Exceeding 800. Later were going to focus on whats next for egypt but we want to begin with a peace piece this morning in the Baltimore Sun. Focused why are americans so angry and divided . You can join in on the through our republican, democratic and independent lines. You can send us a tweet at twitter. Com cspanwj or join us facebook at the question why are americans so angry and divided . One says one of the reasons for that polarization of course is the implementation of the president s healthcare law. The president has been on vacation but in his weekly address he did talk about the upcoming deadline as the Affordable Health care act rolls into place. Many members in congress are working to inform their constituents about the plan but so a group of republicans confusing people and making empty promise its saying they will shut down the Health Care Law or if they dont get their way they will shut down the government. They are actually wanting to harm the health care and economy in the process and Many Americans are worried about many politicians are worried more about how it will affect their position in the government rather than the people. They think it will be sticking it to me but they really will be sticking it to you. Some say if you call their office about the Health Care Law they will refuse to help. Your Health Insurance is not something to play politics with. Your health is not to be played politics. In the states where governers and legislatures are working together to implement this law properly, states like new york, colorado and maryland, competition is making insurance affordable so i am going to keep doing everything in my power for make sure this law works as its supposed to. Because in the United States of america, health care isnt a privilege. Your right, and were going to keep it that way. The president focusing on the implementation of the Affordable Care act known as obama care over the country and were taking a look at some of the details of the Affordable Care act and in the Weekly Standard bill crystal has this piece. He writes delay is preferable to error. He says most of the nation voted to elect so the right course for the moment is delay. We want to focus this morning on the broader issue of why americans are so angry and divided. Its the starting point of the discussion from robert rices column Available Online in the Baltimore Sun. Com. One other point from his piece he says the end of world war rough the 1970s the population the economy doubled in size but the median wage of male workers is now lower than it was in 1980 adjusted for inflation. On the phone from marion, massachusetts, if you agree with that point, explain why and depu disagree, tell us why as well. Go ahead, kevin. Caller good morning. I think were looking around and seeing a speck of job growth. Were looking at our children theres very lack of opportunity for them. There were opportunities for us when we were growing up, but now youve got kids in their 30s graduateing from high school and college that theres very little opportunity for them and it makes parents very angry. You know, its not just because our kids are lazy. Its just, you know, lack of opportunity. I mean, weve shipped a lot of jobs overseas. Weve outsourced. Also our government is spinning out of control. The future of our next generation is going to pay for it. And that government is ramming this obama care down our throats, and theres just unanticipated costs down the road for customers, for our Senior Citizens when they have to pay that well, now with medicare they have to pay the 20 if they have a major surgery with obama care, i think they are going to increase that, and it could wipe out seniors in their retirement savings. So its just theres so many question marks down the road set. This president has where do we begin . Ill leave it there. From our twitter page theres this point who says americans are angry because of anticapitalists like robert rice and barack obama. And the question what makes americans so angry and divided, joining us from jacksonville, florida, good morning. Caller good morning. Thank you for taking my call. A lot of americans are angry because the ideal of democracy is not working for many people, in my case my daughter has been in jail for eight years in a Mental Institution due to a little law called protects anybody from the streets and ake you to a jail forever. In my case for example ive done anything i could to get my daughter out of that system. As she is being almost killed in that hospital because she doesnt she because of color. And a lot of things in this country is not working right for many people. Why is that . Why isnt it working, angie . The reason its not working is the twotier justice system, the democracy is almost bought and sold in washington. Im sorry, what are you saying . Ok. The democracy is bought and sold in washington. This is not the idea of democracy that brought me to the United States. I came from another country where there was a dictatorship, i was expecting ideal democracy where one person and one vote was host where are you from originally . Cameroon. My daughter was snatched from the street not because she was doing anything wrong simply because she stopped ask directions from a cop that doesnt understand french and she doesnt understand english, and because of that she has been in a mental substitution for eight years. Ive done my best, everything i could to get out and she cant get out. From france where she came from and now she cant go back to france. The immigration will not deport her to anywhere. So i dont know what else anybody can do in this country to have the right justice, t take you cant jus anybody from the streets or your house. Host angie from scombrooksville, florida. From jacksonville, florida. Good morning, youre from our independent line. Caller good morning. Hired w, people that are by the citizens of the united tates, we dont count the jobs , the real jobs numbers thats more like probably 30 unemployed. Why dont we count that . Dont we deserve the truth . We just stop counting to a point when their insurance runs out . Host thanks for our call. On our twitter page. It all started when paul ryan started with his makers and takers comments calling that offensive. Our handle is twitter. Com cspanwj or join us on facebook at facebook. Com cspan. And on roll call its written about two senators about the invasions of privacy by u. S. Intelligence saying that is just the tip of a larger iceburg. The senators made their statements late last week in response to thursdays Washington Post report outlining violations of privacy rules by the n. S. A. And the post published and reported a copy of a top secret internal audit that identified thousands of incidents in which the n. S. A. Ran afoul of collections operations. The two Democratic Senators ron widen and mark yoo dal, both members of the Intelligence Committee said in a joint statement there are more dials come, the executive branch has now confirmed the rules and regulations and court imposed standards for protecting the privacy of americans have been violated thousands of times eeach year thats just the tip of the iceburg. Caller . Caller yes. I feel why everybody is so angry is half the country does not want obama care in the first place and obama said in a speech that health care was right. Well if its right then why is if its a right then why is it mandatory . He is trying to sell something when everybody can see the insurance rates are going sky high. Even my doctor visits went from 50 a slizz to 85 a visit. Hesselling a pig in a poke. Joining us from alan,texas, democrats line, good morning. Caller good morning. Im kind of im a bit frustrated with many of the callers. I believe that we are divided much in due to the fact that many of the public or the pollists are being confused with the changing facts that the quicklychanging facts associated with the economies like the impact of the repeal of glass speegal, the tech in a logical transitions and globalization, all of this is happening so quickly and theres been such an emphasis on reading and math and science that a lot of people are being lost with their civics and economics situation, so its difficult enough to understand whats going on and how laws are written but then when you add things like theres no pure democracy, anybody who drives on a public road is not a socialist if its a socialist program or uses the Fire Department but now we have news or profit, prisons for profit. Theres no more regulation on medications and fuel because of these repeals, so its becoming more and more difficult for people to understand why we have differences of opinion and some of them are not even valid. Some of them are just straw men and then there are valid arguments that can be made but they are getting lost in all of this. Thank you from alan texas. Host michael has this on our twitter page saying americans want an honest discussion on issues and all they see is mostly political postturing from both sides. Were focusing on a piece by robert rice entitled what makes americans so angry and divided . Again, if you agree with that sentiment, tell us why. If you disagree, tell us why as well. Fist the latest from egypt from the associate associate say sh from the Associated Press as we said at the top of the program more than 800 people have died n clarks with the military supporters and the former president saying it is the responsibility of the army and interim government and violence they say calls for democracy and fundamental rights cannot be discarded much less washed away in blood. This is what the front page has like, the piece that a number of reporters from the Washington Post in cairo near washington reporting on it. Egyptian Security Forces yesterday overruning a cairo mosque in which hundred of supporters of morsi had barricaded themselves for nearly 24 hours. It was unclear by nightfall what had become of the protesters who had been detained after they had been escorted from the scene. Host and from reuters, killing nearly 800 people in egypt. The ideas that seem to run counterby a suggestion by the Prime Minister to resolve the islamic organization, also pointing out the plan is basically trying to deal with the confrontation between the Muslim Brotherhood and the supporters of president morsi cabinet discussions continue in cairo. And later in the program as we see dig deeper into whats happening in egypt. The president return from the Marthas Vineyard. The question were asking what makes americans so angry and divided from dallas, texas. Caller well, i think the economy is the Biggest Issue here. People dont have jobs. If they do have jobs they are working two or three of them just to support their families. It started back with regan, his deregulation then clinton and nafta and the undermining of glass speegal which is done as a suggestion of robert, ruben and Larry Summers whom obama was to bring back into government again, as part of the fed, and i think the economy is a very difficult subject. And neither bush nor obama has had the knowledge or the decisiveness to deal with it. Under bush it got worse and worse and then when paulson ame one his bailout crisis soverl, he bailed out big banks. The economy has been attacking the average american citizen for the past 20 years, we just didnt notice it until it became really horrific and then of course the wars that have cost us a fortune. That was done so many of these things come from theorists within the government from those who think the their ideas will save the world, the financial neocons like summers and ruben and they really are destroying the country i think. Host thank you for the call on the independent line from dallas, texas. Yesterday the post janet yellen is considered the to the front run tore replace enter nangey as the fed chairman and again that story is Available Online at the Washington Post. Com lets go back to this piece by robert rice. He points out income, wealth and power have become more concentrated at the top now than they have been in the past 90 years and as a result many believe have come to believe the zech is stacked against them. Based on the headline from his essay, what makes americans so angry and divided. The president will commemorate the 50th anniversary, the i have a dream speech and his watch and preview of what the president will say. For obama racial progress includes past and future converge and as the story points out, on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial on august 28 current and former advisors say he will want to impress upon listeners host and a couple of other related stories with regard to the Civil Rights Movement and the speech by dr. King, this is the cover story entitled founding father Martin Luther king jr. And the architect. From the Atlanta Journal constitution, gains and setbacks mark the march and cycles of recession hit back harder. The front page of the Atlanta Journalconstitution and from the richard times dispatch bringing dreams to life. Again 50 years ago later this month we will have live croverpblg of the 509 nniversary of the march taking place and with president obama we will have live cog. Back to your calls. Bruce is joining us. Republican line, good morning. Caller good morning. When i look at the Division Within the country, i think that and i look at myself, im 70 years old and a c. P. A. I worked hard in college. The Economic System in this country has worked very well for me. I still believe that there are opportunities for people to work hard in college or in a skilled trade and have opportunities available. I think that theres no question but what the opportunities may not be as great as they were several years ago. I think a lot of the blame rests with government. We have a society that is very dependant upon government either in the form of food stamps or rent subsidies and as long as we have that attitude, i think were headed for problems. I think that the job market today highly competitive. I look at my clients. Again, people have to work hard and be productive in order to you know, benefit the business and in turn benefit them. So i think we have got an awakening and the government has a real awakening, so thank you. Bruce, thank you so much for the call. Already a look at 2016, first from the New York Times frank brueny, bush, 2016 is the piece and he writes about the past future republican and the focus is on jeb bush, the first sentence or two from franks piece. Host also a piece inside New York Times from maureen dowd, why dont clintons ever have enough cash is . She writes. And stays closer it gets to running the world one more time, the more youre bugged by things from the last time around with the clintons, the clintons needyness and what they are owed in their terms and their assumption that they are entitled to evens money are they about to put the for le sign back on the for rent sign back on the lincoln bedroom . Thats from maureen dowd. Next from richmond, virginia the democrats line. Caller good morning. I would like to comment on the question about americans and why they are divided. I honestly feel that the bottom line is because our country is run by all these rich people, people that dont care anything about the poor. They are disrespectful to the current president , and i never have ever heard them say all these sadistic things when mr. Bush was in office, the Bush Administration started this. It seems like people just started going downhill from that administration on and they be left legging the country more divided and its as divided as ive ever seen. Host one of our viewers stays great divide really began with regan saying he polarized the right but only a little. Then hardliners took a scorched position. From u. S. News world report from the latest in san diego and current mayor of san diego, bob, points out the effort to recall the san diegos mayor is Getting Started in the nations eighth largest city and the etition to boot him and Sexual Harassment allegations they are expecting volunteers start Gathering Signatures right away but at the finish line of the half american at a freedom for fill they are in match. The mayor has resisted many duels resign as well as state and federal officials including former House Speaker nancy pelosi who said her fellow democrat should step down and spare san diego the pain and expense of a recall election and more than a dozen women have accused mayor milner of sex ral harassment. Good morning, welcome to the program. Caller yes. Think americans are angry, ricesters piece, its their wages. They are not making enough money. This is what happens when theres nogobetween between the worker and the company, dare i say union. If it wasnt for if its not if its werent for the union, people are not dying to get paid the wages, have the health care, have the security. You cant get fired because you wore a weird pair of shoes to work or because you made a weird comment, Something Like that. Youre protected. Ok. I was in a union. And now im on retirement from them. So whats the problem . Ok, now on the divided deal, i cant really relate to that comment, because i dont live in that type of deal. Im a human be