You can start dialing in now, or you can contact us via social media. You can make a comment on our Facebook Page. You can also send us an email. From the hill newspaper yesterday a new poll by abc news and the Washington Post. 57 say they support a president ial bid from every clinton in 2016. From Hillary Clinton in 2016. 68 approved of her work as secretary of state. 66 hold a favorable view of clinton after her department has faced criticism over the handling of benghazi and libya. Clinton also has heavy support in new york were 54 of registered voters say they would support a president ial bid by her in 2016. That is an the hill newspaper. We have lots of Facebook Comments already on this question. We want to share a couple of those with thieu. Jackie says she has my vote. Williams says i think she has been a great job for secretary of state but will not vote for her for president. Andy says hillary 2016. Military spouses against the wars says she will fit in perfectly with all of the other war mongerers. Those are some of the Facebook Comments we have seen so far. We are going to begin with a republican in north carolina. Caller hey there, cspan. I am very much against Hillary Clinton having any elected office in america. I would like any democrats to tell me [indiscernible] during the whitewater investigation was the work under subpoena. That is evidence tampering. Those are two felonies she has committed while she has been in the white house then thehost bg that issue is something we should be concerned about customer do you think that issue is something we should be concerned about . Drew is a democrat in baltimore. Caller good morning. Host what do you think about Hillary Clintons future . Caller i think she is the next logical step that we need. My grandfather was a democrat in delaware. He served two terms. Allyink she is what we re4all needs and what we need for the country to move ahead. Host steven is an independent from connecticut. Caller thank you for taking my call. I really like Hillary Clinton. I think she is a hard worker. I think her old man is a hard worker, too. Whitewater was like three wars ago. That was a long time ago. I would like to see jeb bush run against Hillary Clinton. I think they can move our nation forward. Host if jeb bush if it is a bushclinton race, for whom would you vote . Caller oh, gosh. I would lean towards jeb at this piont because he has really been pushing education. Right now, hes got me. Host stephen, who did you vote for in 2008 . In 2012. Ean caller i voted for president obama. I really liked mitt romney. Why do i have to pay less taxes than my friend from massachusetts . That really bugged me. Host that is stephen from connecticut. Tyrone is a republican from the bronx. Caller i think Hillary Clinton would be an excellent candidate in 2016. I think she handled the middle eastern issue to the best of her ability. Also, as far as the gop is concerned, i think she has made strides toward eliminating the tax spending through various commitments with private entities and organizations that are coming out of the woodwork. I was watching earlier today and what they were requesting from the white house was lets fix this problem by incorporating a Small Businesses and Less Government intervention to curb the deficit. It has been astronomical. Then i heard barack obama say the way we are going to do it is by making more cuts in various ways. He was saying by making more cuts and the only people it is going to hurt is the working class and somewhat of the middleclass. He should mention the fact that out of control spending has a lot to do with the credit card crunch. Specifically because of the middleclass. I think if we get those tax cuts centered with them, i do not think the poll would be affected. You have these Small Companies that are developing, and he is saying have those Small Companies hire more people and get them involved, but come consumer expenditures. That is partially i think a solution. Host you are calling on the republican line and you think Hillary Clinton would make a good candidate. Would you vote for her in 2016 . Caller i think she would be a very vital aspect to the political process. As far as her running for president , 2016 god knows what may happen from this point to that point. As far as her role as a democrat, i think by working along with the republicans, she would make a difference. Host cindy tweets in cindy, you got a point. I thought we would mix it up a little bit this morning. Here are more Facebook Comments. Orie saerie says greg says Michelle Terry says i says melvin, a democrat in miami, good morning. Caller she will get my vote because i like the ideas that she has been ve. That is why i will vote for her. Host nathaniel in bismarck, north dakota, on our independenct line. Caller hi. My thoughts are i think Hillary Clinton would be a good choice to run but i already know the republicans plan to put marker rubio and paul ryan in 2016. I think there would be much better choice for both president and Vice President because the republicans are trying to win back the minority votes that beat he crap out of them in this election. Host dan from maryland on a republican line. Good morning. Caller i think by the time obama finishes with his four years, i dont think any democrat is going to be foa roud for a while. I think we are in for a major recession. I think people are happy until all the bills start coming in. Look at the states and counties that are going bankrupt. I dont think anyone will be in the mood to hire democrats. They will look to the republican out. To bial theail them as far as obama taxing the rich, you notice he does not touch entitlements. Most of the rich is going to get off on tax breaks so there will only be certain rich that will be taxed. Host from the hill this morning 40 something republican senators sent a letter to the president yesterday. They conclude by saying again, this is 40 something republican senators, a letter to the president yesterday. Back to your calls on the future for an the rodham clinton. This is a democrat from ohio. Caller i am fine tha, thank yo. I think if we get through these next four years, Hillary Clinton would make a good candidate and a good president for our country. I think she would move the country continuously. She knows a lot about the foreign affairs. I think she would be a good candidate. Host thank you for calling in this morning. Caller i am still wondering what happened to all that money they found when they went in over to iraq. Could you please get me an answer to that question . Host probably not in the next 30 seconds but that is a good question that you have asked. We will move on to ron on the independent line. Caller in my opinion, Hillary Clinton or any other right person being an office would probably be the worst possible Case Scenario for this country and i think it is time that a normal person be elected to office them da. Host ron from indiana. From facebook, john says james says diana says here are some of the twitter comments we have received. Bill says and biff and steve says and finally, jim says robert, north carolina, the republican line. Caller after this term of four years with the democrats, i dont think she has a chance. I am a business owner. Four more years of this, i will be out of business. Host what kind of business do you have . Caller bulldozers. Host how has business been over the last couple of years . Caller bad. I am barely staying in business. I do not know what to look forward to. I can hardly stay in business. The democrats in this country i think is wanting to kill us. Business people, i cannot stand much more of it. Host robert on the republican line. Linda is in texas. Caller i am just thrilled with the idea then. The only thing i would be more thrilled about is obama for a third term. Host but that is not constitutional. Caller a good president with a good philosophy for this country. What the role of government is, he is the right person at the right time to get this country hope and unity once again. That man who just got off the phone does not even realize he is voting against his own economic interests to follow the Republican Party platform because they are not about a guy like him. They are not about the little guys. They are not about the unity of a Community Spending that is not their philosophy of Government Spending the purpose of government is. I believe barack obama is on the right track to teach the people that this is what the role of government should be, for the people. Not the corporate interests. One other thing. Matt asked about cspan . I want to say unfortunately i have been disabled. I am a disabled veteran. I have been not able to work since the end of 1997. The one benefit i have had to have this opinion is i have been able to watch cspan and washington journal almost daily. Very much rned so muc that i have never learned in undergraduate hours, law school, or high school. I have learned more about history, government, the true history of this country. Not what we have been spoonfed in high school. Or in critical about the pleasant stories where we were happy with smiles on their face. Where we have come from and how far we have come and how far we can go in terms of really being that bright and shining lfght for other countries to follow by example. Host is that it . Caller please, please, is there some way we can make texas c span . They will not go on tv for people who are on satellite. We are bleeding republicans in this state with these voting machines. Texas used to be such a good state to be from. Host what do you mean, make texas cspan . Caller i would like to see a c span texas. I bet there are a lot of people and a lot of states that would like to see that. Host your earlier comments, can we use those for a commercial . Thank you for calling in this morning. Here is more Facebook Comments on our question this morning. Keenan says john says sal says and ruben says don from book raton, hi, don. Caller howre you doing this morning . I know what her husband has done in this country. One other thing i would like c span to do. I would like you to do a show about medicaid and Social Security and allies being told about it. They do not add to the debt. It is paid for by your income. They have been telling these lies for years. Go back to the 1960s. If corporations do not want to match, whatever you pay into your Social Security, they have to match. Why are republicans saying they want to cut 200 billion from Social Security . They are saying the corporations do no longer have to match what you put in. That is a lie. That is why i am tired of i used to vote from both lines. This year, i vote for independent or a democrat. Black people in this country used to vote republican. As the times turned, they decided we do not have york economic interests. Blacks in this country do believe some of the things that the republicans believe in. We cannot have somebody keep talking down on us and calling us lazy. I worked two full time jobs. I became disabled. I did not ask anything from anybody. I wake up in the morning at night in pain. I need back surgery. All they talk about is they dont want to help the people who are disabled. The republicans are in corporate hands. Host up next is a republican from new york. Hi, willy. Caller good morning. How could anybody vote Hillary Clinton after she stood in front of american heroes and lied to their families and to their country and said it was a video that caused this . Host that is willy from new york. From the hill newspaper yesterday thomasina, a democrat, what do you think about Hillary Clinton could go future . Caller as a 68yearold democrat, i am sure a lot of republicans would feel comfortable with hillary. I am not one of them. She supported the war but also was on the board of walmart. Her stands for working women is questionable. She was also on the sides of the banks which hurt the people. I remember when she was campaigning for president in 2007. It was a pretty dirty campaign against obama. She lied when she said her and her daughter were running from a plane in bosnia with the bullets flying overhead. Even when it was proven she was lying, she kept repeating it. Host trent in san antonio, texas, on the independent line. What do you think, trent . Caller i just wanted to say that i think we should have a woman president. So, Hillary Clinton i am for. I think it is really hard for a lot of president s because the number one thing is to keep our ego out of it. I strongly support Hillary Clinton. I am very strong for education. I know that her being a democrat, i know that she would support obamacare and continue to support it and would not damage it in anyway. Being a person who is impaired, i really appreciate that. Host last month there was a tribute, a Video Tribute, to Hillary Clinton. [video clip] she has put that all together in the pinnacle up until now in her Public Service which has in deer herd to millions and millions of people all over the world then the. She has been a splendid representative of the United States. She is doing it [indiscernible] in the end, it is not about being a good politician. It is about being a human being. We have always pushed Human Potential and promise forward. If you vbet on the side of human rights, human dignity, more countries may have the same extraordinary good fortune that we have. Someone who knows a thing or two about political combat. I just have an instinct that the best is yet to come. Host tom on our Facebook Page makes a comment about Hillary Clinton in 2016. A couple more twitter comments. Atxn vatex and m ike says jim in michigan, the republican line, good morning. Caller some things i would like to see more of you hear a lot of people talking about voting for somebody who they believe is this gender or this race. Lets put someone in place of character and experience and somebody who has done things. Getting back to allowing the people to build the country when we were individuals. I think that is important. I think there is a lot more of this collectivism. Were never going to be able to have a president to help these Different Countries if we are hurting our own country here and we are not able to grow it. Host tie that into Hillary Clinton in 2016. Caller i think my concern about her in some regards is tha ti think i do not know how strong of a business persian she is. I think she is more of a liberal to moderate which is fine but i want to see somebody who is very much prou. S. , progrowth, and bring us back to growing us inside and promoting that as opposed to saying a more broader scope. I think that broader scope will come about when you have a person with the ability to do that. I think in the end, it is about looking at their character, looking at their record, and what they have achieved. Not about some video being shown. I think a has to be about real things being done to help the country. That is what i want to see. If that is what she can bring forth, great. Host by the way, here is a followup tweet by vatxn. Now we know what that stands for. From politico this morning that is a little bit from politico on that fiscal cliff. David, thank you for holding. Caller yes, good morning. Host what do you think about Hillary Clinton could go future . Caller i do not think she will run. [indiscernible] we have the man that we need [indiscernible] we are not working. There is no way the government can be supported. Host that was david from georgia them but we are able to bring you some live events to date on cspan. This afternoon, the annual Christmas Tree lighting. The president will be there. That will be live at 4 30 p. M. Eastern time. You will be able to see the lights on the national Christmas Tree. That is held right in front of the white house just south of the white house. Jay on our boat page says says page scott is an independent from florida. Caller good afternoon, cspan. I am going to say some things you probably do not want to hear but there are the truth about Hillary Clinton. I think she is very intelligent and on top of her game. When i look back at her career when her husband was president , we were having attacks on our and the seas. Three different emphases. They downplayed it because they were on their way out of their term. Hillary did not want any more on her resume so she encouraged bill clinton not to go to war. Al lthe sudden, the affair popped up and he was impeached. Nothing was done for 911 when they were here for five years. When bush stepped in, 911 happened. No one paid attention to that. Hillary kept us from going to war which i think can close to 911. As soon as benghazi happened, she called up and decided not to be in her position anymore before the intermission came out. I feel she sold out. I think she is very intelligent. People, wakeup. Host sean is a democrat from indianapolis. Caller hello. In my opinion, i believe Hillary Clinton would be a good choice in 2016. Host why . Believe bill clinton was the best democratic president since john f.