The senate. There is renewed speculation about the next campaign, 2016. What that might look like. Jeb bush says he is thinking about running. On a weekend when Hillary Clinton of became a grandmother, we want to get your thoughts on that race in 2016. You can join the conversation. You can send us a tweet. You can send us an email. Good sunday morning too. Lets look at some of the headlines outside washington dc. The Des Moines Register is showing an amazing race. It is become a sixpoint lead. This is one of the most closely watched races in the country. The first debate will take place you can watch it on cspan at 6 00 eastern. Front page of the youngstown , the death of james traficant. He was in a farming accident four days ago. He passed away at the age of 73. ,om the Los Angeles Times be Affordable Care act will more difficult to find a doctor. This is from the miami herald. It has speculation about jeb bush running for president. He has lost 30 pounds. He is looking fitter. He iss a sign that running not just on a treadmill but for president in 2016. We will have more of your calls and comments on this. But first, cspan radio with an update on the sunday morning programs that can be heard on cspan radio. The topics include the fight against isis and national security, the ebola virus outbreak, and politics. You can hear rebroadcasts on cspan radio beginning at 1 00 today. Press ist the preempted. Week. N with this also congressman Keith Ellison of minnesota and cochair of the aggressive caucus. At 2 00, it is fox news sunday. He is making his appearances on several shows today. Wyoming and maine will be on the show. Unionstate of the follows. Another appearance by tony blank and. Nicholas burnsd will be on. Also on the program is general richard meyer. He is the former chairman of the joint chiefs of staff. At 4 00, its face the nation from cbs. Seminar mocratic senator tim kaine and the commander of the brigade in iraq. Mike morel and the cia director. Spanalk shows are on see cspan. The rebroadcast began today at 1 00. They begin with abcs this week. 2 00 is fox news sunday. Face the nation at 4 00. You can listen to them all on cspan radio. We are across the country on xm satellite radio. You can download our free app for your smart phone or listen online at cspan. Org. All of it is commercial free. The politico writes following. Thank you very much for joining us. Thank you for having me. Host how serious is this . Caller he is close to a decision. This comes after the midterms. I think on the issues he would like to run as a person who could present leadership to the country. He would like to run. There are personal considerations about how it would impact his family. His wife is not keen on his running. He is a grandfather three times over. Hillary clinton is now a grandmother. Wants to spend time with the grandkids. He wants to make a decision if the passion for the Republican Party outweighs a lot of family concerns. He wants to decide if he has the passion to do it. If he doesnt, it will be a tough race for him. He needs to go all in. I think it is interesting that article that you mentioned, if you see him losing weight and getting fit, i would look more towards a run. He needs to be in political fighting tram to be out there and mix it up. I would say that it is 6040 that he goes. Host we often hear the phrase republican establishment. Is there such a thing it . We talk about potential candidates that the establishment could line up in support. What is your assessment of that . A thing. Ere is such it is less of a powerhouse than it was before given the Tea Party Revolution that we have seen and the Younger Generation of republicans who dont feel they are beholden to anyone in the establishment. It would be the chambers of commerce and wall street and elsewhere who are physical conservatives and to a degree social conservatives. They like to legislate and get things done rather than have ideological purity tests. Has nominatedment the president ial candidate in the past, mitt romney being one of them. Followed bysh was john mccain. Jeb bush fits into that mold. Theould not call himself establishment candidate. One big question surrounding all this is is 2016 the year where the movement to conservatives throw off the establishment and nominate one of their own . Like jeb or Chris Christie get the nomination away from somebody like rand paul or ted cruz . We will see how that plays out. Mold. Uld come out of that he would have backing on wall street and with the chamber of commerce types around the country. Whether he can parlay that into a nomination remains to be seen. The this is from washington post. Senator taz cruise is winning in the straw poll at the values voter summit. Coming in third was mike huckabee. These are the tea party conservatives. Let me ask about the other factors. When you hear about jeb bush, is there a bush fatigue. . Guest that is a concern that he is well where well aware of. When ever i write a story about jeb bush, there is a visceral reaction on twitter about no more bushes. He is aware of that. He would have to make it clear to people that he is not in the mold of his brother or his father. He has his own man with his own ideas on education and. Mmigration and the economy he needs to sell people on it jeb the person and get beyond this notion that he is just another bush. He could probably do that. He is a guy of serious policy ideas and leadership and vision. You may disagree with it, i dont think he will come across as just another bush. Will it be a detriment to him . Sure. People who say not another bush probably would not vote for a bush anyway. Sayt of people i talked to to me at some point he is going to have to make it clear to break from george w. Bush in a speech or an appearance. He will have to make it clear that he is not a continuation of the george w. Bush white house. Everyone will member when he left office he had terribly low approval ratings. It is a concern. Host we looked free reporting online at politico. Com. There is this tweet from one of our viewers saying you can give us a call. The miami herald writes about the potential for jeb bush in 2016. Hillary clinton has become a grandmother. Has a photok times of the new grandbaby of for president bill clinton. This is the story from the New York Times. Lets get to your calls on all of this. This is the democrats line up. The biggest problem here , the last two bush president s have left the country in a recession. Host what is your take on hillary . Caller my problem with hillary is it is time we got a woman president. Host thanks for the call. About governor bush. He is campaigning for Midterm Election candidates. A comment about his intentions. It was notd that among his considerations. Her wife showed little appetite for the political sphere when he served two terms as the governor of florida. Wilson from mississippi, good morning. Lets go on to arlene in st. Louis. Caller good morning. I believe that Hillary Clinton should run. She missed out when she ran against obama. That was a very sad day for me. She has to be careful. Has covered the problems. Very good job a with the v. A. I think she is going to have a augher on the republicans get good person in there to run. Host who would be a good person . Who in your mind would be a good republican candidate . Caller i really dont know. The guy from kentucky. He is pretty good. Host she is referring to senator rand paul. The first of the debates in the Iowa Senate Race will be tonight. Our thanks to kcci tv who are the debate sponsors. Our coverage out anytime. Caller good morning. Ashington is so toxic to have jeb and hillary, i would not vote for either one of them. I would give hillary the edge. It is tough right now. I dont see a candidate who can stand out right now as the first president ial candidate. We should look of the field a little bit more broadly. That is my comment. Thank you. Host thank you for the call. Jan has this point on twitter. The loris from collierville, tennessee is on the republican line. Caller no, democrat line. Good morning. Themt want either of running it we are sick and tired of the bushes and clintons. We need new people who understand working class people. Elizabeth moran and joe biden. Ake up, america we need people who care about people. The clintons and bushes dont care about anyone. I am a democrat. Hillary is not behind us. Host wide you say that . Caller i been looking at her over the years. She voted for the iraq war. We need to look for winners. There are no winners when it comes to war. Martin omalley was in the state of new hampshire. He will be of the sea that on cspan. Donna is in louisville, kentucky. Caller good morning. Bush, ihillary or jeb would not vote for either one of them. Either one of them. At of the killer he represents i dont think hillary represents americans. I dont like her. I am tired of the bushes and clintons. As far as chelseas baby, i hope she does not look like chelsea. Host lets go to wayne from oklahoma. Caller hello. I am concerned about veterans affairs. I dont know. I do know whats going on in this world right now. Obama is a muslim. Obama is not a muslim it but thank you for making your comment. Good morning. Caller it is unfortunate. I believe either one of those candidates will serve the country. Call,ike the last regardless if he is a muslim or not, anyone with common sense knows he is not. Regardless, that does not make the country or take the country in a bad way area american needs to wake up and it doesnt matter what candidate gets up there. Because of the money and the people that are running things, the people never get their say in it. A lot of people are blind to what is really going on. It is the special interest that will keep on taking this country where it wants to go. Host lets go to mark in connecticut. Good morning. Caller how are you doing, steve. I want to echo the sentiment of the past few collars. We need somebody different. Bernie sanders and elizabeth warned, somebody that will fight for the little guy. These people have a history of naftang in projects like and the rest of it. Host but me ask you about elizabeth moran. She insists she is not running. What is it about her that you like . Caller her fairness across the board. Host thanks very much for the call. This is dave in ohio. Caller good morning. I think we need to go democrat. We need to take this country back from people that have taken over. Bush and clinton put us in a recession. The medical care is a big deal, we have jobs but nobody wants to pay. How can you work and have insurance . The vets are not getting treated right. I am of that. We need to get somebody in there that wants to do something for the people. Host who is that person . Caller you know something, that is a good question question but . Who cares about people . Host inside the washington , go browns parents are in washington dc. Delivered the keynote address and made reference to Michael Brown and the situation and ferguson. I wont comment on the investigation. I know michaels family is here tonight. [applause] i know nothing we can sable is the grief of losing a child so soon. Awakened ourf nation once again to the reality havepeople in this room long understood which is in too around the country, a gulf of mistrust exist between his local residents and Law Enforcement. Too many young men of color field targeted by Law Enforcement. Black or walking while judged by stereotypes. We know that statistically in everything from drug policy to the Death Penalty to pulling people over there are this paritys racially. Disparities racially. The majority of americans feel system does justice not just treat people fairly. That is most americans. Effect, not just on the black committee. It has an effect on america. It harms the communities that need Law Enforcement the most. It makes folks who are victimized by crime and need strong policing reluctant to go to the police because they might not trust them. It scars part of it is the hearts of our children. It scars the hearts of white children who grow unnecessarily fearful of someone who does not look like them. It stains the heart of black children who feel as if no does he wille always be under suspicion. That is not the society we want. It is not the society that our children deserve. [applause] we dont want that for america. Host the president s comments. His full speech is Available Online at cspan. Org. This is a story tomorrow today from the New York Times. A Police Officer was shot last night. It was unrelated to the protests. Around 19r was shot p. M. Local time. He was checking on a community center. Infired several shots return. There is no indication he hit either of the suspects. The Police Officer was shot in the arm and hospitalized. It happened in a neighborhood about two miles from where Michael Brown was shot and killed by police. Back to your calls on the issue of jeb bush and Hillary Clinton and a bid for 2016. Tim from michigan, good morning. Caller i think a good candidate would be one who doesnt have a dent and therefore head from a coke others belt buckle. We will go to charles in chicago. Submit that if the party bosses will match hillary and jeb bush, voter turnout will be so low it will be astounding. Nobody wants either one of them. This country is ready for some radical changes in the political scene. The intimidation of those two to the parties will keep some very good candidates from trying to run. Host lets go to tyler, texas. Caller i was calling. I saw you played a piece on the ferguson incident. That was my comment. I live in a small east texas town. 98 of our police force is caucasian. This, i am alike fair person. I wish our country would come together. We are americans. Isis looks at us as americans. That look at the color of skin. If they are an american, they kill them. The country needs to come together. They can easily sneak in here and take advantage. We need to come together and be fair. Host bonnie is on the republican line. Caller hello . I dont think hillary or jeb bush would make a good president. They are two wellknown. I think rick perry or somebody that wouldackbone close our borders and get these muslims out of oklahoma. This is an oklahoma. We are having those muslims beheading people. This man was working. He was trying to convert all of the people that he worked with to the muslim religion. Host ok. With newlinton daughter charlotte. She delivered on friday. These pictures released yesterday along with some photos of former president bill clinton and Hillary Clinton. Carl is joining us from chicago. Caller good morning. Think the president is more determined of who is in the comment congress. That is what voters should focus on. What are the two parties offering . I look at the republicans and i say what have they done . Keep reaching goose eggs. And even the democrats though we havent passed we wantng, what we say for the American People is more than republicans. Said i just dont understand why people would consider republicans because they are not the right thing for the American People. Increaset want to wages. They say no to reasonable gun legislation. There are social things at the country could benefit from. All they want to do is talk about cutting taxes. That was the major cause of a recession. Salon. Coms writing about the potential of jeb bush in 2016. A dozen years after he ran his first campaign, he is gearing up for 2016. This would open up a new front in the Republican Partys civil war. From our twitter page there is this from. Lets go to nancy from california. Caller hi. I just want to say that i think the next president may very well inherit a whole host of problems. We need someone with like hillary has. She has relationships alone the place. She knows what the issues are. I would support her. I would also say that we have know who we dont she would choose for Vice President. It could be elizabeth warned. It could be bernie sanders. To say that we cant support her is stark. If jeb bush goes, what are his relationships . He is relating to the people that his brother did. They would rush right in there to advise him. Is that what we want . The best thing obama is doing is standing back and observing before he acts. She might bery, more of a hawk than that. At least she has the relationships with all of these people internationally. They respect her. That is a huge part. Host thanks for a much from the call from california. Ohioeeks ago she was in. Or the steak fry she said this to say at her remarks. Too many people only get excited about president ial campaigns. I get excited about president ial campaigns. [applause] those campaigns only happened every four years. Every two years you are electing members of congress and senators and state officials will have a big say in the quality of your schools, your health care, your lives. Use the enthusiasm that iowa is so wellknown for. That into these upcoming elections. [applause] dont wake up the day after the election and feel bad and wonder what more you could of done. Do everything you can now. When you wake up that morning after the election you breeze a big sigh of relief. You will have done everything tomcould to make sure that harkins legacy of service, of standing up and making it clear whose side hes on a continue. It is time to heed the push of our values and the poll of our future. News time to write that chapter in the american dream. When we show up, we win. I thank tom and ruth for always showing up and showing us the way. It is great to be back. Lets not let another seven years go by. Reference to her last appearance and i will and she lost to then senator barack obama in 2008. 2016, this on morning from the front page of the Des Moines Register. There is trouble for democrats. Down six points. Our next color is from iowa. Bob is from pellet, i would. Caller good morning. Host let me ask you first about this poll. Are you surprised . Caller not really. Due togot a backlash negative campaigning on both sides. Positiveollowed by campaigning. I think that is why she has that lead. Iowa is first in the nation. What do you think . Caller in iowa, we dont have true independence. We dont have party registry. That is what i am. See, i have run the numbers on this, i cant see Hillary Clinton winning more than 256 electoral votes, no matter how i look at that map. I said it in 2000 and i will say , the apple will not fall far from the tree. Host thanks for that call. 270 electoral votes are needed to be elected president. One name that is often mentioned is tom perez to replace eric holder. The white house has been talking to him. He is emerging as an inside contender. Track. As an inside he is the son of two dominican immigrants. He speaks spanish fluently. He could prove important at a time when the president s larger relationship with latinos is strained over Immigration Reform and the Justice Department is looking at polarizing minority issues. Texas. Is in houston caller good morning. Have, i have been listening to people. No one ever brought up jesus christ. If we go back to the word, god put man the head of all things. I love women. There is no way that a woman should be running for president. God designedhe way that to be. Host why do you say that . Caller people are putting themselves and what they want to do instead of what god instructs them to do. We miss understand the word. You dont want to talk about that in school and on television. Host are you married . Caller i am happily married for 28 years. Host any daughters . Caller i have two daughters. Host you are saying that your two daughters should not have the ability to serve as president if they choose . Caller no sir. S whatd tell my daughter god said. Host what do you think they would tell you . Caller i will back them. Dont get me wrong. I will tell them that god did not desire for a woman to run for president. Host ok. On americasries first ladies, we set down with many of the former first ladies about life in the white house. Had this question about barbara bush. Well get back to that in just a moment. Good morning. Hillarye to be decided, and jeb bush, neither would do a lot for the country. They would do a lot to the country. A socialist. I am very concerned. It is not what the government can do for you. Its what the government will do to you. Host who do you like . Caller i like ted cruz. I think he is a principled man. He is attacked by the liberal media. I like rick perry. To bringwellqualified some lessening of big government. The problem is government overwhelming everything it. About whating government does and what it does for you. It has nothing except what it takes. Host thanks for the call. Peggy has this point on twitter. Their israel is renewed speculation on Hillary Clinton renewedbush there is speculation on Hillary Clinton and jeb bush. There is a hearing scheduled this week looking into what as that person jumped the fence and was able to get inside the residence. We will have live coverage this week. The story about vladimir putin, it pays to be his friend. Bankions test the personal that gives riches to russian insiders. This is barbara bush. Is there room for another bush in the white house . Country, athis is a great country. If we cant find more than two or three families to run for higher office, that is silly. Ande are great governors eligible people. The kennedys and clintons and bushes, there are more families than that. I am not arrogant enough to think that we alone are raising public servants. Whether they are feeding the , shes fedauren is 68 million children around the world. For bigs working brothers and big sisters. There are a lot of ways to serve. Being president is not the only one. I would hope that someone else would run. There is no question in my mind that jeb is the best qualified person to run for president. I hope you wont. Get all ill refuse to accept that we arent raising other wonderful people. Host from october of last year. Her comments got a lot of attention. You can check out all of that on our website. Bill from pennsylvania is on the republican line. Caller good morning. Position is the whole idea look at the background of bill clinton. Wife says what does it matter that four people got killed . Is married to a spanish woman. We will be flooded. You have two people running. They should just retire and go home and play with their kids. We dont need them no more. That is enough. There are other people who are good enough to run for the presidency. Not the same old people again. It is disgusting. It is enough to make you sick. Host i will stop you there. This is on her twitter page. A lot of emotions on our website. Tom friedman in the New York Times is right about reagan and obama. Carol is joined us from ohio on the democrats line. You get the last word on all of this, carol. Support hillary if she would run. That clip about getting out the vote, the people in ohio did not get out the vote and we get the republicans in here. We had to go to the courts to get some of our Voting Rights back that we did not have that they took away from us. I think the people of ohio had better wake up and get out to vote in this off election instead of coming out for the president ial election. Host thanks very much for the call. We are bringing more than 100 debates. Tonight at 6 00, the debate in the Iowa Senate Race. Other races. Es in you can check at the schedule at cspan. Org. , we are going to turn our attention to the campaign against isis. A new round of attacks overnight and we will talk about the role of our new Coalition Partners. Frederic wehrey is join us. Some actionfl and Congress Might take. It is sunday morning. We are back in a moment. 00 are debate coverage continues live on cspan. Live thursday night in 00, the oklahoma governors debate. Also at eight, watch the nebraska governors debate. Campaign 2014, or the 100 debates for the control of gress bird the student cam competition is underway. Prizes create150 a documentary on the topic the three branches in you. Videos need to include cspan programming. They must be submitted by january 20. Grab a camera and get started today. Monday night, Net Neutrality and privacy. Big data is the tool. It can be used well or poorly. Good things that can come from big data. Care, other kinds of research. You can provide new insights. Are there risks from big data . I think thats true. Ofhink you can take pieces information and assemble them into a profile that may give sensitive insights into a consumer. You have all these benefits and you have some risks. What do you do then . Monday night at 8 00 on the communicators. Washington journal continues. Host we want to welcome frederic wehrey. Good morning and thank you for being with us. As you assess what we are doing how arew in the region, we doing . Guest i dont think we are doing that well in iraq. We have had how may weeks of airstrikes and isis is Still Holding on to territory. The only place with a have vacated has been the most old dam. This is a deeply entrenched organization. They seem to be adapting. We know from past history that airstrikes alone will not dislodge these organizations. Host i want to ask you about the coalition. Great britain is now involved here in denmark is involved. How broad is this . To 50 countries. What are their actual contributions . Of militaryhare strikes have been conducted by the United States. These other countries contributions are important. The arab states especially, they have conducted airstrikes. This is significant. It shows the world this is not the u. S. Come in to solve the regions problem. We should not be under and expectations at they are going to defeat this group by themselves. One of the things that surprised me was turkey is the secondlargest ground force behind the u. S. It is a Massive Player in this. They have been on the sidelines so far. Isis was holding a number of turks hostage. This was the reason for their reluctance to get involved. We are seeing signs that they are going to get involved. Haven. Y set up a safe if they have very capable special forces. They are letting the United States use an air base in the southeast part of their country. Host when the airstrikes began, we notified the syrian government. From them. O response what is happening inside syria . Guest by some interpretations, he is quietly pleased. The United States is tackling the most capable of his foes. This was making gains on the battlefield. A real concern is that we are not aiding him inadvertently. I think he is laying low. He is not turned on his radar to provoke an attack. He has got to be in a bit of a difficult vision. We are seeing signs now from the coalition and from obama about a nofly zone. I think the general consensus is you cant title tackle isis without tackling it in syria. Give our audience a sense of your background. Guest i was an air force officer for nine years. I served in turkey. I left the military and worked at the rand corporation. Which is a think tank on the defense affairs. And middle air force east issues. I received my doctorate in international relations. I moved over to the carnegie endowment. This is another think tank here in washington dc. Host our phone lines are open. You can send us a tweet or you can send us an email. I want to ask you about jordan. Abdulla was speaking last week. This is what he had to say about isis. Another critical global focus must be a decisive affirmation him of Mutual Respect within and among religions and people. Islam arengs of true clear. Strife are utterly condemned. Islam prohibits violence against christians, and other communities. Let me say once again, arab christians are an integral part of my nations past, present, and future. I call on muslim and other leaders to Work Together against all sorts and divisive actions. On with isis going and all the different factions in the region . How do you explain it in laymans terms . How big is this in terms of our operation over the long haul . Guest this is a huge threat. The problem in the middle east is the breakdown of states. They are not able to provide for their citizens. There are no resources. What you have in these areas like syria and iraq is a complete breakdown. Have been aggrieved of their governments. They have been right for extremism. Isis steps in and talks about ideology. They have tapped into something. This is what we are talking about. We have been fighting al qaeda for 13 years. This is a generational challenge. Talking about identities and muslims did feel this and chanted with their place in the world. Be tackled going to through another military operation. Was a thugm hussein but he kept control of the country. What does that tell you when somebody like him is toppled and then we see what is happening in iraq . Guest i was just in libya in june. These dictators kept the peace. It was the peace of the graveyard. Quiet under the surface things were boiling. What we have learned is you need a planet. When you go in, you have to have some sort of government in waiting. You have to be prepared to deal with these a rupture ins that happened. We clearly did not have a plan. We underestimated the sectarian passions. We underestimated other states in the region to metal. Metal meddle. Host you look at the Economic Impact that vietnam has had on american businesses there is an economic boom to that country following a very divisive war. Other lessons . This is a region that is different because of the oil. It has resources but that has not pushed people to develop different sectors. They have wealth but it has not pushed the industry and the directions like asia. I dont see the middle east evolving in that direction. Were seeing that in dubai. And that we can see that in iraq anytime soon. The oil is an impediment to that sort of economic boom. Are taking your phone calls. We welcome our listeners on cspan radio. Georgia, democrats line. Caller good morning. You hit the nail on the head when you said oil. Reason we ever did anything in iraq or that whole area. It is all about oil. Forre making it possible whogiant oil conglomerates are making a mess of the whole environment. Product getting their safely and figure a way to ship it. In afghanistan it, that old silk road was easy to travel. That was the easiest route to go. That as longtake , we are goingofit to interfere with other nations. Ininsult of their religion the first place by being there. , they call us infidels. That is their main purpose, to get everyone to believe in their stringent hardline version of what they think islam is. You heard the king a mocha to go saying that islam is not what they say it is. Do is get power drunk. They go nuts. Host thank you for making your points. I think those are good points. Oil is a strategic writer in the region. War, the first gulf presence of u. S. Troops was opposed by many in saudi arabia. With the development of independent alternative energies, this could allow the u. S. To disengage from the middle east. The middle east is an oilproducing region and tied to the global economy. It affects our allies. An essential part of the world and oil is part of it. The epic this for going into iraq was not about oil. It was about a fear that saddam had weapons of mass distraction. Aboutason we are going in isis is not about oil. It presents a threat to the homeland. Host this is a tweet from one of our viewers. This is the big question. Isis teardown the borders between the two states. Argue that iraq is already in a state of disintegration. There is a nominal kurdish state in the north. The shia control the east. In a sense, the genie is out of the bottle. I think the middle east system is not going to remain. To say the borders are going to break down is a bit far. I think we will see pockets of autonomy. The shia control their region as well. Wrote thatecently the coalitions are a good thing. Can you elaborate . The Sunni Arab States that are getting involved, there problem in the region is with a sod. They are signing on to this because they hope to steer the. S. To go after assad many of them have sympathizers in their own territories. Worried. Who is going to come in and fill the vacuum. Multiple agendas going on. They are worried about talks with iran. Is four dimensional chess. There are multiple levels of this going on. The Coalition Partners have signed on, but they dont have the same agendas us. I am really upset. First there were 2000 dead in syria. I wonder the president to go in. He lost all clout. He was not even able to put in a nofly zone. How many are dead now . This is the saddest thing. Iran has been around. We are not putting in a nofly zone. We are not going to do a dam thing. Go ahead and murder your innocent people. This is about four years too late. Guest that is a valid critique. The president has been overly deliberative. There have been multiple factors weighing on this. I think the weight of the iraq experience here and this has been horrific. America is not able or responsible to solve all the problems in the world. The weight of the iraqi experience with such a powerful factor in this calculation. Host randy is next. America is fighting terrorism and the terrorist seems to have no rules read we have our hands tied behind her back. We have to follow the rules of war. Maybe if we started beheading some of their leaders they would get the same message. Be so i think that would opposite of any u. S. Values. Actual military rationale for not engaging in that type of brutality because it does not work. We have seen time and time again in the counterreaction from populations. Morally and strategically, it is quite frankly an awful idea. Host leicestershire, our guest published a book focusing on the sunni shiite identity in saudi arabia and kuwait. A long line at amazon. Com. Virginia,richmond, democrats line, good morning. My understanding is that kept us allin, he in check in iraq and we go over and do our a. M. The who and leader to get an arab do what Saddam Hussein did as far as keeping all these different idiots, these crazy whatever they are, extremist, how can we keep them in check . It has got to be done and we have got to get out of there. Where are the people that started this . Bushs, the cheneys. Instead of dick cheney running his fat mouth about what should be done . Thanks for the call area and adding afghanistan to that . Guest we dont always do the best job of inserting new leaders into these states. , of course. Disaster he in some sense created isis through his policies and karzai, we are seeing similar problems with him. I would say to the caller, a return to strongman rule in the region is not an option. It may seem in first appearance that such type of rule is what kept these passions and terrorism in check era that is deceptive. Under these under the service, the problems were burrowing. A more inclusive than pluralistic rule, people having a say in their government. The strategy all along, and Building Democracy is a messy and drawnout process. Caneed a leader in iraq who draw out the future saying, your future lies with the iraqis statement iraqi state and not with isis. You should not rule with an iron hand. Not only is it morally wrong but there are real costs to that down the road. When we hear from the administration that yemen and somalia are examples of success we can have with these types of airstrikes and military operation, is that a fair analogy . It is a poor analogy. This is not a good model to follow. By one measure, you are having an effect on the states. Youre not committing mass number of trips. These not commit into countries. Well. Are costs to that as these drone attacks have radicalized certain populations. Told up a strong inclusive central government. The bestot this analogy to apply to the situation. Host this tweet. Guest that is a provocative statement. I would probably agree with it partly. They are a huge player in this and play a decisive role in what happened in baghdad really ining there is power baghdad. Part of this. E i would not inflate their influence over the sunni extremist. She is absolutely right. There have been 43 separate airstrikes inside syria. We will go to john in georgia, independent line. Good morning. Caller how are you . I would like to say thank you for your service. To our country. We should use our allies in turkey, jordan, and other places in the region. I served iraq in 2007 and 2008. Would tellcivilians many of us who came down to kill americans. Syria has been a huge thorn in our side for a long time. Members to reduce the [inaudible] lowestould provide the for any society. General crystal said one thing. Host thank you for the call. Your assessment . Absolutely. Your point about syria is well taken. These societies are incredibly uneven in terms of how they distribute wealth to their populations. In terms of their support for isis, youre talking about an entire population, the sunnis cut out of jobs. It is only natural to return to groups like isis. The salaries they are paying are really middleclass wages. It is really incredible. Compared to what these sunnis. Ould make this is a huge problem and you really hit the nail on the head. Host why join isis . Guest there are multiple different players. You could argue in the case of these officers who were dismissed from the iraqi army when the u. S. Went in there, it is payback. Theyre part of the shia led Iraqi Government and have no other option. For muslims in the west who are coming to join isis from britain , they do not fit into their home societies and some of the research, that this is a chance for them to be part of something bigger than themselves. Is usefulnse, it adventure is him. Ideology plays a role and the rat localization the radicalization. Of in this gray middle ground. But again, the sectarian component, i think it is very strong, at least in the middle east. Sunnis have been shut out. Isis is a form of sunni nationalism and sunni power that is fighting back against assad and the Iraqi Government. Guest is fred werey wehrey. Joining us from florida, republican line, good morning. Obviously have a vast knowledge of the middle east. Is the reason we are in the middle east oil . Is that it . They will bomb us or something . What is our motivation for being there . With it has less to do them bombing us. You are right that it is oil going back 30 years, our policy is oh is been to ensure the free. Ccess to oil we have had the policy of opposing regional powers, whether iraq or iran, from grabbing oil supplies. Has sort of been the impetus for the presence there in the region. We also have to go back to the cold war. We were worried about the soviets grabbing those oil supplies. Oil plays a huge role in this, not just for our own economy, but for the economy of allies around the world. That, we know what happens in the region does not stay in the region, and the terrorist problem that what eastns inside. Inside terrorist societies, that is a terrorism problem. The counterterrorism logic has taken over the oil logic in our involvement in the region. One of our regular users has this tweet here a few of them. Let me put it on the table. Guest i believe kerry has listed many of these Coalition Partners. Denmark, greatow britain, france. Guest the larger point is some of these countries do not want their actual contributions publicize. Some of these gulf states are concerned about being in the limelight and being tied in the United States in this operation. We will not know exactly what they are contributing. Of them are providing quiet assistance. I think many of these states wanted to wanted it to be known there confronting this threat and the effort. You look at the map in turkey, which obviously has a by many geographically, accounts, theyre taking a separate role in this. They have their own domestic concerns with tying themselves to closely to the United States. They have concerns about the growth of kurdish power in Northern Iraq and syria. Earlier aboutned the hostages. I do think they are shifting that reluctance. I think they will get more later on. Democrats line. Good morning. I wanted to call in and hitting people over there. Ike they are doing to us look at what we did down there in texas. Truck, and he was decapitated. I am not trying to condone it. We need to stop doing things right now, all off the country. We are the ones trying to complain and talk so that. Bad. The qualities we do have in this country and what isis is doing in terms of crucifixion, beheadings, rate, murder. The u. S. Struggling to rule of law and reforms and dialogue there is certainly, we have dialogues. Host responding to an earlier report, saying thank you. Thank you for your tweet. We will go to sean next in key west florida, independent line. Good morning. Thanks for waiting. Caller good morning. Realistically, we should understand these problems were facing base on the fallacious premise. We still say, thank you very much, we apologize for all the problems with created. We are going to turn around and walk away. You people will then have to do with your own problems. Need to be realistic and understand that the problems created their were created by us. Perhaps that perspective is simply turning around and walking away. If i could just get your comments on that. That is a powerful argument and that really speaks to the isolationist trend in u. S. Foreign policy that the u. S. Should disengage from the world. Bituld just challenge you a. We have turned the other cheek we have intervened in ways. Lets give credit where it is due. Areas have been impressive in their own right and they incubated the problem of terrorism. We do have to assign blame where it is due. The question of turning away, i think the president in some sense wanted to do that. The problem is, when that happened, there is a vacuum and what fills that vacuum . What we are seeing is in the absence of American Leadership, and hold most of powers in the region. The president s speech in the u. N. , there is a real difference between that speech and last years it. He reasserted American Leadership and said it is right or americans to act in this region. That saddam was the counterbalance to iran, not good but necessary. Is the argument you hear from a lot of Sunni Arab States. That he was the balance and was holding iran him. Once that was removed, iran was his influence throughout the region. In some sense, that is true and we have seen that power. Host you mentioned the president s speech last week at the u. N. We covered a lot of on cspan. Here is a portion. For the world, especially in muslim communities, to ask illicitly, forcefully, and explicitly reject the ideology of organizations like al qaeda and i sias and isis. It is one of the task of all great religions to accommodate faith with a modern and multicultural world. No children are born hating. No children anywhere should be educated to hate other people. There should be no more tolerance of clerics who call people to harm innocents because they arduous work christian or muslim. It is time for a new contact among civilized peoples of this world, to eradicate war at its and fundamental source, that is the corruption of young minds with a violent ideology. We will go to sharon in illinois, republican line. Caller the president makes me so proud. I think he is the best resident we ever had. Say i agree with the caller who was cut off earlier. Too much money with other countries and not enough on their own. My grandfather was a republican. I want to be a republican. I consider myself one. Other peopleeed who are republicans, it is too anyone i am to sell republican. Im disappointed in my party. The worst thing that they do is call for the president not lining up the strategy in the news for the work, it is like they want him to say, that would be the worst thing he could do, republicans on the fox news channel. Iat is with the array these . Just want to say, about the family values summit. There should not be a moral summit if a the president the way they do. Sarah palin makes me sick. We will get a response. Thanks for the call. What is coming through there is that domestic politics matter in how this president conducts Foreign Policy. He has got to think about his home base and home opinion. Youre right to point out these contributeshow it to a shaky Foreign Policy at times. Religion seems to divide more than bringing together, and this was from michelle, in an email. Is ice is happening because we withdrew our troops prematurely . Is a powerful argument. The initial defeat of isis in iraq between 2007 in 2008 timeframe was because of the es a massive in 2008 andin iraq we declared al qaeda dead. It was gone. We leave malki to his own devices. What does he do . Sunnis andzes the decimates the iraqi army. Reemerges. You could argue in the absence of u. S. Overwatch and oversight,. Raq has been right host she says guest there is an argument there. I am worried about the quick work, weve got these advisers and will be sending more and more troops back and will be perpetually thought down in this country. But i think we should give the iraqis some credit. We have a long history. Host our guest is formally a the t fred wehrey. Another 10 minutes with our guest. Sheila, good morning. Caller good morning, thank you. The lady that just called, she nailed it right on the head, everything i think about republicans right now. About, i have a comment john kerry and samantha powers. I think theyre doing a wonderful job. I would like to see them on a ticket. Maybe you have got a comment about that. Wells there the oil iraq when isil had taken over. In that cut off their oil funding . , io, the kurds in syria heard the reporter over there, and they two of them, said the kurds need weapons. Tanks. Id isil had can we hit those tanks without hitting the kurds . Host we will get a response. Guest i think the latest strikes have actually been targeting the them. Isis was able to capture that town, it would control the border route and be strategic for them. A lot of effort has been focused on defending the town. We know from the way the u. S. Conducts airstrikes, theyre not hitting civilians. Targeting has not hit civilians. Theyre going directly after isis. Stakes states have been. They are a crucial piece of this. Mike is on the phone. Good morning. Welcome to the conversation. I have two questions. The first one is, what do you of the shia in saudi arabia, who, inconveniently, happen to live on top of the oil . Host stay online. Guest a great question. I was in that region two years ago meeting with the shia there. Are a discriminated minority. They do not enjoy the same sorts of rights. They are subject to religious discrimination. They have protested. Some of it has been violent, but it has been fairly contained. Do not have sufficient numbers or the strength of an opposition to really post a serious challenge to the regime. It will be a problem to be contained. The are a discriminated minority. They do not enjoy the same sorts improvee has tried to its situation there, but they do sit right on top of that oil and have not enjoy the same benefits from that oil as other saudi citizens have. Caller the other question is in terms of savagery, is connecticut dismembered meant dismemberment more or less savage question savage . Host your point is what . Caller my point is were doing savage things as well with a different message. Well, these are men in arms we are targeting. Under the law of war, under any as goesral convention, to the beheading of journalists, i am not sure theres any moral equivalency there erin there. i assume a reference to Ground Troops. There are some in the region. Should arguing that we go in . Argument. E is an we saw the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff argue that at least 15,000 Ground Troops would be needed there at were probably moving in that direction. The strategy thus far has been using airstrikes and depending on local proxies, the iraqi army, the kurds, to really sleep isis aside on the ground. The iraqi army has not been capable and they have been folding under every ice is advanced. What is the next logical step question mark more troops have to come in and bolster them and do the job themselves. We are headed in this direction. Im not sure if we should welcome that. Even with the presence of Ground Troops, we know these insurgencies are difficult to combat. There will be casualties and we just got out of the last were. Caller from south carolina, republican line. Good morning. Caller it seems like the biggest topic is the United States using our troops. Israel is in that region and we financially support their military. Why are we not calling on them to support the efforts to annihilate isis . Again, i think israels involvement in any arab situation would be so toxic, would be such a destabilizing force in itself. I think we are asking israel and the israelis recognize that to stay to the side on this. They have got enough of their own problems with hamas, with hezbollah. I think the back channel, they are supporting the coalition, but they have got to stay out of the limelight here it it would be so politically destabilizing for them to get into the mix for these other arab partners who signed onto have their own problems with israel. In thene note president s week ahead, hes he will sit down with the Prime Minister netanyahu on wednesday. Good morning. Caller good morning. Assad ison is present winning this worker look at the were map and compare 2013 with 2014. They have made enormous gains. If he captures it, for all intents and purposes, he will have one the war. How could he possibly lose . With russia arming him, he has a 400,000 man army. It is just absolute nonsense. He can see the territory that pay ntrols and still stay in power. I would probably agree with that assessment. He has been bolstered by massive iranian support and hezbollah troops have been fighting alongside him. He has been able to sweep aside rebels from key areas. You are right he does not have to control the entire territory. You could argue the strikes are in fact helping him in some respects. The Syrian Opposition, the amount of weaponry that would be required to bring him up to a level where they could confront the Syrian Regime would be quite high. Really ise strategy to fortify the Syrian Opposition to allow them to make certain gains that would bring them to the negotiating channel table, and he would be forced to negotiate some sort of powersharing solution. That is actually quite a remote possibility. Host this point who trained isis . Many of the isis fighters come from other conflict zones there. Many key commanders are muslims who had battlefield experience fighting the very capable russian army. They have come from other conflict zones around the world. Many of the isis commanders were former iraq he Army Officers under Saddam Hussein battlefield experience fighting the iranians during the iraq war, fighting the u. S. Militaryave capable tacticians there. I do not think theyre getting training now from anybody. They are certainly training people to come into their ranks. Doing it to be effectively. From new york city, good morning, democrats line. Good morning. America realized that the terrorists in the countries we are involved in or engaged in, if those terrorists were actually in america, all we would bestates, fighting those same people here the same way they fight in their country. Im not sure i understand. So we will be fighting i am not sure that would hold true. I think there are certain differences in the way americans fight battle. I do not necessarily see that is holding true. Host next, richard in massachusetts. Caller good morning. It ist into iraq because situated perfectly in the middle east. We built an embassy over there at the vatican city. We have got contractors over here and thousands of cia agents all through that region and they set up all this overthrow egypt. Malki, we put him and and it was a joke. We thought he would work with us and he did not. Everything that is over there is caused by us. That is why we are hated and being attacked. Made certainly, we have choices in terms of our Strategic Interests of allying ourselves with certain regimes. You are absolutely right we have supported authoritarian rulers that have caused problems in their own societies and come back to bite us. You also have to remember that by virtually every poll we have seen in the region, in terms of, where do the arabs, where were they like to send their children of values what sort do they respect . A certain attraction for people in the region in terms of our values and institutions. But our policies i think have been quite different from that. I think the u. S. Has learned its lesson since 9 11, that we have to promote a more inclusive form of government in these countries and we have to work for pluralism. You heard the president s each. We have to encourage a more moderate form of islam. I think we are headed in that direction very direction. From our last call comes tennessee. Good morning, mike. Caller good morning. ,y question is, we have allies saudi arabia and turkey. Why dont we in the a recognition that want to go in, why dont we go take them out in syria between turkey and saudi arabia, and let them control the area. The only way that area will be controlled. They continue to gather and it is always been that way. It is always going to be that way. That is my question. Why cant we just split those two areas and give serious to saudi arabia and give iraq to why cant they take it and control it . The populations of these countries are so different. Their histories and cultures. And turkey do not have a capacity to rule anything. They have internal problems. I just think it is not feasible. Aboute really talking another form of colonialism. It is bad for western powers to come in and rule the region, but equally bad to ask people in these societies to be ruled by a neighboring power. Host what are the biggest concerns . It is really the capacity of these local forces, the forces on the ground that the president has put so much faith in. To carry outng airstrikes. What we have heard from the u. S. Strategy is that the forces on the ground, the local states, the Syrian Opposition, they have to do the lions share of the work. Things we have seen from the iraqi army thus far have not been encouraging. That is the most worrisome sign right now, that the actual ability of forces on the ground to push back, it is just not happening. The next logical step is, at what point do we say, ok, it is time for the United States to get involved on the ground usher mark ground . Host thank you very much. We appreciate it. Newsmakers as we sit down with the political director of the nfl cio, but up next year, we want to turn our attention to andlatest with the nfl roger goodell. This is the Hotline Center over the weekend. Kavitha davidson will be joining us, a Sports Writer for the bloomberg view. She will talk to us about what steps Congress Might be taking in the months ahead. [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2014] [captioning performed by national captioning institute] here are just a few of the comments we recently received from our viewers. I find cspan to be very educational for me. In regards to the seven climate and conflict in our global said global society. I appreciate all your efforts. So i have reliable information i can go to when i do my projects for school. I wish you would concentrate on areas that are really important to people. Obamacare. The people that a been hurt by it. The people that of been helped by. Items like minimum wage, the difference between the cost of. Iving in various states how people feel about immigration and unemployment. As i mentioned before, tax reform. What are some of the major loopholes. Let people know these about these important issues to them before they go to the poll to they can so they can make informed decisions. Cspan, the reason why like haveo much is because you greater historical and International Programming on your station. Call us at 2026263400. Or you can send us a tweet. Cspan conversation. Like us on facebook, follow us on twitter. Host we want to turn our attention to where the organization is, leadership, and what role Congress Might be playing in the months ahead. Joining us from new york, she writes from for bloomberg , kavitha davidson. Goodellsell roger said his First Priority is to get his house in order. What does that mean . Guest very little. These are words the press conference is widely panned for having a lot of a cancers and empty words. Nfl has takenthe a couple of steps in the last few weeks to attempt to address issues. Added to the personal conduct policy, it took on three female advisors, the senior adviser, to have extensive work dealing with Domestic Violence, including the former head of the prosecution unit in new york county. He promoted one of its Vice President s to the Vice President of social responsibility. She will oversee the nfl passes outreach into Education Programs in dealing with many of its social programs, including Domestic Violence. At the same time, the number one take away from this press should be thatly the nfl is in damage control. It is still trying to control its messaging. It is not doing a very good job of that right now. We need to take everything they say with a little bit of a grain of salt. Ray rice and the issue of Domestic Abuse violence, this is a piece with nfl. Will it make a difference . Have been an advocate for a long time for the league to promote more women into higher executive positions. I do not think this can be seen as anything but a positive step area it is still kind of up for grabs here. I mentioned anna, a very qualified individual who seems to actually care about the nfls force as it can promote social good here. So far, we have heard from our husband. How she will shake up the system. Hudson to be dawn the cmo of the league. She will be the first woman to directly report to roger goodell. I think we can take it as a that she will finally have female voices they may or not listen to. What moves the needle with the nfl . As the cfo, the husbands number one job will to will be to smooth over the relationship the league has had with sponsors, many of whom have publicly expressed discontent with the thishe leak has handled Domestic Violence issue. Really, when the sponsors get angry, that is really when the nfl seems to act. I want to ask you to respond to this piece published on september 17 in the washington post. The nflgovernment helps maintain its power and profitability. Law intion signed into 1961 by john f. Kennedy, the nfl taxfreeasically a zone. The owners pay taxes, but the nfl itself is a nonprofit. The nfl commissioner, roger goodell, earns 34 million a year. Guest yes. It is a little bit complicated. You have to understand the oregon the origins of its tax exempt status. Really written and to solidify the task of in 1961, when the afl and the nfl were trying to merge. Helping in support of those who grow. In exchange for that, what he promised to certain politicians were teams growing up in those cities, particularly the new orleans teams, a direct result of this somewhat could program quid pro quo that happened. A remarkable thinker the nfl is not a nonprofit as a charity. It is a nonprofit trade organization. The 38 or sons is, other teams that do pay taxes, but the lead office does not. Teamsct that the themselves do pay taxes as a fact to dispel the notion of a menace of a taxfree zone. There are a number of fallacies. The relationship the league has with its team is not a separate entity or a separation of power relationship. The Nfl League Office itself is not in the business of football so much anymore. For the teams to build new stadiums or renovate new stadiums. The taxes actually allow them to offer these loans in more favorable terms than otherwise. The third part of that is each individual team pays dues for the nfl. Much more quickly than if it did not have that exception. The nfl exit tell you the League Office itself runs in the red and does not operate at a profit. But it still does benefit the other 30 teams that benefit and enormous profit. Thursday night football on cbs, the nfl on the networks on sunday, fox, tbs, and sunday night football on nbc, and monday night football on espn. Collectively, the nfl brings in about 7 billion a year. Just from these Television Deals. Guest the Television Deals are a huge part of the nfl causes business. That is one of the ways we have been able to move public opinion. It is separate from antitrust exception. Major League Baseball is the only Sports League that actually enjoys a full antitrust exemption. Under the Sports Broadcasting act, the nfl does enjoy a slight exemption, particularly when it comes to their tv deals. That is the bread and butter of for their money comes from. That would really hit the nfl bottom line much more than a Tax Exemption would. Component as the debate continues in washington dc over the debate over the team indians a scene to the population to the country and now some indian lawmakers are trying to use that as a way to force dan snyder to change the way the name of the football team. It has been a long political battle over the team name. On the one hand, i personally data is in and most native americans find the term offensive and we should stop using it get on the other hand, i am a little bit skeptical of politicians using it as a political issue to gain points with the base before midterms perhaps. I do not know if there is Anything Congress could actually do to force a name change but increased public spirit and he, again, when the sponsors start getting worried, that is what is going to change these things. A recent south park episode lampoons the entire affair. John stewart discussed it. Over this isutrage really what is going to force a change, more than Anything Congress could really do, frankly. Guest joining us from new york. Alice is joining us from florida. Independent line. Good morning. Caller hello. Host go ahead, al. The question is, why does the federal government get involved in all at all in this . Why isnt congress doing something about the people out of work in the country . And getting industry back into instead of keeping it out of this country. How are you going to get people the to work to build economy again . As far as i can see, the economy is in the toilet right now. The call toyou for the nfl has strong lobbying in washington dc. How strong . 1. 6 billion has been spent in campaigns. 26 lobbyists on its payrolls. It is nice to see bills introduced to try to repeal the tax exempt and enforce them to do something on the Domestic Violence issue, the money talks and tells you nothing will really happy and happen and this is a political issue to use points for the elections. On those lines, i will agree if congress was doing its job with the violence against women act and tried to reach across the get every single gop representatives who voted weinst the expansion, then would not have to rely on the nfl to dole out justice when the criminal Justice System should have been doing that in the first place. Host democrats line, good morning. Listening toe been this incident, especially with Domestic Violence going on in the last few weeks with the nfl, think stems from, i dont congress should get involved. The problem with the nfl and some of these players today starts with a lot of these gentlemen are young. First of all, theyre told they are gods greatest gift to the universe and they are given special treatment through college. If you watch college sports, especially when we look at teams like Florida State and what is going on right now, and how he has been in all types of trouble , they are bringing profits, billions of dollars. Now the nfl is already in their hands. It stems from when there are little all the way up to when they are grown. These parents raise young men to teach them how to be men and teach them they are not above the law. And guess what question mark things will not change. It is unfortunate what happened with the ray rice and his life in the elevator. I find it disgusting the woman went ahead and marry this man anyway. It is unfortunate we live in a society where sun women, some women, what about their selfesteem . Is money really that important that youre going to let this man do whatever it takes just for the money . Host thank you for the call. Guest i get comments like this all the time, to address the end hisis question, asking why wife married him at the end of this is the wrong question. It is victim blaming their it is blame shifting. It is lame deflection. It is the wrong question. The question we should be asking was the first part of the comment, which was, why was ray rice hitting his fiancee . Players gets the nfl, it is a good example of that. You canit is being told do no wrong, that your football prowess contributes to your contributions to society. Masculinity and whether violence can be compartmentalized on and off the field, all of that is true. The Reason Congress has a reason to get involved, though it is more for political points right now than anything said daschle, is that the nfls Tax Exemption is indicative of how the nfl is seen as being untouchable and greater than it actually is, and sports in general. The underlying assumption in Tax Exemptions in that way is that, in some way, the nfl is doing social good. Im a huge football fan and sports fan, but i think we can probably argue the nfls primary reason for existence is not to do social good or contribute to our culture. It is to make a lot of money, and it is doing that well. What we see other than the Tax Exemption is certain concessions made to various sports teams, not just in football. We see stadium taxes actions, Tax Exemptions, zoning laws, and the nfl are able to threaten us with leaving cities or moving or something that holds a city and our collective culture hostage in a way. I think the nfl is a rightful target of this. Is absolute true we need to start a dressing this at the ncaa level and really try to get issue heart of what this in the nfl means as a lens for why we have such a big Domestic Violence issue in society as a whole. Will you at the end of the day hes just doing the owners bidding. He has pledged an increase of nfl revenues, increase them to 25 billion in 2025, which is an insane number, if you think about it, there is no incentive for the owners to oust him. Frankly, if you were to oust him you would not see any institutional change. He would be falling on the sword, falling on the shield, as it were because he would just be doing the owners bidding. Mueller has overseen two political parties, but at the same time i dont think you can call this investigation independent. For one thing muellers law firm was the law firm to negotiate the multi billion dollar Television Deal with tv, there is conflict with that. But this is over seen by john mara and rooney, who are two of the most respected faces, owners of the nfl, but also two of roger g cspan for the final Texas Governor debate. Watch the nebraska governors debate. Cspans campaign 2014 for man 100 debates for the control of congress. On this sunday morning were a month out before the november Midterm Election and a third of the senate more than 34 governor races. What will motivate you to cast your ballot. Our phone lines are open. A new poll out today showing quote, the ground under bruce braley has shifted. Heres a look at the numbers showing the joni ernst leading. And the des moines daily front page is calling it an amazing. Race. Let me ask you about these numbers. Are you surprised . You know, just neck and neck race. There has been a barrage of campaign advertising. If youre trying to sell a car in iowa its hard to do that on television or radio these days. The most interesting thing about this poll is that ernst is leading among the independents, which is not good news for bruce braley, who hoped to do better among those folks. And in that poll she is leading 41 in you recall iow rural iow. Much of rural iowa is republican territory, but Democratic Candidates who have done well in iowa, and i mean having won, have been able to have a narrower gap. They have taken polls in previous years, specifically the former governor of iowa was at that point in the 1998 race 20 points hyped in the sigh with a poll, and he wound up winning the governors race. Let me ask you where bruce braley is. A comment that the congressman made about chuck grassley. Braley was in texas at a fundraiser with attorneys, and he told the group that the control of the senate hinged on his race. If a republican wins that means chuck grassley, also a senator from iowa, a republican. The ernst Campaign Campaign has replayed the video over and over and over. This is the first open seat in iowa since 1984. What role is he playing, and does he have an organization that presumably could help bruce braley in his bid . A couple of weeks ago he had a big final hoorah rally. Democrats hope that their Campaign Operation will be able to keep the seat in democratic hands. As most folks know voting has started in iowa. It started thursday. Democrats have been going door to door in iowa since june to identify potential democratic voters and turn them out. This has become an incredible ground game here in iowa. Theyre trying to step up their game as well. In the debate that will be live on cspan what are you looking for . Im looking for whether these candidates engage with one another. If they try to make some points with voters by explaining why they should be elected or if they make points with voters by explaining to voters why they think their opponents should not be elected. In the headline theyre calling it amazing rain. Republican joni ernst up 40 . Up 38 for bruce braley. Thank you very much for being with us. Have a good day. Well take your calls and comments. Well show you ads from the Iowa Senate Race. But first matthew joining us on the republican line. Are you going to vote next month . In november . I would like to. I hope people will vote more. However, i think there is a thats how its done. I compare it to being a kid sometimes. If youre lucky enough to have parents. Sometimes you go through tough times. And you want to vote, but your parents are, not now. You want to make some change. You want to do positive things. But im looking for a little more inspiration nationally across the country. I hope it works out where people are able to do that. Thanks for the call. Joining us from Fort Lauderdale florida. Good morning. Go ahead, youre on the air. Im motivated to vote primarily because i dont want republicans to be rewarded for not doing anything over the last six years. They have run our tax dollars, been on vacation, is hundred days out of six years and accomplished nothing. Eva joining us from terre haute, indiana, good morning. Good morning. I would like to urge all the citizens in the United States to vote. If you do not vote i will point a finger at you as one of the people responsible fo. As a survivor of auschwitz 70 years ago, the reason hitler rose to power was because of terrible economic situations. Number one, any of you who do not vote, stop saying what is differencdifference does it mak. It is the difference of freedom and democracy. Democracy does not work on an automatic button. I do not tell you for whom to vote. I have a criteria because economics is the most important thing. Vote for somebody who has a proven record of solving economic problems. Eva, before you hang up, how long have you been in the United States, and when did you arrive here . I have been here 54 years. I arrived june 1960. I was at the time a citizen and a soldier in the israeli army. I had the rank of sergeant major. I married an american tourist, who is also a survivor, who was liberated by an american lt. Col. From terre haute, indiana. So he never wanted to live anywhere else but here in terra haute. How old were you when you were in auschwitz. I was one of the twins used by mengela experiments. I was one of the few to survivor, so was my sister of. But she is now deceased. You have to vote. You have to be concerned about the economics ability of this country and the world. Second, for people who stand up against terrorism and neonazi, which is the new nazis are gaining power in europe. And three, people who stand for human rights. These are the three criteria i hope you vote. Please, do not ever say what difference does your vote make. Every human being has to stand up for democracy. Watch how the world is going on now. 44 of my fellow citizens in the United States do not vote. What do you think is happening in the world. Im going to stop you. Thank you very much for phoning in, and thank you for sharing your story with us. Thank you very much. We go to kathy joining us from warren, michigan. Good morning. Good morning. My story is not anywhere near dramatic as the caller from indiana, but i grew up in a family who believed if you dont vote you dont have the right to complain. I think things in this country have gotten to a point where just voting alone is not enough. We need to put our boots on the ground, and we need to walk and campaign and do what we can, as the woman before said, to continue to develop this country. Thanks for the call. This morning, george in his column Available Online in the washington post. The battle no for iowa in the campaign of bruce braley and johnny ernst. Im bruce braley and i approve this women. On the minimum wage. I do not support a federal minimum wage. Joni ernst does not think there should an National Minimum wage. What does she think is right for iowa . Thats right. She believes iowans can survive on 15,000 a year. Joni ernst, extreme ideas, wrong for iowa. Do you want to know what i care about . I care about protecting Social Security for seniors like my mom and dad, about good schools, good paying jobs and healthcare we can afford when we need it. Im joni ernst. I approve this message. Ill go to washington as a mom, and someone who cares about the iowa we leave our children. I cant think of anything more important than that. Again, a reminder that well have live coverage of the Iowa Senate Debate tonight on cspan and streamed on cspan. Org. Texas republican senator ted cruz in the straw poll yesterday. The crowd burst into applause as tony perkins announcing that ted cruz winning with 25 of the votes, second was baltimore neurosurgeon ben carson and third, mike huckabee. Joining us from florida our line for independents are you going to vote in november . Yes, i am. There is only one way to break the vote in washington and that is to vote out all republicans and democrats. Okay. Sandy next in columbus, ohio, good morning, sandy. Good morning. Im going to vote in the election because i want to be the republicans to stay in power because john kasic has done a great job for us, and i know hell continue to. And i want to encourage all christians to please get out and vote. We do pray, but we need to put some weight to our prayers and to our faith. Okay. Sandy from columbus, ohio, lastly governor sarah palin traveled to independence, missouri, for a campaign vent with pat roberts. One poll showing that independent greg orman is ahead in this Kansas Senate race. Joining us from kansas, thank you very much for being with us. Sure. Let me ask you first of all why is this race so close . And how damaging in terms of the Roberts Campaign was the primary challenge by milton wolfe. The big deal is that milton wolfe just split the Republican Party. If you recognize the tea party, in the olden days republicans always ran hard to the right for the primary, came back kind of centerrist for the general election. Pat roberts is in a place where he is with the right, and he cant come back to the center very well without losing those tea party votes. Who may vote, may not vote. Its kind of hard to tell yet. What was the significance of sarah palin coming in to campaign for pat roberts . Well, she is tea partyish, so she likes roberts tea party votes would probably like roberts. Thats kind of how that goes. Pat roberts took over the saturday previously held by senator bob doles who stepped down. Bob dole campaigning for pat roberts. But tell us about greg orman, and tell us why he was able to cut through the polls, and the democrats on the ballots, he was even in the game before taylor dropped out. You have to get 5,000 signatures to get on the general election ballot as an independent. He had to start doing that. He needed to let people know who he was. I dont know, eight, ten years ago he ran for a couple of weeks as a democrat for senate dropped out, and was never on the ballot before. He needed to get a little face recognition. Milton wolfe announced he would support him, endorse him if he would side with republicans if elected. Anything new on that front . He had his race. He was the tea party guy. He practicallyi dont know what his endorsement means. I dont know if he would help roberts. Know telling where that goes. Joining us from kansas, his assessment on the race bea betwn pat roberts and greg orman. From the democrats line, are you going to vote in november . I sure am. I think its important for everyone to get out and vote. Im a 73yearold grandmother who has never missed an election. I never voted a straight ticket. Ive voted for republicans before, i think its so important to be involved, to look at the issues, and weve got a governors race going on here, and i just think its very important to look at both of the candidates to see where they stand. I think tom wolf is going to do very well. I think its important to be involved especially on a local level, and to just get out and be involved. Okay. Thanks for the call. We covered the first in the series of debates in the pennsylvania governor race with tom wolfe and tom corbin, well have it for next weekend. All of our debate information is Available Online. From maryland, another governors race in that state, good morning. Will you vote in november . Well, im an election judge. Im one of those people who make it it hard for you to vote at the polling place. But my assignment is at the poling place where ill a vote at so i have no problem voting. I was going to say i get when we get busy, we have a lot of people coming in, but i will say this, when you have an election that is important for people, they will show up a lot. My personal opinion isi dont care either way. If people want to show up and vote, thats their right. The way i see it, when people dont vote, it doesnt mean that theyre apathetic, it means that they believe the status quo is fine. They dont see much of an issue there. When the issue is important enough, theyre out in that pole no matter how much work it is to get there. People not vote something a sign that people are happy with the way things are as opposed to what is happening with the government. Thanks for your call. Weve been writing updates usually concerning one or two races. Republican chances to regain the senate. Right now its 57 according to 538 latest senate forecast. The light favorite and there remains a good deal of uncertainty. A month out of the election. And new polls that could effect a new swing. Mary landrieu is up in her bid in louisiana. The senate race in the commonwealth of virginia. Good morning. Good morning. Youre on air. Im calling because i wont be voting this election cycle. I think the American People need to remember the citizens is United Supreme Court case. Big business chooses the candidates, and then we select from their choices. So there is no voting power. To really restore voting power we need to restore the rebel. Were not a democrat. We are a republic. And we need to restore that power and get back the right to vote. We dont have the right to vote. We have the right to select the candidates chosen by big business. Thanks for the call. Some of the latest as on the air in the senate race pat roberts being challenged by greg orman. I approve this message. Who is greg orman . Really, orhan has given thousands of dollars to barack obama, Hillary Clinton and harry reid. Now orman said that he opposes efforts to repeal obamacare. It means a mass tax hike for kansas families. And medicare cuts to kansas seniors. He would just be another vote for Barack Obamas failed agenda. Pat roberts is attacking me, thats exactly whats wrong with washington today. They would rather attack opponents than the problems we face. Ive tried both parties and ive been disappointed with both. As an independent i wont answer to either party. Ill answer only to the people of kansas. Ill stand up for the best idea regardless of who thought of it. Im greg orman. I approve this message, while they attack and label me, our countrys problems only get worse. We covered the event with pat roberts and sarah palin. Youll have a chance to watch that tonight. Well have another five or six minutes left. Are you going to vote on election day . Rape cycle joining us from iowa city. Good morning. Good morning. I was just calling to say im waiting for more information. Which way are you going to vote at the moment . Im really not sure. Im going to be looking for the candidate that i think is going to be the most practical and most willing to work hard, compromise, focus on the nittygritty issues of the day, jobs, the economy. Again, it is unusual for me. Its really up in the air for me this time. Well have a lot of coverage on this debate at 6 00 eastern time. Other debates coming up, the Texas Governor race. And on thursday two debates you can watch on cspan in oklahoma where mary fallon is seeking a second term and the open seat in the nebraska governors race. Good morning. Good morning. Are you going to vote in november . Yes, i am. I will be voting, and i have to say democrats and independents, dont let these ads and things scare you. We need to get out and vote. If you dont vote you dont have a say or republicans, whoever you want to vote for. Just get out and vote. From jacksonville, north carolina. This morning, hometown state for the stories of his life and legacy. He passed away at 73 following a farming accident, described as a popular politician. He served as sheriff before serving in congress. He spent seven years in jail on corruption charges. And before leaving office in the summer of 2002 the congressman of youngstown had this say on the house forward. I want to go up and fight the Justice Department and the irs. They put me in jail. I think as a member of congress i want you to think of this, there may come a time when you get targeted. You know what i was told . Watch what you say. Youre too outspoken. Watch what you say. Shut up about the reno case. Im not going to shut up. Your time has expired. I want your vote. I think your vote is my vote. My people elected me i dont think you should take representation away. With that thank you. 4200 as he was evicted from the u. S. House of representatives in summer of 2002. He passed away over the weekend at the age of 73. Another minute or two with your phone calls. Willie is joining us from toledo, ohio. Good morning. Good morning. The reason why im going to vote democratic ticket i, they came n and tried to take away the rights of teachers unions, workers, and he also had disrespect for Police Authority when he came in. He was cited on the road for passing emergency vehicles. When youre supposed to stop, and he called the Police Officer a joke. Thank you very much. Thank you for the call. Another story we want to point out another race getting attention is in maine. A poll conducted showing the mike mishu is leading paula page 4838 . The lead is less than the fourpoint advantage he had in the last poll and there is an independent named in that governor race. For the headlines from the Des Moines Register. Joni ernst up 6 Percentage Points in what is described as a purple state. That coverage of that debate is 6 00 eastern time here on cspan. The washington journal every d day. And among our guest tomorrow well focus on the isis strategy with Tom Sanderson and well check in with the president of the university of michigan. We continue our big ten series on cspan. Well travel to columbus, ohio, for Ohio State University and then travel to what many call happy valley as we talk to the president of penn state university. Thats all this week. Big ten college tour. Thank you for joining us on this sunday. I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend and have a great week ahead. Your boss about income inequality, saying this is a driving issue in this campaign. We track the races and debates, it has not been a leading issue, why . That is a good question. I think what he said in that essay was it is really the fact of income inequality, not the. Dea of income inequality the driving issue in this

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