Transcripts For CSPAN Washington Journal 20160124 : comparem

CSPAN Washington Journal January 24, 2016

Christian conservatives only. Who is your candidate and why . You are an important vote for the Republican Party. If you live in the eastern tral part of the country here are your numbers and you can also send us a tweet or go to facebook. We will take your calls in a moment. Bloombergin with this politics piece on their website. How donald trump stealing iowas evangelical vote. They reported that ted cruz jumped out in front on the strength of evangelical voters that he poached from dr. Ben carson. Donald trump has since surged back into a Competitive Position in iowa carry he is now making overt moves to take over evangelicals in iowa. Roberts university in tulsa, oklahoma and Liberty University in lynchburg, virginia. On friday, Donald Trumps campaign started a radio ad that will be playing in evangelical strongholds. Featuring a portion of his speech by gary falwell junior, the president of Liberty University delivered to the students. Its as faithbased voters are traditionally an important component of the Iowa Republican caucus vote. This month, 57 of likely Republican Caucus goers said they attend church at least once a week. , half december addition identified themselves as evangelical christians. Take a look at what Jerry Falwell junior had to say. On monday he was on rocks. He spoke on Sean Hannitys show and he compared donald trump to his father as a generous man. Do note are things you hear about donald trump because he comes across as a tough businessman. It reminds me so much of my father. My father would make politically incorrect statements all of those years and in real life and in his personal relationships with people. He gave away so many scholarships to students at liberty, he almost bankrupted this goal. He was always giving away scholarships. Here is one thing people did not know about your dad. The limousine story is interesting. A couple stopped to help him and he paid off their mortgage. People would say ok, she had the money to do it but there are a lot of wealthy people who dont do things like that. Trump60 minutes, donald was watching a report of a maytag plant that moved out of iowa into mexico. The three companies in that report, he actually searched them out. They were about to go out of business because maytag left. He found ways to buy products from those companies for his hotels to keep them in business. He gave money to his local Dominos Pizza restaurant so they could buy cheese and bread and stay in business. Those are things the world needs to know about donald trump. The bible says by their deeds you will know them. He may not be up the illogical expert theological expert, but when you look at the fruits of his life and the people to whom he has provided job, that is a true test of someones christianity. That was gary falwell junior talking about donald trump who spoke at Liberty University trying to court the Christian Conservative vote. Were asking Christian Conservatives this morning. Who is your candidate . He just tweeted out yesterday when he was in iowa just left a great event, going to Church Tomorrow in iowa. Robert is a Christian Conservative in pennsylvania. Good morning to you. Who is your candidate . Support donaldo trump. I was a supporter of ross perot years ago. I do not think our twoparty system is serving us. I do not want donald trump to be a thirdparty candidate that i do think this could start something and both parties have been leading us badly the last few years and i think donald trump could get things done. Greta people talk about him being married three times. He says has bible is his Favorite Book but when pressed to name his favorite verse, he cannot. What you make of all that . If we can look in the other direction who disgraced this country in the white house for infidelities and sexual harassment, i think we can look the other direction for a few things that donald trump has done. Greta robert, do you go to church every week . No. I am not that devout of a catholic anymore. I am christian. Greta do you consider yourself a Christian Conservative . What issues are important to you . Yes. Starting with our International Viewpoint as far as how other countries look at us, we have been doing nothing but talking our tale between our legs and leading from behind. I think that is important that our allies respect us and our enemies fear us. If we do not change that around, our enemies will take big wax at us in the future. Greta what you make of donald trump saying yesterday in iowa i could shoot someone and not lose votes . Is a comment on his popularity. I dont think that is a remark regarding actually shooting someone. The beatles said they are bigger then jesus christ and no one held that against them. I think that is just a statement of how popular he is. Greta ok. How old are you and what you do for a living . Im 54. I am disabled. I was a machinist for many years. Thanks for having me. Greta here is Time Magazine with their story about Christian Conservatives, republicans trying to get their vote. Why donald trump is winning over this group of people. Nationalrts this polls suggest that donald trump has forged real connections with this voting block. In a recent survey, the front runner earned the support of 42 of evangelicals. Including his top rival, senator ted cruz who garnered 25 . In january nbc news survey also showed Donald Trumps deepest support among white evangelicals. Everly is a Christian Conservative in baton rouge, louisiana. Tell us who your candidate is. My candidate is ted cruz. I am not against donald trump. I think we oh him a debt of to spur people to want to make change. He is right about protecting our borders and about keeping people vett we cannot that from coming into the country. I am against people coming into the country until we know where these they had. Has madesan bernardino a lot of people think about donald trump. Here are other issues i will vote for donald trump if he is the candidate. I will vote for any republican. Greta prolife is the most important issue for you right now. It definitely is. You cannot murder babies to get prosperity. Prosperity is not worth the life of one baby. I think that is where a lot of evangelicals stand and why we are voting for who we are voting for. Because of that issue. You have to be truthfully for that issue. Moore on thissell program earlier this week and he what evangelical Christian Conservatives are looking for in these kennedy. Take a listen. Human dignityt to and that includes the dignity of the unborn, protection for the unborn, prolife issue is still a major issue for evangelicals and our allies. We have many evangelicals showing up in the Nations Capital this week for the march or life. Is a major commitment for evangelicals. And then a concern for religious liberty. That is something that we previously take for granted because it had a bipartisan consensus this iraq consensus for basic protection. Divideshad cultural war. Of thethe president Southern Baptist convention, dr. Russell moore was on our program this week. He was in washington for the march for life. We will go to phyllis in mount pleasant, pennsylvania. We are speaking only to Christian Conservatives this morning. I want to say i enjoy your program. My question is, i would like to Ask Donald Trump if he made a donation to Liberty University to get there endorsement . Greta you saw it as an endorsement . A lot of candidates speak there but you took it as an endorsement . I did not see any other candidate have such a big rally with sarah palin and with the liberty connection that he did. Separaterah palin was from the Liberty University speech. Im sorry. I see all of the big connection. I see it all playing together. Greta that is what the daily caller put together. This piece. Why sarah palins endorsement for donald trump could matter and they say that first is momentum. With this endorsement, donald trump has hijacked another media site two weeks before i went iowans go to vote. That could benefit donald trump to the detriment of ted cruz seemed to have them would the momentum in iowa before sarah palin. For some godforsaken reason, a contingent of evangelicals and conservatives still trust sarah palin even though her influence has steadily faded. Iowa may be a state where her influence still remains at least marginally significant. Let us go to marry in michigan. Mary in michigan. Who is your candidate . I am not sure yet. Greta what issues are important to you . What i was going to say is that you quoted donald trump. You forgot the first part. That the paper stated, if i were to choose someone i wanted you to correct that. Thank you. Greta let me read the story with the headline from politico. He said i could stand in the middle of fifth avenue and shoot someone and i would not lose any votes. It is incredible. Comment was met with some laughter in the crowd. Urgedo that he also vote in the iowa caucus. He said it doesnt make any difference if you are sick, or having a fight with your spouse, you must caucus. Who is your candidate . I am definitely undecided but i cannot believe that evangelicals could possibly support a man that has been divorced three times, supports prolife. Hows boggling my mind people are getting behind this guy. On the prolife side, if you are a prolife supporter, unless you have adopted a handicapped minority kid, then you have no right to complain about women making a choice. Adopt. Stand on your principles. A guy who talks about prosperity and you have money, go out and adopt them kids. Make them minority and handicapped. Greta were talking with Christian Conservatives, and important voting bloc for any republican running for president. Who is your candidate and why . Screen. Nes are on your if you are a Christian Conservative in the early voting states, dial in as well. Eastern part of the country and mountain pacific. Here is a recent story in the Washington Post. Dr. Ben carson has died in the National Polls in support with evangelical voters. This is from december of last year. It says his vote fell seven Percentage Points in just one month. Poll, carson was virtually tied with donald trump at 23 . Carsons campaign has struggled to prove his understanding of National Security and foreign policy. Who has been believed by support of social conservatives his support among evangelical christians appears to be eroding. Conservativesite is down from 32 . His support seems to have siphoned the bulk of those voters. Christian conservatives only this morning. We will get to more of your whole. Called. First, James Pindell is joining us to talk about the race in New Hampshire. Let us begin with yesterdays event. Most of themdates, gathered for a town hall in nashua. What did they tell New Hampshire voters . Jeh johnson this is part of their final pitch. Who is a group of folks would pay 40 to see president ial candidates that they could see any week for free. Some of these are the elite in the party. For a lot of these folks, it was a final argument to the cspan trying to influence any undecided voters. The weird dynamic last night, all day yesterday, this was supposed to be the center of the political universe. Cspan was there. We had a lot of National Media there. Seven president ial candidates. Was all in the room about donald trump, a person who was not there and who has been leading in the polls in New Hampshire since july and the latebreaking news about Michael Bloomberg and the dynamic that would half. You saw in this speech is there was a lot of conversation not there was other and some conversation about themselves but you heard a lot from jeb bush in particular or Carly Fiorina about why it is not donald trump. Why it should not be Michael Bloomberg. And why it should be them. You saw that in their speeches all day. It was a weird thing. It was supposed to be the center of the political universe but we were talking about two new york alien heirs that were not in the room. Billionaires that were not in the room. Greta why was donald trump not there . November,october or the state party chair, jennifer horn, told the boston globe that she did not think donald trump would be the nominee. He did she did not think he would win the pole. She said that because she did not think New Hampshire voters would pick someone who was voiced risk and who did not boisterous and who did not have a lot of substance. He was offended by that. He organized an effort to have her removed from office. The Republican Party chair has to be neutral by the bylaws. I spoke with them yesterday. I do not feel i need to make money for the state Republican Party, particularly this chairwoman. I do not feel the need to fill a room. If i showed up, there would be a huge audience to listen to seven other candidates. The interesting thing is that he will go to the same hotel, the same location on friday and he is hoping he will have a lot bigger of an audience in the 700 or so that showed up yesterday. We are eight days away from the voting that will begin in iowa followed by New Hampshire. The Des Moines Register endorsing Hillary Clinton and marco rubio, senator from florida on the republican side. Does that impact New Hampshire . James you have to argue it separately. The Des Moines Register has a it comes tod when endorsements. How much momentum it actually gives. Did did nod to john edwards and that did give him a lot of momentum. It made him an option for a lot of undecided democrats. In both races though, this editorial could make a decision for them. For iowa caucusgoers. The democratic contest is so in a and neck. The republican contest is also an and neck but we are not sure what will happen in third place. The third place in iowa really does matter, a heckuva lot. In New Hampshire, you have an establishment lane. A dozen candidates. A dozen republican candidates. Be sure to divide them up into three links to see who makes the final. The establishment lane. The conservative link, ted cruz. The outside lane, donald trump. The establishment lane in New Hampshire is stuck. Bush,ve marco rubio, jeb john kasich, and Chris Christie and they are all clustered around 10 . If you add them up together, they are a formidable first place but they are split up. Iowa canens in iowa, tell New Hampshire i think this is the establishment lane candidate we should look at. That could be an important signal to New Hampshire. If marco rubio or Chris Christie or jeb bush are not that clear candidate. Greta who is leading in the polls right now in New Hampshire . James donald trump and everyone else. He has been leading since july. His lead is about 20 points and some polls. One poll out this week showed him about 20 points. The race for second is fascinating. It has been changing. Ted cruz is in second place right now. John kasich. Ith depends on the poll you look at. I think ted cruz will end up in second place if he wins the Iowa Caucuses. New hampshire is not a ted cruz kind of state. You can make an argument that there are so many candidates running in second place is around 18 , ted cruz would be the choice out of five conservatives and he has consolidated them. John kasich is on the rise right now in terms of the establishment lane. And that is what is making it interesting about that Des Moines Register endorsement. Marco rubio has been in second place for quite a while in New Hampshire. Basicallyh has got nothing going on in iowa. We will see how that plays out. Greta is he the dark horse to watch . James john kasich. Out of nowhere, he has come up in the polls. Bush and his super pac is on thending john kasich airways so someone thinks he israel. Greta we appreciate your time as always. Let us get back to calls. Felicia in des moines, iowa. Who is your candidate . Jeb bush. Greta why . Of the candidates, i believe i know exactly where hes hands in his christian values. I would also like to say that any christian who is supporting donald trump, the same man who said he never has had to ask god for forgiveness. He has been married for three times. He had an affair on his first wife. How can he say he does not have to ask for forgiveness . Point, everyone in their life has to ask god for forgiveness. So i do n

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