Transcripts For CSPAN U.S. House Of Representatives U.S. Hou

Transcripts For CSPAN U.S. House Of Representatives U.S. House Of Representatives 20220906

. host: while we have a minute or two, we may be able to take some calls. we do some calls waiting. 202-748-8000 is the line for democrats. 202-748-8001 for republicans. for others, 202-748-8002. just to let you know, when that door opens up, they come in, we're going to break away for the u.s. house, but let's hear from some of our callers, waiting to take, wilhelm, missouri, democrats line. go ahead with your comment. it's open forum. caller: ok, donald k. trump, he's crooked. he's a fraud. nobody did not steal the 2020 election. you republicans need to stop your bickering and arguing. you republican have to -- what trump said back in 2016 to hillary clinton that the emails, that was not sent. and you republican need to call that 988 and get some help for yourself. host: lost you there. we'll go to brian next up on the independent line in lake roosevelt, washington. good morning. caller: good morning, "washington journal." i just wanted to share a little interview of lindsey graham on bbc monday morning. bbc interviews the senator, and it is some of the best journalism i've witnessed this year or even in the past. i've never seen an interviewer not let the guest get away with not answering and going to another subject. the interviewer on "hard talk" on bbc monday morning, lindsey graham doesn't get to control the interview and has to answer questions that he did not want to answer. excellent interview. so i hope you guys can maybe share a little bit of it with the viewers this morning. host: thanks for sharing that, brian, here on "washington journal." waiting for the house to come in for what we expect will be a brief pro forma session. obviously a late pro forma session. they were supposed to be in 1500 minutes ago. often in the case of the early week pro forma sessions, it is gaveled in by a local member of congress, a democrat in this case from maryland or virginia, but they're obviously still waiting for members to arrive, so we'll continue with your calls and go to carol in st. louis. good morning, democrats line. caller: good morning. and what i called about was the question you asked earlier about the supreme court and how can a democrat have confidence in it because of what mcconnell did where he wouldn't let obama have obama presidency. and then they turn around and give trump when it's even closer to the election. this makes no sense at all. and how can you have confidence in that court? thank you. host: thanks for weighing in on that. delaware is next, also on our democrats line. good morning. caller: good morning. i just want to say thank you so much for c-span, number one. number two, all these people that complain that you're biased more to the democrat leaning, the republicans are dissatisfied about that, why don't they try to call mr. hannity? and if you notice, your program is more democratic because you allow everybody to call in and get their thoughts. they don't do that on the hannity show. thank you so much. host: thanks, margie. we're going to go back to the house floor here. we're waiting for the house to come into session for their brief pro forma session. we're going to talk to "the hill's" bob cusack, editor in chief at "the hill" to talk about what's ahead in congress, talk about the election, but we'll have get through this, we want to get through this house pro forma session, which is obviously delayed here about 15 minutes or so. watching live house coverage here on c-span. storma session. it's running 15 minutes late. not surprising when they're coming back from a long break. but while we have the chance, we're going to continue taking some of your calls and comments in open forum here on "washington journal." 202-748-8000 is the line for democrats. 202-748-8001 for republicans. for all others, 202-748-8002. what we expect will happen, the house will come in, a brief pro forma session. we'll take your calls, and after the house finishes its work, we'll be joined by "the hill's" editor-in-chief bob cusack. the phone lines for bob cusack's segment remain the same, so we'll continue on talking about the midterms, talking about what's ahead in the u.s. house and senate before the elections. clarksville, pennsylvania, up next, we'll hear from lonnie, good morning. caller: good morning. i want to talk about the election. i'm sure everybody is old enough to remember years ago in the 1970's ford had a small car called the pinto. if you become rear ended, it can become a ball of fire. these electronic vehicles, there's so much today on a regular car battery that have parts in it. now, if that car gets rear ended or hit head on, they smash together and fully charged, it will be a fireball. you probably have no chance of getting out of it. and another thing, they're set up for putting out the fires in these electric vehicles, and they got to have the -- you can't put water on them, and i don't believe right now we're ready for electric vehicles, thank you. host: all right, let's hear from steven in michigan on the democrats line. steven, good morning. caller: good morning. thanks for c-span. i'm just getting a little tired of our country being a land of laws, but everybody else is lying. stop that lying. that's misinformation. it's just driving people nuts. host: what's the most recent incident? what set you off in particular this morning about this? caller: well, just the fact that donald trump is still not in jail. the guy is a treasonnist, nazi, russian spy. the sooner you get that through your head, the better off this country will be. as far as i'm concerned, until we get back to telling the truth in this country, it's just a land of lies, not laws. host: the u.s. house is coming in, as we said, for pro forma session this morning. they're not back in for legislative work till next week. the senate, meanwhile, is in session today. they'll gavel in today at 3:00 eastern. that will be over on our companion network, c-span#. they'll be absent one member, at least for a week on so. the headline from "the hill," burr hoping from hip replacement surgery, will miss votes this week at least, according to the article. we'll continue with calls and comments, waiting for the house to come in. and again, after the house session this morning, the pro forma session, expect to talk to bob cusack of "the hill." let's go to dan in georgetown, massachusetts. independent line, welcome. caller: hi, how are you today? host: great, thanks. caller: thanks for having me on. i wanted to say something about the supreme court issue you had up there. you know, i feel as though what we've been seeing very recently in our government overall is the influence on the people that are running our government. there seems to be an influence on congress, there's an influence on the president, there's an influence on the f.b.i., there's an influence on all aspects of government. i think, i could be wrong, but the supreme court taking up roe vs. wade at this time seems very odd to me. it feels as though what we're seeing is the overwhelming power of our government and its influence to sway what happens in our pretend elections. thank you. host: we opened the program this morning asking about do you have confidence in the u.s. supreme court. one of the pieces we touched on was this published this morning, actually, in, and it's about the supreme court, how the supreme court is already influencing the november elections, the headline on the piece. it's from john fritz, who covers the court for "usa today." you can read it on democrats line from new jersey. it is open forum, at least until the house comes in and finishes up it'll work. norman, how are you? caller: good morning. something to say, i'll try to be fast. i can't understand how the people in this country could -- they can't think. they can't think. they're so influenced by what they hear, and if they like the politicians, they'll repeat it. now, our economy is not controlled by the president. the economy and the whole world is exactly the same. i just heard a program, how bad it is in england. now, biden isn't responsible for the economy in england. the economy and germany, economy in france, is exactly the same as it is in this country. so why are the people blaming biden? i am 96 years old. i remember roosevelt very well. we had the worst economy probably in the history of the country, yet he was elected four times because the people had other things to worry about. i wish they would think or question the economy in this country is controlled by other factors, not by the president. the president has very little, too, he could, biden has tried to help with prices on drugs and other situation, but he can't control the price of gasoline. i wish people would wake up and try to think a little and question. host: thanks, norman. we'll stay in new jersey, republican line, this is peter. caller: yeah, my name is peter, i'm a u.s. constitution course instructor with the institute on the constitution. there's an extremely dangerous bill that's been introduced in the congress by the congressman from texas that's call every called for a constitutional convention. cannot emphasize how dangerous this is. there are five other constitutions waiting in the wings to replace our present constitution. one of them, the constitution for the new socialist republic in north america, published by the revolutionary communist party. this article five convention will open pandora's box. the idea behind it, what's pushing it is the need to restrain congress, restrain the federal government, its spending and so on. but changing constitution, which is not broken, changing constitution would no more correct the problem of congress not obeying the constitution any more than changing or amending the 10 commandments would cause society to be more moral. host: appreciate the call. we touched on that story yesterday, it's available on the "new york times." thanks for pointing it out. now live to the house. we are set to -- wall kawled to set our schedule -- called to set our scheduled wisely for the benefit of our communities, the health and welfare of our nation and peace in the world. when each dawn breaks, may we greet it we [newline]johns.:ing in the -- it rejoicing in the day you have made and with the setting of the sun may we pause to give you thanks that you have guided our steps and directed us on the paths you would have us go. allow us then to see your presence in the minutes, hours and days we are given, in each moment that you laughish upon us, -- lavish upon us makers our spirits be renewed, our purposes made clear and our lives proclaim the grace you have shown us. we offer our prayers in your everlasting and timeless name. amen. the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to section 2 of house resolution 1289, the journal of the last day's proceedings was approved. the chair will now lead the house in the pledge of allegiance. i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. the chair would clarify the announcement of september 2, 2022. pursuant to clause 5-d of rule 20, the whole number of the house is 430. pursuant to section 1 of house resolution 1230, the house stands adjourned until 9:00 a.m. on friday, september 9, 2022.

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Germany , New York , United States , New Jersey , Missouri , Texas , Massachusetts , Washington , Delaware , Maryland , Pennsylvania , Russia , Michigan , France , Russian , America , John Fritz , Lindsey Graham , Bob Cusack ,

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Transcripts For CSPAN U.S. House Of Representatives U.S. House Of Representatives 20220906 :

Transcripts For CSPAN U.S. House Of Representatives U.S. House Of Representatives 20220906

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. host: while we have a minute or two, we may be able to take some calls. we do some calls waiting. 202-748-8000 is the line for democrats. 202-748-8001 for republicans. for others, 202-748-8002. just to let you know, when that door opens up, they come in, we're going to break away for the u.s. house, but let's hear from some of our callers, waiting to take, wilhelm, missouri, democrats line. go ahead with your comment. it's open forum. caller: ok, donald k. trump, he's crooked. he's a fraud. nobody did not steal the 2020 election. you republicans need to stop your bickering and arguing. you republican have to -- what trump said back in 2016 to hillary clinton that the emails, that was not sent. and you republican need to call that 988 and get some help for yourself. host: lost you there. we'll go to brian next up on the independent line in lake roosevelt, washington. good morning. caller: good morning, "washington journal." i just wanted to share a little interview of lindsey graham on bbc monday morning. bbc interviews the senator, and it is some of the best journalism i've witnessed this year or even in the past. i've never seen an interviewer not let the guest get away with not answering and going to another subject. the interviewer on "hard talk" on bbc monday morning, lindsey graham doesn't get to control the interview and has to answer questions that he did not want to answer. excellent interview. so i hope you guys can maybe share a little bit of it with the viewers this morning. host: thanks for sharing that, brian, here on "washington journal." waiting for the house to come in for what we expect will be a brief pro forma session. obviously a late pro forma session. they were supposed to be in 1500 minutes ago. often in the case of the early week pro forma sessions, it is gaveled in by a local member of congress, a democrat in this case from maryland or virginia, but they're obviously still waiting for members to arrive, so we'll continue with your calls and go to carol in st. louis. good morning, democrats line. caller: good morning. and what i called about was the question you asked earlier about the supreme court and how can a democrat have confidence in it because of what mcconnell did where he wouldn't let obama have obama presidency. and then they turn around and give trump when it's even closer to the election. this makes no sense at all. and how can you have confidence in that court? thank you. host: thanks for weighing in on that. delaware is next, also on our democrats line. good morning. caller: good morning. i just want to say thank you so much for c-span, number one. number two, all these people that complain that you're biased more to the democrat leaning, the republicans are dissatisfied about that, why don't they try to call mr. hannity? and if you notice, your program is more democratic because you allow everybody to call in and get their thoughts. they don't do that on the hannity show. thank you so much. host: thanks, margie. we're going to go back to the house floor here. we're waiting for the house to come into session for their brief pro forma session. we're going to talk to "the hill's" bob cusack, editor in chief at "the hill" to talk about what's ahead in congress, talk about the election, but we'll have get through this, we want to get through this house pro forma session, which is obviously delayed here about 15 minutes or so. watching live house coverage here on c-span. storma session. it's running 15 minutes late. not surprising when they're coming back from a long break. but while we have the chance, we're going to continue taking some of your calls and comments in open forum here on "washington journal." 202-748-8000 is the line for democrats. 202-748-8001 for republicans. for all others, 202-748-8002. what we expect will happen, the house will come in, a brief pro forma session. we'll take your calls, and after the house finishes its work, we'll be joined by "the hill's" editor-in-chief bob cusack. the phone lines for bob cusack's segment remain the same, so we'll continue on talking about the midterms, talking about what's ahead in the u.s. house and senate before the elections. clarksville, pennsylvania, up next, we'll hear from lonnie, good morning. caller: good morning. i want to talk about the election. i'm sure everybody is old enough to remember years ago in the 1970's ford had a small car called the pinto. if you become rear ended, it can become a ball of fire. these electronic vehicles, there's so much today on a regular car battery that have parts in it. now, if that car gets rear ended or hit head on, they smash together and fully charged, it will be a fireball. you probably have no chance of getting out of it. and another thing, they're set up for putting out the fires in these electric vehicles, and they got to have the -- you can't put water on them, and i don't believe right now we're ready for electric vehicles, thank you. host: all right, let's hear from steven in michigan on the democrats line. steven, good morning. caller: good morning. thanks for c-span. i'm just getting a little tired of our country being a land of laws, but everybody else is lying. stop that lying. that's misinformation. it's just driving people nuts. host: what's the most recent incident? what set you off in particular this morning about this? caller: well, just the fact that donald trump is still not in jail. the guy is a treasonnist, nazi, russian spy. the sooner you get that through your head, the better off this country will be. as far as i'm concerned, until we get back to telling the truth in this country, it's just a land of lies, not laws. host: the u.s. house is coming in, as we said, for pro forma session this morning. they're not back in for legislative work till next week. the senate, meanwhile, is in session today. they'll gavel in today at 3:00 eastern. that will be over on our companion network, c-span#. they'll be absent one member, at least for a week on so. the headline from "the hill," burr hoping from hip replacement surgery, will miss votes this week at least, according to the article. we'll continue with calls and comments, waiting for the house to come in. and again, after the house session this morning, the pro forma session, expect to talk to bob cusack of "the hill." let's go to dan in georgetown, massachusetts. independent line, welcome. caller: hi, how are you today? host: great, thanks. caller: thanks for having me on. i wanted to say something about the supreme court issue you had up there. you know, i feel as though what we've been seeing very recently in our government overall is the influence on the people that are running our government. there seems to be an influence on congress, there's an influence on the president, there's an influence on the f.b.i., there's an influence on all aspects of government. i think, i could be wrong, but the supreme court taking up roe vs. wade at this time seems very odd to me. it feels as though what we're seeing is the overwhelming power of our government and its influence to sway what happens in our pretend elections. thank you. host: we opened the program this morning asking about do you have confidence in the u.s. supreme court. one of the pieces we touched on was this published this morning, actually, in, and it's about the supreme court, how the supreme court is already influencing the november elections, the headline on the piece. it's from john fritz, who covers the court for "usa today." you can read it on democrats line from new jersey. it is open forum, at least until the house comes in and finishes up it'll work. norman, how are you? caller: good morning. something to say, i'll try to be fast. i can't understand how the people in this country could -- they can't think. they can't think. they're so influenced by what they hear, and if they like the politicians, they'll repeat it. now, our economy is not controlled by the president. the economy and the whole world is exactly the same. i just heard a program, how bad it is in england. now, biden isn't responsible for the economy in england. the economy and germany, economy in france, is exactly the same as it is in this country. so why are the people blaming biden? i am 96 years old. i remember roosevelt very well. we had the worst economy probably in the history of the country, yet he was elected four times because the people had other things to worry about. i wish they would think or question the economy in this country is controlled by other factors, not by the president. the president has very little, too, he could, biden has tried to help with prices on drugs and other situation, but he can't control the price of gasoline. i wish people would wake up and try to think a little and question. host: thanks, norman. we'll stay in new jersey, republican line, this is peter. caller: yeah, my name is peter, i'm a u.s. constitution course instructor with the institute on the constitution. there's an extremely dangerous bill that's been introduced in the congress by the congressman from texas that's call every called for a constitutional convention. cannot emphasize how dangerous this is. there are five other constitutions waiting in the wings to replace our present constitution. one of them, the constitution for the new socialist republic in north america, published by the revolutionary communist party. this article five convention will open pandora's box. the idea behind it, what's pushing it is the need to restrain congress, restrain the federal government, its spending and so on. but changing constitution, which is not broken, changing constitution would no more correct the problem of congress not obeying the constitution any more than changing or amending the 10 commandments would cause society to be more moral. host: appreciate the call. we touched on that story yesterday, it's available on the "new york times." thanks for pointing it out. now live to the house. we are set to -- wall kawled to set our schedule -- called to set our scheduled wisely for the benefit of our communities, the health and welfare of our nation and peace in the world. when each dawn breaks, may we greet it we [newline]johns.:ing in the -- it rejoicing in the day you have made and with the setting of the sun may we pause to give you thanks that you have guided our steps and directed us on the paths you would have us go. allow us then to see your presence in the minutes, hours and days we are given, in each moment that you laughish upon us, -- lavish upon us makers our spirits be renewed, our purposes made clear and our lives proclaim the grace you have shown us. we offer our prayers in your everlasting and timeless name. amen. the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to section 2 of house resolution 1289, the journal of the last day's proceedings was approved. the chair will now lead the house in the pledge of allegiance. i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. the chair would clarify the announcement of september 2, 2022. pursuant to clause 5-d of rule 20, the whole number of the house is 430. pursuant to section 1 of house resolution 1230, the house stands adjourned until 9:00 a.m. on friday, september 9, 2022.

Related Keywords

Germany , New York , United States , New Jersey , Missouri , Texas , Massachusetts , Washington , Delaware , Maryland , Pennsylvania , Russia , Michigan , France , Russian , America , John Fritz , Lindsey Graham , Bob Cusack ,

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