Who best represents your views the . You can see the numbers on the screen. 202 is the area code you can also get through via social media. You can make a comment on our Facebook Page and on email, 202 737000 journal cspan. O. Through the papers we want to hear from conservatives only. Who best represents your views . Chris christie was one of the featured speakers yesterday. He got a lot of the headlines this morning in the newspapers. Here is the Washington Post that is a little bit from the Washington Post yuriko here is Washington Post. Is usa today and the hill, this is their headline finally, here is the Washington Times take here is a little bit from Chris Christie. We are proudly prolife. That does not mean we are prolife just when that human being is in the womb. We need to be prolife when we leave the room as well. For every step of their lives. We have to be favor of an educational system that is accountable so that child can have a worldclass education. Not one that has this government control what they think is good or fair in this society. It means when those children fall victim to disease, drug toabilitation, we need rehabilitate those kids because every life is precious. Every life is precious no matter where they are in society. We need to make that difference. When we say we are proudly prolife we have to be prolife throughout their entire lives. , conservatives only host conservatives only for this segment. Who best rookies and your views . If you cant get through on the phone lines, try social media. Handle. Is our twitter california, who best represents your views . Caller marco rubio at this point. I adore mitt romney. When you read about him heng the audience just leaves me cold. I think he set out to make sure mitt romney didnt have two terms in there. I think he knew his shelf life was limited. A little Chris Christie goes a long way. Is it about marco rubio you like . Caller he is a fabulous speaker. It seen him speak at was a Catholic Law School in florida, all the maria. Florida, ave maria. Everything flows perfectly from him. I dont want to dig the president , but really notecards. S og is on marco rubio speaks and its almost Second Nature to him where he doesnt have to guard his words. He has a very clear vision. I know he is rubbing people the wrong way on immigration. The bill that he actually got , if it the bill actually got through, it would solve everybodys problem. Host why are you conservative . Fiscal andeas social. Host what do you do in palm desert . Caller i work in the entertainment business, sort of an dinosaur. I am a conservative in the entertainment business. Explain whate to you just said, what kind of entertainment do you do you go do you do . Caller i was an agent for television and film stars. Host thank you for calling in. From politico this morning there are three possible 2016 threeders their possible 2016 contenders rubio is calling for the most robust response. Hill, he here is marco rubio yesterday at seatac. [video clip] i dont like to make these issues of natixis of National Security partisan. But we can not ignore the policy of the last two years have brought us to this stage. We have a president who believes by the sheer force of his personality he would be able to shape global event. A president who believes that by going around the world and giving key speeches in key places he can shape the behavior of other people. We do not have the luxury of seeing the world the way we hope it would be. We have to see the world the way it is. We have to address these issues. Before they grow on the manageable. Just ourthreats not freedom but our economy. That is the true challenge we have in the 21st century. We must confront them with a serious with a series of purpose. In joel in church ville. Who best rhythms your views . Caller best represents your views . Be ted cruz. Would he cannot be tarnished the way others can for lack of intelligence. I watch far too many people get smeared by the Mainstream Media, from palin too many others. Ted cruz, they cannot tarnish him as being dumb. There are many great speakers. Ted cruz would be my choice. I look forward to libertarian and republican women in 2016. Rubio and from twitter heres ted cruz yesterday from sea pack. [video clip] are those that say there is a choice for republicans to make. We can either choose to keep our head down and not rock the boat, not stand for anything. Or we can stand for principle. They say if you stand for you lose elections. The smart way is dont stand against obamacare, dont stand against the debt ceiling, dont stand against anything. That is a false dichotomy. [applause] you want to lose elections . Stand for nothing. Look at the last for congressional elections. Three of the four we follow that strategy. We stoodr head down, for nothing, and we got walloped. The one election was in 2010 where the republicans through the line in the stand. In the sand. We had one historic tidal wave of an election. Catherine is calling in from albuquerque, new mexico. Who represents your views . Caller ted cruz. He is not afraid to stand up and say washington is corrupt. He wants to run on principles. I adore him. He is my idea of a true american. I just cant articulate it like he can. He is a true american. Wants principles, he wants to get rid of obama care because he knows it is going to inc. Rocked the country. I admire him so much. Paul in silver lake, indiana. Who is on your list . Caller i wouldve voted for christie. He is not afraid to hold somebody accountable. The Obama Administration and the democrats all plead the fifth. Have a good day. Works toonnell reassure conservatives according to the Washington Times. He has been there too long and is really out of touch with the real base of the republican , who says she feels like Republican Leaders use conservative activists to win elections but turn on them on washington. Larry is calling in. Who is your guy . Caller scott walker is my guy. I think republicans should pick different people for different jobs and work as a team. See rubio asto part of the team and i would also like to see my suggestion would get the mayor , to beyork, giuliani attorney general. The teamwork of holder and obama is destroying the country. Int Edward Perkins tweets from politico, darrell apologizes to Elijah Cummings. This is what Elijah Cummings had to say we will respect the opinions of all members of the committee. We will proceed in a deliberate and consider it matter to obtain all the facts. We will refrain from making accusations that have no basis in fact and we will seek resolution rather than unnecessary conflict. Back to your calls on who best rookie since your views, conservatives. George from florida, good morning. Like colonellly allen west. I am more for rubio now because i think he has a very good chance. One other thing is hokey came out of philadelphia originally. I like those gentlemen very much. I will definitely vote for rubio. Skeeter tweets in not sure if hes speaking tomorrow or today. ,hristian in Anchorage Alaska who represents your views . I like trump. I like his views. I like his views on natural resources. Do i think he can win . Definitely not. Rubio for a winner. He is very smart. I like how [indiscernible] he outlines the negatives, what the problems we have are. Oes it in a manner host we are going to have to leave it there, not a very good connection. Here is a headline involving donald trump. Westville, new jersey. Who best represents your views . Caller i would like the Constitution Party to come on cspan because they actually attacked the federal reserve. If in the field we have now it would have to be a combination of ted cruz, because he is brilliant on principle, and donald trump, because i like his idea on the borders. Chris christie backpedaled on gay marriage and advisedreamer act, so i people in the United States to beware of him. You vote for him in his reelection . We will never know. Matthew tweets in this is the front page of the denver post this morning. There is an ad at the bottom of this page. You can see it here for more information visit uniquelives. Com. Nancy is calling from montana. Nancy, good morning to you. Who is the conservative that best represents your views . Caller dr. Ben carson. Host okay, why . Caller i think he is a brilliant scholar, a good thinker. He is not part of the washington beltway. A book called america the beautiful. Promoting our country. He is taking the Positive Side of recognizing what we have and we could use to improve the rather than naysaying. I hope he is invited to cpac. As far as im concerned he could be very electable. Booktv we did a threehour interview with him last august. Did you see that . Caller i think i caught part of it. I saw some highlights on hannity and other shows. Is it coming around . Our websiten go to and type his name in the upper lefthand corner. You can watch it online at your leisure. Caller sounds good. Politico, Paul Ryan Touts his creative engine. The party is developing a modern programs agenda even if at times that process is messy, noisy, and a little bit uncomfortable. Next call comes from bobby in rochelle, georgia. Good morning. Caller how are you doing . Host im good. Who best represents your views . Caller Hillary Clinton. Host we are going to have to hang up on you because that is later in the program we are going to be talking to progressives. For thisives only first segment. Lisa is calling from spencer, oklahoma. Caller how are you doing today . Host im good, how are you . Caller im fine. I like kristi because he seems to be somewhat mainstream and he can probably generate some i he seemsstie because to be somewhat mainstream and he can probably generate some the people hollering for ted cruz, they may want to think about that. Host but you like Chris Christie . Caller i like Chris Christie. Host entree from huntsville, alabama. Good morning. Andre from huntsville, alabama. Good morning. Caller good morning. I like rand pauls conversation. On the issue with the immigratnsnts, on immigration, he can do more on that front. Hes going to have to put some action into it. , sir. Thank you pete from new york, good morning. Caller good morning. I like scott walker. He is turning around the state. Everybody was against him. I will take ted cruz or rand paul as his vice president. If he does a good job they will get elected the next time around. Lets turn this country around. Host one of our regular tweeters says politico and the gop economic plan is job market is still sluggish, most americans say they are unhappy with the economy and obamas Approval Ratings is down. What is the plan to turn it around . From all the outward signs republicans would do just fine in the midterm this year. Gop strategists are so frustrated with the economy that they are ready to give republicans the chance and could hand him the keys to the senate as wells the house. The problems with the obamacare rollout, it hasnt exactly helped democrat either. It is one thing to run against the obama marked prior economy and another to layout positive alternatives. Some conservatives are warning the party that if they do not layout alternatives they will miss a big opportunity. That is from politico this morning. Fromhan is calling woodbridge, virginia. Who best represents your views . Few calls ago you mentioned a website to watch videos. Host booktv . Caller booktv. Com . Host booktv. Org . Do you not watch booktv . Caller i havent heard of it utnintil now. Host its on cspan two. Beler my first pick would dr. Ben carson and my second would be ted cruz. I know dr. Ben carson personally for my family growing up. He is a great man. Governmentited small and he is definitely somebody who would stick to his guns about that. Same thing with ted cruz. He demonstrated that he was not willing to just go along with whenever they backed down to the democrats on spending policy. He didnt care what the media bashed him with. I would like to see somebody deliver what they have promised. Host are you listening on cspan radio . Caller yes. Host what do you do in washington . Caller i am a financial advisor. Host thank you for listening to cspan radio. Listening in. E a tweet s,om the washington timews which is one of the sponsors of keene willb ed be joining us in a little while cornelia is calling in from cottonwood, idaho. Who are your conservative leaders . Caller good morning. I would just like to state for all of the above reasons i already heard that ben carson is far and away my favorite candid ate for president. Realize he is limited in his ability to get there just because he is not a savvy insider politician. I think he would be a tremendous president. This country needs him. Social, worldal, history, military savvy, he knows how to pick well. He is an strictly an extremely intelligent man. I also like Newt Gingrich but i realize since his marriage problems he will never probably be able to be a candidate again. Please everybody, pray for america. Host les in host kentucky, good morning. Caller i like all the candidates. I like Rick Santorum. Governor christie, i like him. Scott walker. Field. Ted cruz, marco rubio. You know, i like allen west. Then cars them, all of those are terrific candidates ben c arson, all of those are terrific candidates. Far superior to what we have had in the last three president s. Far superior to obama, bush, and clinton. As far as moral integrity the whole nine yards. Then carson would be terrific. En carson will be speaking tomorrow live on cspan. Theo cspan. Org to see schedule. Another speaker yesterday was bobby jindal. Here is a little bit from governor jindal. [video clip] witnessed the events of brought the past several days. We see the president of russia invading another country while our president wants to downsize our military and brags about increased spending on food stamps. A president who does not understand a Strong America leads to a peaceful world. A week america leads to instability. He does not understand our allies and enemies alike need and want a Strong America. We have long sought and said this president is a smart man. It may be time to revisit that assumption. [laughter] [applause] or at least make a distinction between being book smart and truly wise. Host carl, louisiana, what do you think of your governor customer of your governor . Caller he is great. The most qualified person to run for president. He was in the house. He was in the cap net. This state is much lower and unemployment then the whole country. The state is booming. Ideas on education, with the vouchers and giving people the choice for a better education. With great charter schools. Vision. Has a he has a great vision and he is fully qualified. You, from lake charles, louisiana. The front page of the starledger out of newark, new jersey. Ashbritts christies contract. Chris christies administration did not violate any rules in to aing a no bid contract clinically connected company to haul away debris left by hurricane sandy. The starledger newark, new jersey. Donna from rome, new york. You are on washington journal. Caller thank you very much. Andpreciate being on cspan watch it every morning i am able. Host we appreciate that. Caller i watch cspan every morning. Host who is your favorite conservative right now . Caller i think the most electable would be mike huckabee. Host why . Heler i did not know who was the last time he ran. I found out more about him. He seems to have a very sensible approach to our country. He is a man of integrity and character. I also believe rand paul, ted , allen west are high up on my list. I often wonder what happened to jc west from oklahoma. He has kind of dropped out of the radar. Host donna in rome, new york. A lot of facebook comments. Of favorite conservatives. Grovercoolidge, cleveland, thomas jefferson, andrew jackson, barry goldwater, ron paul, Ronald Reagan, john f. Kennedy, ted cruz, senator rand paul. He goes on to say analyze that. Facebook. Com cspan. A lot names being posted and a lot of comments. Join right there all day. Peter is calling from fairfax, virginia. Caller hello. I wanted to remind all that theers to a number that United States is not this to be a democracy. Majority rule. The u. S. Is a Constitutional Republic with democratically elected representatives to enforce the law. On that note, my favorite can paul. Is rand conservatives have to realize if there is not a rand paul type candidate out there, there is a large block of libertarian type thinking americans that will theably use one of important things we have that pj rourke reminds us of. Conservatives need to realize this. I dont think they understand. Thank you. Speakingd paul will be today following this program. We will be live at cpac he getting at we will be live at cpac he getting at about 10 10 eastern time. From politico, kirsten l assaultds sexually assaul bill derailed. Needed short of the 60 to overcome a filibuster. Shirley, south dakota, who best represents your views . Caller governor huckabee. Host why . Governor. Has been a he has run a government. That is what we need as a president. A senator has not had enough experience on how to control things and how to understand people. My first choice would be senator huckabee. My second choice would be rick perry. Host where is witten, south dakota . Caller way out in the middle of south dakota. Host southcentral. Far from Mount Rushmore question mark how far from Mount Rushmore . Caller 175 miles. Host what do you do . Caller i am retired. I used to tend bar. Thank you, i watched cspan a lot. Host gary tweets in. To rand paul for president , he could put his dad in charge of the fed. Tricklinanquility says. Numba one. Deaux. Quite a list there. David in georgia.