The Extremist GroupIslamic State. You can talk about how you is nk the fight against isis going, give call it a republican or democrat line you can also cut up with us in all your favourite social media like twitter, facebook or emails. Monday morning to you. He talked about this new us Troop Deployment. What hasnt changed is our troops are not engaged in combat. Taking for we are Training Centres with Coalition Members. It will allow us to bring in iraqi recruits. Given them proper training, proper equipment and happening with logistics. Close air ovide support , once they close in on what will not do is have our troops fighting. Always knock back any threat. Then when we leave that threat comes back. Shall we respect more troops will be needed . As commanderinchief. I will never say never. Fewer actually see troops over time because now we seek Coalition Members joining us. There was the interview that aired yesterday. The president authorised those 1500 new us troops, doubling us force in iraq. Is now around 1400. Troops are going down to 0 towards the end of 2011. Already 1400 are deployed and providing assistance , hoping to stop the advance of Islamic State. Iraq needs to ask for the last territory. The new troops will be placed under the same noncombat restrictions. There will be several weeks the new troops arrive, according to a military reporters alking to at the pentagon. This latest trip deployment debate about a new the authorising the armed troops. Of senator bit chris murphy on cnn state of the union yesterday. Tomorrow, i would argue it is 60 days since the president announced his strategy. A responsibility to approve this. I dont think the president has the authority to approve 15,000 troops. To be very are going reluctant to prove this. Worry about the mission creep. Do you think to congress o go for this . I think we will look for the orisation for deployment of troops, that could happen. But the recognition here is that a power alone is not going to accomplish the mission. We have a lot of troops in iraq. The tension here is to try and get the Iraqi Security forces syrian rreal rebels equipped and ready. Is advises me that we prefer them carrying the battle that american troops. The question is about timing. Obviously we are not going to with the ob done current mission. That was cnn with senator republican y and debate uth dakota, the the t the authorisation of also went deployment on twitter. Prison prison or banner sending 1500 more troops. This duty of congress alone. Last wednesday,. He said he was sending lawmakers a to authorise troops against the Islamic State in iraq. Such a formal approval is needed to show that the country unified to fight the violent singing sunni group. The Islamic State, a different kind of enemy. , said mander in chief in a new ng resolution. Morning under washington journal. We want to have your take on the deployment of 1500 new troops in iraq. The Bombing Campaign now four months old. We start with todd from south carolina. It is very interesting, john mccain , maybe a year or two ago. He to the middle t east. He was talking to the folks call isis is now. He was actually supporting these folks. Get this ou information from . Was in the news, this is an empirical information from a year or two ago. He went over that unescorted. Back to today. Obama you support the new campaign to put troops on the ground . Absolutely not. Wasps nest over the. Do not want democracy. You cannot give democracy to people who do not want it. If you leave those people there will be better. To know how many of them are in favour of sending troops. Rhode island, jerry the morning. Position a different on the situation. I was a veteran and my troops almost got sent to the middle east. If i got drafted i would have gone. Isis is out of hand. Should be l americans against them. 1500 ould put more than troops over there. Of emotional about they follow this pattern , but we have to do what we have to do. Annihilate these people. When did you come to this opinion to annihilate isis . When they started cutting peoples heads off. This goes on getting there head sliced up. They kill women and children. What kind of men do that . The new us Troop Deployment in iraq. Now ing campaign that is three months old, how successful do think it has been at the use of the new deployment . I want to get your view on what is happening in iraq. The over the weekend about us bombing efforts. Islamic state leaders targeted, todays new tory in front page noting that local were trying to see leader had he isis been wounded. They criticised that the Us Led Coalition had failed to restrain. Local forces say hes clinging to life. Mike from oklahoma. Independent, good morning. Just wanted to say, i would actually support more troops going in. I can understand why the to put nt doesnt want ground troops. Does his perspective. He not necessarily believe. Having said that, i believe it mess that we created. In the middle east, everything we in the is accurate about isis. But we probably need to go over take care of it. They come to power, we get reports that they get millions of dollars. To handle rather quickly. Changing point for you . Opinion changed about how involved the use should be . Here in the media. They run from the isis. We have seen them advancing in the cities in iraq. Iraqi army over there i really dont know what they are doing in syria. The fault of mosul and other cities what change that for you . Do you support troops being over there for years . Do like nk we should that in the day, if the goal in the winter, established a governorship of the country until it works out. Into war, you cannot say were going to end the war on this day. The mission does not have a deadline. I was supported as long as is needed to destroy isil. John from pennsylvania on our line for republicans. A lot of people fail to remember our history. Turning into obamas vietnam. Put up a puppet regime and expected to stand up when have of the population is against it. Iran is what you have in and saudi arabia. You can go in and change peoples minds which religious beliefs is ridiculous. Brought up vietnam. The slippery slope of more troops being sent in. Mission worried about creep . First of all, we are going perpetual war over there. The same escalation that happened in vietnam has happened already. The bombing in syria, it will not work. We dropped more bombs in vietnam that we dropped in world war ii. Little more news on what the is going to do, lawmakers will consider the request to deploy and the 1. 6 billion bill. Kate good morning. I disagree with the invasion in iraq. Middle east cia lotta folks who involved in the details that most of the those an public, most of folks came out and said there are no wmds. Was there doing expections, prior to the ing invasion that they were false. There were millions of us in what we ets , based on where hearing. On what today, based you know . Once you go in, and you it, you own it. So i think i am with obama there. Early one of your callers said about annihilating people. A person talked about the killing that we have done of and cent men, women children in iraq and with our drones. They is they dont have we dont r others either. Called mend documentary iraq for sale. I really recommend it. I hope you guys would have on some of these experts to speak about the middle east. From you t to hear this morning, your views on the of us in iraq. Over the weekend there was a it could do that without congressional approval. Republican from california was on abc this week. Heres what he had to say. Was just in baghdad. In in ition to 6 other nations the middle east. We are already the the government in baghdad is quite delusional about what the real impact is. They are still speaking about longterm training. If we want to defend against. Done against Islamic State. Should there be any combat position . Iraq should fight for their country. They are trained and should do it. No doubt the kurds will fight at all they need is technical knowhow and air support. Sunni and mes to this shia divide, it is very hard. On my facebook s page. Some rights in i dont understand why we get in everybody elses problems. Sending the Fire Department after the house has a ready burn down. To get your comments. We have 20 minutes left. John, good morning. I do not believe we should be there. Maybe give them some support. It was like vietnam. Budget should get out, deal with it later. Where getting stuck like in vietnam all over again. To pay for this . A disaster in america who is going to pay for this war . Are we going to get to china or some other country to pay for it . Hear nothing about it. Into the months Bombing Campaign you think it has worked . We have reports that the head of the Islamic State might of been injured or worst. We did what we did. We caused this and america has to take responsibility. These people in power we be doing this if saddam was still in power. Have to get out, you can give some support. But they fight their own wars. Previous callers said what they are doing over there, but it is happening all over the world. Joe, right in that there is risk of perpetual warfare. If you defeat the enemy. You can call in, our fans are open. Barbara from oklahoma. I am in complete agreement with the second caller. Getting back in power , the country can attend completely around. Guts to stand up. I am glad that this country is going to turn around. We need to get out of it. Sending men overseas is horrible. We have to protect our country. The other option is that they come over here. What they are ve, doing. President obama is in china a trade meeting the. The asiapacific economic cooperation. As a s been described threeday visit to capture the complexity of the us, china, relationships. Well be talking about that later. With an asiapacific expert and taking your calls on that too. New pressures, millions of people returning with insurers, according to federal officials. It is set to be released in six days under high degree of risk, scrutiny from the public and lawmakers. Complicating the signup period. If you want to read more. It is on the wall street journal. What is going to be happening when members come back . Of new elected members, two democrat, republican. First of new jersey seat. Of north carolina. From virginia t, seventh district. Are this three new members in. 201 democrats will be in the new house. A few minutes left to talk about the new Troop Deployment in iraq. Hi, i believe this whole thing is a sham. We dont need any troops on the ground. We are not coming into this. Bill clinton defeated serbia with air campaign alone. There was not a single soldier that touched the ground in kosovo. Sufficient casualties was almost nonexistent. Here we have kurdish troops and iraqi troops , which we did not the war on kosovo. We can still not defeat isis. Sending an Aircraft Carrier is not a commitment to this war. If we had the same commitment war would inton this. Be over. You are saying that more strikes would show more commitment . If you look at what bill not a n did there was single casualty civilian, there until trikes every day serbia leader left. If we send troops with better start raising taxes. From the democrat line. My nephew got killed in vietnam. I have been working with the service and everybody else. I am very ars old and ill. Has blood all over its hands. In the iraq war, a quarter of 1 Million People died that we slaughtered. Dont you know that when you kill those peoples families are going to come . If you kill my family. I will get up this sickbed and i will come. We need to prayand stop this insanity. God bless america. Back veterans day. Stories on veterans day on the papers this day. Free houston chronicle, new war for many veterans. Their lead story. Than ng of sgt , who said with an interview. Out of ohio. Nicle the headlines of veterans week. Genie from tampa, independent line. Thank you for cspan. We are sending troops. But i dont think we are committed. I hate to see what is going to happen in this nation. If one of our soldiers ends up being on tv being beheaded. Because we do not have enough over there to protect these guys. I dont think we can trust any of the others to protect our soldiers. Changed al opinion after the beheading . Certainly. Only nation s the that seems that has any morals. There is rules of engagement, do and things that you not do. America seems to be the only one has those. Middle ntries in the east, i think should get this her and take care of problem by themselves. They are sucking us into this problem. Rebuild this to countries . They are going to want us to do it. We are putting enough to protect each other. President brought a of trying to make a bigger effort. Obama sent a letter to iraq, saying that the of the ed expansion Islamic State post a thread to both countries. Deployment should the degree which the us is willing to commit. The United States bombed the militants from the air. Story from Foreign Policy. Lets go to sunni, from kentucky. I want talk about, is our socalled ally in turkey. We have to refuel displays for the air strikes. Close to ving turkey 2 million in help. Not letting us use their installations. The presently to tell turkey help us as eed to allies all week at the 2 million off. Send the troops over, because i think they need more training. You can trust ink them. I think interested kurds. They look up to the United States. We to help the kurds and train them, and give the military deployment. But for turkey, the president them and tell n them they will not get more military help. To reveal this case goes to the they refused the help ud. Robert good morning. I cannot e life of me understand inaudible concern of g up the the retirement of the a10. Do you think it should be replaced by more modern planes . No. That a10 has more firepower than anything they have built since. They used 100,000 missile to bombed buildings. Going buildings are not to hurt us. That bit of news, about nigeria and a terrorist organisation. 47 people were killed and 79 were wounded on monday by suicide bombing outside a school. A set up explosion in government boarding school. Side were soon as heart students had gathered for a speech a line from independent, jim, good morning. You things to say. Are we going to continue going , er there and fighting them and rebuilding them . I am tired of fighting and rebuilding these countries. I think the president is a week link with no spine. Because he will not do anything that is right. You cannot turn around coward to the russians. Hes over there with the chinese authorities eating sushi. From twitter, america can force democracy on middle east countries that govern based on theocracy and considers us the infidel. Representative illinois died on saturday, he died at 84. He was nine for being the of the american conservative working union. Before reagan, he was considered another leader option. He spent 35 years in the house. From former s president george w bush, saying his brother is considering his own run for presidency. He said his brother was of stling with the decision taking the president ial campaign. Jacob from hawaii good morning. Just a real shame for other states to babysit the middle east, while we are going through a tough economy process. United states needs to to work with china. These people have no guns and it is ridiculous. From virginia, on line for republicans. Good morning, and i appreciate your show. To rybody says that when it send our troops to protect our borders. Of americans are best tting, one of the protections we have is physics. They dont have a way to get over her. Americans are forgetting about discussed it is being every single day, immigrants are coming in freely and we cannot stop them. We are focusing our attention is the wrong area. We cannot even protect all borders here when they walk across. On twitter, we have been iraqi troops for years. At the incapable or unmotivated . William galston will be talking his latest opened. Well be right back. The cspan travels to us cities to learn about the history. We visit madison, wisconsin. It is a glorious service. Comes to every citizen, it is an unnamed struggle. He is robbing the most political figure in wisconsin. And one of the most important in the history of the United States. Was a reformer governor. First to use the progressive as a way to identify himself. He was recognised as one of the sens of american history. After the civil war america changed radically from a nation farmers and small and by the late 1880s. We had concentrations of wealth. We had growing inequality and consent of the influence of money on government. On 1890s. He was going around wisconsin speeches. He went to every kind of event that you could imagine and build a repetition for himself. To run for was ready governor advocating on behalf of of the people. He had two issues, no more selecting candidates without election. Two, stopped the interest. Events from of madison. Washington journal continues. William galston had a piece on the washington journal the american gridlock. Have set the roadmap that you spoke about . They did break bread together. The issue of hat immigration has the capacity to really fall things up. The question is that given the fact the president has himself to issue it, retreat ably cannot from that promise. He has disappointed this panic , hispanic community. The question is whether republicans will be able to immigration issue and pursue other items on the agenda. All whether it will turn out to be poison on the well. I hope republicans understand they have been given permission American People to govern. Governing means dealing with people care about most, particularly the issues that will make difference between a vigourous economy. Where are the areas that you and k they can move forward end this cycle of gridlock . There is some areas, election conference started with ll the items are on top of everybodys like tax reform and trade. Interesting very picture, last year they put on conference of tax reform. Democrats on the Senate Finance committee have made proposals his most obama, in recent budget, also made reforms. That is one area of hope. Another is trade.