In another setback, to link the limit on consumer costs until 2015. We want to get your take on that. The phone lines remember to send us a tweet or post your comment on canbook. Com cspan, and you email us journal cspan. Org. Here lies again ashville here are the lines again ash we will get to your phone calls in just a minute. A little bit more from the story inside the New York Times, it continues what is your take on this . Says it is another setback for the Obama Administration possum limitation of the Affordable Care act. Last night the white house announced a one year delay and enforcement of the law. Republican caller, you are up first, nancy. Why would any person made this healthcare law and the confidence that ye have . The legislative reports that not even meet. There is an old saying somebody pays. This country is falling apart. Thank you, cspan. Host have you always opposed the healthcare law . Caller i havent. We are a blessed country. This tweet mark in florida, democratic caller, go ahead. Caller hello. Am amment is, s i democrat. Back in 2010 we should have passed complete socialized medicine. This hybrid plan is comp located. Resident obama had the votes in the house and senate in 2010 to do that. This is ridiculous. Pay 6,300 for prescription medicine next year. Get the average person cannot afford that. Host do you think the complexity of the law has led to all of these delays . Supporters say that this is what happens when you pass a major piece of legislation. They point to the Prescription Drug bill that republicans passed through in the Bush Administration as the same thing. Caller the complexity has led to all these problems. We should have complete socialized medicine in this country. We are the only industrial country in the world that does not have it. It is ridiculous. John says back to the story in the New York Times. A democratic caller in indiana, what do you think . I think it is awful. I am looking forward to this law going through because i am giving out 613 and . 35 per month. Month in health insurance. My husband has been bed ridden with ms for 10 years, four months. I cannot work because i have to take care of him. What about his drug expenses . How much is his medication . Hit the limit, you have to go up to 350. We are going bankrupt. This is like a mortgage crisis. It is a good thing we have our house is paid off. We are going bankrupt on this. It is crazy. I know who is making the money, the Insurance Companies and all those people in the congress. They all get free healthcare and we are here struggling. Host the piece in the New York Times says this do you think you can make it to 2015 . What will it be like over the next year and a half . Caller terrible. 1000 in termover life insurance, my life insurance, and my health insurance. This is bankrupting us. We cannot do anything. We cannot go out to eat. My caps off. He was a manager. I am a cleaning lady. Do you know how devastating that is . Our whole life has turned to crap. This, i could have three mercedes in my garage for the price i am paying for this insurance. Mitchell in new jersey, independent caller, go ahead. Caller good morning. I comment is if this delay is causing the status quo to be extended and people are getting upset by the tension of the status quo and the rollout, then that is more evidence that the plan is justified to begin with. The status quo is unacceptable. Theother thing is that republicans are constantly knocking this plan and saying that this is an nonworkable situation. The progressives would have preferred to have a singlepayer plan, which is quite simple in its concept, but they would not allow that to begin with. Tweets and susie in texas, republican caller, go ahead. I was calling to say paul ryan has implemented a plan where he is going to privatize Social Security and give the people 500 to buy their own health care. Maybe that would be better than this obama care. Timenk if you get 500 one and buy healthcare and privatize Social Security, what about that . Host you like that idea . Caller i dont know if it is better or worse. That is what the proposal consists that is what the republicans have proposed. Host a democratic caller in ohio, what are your thoughts . Caller i just wanted to make a 120 per month. One of the prescriptions i take is a shot. It is over 3000 per month. What about limits and how can i pocket when iutof am making 21,000 per year . That is my gross pay. It is kind of confusing. There needs to be a clearcut to all of this. Host we are talking about the the on the front page of New York Times. To remind you about what he reports here hgathered his a democratic caller. Good morning. Caller the reason there are delays on these laws and the mandates on these is because of the capacity of this law when they passed it. They did not know what was in it when they passed it. They passed it to see what was in it. [indiscernible] the working people is hard on them. I think there should be a better approach on health care reform. This is not the way to go. I hope that eric that the Congress Repeals this. Do you think it is worse to shut dumbly Affordable Care act . To shut down the Affordable Care act . Caller i do not agree with the republicans. I do agree that we can maybe change it and amended in a bipartisan way. I do not think it requires a government shutdown. That would be pointless. Jim tweets and in rhode island, in independent caller, hello. Call to explain that i also have multiple sclerosis. One of my medications is over 60,000 per year. It is 17,000 for a three months supply. I did not see how anybody can deal with this. I do not believe they should delay the individual mandate for the year and put everybody on the same plane. Host your cost for your drugs for ms caller 41 drug. For one drug. 17,000 for a threemonth supply. Outofw much is your pocket expense . Caller last year was a 50 co pay on my insurance plan. Our Insurance Company got switched to another prescription plan and now it is 200. I switched back to the home pharmacy because they hadnt wanted to do it because it is an adjustable medication and ingestible medication. My last copay was 93. Host you said that is the cost for one drug. How many drugs are you have to do you payw much outofpocket every year . Do you know . Caller i am very fortunate. I have a good insurance plan. Obamacare. Ted from we are not required to drop it. We still spend 3000 outof pocket. Host the front page this morning Andrew Taylor from the Associated Press reports an then on budget issues from the papers this morning. More on the Washington Times if youre interested on that deficit story. The wallo that, street journal has this headline about greece getting your reaction from the front page this morning, the piece about the administration deciding to delay limits on consumer costs under the Affordable Care act. A democratic caller, hello, rose. Caller hello. Does wall street journal know anything about germany . Host what about germany . Caller what about their health care . Host what is your point . Greece,we hear about but about germany . Why cant we come pair ourselves to them yet though there healthcare, drugs, hospitals. Host what do you know about their healthcare . Caller i lived in germany. Have you been to germany . Host share with us. Lets stop talking about greece. The United States does not have to be compared to greece. Host the headline in the wall street journal comparing greece is there economy and austerity measures. Not there healthcare. A republican caller, hello, todd. Caller good morning. Ofanted to offer a couple innovative purchase here. Instead of looking just at a payer system for exchanges, if we take a broader look at how we have pharmaceutical companies we knowturers that part of our program that part of our problem is related to the need of preventative care. I wouldnt call it a tax, but to look at industries and have industries that contribute to a lot of our health care, to pay up and put something into the system as their contribution to a National Healthcare plan. If you want to be a biopharmaceutical company, great. Pay into the pot. I guess my thought for our listeners is what about a system where you have other contributors into the system based on what they do in our economy and the impact that they themselves have on health care. Charles in st. Petersburg, florida, a democratic caller. Caller yes. I am trying to get this straight now, congress and the Government Employees have just been exempted. Insurance companies are not going to pay, the corporate Business People have been exempted, and a minimum wage worker pays. That is a great system. Said the caller who country is coming apart was absolutely correct. You discounted her. But she was correct. I have something to say, the government is the corruption. It is not the people. This country is worth fighting for. Do not give up. In, minnesota, a democratic caller. At it the way i looked is this bill went through a horrible congress and got ripped apart and got torn upside down inside out so it came out looking pretty great. The main concept is everybody has to have health care. You cannot keep sending people to the emergency room, it is pretty expensive. I think at some point it will even out. When apple sits in front of a Senate Subcommittee and admits that they are holding 400 billion in banks and england that is not being taxed, this is the norm for most corporations. Basically we have business that does tax evasion and a lot of money on the table that should be taken up. It is ridiculous. I am a war veteran. I do not make anything. As far as doctors and hospitals and the manufacturers of medical supplies and medical equipment, that stuff is so inflated and whoever contracted facthat is dumb. Host that was michael enrichment, minnesota. We are going to keep taking your thoughts on the Obama Administration delaying for one year a limits on consumer costs under the Affordable Care act. Yesterday we told you about attorney general eric holders beach before the American Bar Association in San Francisco, where he was set to announce yesterday and did announce that they would reduce sentencing or aim to reduce sentencing for low level, nonviolent drug offenders. We want to show you a little bit of that speech. [video clip] a today i have mandated modification of the Justice Departments policy so that low level nonviolent offenders who have no ties to cartels or gangs will no longer be charged with in fences with offenses that impose mandatory minimum sentences. [applause] they now will be charged for sentences in which the encompassing sentence is suited to their individual conduct. Severeving the most penalties for the most serious or traffickers, we can better promote Public Safety, deterrence, and rehabilitation of making our expenditure smarter and more productive. We have seen that this approach is bipartisan supporting. In number of senators, including dick durbin, Patrick Leahy, and rand paul have introduced very promising legislation aimed at giving federal judges more discretion in applying mandatory minimums to certain drug offenders. Such legislation will save us billions of dollars for keeping us more safe. The president and i look forward to working with members of both parties to find and to advance these proposals. Times,chicago sun courtesy of the museum, has this on the speech and then the Pittsburgh Post Gazette says this about his announcement yesterday and then hear from the Washington Times this morning the critic is Grover Norquist, who will be here on the washington journal later on in the program. We will talk to him about this and other issues. Wall street journal front page aboutorning has the story the new york judge ruling that the city stop and frisk law is unconstitutional. It says North Carolina governor signs of strict voter id laws, this is from the Washington Post. Aaron blank reports about this, saying shall recount and was also at the American Bar Association last night, receiving an award. A headline in the Washington Post says here is a little bit of that speech. [video clip] and he went who says Racial Discrimination is no longer a problem in american elections must not be paying attention. Despite the best efforts of many wellintentioned elected officials, discrepancies and resources across precincts sampling stations still disproportionally impact africanamericans, latinos, and young voters. That is why the Voting Rights act, especially the requirement that jurisdictions with a history of discrimination pre clear changes in their procedure, has played an Important Role for nearly half a century. In the past 15 years, under both democratic and republican president s, the department of justice has used the law to block nearly 90 discriminatory changes to state and local election rules. Many more were withdrawn under scrutiny. Congress reauthorized the Voting Rights act, more than 30 supposed changes have been stopped. The Supreme Court recently struck at the heart of the Voting Rights act and have stripped out the preclearance formula that made it so effective. Take the Historic Success of the Voting Rights act as a sign that discrimination is a thing of the past and we dont longer need it protection. As Justice Ginsburg said, that is like throwing away your umbrella in a rainstorm because you are not getting wet. You will soon be soaked. Host Hillary Clinton yesterday in San Francisco at the American Bar Association, talking about the Voting Rights act. The boston globe this morning has this that is the front page of the boston globe this morning. Also new jersey voters will go to the poll today to choose nominees to replace democratic senator, Frank Lautenberg. Democratic new york mayor, cory er, is against lonegan faces aletta eck. The lateo replace senator Frank Lautenberg. We will be watching that, as well. On edward snowden, here is the , saying he will not do a tv interview. It says back to our questions for all of you, michael in boston massachusetts. What do you think about delaying the consumer limit a limits on consumer costs for one year . Host i am angry about it. Law was copied from the Massachusetts Law. The Massachusetts Law also had, anytimeementation you have this among this piece of legislation there is going to be glitches. With the Obama Administration is trying to do, they are trying to not give ammunition or not have those glitches happen. I think by doing that they are hurting people. The laws 2600 pages. Social security had problems. This is not going to be the thing to destroy our economy. You think about delaying consumer costs in massachusetts . Similarnclude something cap but you know its impact . Here in massachusetts the did have a glitch with that. They started reworking parts of the bill. Its a two to three years for the Massachusetts Law to work right. No law is going to work 100 . They are going to have to find a glitches in this. Delays as welle during that two years . There were a couple of things. Our legislators kept hammering and romney kept working on it. Something that rob tic adminisr capitol hill. They kept working at it. T probably took maybe a year did the two sides come together during those two years . Caller they did. They had to. They had no choice. Ity put so much stuff in that it was really confusing. The other thing with obamacare is that not enough people says this is a huge bill. Not enough people know exactly what it is going to do. Doug tweets this patrick from south carolina, a democratic caller. What are your thoughts . Caller personally i think the Obama Administration sees the writing on the wall concerning dft station from patriots like rand paul and ted cruz. Concerning obtuse geisha and fromncernignng obfuscation patriots like rand paul and ted cruz. Majorityacare the of people dont like it. We want choice in our doctors and how much we pay for our health care. T the take out wha government kills. Junkbesity problem, the food people buy with food stamps. Our last hour yesterday we took a look at the vix program, the Nutritional Program for poor women and children, different from food stamps and snap. You may be interested in that. The wall street journal close quote is reporting on Flood Insurance<