Today to mark the tragic events from 12 years ago. We will bring you coverage on our network and cspan. Org. Lets begin with the president s speech in your reaction. Send us a tweet by going to http twitter. Com cspanwj or post your comments on facebook. You can also email us. The front page of the newspapers this morning, courtesy of the new cm, the Chicago Tribune and their headline about the president speech, Obama Presses case, syria vote will wait. We will hear from the Orange County register in california, i believe we should act, that is what makes america different. From boston globe, the president says he will pursue the diplomatic yield. Is from detroit free press, u. S. Must keep the pressure on. Give up chemical weapons, but not lifting threat of military strike. Outhe countries try to work some sort of diplomatic solution, we are joined on the phone by Diplomatic Correspondent for bloomberg news, joining us from new york. Lets begin with what has been happening since the president speech. Any effort made . Guest the speech took place last night, having been president obama clear that the u. S. Is going to try to pursue test the diplomatic trend. It has been overnight. Were going to see everything to configure this morning. I think the first thing president obama is going to do is lay out what exactly he achieved when secretary kerry was speaking with his russian after part on thursday, and now we are expected to see if they were able to reach an agreement on how they want to proceed with the diplomatic path. Once that is decided, [indiscernible] United NationsSecurity Council for a followup. Host what does the United States wanted some sort of diplomatic solution or agreement and what does syria want, russia want question mark who are the players here . America is going to want to negotiate with the russians how they will be able to ensure that the transfer of chemical weapons to International Control , which terms the syrians have agreed to, will be done in a credible and verifiable way. There needs to be a discussion on the timeline of how quickly they can get this done and how safely this can be done. It will be top priority. Ist i am interested to know before president obamas speech yesterday, the french, they put a draft resolution they had in the meeting of u. K. , u. S. , and french envoys met and discussed a possible resolution. It primarily indents the syrian assadsnt bashar al regime for culpability in the august 21 alleged chemical weapons attack. This will become major point for western country demanding the responsibility on the assad regime being held accountable, but that will be the one big hurdle the russians and the syrians will not agree to. Document agree to a that pinpoints the assad regime is responsible for a massive use of chemical weapons attack that killed over 400 people, that it will be the start where president Bashar Alassad may have to end up before the International Criminal court for having violated International Norms and using weapons of mass destruction. Russia being allies, they dont want to see this happen. They want to see the regime continue. It will not hold for them. I think that will be the to do things. For obamas patty talked about yesterday, if this aroundheyre talking having to identify the assad you in you in document and discussing behind boost closed doors with the russian government that secretary kerry [indiscernible] host why do you think that is important . Knows the entire world the United Nations has been paralyzed because of the russian veto and it came down to the point of identifying assad as culpable for using chemical weapons. This whole issue of whether the u. S. Will launch a military strike or not has dragged on for weeks. Aoi where obama has backtracked from what , theid about two weeks ago u. S. Needs to continue on with us military strike and skip the u. N. If theres a need to do so, now he sang his back to the diplomatic approach. To want tor obama see this happen, i think realistically speaking, sidestepping the issue of culpability and being realistic in talking to the russians about a way forward on the timeline and tactical issues, and perhaps i could lead to diplomatic progress. Thatcould avoid the issue is carried on for the past weeks and months. Host to wrap this up, what role does the United Nations play in this, if anything at all . Right now there will be a bilateral discussion between the u. S. And russia. Once there are further nuts and bolts that are worked out, then they will bring back the Security Council for full implementation. Discussionis still a between the capitals between secretary kerry and foreign lavrov andaugh rob in any outcome will us know how foru. N. Can get involved whether to kick into gear or not. Host thank you for your time this morning. From president obamas speech last night, a little bit more, the president in his own words talking about this diplomatic path and what comes next. Atrocities, commit they depend upon the world to look the other way until those horrifying pictures fade from memory. At these things happened. The facts cannot be denied. Now is, what the United States of america and the International Community is prepared to do about it. Because what happened to those people, to those children, is not only a violation of International Law, it is also a danger to our security. Let me explain why. If we fail to act, the assad regime will see no reason to stop using chemical weapons. As the ban against these weapons erodes, other tyrants will have no reason to think twice about acquiring poison gas and using it. Over time, our troops will face the prospect of Chemical Warfare on the battlefield. It could be easier for terrorist organizations to obtain these weapons. If the fighting goes beyond syrias borders, it could threaten our allies. A failure to stand against the use of chemical weapons would weaken prohibitions against other weapons of mass destruction and embolden iran, which must decide by ignoring International Law or take a more president ath. Host obama last night addressing the nation, talking about what is next when it comes to syria. We want to get your reaction. We begin with john, democratic caller. Believei just cannot what i heard. I mean, this is unbelievable. If ianding there as mean, as if our government is so lily white and pure when he allowed george bush to do that brutal method he did in iraq and id away from it as if mean, hes talking about children on the floor when our government under george bush killed thousands and then 5000, 6000 americans came back from in 19,000 limbless and he has the nerve to talk about this . And the fact the American People dont know what took place in iraq emma but he is going to stand with lies and hypocrisy as if we are really that stupid and going to play the same games come the same pitches, the same rhetoric that bush used to go into iraq to kill Saddam Hussein and then destroyed the nation . He is talking about looking for a diplomatic solution as if those people over there are really that stupid that they dont see the lies and hypocrisy and dont nobody trust this nation. I know i dont. Host did you go for the president into thousand eight and 2012 . Guest i voted onetime, but not the second time. I wasnt stupid the second time. After he let bush walk away and sing how bush just upped all over the constitution and were supposed to be a nation of laws and he let that man walk away like that . Host walter, baltimore. Caller i did vote for him both times and would vote for him again, but the point is not whether or not we are criminals as the United States, but as the president suggested, that we must be vigilant and act when no one else does. I think that his leadership, not from behind, but to the defense of your previous color, i agree with him that historically there , but theman acts bombing of hiroshima, or necessary, to end a war, but the diplomatic approach that the president has taken as of last night, i agreed 100 with and i just want the public to realize that we cannot beat the world, but what we can do, as the president also said, cspan, is, Start Building our own country. How about that part . Host d support keeping the pressure on wisteria by drafting some sort of resolution in the congress or through the United Nations that says if they do not follow through on what theyre saying they will do with her chemical weapons, that a military strike will happen . Caller yes, maam. He also stated he is going to have carriers in our battleships maintain their position over there. That is necessary. This is not a bluff. The idea that some of the people will call in and say he is bluffing and week, they are crazy. The strength comes from peace, not war. War is the final action, but, yes, maam, i do believe in his approach. Host so from the beginning he supported the president on military strike. Caller i didnt say a support the military strike. Him, butng i support his approach the military strike as the previous caller was saying, did not come from him. It came from the right wing of those Chicken Hawks who have never gone to war before, the defense contractors who always see profit in anything we do militarily. I said i support barack obama, and in particular, his decision to go back to the United Nations, go back to the world, yes, maam, i think that nato and the United Nations as well as the arab league should get over there and into that conflict, not us. Host gary, republican caller. What are your thoughts . Caller good morning. Obama laid outnt for doing whatever he decides to do with al qaeda because we would be empowering the al qaeda in syria if we dont do anything. And the second thing i would like to say is about benghazi. I read in the Washington Post, there were 60 cia people working there and that seems to me like that would have been petraeus case. I dont know where he was, whether he was just getting his brass polish or what, but it seems like you dropped the ball there. The next thing i would like to say, one of the reasons president obama was able i learned this from a black man get bin ladin is because black better than white people. We went hunting rabbits. Every time he start of a rabbit, it ran faster further away before he could get a shot. Host on our Facebook Page some comments from our Facebook Page. He delayed it because he knew he would not get the votes. We are not as dumb as he thinks we are. Democratic caller, go ahead. Caller i would like to say i think the president is a genius. He is going to get what he needs from the syrians without firing a shot. I hear a lot of people always theng about america being policeman of the world. Who wouldnt want to live without a modern city without a policeman . Someone has to do the job. I hear people say, the sunnis and shiites have been fighting for thousands of years. People fought in europe for thousands of years. Went to several world wars so many wars in europe that we went there to help them, so i dont see why we cant help the people in the mideast also. That is my comment. Host from the president last night when he talked about what a limited strike would mean, he reiterated it would not include boots on the ground. I will not put american boots on the ground in syria. I will not pursue an openended action like iraq or afghanistan. I will not pursue a Prolonged AirCampaign Like libya or kosovo. This would be a targeted strike to achieve a clear objective, deterring the use of chemical weapons and degrading assads capabilities. Even a limited strike will send a message to assad that no other nation can deliver. I dont think we should remove another dictator with force. We learned from iraq that doing forakes us responsible all that comes next. But he can make any other dictator think twice before using chemical weapons. In reaction to that speech, senators john mccain and republican of arizona and Lindsey Graham, south carolina, put out a joint statement saying we also regret he did not lay out a clear path to test the seriousness of the russian and syrian proposal to transfer the assad regimes chemical weapons to international custody. The papers reporting this morning that senator mccain and Lindsey Graham and other senators working on some sort of a partisan Senate Resolution to address this latest diplomatic effort to come to some sort of peaceful solution. If you missed the president s speech, if you want to look up the intelligence documents that the president and other Security Officials have referenced, go to syria. Site cspan. Org it is all there on this page on our website cspan. Org syria. Arkansas, independent caller. Caller this is a very important topic. I would like to comment first about your new york caller a few moments ago about the policeman of the world. , we dontkansas expect the city of new york to provide for and pay for all by itself policeman for the entire country. Saying we had to be the policeman because doughnuts is is somewhat of a sideshow. Called all of my congresspeople when this first came up and told them, absolutely do not vote for unilateral attack on syria. It is not in our interest. I would not vote, nor will i vote for any senator or congressperson who does that. Continuingsort of resolution or resolution, to back up the socalled disarmament, the resolution should state that if the union Security Council and nato and the United Nation and the arab nations all support a military strike to enforce this, then america will be agreeable to that. However, we will not do it alone. That is my comment. Host a senior staff writer for the hill newspaper is joining us on the phone to talk a little bit about congress delaying this vote. Where does it stand . Is there still an effort to keep debating this in congress, particularly on the senate floor or is it completely on ice . Iced. It is completely on the president visited with the Senate Democratic caucus theerday as well as republican conference. He asked numbers on both sides of the aisle not to do anything that would undermine the threat of military force against syria. He asked for no vote on any resolution because the flipping was whipping with showing this had a good chance of losing in the senate if they came to a vote this week as was initially expected. It was headed for certain defeat in the house. So what president obama said is, you can go ahead and negotiate ofdiscuss the possibility her resolution that can be voted on sometime in the future, but put everything on hold for now and lawmakers were happy to abide by that. Here he read canceled a vote he harry reid canceled a vote he had expected this week. Host there were efforts behind the scenes, senators john mccain, Lindsey Graham, some democrats, senate democrats, working together to draft another bipartisan resolution once it became public there were these diplomatic maneuvering happening. Are they still talking and negotiating . Guest they are. Mccain hosted a meeting in his Office Yesterday afternoon with several democrats and republicans. And what this alternative resolution would do is it would authorize military strikes against syria if the International Diplomatic process doesnt work. So if syria does not agree to turn over its chemical weapons stockpiled to international monitors, and if the u. N. Does not go ahead with a resolution blaming the assad regime for gassing his own people, then obama would have the authority to launch military strikes. But it is not clear his most recent iteration would draw a lot more support than what previously seemed headed toward failure. The diplomatic process is forward, but it was still give the President Authority to wage the strikes, and that is what people were seeking last week when there was no diplomatic process to talk about. Host Alexander Bolton, what do you think happens next . What do these lawmakers that were reluctant to support a military strike, what are they looking for here . Guest what theyre looking for is clear and compelling argument from the president that attacking syria is in the Nations National security interest, and the president tried to make that argument yesterday when he spoke to the nation. He argued if there is no punishment meted out to assad, then other dictators will unmask you go weapons and that these weapons will ultimately could be used against u. S. Forces. So that was his National Security guard advisement. I dont know if it will prove all that compelling to lawmakers. I think when they were talking about the need to see a National Security threat, i think youre thinking of something bigger and broader. Changes allhink it the developments over the last couple of days in terms of Building Support for a strike resolution. Now, maybe as this drags on and maybe as people in congress see just how unwilling syria is to do anything on the diplomatic front, maybe they will be more inclined to support strikes. One of the chief to give its against voting for the war resolution is president obama had not exhausted a