Should immigration be tied to this spending bill . This is a subject at hand for the week. This is the number for republicans. You can land by six social media. You can send us an email. This immigration story is front and center as you can imagine on a lot of the papers this morning. This is usa today. Friday is the deadline for congress to act. This is wall street journal. Deadline nears on security funding. There is the setup this morning on what should be an interesting and active week on this topic. Join us by phone is jeff mason from reuters. What is the president s posture on this bill . Is it likely to change . Guest i think it will not change. His posture is he believes the congress should fund dhs. He believes he was within executive authority to issue the orders announced last year. That would shield up to 5 Million Immigrants or undocumented immigrants from deportation. Right now, he is in your in curious to see where congress will go. Its not going to change his position on what they should do. Host we expect action today as the president last in Appeals Court to issue a stay on this amnesty injunction. Guest for the last week, a judge in texas issued an injunction, a temporary stop to the order that the president issued, it puts on hold his plan to grant this shield of deportation for up to 5 Million Immigrants. What the white house said is the department of justice will seek a stay on that injunction. That would allow the department of Homeland Security to continue preparing its program to allow these immigrants to stay. Basically, they are trying to have the court set aside its injunction and let the preparation to continue while the process goes on the court system. Host the president is traveling to miami on wednesday for an immigration town hall. What is the message going to be . Guest the message will be an opportunity for obama to talk about this issue, which is so important politically in florida and in many other states in the country. The issue of immigration will probably be a huge deal and the 2016 campaign. The white house wants to highlight that they are trying to give an opportunity to immigrants to stay in the United States and reach out to latinos for whom that is a very important issue. The president will directly addressed what went on with the court. He will talk about what the republicans are doing in the congress. He has not gone much further than what he said in the Oval Office Last week. I think this is a way to keep the issue in the news and for the white house and the president in particular to make his argument to the people. Host there is a lot more out there for the white house and jeff mason is from reuters. One is a veto on the Keystone Pipeline legislation. Is it coming soon to the white house . Guest i believe that is coming soon. That is the pipeline that a Canadian Company wants to build that would bring oil from a alberta to the gulf coast. Basically, the president s position has been that the state department is studying the project and it should be up to the state department and the white has to say if they want to go forward. Congress led by republicans passed a bill that would force his hand on that. The president has said he will veto it. It will line land of his desk this week. That will be the culmination of a showdown between executive and legislative branches on this very controversial project. Host one topic is in the Washington Post. Congress is divided as it debates the war resolution. This is the legislation that the president sent to the hill. Remind us of what this is and what the white houses role is. Guest the resolution is seeking authority for the president to continue the United States attack on isis and the islamic state. The president has put forward the resolution seeking acting from congress, looking for what the government is doing. The controversy is how far it goes. Some republicans think the authority he is asking for is not going far enough. There are some lawmakers who think that it another openended request for the United States to be at war. That is going to be debated. The white house has said they are willing to negotiate on that with congress and that is what they will probably start to do. Host some tweaks that you put out recently, one it about the president meeting with the governors. He will deliver remarks about the new Consumer Protection announcement. Guest more information is out of this morning. I wasnt able to tweet last night. He will be announcing today during an appearance that aarp his direction to the department of labor that they should come up with new rules that would give remove a conflict of interest between what he sees for Financial Brokers when they give retirement advice to clients. It suggests that some brokers dont always follow whats in the best interest of the clients when they steer people toward more expensive investment products. It is not necessarily higher returns for their clients. That is a little bit controversial for republicans and Financial Firms who believe less income for their brokers but better products for investors. Host the president is campaigning for the mayor of chicago as he runs for reelection. A little but of trouble for the mayor, but the election as tomorrow. Guest that was for last week. He went to chicago last week and appeared with rahm emanuel who is running for reelection. He was the president chief of staff of the white house. That is a very tight relationship. The president went to give him some help and he will get a clean it reelection. Host jeff mason is the White House Reporter for reuters. We appreciate your time. Should the immigration policy issue be tied to the dhs spending bill . Our first call is from bill in texas who is a republican. Good morning, bill. Caller we see the problems with immigration very much so. We sought with that they surge of the children coming in from south america. We know whats going on in texas. The department of Homeland Security, it should be a separate issue. This is where i am confused by where the administration is coming from on this. Our governor has told him, he has had so many people tell him he says they dont have the authority. A texas judge said you dont have the authority to do what youre doing. That should be a separate issue. They should not attach Immigration Reform which we do need that has nothing to do with security of our ports and borders. Host this is sheila in virginia. She is an independent. Caller thank you for taking my call. I understand what bill is talking about. I will explain that we have been debating this for over 20 years. Republicans and democrats. I feel like we need to separate the bill and not penalize the dreamers for this. Thank you and have a good day. Host dan is in indiana. Caller the republicans have tied this to that to stop the unconstitutional act by the president. A federal judge, not a texas judge, ruled this needed to be stopped. This is a tactic to hold up the unconstitutional spending. It should be tied to it. Host thanks for calling. Chris writes, of course not. It is stupid political nonsense. The executive orders are not amnesty or anything of the like. More of your calls on this topic. Should the language be tied to the dhs spending bill. The deadline is saturday night. A Government Shutdown might occur. Good morning. Caller good morning. Please let me finish. I dont think we are being truly representative. Every black person ive talked to is against Immigration Reform. This is hurting the black community. We will be directly competing with these people. The black Unemployment Rate we are the bottom of the pit. These illegals we are citizens born in the United States. What i cant realize is you have hispanics in the United States, two thirds that live in the United States live in california and texas. I cant see why this is a top priority of the black representatives that we voted in office to put these Illegal Immigrants and give them taxes and you are thinking about talking Social Security. This is why democrats lost. Africanamericans would not come out and vote for hillary. I am a 54yearold black man. Everyone i speak to, this is how i feel. Host eight fight goes into crunch time. That is the headline with politico. They say that mcconnell will force the fourth vote in three weeks to fund the agency to protect americans from terrorists. Democrats will all certainly block it again. One more point. There are some conservatives who might abolish the filibuster. Peter has been hanging on from west palm beach, florida. Caller good morning. Im calling in reference to this topic. I think this is blackmail. The bill is being pushed through to blackmail the president. While they just they could put up privatizing Social Security. They could voucher medicare. These are the things you put onto that bill and say sign this or you wont get funding for security. You cant run the government that way. You dont blackmail the president and say youve got to pass because this is what we want. Thats not the way you run the government. I think they are absolutely wrong. Pass a clean bill and then passing immigration bill the lake is supposed to be done. We will do this for about 25 more minutes. We will ask you what you think about immigration. These are the numbers you can call. We will continue to take your tweets as well as your calls and your facebook postings. Here is one of the items in the Washington Post here co this battle may result in some employees going without pay. The secretary of Homeland Security jeh johnson elaborated on this point yesterday in his session with the governors. Here is what he had to say. If the department shuts down, we will require some 85 of the workforce to come to work. Border security, coast guard cyber security, Law EnforcementHomeland Security missions of the department. They will not be paid. The working men and women of my department will not receive a paycheck for the. Time of the shutdown. If you are a man or woman trying to make ends meet, that will not be an easy thing to ask of our people. That includes the coast guard deployed as far away as the coast guard. It is a very harsh winter. Approximately 30,000 employees of my department will be furloughed. Most of those are headquarters personnel. To give you a sense of the impact of that, at my headquarters, im pressing my staff continually to stay one step ahead of groups like isis and alshabaab. They will stay one step ahead of whats happening to increase illegal migration. I press our staff almost daily about aviation security. If we shut down our Headquarters Staff is scaled back to a skeleton crew. I am told from the 2013 shutdown when we furloughed our headquarters, we are still feeling the impact of that year and a half later because of the things we were not able to do. Host back to facebook, amy wright. Joe writes. Lets go to virginia, democratic caller. Caller im calling about immigration. This is not about when this thing goes through the legal system,. I am tired of hearing this nonsense about africanamericans affected by immigration. The guy who called about that what i am telling you is it does not matter. The system is set up against africanamericans. You can see from the educational system from high school how Many Americans graduate and drop out. Immigrants who have come to this country, look at the charts and see how Many Americans are holding jobs in this country. Everything is twisted. People are screaming about everything. The system was set up, there are winners and losers in every system. This is how it is set up it does not matter. Republicans wont give obama credit. They change the message about unemployment. It has been like that for years. Employment among africanamericans has always been high. Now the government is better. These crazy people any policy is sad. Look at our crumbling roads. Since i have been in this country, this country needs me more than i need america. What people do is focus on host im going to let you go. We have some other voices that need to get into the program. Beverly is in columbia missouri. Caller no. It should be a clean bill. As far as i am concerned, i could come up there and solve both problems. Its called common sense. Its called passing you give the dreamers that have been here forever, you put them through. You go through one by one. People want to know why your groceries are so high, its because last summer we had no people to pick the crops. Host thats beverly. We are back to twitter. This is chris and alabama. Here is the viewpoint of one republican. This is senator Lindsey Graham of south carolina. He was on television and asked about the issue of dhs spending. I agree with the texas judge who said that the executive orders were illegal. I hope republicans will come together and back the court case. I am willing and ready to pass eight dhs spending bill and let this play out in court. The worst possible outcome for this nation would be to defund the department of Homeland Security. I will not be part of that. Can you get to the house . Time will tell. I hope the colleagues in the house will know that the best that is to challenge this in court. If we dont defund the Homeland Security department, terrorist organizations can strike the homeland. This is a direct result of a failed Foreign Policy by president obama. The worst thing to do is add gasoline to the fire by having the Republican Party defund the department of Homeland Security. Host Michael Sprague writes. Becky writes. Those are a couple of facebook comments. In the hill, here is one of their items with senator mcconnell pictured. The gop is plotting a new strategy. That is in the hill this monday morning. Gary, you have been patient. Caller we are talking about how things should be done. We need to do things the way they are supposed to be done. How about acknowledging the balance of power in the constitution. Our thing supposed to be done like this . How about that for how things are supposed to be done . The difference between the democrats and republicans with the Homeland Security is the republicans are trying to do what they feel is best for the country. The democrats are there no democrats will come over and opposes this executive action . I think there are some democrats who feel it wasnt right. They are just staying with the party and covering the president. The republicans are doing what they feel is best for the country. Host we will go to louisiana. Go ahead, sir. Caller good morning. I think we need to those kids we send us up to represent us they need to leave politics out of things and get something done. I guess would be nice if obama gets out of office. We need to quit this politicking and get something done. This reminds me of the schoolyard. Host this is carl in west virginia. Should these two issues be tied . Caller yes, i think so. My point of view is once obama leaves office, he will have changed our form of government. The executive branch is not supposed to have all that power. If a republican gets in the white house next time and he says by executive order, any doctor performing abortions will be prosecuted for murder. Thats what could happen. If obama wants to transform america, hes doing it the wrong way. I believe in the constitution. I believe our government should here to it. By law, the Congress Passes a law in the president sees that its executed. Thats just the way it should be. Host this is the front page of the Arizona Republic this morning. They are focusing on this story. Here it is. They remind us that the deadline is friday. You can watch a little bit of the debate on cspan two on this vote proceeding to the bill formally happens at 5 30 p. M. One more headline from the Washington Post. They talk about the deadline. They have a quote here from secretary johnson. The governor of virginia, a democrat, was at the governors meeting yesterday and spoke about be impact of a potential dhs shutdown. Heres what he had to say. It will affect everything will governor and everything will community. Let me be clear. There will be real world consequences for all of our sake is dhs funding runs out. 30 hardworking employees will be without paychecks and g Grant Funding to everything will stay could be significantly impacted, even in the event of a continuing resolution. Many of these grant support our local police firefighters, and emergency managers. They make artists date able to respond to threats and hazards. The lots in dhs funding could also affect for operations across our country, something the economy cannot afford today. It is time for congress to get together and act. It should not let partisan politics threaten our security and the Economic Security of the only americans who depend on their paycheck to put food on their table for themselves. Host you can watch the governors talk about this issue on our website, www. Cspan. Org. We covered several sessions over the weekend. We will probably show some of them to you later today. You can watch all of them online. Clyde is calling from san antonio, texas. Caller good morning to you. I do not think tha