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If you want to take part in the conversation, there is also a whole you can vote on their. Can also send us an email. Before we get your calls and before we get to that discussion, here are some items in the news this morning from the hill newspaper. Climate to be 2014 battlefield. Climate change and energy will be a major battlefield. That is in the hill newspaper this morning. Politico, eric cantor plans to schedule a vote next week on a measure. Another article from the hill, this morning. Also from the hill, this morning. From the New York Times this morning that is all we want to talk to you this morning. Whether or not Edward Snowden should be offered clemency. You can see the numbers up on the screen. You can contact us via social media, twitter, facebook and e mail. Is from bill who is calling on our independent line, mount theory, maryland. Bill, please go ahead. My belief and that is he straight up stole from our and took those secrets and took them straight to russia. Anybody that will do something i agree with hayden should be tried for treason. All of his promises to the government when he got his clearance and got in there and now look what he is doing. I cant believe this been in the media and what not. People are thinking it is a good thing he is a whistleblower. I cant fathom where they are coming from. Carol from ohio, go ahead. Aller that gentleman took my thunder. I agree with everything he says. I dont think you should get clemency. You cannot do what he did to our National Security and get clemency. Carol, what do you think soutthe n the New York Times calling for . Think theyont should be able to say you should get clemency. Host thanks for calling in this morning. On our facebook page, quite a conversation going on there. Bill is a republican in clinton, connecticut. Bill, what do you think . Caller i think mr. Snowden took an inhouse. Ituation whether we agree or not that the nsas program is , mr. Itutionally ok or not snowden took what is our situation to foreign governments and should be brought back, tried and probably hung as a traitor for disseminating our of what our Intelligence Agency just to keep us safe whether or not we agree with these methods are not. Americans tos as decide. Mr. Snowden could easily have come forward within our country with his situation in some fashion that would not have jeopardized our methodologies that we could correct ourselves and instead elected on this course of action which is basically treasonous. Host bill, what you think about the New York Times. Editoria . They have no credibility. Host heres a little bit from yesterdays editorial those are a couple of the items in the New York Times. Editorial. Basically, we learned that our governments working in concert have created a system of worldwide mass surveillance, watching everything we do. George orwell warned us of the dangers of this type of information. The types of collection in the book, microphone or video cameras, tvs that watch us are nothing compared to what we have today. We have sensors in our pockets a track us everywhere we go. Think about what this means for the privacy of the average person. Will grow uptoday with no conception of privacy at all. They will never know what it means to have a private moment to themselves and unrecorded, an analyze thought. That is a problem because privacy matters. Privacy is what allows us to determine who we are and who we want to be. Todaynversation according the technology that surrounds us and the government that regulates it. Together, we can find a better balance. And mass surveillance. Asking it is always cheaper than spying. Host lead story this morning in the Washington Post. On a, calling from annandale, virginia on the independent line. Bonnie, what you think . Caller Edward Snowden is my hero. Er the not see holocaust , the the nazi holocaust justices said that officials who said they were just following that you knewold what was right, you knew the higher law and Edward Snowden is following the higher law of giving us, of wanting us to have our privacy. I think that says it all. We need to give him clemency. He will come back to a heros welcome. Democrat. In boston, analysis, the final the people have to defend against the tyranny of bureaucracy. We have to be concerned not just just laws and art just people, but as some are here we have an agency with all this power and money that can spy on all of us and no backstops, nothing to say this is wrong. We have to take their word for it. For democracy to thrive and prosper, the people must be ever vigilant and that means we should have a right to make sure that these bureaucracies are not going beyond the power. Hoover, when he was in power, misused his power. Nothing stopped him. Andust be very careful here eric snowden is a hero because and i think he gave secrets to the soviet union. I think he was leading the American People know that this the law. S going beyond representative jim mcgovern who is a democrat from massachusetts sent out this tweet, a very thoughtful editorial in the New York Times. Last night on cnn there was a debate on clemency for Edward Snowden between ruth marcus and glenn greenwald. Heres a little bit of that debate. The times board also writes, when someone reveals that government officials have routinely and deliberately broken the law, that person should not face life in prison at the hands of the same government. Do you agree with the times that snowden should get some form of clemency . No, i dont. In fact, if he really believes shouldconstitution he have stuck around, tested the constitutional system, taken his punishment, argued that he was justified in the leaks that he did. He didnt. He just turned tail then fled the country. Glenn, im sure you want to respond to that. I think ruth marcus exemplifies everything that is horrible about the d. C. Media. First of all, what she said is factually false. If you had stayed in the United States as Daniel Ellsberg widely considered to be a hero by most americans argued in the Washington Post. , he wouldve been barred from making very argument he says he shouldve made. Youre not allowed to come into court and set was justified in disclosing this information. Whistleblower exception. That is why they do not get justice in the United States. The really important point is that people in washington continuously make excuses for those in power when they break the law. With marcus was one of the leaders in 2008 saying that bush officials that torture people should not be prosecuted they should be protected heard she praised and protected fbi agents in the 70s who entered peoples homes without warrant and were criminally prosecuted. She says they should not been prosecuted. That is what people in washington do. They would never call in someone like James Klapper who got caught lying to congress to be prosecuted. The only pick people who embarrass a government like Edward Snowden. It is not about rule of law. Here is ruth marcuss op ed this is a little bit from her oped pages james in silver lake, indiana on our independent line. Would you think about the editorial . Caller i dont believe it is fair. Im going to say very short sentence. If youre going to arrest then youor treason, ought to make out the same bill for barack obama. Because he violates the constitution and bill of rights every time he turns around. Host james is calling from Fort Washington maryland. Caller he should not be offered clemency. As far as im concerned, he is a traitor. I was in the u. S. Army for six years in the military into mutations. Myself would never ever think about doing anything like that. Just the way he did it, he went to hong kong and then he went to russia. I am not understanding why all these people are talking about giving him clemency, but i think this is an offshoot because we dont have enough people who are serving in the military, to be honest, we just have a mercenary military right now. There are not enough people who are actually involved in it. I guess that is intimate statement. I could never ever do anything like that. First of all, he shouldnt have gotten a clearance anyway. Thank you very much. Ost the New York Times. That is the end of the New York Times. Editorial. Jean is calling from new york state on the republican line. I dont think he is a whistleblower, i think is a traitor. He should be in jail. He never should have gotten clearance in the first place. Is just ark times. Socialist rag. West palmh from beach, florida. I am torn and conflicted a bit. I really think that mr. Snowden does not deserve the heavy hammer of the law. Things that are scary for our nation. When we have government officials that are freely violating the law, that should be of great concern to all of us. Agreementtally in with how he did it, but i really think it opens the door to bringing these issues to the table and it should be something americans should be concerned about. From the hill this morning. Here is a tweet that peter king sent out. Johnny is in albany, georgia. Democrat line. Caller i see mr. Snowden is the biggest traitor we ever had and if the information he had given out on all of the allieds of have pulled do the troops out of afghanistan. The press that printed that information after they knew that that was classified information, if that was an american newspaper they are in conspiracy with mr. Snowden as far as im concerned. When this is all said and done they should also be prosecuted. Anybody who had a hand in this should be prosecuted just like when the goldberg stated when i was little child. Heard that the goldberg stood the same thing and they prosecuted them. So mr. Snowden is no different from any other american. He should be prosecuted. Host a couple tweets we have received here. John, branson, missouri. Caller i think we are delete him right where he is. Let him run out of bullets, which sooner or later is going to be proven utterly false. When he runs out of bullets he wont get any more attention than i say forget about him. Dont even let him back into the United States. Thank you. Host bob is calling from westminster, maryland on our independent line. Bob you are on the washington journal. Why do believe that mr. Snowden should not have done what he did, i think that the larger crime is the patriot act. Our response to the attacks of allowed alssentially qaeda to win in that all of those who pass that patriot act abrogated their duty to uphold the principles of the constitution of the United States. As thenow operating much stasi did in east germany. That to me is the greatest crime of sedition and those who would abrogate their duties to uphold the sacred rights found in our constitution have committed an even greater act of treason against United States. If we do not get back to our principles, then al qaeda has one. Stanley gore maney in west virginia. What you think of all this . What i have to say is think about it. The National Security agency. Security. That place should be tight as a drum. Edward snowden walked out of there with information. He is doing what he was told to do. He was allowed to do it. It is to draw attention somewhere else. That is all that is going on in this administration in my opinion. That is what i think, mark my words. He is doing what he was told to do. Thank you. Usa today dan is calling from georgetown, massachusetts on our independent line. Dan you are on the washington journal. What do you think . Caller i think it is a competition issue. This new phenomenon, while it is probably not new, probably goes back to the beginning of that professionals who get paid to do a job and have bosses pretty much have to work within the boundaries of what they are supposed to do. For example, the journalist you had up there talking with mr. Greenwald, she is a paid professional in washington dc. River to get a paid professional opinion from her. She has bosses, she has a job to do. I think we are infected by havessionalism where we independent good americans listening to people they trust because they are professionals. On the other hand we have these professionals doing what theyre paid to do, regardless of where it falls down. Paycheck,n want a they are supposed to report. That is what we get. I think you more organic way to get the news is right here on c span. You have unpaid people giving their honest opinions. If we cant get that as people out here in america, which we are not from any kind of big media source, we are in big trouble. I praise cspan for letting people like me get on with some truth and honesty. Thank you, guys. Went before the president for break to hawaii he held a News Conference and was asked about Edward Snowden. I believebefore and that this is an important conversation that we needed to have. I have also said before that the way in which these disclosures damaging toe been the United States and damaging to our intelligence capabilities. I think that there was a way for us to have this conversation without that damage. I will give you one specific example. The fact of the matter is that the United States, for all our warts, is a country that abides by rule of law, that cares deeply about privacy, that cares about civil liberties, that. Ares about our constitution as a consequence of these it disclosures, other countries that engage in surveillance of their own citizens, target political targeting and youressing the press, somehow are able to sit on the sidelines and act as if united has problems when it comes to surveillance and intelligence operations. Viewis a pretty distorted of what is going on out there. That as necessary as this debate has been, it is also important to keep in mind that this has done unnecessary damage to u. S. Intelligence capabilities and u. S. Diplomacy. Courtsleave it up to the and the attorney general to weigh in publicly on the specifics of mr. Snowdens case. On this issue, c span democrat tweets in next call comes from frank in eustis, florida, democrats line. Go ahead caller hey, how are you doing. Did wasEdward Snowden he did not for monetary gain but as a patriot. I believe that americans are losing their rights daily. Facial recognition and daily it is getting worse and worse. The government intrusion Charlize Theron i believe it is time for a hard look at what going on in this country and that we need to get a handle on surveillancets procedures. Mike, republican line. We think of the the new york call for clemency . Caller every time a president takes awhere him and to protect the country. When they do this, they ask him if he is going to be loyal against giving any information to hurt our foreign policies. We take that oh seriously. This man should not have been given any security clearance whatsoever. ,ow he got it, why you got it but is a story you should respond to it . I dont believe so. We used to shoot traitors back in the old days as i understand. Why is he still alive today . Thank you very much host marianne posts on a facebook page. He hightailed it out like a coward and traitors action speaks louder than words. He has his reward, keep them out. If you want to continue this conversation on facebook, you can go to facebook radcom c span. A lot of people are still participating in that discussion. If you emails we have received on this issue. Finally, this one from james in fort worth george in minneapolis, minnesota, what you think of all this . Caller i think they should be encouraged to release information from the police to the president of the United States. When it is found that they broke the law, then their coworkers will tell on them should. Michigan blueline where people do not cross it and they kill people and nobody response. It needs to be done. Something done. His way out of hand. Theres no such thing as humansy when there are involved with technology. There didnt use of personally or corporately. That is my statement. Host tommy, augusta, georgia, democrats line. I think mr. Snowden should have resigned his post and done it another way. The u. S. Has been spying on people forever. That is all i have to say. Host from a website called weasel zippers, esther klein is eaving the Washington Post. After failing to get his weight. This is an article in the New York Times. Robert is calling from belton, missouri on the independent line. The New York Times. Edward snowden, clemency. What is your thought . Caller i think the American People are a little uninformed and intellectually immature when it comes to what is going on with the information collected. Been in the soviet union which is probably 10 times worse in the United States as far as spying on their people. He is china. They have the same problem. The americans need to wake up and understand that information gathering has been going on for a long time. Julia child was doing it in a different format many years ago. That is how we perform these technology. Ugh the information is not going to hurt anybody unless they are in fact doing something wrong. As to snowden is just a traitor and there is no other way of looking at it. That is all i have to say. Thank you, robert. A few articles in the paper this morning. This is the lead editorial in the wall street journal. Colorados pot experiment. This is from the federal page of the Washington Post. Kenneth in marianna, arkansas, a democrat. Go ahead with your comments on Edward Snowden, the New York Times. And clemency. He is going to be in trouble when he comes back although i do support him for clemency. I get a ruling on my case, it is hard first and wilson. What has happened, the judge in the case to the bride, his wife went to work for the attorney who was representing defenders in my case. Im going all the way to the Supreme Court and this thing. Host kenneth we appreciate you telling us about your case. Reagan to leave it there. Read going to talk to scott in florida on the independent line. My father fought in world war ii and he seemed to be in the system. You striving a lot of kernels. Finally was able to pull the papers out after eight years of looking and found out that he worked as a driver for a wind talker. Eyes, he isen in my creepy. He is an espionage to our country and should be treated as such. The word clemency should not even be put near his name. I am sorry that we do so in the first place. He is trying to smokescreen the our government watching us when we knew that the government could see anything it wants but it just wants to look at terrorism. I dont see how that fits into play. We should judge him just as what he has done and that is espionage. And joe in des moines, iowa. Wait until mr. Snowden discloses how the Voting Machines are rigged in the United States of america. Finally, lets get some tweets in here. Several hundred have come in. Robert tweets in that is going to end our first segment this morning on the our guest journal. Was advisor for mitt romney in 2012. We will be talking about a new article that he wrote for National Affairs about conservatism and then jennifer lawless of American University will be joining us talking about women in politics. Washington journal continues in a moment. The interplay of what happened, how candidates do in the context of running. The underlying scandal itself when it comes to these comebacks. Especially if you are running in a context in which you can ,resent yourself as an abused part of an abused group, abused by the system. You can really play that quite well. Case weret is the just talked about or whether it is roy moore at alabama who used the 10 commandments controversy are effectively in terms of an attack on christian conservatives. I think that is very much the case. This weekend on cspan, the state of the National Party and a look at the political scandals and politics of recovery. At 10 eastern. G live sunday on cspan two, your calls and comments for talk radio host mark levin, best selling author of five nonfiction books including liberty and tyranny at his latest, the liberty amendment. Int is noon on book tvs depth. On cspan three, American History tv looks back 15 years at the impeachment of president William Jefferson clinton. Saturday and sunday at noon eastern. Washington journal continues. The now joining us on washington journal. Article, aet into conservative vision of government, what with the pastor have been like if mitt romney had been elected . Guest it wouldve been a better year. That economic policies wouldve been in place. The economy would be recovering better, america would have a stronger and more vital role in the world. I think there would be less chaos and disorder in the world. I think we would be in the process of undoing and repealing the Affordable Care act, which i think is a monumental failure. A lot of the problems we are facing that are really being driven by what is popularly known as obamacare, we would not be facing. I think we would be in a lot better shape. For National Affairs, you and michael percent have written a large article, a conservative vision of government. I want to take a snippet of this and have you expand a little bit on it. You have asked the question, what is the proper and appropriate extent and purpose of government . And servitors in recent years have not done enough to answer this question. I think that is right. Several things are going on. I think over the last five years during the obama era, conservatives have done a pretty good job at making criticisms of government and obama era policies. I think that is good, as far as they go. But with a have been able to do, what they havent been doing is positivelate a more seal of government. Is way that i have put it that conservatives talk a lot about the dangers of the size of state but they dont talk about the purposes of the state. It is one thing that conservatives have made mistakes on and are open to criticism. In this essay in National Affairs, it is that they havent articulated the purpose of government is, but there has been a kind of ferocious antigovernment rhetoric and mindset that has taken root and found a home in some elements of the conservative movement. When mike and i are trying to do in this essay is why we think it iss an error we think wrong historically, philosophically and politically. Write,t the heart, you of the oppositional view of government espoused by some libertarians and tea party leaders, is a particular version of American History. Our National Recovery they insist depends on returning to the governing philosophy of the american founders as it is embodied in the constitution. Guest that is right. His is the most interesting part of the article to work on. If youre familiar with the conservative debate and some of the ferocious antigovernment rhetoric, youll find a lot of conservatives anchor their views in the constitution and the founders. What mike and i did is go back and analyze what the founders really believed at the time. It is a lot more complicated than that. What people need to understand is we have this great debate in the 18th century in which the , thealist founders antifederalists were viewed as the antigovernment. They had people like James Madison and alexander hamilton, george washington, james wilson. These are not people who view government as a Necessary Evil in the words of thomas paine. Government properly limited and probably frameless central as a public good. So think what has happened is that the founders of the constitution have been is appropriated by some modernday conservatives. They are invoked more often than red. I do think you people would go back and the debate of the american founding, the rhetoric tothis positional mindset government would be different than what were hearing. I want to make one thing clear come i very much in favor of limited government. In the essay we explain why we are. I think theres a difference between limited government on the one hand and a kind of reflective rhetorical denigration on the other. Some people are going to read this are going to say establishment republican. Guest yes they will. Im not quite sure what that phrase means. Around as hurl that an epitaph are part of the establishment themselves. Actually dont think establishment, per se, is that. Is bad. I actually think if you look through the agenda that i have advanced in this essay with Mike Grierson that im mature it would qualify as establishment. I am very forward leaning and fairly bold and the forms that i have been advocating, both in writing and in meetings with congressional leaders. People can decide for themselves whether i am part of the establishment or not. It is not problematic, i Like Washington dc. I have a number of good friends here. I think people should be judged not whether theyre part of the establishment or not but by the merits of their ideas. Host a little bit more from important respects Abraham Lincoln continued the philosophical arc of the framers of the constitution. Very true. S lincoln was the 16th president. I think he was americas greatest president , probably in competition with washington. Heres a de facto founder of the Republican Party. Here again, this is an individual who if you examine what he said, what he wrote and what he believed, was not was a denigrated of government. In fact he expanded the powers of government, much as the founders did. Greatn really was the interpreter of the founders, probably almost without question the greatest president ial founders time the and again in his debates with Stephen Douglas and in this case against slavery used to go back to the declaration and explain what that meant. Here again come i think it is worthwhile to go back to read what these people said, what they believed. It is important to say that i am not arguing it would not argue that the founders are lincoln magically appeared in 21st Century America they be happy with the size of government. I suspect it would be concerned. Dealto one i spent a great of my time arguing for limited government, why that is important and why i think that there have been a lot of mistakes from the Obama Presidency because government is toog too much and doing much poorly. Our purpose here was to try and add what i suppose is a corrective to the conservative debate and the conservative movement. Host what is the ethics and Public Policy center . Tanker onis a think it in 1976 by ernest lefevre. Hass relatively small and about 20 scholars here in washington dc. Unlike some of the other think tanks that are around, it makes a conscious effort to try and the religious and moral dimensions of Public Policy. Really has some of the finest. Cholars in the country is a really a tricky place. It is one of the first ones i worked for when i came to washington in the 1980s. I had a series of jobs in three republican administrations and worked in the bush white house. When i left there in 2007, they gave me an office at home and i am delighted to be there. It is a wonderful place. Host speaking of the catholic focus, the pope has made some policy statements. Rush limbaugh has caused some of his ideas marxist. We think about pope francis . Guest i think he is traffic. Myself am a christian, not a catholic, but a christian. I think he embodies in very many ways the spirit of christ. I think is good for the catholic church, which is an institution that has absorbed some tremendously difficult blows over the last eight. I think his humility and his humanity, his obvious concern for the poor and the disenfranchised, People Living in the shadows of society, is terrific. I read this exhortation, the part that had to do with the economy was pretty minor in. Erms of what he wrote i read it, didnt agree fully with his views. At that he is somewhat simplistic and his views and sweeping in his statements toward capitalism, but he is not an economist and what he is arguing for primarily on not economic or public house in matters could use the head of. He Roman Catholic church im very intrigued by him and i think he is a part from being that important of a religious leader come i think there are some lessons that he can teach people in politics in terms of how to get your message through in a way that is not public anations related but really authentic insight into his heart and mind and soul. Host back to a conservative vision of government, your Michael Peterson right it speaks well of conservatives that they want to be thought of as the defenders of the constitution, but at a minimum, constitutional conservatives should recognize what both the federalist founders and lincoln actually envisioned for the republic they created and preserved. They is an argument to go back. We talk about how nasty the debates can get. Throng for christians i think it is wrong for christians to and make them. I think you can learn what the animating principles were. What is the philosophy that informed their thinking. What is the disposition that they had . You can take that and try to issues and the challenges. It can be instructive and helpful. Host the relationship between the government and the life of the people is a particularly challenging problem in our time. The overreach of the obama years has given form to the less powerful desire to manage and manipulate those realms of life that in our country have generally been left within the purview of the family, civil society, and local community. Guest i think it is one of the biggest distinctions between liberals and conservatives. Institutions conservatives place a high premium on them. What conservatives have argued for is that between the state and the individual there is human life that needs to be respected and supported. This modern liberalism tends to impose itself there. To think that it knows better. There is an impulse toward centralization. We see it in the Affordable Care act, which i think is problematic. We see it manifest in the current debate. Religiousent about liberties in the Affordable Care act and whether religious institutions him and their Health Insurance policies, have to give out policies that would cover Birth Control and abortion. Historically, the state has respected the wrist religious views of these institutions. Administration, keeping with modern liberalism, says we know better. You will bow before the state. We will dictate to you what you should do. You may have religious objections, but we really do know better. That is a precise and specific manifestation of this broader debate and tendencies. , this tweetwehner your response to this tweet. Guest not many and they shouldnt. There are some conservatives who either explicitly say or hint that this notion of dismantling the state and going back to the prenew deal era. Security would be unconstitutional. In practice, the Republican Party is the political home of the conservative movement. There were no prominent conservatives who want to do it. The best figures in american conservatism and elected officials, in congress, people like paul ryan, are promoting farreaching, very necessary reforms to programs like medicare. Not to dismantle them, but to help them survive. At the rate we are going, if there are not necessary reforms, those programs will go bankrupt. At some point there will be a real jolt to the people who depend on those programs. Much as we have seen in countries like europe, like greece. I dont think it is foreign to. It would be politically suicidal. Ronald reagan made his peace and so should others. Westerly, rhode island. A letter to the editor in the Washington Times. Time for republicans in name only to follow the tea party. Writes, to paraphrase mark twain, reports of the tea partys death of been greatly exaggerated. The tea party will shortly become the dominant Political Force in america and here is why. Heres a news bulletin. Fightyou wont lead the to reverse the socialist utopia that washington is jamming down thethroats, you can follow tea party or preferably just get out of the way. Guest that is a good letter at editorial in terms of capturing a particular point of view. Is first thing i would say that the tea party has been a force for good in american politics. Its genesis and creation was in response to an overreach of government by the obama administration. It manifests itself in several ways. Years withthe early the huge money that was spent to try to get us out of the economic, financial collapse that we had. But mostly in the Affordable Care act. Huge and important and positive force in the 2010 midterm election. I think that is good. The instincts and impulses, many of them, of the tea party are good. That there is this kind of rhetorical overreach. There is a kind of reflexive denigration within some members of the tea party or some of the groups where every time government is mentioned in a agative light, it tends to be little bit of imprecision in the tea party. I wrote a piece in the wall street journal a couple of years ago Michele Bachmann considers herself a member in Good Standing of the tea party. They talk a lot about limited government. But then when specific issues came up like medicare reform, which paul ryan was pushing, she was very hesitant about getting into it. Were very coolrs to the idea of entitlement reform. You cannot be a limited government individual in 2014 or 2012 and not be in favor of entitlement reform. There was this odd kind of schizophrenia that was going on. Rhetorically, very far out there. Then when you got into the policies, somewhat modest. The last thing i would say there is a conservative disposition and temperament. Some people within the conservative building of the tea party have lost that. There is a kind of purification impulse with this individual got to. John boehner is a republican in name only. Constantly berating people who are part of the establishment. Wanting to burn heretics. More a notion of exclusion than expansion for the party and a kind of intellectual rigidity that i think has taken place. We sought in the Republican Party in the 2012 election. If you could get 10 of spending cuts for tax increases, which of you republican candidates would agree to that . Not a single hand went up. There is an ideology within the Republican Party, Tea Party Movement that says you will not raise taxes under any conditions, regardless. I think that is not a conservative way to approach things. There is nothing set in stone about where the tax rates are right now. It depends on circumstances. It depends on what you get in return. Any conservative would take that in a moment. This is an ideological rigidity that is taking place. I suspect that person probably shares it. Host one more quote from your essay before we go to calls. A truly conservative response to the advance of the liberal or progressive ideology would not involve the adoption of an opposite and equally narrow ideology. Guest it is an interesting thing. Of liberalism and isservatism conservatism a negation of ideology. Wary of abstractions and of imposing per the polls regardless of circumstances. Ofprinciples regardless circumstances. Conservatism believes in the complexity of human society, the dangers of unintended consequences. The antithesis of a revolutionary rhetoric, utopianism. It has stayed away from ideology. One of the figures was edmund burke. The Great British statesman in the 18th century. He wrote reflections to revolution in france. A fierce critic of the french revolution. And rightly so. This was a person who wrote a great deal about the importance of prudence. Taking into account circumstances, history. That is what conservatives should be. It should not be an ideology in the way that that is generally under stud. Understood. Host peter wehner is our guest. Stephen in california on our democrat line. Caller thank you very much. Wehner. L words, mr. I have a lot of problems that are coming across from conservatism. We are experiencing unfettered capitalism. If we live in a Consumer Society that funds 70 of our economy and what makes more sense to have 150,000 people with 350 people or 350 million with 150 million . We had pretty close to that when clinton left office. I was making a very good living at that time. I was pushing a couple hundred thousand per year. I had an employee working at my gallery and things were working beautifully. Now we are giving more and more tax cuts to the wealthy. Is that somebody who makes 400 times what i make in a year is only paying 200 times what i pay in taxes. That is 50 less. If we have the temerity to ask that person to pay 55 of what i pay in taxes, that is class warfare. That seems to be the conservative argument. Host i think we have a good issue to grab onto. Guest good question. I appreciate them. There was a lot of human hardship these days. Driven by the economy. Those are also difficult and poignant examples. Let me try to take these in pieces. I dont think we have such a thing as unfettered capitalism in america. We have a fair amount of regulation. I would argue that a problem today let me say one other thing about capitalism. Capitalism is the Economic System which has done far and away the most to lift the poverty and to create a middle class. And to give people a chance for prosperity and dignity, work, and human flourishing. Capitalism has been one of the wonders of the world. That does not mean that it does not make mistakes or that it does not need the state to impose certain regulations. Maybe a fewng libertarians for unfettered capitalism. In terms of the economy today, we have had barack obama who has been president for five years. He is not a conservative. He is arguably the most liberal president we have ever had. He has given us a historically bad economic recovery. Job growth has been stagnant. In thember of people labor force. Longterm unemployment reaching record levels. Poverty a record levels. I dont think you can lay the problems of the economy at the foot or feet of conservatives. I think a lot of it has to do with president obama. I think some of the things go beyond president obama or a single president. I think there are deep structural changes that are happening and that we have to deal with. One last point about this larger question about income inequality , which is a fairly hot topic in political circles and an issue obama talked about. Income inequality has gone up in the obama years. Median income for the poor has gone down, not up. That needs to be said. Secondly, the United States is the most progressive tax system of any of the rich countries in the world. Make, the top one percent 40 of all total income taxes. In the 1970s it was 20 . Whatever complaints people have about the rich, it is not borne out by the data. Host kathy, montgomery, texas. Republican line. Please explainou why the conservatives have the deep concern over obamacare and the overspending of the democrats and obama . Our future is in despair. I dont understand why people cannot grasp this. It is not his race. He is half white. I am so sick of hearing that we are racist. We are so concerned for our future. Could you please explain this. Guest let me try to untangle that. There is no question on the financial side. That we are going to have a day of reckoning. It may not be far in our future. You cannot continue to spend so much more than we are taking in and run this kind of debt. These constant deficits. More and more people are understanding what is wrong with obamacare. For years, it was a kind of abstraction. President sold it on a false pretense, claims about it were not true. They needed to say them to get it passed that you could keep your Health Care Plan if you had it he word, and of story. That is demonstrably untrue. Is not just wrecking the American Healthcare system, but it is a huge drag on the economy. It is a huge problem. I think what is happening is that the American People are seeing this firsthand. With people losing their coverage. With sticker shock premiums, deductibles going up, people losing their plans. Plans. , employer remember, the Affordable Care act was sold as something that would deal with a problem the uninsured in america. According to the congressional be at office, there will best 30 Million People that will still be uninsured when obamacare goes into effect. In some respects the process of destroying American Healthcare system. To have gone from 45 million uninsured to 30 uninsured. There are ways of dealing with the problems of the uninsured in a discreet way. Going back to conservatism and liberalism, this was the liberal impulse. That liberals would know better, that they would have a centralized plan, that they would command and control that these experts would be able to decide and run American Healthcare. They cannot even get the healthcare. Gov website up and running even though they had millions of dollars to spend, three years to prepare it was a disaster. , in this sense. The president and his party are paying a high political price for it and i suspect in the what he 14 midterm elections. 2014 midterm elections. Host a tweet. Do you consider yourself a moderate . Guest no. If somebody considers me a moderate, they are pretty far on the french. I am a conservative. Fringe. I am a conservative. I have a tremendous amount of respect for Ronald Reagan and margaret thatcher. Burke, James Madison, lincoln i think he is the greatest american president. All of those would qualify as conservatives. I think that there are people genuine, thinks that a authentic conservatism is not what they are for. They gravitate toward a kind of revolutionary, radical form of conservatism. The history of conservatism, the wisdom of conservatism, and i think what is the best interest you try to engage in a serious debate and rather than engaging in a debate, they write people off as rinos were moderates or whatever the agger adjective of the day is. Is the divideous between libertarians, t partiers, moderates, establishment conservatives in the party . Guest it is real. Months,in the last few john boehner pushback against tea party groups. He was insanely one of the leaders of the government shutdown. Paulave people like rand a real libertarian. Intelligent, well spoken. You are seeing the debate in Domestic Affairs and in foreign policy. Paul is nothing like the reagan internationalist approach. He does not really believe america should have a prominent role in maintaining world order. These debates are fairly intense. They are not unhealthy. Not dissimilar to Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon and henry kissinger. Reagan was a strong critic of detente. Reagan had a debate involving the panama canal. Those debates are not bad. It tends to be somewhat undisciplined. You have these kind of backand forth. Some of these issues will be resolved once the Republican Party dominates nominates a candidate in 2016 and the party and the movement will unify behind them. Host dave in florida. Independent line. Caller good morning. Good morning, sir. [indiscernible] and theg the Tea Party People who are not that educated , but are totally fed up. Going back to george bush. You keep knocking president obama. The main reason obama got elected in the first place is because that people were so fed up with the moderate conservatism i would almost say liberalism of george bush and the madness that went on then. Around ed right they totally went directly opposite of what he campaigned on. People went ballistic. It is not an antigovernment it is an antiestablishment. Host thank you. Guest thank you for the call. Let me try to untangle this. I do have some criticism of the tea party. As i said earlier, i think they are a force for good in american politics. I credit them with the 2010 midterm elections. But i think that some refinement needs to go on. Party needs the tea to look within. Some critiques need to go on. I dont think they are evil or nasty. Ishink for most part, it comprised of good, generous, patriotic americans and the think the impulses are all right. I am a strong critic of president obama and that the government what the government is doing. There has been a rhetorical overreach. It is hurray richmond government a disparagement of government hich is not healthy. President bush was a conservative by any reasonable metric. In some ways, even more conservative than Ronald Reagan. He never raised taxes. Reagan did. Huge advances on supplyside economics. He also had the tougher taxes. Bush never had that. Spending under bush was considerably less than it was under reagan. Taxes were lower. I think president bush, as a conservative, stands up very well. I think president obama was elected in part because of the financial crisis and the iraqi war. The media with both of those. Let me deal with both of those. Withdent bush was dealing reforms with freddie and fannie. Who brought those reforms . Was a junior senator blocked those reforms . One was a junior senator named barack obama. It was a rough kind of justice that president obama inherited the problem. The Bush Administration made real errors in the iraq war. The planning was not proper. The theory did not work. President bush changed it. He advocated the surge. Counterinsurgency strategy, beautifully executed by david petraeus. By the time he left office, iraq was in relatively good shape. It was a relatively pacified country. That has been undone, but not because of him. It is because of the policies pursued by his successor. Host a tweet. Guest no, i dont think so. It was a comment and one that governor romney himself said that he regrets. People have to speak for themselves. I am not wild about this notion of establishment republicans. People have to speak for themselves. View which does exist within conservatism that is very, very worried that we have created a nation of takers instead of givers. People who have become overly dependent on government. They dont pay income taxes and they get money from various Government Programs and it has corrupted their character. And impeded better judgment. I think that the 47 , and was unfortunate. What republicans and conservatives have to do is find a language and set up policies that actually appeal to middle class people. A huge changes happening in america that has happened in america over the past several decades. Im not sure republicans and conservatives are aware of it. This is not 1980. White voters are increasingly smaller percentage of the electorate. The he 12 election was first one in which the nonwhite vote was really decisive. Mitt romney won the white vote by 20 points. That is historically very good. It is almost unprecedented. Yet he lost by over 5 million votes. He lost the nonwhite vote by 63 . 1996, for every two years, the nonwhite vote has gone up 2 . I dont think the conservative movement and the Republican Party have adjusted. That does not have a disposition that is appealing to america today. If they are getting a higher percentage of a smaller pool of voters that is not a prescription for success. Host john in illinois on the democrat line. You are on. Caller good morning. Discuss top tax rates and conservatism from a little different point of view. It is a little long and complicated. If you think it has value, maybe you could keep the host from cutting me off. Host i will recommend that you add it yourself and get it down into a bite sized chunk. Caller you kind of ironically pointed out how the top one percent are now paying about 40 of the taxes and yet most people are aware that they are much paying a much smaller percentage of their income in taxes than in the 20th century. The implications of being able to double the amount from 20 to 40 they are paying a huge percent of our total taxes but an ever smaller amount of their income. Income is growing at an enormous disparity. The other main thing i want to discuss is about the concern with top tax rates. Themizing revenue is one of concerns of government. It is a legitimate question to ask why is that a concern . While we are in so much debt, it obviously is. Conservative is say that decreasing taxes increases revenue. Theratechnologies and maximize revenue is important. Host a conclusion . Is thatthe conclusion where the top tax rate would be. Point is that if you brought it down to 1 , you would not be bringing in any income. How can they argue all the time to only lower it when you dont necessarily know if you are already below the point which maximizes income . Host thank you. Guest that is an interesting and intelligent question. I agree with you to this extent. I do not think there is a magic rate. You cannot constantly argue that taxes should be lowered. At some point, taxes will in fact go to a point when there is too low and you dont get any revenue at all. The question is, what is the rate that maximizes Economic Growth and brings in the kind of revenues that you need . I would point out that when president reagan took over, the top tax rate was 70 . He cut it to 28 . Hugh had huge Economic Growth. The 70 rates were clearly oppressive and problematic and where an anchor and wet blanket on the economy. Under reagan, we had huge Economic Growth and huge job growth. This is an, i think issue which really divides liberals and conservatives. The topic of this program. Liberals few taxes through a moral prism and as an instrument to try to redistribute wealth. I dont see it that way. Tohink taxes should be used fund government, not to redistribute wealth. What you should be thinking about is what are the policies that advance Economic Growth . Rates thate tax unleashed the American Economy and Democratic Capitalism in a way that leads to prosperity for people at every strata of society . Liberals spend a tremendous amount of time concerned about inequality. Inequality is endemic to human life. Maury quality does not necessarily lead to better life. Someone the other day pointed hadthat china under mao much more equality than china today. But there is no question that china is better today in terms of what it offers its citizens. It could be that the rich are getting rich at a faster rate and the port for getting rich and the gap increases, but everybody gets better. That is not the issue. Is there social mobility . If you have income inequality but not social mobility, that is a kind of caste system. That is problematic. Pennsylvania, republican line. Caller good morning. On a macro level, what is your on aon about capitalism collision course with socialism . Why dont we hear that word very often . In my observation, the past 60 or 70 years we are out spending ourselves, but we do not want to raise taxes. I am not a socialist. I just would like to hear your opinion. Yes. the collision between capitalism and socialism. This is an old, now ancient debate between capitalism and socialism. Been a capitalist country, it still is. President obama is a person of the left, so he is pushing policies to redistribution, high taxes, larger role of government. He has taken it more in a , likeatic socialist countries you see in europe. Democratic capitalism is bad for all sorts of reasons better for all sorts of reasons. On the tax issue, the question is not whether we should raise taxes on the rich so we make them pay more, so there is some kind of punitive aspect to this or so we decrease in the quality the question is what are the tax rates, what are the tax policies, what are the tax codes that lead to Economic Growth . And other republicans have been advocating and have put forward will put forward a conference comprehensive plan that will push forward reform of the tax code which would lead to some higher taxes lower tax rates, but a broadening of the base. The kind of tax reform that happened in 1986, the bipartisan deal between Ronald Reagan and tip oneill and bill bradley and others. Wondrous in terms of its economic effects. Host freddie, indianapolis. Democrat. I am classifying myself as a socialist communist. A socialist capitalist. The reason for that. Let me tell you. Reduce a redistribution of wealth. When the people out here do not , someone is going to have to feed them. Have jobs to feed themselves, someone will have to feed them. If no one is feeding them, they will not let them go hungry. What do you think of that . Guest thank you for the call. I agree. I do think someone needs to feed them. I think one of the roles of the state is to provide, to give provision for the poor and particularly those who have been poor and needy for no fault of their own. I believe in the welfare state in that understanding of it. That is partly why we wrote this article. , and i think the objective of the most conservatives, is to try to have fewer people who are poor. Growth,uires economic peoplemobility, giving skills and talents that they economy. Modern thinking about the poor in staying in the situation that they have and that the state needs to give the money that is not good. I understand helping the poor as a temporary provision in most situations. But it is not good for them and it is not good for society to keep them there. What you need to do is to have Public Policy that gives people the best chance to prosper and to flourish. That does not mean that they are going to be essentially wards of the state. Host the last call comes from alan in maryland. On our independent line. Caller good morning. You used to determine antigovernment three times this morning. I dontovernment understand why you use this term consistently like a liberal does. Host sorry about that. I thought you were finished. Isst the reason i use it that when you listen to the rhetoric of some people not all people on the right it is a constant barrage that is critical and denigrating of government. I would call that antigovernment. I do not think it is nihilistic or anarchist. I think it is a rhetorical disposition to criticize government. Critic ofin, i am a much of what government is doing. I think it is too large and needs to be limited. In the formulation of margaret thatcher, it takes too much to do too much for us. I think if you just listen to the public debate at least as represented by some people on it is this denigration of government that i think is unfortunate and problematic. I think there is an element some people on the right to view government as a kind of Necessary Evil. I do not agree with that. I do not think that is really true. I do not think it is faithful to the best tradition of conservatism. Host a tweet. Guest i have tried to. You can go back and read the tape or watch the tape, read the transcript, read the article. Or go to commentary magazine. Com. I have laid out, more times than i can count, more public policies, from the reform of entitlements, to the tax code, education reform i think that is a big issue. I think areas of private and public choice, charter schools, accountability, merit pay very important issues. I think reforms of energy it does not get nearly enough attention. This is important. I try to spend a fair amount of my time actually laying out what conservatives ought to embrace. This is a much more theoretical discussion and article itself, in terms of the philosophy of conservatism, as opposed to laying out a 10 or 20 point Public Policy proposal, which i am happy to do some other time. T the title of the essay a conservative vision of government. It is available at National Affairs. Com. Thank you for being on the journal. Jennifer lawless is coming up next. She runs the women in Politics Institute at American University. We will be talking about women in politics. Cspan, we bring Public Affairs events from washington directly to you. Putting you in the room at congressional hearings, white house events, briefings and conferences. Offering complete gaveltogavel coverage of the u. S. House, all as a Public Service of private industry. Are cspan. Created by the cable tv industry 34 years ago. Now you can watch us in hd. About 10 or 15 years ago, we started looking at the Census Department data. Something very strange pops out. When you look at whether profits you of multinationals see germany, france, ireland, italy. If you look at the data on where the profits are, italy, france, germany, ireland. It is just this hugely disproportionate amount of profit was in ireland. I was one indication that something was going on. More with Marty Sullivan 8 00 on cspan. The deadline is approaching for the student cam video project. Whatg the question is the most important Issue Congress should address this year . Minute documentary program that include cspan video. A grand prize of 5,000. Entries are due by january 20. More info at student cam. Org. Washington journal continues. Host jennifer lawless runs the women in Politics Institute at American University. She has coauthored this report girls just want to not run. In youngr gap americans political ambition. Are women running for office . Guest they are not running for office or thinking about running for office. That is more problematic than the lack of female candidates itself. Host why . Guest it is not appealing on the radar screen for several reasons. No one suggests it. Family members, friends, party leaders, suggested officials. They are more likely to encourage men and recruitment. Second, women who has the same exact credentials as men are far less likely than men to self assess of being qualified to run for office. Their selfdoubt holds them back. There are people out there who are aiding those doubts. Host 20 of the u. S. Senate is women. 17. 8 of the house. State governors, 10 . Stateep legislators legislators. Isnt that all good news . Butt it is all good news, it is important to remember that women are 52 of the population. Theyre more than half of the college graduates. The receiving log degrees and business degrees in almost equal numbers as men. The fact that they are still so fundamentally under a underrepresented in political power should raise an eyebrow. Host the gender gap in political ambition. You have a chart here. Women are represented in pink. Men in blue. Is this a fact that men and women are different or is this because women are being raised not to think about these things . Guest i think it is a combination of a series of factors. Recruitment factor, qualifications the other thing to keep in mind is that this report is a portrait of college students. These are 1825 euros. Yearolds. The gender gap of people who have not determined what their career will be. It is quite stunning. It is the same size of the gender gap we discovered among successful lawyers, business politicalducators, activists. Something is happening to discourage women and thinking of politics as a lucrative profession, something that is appealing in any way. Changingthere a way of that early focus on boys . Guest there are a few things we can do. We know that women and men and boys and girls are equally receptive to thinking about running for office when somebody suggests it. The easiest thing to do is to encourage young women to think about it. To put it on their list of possible options. We also know that competitive experiences and reinforce the kinds of qualities and traits that tend to be related to political ambition. Playing sports in high school or college, running for Student Government those are two different sets of experiences that are very linked to interest in running for office later in life. To the extent that we can close the gender caps on those kind of factors come we can promote female candidates. The i want to go back to sports thing. We will be talking about women in politics throughout this program. You can dial in and participate. We have set aside our fourth line for women who hold Political Office or have run for Political Office. We would like to hear from you as well. Jennifer lalas is one who has run for Political Office. 202 5853883. I want to go back to the sports thing. You hit this a couple of times. Organized sports in college. Higher participation rates than women in both of those. Why is it important . Guest i think that sports and competition in general and the signal that it is ok ok to compete and ok to win and ok to lose a lot of the time when we think about running for office, we think about contests. Pretty harsh competition. People have experience competing in a different arena, and a different round that can mitigate some of the concerns they have as to whether they can succeed in the political arena. Host here is another one. Politicized environment and political ambition. It ran for Student Government in college. Only 6 of women. 43 of men. Guest it seems to be the case that when women get to college, their interests diverge from those of their male counterparts. Uncover differences like this from high school samples. What seems to be happening is that women and men have different interests and the different interests are fueled by the college experience. It is not to say that they cannot get closer in line together and we cannot encourage women to think about politics among Political Science classes, to understand how the issues they care about are in fact political and related to government. Do that is on us to because they are not naturally selecting into those kind of interests and professions. Dontthe parties they focus on women and recruiting women and getting women involved . Guest 20 of the United States senate is women. The interesting fact here is that when women run for office, they fare as well as their male counterparts. Both in terms of vote totals and dollars raised. Voters are willing to elect women. The problem is that women are not running in the numbers we expect them to run in. The fact that i just said about one women run for office they fare as well as men, most women do not know that. Of peoplehat 70 believe that there is bias against female candidates. Acting not to run for office might be a rational response to a political environment that potential candidates perceived as biased. Importantly, we have to disseminate the message that women are just as able to succeed. Host here is another chart. Openness to potential jobs and professions by sex. Is her college age men and women. Open to political positions. Three. Higher on all then when you go to historically female careers. Guest we still have traditional sex segregation in terms of occupational preferences. That is especially interesting among a college sample. Wheres a group of people we would think that we would see far more egalitarian is in. A lot of careers we do. ,areers like lawyer or doctor women and men are equally likely to think of that. When we think about the most traditional roles, we see that the young generation falls into those realms. Host what about when we talk about womens issues in politics . Guest there was a lot of debate over what those issues actually are. Traditionally they have been defined as issues that disproportionately affect women, families, and children. Women are still responsible for the families and children at greater rates than men. There is evidence to suggest that women are seen as more credible legislating on a lot of those issues. When those issues dominate in the political arena, female candidates might have an edge. That was certainly the case in the 1990s and the early 2000s more recent evidence called into question. Now, both male and female candidates are equally as likely to be stereotyped when talking about womens issues and talking about issues like the economy or National Security. Host tell us about your experience running for office. Guest i ran for the u. S. House he representatives in t Second District of rhode island. I lost. Host why did you get into it and what was the experience like . Thet the experience was most exhilarating, fulfilling experience i have ever had in my life. I got into the race because it was a heavily democratic district and i thought that the incumbent was not adequately representing the people who lived there. Issuest of social policy , womens rights issues in particular. I thought that he was out of sync with his constituents and i thought i could do a better job. Host did you raise money . What was the hard part, what was the exhilarating part . Guest taking on an incumbent is very difficult. You have to build name recognition. Youre starting from scratch. I raised several hundred thousand dollars. I gardner nearly 40 of the vote. The thing that was most talking tog was voters, many of whom had never interacted with an elected official or candidate. What was striking to me was the manner in which they were so ready to talk about their experience are having needed help or what they wanted from government but also that they really believed that running for office within opera profession. Negativeo hear such attitudes toward congress, tour the president , toward our political institutions. I think those are very abstract notions. When voters meet individual candidates or when they interact with individual elected officials, they know that the overwhelming majority of people are doing it because they care and want to make the world a better place. What is your reaction to republican spin the daddy party and democrats being the mommy party . Guest i think it is cliche. They need to get together and figure out how to move the country in the right direction. To the extent that we are stereotyping the parties were dividing them and giving them some credit for some issues, it is stymieing progress. Host factors that hinder young womens political ambitions. Young men are more likely than aboutwomen to think politics as a possible career path. From their School Experience to the peer associations to their media habits, young women tend to be exposed to less political information and discussion than do young men. Three is missing at this point. Number four is young women are less likely to receive encouragement to run for office from anyone. Another one is that young women are less likely than young men to think they will be qualified to run for office, even once they are established in their careers. , democrats. 80 202 5853881, republicans. Independents. , the fourth line is for women who have run for office or who are officeholders. 202 5853883. We will begin with a call on that line from judy in minneapolis. What office he ran for or what office you are holding. Caller hi. I am actually currently running for Michele Bachmanns seat for the house of representatives. Host are you in a primary . Caller we have not had our caucuses yet. I have one purpose person who is competing against me. There were three republicans that are seeking the public nomination. Republican nomination. Host why are you running for office . Have a history of lobbying the legislature in minnesota for several years. Writing legislation, pulling together Agency People on the issue of Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention and solid waste issues. I have not seen a resolution of that epidemic for children. At the same time, i am living in a community where Michele Bachmann has served. I have thought of running against her years ago and i did not. I am at a time in my life i am 57 years old it is a good time to do it. I thought of running for governor before. I attempted to run for u. S. Senate before. This is something that i am ready for. What i would say about what motivated me is that i had a grandfather who was in the state legislature three terms. I think having a relative close to me that had served in politics possibly had an effect. A very politically minded sixthgrade teacher during the election of next and nixon. We were on the campaign trail in the sixth grade. Having our Little School election and so on. I think that was very powerful. At a young age, to have that social studies experience touring an Election Year with a very aggressive teacher. Being a womanhink running for office is harder than being a man running for office . Caller well, i think the fact that Michele Bachmann has held the seat for 10 years i have a feeling the constituents they may be like to vote for women and they dont care what you say. That may be one thing going for me. I think that actually, for instance, for me, i dont see this as a career, and i dont think anybody should look at politics necessarily as a career. But when it is your time to step forward and take the job for a term or two, to add your input and expertise, to do that. I feel like oftentimes the reason why i felt like running for governor before and attempted to run for u. S. Senate is it is like a vacuum cleaner sucking in any normal human being instead of career people. I think there is no accountability for what they are doing, and i have been frustrated with congresspeople going to washington and then they are listening to the lobbyists in the beltway instead of the local constituents. Think we have found you on the internet. Are you judy adams, minnesota aggressive project . There is the caller we have been talking to. Think a lot of the points that you raised are exactly right. We have 500,000 elected offices in this country, so average citizens are supposed to step forward and run for these offices. It is not meant to be 500,000 career politicians. When you get to the federal level and we are talking about the u. S. House, the senate, or a governor, those tend to be more career like positions. But the majority are not. Knowing about an issue, caring about an issue, and deciding it is time to do something about that issue is what we should be encouraging everybody to do. The other thing i would note is one of the findings we uncovered is a politicized upbringing does encompass very political teachers or high school or elementary School Experiences that were politically charged, as well as political relatives. You have to look no further than the u. S. House of representatives to see several examples of multiple generations of elected officials. Host we are getting some tweets. Nancyg tweets in, is pelosi and inspiration for you . Guest i think any woman who has made it in politics high has to be an inspiration to anyone who does the kind of work that i do. The manner in which a lot of these highprofile women have managed to a compass not only their legislative goals but also make it important to increase the number of women politics women in politics is very admirable. Host sea of tranquility asks, do you think the way the press trashes gop women is one reason they do not run for office, like they did sarah palin . Guest jenny hayes and i have done a systematic Media Coverage study, focusing on the 20 10th congressional elections. We quoted more than on the 2010 congressional elections. We covered ash we uncovered no difference between male and female candidates. Of coverage really is an anomaly, and it is not what most voters are exposed to regularly. Host 500,000 elective offices in this country, professor lawless. What percentage had women running for that position . Guest most of those offices are held at the local level, and we dont have brought systematic data. But there is nothing to suggest that the percentage of women running is very different than the percentage of Women Holding those positions because we know care as much as men, so they are winning at equal rates. Caller jennifer, you have quite an Impressive Knowledge on your subject here. My question is about Hillary Clinton. I am a little afraid that Rush Limbaugh is going to get Hillary Clinton elected. Host why do you say that, andrew . Youre calling on the republican line. Caller i dont think Rush Limbaugh is interested in getting republicans elected. He is interested in getting democrats elected so that the people who pay Rush Limbaugh can make more money off a divided country. That is what i think. Anyway, if Rush Limbaugh does get hillary elected, which is what the people who pay him get him to do, do you think she would be a good president , or will she be in it for the money like a lot of people think . I think Rush Limbaugh cannot get anybody elected president , but if we go down the path of assuming shes the nominee who gets elected, she is in a position where it will be far more lucrative for her not to run for office and the president of the United States. She and her husband can both command speaking salaries that far exceed what she would make as president. It is hard to find a candidate, andgh, with a better resume more experience than she has, and it is going to be difficult for the democrats to have a nominee other than Hillary Clinton should she decide to throw her hat into the ring. 2000 eight campaign did you see evidence of sexism in that campaign . Caller 2008 some 2008 did demonstrate gender dynamics. Theres no question that the media not the named stream thats not the Mainstream Media focused on Hillary Clintons and sarah palins appearance and backgrounds that seemed to misogynist. That was a very small percentage of overall coverage, that those kinds of examples were played and replayed, and i think it sends a signal to voters that there was rampant sexism. On the part of voters, it is difficult to determine whether there was any. Some women supported Hillary Clinton because they wanted to make history. Underwere others who were no circumstances going to support her, not only because of her own adage but because host new hampshire. Hillary clinton teared up talking about her campaign. Edmund muskie teared up, 1972. He was out. Is there sexism there . Guest Hillary Clinton, when she teared up, did not engage in an emotional breakdown. Her voice cracked and there might have been a little bit of water in her eyes. This was not a meltdown. But voters are really looking, i think, for evidence that she was a normal human being, and that sent that signal. It did not suggest she was weak or unable to govern, it reinforced the human side that ultimately worked to her advantage, at least in that particular primary. Ken, from new york, independent line, go ahead with your comment or question for jennifer lawless. We we had an upstate had a lady in upstate new york, a hotly contested local race for the assembly. Won by two votes, and it was interesting to watch her because she was an extremely bright mer, a mother. I dont think she had an idea of how allconsuming the task was, but she stayed with it and she is a banged up job. If thereo wondering are inherent malefemale differences . Typically my impression of my own gender is that when we were boys we were all competitive in different ways. Sports, thechess, math club, things like that. And a lot of men are drawn into ifitics because i wonder she has any views on whether there are geographic differences , in the United States and maybe even extending to europe, where they seem to be making headway. Thank you. Guest thanks for those questions. In terms of biological differences or inherent differences, i tend to think socialization overcomes any differences that might exist. In part, that is because the people who run for office are fundamentally different than everybody else. If you look at congress, the 535 people who served there are far more like each other than they are anyone else in the general population. So uncovering gender differences among them he comes very difficult just because they are driven,titive, assertive, and this is the case for the men and women who serve, which suggests that the manner in which you are raised and the qualities in which you are raised to possess and exhibit can be taught and can be socialized. In terms of geographic differences, we really did not find any. It did not matter where these young and them and young men and women were from. Not play aeally did role. Across the board and across democratic groups, women are less likely than men to express interest in the process. Host have you done a compare and contrast politics business in other fields, in politics, law, to be where women are doing , performing at Different Levels . What is really interesting is law, we haveand surveyed over the last 12 years about 8500 men and women who work in those professions who are similarly situated, so they have managed to achieve the same levels of professional success in a maildominated profession. Yet it is from those professions that we see this gender gap in political ambition emerge. Something seems fundamentally different about politics because these are women who have achieved the highest level of success in other male dominated realms. They are just not interested in doing it in the political realm. Democratic is a candidate in rockford, illinois. Tell us about your officeholding or youre running. Ir i am not president am not presently a candidate. I recently ran for local office as alderman. I found the experience very enlightening and informative, and i will continue to run for office. I question for your guest is, did she find in her survey any differences when it comes to economic or culture . I am a woman of color, and i did find because i live in a heavily majority districts that there was a kickback against that. Did she find any of that displayed in her findings . Guest we did not find any systematic differences in that way, but we are interested in finding if anyone is interested in Running Office am a and in running for office. While there is a lot of research that verifies the trends that you identify, those are not the questions we were interested in asking. Host john boehner recently said that the gop needs to be more sensitive to women. Guest yes, and then several republicans came out and explained that the way to create that sensitivity was to talk to their wives and daughters about it. Not the best way to phrase it. To the extent that the democrats are able to exploit the gender gap, they win elections. You have to look no further than 2012, to the mistakes of todd akin or bishop murdoch. Mccaskills why claire is still on the United States senate. It is true the republicans have and they also should mean it. It is not just an example of opening a binder and reading talking points. It is a matter of speaking with constituents in a way that they care about the issues that face the population. Host binders full of women . Guest it is a terrible phrase but started out as an ok idea, which was a way to let findnatorial candidates to out who they would be appointing. When mitt romney did what he did in the states, the whole thing became part of a joke. The reality was republicans were doing other things to reinforce the idea that they were not taking female candidates and voters seriously. Men runis tweet do forerently against women fear of being viewed as a bully . Guest in the 1990s, male candidates were more likely to talk about womens issues to show they were sensitive and capable of dealing with those issues. Now we have reached a point where Campaign Tactics look a little more similar across the board. In hereu have a chart about visiting websites, political websites, and men go there more often, period. It has been over the years of to one,ogram, two t men call in more than women. Consistently for 15 years. That we foundt that among 18 to 24yearolds reinforced that. The more things change, the more they stay the same. We have a situation where politics remains seen as a male domain. Men are arena in which seen as being embraced and women are not. We have to get away from that. Having more women on sunday morning talk shows, political talk radio, having them write to letters to the editor and oped is, will begin to open the door and let people see that womens presence can be embraced when they enter the political arena. Host john from lakeland, florida, go ahead with your comment for an a for loss. Racial we dont tolerate profiling, but isnt your Organization Gender profiling . I would call it sexist. Close the mission is to the gender gap in political leadership, so we provide courses that call attention to the way that women in politics fair. We provide leadership training to direct people to the government. We have special events where we bring in women who talk about their stances, and all of our classes and programs and events bring in male and female students across the country. Our goal is to bring people information so they can make decisions for themselves. Host amber is a candidate or williamsburg,in massachusetts. Tell us what office you were in or are seeking or are holding. I ran a campaign in a Community College that i attended in southern california, a student trustee position, so we were compensated by the state of california, and i was serving president rd and the like anyone else who would have run in the city. Comment has and the to do with sort of the experience of running because she is focusing on the Institute Getting students interested in teaching students and getting this age, 18, 19, 20, 21. For me it was really negative. I want to be really honest about what happened because she may have some thoughts and comments that may be applicable. A liberal,asian, and and most of the work i had done on the campus was to help students and help student mothers that were trying to go to school during welfare reform. You know, try to get childcare and keep students in college when they were being asked to leave if they did not have child student care mothers. I agree with the governor, with some of his immigration policies. One of the things i know now, 20 or 30 years later, i ultimately went on to attend an elite college in the east and age of finance and had a really successful career. One of the things i did is, i was very honest and i spoke about my beliefs and talked sout some of the governor opinions about immigration. Because i was not aware i was in southern california, most of the minority students on campus would respond so negatively to was, i had no idea what going to happen in the campaign. It turned into the most horrific , uncomfortable Smear Campaign while i was running. I will never consider doing this, and he just turned my stomach. So i dont know if it is teaching people when they are in really vulnerable young ages or in college, about what you say and how things can be. Just spread like wildfire in a i didbut but for me win, but i was sort of slandered, and they had another runin candidate that ran against me and it turned into a negative experience. I dont know if she has maybe some thoughts about that. Just being open and honest. Tryt one of the things we to do is disseminate information. Well aware of the Different Things that could potentially happen, a win or a loss, a Great Campaign experience or a negative one. What i can say over the course of last five years, interactive with dozens of candidates, or often than not, win or lose, the experience is incredibly positive. During the government shutdown, this article came out. Women are the only adults left in washington. This is from time. Senators were talking across the aisle to each other. Is there a difference between men and women . Difficult to it is know, especially when this example is based on the United States senate and three or four women in a bipartisan way. We should be cautious in trying to generalize to the world that said, there is evidence to suggest that at the end of the day women collaborate and cooperate in a way that is different than men, and if theres any chance that that is true systematically, that is even more reason to feel more female candidates and get more involved in politics. Host hi, susan. I grew up in a highly political family and we were encouraged to volunteer for campaigns. I graduated from conservatism to now i am pretty much voting democrat although i maintain my independence for the very reason that the woman before me said if you step out of the box at all and express ones opinion and i fault the left for this somewhat just the sense that if you have one opinion that the canon, you are automatically branded either a racist war it is so extreme. And the other thing, there is this impression that you cannot run for politics unless you are a ged or have a masters degree for the Kennedy School of government. You, and elite position at american u. But there is something for everyone, even college dropouts, if they have something to bring to the table. I do remember very vividly i lived in washington at the time and the Washington Post was covering Donna Shalala and Hillary Clinton, who happened to washingtonlunch at a restaurant on secretaries day, and one of the waiters came over and brought them inadvertently i do not think they recognize them, believe it or not a rose. And it immediately and immediately Donna Shalala was quoted as saying, we are not secretaries i dont know lastly, congratulations on running in rhode island, our dear friend cathy just made it into the state senate there. Susan, we are going to leave it there. Running out of time. Jennifer lawless . Guest the thing i would note is when there are already elected usices, it is incumbent on to identify candidates who would be excellent for whatever position they would be. There are no educational credentials or income requirements, especially for lower offices. What i would tell people, if there is an issue you care about and you think you or somebody you know would be an excellent candidate, dont worry about their backgrounds. Encourage them to run. That is the best way to breed a successful campaign. He final thing i would say, if people decide not to run for office after making a conscious decision and weighing the costs and benefits, thats fine. A lot of People Choose certain professions over others. But the fundamental problem i see is that women are systematically less likely than men to have it on their radar screen of the first place, and that seems like a problem. Host a tweeps amongweet and chris, good morning. Caller it is not so much that i have a question, i would like to get the young ladys opinion off the air. I was a football coach a couple of years. From the time girls are younger, it seems they are more taught to be i hate to say this like this sexually attractive to men, the way they dress, the way they act. You talk about being competitive, and it does not seem that they are taught to be competitive. It seems like a natural extension of what you had said of them being the 90 caregiver in the home, that that would follow into their careers. My daughter is a nurse, the other is a teacher. It seems like a natural extension of and i dont want to sound sexist but of them being a woman. I admire that you would run for office, but in a city like between it is very much the two parties. It is extremely hard to have name recognition, to develop those names, and to raise the funds that are necessary. Is plentyink there for professor lawless to respond to. Guest it is true that it is difficult to go out and raise money and build name recognition, but nothing suggests that women cannot be as successful as men when they try to do that. I dont think we should assume that because it is a difficult task women cannot succeed. The other thing i would note if we see these trends of women becoming less competitive than men, we can begin to change that. Nothing is set in stone. We dont live in a world where we are left to navigate it, we can actually change it. That is what i think knowing competitive experiences can generate some sense of the competitive spirit. Knowing that, i think it is useful and we can encourage young girls to get involved in if they have the background. Host duke from california, youre the last caller. I dont think you ought to be pushing for a process of eliminating men from running from office for one reason only, and that is they possess which leads disagree, but i push it the comment. I think we do ourselves a disservice when we exploit the capital and at the end of the day elected officials represent their extension with ease. That is why the incumbency advantage is so high and they kept getting reelected. As long as we hold them accountable and get out there and vote and make sure there is electoral competition, we will wind up with better government. Host wild and wonderful tweets in guest interestingly, men and women were both very turned off having to navigate this media environment with regard to privacy issues or they lack thereof. At the end of the day, that turns off both men and women at relatively equal weights. Equal rates. Zimonjill miller tweets in guest i am familiar with this. Name it change it identifies sexist commentary in the media and put it out there so people are aware that the media are not treating female candidates well, and that is supposed to put pressure on the media to change the behavior. Certainly absolutely nothing wrong with that, and it is a very noble effort. The thing i would mention is that the amount of sexist commentary out there is very, very small, and so that is not what is keeping women running for office, and it is not affecting womens election outcomes. If we have to make choices focusing on the lyrical recruitment and encouraging women to believe in themselves as candidates, that will ultimately lead to more women candidates. Host we have been talking to American University professor jennifer lawless about this report, girls just want to not gender gap in Young Americans political ambition. Thank you for your time this morning. Guest thanks for having me. Host about a half hour left in this mornings washington journal. We will talk about Public Policy and hear your views. 2025853880 for democrats. 2025853881 for republicans. Independents. Or we will be back to go through papers and take your calls in just a minute. Kevin nelson, and we are in bellingham, washington. We have been in business for nine years now. Atrted in 2004 at book bison bookbinding letterpress. Letterpress is a that is found in most shops. They used for die cutting, scoring cards. We use it for printing. Not that many people in modern times use them for printing. Ecause they are slower a lot of print shops are using these 40foot long sixtower presses, which can send out tens of thousands of ants and our of prince in an hour. Of prints in an hour. His is a more artistic form of thing, but it is the heart of our business. It just has more presence. If you are sending a card to someone that has not been massproduced and has been handled by an individual, i would hope that it would have more meaning for someone receiving it. It is made with love. More from bison bookbinding and letterpress this weekend. Look at the history of of the literary life of washington. Tworday afternoon on cspan. Washington journal continues. Host open phones as we go through the papers and news articles in this mornings news. Public policy issues. Four democrats. Republicans. 2 four 202 6280205 for independence. Absence took a leave of , pleading guilty to cocaine possession. He will return to Congress Next week. He was sentenced to a years probation. Fors attending rehab alcohol abuse after he was busted by an undercover agent at a restaurant in washington at Dupont Circle earlier in the year. He has not announced whether he plans to run for reelection. His troubles have already inspired a number of his primary challengers to take a look at launching rematches against him. That is from the hill this morning. Adding a baby to health plan not easy. There is another quirk in the obama Administrations Health Care system. It lacks ways for customers to quickly update their coverage for the birth of a baby and other, life changes. If regular private insurance, parents just notify the health plan. Insurers will still cover new babies come in the administration says, but parents will also have to contact the government at some point later on. That the newer coverage for many uninsured americans comes with a thirdparty in the mix the feds. The systems wiring for the vital function is not yet fully connected. Calling in from florida on our democrats line. Public policy issues on your mind this morning. Caller i was annoyed earlier when the guest was on. The young caller mentioned about having to raise taxes. Peopledont like the way today phrase things. It would be punitive against the rich to be raising taxes. He does not consider that it has been punitive for the country as a whole over the last 30 years as we have increased taxes on the rich and starved the government. It has been punitive to the middle class all these years, as they have had to pick up the slack are these guys. I wish people would get away thatthis tricky phrasing they only seem to come up with that distorts the issues all the time. The front page of Washington Times this morning. In hawaii. Ng golf many challenges ahead for the u. S. In an unruly world. Syrias raging syllable war raging civil war. Rapidly expanding al qaeda threat. A global backlash against american spying activity. First fullnedys year as a top u. S. To pull matter promises to be busy and a foreignpolicy landscape that is increasingly resistant to american dominance. John, durant, mississippi. Good morning. Happy new year. Why is everyone going around saying that obama spending so much money . Most of the money that he spent, congress has to approve it. Thats it. Have a blessed day. Host thank you for calling in this morning. Hi, tim. Caller cold as you can believe. The caller you just had a second that by cutting taxes on the rich, we have been starving the federal government just want host i think he hung up on himself. New jersey. What is on your mind question . About thelking political aspirations of women and how they are treated in that process, especially by those in higher levels. I think those parties have a problem with the way that they treat women who are running for elected office, particularly the guys. We sanction them, asking them questions. It is more about their physical appearance, their family issues, whether they have a nanny or a housekeeper and how they pay for have a child they with a disability, whether they are. Or is pregnant or not all of these things are so out of line and sexist. They would not be asked of a male candidate. They are spoken about for female candidates. I dont think, as a country, unless we can get our sexist views out of the picture, will ever be able to make much headway with women running for office. Host thank you, elizabeth. Calling from right here in washington, d. C. Just wondering about the unemployment situation. I was laid off due to a lack of funding. I just dont feel like the is helping people who put in a hard time to these jobs. You turn around and say, were not going to sign up off on the unemployment situation. Its not fair to anyone who is. Truggling unemployment helps me out because i have a 16yearold daughter. Looking that im not for work i am looking for work. In the process, that is my money and i work hard for it. Host how long have you been laid off . Ive been laid off since june of 2013. Host windier benefits run out . 2015. host what kind of work were you doing . Caller i was a maintenance technician. Host what kind of funding is no longer available . It was through charter, which is privately owned, so re whentually can highe there is no union. Host jerome calling from washington, d. C. Democrats line. Comment about a the latinos, particularly mexicanamericans in california. The republicans difficulties with us. I have deep roots in arizona. Unless they pass immigration not going to get a lot of votes right now. They can stop the bleeding with latinos. Maybe the next generation of the children of these immigrants will eventually vote republican. Think theyif they can bring in marco rubio or ted cruz and get votes from latinos, it is not going to help right now. Eventually, what theyre doing host what tactics do you think republicans should use . By stopthey can start demonizing people who are not here legally. Stop treating them as if they are terrible criminals. Their rhetoric it is true they are not here legally. I understand that. We all do. The problem of demonizing has to stop. Here, ine who was born am offended by the tone. Tone the way they speak about us. Host thank you so much for calling in. We want to let you know that , everyekend on book tv weekend, 48 hours of books and history. We will be visiting the city of bellingham, washington. Youll see features all week long from bellingham, washington. Heres a preview. Downtown bellingham is facengham, as far as the for the rest of the state and the country. I dont want to be a cookiecutter city. I want to make sure that when people come to downtown bellingham, they view us as unique. Not just as any other town on the highway that they can go to and say, hey, here is the store and that store. We have a lot of businesses that come to town and they like the buy local feel that we have. A few years ago, a group came to town the first thing they did was go out to the Community Businesses and say, we would like to feature your business. We would like to let people know that you produce your goods locally. We would like to do a promotion for a buy local program. They got numerous participation. When you have a small population like we do and a lot of local spread the really attention around. Again onrt focusing developing our local economy, i think a lot of local businesses the buy local and program will make that happen faster. Host that is just a preview of this weekend on American History. V and cspan 2 48 hours of history and books, every weekend. We also want to let you know that this weekend on book tv, mark will be our guest. Begins at noon on sunday. He will be taking your calls, tweets, talking about his five books. Netiquette. Independent line. Connecticut. Independent line. Caller i have been voting libertarian since the early 90s. The biggest problem we have today is we have a government that is out of control. College education used to be affordable in this country until the federal government stepped in. There is a pattern here. Everything the government touches is a complete disaster. Cops,r on drugs, crooked the war one fbi drugs is big on the american taxpayer. All the redistribution of wealth let Natural Selection run its course. Host were going to stop you there. The Washington Times survey this morning finds americans gloomy at the start of 2014 after a rough 2013. Americans are entering the new year with negative views of the direction of the country and the prospects for elected officials to turn things in government around. Most say that government is headed in the wrong direction. 70 are not confident that the government will make progress on important issues and problems in the country in 2014, according to the new Associated Press survey. Greensboro, north carolina. What is the Public Policy issue on your mind this morning . Caller thank you for taking my call. Thed to mention democrats are trying to do something to help everyone. On, your previous guest was you mentioned the thing about and theblicans democrats being in another party. The better description for the republicans would be saying that they are the deadbeat dad. No responsible father which a town the government like they did. Or cut off benefits for people who are out of work and cannot find a job. I think that is a much more appropriate term for the republicans. The democrats have worked hard and are trying to do something to help everyone. Not just the wealthy, but those in the country. That is very important. Host on our republican line is james from california. Caller thank you for having me. Some of the people really misconceived the things when it comes to republicans. Theyans really dont arent hatemongers. Ublicans are trying to they did not want to continue debt. T that this as far as the sexist term is concerned, what people need to understand is, the republicans views. N the traditional they are labeled racist. Then they start calling them sexist. Conservative, i focus on family. That is what we are trying to do as republicans. James from la jolla. The Washington Times this morning. Ry. Anding government snoope they were given permission to seize laptops and iphones without going through the trouble of having to establish cause if they believe that crime. Are being used in no war needed. Passengers taking the laptops on International Flights that is reason enough to jettison the fourth amendment, which prohibits reading a citizens papers without a war and. Warrant. T a the manymong inconveniences associated with international travel. These measures are intended to fight terrorism. Jihadists are not the only passengers at the airport. Many travelers have perfectly good reasons for keeping prying eyes off their electronic documents. Doctors have medical records, journalists notes, maintain confidential sources. Each of these occupations have and ethical duty to keep things private. The judge dismisses such concerns. They cite a Homeland Security policy that calls for an extra is givenen a passenger privilege. A careful reading of cpb and ice indicates that these agencies are sensitive to the privacy and confidentiality issues posed by border searches of electronic devices. Anyone who expects lawenforcement agencies to respect such legal boundarie must be drinking the koolaid. They enter the password and allow the agent to roam through. If anything interesting catches his eye, he can keep the laptop or camera or cell phone. With such authority, the passenger has no recourse but congress. Tommy is in middleton, tennessee. That is western tennessee. I hope that we have a good year. He spoke so quickly there is so much interesting comments to mine is directed towards israel. Substantials a we fretarsenal, why do about you ran . Iran . Theirey protecting interests like israel . Host victoria in san francisco. I wanted to talk about the Affordable Care act. No one seems to be addressing the senior citizens. I have been a democrat all my life. I am so disappointed in obamas. They think we are giving a free ride to seniors. I pay every month out of social hmority and i pay for an that went up 40 a month. It is a hardship on me and some of the seniors that i know. Nobody seems to care about the seniors. Outnt these young people there to know that we are not getting a free ride over here. We are paying our way. Host how much do you think you spend a month on health care . Caller we are spending now around 130. My sisterss that live under miles away from me have the same health care 100 miles away from me have the same health care. Host is that for your upplementary plan . Caller caller for an hmo, yes. Is something entirely different. Like i said, i carry a supplemental because medicare does not cover everything. Ort you are paying a next 140 yourself a month for your supplemental . Do you have drug costs on top of that . An extra 140 a month for your supplemental . Do you have drug costs on top of that . Theyit is a hardship raised at 40 at one time. I could see them raising a 10 or something a month. 40 we just got 18 on our social security. That is not even pay for half of. Hat they raised our hmo i want the whole United States to know that. Were not getting a free ride over here at seniors. Next is bill in leesburg, georgia. Republican. Ronald is in dunlap, california. I am still waiting for the affordables refinance Program Version three. We have been waiting now for approximately three years for the third version of the home affordable refinance program. Congress is still doing nothing to help homeowners who are unable to refinance based on the new criteria. Andress needs to go ahead work on this bipartisan issue so that we can finally have a boost in our economy by folks like me and others who are current on our mortgages but are unable to refinance based on the new criteria. Host what criteria is preventing you from refinancing . Caller for example, i am retired, i am a current mortgage holder, never been late, excellent credit i did all of the previous route prerequisites , but the new refinancing criteria says that you have to employment based on monthly incomes that a retiree does not have. They want to see certain benchmarks requirements that only someone who is employed in the current Economic System would have. It completely prohibits all of us that are current with our mortgages. Host bill is calling from leesburg, georgia. Sayer i just wanted to that i have been listening to cspan this morning, im and im justired, frustrated to listen to all of these democrats and people calling in and begging for handouts. Go out there and find what is there. Improve from there. Thank you. Host next is ron in pennsylvania. Ron is calling on our independent line. I just want to say that i think the problem that this with billionaires running its dont understand how it is for us. I am from the vietnam era. It has gotten harder and harder. The way to help us is raise our taxes and stuff. I dont understand how they think. I would like to put a challenge to any of them to come and live in my shoes for six months and leave the billions behind to come and live in my shoes for six months and see how you like it. Thank you, sir. From the hill this morning. How obama blew it. Benson to work for lloyd and bill alexander. He writes, there is disappointment in the Obama Presidency. He has the almost universal disapproval of the congress. The low generic polling for collapsedin Congress Standing of the republican brand , the collapse of approval for the tea party, the civil war that is begun within the gop and the revealing but under discussed fact that approval for Hillary Clinton has fallen by some 20 during 2013. He failed to fight for the transforming reforms he promised. That is from his premise in his oped. Independent line. Caller thank you for taking my call. I think our problem is, we as a country are too divided. I think the division happened when al gore won the election and bush stole the election. That created a big divide in our government. Youhen, he finds that find that there is no longer working together. It is not for the country. We fight with each other. We dont look out for the country and we get lobbyists who. Ome in from all over the world this is why we are not working together. This needsthat to be fixed. That is the only way we can gotten all we have these people from china and all over the world. All these things can be stopped if congress would not let lobbyists get into their head. I think the country needs to come together. Host robert, that is the last word for this morning. A. M. L be back at 7 00 good one. [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2013] a live look at the u. S. Capitol here on this snowy day in washington, d. C. At noon, they will come into session to begin the second session. Note legislative business is expected. Some news from across the street. The Supreme Court is expected today. The Supreme Court can act as as today on Health Care Reform that puts soto mayor in an unusual position. To provide first control another Health Coverage to their workers. The emergency application was filed on tuesday, a day before it was set to take effect. Theres been a temporary stay. The deadline for the response is today at 10 00 eastern. We will keep you on top of that. The weather has not stopped the institute. They are still planning on hearing from jack martin later today. He is from the federation for American Immigration reform

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