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Thats something we ought to look at. Im very interested to see what happens. That may give us an opening. Im happy to stand here with my colleagues and can certainly tell you that i the frustration that we all feel should really culminate in positive action. Thank you all for being here. Cheers and applause] mr. Larson just so you know, and its a hue rumor, we want to make members aware of this, there are reports that theyre going to come back in, some said at 7 00, other reports say 8 00, we to take up legislation so urge people to be close to the floor and be with mr. Lewis during this time period. Our next speaker is dina titus. While dina is coming down, im going to give you the order of people right after dina, marcy kaptur and then Eddie Bernice johnson. Dina. Ms. Titus thank you, john, thank you, mr. Lewis, thank all of you for staying with us tonight. Others have spoken much more eloquently than i can but i want to add my voice to this proud chorus of democrats calling for action. It was almost two years ago to the day that i stood in this on this very spot and asked for a moment of silence to remember, mourn, to honor three people who were shot down in my district in southern nevada. Two were Metro Police Officers who were just having lunch and one was a shopper at a nearby walmart who stepped in and tried to help. At that moment, i became a member of probably the only club in washington that people dont want to belong to. And thats the club of those of us who have stood on this floor and asked for a moment of silence. Since that time two years ago that club has continued to grow and we need to shut it down. We need to take action now, it will help stop the need for those moments of silence. We are only talking about reasonable gun legislation. Its not outrageous. Dont be fooled by the rhetoric of the other side that its about gun ownership. I own a gun. I grew up in the south where gun a gun hangs over almost every mantle in every house. I now live in the west where guns are a big part of our culture. Its not about that. Its about trying to make our communities safer. So now we need to break that silence. We need to take action. Need host again, technical problems with the periscope feed. Well continue to monitor that feed from representative scott peters of california. Weve also been looking at a feed from bay toe orourke of texas. From bee toe orourke of texas from beto orourke of texas. As the democrats continue their sitin to demand legislation on a no fly new york buy gun control. Heres a tweet from congressman john lewis on the right and congressman jim mcgovern of massachusetts on the left. Representative Katherine Clark tweeting out that picture. Holding the floor until we get a vote on gun violence. We are hearing that republicans who met in conference this evening about an hour ago intend to come back to the floor for some sort of legislative action tonight. We are seeing some tweets from congressional reporters to that effect. Nothing official. You just heard a few moments ago from the sitin as well that theyre hearing the same thing so well have to see how that plays out. Of course if the house comes back into session, the cameras will come back on and well have our live feed. Until then, we understand the periscope feed is back up so well check in again with the democrats sitin on the house floor. Ms. Kaptur we know hes still missing in action as the party is missing in action. There was talk about the Appropriations Committee this morning. Nita loweys amendment. In order to have no fly, no buy, and what the republicans did to hat amendment. Host and back we are again. Trying our best to bring you as much of the democrats sitin on the house floor live as possible but were relying on social media and a couple of periscope feeds that weve been getting today from scott peters, representative scott peters of california, and congressman beto orourke of texas who have been participating in the sitin. Against the rules providing some video of the house floor. The rules are when the house is not in session, the cameras go off. Those cameras are control and operated by the house. The house staff. Same goes in the senate that we cover on cspan2. Those cameras also controlled by the senate. We simply take a feed here at cspan. So when the house is in recess, as they are now, those cameras go down and were relying, typically we dont see anything but today were relying on some social media feeds to cover as much as we can of the House Democrats sitin. Again, we are getting some word through congressional sources, some report some reporters on the hill that the house plans to come into session at some point this evening and attempt to do some legislative work. The democrats you may have heard a few minutes ago, on the floor being warned that that is in the offing as well. A couple of tweets weve gotten through today, heres a fun one from cbs news, when Keith Ellisons mother summons him to the house floor and other unusual sitin stories. Shows a note to congressman keith ellison, your mom called and wants you on the floor. Summoning her son to this sitin n the house floor. Looks like we have the feed back up, the periscope feed, and well cover as much of this live as possible. Ms. Kaptur i do wish to read the eldest and youngest from the San Bernardino shooting, where 14 people were killed. The oldest was isaac who was 60 years old and the two youngest, and ere 27, fiera clayborn evote milanson. Nd from orlando, the oldest, Frankie Jimmy dejesus velazquez, 60 years old, and the youngest, aquirra mone murray. I dont see why its so hard for the republicans to join us to meet this moral crisis that our nation faces. There should be no break, if no bill is passed. When nita lowey finished her remark this is morning and we lost the vote because the republicans wouldnt support us on no fly, no buy she said whats really at stake is your inconvenience versus the lives of our grandchildren and children. I thought that that was really an incredible statement. And ive been serving long enough to know this. When we passed the assault weapons ban during the 1990s, the n. R. A. Didnt disappear, they didnt go out of business. The gun shops in my district didnt go out of business. The Ammunition Companies didnt go out of business. But you know what happened . Fewer americans were killed by the thousands because that ban was in effect. No bill, no break, no fly, no buy. Cheers and applause] mr. Larson last night, a person who worked on my staff for cousin, 19 s, his carmen munn ed jr. , died as a result of a shooting. Along with ashley spence, only 21, and harold cook, who was 39. To not recognize that this is an epidemic, not recognize that this is a crisis, that this is beyond a natural disaster, because these disasters in all , our communities are manmade we must have a vote. We will not yield this floor. There will be an attempt to take this floor from us sometime tonight. No way. Stand firm, democrats. Now, ladies and gentlemen, there are shining stars, especially in the heart of texas, deep in the heart of texas, no one shines brighter than Eddie Bernice johnson. [applause] ms. Johnson i want to thank john lewis and Katherine Clark for leading us into this day. You know, when i stand here and think about why we have to do this, it is disgraceful. It is disgraceful because what were asking is so simple. After every large gathering where people are killed, you hear someone say, oh, he was quiet. He didnt talk to anybody. He was by himself. After the fact. After the fact, we learn that with a background check, that person would not have had a weapon. It is so simple to solve this. Ont know why theres such among republicans and the National Rifle association. I remember in 1994, when we passed the bill, we lost the majority. That was senseless to me. Senseless because theres no ason why a simple thing like this couldnt be checked when you have Mental Health and when you have many people frustrated by what were doing right now, theyre frustrated because we have not been able to pass sensible legislation. It is time for us to do this. It is time for us to take a stand and let the American People know that we are listening. Because we go along every day, just like theyre not even out there. Nd n. R. A. Has its way. Its troubling for our nation that is a leading nation in the world that cannot come together. People who elected by the American People cannot come together to solve this problem. No matter what we do, its not going to take everything away. But we can do several things that would save many lives. Many, many lives. Especially children. That we standable here every day, that we are standing here and its called a political stunt. How many of you call this a political stubt . Im serious, theres no way id sit here in this cold place unless i was serious about what im here for. The American People are serious. Is time for us to stand and speak until we get something done. Its time for us to realize that the n. R. A. Is not elected, theyre not in charge. We are. We will sit here to take care of the peoples business. This is the peoples business. How many more people are we call forsit around and silence when they get killed, and whats it going to do for us . Its not going to bring them back. How sad it is that just a simple background check cannot be passed in this body. How sad it is that we cant get more weapons off the streets. Were not at war in this country. Weapons should be reserved for war. And im not antigun. You dont have to be antigun to be antimultishot weapon. And you dont have to be antigun to ask for a background check. To make sure that the guns dont get in the hands of the wrong eople. And hopefully we can finally address Mental Health in this nation. Im really tired of hearing about what the persons were like after they killed 45, 50 people. Lets stand together and lets just say, no bill, no break. Mr. Larson she hadnt even been sworn in to her seat in congress when she witnessed the devastation at sandy hook. Before she either took before she even took the oath of office , she was there. For the families of those children. And shes been there in this e serving along with serving as cochair of serving along with Mike Thompson as cochair of the gun violence committee. Elizabeth esty of connecticut. [cheers and applause] ms. Esty i am so proud to be standing here with my friends and colleagues tonight. The energy in this room, i want to let you know, is duplicated by a crowd that is growing outside the capitol tonight. [applause] organically arising from americans who know that this institution of american democracy is about peoples voices being heard. And theyre being heard loud and clear across the country tonight. I am getting texts and tweets from my kids, from their friends, from my minister, from former minister who was moved away, all saying, you stand together. You stand tall. And stand up for the American People. Reporters are asking, what is different tonight . Youve been here before, all of you. How many moments of silence, since the death of 20 schoolchildren and six teachers wasnt enough, what will it take . It takes courage. It takes unity. And we are seing that here tonight. And it takes civil disobedience. John lewis has led us today because he understands that the vote is the most essential quality america has. Right now, the leadership of this house has deprived the members of the public a vote because our voices have been silenced, because we have not been allowed a single vote in 3 1 2 years that ive been in congress, in 3 1 2 year, not one hearing, not one vote on not one single bill to help keep americans safe from gun violence. Not one. Thats why we had no choice but to take other the floor. Thats why we have no take over the floor. Thats why we have no choice but to ensure that the vote of the people is reflected in debate and votes in this house. So to all of you who are gathered here today, thank you. To those who are watching, thank you. And text and write and call and demand that this house live up to the highest aspirations of the American People. We talk about tragedy. Tragedies are unforgettable. Theyre acts of god. Thats not what were looking at here. Its not. Since sandy hook, 100,000 americans have been killed with a gun. Think about that. 100,000. Now that number is so big it doesnt even make sense. Ats bigger than what we see yet thats what the inaction of this house has allowed to happen. Think of the story of a single person, weve heard stories today, of each individual. When their lives are taken, families are ripped apart and the ripples of that spread out through communities. The damages of tens of million of americans who are crying out tonight, act, do something. We need a vote. We need a vote. We need a vote to protect the American People. Were sworn to protect the constitution and uphold it, were sworn to protect the American People. And thats what is at stake tonight. No fly, no buy. If you are too dangerous to goat on to get on an airplane, what business do you have legally buying as many weapons as you want, and as much ammunition as you want . The American People cannot believe that this is true. If you think of what you have to go through when you go to an airport, take off your belt, take off your shoes, take off your buy aye pod, and scan through a scanner. But if youre a wouldbe terrorist, guess what, you can just go and buy whatever you want. That makes no sense. And its up to this house to fix it. We need a vote on no fly no, buy. And we need a vote on background checks. 20 years ago, i dont know how you did your Holiday Shopping but you probably didnt do it on the internet. Guess what, people buying guns, thats what theyre doing now. Theyre buying on the internet system of what used to be a small loophole, the gun show loophole, has gotten huge. 40 of sales now. Its amazing we stop anybody with background checks right now. And we have, we have stopped more than two million gun purchases. But thats stupid criminals who are dumb enough to go to licensed dealers. Its as if a terrorist waiting , line to get on the plane fully loaded with a suicide vest, was allowed to just get on the plane without going through security clearance. We can fix this. There are some things that are hard. Getting up every morning when youve lost a child to gun violence, thats hard. Thats really hard. Thats what nicole hoxley does every tai. Her son, dylan, was gunned down in his first grade classroom and nicole didnt choose this life. She didnt choose a life where she cries and gets up every day and travels america to try to help other family, try to make this country safer, to try to make american democracy, to live up to its promise. But she does. Because thats what needs to get done and what we need to do in this house and what whoever occupy this is chair needs to do occupies this chair needs to do is allow us a vote. No bill, no break. No bill, no break. Its time for a vote. The families of america deserve no less from their elected officials. [applause] mr. Larson from washington state, our leader on the armed ervices committee, adam smith. Mr. Smith cant say it better than those who have said it before, but were talking about common sense. Two thing, eright of this house to vote, which too often has been thwarted by this majority on issue after issue, not allowing us to vote. Win the if they vote, they win the vote but it would at least allow democracy to work. On gun control they havent allowed it. The second thing is basic common sense. Ive heard about people in rural areas say they own guns. Were not talking about taking away guns from everyone. Clinton that president would take away everyones guns, but my constituents still have guns. We heard about the ba Ma Administration hed take away guns, but eight years later, still have guns. We should have universal background checks so if you are legally barred from buying a gun, you dont. Its very simple and straightforward. We dont have that, but we have all kinds of loopholes to allow people to buy guns. The second piece is, if you are considered a threat to this country, and this is where my Armed Services Committee Work and National Security work really tells me helps me if youre a threat to this country and not allowed to fly on an airplane, you shouldnt be allowed to buy a weapon. Another piece of legislation that i think remitives thompson and lewis introduced, if you are being watched by the f. B. I. As a potential terrorist, you should be prevented from buying a firearm and they should be immediately notified if you try to do that. Thats what were asking for. I want to applaud my colleagues for having the courage. Often times we say in the house, we dont have the filibuster, we cant stop things, we cant force things. Youre showing, where theres a will, theres a way. We will force a vote on these common sense gun control pieces of legislation. That we wont go until we get that vote. I want to say one final thing, i hope this is just the first step, because stopping gun violence in this country is not just about sensible gun control. That certainly is the appeal but ill mention one other. Mental health issues. We do not do [applause] many of you here served with gabby giffords. Wellember standing in this the day she couldnt come back. It was one of the saddest days in my life. The person who shot her and killed other people and shot other people in tucson, it was obvious to everyone who knew him that he had many problems. This has been the case with many shooters, yet our laws are inadequate to do anything about it. I hope what we get here today is a vote on this legislation but other than that, i hope we force a comprehensive approach to everything that contributes to the senseless gun violence and the 30,000 deaths a year caused by gun violence. We must stand up, we must force this vote. I applaud you for your effort here today. I want to go home like everybody else, but im not going to do it until we get a vote on this. So no break [applause] mr. Larson stacey plaskett, where are you . Uickly, we go to seth moulton. [applause] hell be followed by jim costa, who will be followed by lloyd doggett. Mr. Moulton i came to this house from the United States marine corps. I had to carry an Assault Rifle every single day to do my job. Ive seen the effects of gun violence firsthand. I know what it looks like when someone gets shot. I know what it looks like when one of your friends or colleagues is bleeding out on the battlefield. There is no place for that on americas streets. Theres no place for that in our schools. [applause] theres no place for that in americas nightclubs. And theres a big difference between a marine or soldier who is trained for hours upon hours, months upon months, on the rifle range, to know how to use a weapon safely. Theres a big difference between that and a civilian, a terrorist who can walk into a gun shop or gun show or go online and legally buy weapons of war today. Every single amendment to the constitution has reasonable restrictions. Even the First Amendment has reasonable restrictions. In fact, even the Second Amendment has reasonable restrictions. I not only carried an assault weapon with me every day, i carried a grenade. I was trained to use a grenade. And carry it safely. We have made a decision as a society that we will not allow civilians to walk around with grenades. We dont allow civilians to walk around with land mines or rockets. There are a lot of weapons of ar that are reasonably restricted here at home. I support the Second Amendment. As does just about everybody on the floor today. But you dont have to be opposed to the Second Amendment to believe in reasonable restrixes o keep our country safe. What were asking for is still reasonable. If youre on a nofly list, if youre not allowed to fly, you ought not to be able to buy a gun. If there are problems with the no fly list, lets fix it. But tell me this, if there are so many problems with the no fly list, why do we have the no fly list . Why are these people not allowed to fly . Im sure that has nothing to do with the fact that everybody in this body flies home every weekend. Is the freedom of travel not afforded to americans, is that not a right we care about . Do we have do we believe in a government that can tell you, you cant get on a plane . No. Thats so basic we didnt have to include it in the bill of rights. This problem if theres a problem with the no fly list, lets fix it. Universal background checks. Nine out of 10 americans believe we ought to have universal background checks when you buy guns. Think about the system we have today. Think about it in terms of flying. Talking about flying. Imagine if our Security System for the t. S. A. Were that if you went up to an Airline Ticket counter and bought a ticket from the airline, you had to go through security. But if you buy that same ticket online, dont worry about it, just go right around. You dont need to go through security. You bought that ticket online. Thats the system we have, those are the laws that we have for buying guns today. Thats absurd. Absurd. How many of you would get on a plane if you thought everybody who bought that ticket, bought their ticket online, just going right around security . I dont think any of us would be comfortable flying. And yet, thats perfectly acceptable when it comes to buying guns. When speaker ryan took that seat, took that chair, thats vacant right now, he spoke about working with democrats and republicans. And he said specifically that if we could just have an intellectually honest debate in this house, we could do some good things for the American People. An intellectually honest debate. Its not intellectually honest if you cant even conduct a study on gun violence. [applause] its not intellectually honest if we cant even have a debate in the house of representatives on reasonable restrictions to keep communities safe. Its not intellectually honest if we cant even be on tv when were here because the speaker of the house has shut off the tv cameras. Cheers and applause] its not intellectually honest if we cannot even have a vote. Fundamentally what were asking for tonight is just a bit of honesty. Its honesty to do our job, to represent the American People. When nine out of 10 americans out there in our country today agree with what were asking for, think were reasonable, we dont just do our job. Thats what were here to do. Just do our job for the american eople. Lets just do our job. [applause] mr. Larson in that post it said that they were going to come here and remove us from the floor. Are we ready . Are we fired up . Are we ready to go . Ready to stand up for america . Cheers and applause] jim costa. Mr. Costa as members of congress, we have to ask ourselves, at what point are we going to have this honest discussion about Public Safety in america . At what point are we going to have an opportunity to discuss the impact of hate crimes that hate crimes are having throughout america . When . Like many of you here, i strongly support the Second Amendment. I grew up in a family with guns. That used them for hunting. For selfprotection. This isnt act the Second Amendment. Hen will enough be enough . If now is not the time, then when is the time . The deadly shooting in orlando could have happened anywhere in the United States. It has, sadly. Just last night in my district, a 20monthold was shot and killed in front of his parents. Fresno police chief jerry dyer stated that a tragedy occurred in our city last night. Chief dyer is absolutely right. And the sad reality is we do not have a consensus on the appropriate policies needed to prevent these tragedies from happening again, whether it was in fresno last night, orlando last sunday, or anywhere else around america where this has happened too often. We have to stop playing politics if were going to have an honest conversation on how we prevent hate crimes and other Violent Crimes that continue to happen n communities across our land. We have to have that discussion. We are a legislative body. We have to be able to do our jobs. The American People deserve better from members of congress. Sound bites and blaming others does not translate into improving policies that make americans safer. And whatever differences we may have in this room we all have a common grole. We want to make americans safer. I urge my republican colleagues to bring the no fly new york buy bill to the floor of the house. No fly, no buy bill to the floor of the house. [applause] bring it to the floor. And after we have that discussion, that debate, and that vote, we ought to do what were supposed to do as members of congress, and thats bring other legislation to the floor. Have Committee Debates. We can have endless debates, Committee Debates about libya. Seems to me wed have enough time to have discussion within the appropriate committees to have hearings to discuss the issues and bring together meaningful legislation that will have bipartisan support that we can pass into law. Why . Because we all want to make america safer. Thats what this is all about. Lets urge our republican colleagues just to do the right thing. And that is to bring this bill, to begin with this bill, no buy, fly, because americans want taos make them safer, right . Want us to make them safer, right . No buy, no fly. Thank you. [applause] make america safe again [applause] mr. Larson i think that ought to be repeated. Jan just said the theme here is very consistent. Make america safe again. Make america safe again. Mick america safe again. Heres someone who does that every tai that hes working in the ways and means committee, lloyd doggett. Mr. Doggett we are sitting in the house tonight with john lewis and our colleagues because too many of our republican colleagues have been sitting on their hands. For so long, when it comes to gun safety. Short moments of silence here followed by very long periods of inaction. Doing nothing. And as ive been on the floor with so many of you for the last several hours, weve begun to hear from our constituents around the country and i just want to share with you one message from ms. Trinity rayburn in san antonio, texas, who wrote me a few hours ago. I wrote to you with the heaviest of hearts. Born in texas, being around guns is nothing new to me. I grew up around them. I like going to the shooting range myself. I understand that guns are bred into texans lives as deeply as saying yall. My husband and i, though, are expecting our first child in about seven weeks. Im terrified that i will have to explain to my son what a mass shooting is one day. Im terrified to think about the fact that my son may be the victim of another sandy hook type shooting. And she calls for reasonable gun safety legislation. I want to talk to you just a moment about fear. Because theres very legitimate fear of a young her, a mother to be, who might be dropping off their child at school or child care center, theres fear of a father who drops off his children to see the latest movie at a theater, as happened in colorado. Theres fear of family members who might just want to be out for a good nights outing as happened in orlando. There is legitimate fear that we do need to make america safe again because its not safe if terrorists and potential terrorists can get their hands on a gun wherever they come from. Thats legitimate fear. But i want to talk to you also about illegitimate fear. Ill tell you where that resides. In that chair right up there. That empty chair. It is the fear in that empty chair in this house leadership that we might actually do something. The whole notion that we might come together. Now we know they have the majority. We know they control the agenda. What is it that they are afraid of . Is it a accountability for what they do and dont do . Hy not permit this house, we cant control the outcome, but to have a reasonable and fair open debate, open to all amendments about this issue of gun violence and the way it is affecting families of all political persuasions and all parts of this country. There is a fear of doing that that is totally irrational and illegitimate unless it is just to block any accountability with reference to our elected officials. We need that kind of open debate. I just heard the speaker say that he wanted to be sure there were Due Process Rights for people with their constitutional Second Amendment. Well, thats all hes concerned about . Bring your bill out here and let us discuss what is reasonable due process after a potential terrorist has been denied a weapon that could do great harm, not before. Lets have a discussion. [applause] you dont have a monopoly on truth. Theres no Political Party or individual in this body that has a monopoly on truth. But coming together, if youre not fearful in an illegitimate way, fearful of a reasoned discussion, we can find a way, as they always say, to let the legislative process work. Thats what were calling for. Let us vote mr. Doggett i think we need to stay until we get the vote and not recess. [applause] mr. Doggett finally, i want to add a word of thanks to groups like moms demand action who have been demanding action. In san marcos and austin, i know all across this country demanding action. Theyre out here tonight, outside the capitol, demanding action. Because as important as it is that were sitting here while they sit on their hands, and we talk to one another and talk to the American People, nothing is more important than what groups like moms demand action are achieving all around this country. If theyre out there tomorrow, if theyre calling their official, if they are speaking outen radio at every opportunity over social media, we will achieve change, we will stay here, we will demand accountability, and we will get the safer america that our families deserve. Amen cheers and applause] no bill no break mr. Larson next speaker, whose father also served in this chamber before he did this great lacy clay. He did, the great lacy clay. Mr. Clay let me say that this is my proudest day in this house. Nd i am a child of the 1960s. My father was a civil rights leader. Along with john lewis. Let me take this opportunity to thank john lewis. [applause] our generation and future generations stand on your shoulders. Thats how we got here. Like my friend Cedric Richmond said, thats why were here. Because of what the sacrifices because of the sacrifices you made. I represent the community my hometown in st. Louis, missouri, which includes frederickson, missouri which includesering ferguson, missouri. St. Louis and ferguson, they know this they notice if there is a certain tone deafness in the leadership of this body. And it comes, it emanates from the top. Speaker ryan and leader mccarthy, youre tone deaf to the needs of the American People. Et me share with you that my community, st. Louis, ferguson, theyve experienced its share of gun violence. Starting in 2014. With my with michael brown. , t even more tragic than that 11yearold 2015, irl was in her mothers bed, doing her homework, she was a traight a student. Jameelah pope. She was shot through the wall with an ar15. Killed that little girl. 9 years old. So tells me that, you know, if we werent so tone deaf in this body and over on the other side, we probably could have saved that little 9yearold girl. If we had had the assault weapons ban still in place. We might have saved her. If we had saved one, it would have been worth the effort. [applause] the people of ferguson, the people of st. Louis, say to speaker ryan and leader mccarthy, stop being so tone deaf. Listen to the American People. Listen to the needs, wishes, and desires of our country. And act on it. Dont sit in your little comfortable places. Come out. Come out and address the issues that mean something to us. Homage to my pay friend and colleague, john lewis, for starting this. [applause] some of the tone deafness goes away. Thank you. [applause] mr. Larson thank you, lacy. And immediately after raul speaks, as we said earlier, were going to have john get up and explain because a lot of people have never been involved in a sitin before. And so we want everybody to get an education. And understand everything that might happen. And we dont know, but thats why youre all here. But someone thats always there for us, day in and day out, great leader from arizona, raul grijalva. [applause] mr. Grijalva of course, john lewis, thank you very much, sir. John larson and ms. Clarke for organizing and and ms. Clark for organizing and getting us all here. Im honored and proud to call all of you here my friends , my colleagues, and fellow democrats. We think back a second, it was mentioned by other speakers, in , a fine person, fine legislator, fine human being was taken from this chamber. She is no longer part of this chamber. My colleague and neighbor, gabby giffords. Who continues to lead the fight for gun safety and ending the senseless gun violence. I thought after the feelings and horrors that occurred in 2000 that this house at the very minimum would act on behalf of one of our own. From tucson to orlando and all that accompanied those, the ssacres we all know about, this house and the Republican Leadership, nothing. A moment of silence, yes. And then back to nothing. We today are telling speaker ryan and the Republican Leadership that was said before, enough is enough. And they can avoid the reality. They can avoid dealing with this issue. But a lot has been said about the American Peoples cynicism. The frustration with gun vinyl and what is happening today is they are finally realizing and seeing for themselves that there are members of congress that are here today, the democrats, that are fighting for them. And the American People are realizing that they have those members in congress. And they are fighting for their families, for the future, and their security and safety. This have to tell demonstration, this protest this action today, tell ryan, join the American People. Join the fight. And give us a vote. Et the American People hold us accountable. Let the American People feel like theyre not being used. Let the American People know for once that they have a congress that is fighting for them, their families, and their kids. [applause] mr. Larson john. Listeningyou who were speech everthe best on the floor of the house of representatives, and theres been a lot of good ones, was given today by our own john lewis. [applause] [cheers and applause] mr. Lewis thank you, john larson. We owe john larson [applause] hes been here for hours. John larson. [applause] thank you. Katherine, thank you. I want to thank each and every ne of you for finding a way to get in the way. Thank you for getting in trouble. Good trouble. [applause] you didnt have to do it, but you did it. I never, ever thought that one day after sitting in many days 1960, when i s in had hair on my head and a few ounds lighter, that i would be sitting down on the house floor with all you great democrats. This was wonderful. [applause] sitting here since early this morning. You came to the floor at 9 00. 9 30. During fiveminutes. Look what time it is. Youre still standing. By sitting down, sitting in, youre standing up. [applause] we protest for what is right. This may be the floor of the house but this is the peoples house. They sent us here to represent them. Thats all we can do. Demand a vote. Our people are hurting. Our people are frustrated. Hey want us to do something. Theyve issued a mandate to do something and never, ever give up. Never, ever give in. [applause] were not even going, not even a dream a difference. You have been a great group today. Were not done. Not yet. We dont know what is going to happen. All kinds of rumors kinds of rumors. We will win in victory. The American People are with us. Respect the dignity and the words of all of us. Family, we are all in the same house. The american house. We are all brothers and sisters. We are one family. I was with some of the early today. We all came to the great land in different ships. [applause] nobody. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on dont give up. Be helpful. Be optimistic. I did not give up. I kept faith. My idea is to stay. [applause] the victory is on our side. Ok. [applause] may not be walking down along the river. Mind, slander, we are so lucky. Introduce our speaker nancy pelosi. [applause] with john to serve lewis in the congress. [applause] the American People all are blessed. While he was speaking, i was thinking, two of them have done so much for our country. Learne went to india to about nonviolence and civil the nonviolence two things. S shown, meanslence and also persistence for the truth. That is what we are doing here. In a nonviolent way. Insisting on the truth. As truth is. The truth is that we cannot violenceto have the and lack of action. Hands toon and our own make sure we make the American People safe. John talks frequently. [laughter] all gods chosen. Children. It is within us. All the families who are suffering, outside the capital echopeople gathered to what is happening in here. On thiswitness existence on the truth. Lets take his guidelines. Whatever they want to do in the next few minutes, we are here. We are here until we get the truth that is assisted insisted upon. We have to vote and give it a chance to make succeed to succeed. Lives depend on it. All of our members have been so magnificent. Activism on the floor today. Thank you for giving people hope. Forgiving people hope. People say, where is help . I cant find it. Faith ande between love. [applause] give people hope and the chariots of love that will give them strength to do our jobs. John, thank you so much. [applause] [applause] each and every one of you have been so magnificent. How long will they stay . Its up to them. We will stay. [applause] no bill, no break. No bill, no break. No bill, no break. No bill, no break. No bill, no break. No bill, no break. The schedule. Leader in the people had asked me sometimes, what time are you getting out . And i would tell them, as soon as we pass the bill. As soon as we passed the bill. I want to place this in context for you and all of our constituents. The average number of gun deaths 32,964. Ca is 32,000 rather than telling earlier this week, stood in our caucus and said, we will have a moment of silence for the 49 who died in orlando. In a moment of silence for others were numbers have died. She says, but in my city, and in our country, we have individuals who die. Two, 3, 4, not all at the same time, but equally important. If a in a country that focuses on individuals, she said we also recognize the worst of every single life. [applause] 32,964. My friends, if we had given each one of those people one minute ussilence, it would take eachdays at six hours session. Just a short time on this day to speak for all of those who lost their lives. , you may havese heard me speak earlier today, our chaplain started his prayer thank you lord for this day. Those whose all days were taken away from them. We speak for the families who grieve every day. [applause] and we speak today for hobart over 250 americans 250 million americans. 80 of americans say past these bills. Pass these bills. Our friends in the nra say people kill people, not guns. Suredebate is about making that those people who shouldnt have guns do not. [applause] that is why we are on this floor to stay determined and if we have determined you are too dangerous to fly, you are too dangerous to have a gun. [applause] and we stand on this floor to say we want to make sure that thoroughng process is so that our neighbors, friends, and families can have some sense of security in their church, and the grocery store, and the theater, and the neighborhood. [applause] i talked to my friend, the majority leader today, came over and said, how can we stop this . Vote i said to him, put those two bills on the floor. Let america know where its members stand on making the country safer. Where will their members stand on making sure terrorists dont have guns. Making sure that when we vet somebody, it is a thorough vetting so we know that that person who went to the , who shouldhurch not have been able to buy a gun, but we did not give sufficient time for a check. Thats right thats what we stand here for. Our people expect us to stand. Benefited and blessed by john lewis and all those who sat with us knowing full well the danger that would be on the other side. For those who said, along with , on ayburn, on a stool counter to be asking to be fed. Return waseceived in the top taunt and physical abuse for simply wanting to eat. John lewis and so many others have walked across the bridge with john lewis. I know nancy and jim and i, so many of you have walked across that bridge for the simple vote into register to the greatest democracy on the face of the earth. We stand here saying, paul ryan, give us the right to vote on these two bills to help make america safer. [applause] let me present you a young man i have known from other 50 years. Than 50 years. Then someone had told me that the two of us would be serving in the house of representatives together, i would say, are you crazy . Are you out of your mind . I dont even know what you are talking about. But here we are. [applause] thank you so much for your leadership and wrench it. Friendship. Lets inc. The media lets begin by thanking the media. [applause] what we mean when we talk about free press and why we need one. We have some people who are trying to shut that down. But thanks to them, the American People get to look in on and listen to us on this floor. Microphones were cut off, camera cut off, [boo] but we are still filming. [applause] aint nothing young about me. School, my opponent intentions were to follow my father into the ministry. That as always told [laughter] getting out of jail for their time, i decided that was not working too well. Went home to stay with my dad and the fact that i was changing my mind, we get the seminary. I thought my father would be upset. And probably he was. But my dad said to me on that son, i think the world would much rather see a sermon than human. Here one. Is awere seeing today fulfillment of what my father said to me 50 years ago. We have come to the floor of this house to allow the people of this great country to see a sermon in ourve, works. I thank each and everyone of you for participating. Someone asked me earlier whether or not we were going to retire for the evening. Morning,tire in the but i think were going to work through the evening. [applause] great friend, great motivator. If you never do anything else im going to have to talk to john larson a little later on. Last night when they were about today, theyk about andberately excluded me john looked in my face and said this one is not for you. [laughter] im glad he allowed me to participate. Maybe later on tonight, maybe later on tonight, im hopeful. Ivee mileage 13 revised my luther king during your letter. At some point this evening, each one of us take a section of that letter and lets read it to the American People because if there is no other thought to be captured from the letter, there is one i want to leave on the minds of everybody. When he said to us in that werer, that the people making a better use of their time with goodwill. King said to us in that letter that we are going to be made to the deeds ofst for bad people, but for the violence. [applause] we will not be silent. [applause] we want to make sure that john lewis is the sole and conscious of this. World, there the were two people who came to him and her to pose the question, can we do this . Two people. Said we have had it. We believe in john lewis, we believe that you have to get in the way to get a vote. That was david cicilline. [applause] thank you. I have never been so proud in my short tenure. What an extra narrative. Day. Traordinary many of us have had a chance to get the selma with john lewis and many of us had the chance to go over the bridge. What struck me when i was there with so many of you on the 50th march, how of the steep the rise is in the middle of the bridge. You cannot see over it. Meantght about what that for john lewis and everyone else that day when they finally crested that bridge and saw, the hatred, violence, they kept going. John lewis went through that bridge for the right to vote and we have to crest this bridge for all the parents, all the ,randparents, aunts and uncles cousins who have lost family members. Senseless gun violence. We dont have all the answers today. Heart, theollow our incredible wisdom that weve heard from all of you today, we will start. When we pray, move your feet. That is all what all of you are doing. Light and love for all of us. That is how were going to change this gun epidemic. [applause] [cheers and applause] to all of us and sony parts of our life. So many of our constituents, so many people across this country have been hurt by gun violence, have lost loved ones, have lost children. They have wondered if congress will ever do anything about it. We have showed them today that we are committed to fight and committed to stay here until we get a vote. Make sure we have universal background checks. Do something to protect their families. We can do Everything Possible to make sure it doesnt happen again. Thank you. [applause] [applause] we have been blessed throughout the day to have so many of our colleagues in the United States senate here on the floor. [applause] the first one to bring Dunkin Donuts [applause] all the work that they have done. I have been watching, replacing batteries all day long. Anything. Cks or please bring some. Gradepoint. Point. T the people watching this, they are the majority. We may be the majority. But they are the majority. Here. May be the minority but they are the majority. We want to vote. America, we can win this battle. Gallery. Eople in the [cheers and applause] we are here to work. We have work to do. Like to make a vote and we will stay as long as we have to. The leader makes a great point. Let us please, also, we like to have a lot of people that have been here and voted already. We think the people in the gallery. There are people outside. Thank them. Its [applause] [applause] when we last left, we were about grijalva. Om raul work for theur rest of the night. Anyone who is in more outfront has been more outfront for democracy. All,. St of thank you. This has to be one of the highest moments of my whole career. I want to thank you for doing this. The same time, i want to put all this in context. John, i would to thank you for all you have done and everybody else who has done something that has anything to do this. But think about my life back in baltimore. Every night, when i go back to baltimore, we look for something. Press balloons. Happensighborhood, what is that when somebody is gunned gunned down, they had tie balloonshey on the lamppost. Up my write up ride street, i look for the press balloons. That means somebody has been gunned down. Know, and gentlemen, you whow years ago my nephew was like a son to me, was robbed at gunpoint in his apartment. At 5 00 in the morning. , i junior at old dominion shall never forget visiting his room the next day and seeing his brain splattered on the walls. Ladies and gentlemen, enough is enough. Enough is enough. What is happening here today, i said this is a significant moment, but we cannot let this moment just go by. No. Ryan is sitting in his office right now depending on us to leave this for. Im telling you, he is. John is right. We have got to say. This is not about those. Superior than us. This is bigger than us. This is art bite. Our fight. [applause] when we think about what happened in orlando, ladies and gentlemen, whether we are ,ccepting any sense of normal that should not be normal for people to be enduring the lives the lives on a sunday morning and the next thing enjoying their lives and the next thing they are blown away. That cannot be normal. [applause] for generations yet unborn, somebody said earlier, every two swear weome here and are going to uphold the constitution of the United States of america. We put our hands up and we also say that we are going to protect the citizens of this great country. Ladies and gentlemen, it would be legislative malpractice for us not to deal with these issues. [applause] nofly, no by. Buy. [applause] i come to this floor tonight to say the two most powerful words and that is thank you. Thank you for my colleagues. Memberowing this junior disinhibit senior members. To be able to answer the questions we will all be asked, why are we doing this . Were doing this because we can remember or we have been taught that when john lewis and Martin Luther king marched, there were results. We know when rosa parks sat down , we can stand up. I come here to say, to all of those living, we come here today because today makes a difference. Will save theoday lives of the children and sisters and brothers names we have read all. Let me end by saying that we are here because we took an oath. We come to this poor everyday and wepray and we pledge say in god we trust. Today, we are trusting and one another. We are saying to the constituents out here that it is now your time. Let us not to visit and thing. You are to hold accountable every person you vote for or dont four. Republicans will not get the. Vote. The chair is empty. The third most powerful person in the lineup is empty. And thed the session speaker in that chair walked off the floor and vacated the seat. Hey want to adjourn siblings,latives and they have memories because senseless death, the chair should not be vacant. You should not let the speaker or the republicans off the hook. You should remember that we stand to united because we stand for you. Theyll let the death not stand for something. Today, thank you. Thank you to all those who are watching this because today we make history. Thank you, rosa parks. Thank you, Martin Luther king. Thank you, john lewis. Thank you to our powerful suffer,ip that did not were not afraid. This was something that did not just happen. This happened because we stand here united. We represent this wonderful america. Thank you democrats. [applause] scott peters. Mike doyle. Jean kennedy. Mike thessalonica. We have a role in the house when youre not supposed to take pictures when houses in session. Wasticed that mr. Lewis sitting on the floor as well and i dont think that its in the rose either. The point is, if they would turn the cameras on, we would turn our cameras off. [applause] we were very frustrated today when they can the cameras off. We thought that was wrong to not let the American People know what is going on here. I discovered periscope today and her. T to thank [applause] its sharing what is going on here because it is the only way people will know. My wife and i have two children. We took them to first grade and they came back. We took that to church and they came back. We took them to the movies and they came back. They went to college and they came back. Now they go to nightclubs and so far they come back. Who should have to live in fear of not coming back . We are not asking to change the world. Im not angry, im tired. Every day this year, every week this year, i come to the floor for one and it and read the names of victims. At thousand shootings 1000 shootings since sandhook. Someday we will be able to take some action. Im proud to be part of an effort to really make it happen. Asking that you export californias gun laws wisconsin or alabama or pennsylvania. That is not what im saying. Askingnot what we are for. We are asking for votes on two things. If you go to walmart to buy the gun, you get a background check to make sure you are not a felon. We all understand that. If you buy on the internet or a gun show, you dont get that background check. All were saying is to close that loophole. 90 of americans support that. If you 7 of gun owners support that. Everyone gets it. Including that net, terrorist. If you are sworn enemy of the United States, they be someone has got to fight with isis, we are dont sell that person again. 90 of the republicans support that, only 85 of democrats. That is an overwhelming majority. Were not asking for much. We just what a chance to vote. Want a chance to vote. Whether you are proving a Supreme Court justice or gun laws, people expect us to take up the issue. We may disagree or lose books. We understand that. We may lose. But at least we will have given the people a chance to see our government work and we will not be shutting down without dialogue. Thank you everyone for being here. [applause] o bill, no break. No bill, no break. No bill, no break. No bill, no break. We also want to be in the position to thank all of the groups that have been involved. The people who are supportive. We are supported by groups that have been working for years and years for sensible gun safety legislation. I want to mention some of the groups. Sure we have excluded some. I apologize for that. I want to thank every town, americans responsible solutions, Kathy Gifford said her husband. The greenwich campaign. The coalition against gun violence. Organizing for america. Move on. Moms demand action. States united against gun violence. Americans united for change. Violence policy center. Every child matters. Media matters. Newtown action. Sandy hook. Enjoyed ay we have are joined by the Lgbt Community and i know there are many groups , womens groups, civil rights groups. We thank them all for being partners with us. Thank you. [applause] collies, it has been a long day. I was here from the beginning. It is going to be a long night. I was here this morning when they turn off the microphones, when they shut down the cameras, but they got our periscope thank god our periscope has been working all day. Broadcasting the to the world. I dont think this protest this evening, will be as powerful so i want to thank them. First speakers, he came to the floor and said that in the 46 years that he has served in this body, this is one of the proudest days of his 46 years and that is absolutely correct. We are so honored and thrilled that all our colleagues have stayed together today and they deserve our thanks. Thank you to john lewis. What can we say about john lewis . The Congressional Black Caucus loves john lewis. We think john. Katherine clark and all of their work. [applause] for emphasis, say this is the beginning of a movement. Done is what we have not to be seen in isolation. This is the beginning of a movement and the American People know it. Im getting emails and tweets and you are as well. People are out on the plaza joining with us in solidarity. This is the beginning of a movement. Mass shootings must come to an end in this country. The American People really understand the depth and breath of the Mass Shootings we are having. They have seen the evening news. 136 is there have been Mass Shootings and america this year. What is a mass shooting . A mass shooting is defined by killingas one killer four or more victims. There have been 136 Mass Shootings in this country since the beginning of this year. We were told it was going to be 8 00 that were heard it was good to be not clock and now we are hearing 9 30. Politico had breaking news that they would come to the floor and confront us, that we are ready. But we are ready. No bills, no break. Bring it on. [applause] thank you, john. I want to first think john larson who has been here [applause] thanks to john lewis, david cicilline. Thank you for all the work. Katherine clark. Thank you. It is the American People, you have the power right now. Csn being streamed on younger members who understand periscope. They shut the microphones and the cameras off, there were still a way for us to talk to the American People. I want to talk to the American People tonight because the power is in your hands to change things tonight. Growown next to where i outside of pittsburgh, there was a family having a barbecue in their backyard. Husband and wife. Children. Two gunmen. Ae with an ak47 and one with highcapacity clip handgun started firing in the backyard. Killing five adults and an onboard child. 49 bullet casings were found. This happened in a matter of less than two minutes. We have seen in communities all across america from sandy hook to charleston to San Bernardino to orlando, the carnage that these weapons of war can cause. Tonight what is the civilian purpose for a highcapacity clip that allows you to shoot up to 100 bullets without reloading you dont how with that. Reloading . You dont hunt with that. I come from western pennsylvania. We have a lot of hunters. You dont hunt with back on. Why did someone be able to buy a bullet that pierces cap lie. Does the Second Amendment give up give us the right that would only be used to peers the best of Police Officers or our troops. Why should anyone be able to buy body armor . What is the purpose of that and civilian society. These are weapons of war. Pure and simple. What were asking for tonight is the very beginning. Were asking tonight to say if you were on the nofly list, and our government suspects you of and carenected to organization, we dont want you to be able to buy a gun. How much of a nobrainer is that . [applause] it was not even a partisan issue. More republicans favor a ban on that than democrats. Mid80s andes the 90 . Who is against that . When those babies were slaughtered in connecticut and we cannot even get a background past, passed, a lot of us shook our heads. What would it take . Americans at this time and time again. When will congress do something about this violence . I tell you colleagues and ladies and gentlemen, watching this tonight, it is time for us to be the time for us to be silent is over. [applause] not leaving the well until speaker ryan gives us a chance to vote on this. America, this is your chance. Youre watching this tonight. Call them on the phones. Call them on the phone and tell them you want a vote. You can make a difference. They will listen to you. Call up those members and tell them that america wants a vote on these bills. Thember, this is just beginning. We are not giving up. [applause] no bill, no break. No bill, no break. No bill, no break. [applause] life, i think a lot of the stuff people do is a waste of time. Havingonest, when i was discussions with some of my inends last night on this the fighting and instigating, i had my doubts. All right. When your friends are in, you jump in. Even when you think they are crazy. [laughter] you are in, im in. What are we doing. On the floor, 9 30. Keep it up. To be honest, i thought this would be done around noon. We would have our fun, maybe some people would make the news. And we would go on our merry way. It changed. It changed quickly. It changed because of you. I never expected this many members to show up at this day and to speak with such passion. [applause] it made me proud to be a member in this house. You have made me proud to be a democrat. You have made me proud to call you my friends and colleagues. Same thing for the rest of the people here and the people in america supported. I can count. Republicans when the republicans come back, they will when the boat. I get that. E. The vot i get that. It will lose the battle and they will lose the hearts and minds of the American People. [applause] when i came here in the 60s, i never expected to be doing it in my day. We can all do it. Shower. D, i need a i need a beer. [applause] a jack and coke. Guess what . My commitment is reaffirmed by you, my commitment is reaffirmed by the support of the American People in my commitment is reaffirmed by the reason we are here. Im not here for any bill, im here for my children. The innocent people who have been slaughtered in each one of our districts. As i said earlier today, i know that there is nothing that we can do to stop at fault. I know that. But i also know that doing nothing is not the answer. [applause] in this and everything else, do what you can do. To make it better. If all we can do is a couple of , if it saves one life, it is worth this today. It is worth it tomorrow and it is worth it the next day. As long as you are here, i will be here. Thank you for the commitment. [applause] we want you to know that 70s are the new 50s. The next three speakers, if they can come down here. [applause] thank you, john. I represent the Capital Region of new york. Like so made districts across this country, we have witnessed the terrible news of the slaughtered in our neighborhoods. , want to thank john lewis representative john lewis for having changed the tone of the nation for decades. For his involvement in seeking justice. Thank you, john, for leaving us today. Clark andcatherine david cicilline. Thank you to our leader nancy pelosi for connecting us. As we and our colleagues in those speaking for furniture joined together in a demonstration peacefully to call for change. You. An honor to be with this is a historic day. Fighting for change we need. Note thatrtant to america is listening. America is supporting our voices here today. They believe in this effort. And truthded by faith and determination. It has been said over and over this evening that this has been dubbed a political stunt. The republicans in washington. I will take that the fingerprint republicans in my district tell me we need these reports. Emma cuts and independence and unaffiliated coming we need this report. But republicans in congress are denying the progress we need. So i k say for their public colleagues, seeing as what it is. It is a human outcry for justice. I say to the republican majority, see it for what it is. To respond tolea our communities across the nation. I say to Republican Leadership, see it for what it is. Justified indignation of status quo that want to allow for bills to come to the floor for a vote. Unacceptable. Unacceptable. We know the story. We have been there. Republicans and democrats, democrats and republicans, visiting with families and loved ones. When they witness the life leaving their family members. Their dreams suffocated. The life shortened. Because of the act of unkindness , perpetrated by those who should not have guns in their hands. Compassion. Ds with respond with compassion. But what we see here with this context on the floor, effort witness peoplee shaking their head and denial that they have lost their loved ones. People whose hearts are brokens. Their eyes deepened with sadness. What is the result by some in this house, and blind eye. A blind eye. Offer a hired and hug hardened hug. That is not government. Insensitivity and it is broken. What we need to do is go forward with progressive qualities of legislation that speaks to the rightful response. Dangerous andmed unacceptable by society to go on a plane, you should not be able to purchase a gun. For is what we are asking in the house. [applause] if youre going to purchase a commercial,o in a and have a background check, why notbackground check avoided required with Online Purchases or with gun show purchases . Lets close that loophole. That is what we are calling for. Show that your heart is in it. [applause] those who we have witnessed in our own communities who have had this impact spirit their lives. I join with my

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