Transcripts For CSPAN Washington Journal 20140305 : comparem

CSPAN Washington Journal March 5, 2014

For the budget. Before that, we will focus on the proposal, getting your take and drilling down into your numbers. Democrats, 202 5853880. Republicans, 202 5853881. Independents, 202 5853882. Send us a tweet, cspanwj. We can also read your comments on facebook. Com cspan and you can email us at journal cspan. Org. Heres what the president had to say about his budget. [video clip] we have to decide if were are going to make Smart Investments. Our deficits are falling at the fastest rate in 60 years. We have to decide if were going to keep squeezing the middle class or reduce deficits responsibly while taking steps strengthen the middle class. Approach my budget offers. That is why i will fight for this year and in the years to come. Talking about his 3. 9 trillion budget. This is president obamas 2015 budget, it spends too much, borrows too much, and taxes too much. It reflects says americas priorities to create jobs, strengthen the middle class, and build an economy that creates opportunity for all. Went to theell floor yesterday and talked about the president s Budget Proposal. He said it is not a serious document. [video clip] it will probably never past the democratic led senate. In some sense, that is the point. Rather than put together a constructive blueprint both parties could use to get the economy moving, the president is opting for the political stunt for a budget that is more about andng up the base in electionyear. It would increase taxes by over 1 trillion in the worst economic slowdown anyone can remember. It would explode spending by 790 billion, forcing us to borrow more money. It would do almost nothing to threatsthe serious facing our childrens futures and does not come close to balancing this year. Mitch mcconnell talking about the 2015 Budget Proposal. Congress will take up Budget Proposals and will decide what gets spent. The Washington Post tweeted this it would spend more than 600 billion to boost economy. It would raise taxes by more than 1 trillion, mostly on the wealthy. It would ease debt problems for the next 10 years. In 2024ld be 69 of gdp versus 74. 4 today. It would not reduce Social Security benefits. Edward on twitter says this cant see gop agreeing on anything within potus budget. Doug, what do you think . To the need government about half of what it is right now and stop giving foreign aid to all of these other countries. We are going to give 8. 9 billion to iran for relief when we have 1. 5 million americans in that have ran out of employment compensation benefits. Kind of government are we running . Host a look at where the money goes. Billion for defense spending. That is what congress have control overs. Nondefense, 563 billion. Point 9nding is three trillion. 800 96 billion for Social Security. 526care eats up about billion dollars. Medicaid, 330 6 billion dollars. Other mandatory spending comes in at 691 billion. Interest on the debt, 252 billion. Where the money is race, taxes. Ual income 237 billion. Other taxes comes to 363 billion. Proposal reduces the deficit 564 billion. Gail, republican color. Caller. Caller it is driving the country over the cliff. Died over 60 years ago and my mother taught me how to live within my means. This president does not know how to do that. You cannot spend what you do not have. He wants to give money to the gals and the you are looking to hurt anyone that does have a little bit. Host tax the rich. That is obamas main theme. Where is the job creation atmosphere . Budget. It is a good it is what we voted for by reelecting barack obama a second time. Budget and it has 651 billion dollars in new revenue from the rich via changes to the tax code. Financs 56 billion in cial. 56 billion to help states bolster preschool programs. Income taxrned credit for americans without children and has 91 billion in mandatory and discretionary money for transportation Infrastructure Projects. Five percent increase for the office of u. S. Trade representative kirk in repeal of one 4 billion of tax incentives for the oil, gas, and other fossil energy companies. Full funding for the Affordable Care act and new funds for labs to work on Cyber Security and research centers. 276 billion raised through changes to International Tax system. Democraticorgia, caller, what do you make of the budget . He has good intentions. People have to understand that pass nothingnna while obama is in office. Until these people stop putting down the division in america and thinking democratic and republican and start thinking people, look to the people that are talking. Most of these people who are talking and fighting obama, they are millionaires. Beingont care about republican or democrat. They care about their money. We need to understand this. We need to come together. We are hardworking people. We deserve everything we got. Host sam stein suites this out tweets this out the Budget Proposal is 100 million less than bushs 2002 level when adjusted for inflation. That caller was a veteran. Military cuts could be rude array beginning rude awakening for veterans. Puts thisgton post chart together. Who gets more, who gets less in the budget . Services, 73. 7 billion. State and other international programs, 42. 6 billion. Urban, 32. 6 billion. Nasa get 17. 5 billion. 22 billion for the agriculture department. 12 billion for labor and treasury. The corps of engineers gets about 4. 5 billion. Defense, the largest circle on the chart, 496 billion for defense spending. Sam, elizabeth city, north carolina, democratic caller. Caller he is doing the best he can do to the circumstances. Please dont cut me off. Programs put jobs [indiscernible] the day he was elected, they said their top dog was to make sure he was longtime president [indiscernible] host this is rob portmans outt he tweeted president obamas budget shows he hasnt learned that we cant tax, spend, and borrow our way to prosperity. Response to the president unveiling his budget. This article unlikely to become law as is. It will differentiate Political Parties and serve as fuel in the Congressional Elections in 2014. Billion above 55 limits set in the latest budget deal for defense, Early Childhood education, jobtraining, medical research. Heard before raise tobacco universal prek education. That is the budget at a glance. 55 billion dollars in new spending. Yesterday, his budget director was asked about this busting the budget cap by six 56 billion. Put into placeal by paul ryan and patty murray. She was asked about it and here is her response. [video clip] an opportunity, growth and Security Initiative that is fully paid for. The betweenevenly defense and nondefense. It presents additional investments in things like education, research, and manufacturing. Building on the Model Initiative ishe fully paid for with a balanced package of spending cuts and tax reforms. It is deficit neutral. Host here is what paul ryan had to say. The president has just three years left in his administration and he seems determined to do nothing about our fiscal challenges. This budget isnt a serious document, it is a campaign brochure. You can tune in to watch Sylvia Burwell to talk about the budget and the5 Discretionary Spending on p. M. Eastern00 time. I am listening to what he has outlined and even though it is the congress and senates job to put the bill for, i think he is making a good effort towards reining in a lot of spending that is being wasted. Host the president s budget does not include tackling entitlement reform, Social Security, medicare. Been allowing the congress to make these cuts and they went so far to do that last one that went in before the food stamp cut. Dragging and bleeding and hoping to feed their families. Troops are coming home. They will need jobs. These things are going to invest in our future. Seen more war in our lifetime as three generations. It is time for america to find a new game. Has maturede level in the world. Iny can have their piece iraq. That is what it was about. Them to travelow their path of life. Host we mentioned veterans and the soldiers coming home. Proposed budget cuts could force roughly 90,000 servicemen and women to seek civilian jobs. Experts say they will have similar resumes and skill sets and a bad economy. The lack of meaningful opportunity will be a rude awakening for the veterans. When they leave the service and try to find a job in this economy right now. A 1. 7 trillion tax hike and 8. 3 trillion in new debt. Find out more about the president s new budget is what he had to say. Patty murray put out her statement as well. Sylvia burwell will be before the Senate Budget committee testifying about the president s proposal. Steve, oklahoma, republican caller. We gave him a year or so to try to get the country started right. He put all of these eggs into the health care plan, they made us all mad. He is killing our country. It has turned our Health Care System upside down. Now, everyone is changing doctors, losing doctors. There are constantly people in my office saying they lost a doctor and they needed new dr. It is crazy. I live in a small town. They need to do something. They need to help the country out a lot better. Wemarie tweets this dont need new taxes. Workers are taxed enough in the u. S. Good grief. Steve, texas, republican caller. Steve, i will put you on hold and we will try to come back to you. We are talking about the budget blueprint unveiled on tuesday. Congress is responding. Go outside of washington to get your take on it. Democrats, 202 5853880. Republicans, 202 5853881. S, 202 5853882. Also send us a tweet, cspanwj and we will take your emails, journal cspan. Org. As his second term began to reduce Social Security cost of living increases. Woulded that gesture entice republicans to compromise on a grand bargain of longterm deficit reductions and federal investments. Publicans refused republicans refused to consider raising tax revenues from the wealthy and some businesses. Joining us on the phone is a senior economics writer. What do you make of the president s budget . Guest the republicans always attack it as a campaign document. They areryan said ok to run on the stirring the midterm elections with this budget. He talked about that in the state of the union. This budget does that through its expanding the earned income tax credit. Something hef proposed last year, which democrats did not like. Chained cpi that would lower the cost of living increases for Social Security recipients. That is gone from this budget. He did not include that in this one. It is anet that electionyear budget and it shapes up where democrats are likely to what they will emphasize in their campaign. Try to addresshe the income inequality when it comes to wealthier americans . Guest it includes many of the proposals that he is included in the past to increase taxes on the wealthy. Is 1. 1decade, there trillion dollars in tax thats of most of the falls on the wealthy. Most of that limits the deductions the benefit that the wealthy can take from deductions, capping the amount. That is something he has proposed in every one of his budgets. Congress has rejected it every time. He would raise taxes in that way on the wealthy. Ist earned income tax credit a significant expansion targeted whoorkers without children do not benefit as much from the tax credit. It would double their benefit from about 500 maximum to about a thousand. The white house estimates that would help about 13. 5 million workers. Is an expansion and a Child Tax Credit which helps lowincome families as well. Host what does it say about the deficit . It is on a downward track. Deficit cting a last years deficit was 680 billion. That was the first time in four years it was under a trillion. This years deficit he rejects he projects it will be six or 49 billion and dropped to 564 billion. It does not deal with Social Security, medicare, Medicaid Programs that are growing me fastest. Growing the fastest. The chained cpi reduction which year, on the table last something republicans have supported, he offered it only if republicans would agree to increase taxes on the wealthy. It is part of the grand bargain that washington has talked about for years. Republicans do not want to go there. From thatled back issue. Chairmanans have ryan has gone farther in the entitlement area, but it is ,ifficult for the president with his Democratic Base so type ofto any entitlement reform, unless they see higher taxes on the wealthy. We are in a standoff. Spending . About what does he want to spend money on to try to grow the economy . Package hes a has called it the opportunity growth and security fund. It would hit 55 billion in that which 55 billion in that would be above the spending limits that were agreed to and the ryanmurray budget agreement that was reached last december. Go tof that would nondefense programs and have to seek a pointng to of compromise with republicans who are upset with defense being squeezed too much under this Sequestration Program and also help in the nondefense area with certain programs. There is a fund to also increase construction infrastructure, basically roadbuilding. He has new money in there to make it universal prek programs for age four kids. That is in there. It is funded through an increase in taxes. He is constrained by the fact that the general outline of what he can spend was said by the budget agreement last december. Host what happens to the budget now . The line is always that it is dead on arrival. Congress will work its will with it. That ryan has said is proceeding with a republican plan which his committee will vote out. The whole house will vote on it. Very likely to be different from the proposal that the president has put forward. Democrats, at the moment, are not suggesting they are going to come forward with the budget. You have an outline of spending that was agreed to in the big compromise that was reached after they shut the government last october. Ys you will continue to have tugging, but you will not see like youof calamity did. They have put it off for two years past the midterm elections. Funding for the Affordable Care act in this budget . Guest it is there tank. It is there. It is included in there. Sure that is something the republicans will be targeting cents they want to since they want to change that law. It is in the president s budget. Host i have an email here. Military members should not be asked to pay more for health care. When it comes to military spending reduction, having the burden placed on Service Members reduces retention numbers and makes it different difficult for military recruiters to attract new people into the armed forces. Guest the core Defense Operations are at a level of 496 billion in this budget. Republicans say that is a freeze. Outlines of the budget agreement last december, but republicans do not like it. They want more. The president is proposing to shrink the army from a 490,000 440,000 to to 450,000. Meets a variety of ways to this slimmer defense budget. Tot is going to be subject debate and congress. A lot of his savings that he is showing in this come from defense primarily. Crutsinger, thank you for your time. Lets go outside of washington, to all of you. Steve, texas, go ahead. Caller i am hurt by the fact that our country is so divided, politically, spiritually, and it seems as though our president is not a supporter of the constitution. I am an american indian, a. Eteran my uncles fought in the war. We fought for the ability to be free and we adapted. We are of the cherokee tribe and we fought in war war two. My one uncle was a double bronze double bronzet star recipient. Another uncle had to shoot his best friend for jumping ship. Great sacrifice. We fought for freedom. We are not free unless we think a certain way and believe a certain way or listen to a Certain Television station or the media. It seems to be so lopsided. I serve the living god that loves us all. I would serve again if i could. Fight and reason to it is a fight to be free. The only freedom that we have is in christ jesus. Host what does this have to do with the budget . Caller i got off track. Our budget, our Economic Situation is such that we have outsourced all of our jobs and we have all of these moronic jobs that do not help anything. Studies about hummingbirds we need people to go to work and put food on the table and feed their babies. Host the president says the way to do that is Infrastructure Spending. Forroposes 600 billion Infrastructure Spending, transportation projects. Is that a way to get the economy going . Caller we need roads. Cities to build up our and we need to have American Workers doing it. We dont need people from other countries coming in and taking our jobs. There is a bridge being built at was awarded to china and san francisco. Have plenty of welders here. I teach welding. Our greatest asset is a 15yearold kid in high school taking welding it seems we have forgotten all of our trade. We outsource everything. People from other countries come in and take our jobs to build our ships and airplanes, our roads and highways. Host lets hear from covington, georgia. From the wall street journal, what they call began take. The proposed funding for each department and billions. Go ahead. Caller thank you for taking my call. Witho let you know the president s budget that obama worked on for 2015, that is what it is. A 2015 budget. ,ongress can look at the budget can bipartisan this and make any changes that they wish, but changes theirntry state of mind where they stopped thetantly browbeating president for everything that he does. You can see he is under

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