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And adult immigrants can live legally and without fear if they admit culpability. Passckground checks background checks, pay fines, and back taxes. We want to hear from republicans only for this first segment. What do you think from this immigration per proposal . If you agree, 202 5853880. If you disagree, 202 5853881. Republicans only for this first segment of the washington journal. You can get in via twitter as well. Facebook. Com cspan. Journal at cspan. Org. House Speaker John Boehner told theyters that they thought had to make a goodfaith offer. This problem has been around. From politico this morning boehner has long said that the house would not take up the Senate Immigration bill, but would consider it in several discrete bills. For any immigration bill to get a vote, he has said it must first gain support from a majority of the republican conference. Ted cruz has reacted to the plan. This is on breitbart. The amnesty push will rule in hopes of retaking the senate. He thinks that the house gops leadership to grant amnesty to illegal aliens would destroy the Republican Partys is at retaking the senate in 2014. This is a quote. Amnesty is wrong in any circumstance. If we are going to fix our broken immigration system, and we should, it makes much more sense to do so next year, said so that we are negotiating a responsible solution with a Republican Senate majority rather than with chuck schumer. Anyone pushing an amnesty bill should go ahead and put a harry reid for majority Bumper Sticker on their car because that will be the likely effect if republicans refused to listen to the American People and foolishly change the subject from obamacare to amnesty. Ton mccain has also reacted the republican proposal. Here is what he had to say. He praised House Republican Immigration Reform principle. The us is in the hill newspaper. He praised house gop leaders for issuing Immigration Reform principles that reflect the senate bill. I think they are fine. I will support everything theyre doing and certainly will not take shots from the sidelines. Aflcio chairman called the principles a nonstarter as they would not offer a special pass to citizenship for Illegal Immigrants. If you are a republican and you support this proposal, 202 5853880. , if you are a republican and you are disagreeing with this reform proposal. We will begin with john. A republican in watertown, new york. Caller good morning. I emphatically disagreed with this proposal for several reasons. Nowfirst reason is right our unemployment is still depending on who you listen to anywhere between 6. 5 or 7. 5 . We need to enforce the laws we have on the books right now instead of trying to add more people to a weak economy. Andfact that the democrats the republicans both are looking at this and saying it is that will get the more votes in the Upcoming Elections is shortsighted and foolish. Thank you. Nic is from cleveland, georgia. Calling from cleveland, georgia. Caller good morning. Good morning, america, i should say. What were are saying is this kind of legalization to those that were formerly known and still are by government isinition as illegal aliens a slap in the face to american citizens. This is being brought to us now onehowever,ise day they are in juarez, mexico and the next day they are in el paso. Food care, education, to me it is disloyal to the american citizens. Commerce, on that side. Taking away the rights of the people. About Corporate America. Often, Corporate America is with the Republican Party. Isnt it . Caller exactly right. This is wrong, wrong, wrong. These are special interests that put their own special interests ahead of basic rights for american citizens. There is no one blameless here, that is why i say they are dumbo tards. Nd republican we need to be loyal to the american citizens. Host has immigration or illegal immigration affected you personally . Caller both of them have. Definitely. Sometimes the north georgia, you cannot get a job without hiring illegal aliens. That is wrong for americans who are looking for work. It has subverted the rule of law, absolutely it has affected me. Host thank you sir. If you support this proposal and you are a republican, the numbers are up on the screen. We want to hear from you as well. From the hill newspaper as well. The house gop campaign chief said that any floor vote on Immigration Reform is probably months out, downplaying the possibility that the party will move quickly to legislation after considering a series of Leadership Principles this week. Mark in long beach, california. Caller are there any republicans who agree . The idiot, scumbag Republican Leadership [indiscernible] obama and the democrats are laying out the to be rolled and the Republican Party wants to give amnesty to the illegal aliens invading border criminals. How insane is that . Theyre going to get pounded in the next election if they do this. Nothing will save that. The republicans are overwhelmingly opposed to this despite all of the phone calls by the lying media. This does not make any sense. Host hang on one second. Let me read you a paragraph about the political angle and see what you have to say. 2012 was a critical moment in the debate. President obama won reelection partly because of strong support from hispanics. There you go again. Illegal him aliens are not immigrants. Illegal aliens [indiscernible] government of the United States is going to tell its citizens that tens of millions of criminals are going to be rewarded with one of the best things you can get status in the United States then america has become lie all you can lie, cheat all you can cheat, and steal all you can steal. It is the suckers and the losers who will be left in america at this point. Host sara. A republican in annapolis, maryland. Caller i do agree. I am an immigrant myself. However, it is a human issue. You cannot deport 11 Million People. You have a lot of these Illegal Immigrants who have children that are born here that are fullfledged, american citizens. See is that like to if there is legalization, i think it would be important to address the border issue so that in another 20 years you did not have another set of 10 or 11 Million People who come here illegally, going through the same thing again. There has to be something they can do to prevent this from happening again. I do not see that illegal aliens take away the jobs, unless you find a lot of americans who want to work in the agricultural industry. They worked very hard, generally speaking. Lete that are good people, them stay here. That are lawabiding. Those that are problems i think that, take care of it. Host where are you from originally . Caller im originally from germany. I think that being white i do think that there is also a racial issue involved here. Host why are you a republican . Caller i do think that has something to do with that as well the race. I do like some of the republican ideas. I do want the story fiscal responsibility. But there are also some issues that i would say i am rather liberal. Sometimes orer think that i should be more of an independent. To me it is a human issue. We are talking real ive see her. Lives here. We are talking people. We need to do the right thing and look at what kind of nation do we want . Immigration has been a very important part of this country and i get that people complain about illegals versus legal immigration. You also have to look at the reality of where these people are coming from. You look at south americans and what theyre going through to come here and you look at their home countries and the issues that are taking place there, whether or not it is gangs, corrupt government it is quite amazing that these people have such a strong drive to still make it. Were talking about human beings. It is a human issue. I really think the Republican Party would be well advised to take that into consideration. Just hang on the line for a minute. Lets hear from a republican who disagrees. This is know what in tennessee. In tennessee. Why do you disagree . Unfair tothink it is the immigrants and illegal aliens. I dont think they should be called that. It is just racist. I think they should be able to come into the United States freely. It is almost impossible just to be racist against them. You should not be doing that. Just let the men. How old are you . Host im 12 years old. Thats all im going to say. Why do you think you are a republican at 12 years old . Caller im kind of a democrat and candidate republican. Host you think people should be free to move across the borders . Caller yes. Host sarah, what do you think . Caller i think moving freely across the border would push it a little bit too far for me. We are a country of laws. Every country does have laws. Immigration policies. I just think that for the ones that are here already, as i said, is it realistic to push 11 Million People out of the country . You cannot enforce it. You do not have enough manpower. I live in maryland. There are a lot of hispanics here. There are people who work with the community of hispanics they are here their children are american citizens because they were born here. You want to deport the parents and leave the children here . It is ludicrous to me. Border theye should have done that years ago, which they did not. It shows us how ineffective our congresses. There are good things about both parties. The inability for them to Work Together to get something going in the country to serve the common good. Host i think we got the point. Thank you for your time. Betty in iowa city, iowa. What do you think about this proposal . I am flabbergasted. Ways. So wrong in so many i lived in california before the amnesty that reagan put through. There were republicans and democrats. It was more like 5050. Propositions would go up, they had fantastic propositions to vote on. A proposition would go up and one of them was about denying benefits to illegal aliens. Naturally it passed. The courts struck it down. Then all benefits were pretty much open to illegal aliens. Along andmnesty came they thought there would be about one million or so. Casesre still handling from 1985 or 1986. People are still appealing their cases. Legal, it was like a flood just happened. Is sohe entire state different. To paywho are not going the taxes to support all of the welfare that is demanded by the illegals that are there. By the way, they vote. They do not have to be citizens. They get a drivers license and they vote. The demand on the school system, the medical benefits that is why the taxes are so high. Host thanks for calling in. From the washington post. Waxman to retire. The walls are covered with picture frames holding pens used by every president since jimmy carter. Among the legislation were laws to make infant formula safer and being lowprice generic drugs to market, clean the air, provide services and medical care to people with aids, and reform and modernize the postal service. He was instrumental in the passage of the Affordable Care act. The answer to a 2012 jeopardy question about him was the mustache of justice. The scope of achievements he can seemi am claim would nearly unimaginable in today pottsgrove gridlock, polarized congress. Part gridlock today s gridlocked, polarized congress. From politico, sandra fluke may run for the seat. She was denied the opportunity to testify at a hearing on obamacares contraception requirements. She is strongly considering a bid for his seat. I am flattered that im being discussed as a potential candidate. Folks have reached out and encourage me to run. I am strongly considering running. Jim is a republican in dexter, michigan who agrees with the proposal on immigration. Caller thank you for taking my call. This problem has been going on for at least 30 years. This is the first time i have seen anything that actually addresses the issue. It republican, i can buy into the concepts being proposed. I need more details. How much are we talking about in taxes to the have to pay . What are the penalties . How do we actually get them registered . Speaking, i think this is a step in the right direction. I can support it. Host where is dexter, michigan . Caller very close to ann arbor. Host do you have immigrants up there . Caller oh yeah, a lot of them. Oh sure. Probably more run detroit and ann arbor, but im sure there are a lot of them here. Host thank you for calling in. John is in port st. Lucie, florida. On the republican disagree line. Caller thank you for that wonderful news about mr. Waxmans retirement. You made my day. For the postal service. I love how these numbers change. How did we get to 11 million . It was 12 million just a few years ago. That mantra was spoken for many years. I guess they did self to port during the let selfdeport during the recession. Areink the republicans shooting themselves in the foot. If they gain anything, it will be negated from their base. One last thing, if anything, if you listen to all of the calls over the years from cspan into cspan, this unites everybody. Blacks, whites, hispanics that are here legally and have been for years, paying their taxes nobody wants this to go through who is here legally. All of you here is the special interest groups, the special leftwing groups for the Hispanic Community but if you listen to who calls into your station, if there is one thing that unites us together as a country it is this illegal immigration that we want stopped. Thank you. Losi says,e my work is not finished. Her future is a perennial topic of discussion in washington. I am running, i have already started the paperwork ross us. Process. My work is not finished. Bill clinton and barack obama to address senate democrats. President obama and former president clinton will be the headline speakers at the retreat next week at the Washington National stadium. Greg is calling on our disagree line from florida. Good morning. Caller good morning. Host why are you disagreeing . About i started thinking eight years ago when everyone was saying the democrats wanted to let the illegals and for thend the republicans democrats wanted them and for the vote and the republicans wanted them for labor, the real reason is the bernie made off bill. Neither obama or boehner can stand up and say that basically bankrupted this. Madoff,rnie made off they want 30 million new taxpayers in the country. I am a construction engineer. I have had to deal with this firsthand. I respect the labor efforts of the illegals. However, they cannot read the plans, the specifications, they cannot do the whole industry is not going to be written up in spanish. Bilingual people have had to be hired to address the needs, but they are not educated in pharmacy and banking at a lot of places with the have positions just because theyre bilingual. This will bankrupt the country. I think the real reason the government is letting the man is that they cannot face the American People and say, we have spent your money, we are out of money, and we needed new blood source. Host what about politically . Does it help or hurt the Republican Party . Caller it will hurt them. They want a small piece of the pie. I do not think they can swing the vote over from the free ride that the president is offering everybody. Host from the New York Times on this issue, at least in its broad strokes, it does not degree a path to citizenship, but does necessarily does not necessarily preclude one, something that is likely to be a dealbreaker for democrats and immigration activists. A republican in linden, michigan. Caller good morning. I called in on the agree line. This proposal made by the republicans is nothing more than a political tool. It will never get to through the senate. The republicans have helped themselves with the hispanic or immigrants and now the ball will be in the senates court. The democrats will never approve it because it does not have blanket amnesty. Republicans are winning. To it is up to the democrats look like they are against immigration. Have i made myself clear . Host yes. Sheila is in massachusetts on our disagree line. Caller good morning and thank you. Thaty brings up the fact amnesty goes through and people will be able to work in the United States legally, which means they will have to have insurance. Aca,g the hearings on the it was told that you have to be your citizenship has to be verified. So what happens to these 11 25,000,000 people that come in . They will overload medicaid, medicare systems and we will have problems with health care. I agree with all the people who have called to disagree. I think we are running into this way too fast. Legal immigration is wonderful, we need it. These people are going to be low income. The whole entire safetynet system is going to go right through the floor. Thank you for taking my call. Times, am the new york senator arrested a senators son was arrested on drug possession and trespassing charges. Jedediah udall was taken into after a man matching his description was trying to break into cars in eldorado springs, california. He admitted to having used heroin in the past 48 hours. With four counts of firstdegree criminal trespass and one count of drug possession. He was released on 1500 bond. Mr. Udall, a first term senator ,ho is facing reelection released a statement in which he and his wife expressed support for their son and asked for privacy. His first brush with the law. In december, he was cited by law charges of on walking out of a store without paying for ad phil and imodium. Scott is a republican in oak view, california. He agrees with the big immigration proposal. Scott . Richard in lake placid, florida. Disagree line. Caller good morning. Strongly disagree i agree with a lot of other colors callers. These illegal criminals who come into the country do not help the country at all. I got a report that they send back to their home or their country of origin 56 billion per year. Just a few years ago it was 25 billion. Rebuildingwork and that was done after Hurricane Sandy was done by illegals. They undercut the working wages of the u. S. Citizens who cannot live on eight dollars per hour. They are definitely a burden to our education system, our Health Care System, our incarceration system. California alone had 60,000 Illegal Immigrants in their state prison system. They cost the taxpayers a lot of money. This is strictly political for the votes. Theyre a bigtime burden on our economy. From politico, jeb bush discusses 2016 decision. He will make a decision on whether to run for president in 2016 at the right time later this year. I do not wake up each day saying, what am i going to do today to make the decision . Im deferring the decision to the right time, which is later this year. This is what he told a miami cbs affiliate. The brother of former president he will makeh said up his mind based on whether he can run and uplifting campaign. He is popular with republicans and as mentioned in the mix of possible candidates. He has remained out of the pack of front runners. He is seen as a candidate who could do well with hispanic voters, a demographic republicans are concerned about attracting. His mother recently said that there is no question in my mind the jeb is the best qualified. I hope you will not. That was barbara bush. , sheesponded by saying promised me she would not keep saying this. If you89 years old and have elderly parents or grandparents, you know that they speak their mind. There is not much stopping between thinking and speaking. I love her. That was jeb bush responding to his mother. She talked quite forthrightly about how she feels about the race. As our first lady series continues on monday night, we will be looking at laura bush. This is a 9 00 p. M. On monday night 90 minutes a profile of laura bush, her legacy and image as first lady. She also allowed us to conduct an interview with her down in dallas at the bush library. Here is a little portion of that interview. [video clip] did the first lady receive a salary . I dont think so. There are plenty of perks. Believe me. A chef. That was really great to read i miss the chef. I dont think so. Questionhe interesting really is not, should they receive a salary, but should they be able to work for a salary at the job . That they might have already had . I think that is what we will have to come to terms with. A first gentleman mike continued to work at whatever he did, if hewas a lawyer are whatever did. That is the question we really should ask. Should she have a career during those years that her husband was president . In addition to serving as first lady. 9 00 p. M. Monday eastern time. That will be live with your calls and tweets as well. Gop call on the house immigration proposal comes from charleston west virginia. Why do you disagree . I dont believe in amnesty. I worked in washington dc for over a year and a half in 2007. I worked at the Smithsonian Museum of history. 95 of the work was illegal mexicans. They were 18 years old. They could not speak a word of english. Host john is calling from denton, maryland. A republican who agrees. Caller good morning. This topic a little bit late. I am in agreement with your last caller, as far as we need to get illegal aliens either send back to where their home was or lets get them naturalized and become citizens. The way it has always been done. I come from a family of immigrant, all naturalized, all citizens. My father fought in world war ii. We thatacy that our family has and we are proud of it. We need to go back to this, rather than under the amnesty proposal i worked in the construction industry. I disagree with the lady from annapolis, the german lady. She said their agricultural. It is not. It is everywhere. Experience, working in d. C. , i worked also in the government buildings. We did not have the problem that miscommunication. We are having that now. Lets get this right. Lets get everybody speaking english in this country. Lets go back to where it used to be as far as the right way of doing things. The tax base will increase. We do not have to worry about having people entitlement programs on stalin. Host all right. We are hearing from republicans only during this session. To get your views on the house gop proposal on Immigration Reform. A couple of opeds to show you or point out to you. Readall street journal to justice goes after the gop. About the investigations of former governor Bob Mcdonnell and Current Governor chris christie. Right below that is stephen as assistanterved to the president for National Security affairs for george w. Bush. Americans can be proud of what was achieved in iraq. Author in the wall street journal if youre interested. Judy, a republican in maryland. Caller good morning. You asked one of your first callers if they had been hurt by immigration. You have a speaker on within the last month who was concerned about willynilly amnesty and so forth. Was 135 Million Dollars per year that the taxpayers pick up in order to support illegal aliens. Who have come here to have anchor babies so the whole family can become a quasilegal , qualifies for legal status including letting grandma come to be the babysitter for the family. During aon to that, rally for president obama in 2012, they were saying we are not 11 or 12 Million People, we are pushing 22 Million People. That was two years ago. I think that there has been an incredible level of distortion in the public media. We go from 12 million to 11 million . In fact, we are at a much higher number. Wrote a book called invasion. Host can you bring it to a conclusion . The society is being destroyed. 135 million are being poured into a legal aliens. You put that into the inner cities and saying we are going to educate our kids growing up. We are going to provide training so that they become better host citizens. All right. This is deborah in dallas texas. What do think about the proposal . Think we are so low in poverty, we need to import what we can. We need more poverty here. Americans are not hurting enough. Randy is in shreveport, louisiana. Caller i can understand they wanting to come over here. But just in the health care industry, how many of those 10 or 20 million illegal aliens have tv . Or any other transmitted disease . Go if they go and work in the food industry, well, theyre coughing on your food. Times. He new york the Justice Department has started a quest for inmates to be freed. Lawrence, a republican in the brocks on the agree line. Caller good morning. I do agree that y should allow people aliens to be here. That there are illegal aliens. I would like to say something. I am from the virgin islands. School, i was learned they taught me that illegal aliens come from outer space. The mexicanalling and people that are here illegally, illegal aliens . I am shamed to be a republican now. I am from the virgin islands. Host you are saying that you agree with what the republican proposal the principles of the republican proposal . Caller yes, i agree. Host thank you for calling in. From the Atlanta Journal constitution, here is their front page this morning with regard to that snowstorm. The governor apologizes. That big headline there, as you can see. This is a frontpage talking about Governor Snyder snyder to launch reelection campaign. Globe, localboston case, big headline. Death penalty case for the boston bomber. Kate from south dakota. Caller hello. Host what do you think about your partys immigration proposal . Caller i have questions about two parts. I am in agreement with quite a number of what you had, especially the employmentbased immigration. Questioned the idea of verifying the employment electronically. I am wondering exactly what does that mean . How do they propose to do that . Q ok. Host ok. My mind goes to monitoring sex offenders with electronic bracelets and that doesnt sound like a good idea. It does need to be monitored that indeed the job is there. Host do you think that immigration needs to be reformed in this nation . Caller yes. Do you think politically it hurts or helps the Republican Party . Caller depending on how they do it, it possibly is going to hurt them in some ways. Partyou are looking at the of the proposal were you have the people paying both a significant fine and back taxes. I think that has to be rethought. To be the has significant fine and not the back taxes. Host thank you very from the hill this paper this morning Koch Brothers fireback at reeds remark. The powerful conservative financers were trying to buy the country. Senator reeds divisive remarks were not only disrespect fallen beneath the office he holds, they were indicative of to what lengths he and his democratic allies will go to eliminate and silence the political opposition , said the chief operating companys public element. They stem from an argument on the senate floor between reid and senator Mitch Mcconnell on thursday. Coming up on the washington journal, we are going to be talking to the president and ceo of the mayo clinic, dr. John noseworthy. He will be up in rochester, minnesota joining us. You will be able to talk with him as well. We will be looking at the new proposal on myras. The local content vehicles travel around the country and go to cities and visit them to get some historical and literary perspectives from those cities. What they are able to find in the cities is on American History tv and book tv every weekend. Heres a preview of what you are going to be seeing this weekend from olympia, washington. Olympia is located in thurston county. It is right at the southern end of puget sound on the western side of the state of washington. Anywhere inrom downtown olympia, you can see the capitol dome am a which is a reminder as the state capital. This is in some ways a company town. We have lots of the employment focused on doing the publics business for the entire state. There are pluses and minuses to being a state capital. The plus is that the matter what happens, the public Business Needs to be done. There was a certain level of stability in the climate that is generated by government activities and government services. Time, i revenue base in washington is primarily built on sales and property tax. When times are hard, revenue goes down, often at the times that we need it most. The city can experience a difficult contraction in hard times. Uring olympia is a very Progressive Community in part because of its role as a state capital. Washington journal continues. Now joining us from the Mayo Clinic In Rochester, is dr. John noseworthy. First of all, is the Mayo Clinic Hospital . A series of hospitals . A clinic . Who can go there . Tell us about it. Guest it is a 150yearold metagraded integrated medical practice. Patients can come with or without a referral to the mayo clinic. Host how many patients do you have every year . Guest we see about one million patients face to face and we have a meaningful interaction with patients in a virtual way or in some other way touching them probably about 40 million patients per year. Host many locations are there . Guest there are three main locations. One out of phoenix, scottsdale, jacksonville, rochester, minnesota. We have a network around us in the upper midwest, a smaller network around us in arizona and florida and georgia. We are in six states. We have a large Affiliate Network around the country. Host how do you pay your doctors . Guest are doctors are salaried, all of them. They host host have been for many years. Why did you make that decision . Guest a decision was made to pay are doctors on salary to remove any financial interest in the decisions they make and to arounda collegiality every department and the interface between departments. Typically, when a person has been on our staff for about 56 years, they reach their peak salary, which means that most of our staff, within any given work area, are paid the same amount every year. That creates a degree of collegiality less competitive and helps us focus on the needs of the patient without those financial distractions, if you will. Host do you accept medicare and medicaid patients . Guest absolutely. More than 50 of our patients are medicare or medicaid patients. I merrily medicare. Close to 60 of the work we do is in this population of patients. Dependent i do not know if that is the right word but i will use it how dependent is the u. S. Health care system on the federal government and moneys from medicare and medicaid and other sources . Medicare represents about 23 of the 2. 4 trillion spent every year in health care in the country. Medicaid is another 15 . I think the latest figures i have seen are about 39 of the 2. 4 trillion is medicare and medicaid. It is a major component of the health care spend. Host how would you describe the relationship between the male cat when i and the federal government mail mayo clinic and the federal government . Guest we have had a long relationship with the federal government, working closely with them to advise them on policy and regulation and sharing our model. We believe our model of coordinated care, focused on the patient, provides better efficiency, safer care, better outcomes, and overall a lower cost. We show those messages with the federal government for a very long. Of time period of time. We continue to work closely with the federal government on these issues and we advise the government about new policy changes, the direction that the government ought to go and our opinion. We are currently in very deep discussions with the fed finance committee, house ways and means, energy and commerce. We regularly meet with our elected official to discuss our and tower model might be of interest to and guide decisions that are made in washington. We have had a long relationship with the federal government. Host what is your opinion of the Affordable Care act and its current implementation . The Affordable Care act is primarily about extending access to insurance for americans who are uninsured or uninsurable or underinsured. It is primarily an extension of medicaid and its ability. Bill,insurance access there are some steps in the bill to move us toward more coordinated care. The moneys are in place to foster innovation about how to provide higherquality care at lower cost. We do not believe there is enough in there to move forward with modernizing medicare. It is a step. Now there are more steps that need to be taken. We see it primarily as a Health Insurance reform. That is the phrase that you heard the president use a couple of nights ago and the state of the Union Address. He talked about Health Insurance reform. That is the major focus of this first piece of legislation. Aboutwhen you talk modernizing medicare, what do you mean . There are two or three tood steps that need happen in the short term. In the short term, this is where we are working with senate meanse and house ways and and commerce, it is moving the Payment System issue to focus on outcomes. ,afer care, more efficient care stateoftheart care, if you will. Paying for results, rather than paying for activity. The current fee for Service System that is in place has not been modified in any meaningful way for decades, if you will. That is the first thing. Motivateecognize, and groups to Work Together to pay for safer care and better outcomes. The second key component to modernize medicare is to take advantage of the explosion of. Echnology, if you will to use technology to help us provide care to urban areas and rural america, using some of the innovations in technology. Elemedicine, e Health Sharing knowledge at a distance. Helping patients monitor their chronic diseases at a distance, if you will. Are very fewere payment mechanisms in place to move that mechanism forward. Staterun licensing requirements get us at cross purposes. Bitave gotten around it a the way the military is paid host go ahead. Guest i am having a senior moment early in the morning. Host [laughter] you are talking about military health care . What is it about the way the military health care is delivered . Guest thank you so much. That practice has been able to go across state lines for mayor working with the v. A. System. Host the v. A. System oh. What do you say to people who complain about the increasing cost of health care . What it costs to even check in to the hospital, visit a doctor, the cost of technology. The way pricing is done currently is a system that has been in place for a long period of time. Multiple sectors, hospitals, Insurance Companies, state regulation. It is a very complex system of how bills are itemized, if you will. An analogy would be if you went and bought a new car and you bought at the bill of the car look at the bill of the car come you would see with every bolt and every component in the car cost. That is a system that is in need of reform. It is crying out for reform. We would like to see that happen. Host what is the mayo clinics position on all of the votes that the House Republicans have taken to repeal the Affordable Care act . This is an act that people feel very passionate about. The Republican Party does not feel it is good legislation for the country. That is a democratic process. The mayo clinic does not take lyrical views on these things. We do not comment on legislation or take a position. We are focused on our purpose. Meeting the needs of our patients. Providing the safest care at the lowest cost. The law is what it is. Very activelying to make sure that our patients to get that break. We are watching like other citizens are how this debate plays out. Host how long have you been with the mayo clinic . We will let him get a joint. Guest im sorry, peter. A drink. Im sorry, peter. Host what do you think about being the ceo . Has been ledlinic with strong administrative support. It is important to have a physician at the helm. Him we and our profession we in our profession tend to understand what is important for patients. We work with horses and technologists to put the patients needs at the center of what we do. But irk is challenging have a lot of help with a lot of support. We are doing well. Host if you like to talk to the ceo of mayo clinic, please call in. We will start with christine. Caller i have been a nurse for 47 years. Did notry that you reference the cleveland mayo clinic in your opening remarks. Also you have touted several commercials here, sameday appointments. Are you open 24 7 . We have the Cleveland Clinic and the mayo clinic and its hours. The question you had is for the Cleveland Clinic, that is not a mayo clinic. Of we are separate organizations. It is not something i can answer. Clinic is also responsible to the needs of our patients. Our patients are encouraged to call us if they need them point they need appointments. Host larry from indiana. You are located at rochester, correct . Host correct. Caller do you fly out of the Rochester Airport . Guest why do you ask that question the echo that question . Caller i would like to ask about the one million patients the clinic sees each year, how many are foreigners and how many foreign planes lined the tarmac at Rochester Airport . Why is that important to you . Caller why did they fly into rochester instead of england . Host is there anything there you want to respond to . From 130 see patients countries each year and patients, from far away to come to the mayo clinic to get helpful solutions. We see patients from all 50 states. We are a destination for patients who have those needs and that is an important part of what we do. Intent totinue ashley commit to expand opportunity for those who wish to come to us. Have something called the Destination Medical Center legislation to help support the infrastructure so we can help patients from around the United States and far away. It is an important part of what we do. Why do you think the mayo and the Cleveland Clinic model has not gone across the nation more. There are a number of groups around the country that are a little less well known that have followed this model. Teams working together were focused on the patients and were those have been adopted, it seems the efficiency of the work, the quality and safety of the work tends to follow with that. Move a difficult thing to to if you dont have an established model. We encourage others to look at our model. It is satisfying for our staff. A Work Together with wonderful staff with a common purpose and common goal that allows us to make the changes that are needed to be more efficient, be more safe, be more patient centered. We have this feeling of community. Important. At is an initiative that you and your listeners may be interested in there are two options. We have grown in arizona and florida and other sites to a degree. What we have decided to do is scale our knowledge to codify how we work in a knowledge content Management System and then make that available to other groups around the country and the world who thought that if they had the knowhow to use to term they may be able provide better care in their Home Communities and then create an affiliation with us to provide safer and more efficient care. Launched that over a couple of years ago. It is an Affiliate Network in the United States, mexico, and puerto rico. They subscribe to the knowledge tools to help provide better care to their patients locally. If they need to talk to us they can do telemedicine. This has been a way of creating integrated care and dealing with the fragmentation of health care around the country and reduce the costs of care. Patients going from place to that is all very expensive. Affiliatesetwork improves the efficiency for patients around the United States. We see them if they need to. It has been very helpful. A call from a florida. You are on. Caller good morning. Was accepted at the mayo clinic in jacksonville florida. I want to ask about the language you are speaking of this morning. I do understand the multidisciplinary skills the mayo clinic has to offer. My question is specifically on the Affordable Care act. The part for the security on your medical records specifically i have a dna disorder. Is that going to be managed under the Affordable Care act in terms of selling my dna, my familys dna, and angst that come with that . Patient security, very detailed information about our patients, including their genetic code and so on is a primary concern to the mayo clinic. We will do everything we can to make certain that at data is kept secure. I think everyone is doing their very best to keep it as private as possible. What do you think about Electronic Medical records . Over one hundred years ago mayo clinic came up with the idea to have a single medical record so then when a patient came to see is that medical record is moved with the patient. Holdinga way of ourselves together, facing the patient. It is an innovation that stayed in place for the last 100 years and give us an opportunity to provide higherquality care at lower costs. Of the Electronic Medical record ,rovides an opportunity as well provided it is interfaced with all the other Electronic Medical information about the patient. Having an Electronic Medical record as opposed to a paper not necessarily do that unless it is linked in with other systems. Of that is proving to be somewhat complex. There are some great successes and some areas that are struggling. Of thesetage Electronic Medical records and these advances in technology is we have an opportunity to study data from patients and the Insurance Companies to determine which things work in medicine, what provides better care at lower costs . Have launched a large initiative in the last year, of the with a subsidiary Unitedhealth Group to put together an open Innovation Lab where their outcomes can be with 150 million patients and their claims data over a couple of decades. Other are getting providers and payers and Device Companies and so on to join us in an Innovation Lab, anonymize in the data so the concerns of pass,ller never come to and we can look and say who had the best outcome and what were the costs involved with that . Tot will allow us to get very quickly what works in medicine and what does not add value to reduce the overall cost of health care in this country and to promote better care across the country. We think it is a huge innovation. There are advantages of technology. We believe it can improve technology and lower the cost. Unless we understand what works and doesnt work, adding more technology does not indeed live up the cost. Host does one have to apply to be a patient at the mayo clinic . Guest i think she meant she got an appointment. Host from massachusetts, dean. Go ahead with your comment. I am a negative i am a native american who has been diagnosed with Crohns Disease. Of i was wondering if the mayo clinic has anything, trials or anything that is looking for a cure for this horrible disease. We do a lot of work researching clinical trials. Of that information is available on our website. If that does not help you i would encourage you to call the see how we can best provide you with the advice that you need to be healthy. Having gone to may yell rochester, i would offer it how many doctors on staff . About 2500 in training across our three campuses. Is it a forprofit or notforprofit . It is a notforprofit system. Host a tweet guest that is a question we hear often. I would suspect there are some physicians that are driven by the profit. Most physicians are patient centered and want to do a good thing and have earned the present in the profession for the right reasons. That are the exceptions occur. That is not a good thing. I dont know if it is more common for those who work notforprofit. Throughout our discussion have oftenare, we heard about liability and unnecessary tests. Echo do youted he overcompelled to conduct test patients because of liability issues . Mayo clinic is selfinsured as it relates to medical malpractice. Do all thewe should testing that is necessary and no more testing than is necessary for any individual patient. Our common medical record system, our collegial model of working together allows us to do that. Just give an example, as a neurologist if i see a patient who has viral disease there are. Wo things i could do i might say im better do this test or that test. That may not be the most efficient way to go forward. At mayo clinic i have the weortunity to contact talk together multiple times every day. You dont need to do that, dont bother with that. Carei talked about the network a few minutes ago. A few minutes ago i talked about our Management System. Tha group in kentucky or puerto have access to those that can tells them what we do in that situation. Of those a caller earlier with Crohns Disease. In that system that we have built, i have a patient with unstable Crohns Disease responding to this and that. They can go into the knowledge meant and to the knowledge Management System and help them move forward. I dont want to say we are the only source of knowledge but it is not that it is helpful to know that system has been assembled with input from multiple specialties, multiple specialists, and their names are in the system. They can contact us directly. Of it as a matter of doing the right test at the right time for the patient. It drives down the cost and drives up the value. That is the core donated care i was speaking of. He is originally from canada. A tweet guest we interact with Health Ministers and leaders around the country. Governor for the World Economic forum. What i would say is there are many ways to do this and no one has it quite right yet. Australia, the netherlands, the United States, we all have different ways of approaching it. Our system is expensive, we know that. We are not getting the value out of that system. You have talked about that on your show. I dont think anyone has sorted this out and sorted this out. Facing the baby boomers, the aging population, and they are realizing they are having a hard time paying for that. Thereally we believe needs to be some opportunity for transparency and competitiveness to make sure our patients get highly efficient care, highquality safe care, at an appropriate cost. Of we are working with our government to try to improve the American Health system. And in the state of the Union Address the president has said the American Health care system is broken. Call to action for those of us in health care and for all citizens. Gordon in laramie, wyoming. Good morning. Them a thank you for your service to humanity. My previous question was answered about how you keep your Health Care Costs down. The exercise is so important that the patient has responsibility as well. The benefits of aspirin and citrus to keep cholesterol down could you comment on those he echo i will take my answers off the phone. Guest gordon is talking about a focus on health and enabling arsonists since enabling our citizens. At some point we will have accountability for the choices we make and a number of the activities that gordon referred to were either proven to or studied. Regular exercise, we know that. Times can be dangerous. Proper sleep and spirit all play a proper role. I think were going to see, in the coming decade, and engagement by the citizenry of the United States. More positive steps can be taken to make good choices. It is the right thing for citizens. In they as we go forward future, it is likely all of us will be paying outofpocket for our health care expenses. Us to make those choices. Jason from ohio, please go on with your comments. This has kind of crept up on us in a stagnant away. John f. Kennedy was facing some of these issues back 52 years ago. This is not something that all of a sudden appeared. This is something we as an American People knew was an issue as far as affordable cap Affordable Health care. And he spoke and his model, comparing to what was done in england. That is kind of a socialism thing. Innovation suffers that way. Do you think our system, incomparable to almost a socialist system of health care, the think innovation has sparked more . Way to look past. Anything you like to respond to reecho to respond to . Guest we know that it is the major driver of the growing federal deficit each year and the federal debt over all. Very important that we have a National Conversation about how we are going to sustain medicare, curtail the costs, drive higher value so that american citizens will have a high quality but affordable Health Care System going forward. There are a number of ways of doing it. That tends to drive up utilization. We believe innovation and Market Forces play a role that competitiveness and that transparency of who is getting the best outcomes at the lowest cost does spark innovation. That is a model we have flourished under. There are multiple ways there are multiple ways of addressing this. What is the importance of Preventative Health care when it comes to issues such as obesity or smoking . It is absolutely huge. That involves behavioral change. We have an epidemic of obesity and type two diabetes. That is absolutely critical. Health and health care are related. Keeping people healthier longer is absolutely critical. We let this slide folks moved to the city, they walk less, they have access to fast food. The obesity epidemic is following the growth of gdp around the world and the developing nations. Smoking is a huge issue in our country. Host what is your personal reaction when you see the advertisements for prescription drugs on tv . This is not a official position. Attentionts peoples get peoples attention about the importance of health. And hearched those ads about the potential side effects of medicine, i think that raises the awareness that the illness is important, there are treatments available, but they are not without risk. Our patients are much better informed than they were 15 years ago because of access to information on the internet. It allows them to engage more in the conversation and the decisions they make. Need a little help interpreting that information as it relates to them specifically. That is my reaction to that. Arlene is calling from trenton, michigan. I wanted to take this opportunity to tell you that i was at thego Mayo Clinic In Rochester and told everyone in michigan that if the example was set by the mayo clinic by every hospital and every Doctors Organization in this country, we would have much healthier People Living here. I am quite cynical of the medical profession. I have to say the courtesy and while myposition friend was finally being diagnosed with fibromyalgia i think everyone should take the opportunity to walk through the place and see how it was. I accompanied her on those appointments and they were met to the minute. Thehe diagnosis was made, treatment was given, and five days later her disability was accepted and approved first time out. I cannot say enough about it. It is too bad every medical facility does not practice they owes particle mayos medical practices. That means a great deal to us. We can always do better. If we try every day to do better. We appreciate those comments. A tweet guest i think you can have both. We want to be certain that we are taking advantages of everything that is known and knowable of biomedical research. The practice of medicine continues to move forward. They are getting the right care for them dialed down to the individual level. We cannot agree more. We have a center for individualized medicine. Choiceto make the right for that individual but to really engage them in that decision. Here are the options for you. Here are the pluses and minuses of those options, try to help the patient make a good decision. I think that is what i am hearing here. As a system across the country, we want to make sure we have a High Standard of efficiency and quality. Accurate, they are made quickly, and we get people back to work as quickly as possible. In medicine and you want to prevent the disease if you can. If you havent illness you need that right answer so you can take advantage of what is available to you to give the best chance of being well again and getting back to work. I think we are seeing the same thing. Nick is calling from pleasanton, california. You are him with the ceo of a mayo clinic. Theer i like very much how clinic is run. A lot of them are in it for profit and our local hospital here, talking about the expansion of the service to accommodate people who cannot afford it. It is up to the individuals to take more responsibility. Mail,ecently i got in the ,rom two different doctors pushing nutritious foods and how to prepare foods. Is getting problem allright information and the nutrients and everything we eat. Every doctor has their own opinion and everybody is pushing for something else. Have my own i Health Problems and if i am lucky i will be around for a couple of more years. We are going to leave your comments there and see what the doctor would like to say. There is an awful lot of information out there and you are experiencing that. I think it is important to get trusted information that has been filtered and focused. There are ways of doing that. Is aayo clinic website good website to go and confirm or deny some of the questions that you are struggling with. It there are others that can help you with that. You are absolutely right. You want to know which information to believe and when they are different like that you can ask your doctor or your clinicr go to the website or in other highquality websites to help you. What is your biggest frustration with the u. S. Health care system . We are frustrated when our patients are frustrated. Our patients are struggling with their health care bills. The country is struggling with the health care bills. The inefficiency in the system that we have talked about, the fragmentation of care, the unequal and uneven quality around the country. Whenever our patients or families are frustrated, we are frustrated. That is why we are working so hard to reduce the fragmentation, share what we quality, helpour others improve the quality so the citizens in this country get what they deserve. Is highly efficient safe care that is affordable and longterm. Jeff in pennsylvania, we are low on time so be quick. Caller thank you for taking my call. You have mentioned nuts and bolts. Can you zero it down to two on the field, like 10 or 15 for a field or like a is two cents to make up a they charge you 15 for a little plastic tray. You are right. We are frustrated by that, you are frustrated by that. This is a system that needs to be refined and change. You need to look at what is the cost of care. What is the value of getting the care right . How do we drive more efficient and safe to care and safer care . Very oldfashioned system of itemizing Health Care Costs. Reformation and a very complex web that you talked about. How do you help patients . Nderstand their bill we are all struggling with the same legacy system that is put in place. It is highly regulated by the insurance and by the hospitals. We need more transparency, we need more clarity. At the moment no one has this right in this country. There are new models that are coming forth. This one is badly broken. Being patient and going through line by line on a bill makes patients frustrated wherever they are getting their care and making providers frustrated as well. We need to have this National Conversation. It is not about the price of the bolts. It is about did they do the right thing . Did they do it efficiently, did they do it safely . Did i get out of the hospital in an efficient way . It comes down to is the diagnosis right . Wrong, thisosis is tremendous human suffering, as the patient goes from pillar to post trying to get the diagnosis right at tremendous cost, meanwhile they are taking medication that may not be helpful. It is a complex question. How do we provide higherquality care . That will be lowercost care. He is up the quality of health fewer readmissions, fewer inappropriate operations, providing safer care at a much much lower cost. Integratedre these systems are working together with the patient at the center and we stand the best opportunity of reducing the cost of care in a very meaningful way. Last call comes from michael in byron, minnesota. Caller i am wondering if it will be effective in rochester or the other places in florida. Host the dmc . Caller the designation medical center. This is the legislation i referred to. That a minnesota bill provides up to 20 years of infrastructure support for growth and the economic development, centered in rochester and the surrounding community. The growth of rochester and the to your question, it is a minnesota legislation. Host some final tweaks thank you for coming on the washington journal today to be, but political questions. You are a great spokesman and very patient with us. We will leave it there. Dr. John knows where the dr. John noseworthy. Guest thank you so much. Host coming up next we will look at the president s new myra retirement proposal. Then we will look at where the jobs are in america. Watch our program on first Lady Hillary Clinton saturday at 7 p. M. Eastern on cspan. On monday night our series continues. I wrote about the car wreck extensively in my book. The whole time i was in the hospital, not injured really, i had a cut on my leg and a broken ankle. I was praying that the other person in the car would be ok. The other person in the car was one of my best friends, which i didnt know. I did not recognize that at the sight of the crash. I think because i prayed over and over for him to be ok and then he wasnt, i thought god was not listening. I went on for a while not believing that prayers cant be answered believing prayers cannot be answered. Laura bush live on cspan radio and cspan. Org. So many people are of the opinion that if the members of the Supreme Court do not like something that is happening in the country then it just reaches out and brings that into the court. This is contrary to the fact that anything could be. A series radio begins of oral history interviews with former Supreme Court justices. 1971, earl warren at four eastern. At cspan radio. Org and nationwide at Xm Satellite Radio channel 120. Washington journal continues. Joining us is the director from the institute of security. Research on Retirement Security and how it impacts individuals, employers, and the economy overall. What is your background . Guest i have been in the Pension Community since i was 21 years old. I went to work for a congressman who cares dramatically about pensions. I joined nirs three years ago. I got out of school and i wanted to be a math teacher and could as a a job as a mat math teacher in 1975. I bet you could find a job as a math teacher today. The guest i could. Host we are here to talk about Retirement Savings. What is this myra . Hast the president proposed it and ordered the treasury to go ahead and created. It is something that goes back in American History. My mom and dad learned how to save. To save a who want small amount of money and get started for retirement, that is hard to find where you can get a reasonable return on their investment. Ira creates a government savings bond and the federal employees get to use this thing called the federal plan. There is a program in there called the g fund, which is just investing in government treasury so it is safe and secure. It is where Government Employees are defaulted to for their employees. The us is bringing of the same level of safety and security to all americans. Amounts hopefully everyone can afford. You can buy this program at 20,000, not thousands of dollars that you need to open a mutual fund. You also can make ongoing contributions, as small as five dollars. What is interesting is a number a years ago congress created 529 plan. The states were emphatic about making sure that working families can save. This is important for low income people. This is for those that do not have Retirement Plans from their employer. Not all americans can participate. If you arent above a level of you cannot participate because what theyre doing with the program is they are using rothira. As a the money that goes into the account goes in after taxes. Earnings getest paid to you taxfree when the money comes out. Everything that comes out will be taxfree. Because of that raw thing, that is where it has income limits. Why limited to people just under that income bracket . Lawt that is the way the is already structured petersons there using the law to do this administratively without a change in the law, that is one of the reasons they are doing it. When you are looking at who does not have a retirement account, individuals in the lowest corner ofthe earnings brackets, 75 them have no retirement accounts when we look at eta from the federal reserve. When you look at individuals who are in the top quarter of the income scale, 90 of them have a retirement account. If you want to reach those people who have not been able to save for retirement yet, that is exactly where this is targeted. Host what is the 15,000 threshold . Thet the 15,000 what aite house is proposing is program to get people to start saving for retirement. They thought when someone accumulative 15,000 that would be enough that they can then go into the private sector and by a more diversified propofol you. Diversified portfolio. Someay be want to have stocks, maybe some bonds. Maybe some other types of investments. His is a good way to get you started. This is a good way to get you started. In politico newspaper why would wall street support this . Both peoplenk support this particularly because they do not have the scale to be able to offer these lower income individuals a product without these that really eat up the returns in these accounts. Because these accounts are going to be so small someone might put in only 300 in a year. People it may seem like that is small. That is for someone making 20,000 per year or minimum wage. That is a big commitment to save for those individuals. The marketplace does not have a scale of being able to operate these very small accounts efficiently. Host diana oakley is our guest. We are talking about this new myra program. We are talking about retirement questions as well. Programs ded the we have divided the numbers a little differently. There are all sorts of figures on your screen right now. Ur area code is 202 under, 202 or 5853880. 50,ou are between 31 and 202 5853881. If you are over 50, 202 5853882. We have divided it by age to get a sense of where you are in your Retirement Savings or planning. When is america generally it comes to Retirement Planning and savings . Guest we are not prepared today. All working at american families, the median amount of savings in a household is just 3000. Of i see your i see your eyes bulging. We often hear from the financial industry, peoples balance in a 401 k account. 45 who havehe saved nothing. You look at the savings of all households within 10 years is 12,000. T their median savings is 12,000 in a Retirement Plan today. That is less than one year of what Social Security will pay on average to americans. Of what isthe the average americans receive and Social Security . Guest it is between 1200 and 1400 per month. What percentage of americans rely solely on Social Security in their retirement . When you look at the income from households that are not working, you will find that roughly one third of them rely almost exclusively on Social Security. When you look at it again, the next third rely on Social Security for about 50 or more of their income. Get to thewhen you top levels of income and retirement do people have a substantial source of revenue for a Retirement Plan today. They have traditional pensions. Movewe are seeing as you forward is some people who might be calling in in the under 30 , the option of them having a pension is very slim if they are going to get a job in the private sector. What percentage of people have tensions . Guest in the private sector, probably 30 of the people have pensions. Most ofublic sector, the publicsector pensions are still traditional pensions and not just 401k type of accounts. It, thatthink about was providing people a check every month. That is what we want to get in terms of retirement. One of the things we recently polled lawn was this idea of making sure they would get a paycheck every month when they retire. Host this account plan is relatively small potatoes . Guest it is an important first step. 45 of working households do not have anything to say. What keeps you from saving . They say, my salary. People on the lowend are getting very little. Find 20 toople can start. Maybe they can at least doing 25. At least keep doing 25. Then you start to see how compound interest works and i think that will encourage more people to save. John is our first caller on the under 30 line. How old are you . Caller i am 30 exactly. I am an iraq war vet. I was wounded and it prevents me from being able to find a job. I am a single father of two. I am wondering if i will be able in socialpate security with it this with this disability. Host first of all, thank you, john. Of all, thank you to your service to this country. They are focusing in on employers and doing it through peoples paychecks. I think their assumptions as you as a disabled vet needs every dollar with your disability that you get from the government just to make your current ends meet. I think it is important to do that the best you can. Hopefully they will look at expanding this at some point in time. They can make it available to individuals who are selfemployed or individuals like yourself who would like to say for retirement. I know most of us never want to be a burden on our kids. I dont want to be that way. Todayure a lot of kids dont want their parents to be burdens on them to that is a sort of intergenerational piece. We know that millennials have told us they are more concerned about retirements than any other generation we have seen at an age where most people dont even start to think about retirement. For thinking about it and being concerned. Hopefully this will get expended. Ron is calling a spade do you mind telling us your situation . Is calling us. Do you mind telling us your situation . Hiter the bush depression our income pretty hard so we had to spend most of it just to stay afloat. Host what you consider to be significant savings . Caller a couple hundred thousand. Is there an administrative fee on these accounts . Toso is there something prevent the fee from changing once the plan has turned over to the private sector . Are these floating rate like thets or fixed Treasury Bonds . First i would say the program that the treasury is going to roll out is going to be a floating Interest Rate. It will be tied to longterm treasury rates and it will be exactly identical to the same bonds that are being used in the government plan. Means when you trade your bonds in your Interest Rates go down and you dont have the type to design auld have bond fund. Fees thatwill have no will be against these at counts. The Treasury Department will find a bank to do this. It will be just as if you find a savings bond. When you roll the money over to a new provider, once you get to that 15,000 limit or participate for 30 years, at that point in time whenever fees or products would be in the marketplace or when you choose , we do have more disclosure and i think people are understanding the importance of that. Thank you. Host a tweet. Guest thats a good question. Getting this treatment out on the backend was actually equivalent to the same tax benefit one would get if you put the tax incentive on the front and. For many individuals, for that type of pretax is something we find attractive in our 401 k plans. Also targeted to the individuals having the hardest time saving. Those are people on the lowest income levels. There are tax rates today and are pretty low. They dont get as much of the benefit from the tax deferral and doing a pretax. The flexibility that if the employee decides they need to take their money and their contributions out of take it outhey can without tax and without penalty. Individualsa lot of who are concerned about savings, that is a big benefit. According to the bureau of labor statistics, almost 70 of workers have access to a Retirement Plan and more than 50 of those workers participated. The moody percent of us have access to a Retirement Plan, what could that include . Guest it might include the 457 plan. Sometimes there are different numbers on those statistics. If you look at all working 5,000,d earning over the numbers go down significantly for parttime and part year employees. A lot of people can only get jobs that might be parttime hours. But they might have two or three jobs to make ends meet. Host adam how old are you . Caller good morning. I am 28 years old. I used to work for a large financial institution. A lot of people cannot afford to put money into a savings institution. This plan would be good for me. Mutual funds, the most minimum 3000 to start. You take on the expense ratios. That is compounding against you as well. Know, most of the people do not have a safety net or anything that would happen, not even a threemonth expense savings account. There is a lot of issues that this could start to resolve and mitigate. Guest you are right on target. Maybe you should be sitting in the chair here today. One other thing about this product. Basics, its real important when you say for retirement to do pay yourself first. If you wait to save, too m any households will save whatever is left over from the paycheck. There is not enough money to save by the end of the month. Awayu can put the money through payroll deduction, that is critical and helpful. President is putting his proposal yesterday. Senator harkin introduced another bill to come up with another way of looking at this. There have been bills on automatic iras. This is another way of looking at it. These are good ways to encourage people to save. Thank you for your advice. Host this was say about the myr. A. Plan. Host a bit of a political statement. If you would respond to that. Guest he has been around retirement statements for quite a period of time. I believe he was one of the key people when president bush was proposing we privatize Social Security and put money in private accounts. He has a viewpoint. Invested have always in government bonds. We want to make sure this is an attractive way. The white house has been very specific about making sure this is a starter account and not an account that will be mandated on individuals. People can choose to do it. We would be much better off if we had people go into the plan and opt out. We have learned that if we can get you involved in savings and give you a choice to jump out, most people would stay and save and pay myself first. They are not going to back away from that. It is hard sometimes to get people to get that commitment to save. Governmente that the will starting to take your money and take away your 401 k plan and put it into this account. Criticism about the that this myr. A. Plan is basically funding the government . It is going into government securities. Guest some people will say that as well. I think this is the one thing you have the full faith and credit of the United States government behind you. Inre is nothing more secure the marketplace for individuals. I have been around and people are concerned about how much the other countries in the world had in u. S. Currency. Maybe this is a way of americans helping to keep their own money at home as supposed to having the chinese investing in our debt. Host ella, good morning. Could you give us your circumstances . Caller it is so interesting. I do not watch cartoons. I watched things that we need to be watching. So many people do not do that. I and 87 years old. I get around like a 15yearold because i have always paid my bills. When i got my money and i know what to do with it. I have done that. There are so many people that depend on welfare for everything. Host are you financially secure in your retirement . Home, well, i own my which tells you i am. I journal 1300 a month now. Draw 1300 a month now from Social Security. I have a small pension. I think now too many people depend there are some jobs out there and i do not think some people want to work for that. That is what i have always done all my life. You have look at into your mind that i cannot buy a lottery ticket, which i would love to. I used to buy them. I pay my own insurance. I have a list that comes out for afd. How many people think of that before they do anything else . Host we will leave it t here. Guest youre a good example that everybody can save. That is what the president is trying to do here. Is interesting what you are saying about being able to save. We asked a question in a survey. Is it going to be easy or harder to save in the future . Said itof american would be easier to save in the future. What is going on in washington . Is washington listening . Saying peopleple in washington do not understand how hard it is to save. They want help from washington. For someone who has been looking at these issues for many years, i find this to be anything time to see this outreach to reach out to some of those people who need to start saving for retirement and give them something easy to use, safe, and something they can do first off when they get a paycheck. Host how much money should they have any retirement account at 65 . Guest i was in a program and the topic was how much do i need to retire . I went on google. I got 3. 8 million answers. There is a lot of information out there. There are work books and calculators. A couple of Financial Firms have tried to put it into a scale for the average american. Today if youesting 67, you needed to have about eight times your salary. They broke it down so they could tell you where you should be at 35, 40, 50. They give you some guidelines on how to get to that target. It is not easy to get there. You have to think about saving for a 30year period. That is a pretty substantial way to being able to maintain your standard of living. That is so critical. We have the baby boom generation just about ready to retire. Their purchasing power has field so much of our economy. 40 hose baby boomers, if slip into a lower income categories, think of the impact in your community and business. Yesterday at the press conference, there was a Business Executive who said this is a businessesor us as because it means people will be able to continue to spend when they retire. Host that is an overwhelming figure. Saved, 45 of the American Population between 55 and 65. That is pretty overwhelming to say you need eight times your salary if you retire in 10 years. Guest it is overwhelming. If we dont start moving, we dont have any hope. We have to start saving. You can get there. Even if you had four times your salary, we would be doing better than we are doing today. Had ased at what people a percentage of their final pay. For thefound was generation between 55 and 65, right now less than 60 have less than one times their salary saved. We have 10 more years for that generation. You can do things with Social Security. If you able to delay your Social Security two or three years, that has a big impact on your benefits. There are a lot of things people can do in the meantime. Host melanie, baltimore, hi. Good morning. What is your situation . Caller i am 20 years old. I graduate school in about three months with a significant amount of debt. I will not be initially earning at a high level. I am wondering what a good option is for people in my situation who have a lot of debt and want to save but will have to opt out of a plan like a myr. A. Because of earning potential. Host what is your field . Caller medicine, primary care. Host you are going to be a doctor . Caller yes. Guest we know that doctors come out of schools with large loans. Even average americans, their loans are very significant. There is a significant reason why they are having a difficult saving. The first thing you need to do is pay yourself first. ,f you work for an employer where there is a match in your 401 k plan, the minimum am not a savings you should be doing is to get the full match your employer offers you. , it will be 6 important to do that so you get the full 3 match. Never leave any money on the table. Moneyure you take that your employer is willing to help you with. I know people feel concerned about student loans. The Interest Rates can be pretty daunting. Think about have you how you manage that. Off. Loans can be paid dont skimp and not do any savings. Host if she achieves that high income, she has used this myr. A. Program, what happens to her 50,000 here or there 1 5,000. Guest what she can do when she hits 15,000, she can roll that money into her Retirement Plan at work. He ability to offer a new i dont know if they have looked into a second account. It may be that we go 10 or 15 years into the future, neighbor that 15,000 will be index for inflation. Melanie,or people like going into a plan as soon as you can would be real attractive. You want to make sure you get that employer match. That is so key. You maybe earning income at a higher level. The tax deferral will be helpful we cannot put money in pretax into the myr. A. I would look for a 401 k plan. Try to see if that is something available. Look for a pension. Host ricky, fargo,. Hi, ricky. Give us your situation. Caller by people of this country had a situation. They put their money into wall street. George bushs administration. They put their Social Security whether income into wall street and bonds. Somebody came and and they robbed the baby boomers Retirement Plan. My mother put money and look what theyve done to that in 2008. They broke it and they robbed it. The poor and the middle class workers, we live on a certain toome every month, 1000 5,000 every month. We try to put money away for harder times. How can we trust anybody to invest into these bonds . How do we know them bonds are going to be there when we retire . Guest thank you for your question. Bush did make a proposal to put some of the Social Security money that you would put away into individual accounts that you would manage that would be managed by wall street. That proposal never became law. The sentiment going for it is something that has not come back to the surface. Hopefully we dont have that issue and Social Security will be there. You are right about how the government will be able to pay those bonds back. The more of them that are owned by americans, the harder it will be to not to repay those bonds. I think that is a key thing. Social security, the assets get invested into these bonds. These are funds that will be paid. The government will honor the promises on the full faith and credit of the u. S. Government to back the securities. Host would it help if social orurity were semiprivatized if one have the option to put their Social Security moneys into a private account and manage it himself or herself . Guest Social Security has many facets of it. They realize the risks. They all would wonder what happened if i lost 30 of my Social Security. I think it is so radical. We need to do things to make the system stronger. Targeted to run out of money sometime in the 2030s. There is still money coming in and can support about 75 of the benefits. There are changes to make the system more secure. We just have to get the political will to make those changes and do that. There have been proposals about it, as well as making sure it helps people at the low end of the income scale better. Host kim, hi, kim. Caller hi host go ahead. Caller i want to know why were not increasing Social Security. You can tax the rich and you can claw back the money that wall street still from us. Host could you tell us your personal situation . Caller i am 57 years old. I am in a program. Here. E money te i have 30,000 sitting in my bank account because i do not trust wall street. I would not put my money there if you paid me to put my money there. Host what was that account she was talking about . Guest the california state teacher system. That is a defined benefit plan that provides you with an income based on your final salary. That is the type of traditional pension we were talking about. You get the monthly income check, which is what 96 of americans want in a Retirement Plan. To do we get more people have options like that . They have been disappearing in the private sector. I think we are looking at this new plan and new opportunities for people to save. We have to to find a way so that all americans can save something for retirement. Some improving in Social Security. That is another issue we need to look at. Host last call comes from david in nevada. David . Please go ahead. Caller my question is that if we have so many new people purchasing bonds at the same time, what effect would it have on the open market Interest Rates of the bonds . Would that cause the inflation rate, would that cause it to go even further down . Host you are under 30. How old are you . Caller i am 25. I have been saving some. Host through corporate programs . Caller one of my previous employers allowed a purchase program, so i invested there. I have been saving on my own. I still have my previous investments. Taken. Your point is well the amounts we are looking this is targeted against individuals who are mostly of modest means who dont have anything to save. Americans saving, i dont think were at the risk of saving too much and causing inflation. Longtermwe need is patient capital. We have got infrastructure that we need to rebuild. Weve got new industries that are going to need capital to create the next moguls and the next apples in the world googles. That comes from when americans save. National personal savings rate was zero. When we look at other developed countries, if you want to make sure youll have a good stable economy, you have to have that investment to help the economy grow. There may be concerns about inflation. I think the more important things is a starting to save will be a good thing for the economy. It will help us create jobs. We spend money, we create jobs. We also create jobs when we save money. Host a tweet from matt smith. Guest i think the biggest option that you have with the myr. A. Is you have a low threshold to get in and save. You dont have to have 1000. ,f you have a savings account that used to give everybody 4 return. I just got my tax thing. I only got 11, and i have a lot of money in that account. When youre getting an Interest Rate today, the traditional plan 2 . Used is. Compound interest that people talk about being a miracle and helping your savings grow isnt much of a miracle. This enables every american to get the same investment product that the government gives its employees. He gives them a longerterm investment in a bond at a much more attractive rate of return than what they can get in a bank. Host lets go back to where we started. What is americas situation what it comes to planning for retirement . Guest we need to get started. 90 of us are not on track to be able to maintain our current standard of living. When you look at our financial aspects. Look at all of our assets including our house and equity, it comes down to a lower percentage. Those who try to quantify how many trillions of dollars we still need to save, if we look at our financial assets, we are 7 trillion that we need to catch up on and keep on continuing to save and be ready for retirement. We have a big challenge ahead of us. Host those are some macro figures. What is the Current Situation . See twoost of them, percent have less than one time their salary put away in retirement. That has to go for 20 years when you are retired at 65. 0th of yours than 1 2 salary. 65, youe between 55 and to think about how can i save as much as i can . Cannot work a little longer can i work a little longer or d for my Social Security . 66. People retire at you will get an eight percent increase by delaying to 67. That will continue until age 70. There is no penalty after 70. If you started early, you will get a reduction. That is a great place to think about deferring and trying to save as much as you can with whatever product. Host diane oakley, please come back. Guest thank you. Host we are going to turn our attention to americas future job outlook. He was summoned who grew in the office. He was badly burned by the bay of pigs experience. He had listened to the experts, cia, joint chiefs of staff. He went to see de gaulle in france. He made that trip in 1961. Shouldle said, you surround yourself with the smartest possible people. Listen to them. Hear what they have to say. You have to make up your own mind. What harryemembered, truman said, the buck stops here. He was determined to make up his own mind weigh what they were telling him. He was going to make the judgment that he was the responsible party. You see that. That was abundantly clear when you listen to all those and read the transcripts of oall those tapees. He was his own mind. He held the joint chiefs at arms lane. They wanted to bomb and invade. An inside look at the kennedy administration, sunday night. We are very focused on the sochi olympics. We have seen an uptick on the threats. There are a number of extremist in that area, in particular a group, the most prominent terrorist group in russia. The leader of that Group Announced that the group would intend to carry out attacks in sochi in connection with the olympics. We have seen a number of attacks since last fall, suicide bombings that took a number of lives. The terrorists are becoming more sophisticated. And made burrowed in much more difficult for us to find them and to address the threats that they pose. When i look at the threat, we have done a great job of addressing some of the vulnerabilities that exist in our system. You never know what you dont know. The probability of attack compared to 2001 is a very hard question to answer. Dispersion and diffusion of the threat. In thatocused initially time period on al qaeda. We are facing a much more dispersed threat. The nations top intelligence chief on worldwide security threats, saturday morning at 10 00 eastern. Your calls and comments for professor bonnie morris. Iwman on indepth noon on ndepth. Tour the winter toters of same macgowan. Samual washington journal continues. Host Christopher Rugaber is the economics reporter with the associated press. Kristina bartsch is with the bureau of labor statistics. Occupational Employment Projections division chief. What does all that mean . Guest there are two decisions that make up the Employment Projections division. I oversee the program that develops occupation projections. The other part develops labor force Macro Economy output Employment Projections. Jobs,when it comes to where are they going to be . Succinctly, ited would say the jobs typically occupations that require some kind of secondary education are projected to grow faster than those that do not. That is where the demand is going to be. There is another part of the story. Those occupations are not necessarily going to add the largest number of new jobs. And a lot of them are very small in 2012. Even jobs with fast growth one not add a lot of jobs to the occupation, to the economy. Host the future job outlook, health care and social assistance sector is projected to account for nearly one third of the total increase in what is that . Ber, guest i think a lot of that the german by the demographics. It will be some higher paid jobs such as nurses. You will see big increases from these numbers, big increases in. Ome health care aids more care at home for the elderly. Host where do you see job growth besides health care . Guest we will see a lot in construction. Retail, fast food. Other restaurant jobs. A lot of them are lower paying. We saw that last year. Some of the biggest gains were in the lower paying jobs. That raises issues of how we will handle the minimum wage and other issues like that. , walk usstina bartsch through this information we have on the screen now. Two Industry Sectors are projected to account for more than half of all new employment. Guest employment by industry, not occupation. Health care and social assistance is projected to add a lot of jobs, as you just mentioned, 5 million out of 15. 6 million that were projecting to add to the economy in 2022. Host basically 5 million. Guest 4. 994. Right. Over a tenyear period. Host ok. Guest this is an entry that has a much faster growth rate than the average. One of the Drivers Behind the demand for employment is because we have an aging population. Older people consume more health care. There are other factors but that is one of the key ones. We are talking about baby boomers. Are all going to be over 55. Host Christopher Rugaber, manufacturing losing 550,000 jobs over the next 10 years. The federal government losing 408,000. Jobs guest it goes against some of what we are hearing from president obama. We have added manufacturing jobs for the past couple of years. We have seen a bit of that rebound already. These numbers suggest we will not continue to see that. Manufacturing you have a lot of automation. That will be a factor in those projections. Continuing competition from overseas may also be a factor. In a lot of the jobs are ones that have been insulated from International Cup edition. In service, personal service such as retail, restaurants, construction is hard to outsource. We have seen that over a decade. And a lot of the job growth is in areas that are insulated from international trade. Those jobs that are exposed to International Competition pay more, perhaps because they are competitive. In terms of growth, in these areas are a bit lower paying. Host we will put our phone numbers on the screen if you would like to participate in the conversation. And a lot of numbers on the screen. We have divided it by age to get a sense of where people are. You can see all the different ages and numbers. I could read but it would confuse everybody. We believe it on the screen so you have a chance to see your age bracket. Dial in with your question for our guests. We have a chart on the screen now that says labor force for dissipation rate is projected to decline. What is the Labor Force Participation rate . Guest the number of people in the labor force divided by the population, of the working age population. Host youre projecting it to decline. Guest yes, we are. The overall Participation Rate projected in the United States 41997 until 2012. Is we saw a here sharp increases in the 1970s and the 1980s. This is when the large baby boom cohort was entering into the force. All of the baby boomers were in the labor force. Workinge at the prime age group, between 25 and 54. They traditionally have high participation. The race started to come down in 2000. The baby boomers were shifting from the prime age group into the 55 and older age group. By 2022, p. M. This baby boomers will be 58 years old. They will all be in the group with the towel exert a lot of downward pressure on for dissipation rates. Host Christopher Rugaber, what are the economic consequences of a declining labor Participation Rate . Weigh it probably will on the economy. That tends to mean a Slower Growth economy during the period when baby boomers were flooding into the economy. That is an economic consequence. This includes people who are unemployed. Some of this decline reflects people giving up on their job searches. Most of it is retirement. Some of it is discouraged unemployed workers who might be going back to school. There has been a big dropoff in young people. That makes the Unemployment Rate fall. And makes the Unemployment Rate look better than the labor rate actually is. Host Christopher Rugaber, when you look at these projections, what is your overall assessment . The in terms of growth in lowwage jobs. There are other jobs, higher wage jobs, architects, engineers. A few middleclass jobs in construction. It does point to the hollowing out phenomenon. You have a lot of lower wage jobs and not as many middleclass jobs. Another challenge for policymakers for the economy. There is a lot of educational higher educational was see more growth. Abouthas been some talk how a bachelors degree is not perhaps the guarantee it may have once been and more and more people are feeling the need to get graduate degrees as well. Host occupations adding the most jobs often have the lowest wages. 20,000 in your average. Registered nurses. Guest yes. To point out about this chart is that the occupations that are listed here are not necessarily rejected to grow quickly, with the exception of the home health and registered nurses. One thing they have in common is they have large employment in 2012. They are still going to add a lot of jobs to the economy. A lot of them also have low wages. The median wage in 2012 was about 35,000. Every single one of these has wages except the registered nurses. Host a tweet from the sea of tranquility. That is one way of looking at it. The professional Business Services may grow a bit as well. You may see some growth in professions. There is that challenge out there. We maynge will be not want people to aspire to those jobs. Some people may have them while they are in school. Depression will be to make these jobs if People Choose to hire minimumwage. Or overtime requirements. Are not these jobs subject to some of the overtime requirements you see in manufacturing. Some of the jobs would pay more if that changes. Jobs we nowuring feel nostalgic about paid well with only high school degrees. A lot of us benefited from unions and overtime requirements. In my be possible to extend that to over occupations. Host lets take some calls. We begin with james in newark, new jersey. Caller how are you doing . Happy new year. Yes. People likethe poor myself may be getting out the and shopping at the salvation army. Stuff,i knew secondhand which doesnt put in may be getting out the word about maybe shopping, like and doing a budget always, giving up more for the poor people, that they cant sustain themselves for whatever comes down the pipe line. Host how old are you . Caller 60 years young. Host what kind of work do you do . Caller i am retired and might be starting a small business. Host are you financially secure . Caller within my means, yes. I just have people in my church to help me and that is about it. Otherwise, i am doing ok. Host thank you, sir. Christopher rugaber, as you hear what he has to say, what is your response . Guest when he talked about budgeting and savings, that is something we are seeing. Less spending overall than before the recession. That is one thing that kept growth a little bit slow. It is interesting. He is retired but may go back into the labor force. The retirement can be someone choosing to do so and a function of aging. If you are close to retirement age, more people will decide to do that if the economy is slow. The Kristina Bartsch, from bureau of labor statistics. Occupations projected to add the most jobs typically need a High School Diploma or less. Host can you give us an example of a bachelors degree job and then a High School Diploma or equivalent or less job . Guest yes. An occupation that requires a bachelor degree for entry would be engineers, for example. In terms of High School Diploma or equivalent and the less than high school, occupations like childcare workers, construction laborers, retail sales workers, cashiers, waiters and waitresses. The Home Health Aides and the personal care aides that are in demand, expected to grow quickly but also very large will add a lot of jobs. Host Christopher Rugaber, post secondary nondegree award positions, 1. 3 million. Isnt this what the president was talking about yesterday . Guest yes. That is your Community College and associate degrees, the vocational but higher skilled and manufacturing. With machines and robotics on most factory floors, and a lot of those workers will need something beyond high school. There are a lot of companies that are setting up programs at the Community Colleges to make sure that folks are getting the skills they need. In some cases the company pays for the tuition and people have a guaranteed job when they come out. Some of that is going on. Mexico. Uck from new hi, chuck. Are you with us . Observation. E an i am seeing things today that are stymieing some of the job growth. Theenvironmental stuff president was they are suffocating jobs. Right now we shut down the coal industry. Going oneopped of the carolinas down there. There is this big push by the it is nott to in the interest of the people of this tonight at who are trying to get jobs. Host lets hear from our economics reporter from the associated press, Christopher Rugaber. Guest ed hear some of that. The union might have taken lower wages to keep their jobs where they were. In terms of environmental, that is hard to pin down the data. As far as coal, there is competition from natural gas which is being drilled in north dakota and pennsylvania and the prices of natural gas have limited. There have been a big competition for coal. It is hard to see a lot of evidence and data, for better or worse. Host Kristina Bartsch, occupations that typically require post secondary education are projected to grow faster than average. Walk us through this chart, if you would. Guest if you look at the dotted yellow lines running vertically, this is the average growth rate for all occupations, 10. 8 . All of the occupations require some level of post secondary education and is projected to grow faster than the average. A lot of these occupations are small and that means they will not add a lot of new jobs. The occupations that require less training are the ones that will add the most jobs to the economy. Millie. Ost host caller good morning. I have been in this profession since the early 1980s. I remember you could walk into an agency at 9 00 in the morning i walk up by 12 00 noon with a job. My company folded. I still love being an executive assistant. The last job as a temp assignment not that i mind temping. They said i didnt have the look. The Human Resources manager walked by my desk. Of course they hired someone that was in their 30s. Bruourse my ego was ised. I was sad for me. My daughter is an hr director in a manufacturing director and she can get me a job because it would be a conflict of interest. The salary where i live is like 75,000, 65,000 a year. I am just trying to get my foot in the door. But nothing is happening. Host thank you for sharing your story with us. I am not sure we have any advice or recommendations for her. Kristina bartsch, what did you hear in her story . When you are looking at the statistics of job growth and you hear her story, give us your assessment. Hearing guess what i am i heard im not sure this but i guess i would suggest that maybe you value waiting the job skills that you do have and one of the ways to do this, we resource. Neat it has a lot of detailed information for about 580 occupations and executive secretaries is one of those. It will provide the most recent information about what executive secretaries are required to do, what kind of education and training and skill set they would need and want the job prospects and Employment Outlook are. Bos. Gov. Host wayne, texas. Caller good morning. Old. An educator, 68 years i am still working. I have an optional retirement accounts and 401 k s. I am not interested in retiring. I enjoy my work and still able to be useful in the classroom. I am a college professor. A lot of my colleagues and myself are delaying retirement. Some of it may be out of concern out of medical care. I wonder what you feel, this is going to have an impact on younger people wanting to come into the profession. We create a few positions but not that many. In maybe howted widespread this might be in occupations or professions where people can delay retirement for some time. Host do you want to start . Guest we are seeing older people in the work place longer. There is evidence that more people 55 and older continue to work. Seent know, i havent that as evidence as white it is harder for younger people to get jobs. For more baby boomers retire, the more jobs should open up. That could be something that will help those coming afterward. Host we want to go back to this informational still. Occupations adding the most jobs often have the lowest wages. Personal care aides, big increase in jobs over the next 10 years. Registered nurses, retail salesperson, Home Health Aides. Host those other jobs with the lower wages but big increases in the next 10 years. Guest these are projected to add the most jobs. They dont necessarily have the lowest wages but most of them have low wages. Host Kristina Bartsch is with the bureau of labor statistics. Christopher rugaber is with the associated press. Thank you for being here to look at the job outlook. Thank you for being with us as well. Booktv begins on cspan two tomorrow morning. American history begins on cspan3 at 8 00 a. M. Washington journal will be back at 7 00 a. M. [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2014] good friday morning, some Live Programming coming up on cspan. President obama set to talk about Unemployment Benefits from the white house. Live coverage starting at about 11 30 eastern. Later, it a discussion on u. S. Middle eastern policy. You can watch it live here on cspan at noon eastern. Been delivering their state of the state addresses. Join us tonight for four of th ose

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