Healthcare. Gov numbers. Now it is your turn to weigh in. Democrats, 202 5853880, republicans 202 5853881, and independents, all others, 202 5853882. You can also send us a tweet cspanwj or post your comments on facebook. Com cspan and e mail us journal cspan. Org. Callsl get to your phone we thoughts in a minute, but have someone joining us on the phone. Everybody has known the numbers since yesterday afternoon and lots to say about them, but lets begin first with what the white house had to say when they released these numbers. [video clip] are you there . Guest hi. The white house was trying to downplay expectations about these numbers. Everyone knew that they would be poor, and yesterday, president obama did not have anything direct to say about them, but the administration was upbeat. They said the people are online and shopping in the marketplace. They predicted that enrollment would ramp up over time, which is what we have seen in other programs like Medicare Part d come and the massachusetts help reform that was obamacares predecessor. Most people tend to sign up for coverage closer deadlines, so that is what the administration hopes will vindicate them after the first month, which did not go well. Host but if the deadline is not until march, why were expectations so high to begin with . People do not have to sign up until later. Guest that is right here at march is a key deadline because it is obviously the end of a sixmonth enrollment period. The other date is december 15, which is when People Choose plans if they want them to kick in in january. There are a lot of people losing their coverage right now and theyre going to want to remain insured, and for them, the middle of december is the crucial deadline. The reason that that is tough for the administration is it comes only two weeks after the deadline, where they say theyre going to have the website fix, which is the end of this month, so if they cannot have healthcare. Gov up and running, functioning enough for millions of people to actually buy their health plan, a lot of people are going to be in trouble come january. So the other issue is those people who have lost their health care coverage, their current plans and are up set because president obama said if you like your dr. You can keep your doctor, you can keep him. What is the administration say about a possible fix . Guest the administration is under a lot of pressure not only from it is clear that its critics but also from the democrats who are upset at with how the Affordable Care act has been implemented so far. I think the administration is really looking this one up and they want to see a quick fix. Even though we have received a guarantee from the white house that they are going to have some kind of an announcement soon, nobody is really sure what that will look like because it is very hard to go back in time and to extend peoples coverage that they have already lost. Huge turnaround for the individual insurance market. It would be very difficult for Insurance Companies, so it is possible that the white house could announce Something Like an expansion of the tax credits under obamacare that are helping make coverage more affordable for people making up to about 400 of the poverty line. Maybe they could expand that threshold and allow more people to receive federal discounts on their Health Insurance. It is possible that even a plan like that would need to go through congress, where, you know, i do not know if the house would be likely to approve it, frankly, because they think they can get obama to give major concessions. House, white house officials were up there yesterday meeting with House Democrats. Why did House Democrats tell the white house . Guest House Democrats are extremely upset. They say they want a fix right now. They were guaranteed in the month of october i Administration Officials that the website would be working better than it currently appears to be working. I think a lot of these lawmakers are feeling a little bit misled by the administration at this point. These are people who were crucial to the Affordable Care acts passage. Some of them voted for it, despite concerns. By it duringd tough elections. So they feel as if the Administration Needs to fill straight with them and also address this growing problem of people who are seeing their policies canceled and directed to the members of congress saying what do we do. Members of congress are in a difficult position because they say well, we would like to tell you to go to a website, but of course the website is not working well at this point. Host so when the house takes up fred uptons legislation, the republican who leads the energy and commerce committee, that vote expected on friday that would allow americans to keep their insurance plans if they like them. How do you expect democrats to vote if the white house does not announce a fix . Guest it is interesting. I think by this time, we could see democrats siding with republicans on this bill and large ways. That has not been a case, which is really a testimony to House Minority leader Nancy Pelosis grip on her caucus. Beexpected that they would trying to support up to instill in droves as a message to their constituents, but that has not turned out to be the case so far. What the white house plans to do with this bill. Under a veto threat, it is not clear whether House Democrats will oppose the white house. It is possible that they stick guaranteesed on the from the administration that Something Else will happen, that the white house will have a solution for these people who are losing their plans. That is a different story in the senate, actually, where lawmakers like mark pryor, even Dianne Feinstein are signing on to plans that are would allow people to keep their health policies. That is a sign a lease in the senate you have a lot of democrats of difference rights rallyingent stripes around the idea that obama needs to be held accountable for his promise. Host mike the Administration SupportDiane Feinstein and Mary Landrieus legislation on this . Very i think that is unlikely because that would put them in a different a difficult spot with the Health Insurance companies that have become their allies over time, which is in interesting narrative because the Obama Administration was not always in the Health Insurance companies corner to say the least. But at this point in rolling out the Affordable Care act, they must be partners with the industry and the industry has a lot of power here because they are undergoing an enormous amount of change to make this work and to set back the clock to make everything possible. It is hard to say the administration would support that bill. I think they would supervise greatly the democrats who signed onto to it, but they will need to propose an alternative to make it work. Host all right, elise viebeck, with Henry Cuellar, with the hill, thank you very much. From politico this morning, a couple of pieces about what is going on behind the scenes and the thinking on strategies on the democratic side. The calculus is straightforward host then on the republican side from politico, this is what dick sherman writes host now it is your turn to weigh in on these numbers that were reached by the data released by the white house. William, you are up first, florida, democratic caller. Go ahead. Caller yes, good morning. I think this is much ado about nothing. The program will work. People just need to stand fast. Most of the yelling is coming from the republicans because of the fact that we all know that they do not want to fix this thing. But if they were so concerned, they would have worried about hundred thousand, 300,000 in their own district needed medicare before they started thinking about the 1 that started sending me letters all it the same time, saying that we are losing our coverage and everything. People losing their coverage for months people have been losing their coverage for months. People who had hurricanes, insurance dropped them like hot cakes. Nobody says anything about that. Now we are more concerned about 2 who have received letters. Oh, my constituents are losing their health care. How convenient. Host ok, william. We will go to loretto, pennsylvania, independent caller. Caller hi, how are you . I just want to say that obama is going to have to live with it on his conscience for all the trouble he caused. He is killing people. Theyled policies canceled policies because of him because he put such restrictions on the Insurance Companies. People are in the middle of Cancer Treatment than they cannot get their Cancer Treatment. Host loretto, where have you heard those stories . Caller right from the horses mouth. There are people that i know better and middle of Cancer Treatments, and also i saw on a man said he chose to die because he does not want to leave his family destitute. He said i dont know if it is going to help any way. He says i am not going to take the chance and was everything i have and leave my wife and family destitute, so i am just going to die because of obama. Host loretta, what network was that . Caller i think it was the fox channel, but then i have seen others. Other channels do not want to report anything because they want obama to look like a king. [inaudible] host all right, we will go to middleton, democratic caller. Caller good morning, greta. Host good morning. Caller first thing i want to say is i got my wife signed up. She is not quite signed up yet, but we got her and rolled in the health care marketplace. People, just like this lady just called, she was talking about the guy on fox news, he did not check to see if he could get any insurance. The highest policy that you can get in the Affordable Care act is 700 and something. That guy was lying on fox news, andy fox news does not ask and show i can show you on the exchange how much they were going to pay. Fox news was not going to do that. That is what i have got to say about that. But there is another thing. On a is an article i read website, it is called revenge of the Insurance Companies. People need to read that. Insurance step the president and everybody else in the back. That is a real good article and everybody should read that, and they would change their mind if they read that. About what the Insurance Companies are doing. Host all right, our line for republicans, peter in new york. Go ahead, peter. Caller the last caller, i think he lives in disney world, to be honest with you, because i know people who have lost their policies and they got their hours cut. When they passed this bill, they were all snickering, happy, why is it such a great bill . Why did they delay it or give up special privileges to Big Companies if it is so great . Ok. This is a failure. This is communism, ok . You dont push a bill down our throats, the American Peoples throats, that we do not want to appear to you have to pay fines. Want to. You have to pay fines. This is all communism. Im going to tell the democrats wanting i am a republican, i can care less about the republicans. I say vote out every public and the primaries, it is the democrats respond were smart, they would vote out each democrat in the remarries and get new people in there that worry about this country. They only worry about their own pockets. So lets just call it that. Goodbye. On twitter mitchell says aca is a great program. It is beginning, lets give it time. Tweak it, and in the end, i think it will work well. Karen buchanan states that embrace the aca are doing well. Too bad somebody others chose not to. Joe in new jersey, independent caller, what do you think, joe . You are on the air. Caller young kids cannot afford it. I have two daughters that other hours cut, they are working three days a week. They got insurance payments, car payments, how are they going to afford all this . They have to pay 400 a month for insurance. They cannot afford it. How are they going to do it . Host so you doubt that young people will sign up. Caller they cant afford to sign up. Their hours are getting cut, money is getting cut, how are they going to do it . Host do your daughters have Student Loans to pay . Caller no, but they have car payments and insurance, that is high. Host all right, david, kansas, democratic caller. Hi, david. Caller how are you doing . I would like to comment about these Insurance Companies. I had a job and i have health, aretal, and i care eye c or my company for 20 and change and change 28 every week for just myself. And all of these Insurance Companies when this law, Affordable Care act, went into into law, they were unhappy because it was going to force them to have policies for people with existing conditions. And they thought that it would be a loss for them, but instead it is a game because a lot of people are going to have insurance that did not, and they will make a profit off of that. They want to make profit off of everybody. People off that had good policies and make everybody pay a higher price. It is just all about money. Right, jupiter, florida, douglas, republican caller. That thet seems to me low number of enrollees are the people who basically could not get insurance before. Thewe have done is burden insurance pulled with folks who basically could not get insurance and secondly we extended the welfare law. If you look, without we added 300,000 people, and eventually the people who dont meet insurance him of the other people, they are saying from it in trolls in droves. Is add we have done to the insurance pool. The Healthy People are staying away. It is no surprise that these numbers are what they are. All right, douglas, let me show you the front page of the miami herald. 3500 71 in florida, at just over 106,000, Health Insurance enrollment numbers are far from the administrations goal of 7 million. This courtesy of the museum here in washington. The Atlanta Journal constitution reports that in a state of georgia, 536 and rolled enrolled in the first month. The Richmond Times dispatch in virginia 1023 are the people who completed enrollment in the federal marketplaces for smut marketplaces first month of operation. ,667 completed applications 32,354 were, and eligible. Graphics are showing the enrollment numbers, an ounce yesterday by the health and Human Services secretary, she held a teleConference Call with reporters to go over the numbers announced yesterday by the health and Human Services secretary, she held a teleConference Call with reporters to go over the numbers. You can go and find them at www. Cspan. Org. Thething beasts secretary has said is over a Million People have been determined eligible. About one Million People have gotten through the website is what the secretary pointed out yesterday. Its at the front page of the timber go a reporting by the Washington Post this morning. From page of the denver post, reporting by the Washington Post this morning. All this ahead of tomorrows vote in the house by House Republicans to put on the floor keep your plan act 2013. On the senate side, there is legislation as well put forth by democrats, senator Dianne Feinstein and senator Mary Landrieu have legislation that would require the Insurance Companies to pick up people who have lost their coverage. A lot of those people have lost their coverage. Terry in dayton, ohio, democratic caller. Caller listen, ive been sitting here listening to the andes, other callers everyone, and i have been on the website numerous times. I have roused, i have searched, i have been shopping, comparing lands. So all this hype about you cant get on it is nonsense. I get on in the evening, i get on in the morning, whatever time i want to log onto it. To continuously lie to people and think that we do not need Health Insurance it is just crazy. Everyone needs Health Insurance. Know, thest like, you congress, you know, republicans going against what is best for this country, and everyone in this country needs help insurance. That the tv shows and all the news things just put a little bit more balance on what is really going on. Everybody needs Health Insurance. This is going to work out. Just give it a little time. It is going to work. Insurance companies have been doing this for years. Canceling, dropping you, so everybody up in arms it is nothing new. Cars no different than insurance, renters insurance, house insurance they do it to you all the time. They change things, you pay for things you never use. I dont have dogs, but i still