Transcripts For CSPAN Washington Journal 20140912 : comparem

CSPAN Washington Journal September 12, 2014

What the president had to say. Are 5853881 if you opposed to to it. You can also make a comment be a social media on twitter cspanwj facebook. Com cspan, and send the email to journal cspan. Org. A debate over airstrikes is the headline in the Washington Post this morning. Host a little bit from the Washington Post this morning. Here is the New York Times the house in rare unity with obama will lead the trail for an vote. Weisman writes host 202 5853880 if you support what the president announced on wednesday night. 202 5853881 if you are opposed to it. We will begin with cliff and essex, maryland, oppose line. Hi, cliff. Caller good morning. I want to say first thanks for cspan. Let people get their voice out there. Yes, i am opposed to obamas plan just as i was to bushs plan. I really see no difference between the two of them. Only obama is a little worse i think. But the whole problem is for a country that is supposed to be by the people, of the people, and for the people, the people of the country really have no say at all in what goes on in this country anymore. The politicians simply dont care what we think. As far as the war on terror goes, i believe it has all been manufactured. We invaded iraq on a lie host cliff, do you think that isis is a threat to the u. S. . Caller i believe that the largest, most wellfunded terrorist group in the world is the United States army. Host thank you, sir. John is in springer, texas. What do you think about what the president announced on wednesday night . Very disappointed republicans, dick cheney say that anybody would agree with. He is a disaster. I think this president did a pretty good job, got the troops , and then for dick cheney the day before the president gives a speech is out outrageous. Host john, im going to leave it there. It is a little bit of a tough connection there. New york times lead editorial Legal Authority for fighting isis. Host this is the New York Times lead editorial. He was the conclusion some lawmakers in congress have suggested that they may be open to approved the president s plan to have the petting on train Syrian Rebels host phil, florida, you are on the line. Caller good morning. I want to agree with the first caller. Country, peter, when a attacks another country, it used to be called an act of war, much like pearl harbor. Our country is bombing other countries. It is an act of war. We are the ones that know that world war ii set the standard for war crimes. Azisreason why the non were sentenced to hang in nurnberg following world war ii is because the nazis were determined to have determined crime against peace, the ultimate war crime, which is attacking another country that did not attack you. So realistically, and what the American People are responsible for doing right now, is to call for the impeachment of the sitting president , obama, much like the lefties in the antiwar people did when it was the republican bush, but we have been so politicized as far as the people having our identity democrat calling on the republican lines on cspan that we do not even know our responsibility as citizens. Host lets leave it there. Stephen in richmond, virginia. What do you think . Caller good morning. Thank you for cspan. Yes, i support the president s plan 100 , and the reason why i say that is because, you know, he went to the Islamic States, and they will be the foot soldiers. And the strategists will be american, ok . The reason why i support this, terrorists e the only way you can meet terrorists is with force, and you just pray to god that innocent people wont get killed. But this is the only way you can meet them, and you have got to attack them the way they attack arebecause their beliefs like women have no rights, and they are the only right. So nobody else, no religion, they just believe in their way and their way only, so you have to meet them with force and kill them and kill them dead. That is the only way youre going to win this. Thank you. You, sir. Hen, thank buck mckeon, chair of the Armed Service committee in the house, spoke yesterday about the president s strategy. [video clip] we heard good things from natorn allies oat the summit. Now is the time to match words to action. They have a stake in this fight, too. We are holding the starter pistol. The time to pull the trigger was yesterday. Now most of us cringe at the term boots on the ground, but we need to talk about what boots on the ground means. Armedave taken it to mean forces in a hostile land. That is a red herring. The only way to not drop an entire maneuver court in iraq is to be smart about using the right boots on the ground today. The president may not admit it, but he has already made this distinction. Special forces, trainers, advisers, and security forces. This is the right decision. Dale, you are on the washington journal. What is your opinion on what the president is a wednesday and his isis strategy . Caller first of all, i think it should be a no go. I want to put a Historical Perspective on this. For 3000 years, europe was in turmoil. It was not until world war ii and 85 million casualties hey got together and formed nato. Same thing in the middle east. They have been fighting for 5000 years. The cost of work is too much, and i come to an agreement, for example still we fight it. We put 10 years of our efforts in that war area for absolutely nothing, i do not want to get in there again. Sorry. Thank you very much. Calling in is comin from oklahoma city. Pollock, what do you think . Paula . Last chance for paula. Moving on. Greg is down in north carolina. The president proposed additional troops to iraq, airstrikes in syria, support for opposition groups in syria what do you think . Caller well, i support the president. I think it would be wise not to put troops on the ground just the basis of any campaign is a strong economy, and if you only have 1 of the people with all of the money, i a strongis that economy . You are not the ones doing the shooting. So we need to take care of things in the United States and do what we can s far as airstrikes. Thank you. Host i want to show you a couple of headlines. This is the Washington Post on airstrikes. And arab states back obama against isis. And in the top story in New York Times arabs give tepid support in the u. S. Fight against isis. Host lead story, New York Times this morning. Democrat froms a california. He spoke about the president s strategy on the house floor yesterday. [video clip] thatericans want a plan guarantees the immediate and total destruction of isis without significant american casualties. And so hyper partisan republicans can constantly the the president because he does not have a guarantee. He is not offering immediate and total destruction. He does have a plan designed to avoid american casualties. Instead, we get a suggestion that somehow this guaranteed, no cost, and media, total victory would be achieved if only we had a different president. Time for congress to stop harping about whether the president has a plan. He has put forth a plan. Now Congress Must exercise its constitutional role in defining what authorizations the president is going to be granted and what portions of his plan are going to be authorized. Host bill is calling in from newfield, new jersey. You think about expanded military operations in the middle east . Well, i disagree with the way the president wants to go about it. If you think about it in another frame from just the action is going to take, if the president s in, he is not a he isan act of war going in there i do not know what you want to call it but how are you going to handle things when it comes to when we had war, we had military committingor people humanitarian atrocities and things. It seems like him and eric holder want to do everything in a court of law where the court of law does not apply to the situation. When he goes in there now, like when we captured Saddam Hussein. If he goes in there and he captures the leader of this organization, what is he going to do with them . Bring them to new york and have a trial . I mean, the man is out of his mind. Host gabriel calling in from hawaii. Go ahead, gabriel. Caller good morning. I agree with a number of your previous callers, but i just want to state first off that i am one of the younger viewers in college, im 25 years old. For somebody that voted for campaign,ng his first and it just seems to me that ,ver since he became president and i did not vote during the second time because i was just termsgusted with his first it seems to me that he has gone back on so many things that he said he wanted to do, and he is like the bush light, so to speak. I think this military campaign that he wants to launch in the middle east is just an extension of previous campaigns that we have been fighting, including iraq. He needs to just be honest with the American People about what is actually going on there and talk about the fact that our military intervention in the first place is what is causing these problems. Although that may be americas fault that that happened, it is not necessarily our up thisbility to clean giant quagmire that we have gotten ourselves in, no more vietnam ors in the a any other military campaign after world war ii. Needless to say, obama is in the wrong, and most people my age are here in hawaii agree with that. Thank you. Host thank you, sir. 202 5853880 if you support the president s isis strategy to bring more troops to iraq. Airstrikes in syria and additional Material Support to the opposition in syria. 202 5853881 if you are opposed to that strategy. Washington post lead editorial the missing piece, committing the u. S. To the pursuit of terrorists is not enough. This is how they conclude host some of the tweets we are getting this morning. This is from park storm first caller was correct no difference from obama and bush when it comes to perpetual war. Here is letti to trust or not to trust the moderate Syrian Rebels, that is the question. Airstrikes in syria lead to war with a thought. Hoo thoseyoo ful full is politicians who are arming the rebels are arming the enemy. Aerialbomb says bush ruin the middle east, obama stuck in a mess whether he likes it or not. I dont think obama likes what he has do. And the rom back report not unless present obama goes to congress and asked for debate and declaration of war against isis. And finally this tweet from beverly absolutely support potus. His sustained counterterrorism thinkr against isis arming syrians problematic need rethink. I love the president s strategy. I honestly believe that it is important that the middle east stands on its own. We cannot keep going in there, killing people, dying, coming home for it to start all over again. Second of all, these people have a different moral system than we do. It does not make it right it is prehistoric but they have their own moral system. At what point do we allow people to live their own lives . The part that i really dont get, yeah, it is the middle east, it needs to be stabilized, but it needs to be stabilized by the middle east. I do not feel that it should be stabilized by the American People where we have to go in and die. Host thank you, sir. Bob in new york city. Hi, bob. Caller i would like to say that i support attacking isis, but only if we can also attack israel as well, and perhaps the Federal Reserve and any other institution that has served to undermine the u. S. Economically, politically, socially, and culturally over the past 100 years. At this point host that was bob. Chris, virginia, independent. What do you think of the president s strategy for isis . That the believe president has a well thought out strategy for isis. I believe in these terms that war is not the war that people are used to like world war ii or even in vietnam, but it is a different type of war, so you have to have a different type of strategy. At the root cause of it is idealism, and you cannot defeat idealism with bullets. You have to defeat it with education. So that is a need of a coalition not only in terms of force but strategy to prevent you from not the neighboring countries in the middle east to help us defeat the terrorists who are also in it enemies of te states as well. I wanted to speak about John Boehners statement. Continuously the republicans like to pound it into obama that he is doing everything wrong. Boehner specifically said that this is a strategy that will not work without boots on the ground. However, it seems like they are trying to set the president , hang him out to dry by saying you have got to put boots on the ground, but as soon as boots are on the ground and more lies are lost, then it will be against him and his democratic partners in congress to try to get their numbers up. No one is stupid in america. They see what they are trying to do. These are american lives that are on a line, so its someone is going to send them into congress, then the congress should have an up or down vote. Bootsy believe should be on the Ground Commission be by congress and the president , not just a political move by one party or the other. If they want to put boots on the ground, then that is what they think is the necessary strategy to beat isis. Host that is chris in virginia. We are using the acronym isis Islamic State in iraq in syria. The present use of the acronym isil, the Islamic State in lavon, which refers to a larger area in the middle east, and then there is just Islamic State, it all of those terms are entertain a are interchangeable, so do not let that throw you at all. John mccain spoke on the senate floor yesterday about the president s strategy. [video clip] the present compared his claims to the counterterrorism approach he has taken in somalia and yemen. That is so disturbing to think that isis would be the same as against al qaeda in somalia and wilyemen. Yes, we have been killing withdraws, but we have by no means defeated them, and to compare what isis has done as achieving and the slaughter that isis is carrying out compared to the terrorist organizations in somalia and yemen reflect a fundamental misunderstanding on the part of the president of United States to the threat we face. Hillrom the newspaper this mind as confusion surrounds obama request host muriel in new haven, connecticut, what do you think . Caller hey, peter, how are you today . Host i am fine, how are you . Caller fine, thanks. I know it is just my opinion, but i do not think the United States at this time should be in the business of arming any rebel troops in the middle east, whether it be in iraq or syria or yemen or whatever. We should not be in the business countries civil war. I feel that our president is correct in assuming and is ating that isis cutthroat out fit such as what you would find in yemen. They are identification of someone who is doing something peopleen you behead two from a foreign country, you are in the business of being bad, and we have to identify people like that. I am getting, i think i will not speak for anybody else in this country, i am speaking for myself. I am getting very tired of people in our congress, whether they be democrat or republican, criticizing our president for whatever he does, and now in particular in Foreign Policy. Here is what i say to them if you are so inclined to feel that our Foreign Policy needs to be in a state of war, and you are so inclined to send Young American troops to fight in a name onr, then put your the paper loud and clear. Let the whole country know that you voted for this because our troops will not be in a position to vote for anything. All they do is obey the command, and if the command says you have to go to this country, and you have to fight for host all right. Thank you for calling in this morning. From politico host speaking at a 9 11 commemrarkse he made a forceful militants controlling that part of the nation. Good morning caller. Caller i was upset with the way congress doesnt want to take the time to let the Drone Program do what its designed to do. The Drone Program is designed to stay above your head where you cant see it. Its up too high to see it or use a noifl come try to find this little thing. It can drop bombs and missiles. You leave it up there for over a year. People are sick and tired of having that thing up there. At this moment they cant move the army from theory turkey or wherever they are to turkey. They cant go to iran or anywhere because the drones the drones will destroy everything on the road. They can be seen at nighttime. Nothing they can do with the Drone Programs above their heads, and now the republicans want to drag human beings over there. Theres no reason for it. The aircraft alone will keep them from becoming an army. As far as the terrorists go. Sure, they can try to sblow blow up our airplanes and blow up a bomb, weve been going through that for the last 15 years but thats not an teerm destroy. Its mostly a bunch of uneducated people looking for some food and will do anything including kill people to do it. Host thank you edward. Retired general marine al thrown coordinate a response to al iciss. Etired marine general al thrown coordinate al franken lied response to isis according to the associated press. Host john mccain. He is quoted here. And of course now, i cannot there it is. I found it. An article about john mccain from the New York Times. Mccain fights falsehood on lying that wrongly link him to isis. This is rick glad stone, and mccain one of the earliest advocates for one of the ilitary mccain has been having to battle false rumors that he not only helped invent the group but helped proclaim the leader and americas latest public enemy number one. The rumors are based partly on i78ages of a syrian fighter resembling him seen in a photograp

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