee for the Constitution Party. And jeffery, is out with a new book called let the people rule. But first newsmakers this week is Robert Mcdonald. The program airs in its entirety at 10 00 eastern time. Heres a portion. Were all about satisfaction. This wait time thing has kind of over taken over control of really what should be the real measure. Now in terms of wait times, we believe the data that were using is good data. We believe that wait times generally are on average three to six days depending upon the specialty that you want at which location. But weve admitted two things. Number one, if you go to the ents of the bell curve, youre going to have people getting same day access, almost 20 getting same day access. On the other end youll have some people waiting much too long. And those are the locations, the specialties that weve got to fix and with the here in the Community Program that weve put forward, its a huge opportunity to fix those. Thats why were working that with congress. But i think ultimately the measure of satisfaction is really whats important. And do Veterans Trust the v. A. . We know that the vfw as you know put out a study that over 80 of veterans love coming to the v. A. They like the care they get at the v. A. Were working hard to improve access so more veterans can have that care. You measure the wait time not from the call or gets in touch from the v. A. But when he talks to how does Cleveland Clinic measure wait time . I have no idea. Does it matter . It does to the veteran and its three weeks before they get the call back. The important thing is to get the veteran in for care. Since the crisis we have over 7 million more completed appointments. 7 million. Host Robert Mcdonald the secretary of Veterans Affairs as he talked about long lines and trying to shorten those waits for patients at v. A. Facilities around the country and also streamlining the department overall. The full 30 minute interview is airing at 10 00 eastern time. Newsmakers every sunday here on cspan and on cspan radio. Joining us from memphis is the Constitution Party nominee, Darrell Castle. Thank you very much for being with us. Guest thank you. Im glad to be here. Host one party does have its nominee no question as to your own nomination. Why did you decide to become a candidate for the Constitution Party . I think that the rule of law is very important. The constitution is very im

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