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With my boss. A 22yearold sort of way, it happened. Was the president of the United States. That probably happens less often it. [laughter] i deeply regretted for many reasons not the least of which is because people were hurt and that is never ok. Then, we started an affair that lasted on an off for two years. At that time, it was my everything. I guess you could say that was the golden bubble part for me, the nice part. The nasty part was that it , public with a vengeance. Internet and a website that at the time was scarcely known outside of reportton dc, the drudge , within 24 hours, i became a public figure. States, in the united but around the entire globe. As far is major news stories are concerned, this was the first time that the traditional media was usurped by the internet. There was a media frenzy. It was pregoogle. The World Wide Web as we called , it was already a big part of life. I went from being a completely private figure two a publicly humiliated one. Patient zero. And you can go ahead thielen now. If you would like to comment on Monica Lansky and her speech. Throughout the morning, we will show you more of that. If you like to make a comment on our social media sites, you can facebook. Ter or there is already a lively conversation going on there. Hill newspaper, questions around lewinskys return. That is from the hill newspaper. This is from the wall street journal. How Monica Lewinsky could complicate Hillary Clintons 2016 bid. We want to get your reaction now to what Monica Lewinsky had to say and we will show you more of the speech as we go. We will start with connie in chicago. Go ahead. Guest good morning. I just want to add that anybody who speaks out against bullying, there is much to be commended. Ier she or anyone applaud them in their efforts. Monica lewinsky should have no bearing or influence on Hillary Clintons run, whether she runs for president or not. In addition to that, Monica Lewinsky and her dalliance with the former president , she made a choice nobody put a gun to her head. She was a grown woman. It she was not a kid. When you make those choices, there are consequences. She would be well reminded of that. She should keep her comments about her being a victim or acting like she is of the m2 a minimum. Thank you. Host and is in houston. Guest Monica Lewinsky is no different than anybody in this world. Everybody has done something wrong. We should not judge her for that. She has nothing to do with Hillary Clinton. They are people of their own. Anybody who wants to judge this woman on her past needs to judge themselves. None of us are without sin. Host tony is in pittsburgh on the democrats line. Guest thank you for taking my call. Mine is short and brief. I believe with agree with the last two collars. She knew he was a married man. She got what she asked for. I dont think she should be on instances outare there were people are bullied it. I just dont see where she should have any sympathy. Thank you for taking my call. More from is low but her speech in philadelphia this week. . What did actually feel like what does it feel like to watch yourself or your name or your likeness be ripped apart online . Some of you may know this yourself. It feels like a punch in the gut. As if a stranger walked up to you on the street hard and sharp in the gut. Me, that was every day in 1998. Park,mark is in over one kansas. I feel sorry for the Monica Lewinsky. Been unfair that she has villain eyes by the media. Cyber bullying has affected me personally. This guy told me i had a tiny cock. Host lets move on. That is highly inappropriate, for the last collar. I think that she has borne the brunt of the affair. She probably will for the rest of her life. I think president clinton has transcended the entire issue. How he is done so, i dont know how. Is an incredibly good speaker and politician. You are an intern at the white house, you are going to get over your head. I do sympathize with her. Host back to the wall street journal. Mrs. Clinton has been trying to soften her image. She feels that becoming a firsttime grandmother host the next call is from tom in florida. Caller good morning. I dont view Monica Lewinsky as a victim of Cyber Bullying. If you are involved with a National Public figure and something happens that is highly you cant expect that is going to be broadcast that exists . I think she is sending the wrong message. Message tosend the not be involved in things that will make the news. As far as bill clinton is concerned, it disgusts me. Unprecedented, a sexual predator would take it vantage of an intern in the white house and people are protecting this man. It disgusts me. From ruth marcus in the Washington Post. 202 is the area code. Heres some more of Monica Lewinsky. The consequences can be devastating. Anyone can be next. 2010, an 18yearold rutgers freshman named Tyler Clementi was next. After his roommate secretly videotaped him kissing another man, tyler was derided and ridiculed online. Later, submerged in the shame and public humiliation, he jumped from the George Washington bridge to his death. That tragedy is one of the principal reasons i am standing appear today. It touched us both, my mother was unusually upset by the story. I wondered why. Eventually, it on don me. She was back in 1998, back to a time when i was periodically suicidal. She might have lost me. When i might have been humiliated to death. Here was her first tweet. She already has a 73,000 followers. She is following that nobody. This was right before her speech. Spoke, she tweeted out. She has got 73,000 the followers and she is currently following nobody. Springfield missouri. Caller i am all for her. I am glad she is doing this. She needs to clear her name. Clinton hasit, bill been the hero in this situation. And it shows you how bad Cyber Bullying alan is in new york. Caller american journal should not be talking about Monica Lewinsky. I think this is a shame. Host why . Caller the selection is very important. Host you think this will influence the election . Caller not at all. Host why is it a problem to talk about it . Caller its two weeks before the election. Why talk about her . Host new york city. Caller im in my car. Lewinsky is reckless as it was when she was an intern at the white house. I think it serves no purpose. I think to be the spokesperson is internet bullying ridiculous. The best thing she could have done it was keep her mouth shut. Hang on the line for a second . I want to read from the wall street journal here co. Caller i think that the Clinton Family and his behavior at the it was really terrible. This affair happened between two people. You can and a political switch to it to justify his behavior, his behavior was terrible. She was just as involved as he was. I think this is being blown out of proportion. Caller good morning. Can you hear me . Thank you for taking my call. That whatted to say she is doing now is good for speaking up on Cyber Bullying. I would not say she was cyber bullied. I was she was 22. She knew what she was doing. She wants to become a public figure again. Host Monica Lewinsky, response to her critics. There are those that say monica, why dont you just shut up . Why do you just go away . They said it in june after a piece i wrote in vanity fair, my first public words in over 10 years. They will say it today after this one. My first neighbor major public talk ever. They will set tomorrow and the day after that. They never shut up. That i believe in the power of stories. Storiestory of top to comfort and inspire and educate and change things for the better. Fictional stories, news stories, personal stories. I believe my story can help. Brad is in virginia. You are an washington journal. My comment is when you look back at her back then, she was a starstruck 22yearold girl. Was young. He was an old guy with gray hair. He shouldve known better. Do you think she was cyber bullied . Caller yes. For a long time she has been. Host ron is calling from hollywood, florida. You are on the air. Characteris is assassination and its getting old. Election was all about character assassination. There is nothing about whats going to be done for the company. It happens on both sides. I am tired of the assassination. I want here what people are going to do. I want here how bad this guy is or that guy. Everybodys got faults. I would hear what they can do for the country. Character assassination is crazy. Mary is in arkansas. Caller thank you for taking my call. As far as Monica Lewinsky is concerned, i think she is a shill for the republican party. She shows up prior to any election. As far as interfering with i feel like it, wouldnt have any bearing at all. Host do you remember that era . Do you think that Monica Lewinsky was an fairly unfairly targeted by the media . Caller not necessarily. I think she enjoys all the published the publicity she is getting. The republicans are using her as a highly paid shill. The front page of Washington Post. Article,er latest surprise support for lewinskys complaint. Host our next call is alice in tampa. I was only in my 30s at the time. She waser thinking how taken advantage of by the president of United States. She was a young girl. He went with it. To make it even worse, his worth wife sat by him. Everything else came after the fact. The democrats were at her. They tore down this girl. Every time i hear them talk and and talk about a war on women, the to think about the war on it is coming from the Democratic Party and has for years. I felt sorry for Monica Lewinsky. I thought she was a younger who was taken advantage of terribly. It the wife of the president should be ashamed of yourself being a mother. That is what i remember and im glad she is speaking out today. Where the world to know women in this country have been bullied. It is coming from political parties, not just the democrats. They should all be ashamed of themselves. Host elizabeth is in california. Caller i dont feel sorry for her. She was old enough to know better. Now she is just trying to bring back memories and ruin it for hillary. Clinton did not leave his wife for her. Coming on tvsiness now. She had plenty of time to do that. Why didnt she wait until after the election . She has that sweet innocent smile. I blame both of them. Aboutwhat do you think that shes speaking out about Cyber Bullying . Caller this isnt the time to do it. She was up to no good when she did what she did. Im not saying that president clinton was in up to no good either. This is not the time for her to do this. She is doing it purposefully and i will never change my mind. I will vote for hillary and i hope she wins. Thank you. Host carmen is joining us from montana. Caller good morning. I was bullied when i was a kid. You probably were. I think most of us have been bullied in our lives. I question the timing because when she got together with linda tripp, she took a 4 milliondollar advance for the book she wrote. Wouldve tempered my bullying a little bit. Im glad she is speaking up. Bullying is everywhere. Everyone of us except for the hardcore neocons, we are all bullied into the iraq war. Host thank you very much. Wanda is in pennsylvania. Caller lisa myers in an that billverified clinton raped a woman. Why isnt the public concerned about this . Host that is wanda in pennsylvania. Back to the Washington Post article. This is the report that came out. More than 100 pages long. Host scott is in florida on the and dependent line. What are your thoughts . Caller this is just the nature of the internet. There is nothing you can do about it. It was a threat for her to be in the white house at that point a securitypecially breach. Bombedof all, when obama , they said toenya come and get us and they didnt do anything about it. They bombed the world trade center. They got on top of the clintons. They were in trouble with the f ei and the cia. They were here, planning 9 11. I think that is the Bigger Picture in this whole thing. Speech, Monica Lewinsky talked about the starr report. Would read later that when congress released the report online, it was the first time you witnessed history being made if you didnt have access to the internet. I read each word that there was not a connected person in the world who wasnt reading it as well. The image of strangers reading the report was endless. There was no border. By a thousand fold the shame and humiliation i felt. I could not imagine ever showing my face in public again. I cringed. I yelled. I sobbed. The mantra continued. I just want to die. Host maggie is in pittsburgh. Caller hi. Morning, whop this did i see . To turn it off, but i will listen to see what she has to say. Waswasnt 16, but she still a 22yearold ingenue. Here was bill clinton. This was not the first time for him. Thats how i guess we should look at this. Bill clinton gave a wonderful speech at the democratic , she is Convention Still on the out. It sounds like bullying is her theme and i hope she has changed her ways. Who is going to be taking advantage of her now . That is the sad part. Host the you think Monica Lewinsky has a right to speak out and be public . Caller oh sure. Absolutely. Of tweets that we have gotten that we can read on the air. Daniel is in wisconsin on the independent line. A lot of people i know are blaming Hillary Clinton for sticking with bill clinton. The fact is that hillary knew that bill was the only way and her ticket to achieve her goal of power over people. Bill had the charisma. Molly is in california on the republican line. Fun to i think it is listen to the useful idiots of the left come on here and attack a young girl who was he was the president of the United States. Her life has been ruined. Her frontal lobe wasnt even developed. He was impeached for lying about this. Illary was taking care these people are cold, evil people. Host do you think that she was fairly treated by the press . Molly is no longer with us. Hello. I am 70 years old. Hillary was the victim. Is getting paid to come back on tv. Forbes ought to be ashamed. Thanks a lot. Monica linsky spoke at a forbes under 30 event in philadelphia this week. We have been showing you portions of her speech. It is available on the forbes website here it is about 30 minutes in length. This is Monica Lewinsky again. Myself how best to describe the last 16 years, i always come back to that word. Shame. My own personal shame. Shame that befell my family. Shame that befell my country. I came close to disintegrating. It is not too strong of a word. I wish it were. It isnt. I didnt. Not completely. When things were at their worst, mainly thanks to the compassion of my friends and family, they gave me their love and support. We shared a lot of gallows humor. Backcally, they reflected to me the real me. Host holly is right here in washington. Caller thank you for taking my call. I have not called in a long time. All of believe with these big topics going on in the world today that i actually called on this topic. , i heardke up today the way you asked the question a few minutes ago, what do you think about the topic of Cyber Bullying that she chose to talk bringing her name back up , i feel sorry for her because sheeems like not only is not over this, she must have a really determined and skillful coach who mustve set down with her and said with your random life experience, what topic can we come up with that you can start to talk about right now . Engineered and not sincere when you hear her plead about Cyber Bullying, like they tried to figure out what topic they could talk about right now. Feeling ind of could not believe that is the topic that they chose. I feel sorry for her. It seems she is being coached and she needs to draw attention to the mirror and the reality of what she is complaining about. It seems sad. She could be using this energy to empower women and to silently mark a cause. This just sounds totally manufactured and sad. Host troy michigan, the republican line. Caller good morning. Bill is the face of the Democratic Party. He was impeached for lying to the American People and the grand jury and congress. Obama and hillary doing the very same thing it. That is the connection to all of this. These are all democrats and look what they are doing. It does not bother them to say whatever they want to say. Think that she was 22 at the time and now she is older. When you see what they are doing the democrats play ball. They play dirty politics. Sandy in waterford, michigan. Caller i just wanted to say monica has always been a spoiled brat. She came from an affluent family. Her in the white house to begin with was probably connections than she was overwhelmed. She was immature. She wanted to have sex with someone who was famous. Bill was despicable. Hes got a long track record of taking advantage of women. He lied to everyone. It is really unfortunate. The you think she was cyber bullied . Caller i think she was taken advantage of. Host do you think its appropriate for her to be speaking out on Cyber Bullying . Caller i think she is the wrong candidate. Think the whole thing is very unfortunate. Years, he the last 10 has been down the correct road. Hillary hask reestablished herself, although she will probably get the nomination. She did not speak out more about , both ofnds behavior them were despicable way back when. This is going to affect her. I think this might cost her the election. Im a democrat. I wouldnt kiss on any piss on any republican. They look for everything to try and defame the democrats. The behavior of the congress is despicable. I think you should find out how much money lewinsky has made in the last six months and what she will make in the next six months. Think the money involved and given to her is really a motivation on her part to do what she does indicate her face out of public. I dont think her book will sell well. Hillarys book did not sell well. Involvedve become more and know more about what is going on than they did 16 years ago. Host we are going to have to leave it there. We are out of time. We are going to be talking with Steve Silverman. Ofis the executive director a Civil Liberties group. David stevens will be joining us. If you have been watching cspan, we have what on a lot of debates over the last month or two. We have several more coming up. We have had over 100 debates on the air so far. Last night, we covered a debate in New Hampshire. Scott brown and jeanne shaheen. Here is a little bit of that debate. The president does something right, i will support him. That is a huge difference. I voted with my party and the other side about 50 in my career. As an independent senator, i can do that. When we Work Together with the president on an Insider Trading bill, we got it done. I worked with democrats. We were at the signing ceremony. The Arlington Cemetery bill. With the democrats to make sure that people were buried correctly. The sendd gridlock, senator shaheen there. If you want some who is a im your guy. , my opponent again talks a lot about that survey. What he wont tell you is why the Koch Brothers are spending 2. 6 million in New Hampshire to support his campaign. Its not because they think he is going to go to washington and support small businesses. I think its because they know he is going to go to washington and support subsidies for the the fiveompanies, Biggest Oil Companies made over 90 billion and he wants to give them over 20 billion in subsidies. I dont think that is good for New Hampshire. Bill. Is distorting a if you want to talk about money, we are raised in the same way. They are doing whatever they want. I am scott brown and i approve those messages. We have an opportunity because the people of New Hampshire are smarter and sophisticated. They understand that she is not held town halls. She is not focusing on small business. She has a zero rating. I have been down there fighting for small businesses. That is why i have an a rating. Again it, the National Federation of independent businesses has members here and i appreciate what they do. They are funded by the Koch Brothers. We need something in washington who is going to support our small businesses. That is what i have done it my whole career. Washington journal continues. Host Steve Silverman is on your screen. What is your group . Guest we educate people about how to assert their Constitutional Rights during Police Encounters. We offer practical information about what to say and what to do. What made it waited you motivated you to found a group like this . Guest most people will do one of two things. I found this in my early activism work. People will either capitulate in or they willway get angry and antagonistic and frustrated and try to take it out on the Police Officer, which can lead to terrible outcomes. I have to find the middle ground where you can calmly assert your Constitutional Rights and an assertive way they can protect your Constitutional Rights. Host what are some of our rights to unite a be aware of . Guest the most common one is most people dont have the clear understanding of the Fourth Amendment against unreasonable search and seizure. This is important during a traffic stop. Ourfic stops are 52 of encounters with police. You may get pulled over for anything under the sun. You should never try to talk your way out of a ticket or get angry. Always be called an cool. Often they will pull a steve jobs and say theres one more thing. We have had a lot of gun runners up and down this highway. We are looking out for terrorists. You dont have any guns or bombs in the trunk . People will say no. Go ahead and search. People, they will say were not looking for a little bit of marijuana. Were looking for guns and bombs. People will say sure, go ahead. Bething that he finds will used against them. In such situations, if you have anything on you or not, it is important to say i know youre just doing your job but i do not consent to any searches. Host what happens at that point . Is that a reasonable suspicion . Guest no. That is a myth. Police officers will try to that people into thinking that is making them look guilty. They need probable cause. The smell of marijuana could be probable cause. That cant be used against you in court, if you say no to a search. It is important to realize that you want to withdraw yourself from the encounter. The police wait for officer to go. To ask if it is free to go. , aice have to have a reason reasonable suspicion to detain you and investigate you. They do have a certain window they can detain you. The right question to ask is am i free to go . We are putting the numbers up on the screen if you would like to talk with Steve Silverman about your rights and Police Conduct or it you can see the numbers on the screen. A fourth line is set aside for Law Enforcement officials. There is the number. We would like to get your point of view as well. Policeman say i had reasonable cause to stop this person. They looked drunk. They were rude to me. Being rude is not a good idea. Isking and appearing drunk reasonable suspicion to detain someone and ask them for the questions. In so many of the situation that we are talking about, they are fishing for something. The loophole for the fourth is asking do you mind if i take a look . If you consent, the search is legal. There is nothing you can do on that back end. You have put yourself at a disadvantage. Citizens havethat every right to say i dont consent to searches. I would like to be on my way. Many times people feel they dont have anything to hide and they consent to a search and something is found there that may have been left there by a friend or previous car owner. I have heard ridiculous stories of that nature. When you have the right to assert your Constitutional Rights, you should consider doing it. You have every right to say go ahead. It is up to you. It is a choice that you have, whether to consent or not. Host there is a lot of talk about body cams on policeman. They have the dash cams. Can a citizen record a policeman yes. Ed . Guest yes. Yes. Body cams on police are a fantastic idea. It is good for police and does good for citizens. It puts everybody on their best behavior. Citizens have a First Amendment right to openly record the police everywhere. There is a lot of confusion about this. Police officers are confused about this. Ing policeill see officers arresting citizens for filming the police. This is violation of the law. Police think that you are violating my privacy, you cant fill me. The courts in 12 states of ruled that it does not apply to Police Officers on duty. Citizens have a right to record the police and they should do that. They can use technology and their smartphone in particular to do that. Host you say openly record. Guest i emphasize openly. The courts of real bid if you do it syrup viciously, you could run afoul of these all Party Consent laws. To keep peopleed from secretly recording private conversations. When you record the police, he went to act like a reporter. In a sense, you are a reporter. You dont need to have a license to report the police. You have every right to record them openly. You dont want to do it like a spy. Host a final question before we the situations in a ferguson where citizens were recording the police in the street during some of the riots. Is that allowed . Can you videotape Police Confrontations . Guest yes, you can. Far guest as far as recording with the police, you always have the right to open the record the police. Another rule could be, if the police were to step back, for example, it is ok to do that. You do not want to be obstructing the officer. Officers will sometimes take advantage of this and they will say, keep stepping back. Its up to you to decide whether you want to keep recording or if you are too far out of you. Even though it is perfectly legal to record police, when you do, you should be prepared to be arrested. That does not really make sense. Like i said, the police are often confused about this law, and officers have a lot of discretion to make arrests. In his up to you to decide whether you are willing to risk that in order to capture what i would consider Police Misconduct. If you use an app like bamboozer, right now, they are the best Live Streaming recording app. Dont have my phone because the producers told me i could not, but you should have a passcode protection on your phone. Supreme court recently ruled that police need to have a war and in order to search citizen phones. Fantastic ruling. In the meantime, its a good idea to have pass protection. Sometimes police are the last to get the memo when it comes to police rules. When you use any Live Streaming app and you are recording the police, the invented is, the Police Officers unlawfully grab your phone or smashed to bits. Everything you have recorded up to that point will be saved offsite and then you can later access that video. About havingng a passcode, if you hit your sleep and well recording, they will not be able to delete your videos. As far as technology is concerned, i consider that to be your best practice. Make sure you have a passcode on your phone and use a live buser. Ing app like bam if you have video evidence, you will be in a much stronger position. Lets take some calls. Angus in greensboro, North Carolina. Caller good morning. I was watching your show yesterday. The detective called from the marshalls office. One of the comments that he made that i thought was very , the probable cause thing is a kickoff phrase that the police use to stop anyone they want to. In other words, the probable cause that i stop you is because whatever. That is something that has not been contested or dealt with. Court, the to culprit has three people that he has to fight against. A. , police, and the jury. You have to convince three innocence. F his a. Behind thehe d. Police, and then the jury behind the police, you are at a disadvantage just by the fact that you are there. Guest the thing with our information with flex your rights is that it focuses more on the front end of things, what to do during the Police Encounter, the things that you have the power to say or do that can affect how things play out on the backend. At this point, you will have a criminal defense lawyer as your advocate and they will be given surgery essentially with your case. What happens there will depend butch not entirely very much on the things that you do and say. Often times when it comes to probable cause, police will trick you into thinking they have the right to search you, for example, but do not assume whether or not they have probable cause. That is not for you to decide. That is ultimately for the judge. At that point, the best move is to say, i know you are doing your job, but i cannot let you into my home without a warrant, i cannot let you touch me or my car. I do not consent to any searches. It will be your best protection. Remember that lawyers always say the same thing, that most of their clients failed to assert their Constitutional Rights, which makes their job a lot more difficult in court. Host bob is calling in from new york. Listening to mr. Silverman here and i live in a small town in upstate new york. We are getting, we pulled you over for a license plate light that was perhaps out. It was not out. You are not allowed to leave the vehicle. They are not prosecuting enough people to keep the state police happy. One mile over the police limit, small rural town, now they pull you over. Can we search your car . You ask why. Probable cause. You look like somebody who may have committed a crime somewhere else in the area. [indiscernible] have you had host have you had a personal experience . Many, many i know people that have. Is, sometimest policing in the United States is entrepreneurial. A lot of the small towns, Police Officers see people traveling up and down the highway as a revenue generator and often times use what are called pretexts to stop people. Police have a lot of discretion to pull a car over for any reason under the sun. This is just something that motorists have to appreciate. When you are in that situation, even if you think that perhaps you are being profiled in some way, the fact is you do not always know what is in the heart and mind of the Police Officer, what is going on with their culture and their Police Department. In that situation, the best thing to do is to remain calm and courteous and be prepared to assert your Constitutional Rights, dont consent to any searches, if you start to be interrogated, you can say i do not want to answer more questions, and my free to go . If something happens and you and him eating arrested, the best thing to say at that point is saying, i have nothing to until i speak to my lawyer. And you keep your mouth shut until that happens. William is calling from the greenville area here in maryland. What kind of Law Enforcement do you do . Caller county police. Host you have been listening to our conversation, what are your thoughts . Caller i would like your guest thateak on the fact driving is a commercial term. What they are actually doing is they are saying that you are , song money on the roadways they are enforcing commercial laws. Thank you very much. Host did you follow that . Caller not really. I will say this guest not really. I will say this. I will presume he is from pg Police Department. Notoriously one of the most corrupt Police Department in the country when it comes to transparency, in terms of covering up incidents of lease abuse. Ago, ample, a few Years College park student was celebrating after the university of maryland won a basketball game against duke. The young man was skipping along and a Police Officer severely beat the young man. Of course, the pg county Police Department claimed the young man assaulted the police first and charged him with numerous violations. Later, closedcircuit camera revealed that, in fact, the Police Officer was the one who attacked the young man. Moreover, it was the wife of a pg county Police Officer who was handling those cameras and was actively covering up the release of those cameras. None of the Police Officer, the wife were ever held accountable. This is something that seem to happen repeatedly within the pg county Police Department. Prince georges county. William is no longer with us otherwise we would get a response. Sued. Way, that student he did, and he won. The Police Officer was never charged. The judge in that case was actually once married to a pg county Police Officer and tossed the charges in exquisitely inextricably. I would argue there has not been justice in that, but this seems to be a habit in prince georges county. Host wild rose, wisconsin. Ed. Good morning. Caller good morning. Minor it is a felony, but it is a felon pot charge from 20 years ago. I got a letter the other day had a dna test. I believe my crime was before , the dname court databases were ok. Is this legal, is the state of wisconsin allowed to go back retroactively and get everyone who has been convicted of a crime and have them come in for dna . Guest to be honest, i dont know the answer to that specific question. Talk to ae would be, lawyer before you do anything. Rights, 10 rules for dealing with the police. Always be calm and cool. You have the right to remain silent, you have the right to remain refuse searches. Dont get tricked into waiving your rights. Determine if you are free to go. Dont do anything illegal. Dont run. Never touch a policeman. Report misconduct. Be a good witness. And you dont have to let them in your house. We have this tweet from va is washington why journal having this tip for criminal segment . Guest the information we teaches basic Constitutional Rights. That the same thing lawyers and Police Officers teach their own children. We believe this information should be available to everybody. Moreover, everybody should be prepared to assert their Constitutional Rights, regardless of whether they are or think they are doing anything illegal. Otherwise we have a society where everyone is presumed guilty and police can stop anyone under the sun and go into anyones homes in order to search them because they might have a hunch that they are involved in something illegal. This is exactly what the founders fought a revolution to stop. In alexandria, minnesota. You are on the air. , i was my experience was on a steep hill between towns in minnesota, and i saw a bunch of farmers Cattle Crossing the road. I went down and i saw a highway cop ahead of me about half a mile down the hill. He had somebody pulled over. I went down and parked quite a distance ahead of him because i did not want him to be spooked by somebody else coming to talk to him. Then i started walking toward him. Had a i got to him he teaser on me and threatened to use it. I had done nothing except to tell him about this cattle that were loose crossing the road. I have heart problems, he could have killed me with a teaser. Azer. E t later to his superior, and he blew it off. In st. Cloud, minnesota. He blew it off. That gave me the impression that i am never going to stop and tell a cop about anything anymore. There is no doubt about it, and that Police Encounter can have these other incidental effects, that people will be less likely to trust the police. I think it is a good thing that you reported the incident even though it seems like you did not get any redress or apology. I think it is still worth reporting, and incidents of Police Misconduct like that. The fact of the matter is, very few people do, and most people are simply afraid to report Police Misconduct. I applaud you for having the bravery to at least stand up for to thef and report that local Police Department. Even if it did not seem like you got any redress from that, it is possible that that officer may have been chewed out by his superior officer, i dont know. It is still worth doing. Host steve silberman, do we live in more of a police state than it used to be, do we live in a police state . Think there are an increased number of police incidents. Are the numbere ou of Bad Police Behavior caught on video sent to you to. This is a positive and sometimes it seems like the police are out of control. I dont think the statistics bear out that there are increasing numbers of incidents, but rather incidents that would have been swept under the rug that would have been a story between the citizen and Police Officer. In court, the courts have generally taken the side of the Police Officer in such situations, but now that they are on video video brings us closer. It reveals the truth. The truth can help bring us closer to justice. Tweetsild and wonderful in. I believe she is a lawyer. No need to get wordy with the Police Officer. The answer is as soon as you present me with a search warrant. Guest in your home, yes. Police, to not enter your home without a search warrant, unless you open the door and say sure, go ahead. Police will often say, mind if we take a look inside . We will not come in unless you give us consent. It sounds more like a command. They might even push their way in a little bit. Your castle, and the Supreme Court has ruled as such. Fewpolice, with very exemptions, and can enter your home without a warrant. If they are knocking on your door asking to come in officers, i cannot let you inside without a warrant. That door locked. Holly from the little piano. You are on with steve silberman. Caller good morning. I appreciate you giving people power. All of these politicians seem to hate our guts. Everybody has all these ideas but nobody wants to get rid of and bill clintons war on crime and drugs. The situation is out of control. What are we going to do about this . Please vote for governor corcoran. Thank you. There is no doubt the war on drugs fuels so many of these Police Encounters, where police are searching for small amounts of drugs, and they had tangible benefits to them and their departments to make as many arrests, to show the numbers. There is no doubt, the war on drugs fuels so much of these violations of peoples basic rights, and nowhere is this more prevalent than in new york city with their stop and frisk program. You have a whole generation of young black and brown men who are growing up feeling like it is basically a matter of course that Police Officers will stop them for little or no reason and pat them down and hassle and humiliate them and have them go on their way. Theyout of 10 situations find absolutely nothing on them. That is a huge problem and that is so much fueled by the war on drugs and the war on drugs policing, which creates these perverse incentives for police to stop and frisk so many people. Host amy tweets in that the guy for criminals and i is the precise reason we all need to know our rights. Tracy in cleveland, ohio. Democrat. Caller i am regarding the Police Department people will get pulled over and they will say they were pulled over for racial profiling. Is a reasones there the Police Officers have pulled them over. Have an expired license or a warrant. I was a councilwoman here for 13 years. I would get upset because we would not sue the people, we would let them sue us, but we would not defend ourselves or the Police Officer, who put themselves in the line of duty where he could be killed every day, because it was cheaper for us to pay somebody off than it was to go before the insurance company, to pay whatever it would cost. Our city was in financial problems at the time. They said maybe we will do it when we come out. We are now out and we are still wetting these people are not allowed to defend ourselves against these allegations. They say it is just cheaper to pay it than it is to go through the court system. Think you are putting the blame in the wrong place. I understand if you are running a city, you are looking at dollars and you do not want them spent inappropriately, but it is wrong to blame citizens who are able to successfully sue the police. It is very challenging to sue the police and win civil rights violations. When city officials are upset , the the dollar amounts checks they have to cut to citizen to have their rights violated, the place they need to look at is the Police Department and look at changing their practices and culture. It could start with firing the police chief at the top who is allowing this, but more importantly, oftentimes, Police Chiefs who tried to implement more law based policing are the ones who end up at a disadvantage, because the Police Unions have so much power in terms of what Police Chiefs can do, which includes even firing Police Officers who are clearly violating citizen Constitutional Rights. The place you want to put the blame is on the Police Department and their practices. The Police Department are respecting citizens Constitutional Rights, you will not need to cut these checks to citizen to have their rights violated. In fromctor is calling meridian, mississippi. You are retired Law Enforcement. From what are you retired from . I was a lieutenant, chief of patrol, patrol operations. You want to talk about corruption . The guy that is chief of police right now when i was hired january 15, 1975, he was hired nine months later. He went through the Police Academy as a convicted felon and served time in louisiana for burglary. And then corruption from then on. Aggressive. Would be trying to get these drug addicts and drug users off the charts. If you have listened to our conversation this morning, what do you think about Steve Silvermans group flex your rights . Is he fair to the police side of this you view . Think he is. I always went by the book. There was even a mayor who try to get rid of me. He won by a landslide just because he would say, he would convince the people that he would get rid of me. I went to buy the book but he was constantly trying to find some reason. If somebody filed some little , if they felt they were mistreated, he would go after me with a vengeance. They would never win, but view,is it easy in your for some abuse the reasonable cost, suspicion standard, to search a car, stop somebody . I what i used to do is, if smelled marijuana coming from the vehicle, that is probable cause to search without a war it. Warrant. A lot of times, i would see dash, orlers on the some substance. Two in 1979, i stopped lawyers, and i thought i smelled marijuana but it was not burning. I had one sergeant take over our police explorers. We had five boys, 33 girls had wanted to be cops one day. He wanted to take over. He ended up promising these boys, and they gave him sacks, he promised them a job. He got caught up with it and then he got fired. Host that is victor in meridian, mississippi. Anything you want to respond to . Guest absolutely. There is an important place for whistleblowers in place to park its. , Police Officers who do blow the whistle on the one who can speak the best about the fear of retaliation from their fellow Police Officers. I appreciate you standing up for peoples rights within the department. All of thesaid, information that we put out is vetted by Police Officers. A former major Neal Franklin from the baltimore Police Department himself is a whistleblower within the department, was an onset consultant to make sure that all in the scene did everything appropriately. The chief of police of columbia, actually chief burton, uses 10 rules for dealing with police as part of community out reach to educate citizens. He believes police that follow the constitution do the best policing. That gets down to the question or the concern that people who purport to speak on behalf Police Departments claim the constitution in many ways is a loophole, people are always falling back on their Constitutional Rights. The founders crafted the bill of rights not to create loopholes but to create a template for good policing. The Fourth Amendment requires evidence in order to investigate. That is a template for good Police Procedure and behavior. Host Steve Silverman was a campus coordinator for stop the drug war. Athas worked as an intern families against mandatory minimums. Have you been arrested . Guest i have not. I had a near miss. Was atppened when i college at the university of maryland. I got an Early Morning phone call from a friend of mine, steve. He said, you have to come see my dorm. His voice was very concerned. I trudged through the snow and he opened the door. He and his roommate revealed that their room had been tossed. Normally they did not keep the tiniest room, but every drawer that they could pull out is turned over. Somebody had shredded their mattresses. It looked like somebody was searching for microfilm. It turns out the night before they got a knock on the door from the police, they had smelled where wanda. Marijuana. They consented to the search, they admitted everything, and the police found a pipe with some marijuana residue. I was more angry about this incident than even my friend was. That was the spark that led me to learn about Police Procedures and helped me to reveal that very few people understood the most basic rules of Police Procedure and often wound up doing things that put them at a disadvantage. Host you have released several videos, you have a dvd here that we want to show but you also have youtube videos. Our original was a citizens guide to human with police. We had ira glasser as our neighbor. 2009, whichthis in is newer, more polished, more mature. Probably the more appropriate one to show in high schools, for example. Both videos are available on youtube. We have cut them up into clips. Both are 40 minutes each. We are answering specific questions on our Youtube Channel at flex your rights. We have about 36 million views as we have released those. Host prospect, kentucky. Damon, you are on the line with Steve Silverman. Caller good morning, i am really enjoying the segment. The comment i would like to get from your guest is what i would consider one of the most latent disregard for citizen rights. I guess it falls under civil , where lawabiding citizens are running down the road with tags in their pockets and. Please are pulling them over and they will say that it is drug money and i am taking it. It is highway robbery in my opinion. What rights does a citizen have in that . The last time i checked, carrying cash was not illegal. These people are directly benefiting from that. The Police Department that are taking this money are directly benefiting from that, so they can buy themselves new vehicles, cetera etc. Somebody needs to be standing on the mountaintop ringing a bell. I found this extremely disturbing. The Police Departments know that it is so expensive and convoluted to get your money back, you are essentially guilty until proven innocent. Easier toeople, it is walk away and forfeit the money. I would like a Law Enforcement officer to call in and comment on this and defend this. It is indefensible in my opinion. We are running a little tight on time, so we will leave the comment there. Guest i think you did a perfect drop of job of describing the problems with asset forfeiture. This is part of entrepreneurial policing where police are pulling people over asking if you have any cash in your car. If you are ever in that situation, a good idea is to say, i know you are just doing your job, but i do not want to answer any questions. If you admit to having cash in your car, they may search and confiscate that. Esque process of getting that money back which has been technically stolen from you. Technically, the crime is against the money itself. It is a very strange system and nearly impossible for a citizen to get their money back. Cost innt it would court fees and lawyers in order to get the money back is so expensive they walk away. Meanwhile, Police Departments are using this to get military equipment, the sort of toys that they want to have that they otherwise would not be given to justify paying for based on the budgets they have. This, au probably saw policeman and professor of Homeland Security at colorado tech. An l. A. Police officer for 17 years. Article, imhis a cop. If you dont want to get hurt, dont challenge me. Writes, i cannot tell you how many times i have had challenges to my authority, and the vast majority of such encounters i was able to peacefully resolve the situation without using force. Guest i thought that was a very interesting article. He goes on to provide a flex your rights template where he says you have the right to review searches an interesting juxtaposition because he opens up with, do whatever i say. Was a little oped bit on the end of blaming the victim. I do not a grudge people who feel upset at the point of a Police Encounter. That even talking back to a Police Officer or voicing discontent with the situation should ever be used to justify any sort of physical , unlessainst a citizen the officer actually feels the citizen is threatening to them. Host wallace is calling from dallas, texas. Retired Law Enforcement. From what are you retired . Caller i retired in 1996, i had cancer. I was a Police Officer in new mexico and texas. I can speak to some of mr. Silvermans comments on the confiscation of money. If that person was stopped and they had texas cash on you and it was taken, sometimes it did not make it into the evidence [inaudible] firsthand. The problem i have with some of the contemporary Law Enforcement filmed people have i guess you could say it is misconduct. Police have taken their camera,. Onfiscated their camera i have a problem with that even though i was a Police Officer for many years. You feel that citizens have enough civil rights when it comes to interactions with the police . Yes and no. I think they do not assert caller yes and no. I think they do not assert their rights. People are either not aware of their rights or basically just not aware of their rights. Guest thank you, i appreciate that. It is an Important Message to pass on. I get lots of calls and emails from parents, including black ministers recently, in the wake of ferguson, who crave this information now so more than ever. They just want their sons and daughters to come home safely. There is a time with every parent, once their kids turned about 16 years old and they are for the youngnly, emerging adult, in some ways, the officer friendly will not be as friendly when they are pulled over. They have that moment and they realize, this person might not be looking out for me and they are interrogating me and resuming im guilty and asking me to consent to searches. I think thats a problem and that is something that Police Departments should change. I think people should continue to feel that sense that they are engaging with someone who is there to protect and serve rather than to shake them down. Steve silverman, you pointed out the crib stored as county police as not such a good example in your view. Is there a Police Department that is a good example . The Seattle Police chief, i cannot member his name, but he has been very positive in the way that he has interacted with citizens, even occupy protesters. Instead of bringing out mraps and bearcats and the like, he has major that the officers look like Police Officers, their face is revealed, and made some interesting comments on, this mentality that Police Officers have, that their end goal is to avoid being hurt it is important to appreciate that, but it often leads to this absurdity where police will put themselves behind these protective walls and vehicles and dehumanize themselves. That creates more of an escalation. When Police Officers act like a lease and show their face and assume, there could be an increased level of risk to the Police Department, but that is something that Police Officers do. Hisays, essentially, to department you were not drafted. I understand, it is easier for a police chief to say to another officer. As opposed to this guy telling police that they should put themselves at greater risk. But that is part of the job, assuming a certain level of risk. To put yourself behind these walls and driving around in your car and not having the window down or being on the beat actually does not make the Community Safer but is actually is making its that harder to do good, Engaging Police work. If people do not trust the least, they will not work with them when they actually need them. And that is terribly disruptive. 2013, 84 police were killed in the line of duty, 36 by gunfire, 19 by automobile accident. You can see down the list. Vehicular manslaughter is another one struck by a vehicle. Gunfire, isd by that a number that we should give the police some slack here . They are threatened out there. Policing is a somewhat dangerous job, but if you put it along the line of continuing of jobs that people had, it is not necessarily even one of the top five. Lumberjack, cabdriver, Convenience Store owner, these are all occupations that you are a lot more likely to be killed by violence. When Police Officers say our job is so dangerous, therefore we need to have additional protective gear, we need to have resistant vehicles, it is almost always a play to get things that do not enable better face to face policing. Host john in North Carolina everything record into evernote. Up sosays my phone is set any photos or videos are automatically backed up to google. Steve silverman, luxor right is the organization. The website . Guest flexyourrights. Org. Host thank you very much. We are going to turn to some of the housing rules that were introduced by mel watt from North Carolina. We will have the president and ceo of the Mortgage Bankers association out here in just a minute. Weekend, tonight starting at 8 00 eastern, on cspan, our campaign 2014 debate coverage begins in primetime. The women of color empowerment conference. Roryy evening on q a kennedy on her last days in vietnam. And tonight on cspan two, the latest advances on brain science. Saturday morning beginning at 11 00 eastern, live coverage of the texas book festival in austin. Sunday, our coverage continues starting at noon. Tonight at 8 00 on American History tv on cspan three, the union army and abraham lincolns reelection. Saturday night, on lectures and history, the modernization of businesses and households and its impact on society. Sunday afternoon, Ronald Reagans 1964 a time for choosing speech. Find the schedule on www. Cspan. Org and let us know about the programs you are watching. Call us, email us, or send us a tweet. Conversation,n like us on facebook, follow us on twitter. Cspans 2015 student can competition is underway. This competition for middle and High School Students will award 150 prizes totaling 150,000. Create a five minute documentary about the Three Bridges and you. Very point of view and must be submitted by january 20, 2015. Grab a camera and get started today. Host i want to introduce you to David Stevens, president and ceo of the Mortgage Bankers association here in washington, d. C. He is former assistant secretary for housing at hud during the obama administration, former coo of the long and Foster Company as well. Watttevens, what did mel announced the other day in las vegas . Thet as you know, he is director of the federal Housing Finance authority. He rolled out what i would describe as minor modifications to policies related to something that we call remnants and warrants. Host in english . Guest when a lender originates today a home file can be to 1500 pages500 long. The likelihood of clerical error is very high. Givehis goal was to greater certainty to the Lending Community across the country, community banks, Credit Unions, to have the confidence to lend without fear of having to buy back a loan if they get a minor mistake in a file. It was this idea of defining what constitutes an error. Expandedolled out an program to allow borrowers with a lower down payment of 3 to valueloan at 97 loan to on a 30year fixed rate loan to fannie mae or freddie mac. That should help expand opportunities for firsttime homebuyers and minorities in this country which tend to have lower down payment available for purchasing a home. Host most of the articles of what he had to say had similar headlines to this. U. S. Loosens the reins, makes it easier to get a mortgage. Is that a fair interpretation . Guest the challenge with anything that comes out of washington is that it tends to go to the extreme. Swung farendulum had too liberally in the last decade that created absolutely unsustainable Mortgage Programs, put so Many Americans in jeopardy, they lost their homes, so as a result, we put in a credit regime that shifted the pendulum all the way to the right. So the question is, did we go too far . What the director did was he modified some of that that, loosen the reins, sure. The question is a degree the question is a matter of degree. Host the numbers are on the screen. We have divided them a little differently because we are talking about home mortgages and some of the rules surrounding it. Owning a home, looking to buy, if you are a renter. David stevens, during the bush administration, there was a lot of talk about this Ownership Society and an increase in the Home Ownership rate, which was very important. From your perspective, do you think that is important . Guest if you target a homeownership rate, you can expose yourself to problems. We have various economic conditions, we have wage conditions that are different, student loan debt. Making about an absolute target for homeownership rates can actually create a motivation to put products into the community of american homebuyers that are actually not sustainable, and we saw that in previous administrations, not just the bush administration. It has no political boundaries in that kind of discussion. What mel watt and the administration recently announced, took on the fact that he had loosened this morbid rule , he did it in a casino in vegas and they had a little bit of fun with that, the fact that we are back in this. How far did the pendulum move that you discussed earlier . Guest it is extraordinarily minor. Freddie mac and they may both had a fannie mae had a 3 down Mortgage Program for decades. Program a 100 finance which they do not offer today. The director has brought back a product which is the 97 loan to value program. It will come with more scrutiny under the underwriting requirements, will come with higher fees associated with it. Most importantly, will come with a mortgage Insurance Premium that is paid to give protection to the taxpayers so there is real private capital protecting the first loss, should the loan go into default. That program has been offered sustainably. The challenge is to attack that is attacking the biggest barrier to entry for homeownership in this country which is down payment. We have a housing recovery which is very tepid. In fact, the economic recovery is dragging along housing compared to previous recoveries. Usually housing leads us out of the economic recession. In todays world, demographic shifts are happening, the millennial generation, which will make up a vast majority of firsttime homebuyers, without something to overcome the down payment barriers, with a clear focus on sustainability and qualifying guideline, offsets, to make sure the buyer can be sustainable, we can create a barrier for entry for a large number of americans. What he is trying to do is to find the delicate balance between the two. Should we tweets in, have focused more on fannie mae and freddie mac and how they were run prior to the meltdown . Guest there is no question fannie mae and freddie mac lost their way, and that is why they are in conservatorship. Guaranteed fully documented 30 year fixedrate mortgages, we would not have had a bubble ultimately. Just like if the wall street firms like Lehman Brothers did not have an appetite for no documentation loans too much appetite for yield, they believe that this market would never correct. That ultimately put millions of americans in jeopardy, losing their homes, damaging credit, and help to stimulate a broader recession. Fannie and freddie are in conservatorship right now and we need to think about what that system should look like Going Forward to make sure that that can never be repeated. Mortgage bankers have a role in the 2008 meltdown . Guest absolutely, no question about it. While the vast majority of these companies are no longer in business anymore, and their portfolios have been taken over by the remaining large Financial Institutions, Companies Like countrywide are gone, walkover you are gone, Washington Mutual are gone. Let alone the wall street firms our industry really owns its share of responsibility, but is not limited to that. Inre were programs created congress that motivated homeownership, programs that were completely unsustainable hfa. Harm the f without question, having the right boundaries in place for the Financial Services system to protect consumers is not only good for the american family, but the industry as well. This trust, this confidence deficit that we have right now, i think we are merging out of, is something that is critically important for the american potential homeowner to trust the system. Host there was talk for a while of getting rid of fannie mae and freddie mac. What would happen if they were no longer with us . There really is very little private capital coming into the market system. Almost every loan today originated today either goes to fannie mae, freddie mac, or into ,ne of the ginnie mae programs fha, Veterans Administration program, or rural housing. Government guarantees play a big role in financing housing because there is trepidation about coming back into the u. S. Markets. There is some question there, but the question is what to do with fannie mae and freddie mac. Several pieces of legislation have been introduced on the hill to reform them, perhaps mine them down and create new entities. That is a very active debate. The Senate Banking committee had a bipartisan bill that they voted to the committee as a majority which would have reformed freddie mac and fannie mae into some sort of new entity. That debate will take some time in washington. Ultimately, that will need to be resolved. Host what is the difference between fannie mae and freddie mac . Today. Very little they were originally created as parts of the different parts of the financial system. They both guarantee mortgages and those are put into mortgagebacked securities and sold globally. Watchersure the average is aware, but the mortgagebacked Securities Market is the secondbiggest currency in the world next to the treasuries market. We are talking trillions of dollars of mortgages bought by sovereign nations, Pension Funds throughout the globe. It is that guarantee the federal government guarantees that mortgagebacked security, that instrument, so that investors will buy the security. The job of fannie mae and freddie mac is to make sure the quality of those mortgages and the products originated that go into those mortgages are safe, sound, sustainable, so that the investors can have confidence it will perform over time. Host David Stevens is our guest. Michael in old lyme, connecticut. Homeowner. Caller i just wanted to make a general comment about the state of the programs that are out there. We got 30 days behind on our mortgage about two years ago. We have made a payment every month for the last two years, never been late, had the same company for 10 years. Of course it is difficult to pay to mortgage payments and money month. We currently make 100,000 a year, little to no debt, one of us has a stable job at yale university, has been there for 10 years, no chance of being laid off. We cannot get a refinanced mortgage because we have been 30 days late for the last several years. From what we have seen, absolutely nobody will touch it. I was interested if you have any comments about what to do, anything like that. I think michaels scenario is the kind of thing that we have to resolve. There is a program that was approved through the regulators that allows for a refinancing of a freddie mac or fannie mae loan in a streamlined way, youd if you were in negative equity, but the rule is you have to be current. How do we gets, this particular individual current on his mortgage . This is the kind of challenge we face today. Even one 30day late for two in a position where the Credit Access is narrow. That is what we are talking about and what the director is trying to address and some of the policy changes. Late two years ago, is that going to live with you like a felony . I could notguest tell, perhaps he is currently late. If you have one a couple of years ago, that could be harmful. However, it is a loan that is held by freddie mac or fannie you canthe fha, refinance that today without concern as long as your current now. Host randy is in st. Paul, looking for a home. Say, i i just wanted to have been looking for a year. They have been taking care of other peoples property. I have never had the opportunity to own my own home. The payments that we do make are always on time, never late for the past 30 years, me and my spouse. We are black. Nobody wants to give us a mortgage at all. Heard the 97 deal with the mortgage, that sounds great, but i do not know how to get to that place, how to make that happen for us. Host before mr. Stevens answers, can you give us an idea of what your income is . You have been renting for 30 years, how much of a down payment could you put down . We could put down 10 , but nothing has been available to me. Low income, about 25,000 a year, but we have never been late. Host what kind of Credit Rating do you have . Guest my spouse has a good Credit Rating today caller my spouse has a good Credit Rating today. At this point in the game, i am 50 years old. But we it is never over, would like to have our own house before our time is up. Host what advice do you have obviously, you are asking the right questions and it is important for someone like that to have access, for some a to counsel them through this. A couple of ways that you could approach a potential homeowner like this. One is to use a housing canceling Agency Counseling agency. Hud has a list of approved counselors on their website who can work with lenders, and can meet with a potential borrower and talk to them about their credit, Credit History, what their opportunities are, potentially partner them with a lender. There are agencies in the community where this individual called from. They can find that on the hud website. That would be my first recommendation. He did emphasize another point. At his income level, the available inventory of homes can also be a challenge. Either homes in the price range that are available in the community where you live, where you can qualify 25,000 a year. You need a home that is for sale in the 150,000 range. That depends on your debt and other variables. Available, istory my Credit History such that i can qualify . Do i know have to go through the process . I am a big fan of counseling and i think that should be leveraged. Again, that is on the hud. Gov website. The other alternative would be to speak to a Real Estate Agent in the community to see what is available. They might be able to partner with a lender who focuses in that community. Helping minority borrowers in particular over the next decade will be critically important. They will make up two thirds of all new home sales in the next few years. Access to to get people like this who have a lot of questions about how they get into a home is important. Host market in huntsville, alabama. Renter. Caller how are you, good morning. The last caller was asking the same questions that i was going to ask. I would just take the time to say that i really appreciate cspan. You are truly the heartbeat of america. Keep up the good work. Host thank you very much. Ernie in new carlisle, ohio. Homeowner. Caller good beautiful morning to you. Because, not long ago, our Mortgage Servicer was i made a list of all the Horror Stories with this particular Mortgage Servicer. I wont say the name of us you ask. Host whats the name . What i have found is the mortgage banks have turned the service of their loans over to these unregulated Mortgage Service. Things ive seen have been trumped up charges and fees. Amend made intentionally late so they can charge a late fee. They send a driver by to see if the house is occupied. There are so many things. Why isnt the mortgage industry everyone i know including my neighbor who just got switched, when you call india, you cant understand the people youre talking to. You cant talk to someone in the United States. Research and he moved to an island. Why isnt the Mortgage Service industry being regulated . You are raising an important question. The answer is important. The new rules,k, one is the National Servicing standard. The standards apply to the company you just mentioned. Requires to be compliant that when you do a transfer of servicing, that that handoff follow a series of steps that are required so it happens very smoothly. The director of the cfp be will say publicly that his greatest concern is the treatment of the borrower if that is bought or sold. Some do it better than others. If you look at some the Enforcement Actions that are taking place, there is a lot of focus on this exact question you are raising. I think it is an important one. Not just in your case when it gets sold, but in the next recession, if you get in trouble you want to know that youre going to be treated fairly and with good communication. Somebody who can offer you as to helpigation options you get through that troubling time. New bureau, this was up under the dodd frank legislation. There will be those who continue to make mistakes. I think you should be very vigilant in reporting those when you see them. Servicer. The go to the appropriate regulator in the bureau has a complaint database. You can go to the complaint database and submit concerns you have with scenarios like that. Thank you for raising that. Host because of what bernie was describing, you dont know who owns your mortgage anymore. It is so difficult sometimes to contact if you want to talk to your Mortgage Service provider. In you have any say so whether or not your mortgage gets sold . Guest you give that up at closing when you sign the papers. I have gone through plenty of them. I am in the industry and i dont read every piece of paper. There are far too many documents in the file. There is a document that talks about whether they plan to sell the servicing or retain the servicing. That is an important document. Goingl see an environment forward were many institutions will have to reserve the right to sell the servicing. It deals with other federal regulations. It can Impact Capital requirements and retain servicing is a bank. There is going to be services sold. Fullyndoff has to be transparent and the bar were has to be seamless to the borrower. They dont have to deal with a disruption personally. And then has to be disclosed. It has to be consistently applied across the country. I think the rules in place are new this year. We will see the institutions acclimating to those roles. I believe confidently that as we look ahead, it will be a much safer and sounder environment. Host mary is in california. That is an expensive market out there. Caller it sure is. It seems like no matter where you look, unless youre sitting on a mountain of cash to buy the house outright, you cant compete with the Investment Companies that are gobbling up affordable property. If you have shining credit and even 20 down, you still have a trundled stash struggle trying to get a house. There is lot of cash coming from Large Companies and foreign investors. I apologize. I thought you were finished. The entrylevel point of the market over the last couple home prices at the lowest level in about a decade, investors were coming in with private equity and buying up a lot of inventory at the entry point. That is what mary sounds like she wants to get into. I think we will see less of that happening. Home prices turning to appreciate again. It makes investment less desirable. We are seeing new builder inventories increase. We expect to see new builder starts to be about 13 higher over the next year. That is going to help bring inventory into the market. We do need to focus on the entry point. We wont be able to resolve the concerns that she shares with many other people. Bill beatty tweets in. Guest my guess of the if he talked to a housing counselor, that would be the place where he would ultimately start. Fha is the greatest point of access for first time borrowers. 96 , with asans at little as 3 down payment. They allow lower credit scores. This borrower that to, that is why i suggest the housing counselor route. They will know the available programs to the fha or Housing Finance agencies. There are options. Host why will minorities purchase two thirds of homes in the upcoming decade . Guest let me give better clarity. The Harvard Kennedy school did a study. Anybody can go online and pull the latest that down. They do it every year. The existing household stock in america, 70 of it is owned and occupied by white nonhispanics. Over the next decade, it is going to be the opposite. About a third of new households formed will be white nonhispanic and two thirds will minorities, hispanics, africanamerican, asian. Will they be owner or renter households . That comes down to will there be inventory, will the rules be such that they block out those borrowers from getting access. Concern forreatest our housing society, to make sure we dont have a separate and unequal housing system where wealthy people can on a home and those who are at the entry point without a lot of inherited have lower down payments. We need to make sure that the programs can responsibly and sustainably give access to those borrowers. In northis is carolina. Thank you for taking my call. I am currently a renter. I have been in the same house for seven years. There is a house two doors down from me that is for sale for 18,000. Thatnot find a single bank will loan that small of an amount on a mortgage. I have talked to some mortgage brokers. No one will ensure house for that low of value. Homeowners insurance doesnt want to ensure anything with a value of less than 70,000. What is my way to get into the market . Guest can i ask you a question . Can you tell me about the house . That seems like a low amount. As a manufactured home . Its a twobedroom one bath, 820 square feet. It was remediated for leadbased paint by the city. Mechanically, it seems fine. The neighborhood is not the best, which is part of the reason for the price. Is tearing down abandoned buildings. There been three and my street in a been torn down. This one has been rented for two years and the people moved out. It is been sitting empty for almost a year. If you finance to the owner, he wants 34,000. Caller if that is the listed that salesever prices, if the lender is telling this individual that they wont lend in the home, that is something i would scrutinize very closely. The new hud secretary is going to be talking nationally about the need to change the dialogue on Home Ownership in a more positive way. If you get no from the first lender, it is worth checking with another. In North Carolina, i would check with the bank as well. Banks have cra obligations. If they take deposits from the community, they need to make sure they are reinvesting as well. I wouldnt give up. I would make some calls to some the local banks. I cant look at the property and find out if it is consistent with other home values in that community. There is love this going on in some the more hard hit communities. The present has named promise loans like detroit where they are doing the same thing. They are trying to return it boarded up homes to the community. High point is a similar place. There should be financing available. Legally turn that away because the balance is too small. That should not be the case. Host daniel is in michigan. I am reading about the rules. Here we go again. Greed and ignorance. Greed on the part of lenders, that is how they make their money. Against on the borrowers, people who borrow the moneys that they can afford or dont need. They dontecause read the rules and regulations that they signed. All they look at is the price. They wonder why. They need to stop being so ignorant. They need to have a logical and adult approach. Hank you. Guest you bring up several points. Lets start with the complexity point. If youre going to buy a new car today, which is a much smaller investment, you just have a handful of documents to sign and it is inch easy to understand your Interest Rate and what will pay it off. House has a mortgage. The documents range about 600 pages. It is very complex for the average consumer. I know we are trying to change the disclosure requirements. To the other point if i could, the point about here we go again , i would take issue with that. What got this Housing Market greed for theas institutions that went down this path. There were no documentation loans. No down payments. This over exuberant selling around the nation from everybody involved and home prices were rising. Quickget rich creek opportunity. The dodd frank legislation outlawed all those products. To proven, you have ability to repay. There are no more of these loans. About thelking rules have put us back to the side. You come back a little bit. Known as ever going to go back to the way it was. That has been outlawed it permanently. Host recently, Daniel Gallagher said that the rulemaking makes the untenable housing policy guest that is a great comment. Have inthe challenge we this debate, and with a lot of debates, is it is one of the other. Youre either trying to bring back all the risks of some subprime existed once before or to the other end, you are trying to block access to every american who wants to buy a home. There is nuance here. Think that we need to make certain is any rulemaking going certain we have to make that we are not blocking access to wellqualified families for the wrong reasons. We have to make certain that we dont the pendulum swing back near the level that created this terrible crisis in the first place. Thank you for holding. It were on with David Stevens. Caller thank you. My question goes to that point. You said the regulatory pendulum has strong swung too far one direction, how should policymakers maintain Consumer Protections on the one hand while also responsibly expanding Credit Availability on the other. Answer,fore we get an you said youre looking for a home. Caller i am looking high and low. It is tough. Host is it because its expensive . Or the inventory . Caller i think its a little bit of both, to tell the truth. There is a tough credit environment. This will be my first home. I think he is pointing to what is the balance we need to get right. If you look at new households being formed in this country over the next year, if you look at harvards forecast, these will be Single Person households. You are going to have a lot of Single Person had of households coming into the marketplace. The other big get demographic is going to be the hispanic community. They have different underwriting needs. You have multiple family members living together in places like los angeles. You may have multiple jobs and are contributing to the income. You might have some selfemployment income from another job. It makes it difficult to get a borrower to approve if the risks and the boundaries are so narrow. I think the point is we need to not have a political discussion. We need to make sure that we are creating rules that protect the consumer. Understanding that borrowers situation is still compliant with a payroll that is part of law. This is the way to expand the box. It is working with the enforcement agencies to make sure that they are not too aggressive. Getting this balance right is buyers into the market to be able to have access. Host when Congress Comes back in january, what is an actual law or regulation that you would like to see them pass . I think the biggest piece of legislation is the one that is left unanswered. Freddie mac and fannie mae were put into conservatorship before this is ministration came into being. This is the biggest market there is. We dont know what can of credit is going to be provided. That is the piece of work that congress has to engage in. It involves the governments guarantee of a mortgagebacked security. That, i think the regulars have a lot of work to do. For lenders who want to do this we need tosoundly, give confidence to builders. Homes, build entry level their need to be borrowers who can qualify. Theyre not building at the entry point like they used to because they are worried that the homebuyers wont be approved. Confidencecreate that the regulators will. We need to create policies around those that move us off the edges of the pendulum. We to make certain that it is not to the point where the Financial Institutions across this country, not the big banks but the committee banks in the , theyt and Credit Unions cant afford to make one mistake. There has to be the ability to be prudent and meet the obligations of qualified mortgages. Host we have just a few more minutes. John is in michigan. Caller congress is up there fighting, i lost my house. I borrowed against it in 2000 for my business. I got cut up in the fha deal. I had 25 years of work in that house. I was it was paid for until i mortgage it. I am rural america. Everything i do is cash. I dont go looking for money anymore. I have a nice house now. It is all paid for. The guy down the street got the same can of property and paid cash for it. Everybody is up there fist fighting and talking about rules , we are doing it cash. We still know how to swing hammers and use paintbrushes. You guys have a good day. You have to commend john for his ability to get out of a difficult situation and build his own equity again by paying cash for home. That everybody has that opportunity. If you look at the small asinesses across the country, high percent uses their home as a way to finance the small business. If you own a Convenience Store or a diner or a paper goods store in your community, you have a home equity line of credit because thats the only way to get that revolving debt line to finance the cash flow of your business. During the recession, many people lost their businesses or at least could not cover all their debts. A variety of other scenarios. The home could ultimately be at risk for the longterm stability. This is something wed to think about Going Forward. Our last call is from rose. Rose. Youve got to turn down the volume on your tv. Otherwise you get a delay. Lets finish with this tweet then the. Guest we did spend hours talking about what created the derivativeset and were part of that. They were hedged with derivatives read all that collapsed. That only tells part of the story. There is a psychology that we need. I have been in the industry for three decades. I started off as a loan representatives. I bought my first home way back when. We never thought about how much it would appreciate. It wasnt considered an investment game for us. We wanted to own a home. We lost our way in this country in the last decade. We began to look at housing as a way to make quick profits. We lost the requirement that you had to show income and be able to sustainably support that home over the long term. The dialogue has changed because of the rules and regulations that have been put into place. We need to start having a dialogue at who is being left out. If we can answer that question, i think we will find that on the margin it, there is opportunity for the dialogue to shift. We are going to leave communities of hispanics, africanamericans, young people, we will leave them on the sidelines. Economy, weall cant do that. Reverse mortgages are a complex product. The primary provider is the fha. It is a different kind of program today. A group of millennials that are coming into the entry point. The aging society may need to use that home for living expenses. How do you make certain that program for seniors is done in a way that actually works to their advantage . There is great opportunity in the reverse Mortgage Program. There are some fixes to at the could make it even better. Stevens, thank you. Please come back when Congress Perhaps debates some housing legislation. We want to talk some politics. Were going to talk some Public Policy. There are the numbers. Whatever issue you would like to discuss, you can discuss. We are divided by political affiliation. Earlier, cspan has covered over 100 debates around the country. Many of them live. You can watch them on our website as well. To hundredbably get and 20 debates that you can see among the candidates we want to show you something it happened last night. This is steve king, he is a republican in iowa. Challenger was talking about immigration. Do you think the diversity that we are seen in iowa in years to come us something to be embraced or something to resisted . How would you support that in congress question mark in establishing english as the official language of the state of i would. When that moment comes and we have the opportunity pass that, we will move it through. A common language is the most powerful Unifying Force known to humanity through history. It is a common language. I just congratulated a young man in the restroom who was an american citizen from somalia. I have been a great cheerleader for legal immigration. I congratulate citizens of choice usingare used to him hateful and divisive langton talking about immigration. He has no plans to fix our broken immigration system. Every time i hear him, which is often use this hateful language to talk about immigration, i think of a friend of mine that i served with in iraq. He received his citizenship in iraq. That is not the right leadership. He claims to be leading in congress, but if you. Defined hateful language. I think people for the language talking about immigrants, this received national pressed. We have a broken system. I support the Immigration Reform bill that passed the senate. It would push 20,000 boots on the border. It is supported by the chambers of commerce and the farm bureau. It would cut a trillion dollars from our deficit. Condors been king has no plans to fix the system. He just as empty rhetoric. It is clear. Is not the system that is broken. It is the administration who refuses to enforce law. I have brought many pieces of legislation forward. Fence alonglding a our southern border. Not a full 2000 miles. Just until they stop going around the end. I generated the idea and wrote the bill. It is the new idea act. It eliminates the tax deductibility for wages and benefits that are paid to illegals. That shuts down the jobs magnets. These are ideas that all republican candidates have endorsed him the last president ial election. Even governor perry of texas and said that building a wall is not the right approach. The people who advocate for it dont understand the challenges that we face. This is a 20th century solution to a 21st century problem for left. 30 minutes the numbers are on the screen. Any Public Policy issue you would like to discuss, ahead and violin. You can see the numbers there on the screen. We want to show you from real clear politics, some of the most recent polls. This is the Gubernatorial Race in massachusetts. Leading marthais coakley i9 points. That is massachusetts governor. Jeanne shaheen is ahead two points in one survey and one in another. Joni ernst is ahead of bruce braley by two points, this is out of iowa. We have cory gardner over senator udall a two points. Carolina, this is a Republican Polling Firm and that gregis reporting orman is ahead of pat roberts. Michelle nunn is ahead of mr. Purdue in georgia. A tie in the colorado governors race. Other poll shows that mr. Hickenlooper is ahead by one point. Scott walker is up by a point. The republican is beating governor quinn in illinois by a couple of points. If you go to real clear politics, they aggregate a lot of the polls and you can look through their and have a looksee for yourself. What is on your mind this morning . Caller good morning. Youre guested not mention much about the subprime. I can remember barney frank yelling one time. The subprime went from 5 to over 25 . Housing was a boom. Barrels 160 dollars a barrel. It is his poll. I am glad he is gone. I am happy to be on cspan. Im happy to see people getting out in voting. I am happy to see that. We need one of the thing. Im a moderate. I dont blame some of these governors for wanting a state id. I am here to say that a state id ought to cost 24. That is nothing. Please spend the 24 and get the state id. Make everybody happy. You can have your dignity and get out and vote. Host barbara is a new york city. Thank cspant to for all the debate coverage. I dont think you have covered the debate in new york between Governor Cuomo and three other candidates. I was wondering if you knew why that was to mark host are you sure . I dont know why. Caller i checked your archives. I also called. He could not find it either. Steve scully is our political editor. Will be here on sunday hosting the journal. Maybe he can answer it then read or maybe he will give me an answer. Sometimes there are rules that a station wont let us carry it or wont give us the rights to carry it. I have no idea what the situation is. We will see if we can get an answer. I dont care for andrew cuomo. I think he has been dishonest. Candidate does not appeal to me. I just want to say one other thing about the debates, i am just watching the ones that include all of the candidates on the ballot or several of the carrots. I am not watching ones where its just a democrat and republican. I wont be put in that bag where i am a pingpong ball i have to choose one or the other. Host we dont create the debates. Bring to you. Caller i understand that. My curiosity is who created the rules that kept you from covering the new york debate . Host i dont know the whole situation but we will figured out. Debate orering a airing a debate tonight at 10 00 p. M. This is the louisiana u. S. House debate. As you can see, there are lots of candidates. Most are ours or ds. They have an open primary. That is on tonight at 10 00. Brian is in new york city. Caller good morning. I would lock to talk about ideologies. There is a lot of confusion about fascism. If people would only check the record and understand what fascism is. They would understand that the real fascism in this country comes from what we euphemistically call liberalism. It is not liberalism. It is really leftwing fascism. Look at the facts. The attack on our First Amendment is coming from the left. The Political Correctness is enforced liberalism. It started about 30 years ago at colleges. If you were against affirmative action, you were a racist. Take this woman from texas. Hoursve a speech for 14 about abortion. She demands abortion in the ninth month. This ais matthews calls noble cause. Host lets wrap this up. People wouldt wish wake up and find that the real risk to america has been going on for 70 years. Thank you. Host richard is in verona missouri. I am concerned about the white house and the safety of the president. I have a suggestion. Host we are listening. Have a suggestion for the secret service. Thatey would hire that guy worked for michael jackson, i think he would be safer. Timesfrom the washington , the Islamic State is one of the best financed terrorist groups. Shirley is in wheeling, west virginia. Caller i just want to make a comment this morning. I do understand why it is just a black and white election. Side is the best. At least on the left, people want to do things to help. They want to raise minimum wage. They want to help. Juste republican side they want to block everything and give money to the rich. I dont understand why this is even a tie. I have had a mortgage for 30 years. I recommend nobody get a mortgage with fha. At least deal with your bank. We are out in the country. They sold my mortgage to groups over and over. I dont even know who i am dealing with anymore. All you talk to is a machine. The election is important. I dont understand why people wont go with the facts. Trying tone side is help the American People. Host that is surely in west virginia. This is shelley in minnesota. Caller thanks for cspan. My comment relates to something that the woman just ahead of me talked about. That is the messaging during the elections. What confuses me so much is how the democrats can pigeonhole republicans just like the woman said that they are just after giving the rich tax breaks. They pigeonhole them with such a great message that people actually believe that. I am for gay marriage. I am a republican. Are many social issues that define republicans and republicans also want to help the American People. We dont want to saddle our children with the debt. Others. To help we also cant afford it. That is all i have to say. The lead story in the Washington Post is an exclusive. Tracy is in cleveland. Tracy is am a democrats line. I have a question that maybe you can answer. 20 years ago, we bought our home. We needed to have 20 down in order to get a loan. Then we went through the housing crisis. They let anybody and their brother by a home. They were for closing on these people. This left the neighborhood empty. My housing value went down. The grass was overgrown and the shrubbery was overgrown. There were vandalisms. What can the city do when a bank owns a home and they are not keeping up the housing code for that city . Host since i am not able to answer that question we are going to leave your cap comments there. 2 is a cspan ,ongressional hearing hearing it is on ebola. There,want to go over you can watch that live. Today says nancy pelosi has raised money for democrats. Has visited 115 cities this election cycle. Front page of the chicago durban has ane, big lead. Obituaries, this is Frank Mankiewicz who died at George Washington hospital. He was 90 years old. Kennedys press secretary. He announced Robert F Kennedys death in 1968. A advisor to george mcgovern. I wanted to see your thoughts on the use of pandering to the use of a selection cycle. Youre not hearing any of that. Host what do you think about that . Die damagebe it is of the message that the youth have sent over the last couple of elections. What is that message . Caller there are a few different ones. Host you know i am not going to give my opinion on anything. Are you use . 25 here i just had my first child. Host congratulations. Are you planning on voting . Caller yes i am. Host which way are you going to vote in North Carolina . Caller im still undecided. Im still absorbing facts. Host what are some of the issues . The accessibility to aid. I am 25. I have a child and i am married. All the resources out there are new to me. I am just now finding out about the vha. I want more plugs into those resources that i could use. Host what kind of work do you do . Caller im in the hospitality industry. Host rob talked about the youth vote. It tomorrow we are doing a segment on millennials and the campaign. The content into washington journal tomorrow if that interests you. This is from the wall street journal. Here is the article. She is likely the only gop black candidate that will be elected to the congress in this year. Fred in denver. Caller good morning. I am calling to express my indignation that the fraudulent Mental Health industry. We have experienced several mass killings in colorado. We hear that these are Mental Health problems and there should be more money for Mental Health. Instigated by are problems of fear and revenge fantasy. Mental Health Diagnosis as a treatment that should be called clinical applied philosophy. This is a misclassification for several reasons. This onee you list reason. Caller it is to broad and to vague. Not consistent host . Are you a doctor . Had he become a former doctor . What kind of doctor . I was a pediatrician and i was a radiologist. Gross had a lot of experience with this. Mental health is such a myth. The claim that they are going to do something to these people that commit mass murders is fraudulent. Host we are going to have to leave it there. We want to hear some more voices. This is the washington times. Putting money back into alison grimes. Caller hello. I want to go back to the polls that you showed at the beginning i do not understand why those polls or so tight. Class class and lower people really are tricked into voting republican. They do not want to help. Want greed. That is all they are for. I hope that everybody gets out in votes. No matter how they vote, go vote. I hope the democrats take over everything. Thank you. This is craig in michigan. Caller i just want to make a comment that the other day we saw short news clips regarding Social Security payments going to not see war criminals. This is from a country spending huge dollars to elect people. The class of people that we have to vote for is mediocre at best. Appear the issues that as being hugely important are we stillealt with dont have laws about the proper way to vote and what it takes. Many elections as we have had, you would think there would be one set standard for voting and we wouldnt have to argue over voters rights and whether they can or cant. Who are you headed in michigan . Caller none of the above. Host thank you. Elizabeth is in arkansas. Caller good morning. Report about one of your previous collars saying that the upper class is causing all the problems in the republican party. The upper class is what is putting Middle America back to work. We need to allow them to be able to work. The upperto have class and we have to be able to finance. We have to give them their tax breaks. Are you an upperclass person . Caller i am not. How do you see the upperclass putting middle class back to work . Caller that is where the income is at. You are able to put people to work. Host john is in brooklyn. Back toi wanted to go the caller from colorado, the doctor talking about Mental Health and the workplace shootings. When you look behind those murderers, there is always somebody that lost two jobs or was on the firing blocked for long time. The media never goes into those issues. That was john in brooklyn. This is an ap poll. The new polls show the two parties are even among women. Lee is in new york. I was calling because he just shut it off. How come cspan didnt cover what happened last night . Host what happened less that . Caller the terrorism in new york city. The guy with a hatchet hit a Police Officer in the back of the head and hitting the arm of another. One Police Officer is critical. I do know how the other man is doing. This is the liberal press that hides everything that has to do with terrorism. He killed 13 of armor readings in fort hood. Wounded 30 some other people. That was just called workplace violence. These were all people that were yelling about all up. Host that was leased in schenectady new york. Is New Hampshire senate race tightening. This is from politico. Meet the press raining viewers. John mccain blasted the pentagon as an idiot. Finally, obama claims executive privilege on fast and furious documents. Jim, youve got 15 seconds. Caller thats me. I have a couple of questions about ebola. One is why havent we been working on a vaccine for the last 10 years . Why was that dr. Who had been working with ebola quarantined asas he soon as he took off from the airplane . Thank you. If you are interested in the ebola situation, we are covering a hearing on cspan to buy the House Oversight committee on ebola and the federal response. You can turn it into cspan2. Bookkend, the tv tv for serious readers. This week we are in austin, texas for the texas book festival. Two days of authors

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